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太湖疏浚前后波浪扰动下的底泥再悬浮特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在室内波浪水槽中,研究不同底泥容重、不同波浪动力条件下底泥的再悬浮特征.结果表明:静止状态下,水体垂向悬浮物浓度差别不大,小波作用时底泥未普遍起动,各层悬浮物浓度增加不明显.随着大波浪的作用,底部切应力远大于底泥起动临界切应力,水体悬浮物浓度急剧增加,10 min内悬浮物浓度增加10 ~ 15倍,60 min内再悬浮量...  相似文献   

The coastal plain complex on the north side of the Gulf of Patras has been built by the overlapping Acheloos and small Evinos deltas. Upstream river channels are braided; on the lower part of the delta they are meandering. Classical writings indicate that the present Acheloos channel has been occupied for at least 2300 years; air photographs show three former major distributary channels. The present annual sediment discharge (suspended: 3–4 million tons; bedload: 2 million tons) is sufficient to build all the modern delta plain by progradation of these four distributaries in the last 5000–7000 years of relatively stable sea level.Old maps and air photographs show that river mouths prograde by periodic plugging of sub-distributaries within 1 km of the mouth. Where the river progrades into deep water (> 20 m) a steep sandy pro-delta slope forms and a shoal mouth bar is developed by wave reworking. The freshwater muddy plume of the Acheloos extends up to 15 km offshore. Analysis of about 30 bottom samples shows that very silty sediment settles within a few kilometers of the river mouth, becoming progressively more clayey offshore. Marine reworking of abandoned distributaries takes place rapidly (0.5 km in the first ten years, and a further 0.5 km in the next 30 years). Sand is redistributed to form parallel accretionary spits and barrier beaches. A shallow pro-delta platform up to 2 km wide has formed by such reworking along the southern margin of both deltas. Gradual subsidence (less than 0.5 mm/year) leads to flooding of shallow lagoons behind barrier beach systems.Subaerial delta facies have been mapped in the field, and extensively sampled in artificial channel cuts. Normal tidal range is only 16 cm, but storm tides up to 1 m high flood low supratidal flats that locally extend several kilometres inland.Broad immediately subtidal silt flats are found on the inner part of the western Evinos pro-delta platform. Silt is drifted in suspension by strong winter easterly winds from the Evinos mouth, and the pro-delta platform is sufficiently wide and shallow to damp down most large waves that would subsequently remove the silt.Where sand supply is limited, the coastline is marked by a sandy low-tide terrace, and a berm or storm ridge built of variable proportions of sand and reeds. Only near delta mouths is sand supply sufficient for broad barrier beach-dune systems to form.  相似文献   

The aim of the study presented in this article is to assess the ecological status of a surface water body in the Mediterranean using the methodological approach of Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response. Based on this approach for the case study analyzed (Pamvotis Lake, Greece), it is concluded that the main drivers, which lead to pressures in the study area are: intensive agricultural activities, alteration of hydrological regime, contamination from point sources and changes in the land-use and fish stocking. The ecological status is assessed by analysing data series of physical, chemical and biological elements that are available from early ’80s. Findings suggest elevated nutrient concentrations sufficient for maintaining eutrophic conditions while their seasonal variability is mostly driven by factors as water level fluctuation, catchment runoff and in-lake biological processes. Subsequently, concerning biotic factors, the poor biodiversity mainly represented by the dominance of the most tolerant species, confirm the previous profile. Since, reference conditions have only recently been established in Greece, the ECOFRAME scheme and the guidelines proposed by the “Intercalibration Group for Mediterranean Lakes” were applied. In terms of the above elements; the water quality status could be characterized as “High”, “High to Good” and “High to Bad”, respectively, whereas the overall ecological status tends to shift in poor conditions. Finally, the major response actions needed should be in the direction of reduced application of fertilizers and chemicals in the cultivated land of the catchment, removal of the point-contamination sources from the catchment, appropriate land-use management and biomanipulation.  相似文献   

