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Cretaceous episodic growth of the Japanese Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G. Kimura 《Island Arc》1997,6(1):52-68
Abstract The Japanese Islands formed rapidly in situ along the eastern Asian continental margin in the Cretaceous due to both tectonic and magmatic processes. In the Early Cretaceous, huge oceanic plateaus created by the mid-Panthalassa super plume accreted with the continental margin. This tectonic interaction of oceanic plateau with continental crust is one of the significant tectonic processes responsible for continental growth in subduction zones. In the Japanese Islands, Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene continental growth is much more episodic and drastic. At this time the continental margin uplifted regionally, and intra-continent collision tectonics took place in the northern part of the Asian continent. The uplifting event appears to have been caused by the subduction of very young oceanic crust (i.e. the Izanagi-Kula Plate) along the continental margin. Magmatism was also very active, and melting of the young oceanic slab appears to have resulted in ubiquitous plutons in the continental margin. Regional uplift of the continental margin and intra-continent collision tectonics promoted erosion of the uplifted area, and a large amount of terrigenous sediment was abruptly supplied to the trench. As a result of the rapid supply of terrigenous detritus, the accretionary complexes (the Hidaka Belt in Hokkaido and the Shimanto Belt in Southwest Japan) grew rapidly in the subduction zone. The rapid growth of the accretionary complexes and the subduction of very young, buoyant oceanic crust caused the extrusion of a high-P/T metamorphic wedge from the deep levels of the subduction zone. Episodic growth of the Late Cretaceous Japanese Islands suggests that subduction of very young oceanic crust and/or ridge subduction are very significant for the formation of new continental crust in subduction zones.  相似文献   

Hayato  Ueda  Sumio  Miyashita 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):582-598
Abstract   An accretionary complex, which contains fragments of a remnant island arc, was newly recognized in the Cretaceous accretionary terranes in Hokkaido, Japan. It consists of volcanics, volcanic conglomerate, intermediate to ultramafic intrusive rocks with island-arc affinity including boninitic rocks, accompanied by chert and deformed terrigenous turbidites. Compared with the results of modern oceanic surveys, the preserved sequence from island-arc volcanics to chert, via reworked volcanics, is indicative of intraoceanic remnant arc, because the sequence suggests an inactive arc isolated within a pelagic environment before its accretion. The age of a subducting oceanic crust can be discontinuous before and after a remnant-arc subduction, resulting in abrupt changes in accretion style and metamorphism, as seen in Cretaceous Hokkaido. Subduction of such an intraoceanic remnant arc suggests that the subducted oceanic plate in the Cretaceous was not an extensive oceanic plate like the Izanagi and/or Kula Plates as previously believed by many authors, but a marginal basin plate having an arc–back-arc system like the present-day Philippine Sea Plate.  相似文献   

Abstract The significance of timing and formation of mélange in accretionary prisms, particularly concerning basaltic and related rocks and pelagic sediments, is exemplified in the Sawadani area of the Jurassic Chichibu accretionary complex in Shikoku, southwest Japan. Major and trace element geochemistry of the basaltic and related rocks indicates that all are of a hot-spot origin which produced a seamount. Most of the rocks have a trend of differentiation from an alkalic parental magma. The time relationship between the blocks and matrices of the mélange deduced from radiolarian fossil evidence and macro- to microscopic characteristics of contacts between different lithologies indicates two stages of mixing of materials in the seafloor. The first mixing occurred on the flank of the seamount in the pelagic environments in the Late Permian, and the second occurred on the trench floor or in the accretionary prism after the Early Jurassic. These two stages show respectively the geological phenomena of a seamount within the Izanagi-Kula plate and its incorporation into the Asian continental margin.  相似文献   

