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半空间异质隆起的出平面动力响应:地表运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用闭合解析解对水平地表圆形非匀质隆起出平面运动特征进行详细分析。结果表明:(1)隆起区域介质软硬程度对其出平面地表运动影响非常大,软质隆起表面的地表位移较匀质隆起情况有显著放大,地表运动波动效应明显增强,而硬质隆起则减弱地表运动;(2)软质隆起地表位移幅值最大反应和平均反应增大的程度一般来说至少不低于隆起区域波速降低的程度,很多情况是远大于波速降低的程度,但最大反应出现的位置和频段主要受入射波角度控制;(3)当波垂直传播时,地表位移放大出现在隆起顶部,频率随隆起区变软,明显向低频移动,可出现在很低频段内,且随隆起区变软放大更为显著;(4)当波掠入射时,地表最大位移出现在隆起后表面,地表运动仍然十分强烈,甚至比波垂直入射时隆起顶部反应还要大,但出现在较高频段内。  相似文献   

弹性层状半空间中凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对Wolf理论进行拓展,使之可解决凸起地形对波的散射问题,进而利用间接边界元法,求解了弹性层状半空间中凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用问题。本文模型的显著特点之一是考虑了层状半空间的动力特性以及层状半空间和凸起地形的阻尼;特点之二是计算精度高。文中以基岩上单一土层中半圆凸起地形对入射平面SH波的放大作用为例进行了数值计算分析。研究表明,基岩上单一土层中凸起地形对入射平面SH波放大作用和均匀半空间中凸起地形有着本质的差别;土层动力特性不仅影响凸起地形地表位移的幅值,还会影响地表位移的频谱;阻尼会显著降低凸起地形对高频波的放大作用。  相似文献   

本文采用有限元方法研究层状场地中透镜体对地震动影响的基本规律,分析层状场地与均匀场地的差别、含透镜体场地与不含透镜体场地对地震动影响的差别,以及透镜体埋深、宽度、厚度、刚度和输入波频谱等因素对地震动反应谱的影响.研究表明,层状场地与其等效的均匀场地有着显著的差别;透镜体的存在对地震动有显著的放大作用,该放大作用可达93.5%;由于入射波在透镜体周围的散射,会产生竖向加速度,且竖向加速度的短周期成分相对较多;透镜体埋深、宽度、厚度、刚度以及输入波频谱等因素对地震动反应谱具有重要的影响.  相似文献   

In this study, a composite source model has been used to calculate the realistic strong ground motions in Beijing area, caused by 1679 MS8.0 earthquake in Sanhe-Pinggu. The results could provide us the useful physical parame-ters for the future seismic hazard analysis in this area. Considering the regional geological/geophysical background, we simulated the scenario earthquake with an associated ground motions in the area ranging from 39.3°N to 41.1°N in latitude and from 115.35°E to 117.55°E in longitude. Some of the key factors which could influence the characteristics of strong ground motion have been discussed, and the resultant peak ground acceleration (PGA) distribution and the peak ground velocity (PGV) distribution around Beijing area also have been made as well. A comparison of the simulated result with the results derived from the attenuation relation has been made, and a suf-ficient discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of composite source model also has been given in this study. The numerical results, such as the PGA, PGV, peak ground displacement (PGD), and the three-component time-histories developed for Beijing area, have a potential application in earthquake engineering field and building code design, especially for the evaluation of critical constructions, government decision making and the seismic hazard assessment by financial/insurance companies.  相似文献   

The conditional spectrum (CS, with mean and variability) is a target response spectrum that links nonlinear dynamic analysis back to probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for ground motion selection. The CS is computed on the basis of a specified conditioning period, whereas structures under consideration may be sensitive to response spectral amplitudes at multiple periods of excitation. Questions remain regarding the appropriate choice of conditioning period when utilizing the CS as the target spectrum. This paper focuses on risk‐based assessments, which estimate the annual rate of exceeding a specified structural response amplitude. Seismic hazard analysis, ground motion selection, and nonlinear dynamic analysis are performed, using the conditional spectra with varying conditioning periods, to assess the performance of a 20‐story reinforced concrete frame structure. It is shown here that risk‐based assessments are relatively insensitive to the choice of conditioning period when the ground motions are carefully selected to ensure hazard consistency. This observed insensitivity to the conditioning period comes from the fact that, when CS‐based ground motion selection is used, the distributions of response spectra of the selected ground motions are consistent with the site ground motion hazard curves at all relevant periods; this consistency with the site hazard curves is independent of the conditioning period. The importance of an exact CS (which incorporates multiple causal earthquakes and ground motion prediction models) to achieve the appropriate spectral variability at periods away from the conditioning period is also highlighted. The findings of this paper are expected theoretically but have not been empirically demonstrated previously. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