This investigation is intended to evaluate the surface water quality of Brahmani River in order to determine its uses for different purposes. The water samples were collected from the strategic locations of the river from February 2014 to July 2015 and analyzed for physicochemical parameters such as water temperature; pH; electrical conductivity (EC); dissolved oxygen (DO); total dissolved solids (TDS); major cations, e.g., Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+; and major anions, e.g., F?, Cl?, \( {\mathrm{SO}}_4^{2-} \), \( {\mathrm{NO}}_3^{-} \), \( {\mathrm{PO}}_4^{2-} \), and alkalinity. The water quality index (WQI) being a valuable and unique rating scale to depict the overall water quality status in a single term has been employed to determine the feasibility of using the river water as a source for various activities. The parameters with higher impact on water quality were selected to derive WQI of each selected sampling station. Results showed significant deterioration in quality of water at some of the sampling stations. WQI of Brahmani River ranged from 37.87 to 62.36 which falls in the range of good to poor quality of water. Pearson’s correlation matrix was derived to find possible interrelations among water quality parameters.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to characterise the alluvial sediments and to quantify sedimentation rates of a small river system, the Ribeir?o do Torto in Central Western Brazil. The study area provides an excellent opportunity to examine the effect of land use on sedimentation rates in the region for the first time and thus contributes to understanding sediment transport processes into water reservoirs (silting). 137Cs, 210Pb and 14C dating techniques were used to estimate natural sedimentation rates and those associated with land use development. Complementary use of physical and chemical analyses of the sediments and contained anthropogenic materials revealed that sedimentation dynamics had varied over time. Natural sedimentation rates are more than ten times lower than in the period since the mid-1950s for the alluvial system of the Ribeir?o do Torto. The results indicated that human impact had accelerated the sedimentation dynamics, which resulted in higher sediment quantities and sand content and changes of sediment sources. The variation of sedimentation rates may reflect also several other factors, e.g. natural fluctuation in flow energy or geomorphologic changes within the alluvial system. However, the multiple dating techniques and supplementary interpretation employed in this study show the potential use of radionuclides and soil/sediment parameters to identify changes in sedimentation rate, stream energy and sediment characteristics in floodplains.  相似文献   

Sediment instabilities are common on the prodeltas of the seismically active continental margins of Western Greece. Sediment failures on the low-angle (0.5°–2°) prodelta slopes manifest themselves as successions of peripheral rotational block slumps restricted to the foresets of the late highstand systems tract (HST). The individual slump blocks are about 80–150 m long and are bounded by growth faults acting as curved slip planes that extend to a mean depth of 10–15 m below seafloor. Shear planes develop in the lower part of muddy and/or gas charged HST foresets. Deeper basal transparent muddy layers of the early HST bottomset, together with the late Pleistocene transgressive systems tract sequences (TST), are mostly unaffected. On the steeper (2°–6°) fan delta slopes of the western Gulf of Corinth debris flows and avalanches with a significant retrogressive component dominate slope destabilisation. Sediment cores taken from landslide scarps and slide planes penetrated gas bubble releasing sediments thereby indicating that failure planes are in the late HST foresets/upper part of the early HST bottomsets gas charged zone. The foresets of the HST prodelta deposits display high water content (30–80%), low bulk density (1.4–1.9 g cm−3) and relatively low values of undrained shear strength (3–20 kPa). The water content of the HST distal muddy bottomsets is relatively higher (50–110%) and bulk density relatively lower (1.3–1.7 g cm−3) with low values of shear strength (2–10 kPa). The shear strength of the gas releasing sediment layer displays lower values (2–9 kPa) relative to the overlying, post failure, muddy sediments of the late 100–300 years. Slope stability was calculated using the normalised soil parameter (NSP) method under undrained conditions for normally consolidated prodelta sediments. This analysis indicates that instabilities could be induced by critical earthquake ground accelerations of 26.6–29.6% g for the HST foresets and 12.4–14.1% g for the basal transparent layer belonging to the early HST bottomsets. Consequently the early HST bottomsets has to be considered a potentially unstable layer since the regional peak ground accelerations (PGAs) for the next 50 years are expected to range from 19 to 30% g. Moreover, our results show that new glide planes in the prodeltaic sediment bodies of the seismically active continental margins of Western Greece will likely develop from the gas charged sediments of the lower part of the HST foresets to the upper part of early HST bottomsets.  相似文献   

An engineering-geological map of the Western Thessaly basin has been compiled, providing a valuable guide to both urban planning and industrial development of the wider area. This map contributes significantly to the optimization of land use and improved planning of technical work. Additionally, the engineering-geological conditions of the formations encountered in the Western Thessaly basin are examined. The formations are grouped into thirteen (13) engineering-geological entities, with regard to their geotechnical behaviour. This entire study was based on both in situ investigations and geotechnical information extracted from 1,039 boreholes. Furthermore, a landslide inventory map of the Western Thessaly basin has been compiled. In addition, the surface subsidence ruptures, due to ground-water overexploitation, have been examined in the eastern part of the study area.  相似文献   