Abstract Mesozoic accretionary complexes of the southern Chichibu and the northern Shimanto Belts, widely exposed in the Kanto Mountains, consist of 15 tectonostratigraphic units according to radiolarian biochronologic data. The units show a zonal arrangement of imbricate structure and the age of the terrigenous clastics of each unit indicates successive and systematic southwestward younging. Although rocks in these complexes range in age from Carboniferous to Cretaceous, the trench-fill deposits corresponding to the Hauterivian, the Aptian to Middle Albian and the Turonian are missing. A close relationship between the missing accretionary complexes and the development of strike-slip basins is recognizable. The tectonic nature of the continental margin might have resulted from a change from a convergent into a transform or oblique-slip condition, so that strike-slip basins were formed along the mobile zones on the ancient accretionary complexes. Most terrigenous materials were probably trapped by the strike-slip basins. Then, the accretion of the clastic rock sequence occurred, probably as a result of the small supply of terrigenous materials in the trench. However, in the case of right-angle subduction, terrigenous materials might have been transported to the trench through submarine canyons and deposited there. Thus, the accretionary complexes grew rapidly and thickened. Changes both in oceanic plate motion and in the fluctuation of terrigenous supply due to the sedimentary trap caused pulses of accretionary complex growth during Jurassic and Cretaceous times. In the Kanto Mountains, three tectonic phases are recognized, reflecting the changes of the consuming direction of the oceanic plates along the eastern margin of the Asian continent. These are the Early Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous right-angle subduction of the Izanagi Plate, the Early to early Late Cretaceous strike-slip movement of the Izanagi and Kula Plates, and the late Late Cretaceous right-angle subduction of the Kula Plate.  相似文献   

Abstract The low grade metamorphic Jurassic accretionary complex in the western part of the Mino-Tanba Belt, Southwest Japan, is a chaotic sedimentary complex which consists of argillaceous matrices with allochthonous blocks of chert, greenstone, siliceous mudstone, terrigenous sandstone and mudstone. The complex is divided into three distinct geologic units, Units I, II and III, with a tectonic boundary (thrust) between them, forming a pile-nappe structure. They have different features for lithologies, fossil age, metamorphic condition and K-Ar age. Microfossil researches revealed that their timings of accretion were in the early Early Jurassic ( ca 195 Ma) for Unit III, in the early Middle Jurassic ( ca 175 Ma) for Unit II and in the latest Late Jurassic (ca 147 Ma) for Unit I. On the other hand, K-Ar age determinations of white mica separated from pelitic rocks of the three units clarified that the subsequent subduction-related metamorphism was 23 million years after the accretion of each unit. These results strongly suggest that the accretionary and metamorphic process had taken place episodically with an interval of 20 to 28 million years during Mesozoic time in the western part of the Mino-Tanba Belt, Southwest Japan.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous accretionary complexes of the Idonnappu Zone in the Urakawa area are divided into five lithological units, four of which contain greenstone bodies. The Lower Cretaceous Naizawa Complex consists of two lithologic units. The Basaltic Unit (B‐Unit) is a large‐scale tectonic slab of greenstone, consisting of depleted tholeiite similar to that of the Lower Sorachi Ophiolite (basal forearc basin ophiolite) in the Sorachi‐Yezo Belt. The Mixed Unit of Naizawa Complex (MN‐Unit) contains oceanic island‐type alkaline greenstones which occur as slab‐like bodies and faulted blocks with tectonically dismembered trench‐fill sediments. Repeated alternations of the two units in the Naizawa Complex may have been formed by the collision of seamounts with forearc ophiolitic body (Lower Sorachi Ophiolite) in the trench. The Upper Cretaceous Horobetsugawa Complex structurally underlies the Naizawa Complex in its original configuration, and it also contains greenstone bodies. Greenstones in the MH‐Unit occur as blocks and sedimentary clasts in a clastic matrix, and exhibit depleted tholeiite and oceanic‐island alkaline basalt/tholeiite chemistry. This unit is interpreted as submarine slide and debris flow deposits. Greenstones in the PT‐Unit occur at the base of several chert‐clastic successions. Most of the greenstones are severely sheared and show normal‐type mid‐ocean ridge basalt composition. The PT‐Unit greenstones are considered to have been derived from abyssal basement peeled off during accretion. The different accretion mechanism of the greenstones in the Naizawa and Horobetsugawa complexes reflects temporal changes in subduction zone conditions. Seamount accretion and tectonic erosion were dominant in the Early Cretaceous, due to highly oblique subduction of the old oceanic crust and minimal sediment supply. Whereas, thick sediments with minor mid‐ocean ridge basalt and olistostrome accreted in the Late Cretaceous, due to near‐orthogonal subduction of young oceanic crust with voluminous sediment supply.  相似文献   