邸海滨  许力生 《地震学报》2012,34(4):425-438
从分层均匀介质中地震波传播的基本理论出发, 参考已有的利用广义反射透射系数矩阵方法计算分层均匀介质中点源引起的地面运动的方法和程序, 考虑了任意几何特征的有限震源及有限震源的震源机制随时间和空间发生变化的可能性, 并考虑了并行计算的发展方向, 本文对点源情况下的计算流程进行了改进, 重新设计编写了计算程序GRTMatSyn, 使其不但适应于点源的情形, 也适应于任意几何形状的、 有限的、 震源机制随时间和空间变化的有限震源的情形. 为了验证该程序的可靠性和计算效率, 设计了必要的有限震源模型和观测点分布, 计算了地面运动, 并与已有的被广泛认可的计算有限平面断层引起的地面运动的程序CompSyn的计算结果进行了对比分析. 结果表明, GRTMatSyn的计算结果可靠、 计算效率较高.   相似文献   

A mixed statistical-deterministic model of earthquake rupture is developed for evaluating the strong ground motion in the near source range (receiver distance comparable to the fault length). The source parametrization is based on the k-square model and the propagation is computed by asymptotic Green's functions. The method is applied to the case of 1976, Friuli earthquake (M = 6.5) in northern Italy which occurred on a low-dip thrusting fault. Acceleration records at 29 stations are computed for 100 simulations of rupture histories. The mean value map of peak ground accelerations shows clearly a maximum to the south due to the inner geometry and directivity of the source. The variation of the estimated PGA versus the epicentral distance is strongly dependent on azimuth and is not decreasing monotonically. The comparison of these curves with those predicted by empirical acceleration–distance relationships shows discrepancies in the near source distance range. This study shows the importance of considering the complexity of the source rupture process for strong motion estimate in the near source range.  相似文献   

The concept of seismicity of fast tensile fracturing is introduced and supported by the results of shear and of combined shear and tensile displacements along a loaded stress concentrator. The seismicity of tensile fracturing is demonstrated by means of acoustic (elastic) signals obtained during tensile fracturing in physical models under load; the basic physical relations between the parameters characterizing the loaded medium, load conditions, shear and tensile displacements, and release of acoustic energy are presented. For determining the tensile-source component in earthquakes a procedure based on the construction of radiation patterns is suggested and submitted for discussion. The criteria for selecting earthquakes with possible shear-tensile source mechanisms are listed and discussed. The existence of such a combined seismic source is sought in two shallow earthquakes which occurred in southern Iran in March 1977. In general, the paper should be regarded as a proposal to utilize the radiation characteristics of a seismic source—with all their insufficiencies—as a quick and simple tool for seeking combined shear and tensile mechanisms of seismic energy release.  相似文献   