东丽湖地区位于山岭子地热异常区中心地带,沧东断裂带之上,有3个热储层。其中,奥陶系与雾迷山组水质相似,水化学类型以Cl·HCO_3·SO_4-Na和Cl·SO_4·HCO_3-Na为主,矿化度1 400~1 750mg/L,为部分平衡水;而明化镇组以HCO3·Cl-Na为主,矿化度1 500mg/L,为完全平衡水。地热流体γ(Na)/γ(Cl)均较高,二氧化碳分压(pco2)为10~(-1.98)~10~(-2.7) Mpa,地下水碳酸平衡具有开系统的特征。流体中方解石、白云石、文石处于微饱和状态。深部奥陶系水质与雾迷山组热储温度适合用玉髓温标计算,而浅部明化镇组热储温度则用Na-K温标计算。东丽湖奥陶系与雾迷山组连通性较好,垂向上对流强烈。明化镇储层局部地区受到了基岩裂隙型地热流体的垂向补给。  相似文献   

Chemical analyses of hornblendes from different regional metamorphic terrains and from rocks of different metamorphic grade have been compared. Hornblendes of lowpressure type are distinguished from hornblendes of high-pressure type by their AlVI and Si contents. The Ti content of hornblende is shown to increase with metamorphic temperature from the greenschist-amphibolite transition facies to the hornblende-granulite facies.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌梁素海底泥总氮空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
湖泊底泥作为湖泊湿地生态系统中氮素的主要源与汇,对氮素的生物地球化学循环具有重要意义。针对乌梁素海富营养化日趋严重和湿地面积逐渐萎缩的现象,研究了底泥总氮的分布规律及其地球化学特征。结果表明,底泥中总氮含量在水平方向上总体表现为西高东低的径向分异特征;其在乌梁素海沉积剖面上具有随深度增加含量递减的规律。乌梁素海底泥氮污染主要由人类活动引起;20世纪90年代,乌梁素海富营养化进程开始加速。通过研究湖泊底泥中氮素的分布规律及其地球化学特征,为乌梁素海富营养化的治理提供科学依据。   相似文献   

Lake Kastoria is a shallow lake with many anthropogenic activities concentrated in its catchment area. Surficial runoff rich in agricultural waste and underground seepage from urban and rural areas enrich the lake with nutrients intensifying the eutrophication problem of the water.Restoration techniques, with different approach, each one are proposed to restore the lake water. Treatment with alum is very effective but needs special care during the application. Reeds harvesting is an inexpensive and effective way and in combination with the city sewage redirection will improve the water quality and the trophic status of the lake sufficiently.  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖地区盐尘的沉积通量及其物质组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆准噶尔盆地西部的艾比湖地区为研究区,通过野外降尘监测、采样分析等方法,研究了艾比湖地区含盐粉尘的沉积通量和物质组成特征.结果表明:艾比湖干涸湖底是盐尘的输出源,盐尘的化学组成主要是无水芒硝、白钠镁矾、氯化钠等盐碱粉尘及Cr、Pb、Mn、Cu、Ni等潜在毒性元素.艾比湖地区盐尘的沉积通量约为79~381 g·m-2·a-1,盐的沉积通量约为4~61 g·m-2·a-1.盐尘的粒径分布以2~63μm的粉砂粒级为主,大于63μm的砂粒级所占比例很小.特殊的地形条件、大风天气、稀疏的植被覆盖、疏松的大面积尘源是艾比湖湖底风蚀和盐尘输送的有利条件.  相似文献   

Damming of the North Anna River in 1972 created Lake Anna, a cooling water source for the Dominion nuclear power plant as well as a popular recreation site in Spotsylvania and Orange counties, Virginia, USA. Previously dated (210-Pb) sediment cores from seven locations within the lake and three locations in the adjoining Waste Heat Treatment Facilities (WHTF) were analyzed for trace metals (Al, Ba, Zn, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Pb) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to examine the environmental evolution of the reservoir system. The reservoir has a history of mining activities in its watershed and unusually elevated concentrations of PCBs were found in fish tissues from previous studies. Therefore, dated sediment cores provided the framework for both the temporal and spatial analysis of possible sources and flux histories for both trace metals and PCBs. The trace metals results suggest that, though the upper reaches are relatively less impacted, the old mine tailings from the now ceased mining activities in the watershed of Contrary Creek tributary continue to dominate the sediment chemistry of the lower portion of the lake basin, signified by sediment enrichment of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn. Lagoon-2 of the WHTF also seems to be receiving unusually high loadings of Cd (12.5 ± 1.07 μg/g) that is probably associated with waste materials from the nuclear power plant that maintains the lagoons. PCB sediment concentrations were relatively low in the lower sections of the basins with values typically being <3.5 ng/g. The upper reaches of the basin had several PCB hotspots, with the surface sediments of Terry’s Run tributary having values as high as 53.13 ng/g. The spatial distribution of PCBs seems to suggest the upper reaches of the basin as the probable source, with the unusually high concentrations near bridges suggesting a possible link between the PCBs and old bridge fill materials. The oldest lacustrine sediments also had relatively high trace metals and PCB values signifying a probable role of soil disruption and sediment reconcentration during reservoir construction.  相似文献   