Kenshiro  Otsuki 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):51-63
Abstract The Izanagi plate subducted rapidly and obliquely under the accretionary terrane of Japan in the Cretaceous before 85 Ma. A chain of microcontinents collided with it at about 140 Ma. In southwest Japan the major part of it subducted thereafter, but in northeast Japan it accreted and the trench jumped oceanward, resulting in a curved volcanic front. The oblique subduction and the underplated microcon-tinent caused uplifting of high-pressure (high-P) metamorphic rocks and large scale crustal shortening in southwest Japan. The oblique subduction caused left-lateral faulting and ductile shearing in northeast Japan. The arc sliver crossed over the high-temperature (high-T) zone of arc magmatism, resulting in a wide high-T metamorphosed belt. At about 85 Ma, the subduction mode changed from oblique to normal and the tectonic mode changed drastically. Just after this the Kula/Pacific ridge subducted and the subduction rate of the Pacific plate decreased gradually, causing the intrusion of huge amounts of granite magma and the eruption of acidic volcanics from large cauldrons. The oblique subduction of the Pacific plate resumed at 53 Ma and the left-lateral faults were reactivated.  相似文献   

Yukio  Isozaki 《Island Arc》1996,5(3):289-320
Abstract The Japanese Islands represent a segment of a 450 million year old subduction-related orogen developed along the western Pacific convergent margin. The geotectonic subdivision of the Japanese Islands is newly revised on the basis of recent progress in the 1980s utilizing microfossil and chronometric mapping methods for ancient accretionary complexes and their high-P/T metamorphic equivalents. This new subdivision is based on accretion tectonics, and it contrasts strikingly with previous schemes based on‘geosyncline’tectonics, continent-continent collision-related tectonics, or terrane tectonics. Most of the geotectonic units in Japan are composed of Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic accretionary complexes and their high-PIT metamorphic equivalents, except for two units representing fragments of Precambrian cratons, which were detached from mainland Asia in the Tertiary. These ancient accretionary complexes are identified using the method of oceanic plate stratigraphy. The Japanese Islands are comprised of 12 geotectonic units, all noted in southwest Japan, five of which have along-arc equivalents in the Ryukyus. Northeast Japan has nine of these 12 geotectonic units, and East Hokkaido has three of these units. Recent field observations have shown that most of the primary geotectonic boundaries are demarcated by low-angle faults, and sometimes modified by secondary vertical normal and/or strike-slip faults. On the basis of these new observations, the tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands is summarized in the following stages: (i) birth at a rifted Yangtze continental margin at ca 750–700 Ma; (ii) tectonic inversion from passive margin to active margin around 500 Ma; (iii) successive oceanic subduction beginning at 450 Ma and continuing to the present time; and (iv) isolation from mainland Asia by back-arc spreading at ca 20 Ma. In addition, a continent-continent collision occurred between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean cratons at 250 Ma during stage three. Five characteristic features of the 450 Ma subduction-related orogen are newly recognized here: (i) step-wise (not steady-state) growth of ancient accretionary complexes; (ii) subhorizontal piled nappe structure; (iii) tectonically downward-younging polarity; (iv) intermittent exhumation of high-P/T metamorphosed accretionary complex; and (v) microplate-induced modification. These features suggest that the subduction-related orogenic growth in Japan resulted from highly episodic processes. The episodic exhumation of high-P/T units and the formation of associated granitic batholith (i.e. formation of paired metamorphic belts) occurred approximately every 100 million years, and the timing of such orogenic culmination apparently coincides with episodic ridge subduction beneath Asia.  相似文献   