In a companion paper, an overview and problem definition was presented for ground motion selection on the basis of the conditional spectrum (CS), to perform risk‐based assessments (which estimate the annual rate of exceeding a specified structural response amplitude) for a 20‐story reinforced concrete frame structure. Here, the methodology is repeated for intensity‐based assessments (which estimate structural response for ground motions with a specified intensity level) to determine the effect of conditioning period. Additionally, intensity‐based and risk‐based assessments are evaluated for two other possible target spectra, specifically the uniform hazard spectrum (UHS) and the conditional mean spectrum (CMS, without variability).It is demonstrated for the structure considered that the choice of conditioning period in the CS can substantially impact structural response estimates in an intensity‐based assessment. When used for intensity‐based assessments, the UHS typically results in equal or higher median estimates of structural response than the CS; the CMS results in similar median estimates of structural response compared with the CS but exhibits lower dispersion because of the omission of variability. The choice of target spectrum is then evaluated for risk‐based assessments, showing that the UHS results in overestimation of structural response hazard, whereas the CMS results in underestimation. Additional analyses are completed for other structures to confirm the generality of the conclusions here. These findings have potentially important implications both for the intensity‐based seismic assessments using the CS in future building codes and the risk‐based seismic assessments typically used in performance‐based earthquake engineering applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a seismic hazard application of a kinematic broad-bandrupture model. This model is based on the k-square dislocation distribution concept (Herrero and Bernard, 1994).Synthetic seismograms are calculated in the far-field approximation with alayered velocity medium for the 13 March 1992 Erzincan earthquake.With a parametrization of the source constrained by other studies,the far-field contribution correctly fits the recorded strong ground motion, which presents a 0.5 to 2 Hz dominant frequency range.As the k-square model is particularly well adapted to synthetize realistic strong-motion at short distances from the fault,it is a reliable tool for calculating seismic hazard maps around active faults. We thus present a synthetic peak ground acceleration map associatedwith the 13 March 1992 activated fault, for a 60 km × 60 km regionaround the epicenter taking into account a smoothed velocity structure ofthe basin in agreement with the absence of significant site effects related to1D resonance deduced from the aftershock records study.This map is compared with several post seismic reports: macroseismicintensities, detailed distribution of damage, and soil cracking andliquefaction. Our model shows that the values of the peak acceleration andvelocity can explain the dominant spatial distributionof these effects, which concentrates in a narrow band along theactivated segment fault, and in particular at its southernextremity. These results enable us to present such maps forhypothetical future earthquake ruptures, located on the major visible orinferred active fault segments in and around the basin. The effects ofthese potential sources are analyzed in relation to the 1992 eventeffects in order to eliminate unknown site responses. We show that thesouthern part of the basin is particularly exposed because of thepresence of strike-slip faults,and that the western part of the basin would suffer a significantlyhigher strong motion levelthan during the 1992 event with the activation of moderate sizednormal faults evidenced on thesouthwestern edge of the basin.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study, while a companion paper addresses an analytical study, to explore the possibility of using a hybrid platform to mitigate vibration of a batch of high‐tech equipment installed in a building subject to nearby traffic‐induced ground motion. A three‐storey building model and a hybrid platform model are designed and manufactured. The hybrid platform is mounted on the building floor through passive mounts composed of leaf springs and oil dampers and controlled actively by an electromagnetic actuator with velocity feedback control strategy. The passive mounts are designed in such a way that the stiffness and damping ratio of the platform can be changed. A series of shaking table tests are then performed on the building model without the platform, with the passive platform of different parameters, and with the hybrid platform. The experimental results demonstrate that the hybrid platform is very effective in reducing the velocity response of a batch of high‐tech equipment in the building subject to nearby traffic‐induced ground motion if dynamic properties of the platform and control feedback gain are selected appropriately. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The experimental results of using a hybrid platform to mitigate vibration of a batch of high‐tech equipment installed in a building subject to nearby traffic‐induced ground motion have been presented and discussed in the companion paper. Based on the identified dynamic properties of both the building and the platform, this paper first establishes an analytical model for hybrid control of the building‐platform system subject to ground motion in terms of the absolute co‐ordinate to facilitate the absolute velocity feedback control strategy used in the experiment. The traffic‐induced ground motion used in the experiment is then employed as input to the analytical model to compute the dynamic response of the building‐platform system. The computed results are compared with the measured results, and the comparison is found to be satisfactory. Based on the verified analytical model, coupling effects between the building and platform are then investigated. A parametric study is finally conducted to further assess the performance of both passive and hybrid platforms at microvibration level. The analytical study shows that the dynamic interaction between the building and platform should be taken into consideration. The hybrid control is effective in reducing both velocity response and drift of the platform/high‐tech equipment at microvibration level with reasonable control force. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although Singapore is located in a low‐seismicity region, huge but infrequent Sumatran subduction earthquakes might pose structural problems to medium‐ and high‐rise buildings in the city. Based on a series of ground motion simulations of potential earthquakes that may affect Singapore, the 1833 Sumatran subduction earthquake (Mw=9.0) has been identified to be the worst‐case scenario earthquake. Bedrock motions in Singapore due to the hypothesized earthquake are simulated using an extended reflectivity method, taking into account uncertainties in source rupture process. Random rupture models, considering the uncertainties in rupture directivity, slip distribution, presence of asperities, rupture velocity and dislocation rise time, are made based on a range of seismologically possible models. The simulated bedrock motions have a very long duration of about 250 s with a predominant period between 1.8 and 2.5 s, which coincides with the natural periods of medium‐ and high‐rise buildings widely found in Singapore. The 90‐percentile horizontal peak ground acceleration is estimated to be 33 gal and the 90‐percentile horizontal spectral acceleration with 5% damping ratio is 100 gal within the predominant period range. The 90‐percentile bedrock motion would generate base shear force higher than that required by the current design code, where seismic design has yet to be considered. This has not taken into account effects of local soil response that might further amplify the bedrock motion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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