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New global maps of the five inner midsize icy saturnian satellites, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea, have been constructed in three colors (UV, Green and near-IR) at resolutions of 1 km/pixel. The maps reveal prominent global patterns common to several of these satellites but also three major color features unique to specific satellites or satellite subgroups. The most common features among the group are first-order global asymmetries in color properties. This pattern, expressed on Tethys, Dione and Rhea, takes the form of a ∼1.4-1.8 times enhancement in redness (expressed as IR/UV ratio) of the surface at the center of the trailing hemisphere of motion, and a similar though significantly weaker IR/UV enhancement at the center of the leading hemisphere. The peak in redness on the trailing hemisphere also corresponds to a known decrease in albedo. These double hemispheric asymmetries are attributable to plasma and E-ring grain bombardment on the trailing and leading hemispheres, respectively, for the outer three satellites Tethys, Dione and Rhea, whereas as E-ring bombardment may be focused on the trailing hemisphere of Mimas due to its orbital location interior to Enceladus. The maps also reveal three major deviations from these basic global patterns. We observe the previously known dark bluish leading hemisphere equatorial band on Tethys but have also discovered a similar band on Mimas. Similar in shape, both features match the surface patterns expected for irradiation of the surface by incident MeV electrons that drift in a direction opposite to the plasma flow. The global asymmetry on Enceladus is offset ∼40° to the west compared to the other satellites. We do not consider Enceladus in detail here, but the global distribution of bluish material can be shown to match the deposition pattern predicted for plume fallback onto the surface (Kempf, S., Beckmann, U., Schmidt, S. [2010]. Icarus 206, 446-457. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.09.016). E-ring deposition on Enceladus thus appears to mask or prevent the formation of the lenses and hemispheric asymmetries we see on the other satellites. Finally, we observe a chain of discrete bluish splotches along the equator of Rhea. Unlike the equatorial bands of Tethys and Mimas, these splotches form a very narrow great circle ?10-km wide (north-to-south) and appear to be related to surface disruption, exposing fresh, bluish ice on older crater rims. This feature is unique to Rhea and may have formed by impact onto its surface of orbiting material.  相似文献   

Oceans in the icy Galilean satellites of Jupiter?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tilman Spohn  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2003,161(2):456-467
Equilibrium models of heat transfer by heat conduction and thermal convection show that the three satellites of Jupiter—Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—may have internal oceans underneath ice shells tens of kilometers to more than a hundred kilometers thick. A wide range of rheology and heat transfer parameter values and present-day heat production rates have been considered. The rheology was cast in terms of a reference viscosity ν0 calculated at the melting temperature and the rate of change A of viscosity with inverse homologous temperature. The temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity k of ice I has been taken into account by calculating the average conductivity along the temperature profile. Heating rates are based on a chondritic radiogenic heating rate of 4.5 pW kg−1 but have been varied around this value over a wide range. The phase diagrams of H2O (ice I) and H2O + 5 wt% NH3 ice have been considered. The ice I models are worst-case scenarios for the existence of a subsurface liquid water ocean because ice I has the highest possible melting temperature and the highest thermal conductivity of candidate ices and the assumption of equilibrium ignores the contribution to ice shell heating from deep interior cooling. In the context of ice I models, we find that Europa is the satellite most likely to have a subsurface liquid ocean. Even with radiogenic heating alone the ocean is tens of kilometers thick in the nominal model. If tidal heating is invoked, the ocean will be much thicker and the ice shell will be a few tens of kilometers thick. Ganymede and Callisto have frozen their oceans in the nominal ice I models, but since these models represent the worst-case scenario, it is conceivable that these satellites also have oceans at the present time. The most important factor working against the existence of subsurface oceans is contamination of the outer ice shell by rock. Rock increases the density and the pressure gradient and shifts the triple point of ice I to shallower depths where the temperature is likely to be lower then the triple point temperature. According to present knowledge of ice phase diagrams, ammonia produces one of the largest reductions of the melting temperature. If we assume a bulk concentration of 5 wt% ammonia we find that all the satellites have substantial oceans. For a model of Europa heated only by radiogenic decay, the ice shell will be a few tens of kilometers thinner than in the ice I case. The underlying rock mantle will limit the depth of the ocean to 80-100 km. For Ganymede and Callisto, the ice I shell on top of the H2O-NH3 ocean will be around 60- to 80-km thick and the oceans may be 200- to 350-km deep. Previous models have suggested that efficient convection in the ice will freeze any existing ocean. The present conclusions are different mainly because they are based on a parameterization of convective heat transport in fluids with strongly temperature dependent viscosity rather than a parameterization derived from constant-viscosity convection models. The present parameterization introduces a conductive stagnant lid at the expense of the thickness of the convecting sublayer, if the latter exists at all. The stagnant lid causes the temperature in the sublayer to be warmer than in a comparable constant-viscosity convecting layer. We have further modified the parameterization to account for the strong increase in homologous temperature, and therefore decrease in viscosity, with depth along an adiabat. This modification causes even thicker stagnant lids and further elevated temperatures in the well-mixed sublayer. It is the stagnant lid and the comparatively large temperature in the sublayer that frustrates ocean freezing.  相似文献   