Volcanic history and tectonics of the Southwest Japan Arc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Remarkable changes in volcanism and tectonism have occurred in a synchronous manner since 1.5–2 Ma at the junction of the Southwest Japan Arc and the Ryukyu Arc. Although extensive volcanism occurred in Kyushu before 2 Ma, the subduction-related volcanism started at ca 1.5 Ma, forming a NE–SW trend volcanic front, preceded by significant changes in whole-rock chemistry and mode of eruptions at ca 2 Ma. The Median Tectonic Line has intensified dextral motion since 2 Ma, with a northward shift of its active trace of as much as 10 km, accompanied by the formation of rhomboidal basins in Central Kyushu. Crustal rotation and incipient rifting has also occurred in South Kyushu and the northern Okinawa Trough over the past 2 million years. We emphasize that the commencement age of these events coincides with that of the transition to the westward convergence of the Philippine Sea plate, which we interpret as a primary cause of these synchronous episodes. We assume that the shift in subduction direction led to an increase of fluid component contamination from subducted oceanic slab, which then produced island-arc type volcanism along the volcanic front. Accelerated trench retreat along the Ryukyu Trench may have caused rifting and crustal rotation in the northern Ryukyu Arc.  相似文献   

Abstract Sandstones from the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of Central Palawan are rich in quartz grains and acidic volcanic rock fragments. Potassium feldspar grains and granitic rock fragments are commonly observed. The moderate to high SiO2 and low FeO plus MgO contents of the sandstones support the proposal that clasts were derived from a continental source region. Southern China (Kwangtung and Fukien regions) is inferred to be the source area of the sandstones. The sedimentary facies of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession consist of turbidite and sandstones, suggesting that they were deposited in the deep sea portions of submarine-fans and basin plains situated along a continental margin. These features indicate that the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of the Central Palawan were derived and drifted from the southern margin of China. The tectonic history related to the formation of Palawan Island is also discussed.  相似文献   

Regional metamorphic belts of the Japanese Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Takashi  Nakajima 《Island Arc》1997,6(1):69-90
Abstract An overview of the regional metamorphic belts of Japan is given in the context of the tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands. The Japanese Islands were situated on an active margin of the Eurasian continent or its constituent landmass before their assembly during the Phanerozoic. The Japanese Islands are composed mainly of metamorphosed and unmetamorphosed accretionary complexes, granitoids and their effusive equivalents that were formed by the Cordilleran-type orogeny. The metamorphic belts are regarded essentially as a deep-seated portion of an accretionary complex. In spite of continuous subduction of oceanic plates beneath the continents, these orogenic rocks were formed quite episodically, as evidenced by discontinuous matrix ages of the accretionary complexes and a striking concentration of isotopic ages of the granitoids. A systematic along-arc age shift of Cretaceous large-scaled granitic magmatism and regional metamorphism suggests a tectonic control such as ridge subduction, which triggered the episodic orogeny. A tectonic model based on the paired metamorphic belts, combined with the non-steady tectonic control, works well to explain this magmatism and metamorphism in a single arc-trench system as a continental margin process. However, the juxtapositional process of the paired metamorphic belts is still a problem. Two possible cases, namely transcurrent displacement and back-arc overthrusting are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Rocks from Karaginsky accretionary prism (Karaginsky Island, Bering Sea) yield both prefolding (close to original) and postfolding magnetic vectors. The prefolding vectors suggest that the Maastrichtian–Paleocene volcanic–terrigenous sequences of Karaginsky Island formed at approximately 40°N to 50°N ( n = 45, D G = 325, I G = 57, K G = 6, α95G = 8, F G = 15.06, D S = 332, I S = 63, K S = 20, α95S = 4.5, F S = 0.3297, F cr = 2.64) and were not originally part of either Eurasia ( F = 19, Δ F = 6.5) or North America ( F = 17, Δ F = 4.4). The geologic blocks rotated insignificantly counterclockwise about the horizontal plane, suggesting that the structure of Karaginsky Island arose without major strike-slip motions. Analysis of secondary magnetizations (for example, n = 28, D G = 311, I G = − 50, K G = 9, α95G = 8.7, F G = 2.44; D S = 293, I S = − 41, K S = 5, α95S = 11, F S = 12.04, F cr = 2.65) reveals that the development of this framework involved at least two stages of deformation. During the second stage the sequences must have been tilted to west-northwest and northwest directions at 45–65°. This agrees with the northwest vergence of the structure of Karaginsky Island.  相似文献   