The authors’ database (which includes data from more than 17500 publications on fluid and melt inclusions in minerals) was used to generalize information on the principal physicochemical parameters of natural mineral-forming fluids (temperature, pressure, density, salinity of aqueous solutions, and the gas composition of the fluids). For 21 minerals, data are reported on the frequency of occurrence of the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in various temperature ranges, which make it possible to reveal temperature ranges most favorable for the crystallization of these minerals. Data on 5260 determinations were used to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of certain temperature and pressure ranges of natural fluids within the temperature intervals of 20–1200°C and 1–12000 bar. Within these intervals, frequencies of occurrence were evaluated for water-dominated and water-poor or water-free fluid inclusions in minerals. The former are predominant at temperatures below 600°C and pressures below 4000 bar, whereas the latter dominate at temperatures of 600–1200°C and pressures of 4000-12000 bar. Illustrative examples are presented for visually discernible magmatic water that exists as an individual high-density phase in melt inclusions in minerals from various rocks sampled worldwide (in the Caucasus, Italy, Slovakia, United States, Uzbekistan, New Zealand, Chile, and others). Attention is drawn to the fact that extensive data testify to fairly high (>1000–1500 bar) pressures during hydrothermal mineral-forming processes. These pressures are much higher not only than the hydrostatic but also the lithostatic pressures of the overlying rocks. Data on more than 18000 determinations are used to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of certain temperature and salinity ranges of mineral-forming fluids within the intervals of 20–1000°C and 0–80 wt % equiv. NaCl and certain temperature and density ranges of these fluids at 20–1000°C and 0.01–1.90 g/cm3. Information is presented on the gas analysis methods most commonly applied to natural fluids in studying fluid inclusions in minerals in 1965–2007. The average composition of the gaseous phase of natural inclusions is calculated based on more than 3000 Raman spectroscopic analyses (the most frequently used method for analyzing individual inclusions).  相似文献   

Effective management of groundwater resources is a well-known problem in several areas around the world. It is especially important to areas suffering from an intrinsic lack of fresh water, such as islands. Detailed study of available aquifers is of particular interest in the highly touristic Greek island of Crete. The increasing water demand makes water resources management extremely important for sustainable development. This is the case in the prefecture of Chania in Western Crete, where there has been a lack of success of many different groundwater management plans that have been produced over the years and submitted for application to water management authority. The inefficiency of the management plans is verified by the continuous water shortage reported every year which forces the public authorities to transfer water from far away sources and wells. Until today there are only geological data as well as information from the borehole logs; therefore, the current work is focused to study in detail the tectonic and hydrogeological characteristics of the Keritis watershed to make a correlation of the available geoenvironmental information with the geophysical data of the study aquifer. Transient electromagnetic soundings were conducted to obtain detailed information about: the tectonic, hydrogeological, hydrolithological, and geometrical characteristics of the aquifer under investigation. In addition, optimum areas of water well drilling were identified to minimize the uncertainty and the total cost (economical, managerial, etc.) of future groundwater surveys.  相似文献   

Two hundred and forty water samples (in four seasons) and seventeen sediment samples have been analyzed to monitor the natural and anthropogenic influences on the water and sediment chemistry of the Dal Lake, Kashmir Himalaya. The scatter diagrams [(Ca+Mg)/total cations (TZ+), (Ca+Mg)/HCO3, (Ca+Mg)/(HCO3+SO4), (Na+K)/TZ+; (Ca+Mg)/(Na+K)] and the geological map of the study area suggest predominance of carbonate and silicate weathering. Lower pH and high total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity and values in the Gagribal basin and in some patches of other basins reflect anthropogenic inputs in the form of sewage from surrounding population, houseboats, hotels, etc. The Dal Lake is characterized by high chemical index of alteration (CIA: 87–95), reflecting extreme weathering of the catchment area. Relative to the average carbonates, the lakebed sediments are enriched in Al, Ti, Zn, Cu and Co and depleted in Ni and Mn. Compared to the post-Archean Shale the sediments have higher Al, Zn and Cu contents and lower Ni and Co. There are distinct positive anomalies of Al, Mn, Zn and Cu and negative anomalies of Ni and Pb with respect to the upper continental crust. Geoaccumulation index (I geo) and the US Environmental Protection Agency sediment quality standards indicate that the Gagribal basin and some patches of the Nagin basin are polluted with respect to Zn, Cu and Pb. These data suggest that the Dal Lake is characterized by differential natural and anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

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