南海的构造与演化与资源环境等关系密切是本文研究重点。本文针对南海的东北部构造及其块体构造方向,利用所采集的区域地震剖面,通过解析地震相与构造及其演化的关系,提出以下观点:(1)构造分区特点明晰,可划分为五个不同构造单元,构造单元之间既有联系又相互独立;(2)南海沉积盆地无论表现为拉张-弱挤压-强挤压的何种构造格局,其区域构造应力场是统一的;(3)首次发现反射地震剖面上显示出两个浅俯冲点。每个块体构造层呈手风琴风箱式折曲并向东聚敛,体现沉积盆地从发育、成长、结束、消亡不同阶段在南海的表现,其块体俯冲方向以及块体包络区域性倾伏方向均与区域应力场方向一致。  相似文献   

Cretaceous subduction complexes surround the southeastern margin of Sundaland in Indonesia. They are widely exposed in several localities, such as Bantimala (South Sulawesi), Karangsambung (Central Java) and Meratus (South Kalimantan).
The Meratus Complex of South Kalimantan consists mainly of mélange, chert, siliceous shale, limestone, basalt, ultramafic rocks and schists. The complex is uncomformably covered with Late Cretaceous sedimentary-volcanic formations, such as the Pitap and Haruyan Formations.
Well-preserved radiolarians were extracted from 14 samples of siliceous sedimentary rocks, and K–Ar age dating was performed on muscovite from 6 samples of schist of the Meratus Complex. The radiolarian assemblage from the chert of the complex is assigned to the early Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous. The K–Ar age data from schist range from 110 Ma to 180 Ma. Three samples from the Pitap Formation, which unconformably covers the Meratus Complex, yield Cretaceous radiolarians of Cenomanian or older.
These chronological data as well as field observation and petrology yield the following constraints on the tectonic setting of the Meratus Complex.
(1) The mélange of the Meratus Complex was caused by the subduction of an oceanic plate covered by radiolarian chert ranging in age from early Middle Jurassic to late Early Cretaceous.
(2) The Haruyan Schist of 110–119 Ma was affected by metamorphism of a high pressure–low temperature type caused by oceanic plate subduction. Some of the protoliths were high alluminous continental cover or margin sediments. Intermediate pressure type metamorphic rocks of 165 and 180 Ma were discovered for the first time along the northern margin of the Haruyan Schist.
(3) The Haruyan Formation, a product of submarine volcanism in an immature island arc setting, is locally contemporaneous with the formation of the mélange of the Meratus Complex.  相似文献   

We take a fresh look at the topography, structure and seismicity of the Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta (GBD)–Burma Arc collision zone in order to reevaluate the nature of the accretionary prism and its seismic potential. The GBD, the world's largest delta, has been built from sediments eroded from the Himalayan collision. These sediments prograded the continental margin of the Indian subcontinent by  400 km, forming a huge sediment pile that is now entering the Burma Arc subduction zone. Subduction of oceanic lithosphere with > 20 km sediment thickness is fueling the growth of an active accretionary prism exposed on land. The prism starts at an apex south of the GBD shelf edge at  18°N and widens northwards to form a broad triangle that may be up to 300 km wide at its northern limit. The front of the prism is blind, buried by the GBD sediments. Thus, the deformation front extends 100 km west of the surface fold belt beneath the Comilla Tract, which is uplifted by 3–4 m relative to the delta. This accretionary prism has the lowest surface slope of any active subduction zone. The gradient of the prism is only  0.1°, rising to  0.5° in the forearc region to the east. This low slope is consistent with the high level of overpressure found in the subsurface, and indicates a very weak detachment. Since its onset, the collision of the GBD and Burma Arc has expanded westward at  2 cm/yr, and propagated southwards at  5 cm/yr. Seismic hazard in the GBD is largely unknown. Intermediate-size earthquakes are associated with surface ruptures and fold growth in the external part of the prism. However, the possibility of large subduction ruptures has not been accounted for, and may be higher than generally believed. Although sediment-clogged systems are thought to not be able to sustain the stresses and strain-weakening behavior required for great earthquakes, some of the largest known earthquakes have occurred in heavily-sedimented subduction zones. A large earthquake in 1762 ruptured  250 km of the southern part of the GBD, suggesting large earthquakes are possible there. A large, but poorly documented earthquake in 1548 damaged population centers at the northern and southern ends of the onshore prism, and is the only known candidate for a rupture of the plate boundary along the subaerial part of the GBD–Burma Arc collision zone.  相似文献   

Ocean plate stratigraphy (OPS) within an ancient accretionary complex provides important information for understanding the history of an oceanic plate from its origin at a mid‐ocean ridge to its subduction at a trench. Here, we report a recently discovered chert–clastic sequence (CCS) that comprises a continuous succession from pelagic sediments to terrigenous clastics and which constitutes part of the OPS in the Akataki Complex within the Cretaceous Shimanto Accretionary Complex on the central Kii Peninsula, SW Japan. As well as describing this sequence, we present U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from terrigenous clastic rocks in the CCS, results for which show that the youngest single grain and youngest cluster ages belong to the Santonian–Campanian and are younger than the radiolarian age from the underlying pelagic sedimentary rock (late Albian–Cenomanian). Thus, the CCS records the movement history of the oceanic plate from pelagic sedimentation (until the late Albian–Cenomanian) to a terrigenous sediment supply (Santonian–Campanian).  相似文献   

James  Hibbard  Daniel  Karig Asahiko  Taira 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):133-147
Abstract The Late Oligocene-Early Miocene Nabae Sub-belt of the Shimanto Accretionary Prism was created coevally (ca 25-15 Ma) with the opening of the Shikoku back-arc basin, located to the south of the southwest Japan convergent margin. The detailed geology of the sub-belt has been controversial and the interaction of the Shimanto accretionary prism and the opening of the Shikoku Basin has been ambiguous. New structural analysis of the sub-belt has led to a new perception of its structural framework and has significant bearing on the interpretation of the Neogene tectonics of southwest Japan. The sub-belt is divided into three units: the Nabae Complex; the Shijujiyama Formation; and the Maruyama Intrusive Suite. The Nabae Complex comprises coherent units and mélange, all of which show polyphase deformation. The first phase of deformation appears to have involved landward vergent thrusting of coherent units over the mélange terrane. The second phase of deformation involved continued landward vergent shortening. The Shijujiyama Formation, composed mainly of mafic volcanics and massive sandstone, is interpreted as a slope basin deposited upon the Nabae Complex during the second phase of deformation. The youngest deformational pulse involved regional flexing and accompanying pervasive faulting. During this event, mafic rocks of the Maruyama Intrusive Suite intruded the sub-belt. Fossil evidence in the Nabae Complex and radiometric dates on the intrusive rocks indicate that this tectonic scheme was imprinted upon the sub-belt between ~23 and ~14 Ma. The timing of accretion and deformation of the sub-belt coincides with the opening of the Shikoku Basin; hence, subduction and spreading operated simultaneously. Accretion of the Nabae Sub-belt was anomalous, involving landward vergent thrusting, magmatism in newly accreted strata and regional flexing. It is proposed that this complex and anomalous structural history is largely related to the subduction of the active Shikoku Basin spreading ridge and associated seamounts.  相似文献   

The volcanic island of Ischia is located on the Tyrrhenian margin of Central Italy, characterized by Plio-Quaternary NW–SE- and NE–SW-trending extensional fractures. Ischia displays a resurgent dome uplifted by at least 800 m in the last 33 ka. Remote sensing and field data have been collected to study the structural setting of the island, the deformation pattern associated with resurgence and the superimposition of the regional and the resurgence-induced stress fields. NW–SE and NE–SW extensional fracture systems predominate throughout the island and around the resurgent block, suggesting a relationship with the regional extensional structures. These systems were formed before resurgence and were partly reactivated during resurgence. The reactivation of pre-existing regional systems during resurgence confined the extent of the uplifted area. N–S- and E–W-trending systems have been found exclusively at the borders of the dome and are interpreted as being induced by resurgence. The topmost resurgent block shows an octagonal shape in map view and is tilted at an angle of 15° around a NE–SW-trending horizontal axis; the block is partly bordered by high-angle, inward-dipping regional faults. More than 90% in volume of the volcanic products coeval with resurgence on Ischia have been erupted outside the resurgent block area, suggesting that the resurgence process locally replaced volcanic activity in the last 33 ka.  相似文献   

Geophysical arguments against plate tectonics in a hotter Earth, based on buoyancy considerations, require an alternative means of cooling the planet from its original hot state to the present situation. Such an alternative could be extensive flood volcanism in a more stagnant-lid like setting. Starting from the notion that all heat output of the Earth is through its surface, we have constructed two parametric models to evaluate the cooling characteristics of these two mechanisms: plate tectonics and basalt extrusion/flood volcanism. Our model results show that for a steadily (exponentially) cooling Earth, plate tectonics is capable of removing all the required heat at a rate of operation comparable to or even lower than its current rate of operation, contrary to earlier speculations. The extrusion mechanism may have been an important cooling agent in the early Earth, but requires global eruption rates two orders of magnitude greater than those of known Phanerozoic flood basalt provinces. This may not be a problem, since geological observations indicate that flood volcanism was both stronger and more ubiquitous in the early Earth. Because of its smaller size, Mars is capable of cooling conductively through its lithosphere at significant rates, and as a result may have cooled without an additional cooling mechanism. Venus, on the other hand, has required the operation of an additional cooling agent for probably every cooling phase of its possibly episodic history, with rates of activity comparable to those of the Earth.  相似文献   

The belt boundary thrust within the Cretaceous–Neogene accretionary complex of the Shimanto Belt, southwestern Japan, extends for more than ~ 1 000 km along the Japanese islands. A common understanding of the origin of the thrust is that it is an out of sequence thrust as a result of continuous accretion since the late Cretaceous and there is a kinematic reason for its maintaining a critically tapered wedge. The timing of the accretion gap and thrusting, however, coincides with the collision of the Paleocene–early Eocene Izanagi–Pacific spreading ridges with the trench along the western Pacific margin, which has been recently re‐hypothesized as younger than the previous assumption with respect to the Kula‐Pacific ridge subduction during the late Cretaceous. The ridge subduction hypothesis provides a consistent explanation for the cessation of magmatic activity along the continental margin and the presence of an unconformity in the forearc basin. This is not only the case in southwestern Japan, but also along the more northern Asian margin in Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Sikhote‐Alin. This Paleocene–early Eocene ridge subduction hypothesis is also consistent with recently acquired tomographic images beneath the Asian continent. The timing of the Izanagi–Pacific ridge subduction along the western Pacific margin allows for a revision of the classic hypothesis of a great reorganization of the Pacific Plate motion between ~ 47 Ma and 42 Ma, illustrated by the bend in the Hawaii–Emperor chain, because of the change in subduction torque balance and the Oligocene–Miocene back arc spreading after the ridge subduction in the western Pacific margin.  相似文献   

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