C.A. Hibbitts  J. Szanyi 《Icarus》2007,191(1):371-380
CO2 is known to adsorb onto clay and other minerals when a significant atmospheric pressure is present. We have found that CO2 can also adsorb onto some clays when the CO2 partial pressure is effectively zero under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) if cooled to the surface temperatures of the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. The strength of adsorption and the spectral characteristics of the adsorbed CO2 infrared (IR) ν3 absorption band near 4.25 μm depend on the composition and temperature of the adsorbent. CO2 remains adsorbed onto the clay mineral montmorillonite for >10 s of min when exposed to a vacuum of ∼1×10−8 Torr at ∼125 K. CO2 does not adsorb onto serpentine, goethite, or palagonite under these conditions. A small amount may adsorb onto kaolinite. When heated above 150 K under vacuum, the CO2 desorbs from the montmorillonite within a few minutes. The ν3 absorption band of CO2 adsorbed onto montmorillonite at 125 K is similar to that of the CO2 detected on the saturnian and Galilean satellites and is markedly different from CO2 adsorbed onto montmorillonite at room temperature. We infer the adsorption process is physisorption and postulate that this mechanism may explain the presence and spectral characteristics of the CO2 detected in the surfaces of these outer satellites.  相似文献   

The sizes and shapes of six icy saturnian satellites have been measured from Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) data, employing limb coordinates and stereogrammetric control points. Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea are well described by triaxial ellipsoids; Iapetus is best represented by an oblate spheroid. All satellites appear to have approached relaxed, equilibrium shapes at some point in their evolution, but all support at least 300 m of global-wavelength topography. The shape of Enceladus is most consistent with a homogeneous interior. If Enceladus is differentiated, its shape and apparent relaxation require either lateral inhomogeneities in an icy mantle and/or an irregularly shaped core. Iapetus supports a fossil bulge of over 30 km, and provides a benchmark for impact modification of shapes after global relaxation. Satellites such as Mimas that have smoother limbs than Iapetus, and are expected to have higher impact rates, must have relaxed after the shape of Iapetus was frozen.  相似文献   

Resolution of Voyager 1 and 2 images of the mid-sized, icy saturnian satellites was generally not much better than 1 km per line pair, except for a few, isolated higher resolution images. Therefore, analyses of impact crater distributions were generally limited to diameters (D) of tens of kilometers. Even with the limitation, however, these analyses demonstrated that studying impact crater distributions could expand understanding of the geology of the saturnian satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System. Thus to gain further insight into Saturn’s mid-sized satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System, we have compiled cratering records of these satellites using higher resolution CassiniISS images. Images from Cassini of the satellites range in resolution from tens m/pixel to hundreds m/pixel. These high-resolution images provide a look at the impact cratering records of these satellites never seen before, expanding the observable craters down to diameters of hundreds of meters. The diameters and locations of all observable craters are recorded for regions of Mimas, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe. These impact crater data are then analyzed and compared using cumulative, differential and relative (R) size-frequency distributions. Results indicate that the heavily cratered terrains on Rhea and Iapetus have similar distributions implying one common impactor population bombarded these two satellites. The distributions for Mimas and Dione, however, are different from Rhea and Iapetus, but are similar to one another, possibly implying another impactor population common to those two satellites. The difference between these two populations is a relative increase of craters with diameters between 10 and 30 km and a relative deficiency of craters with diameters between 30 and 80 km for Mimas and Dione compared with Rhea and Iapetus. This may support the result from Voyager images of two distinct impactor populations. One population was suggested to have a greater number of large impactors, most likely heliocentric comets (Saturn Population I in the Voyager literature), and the other a relative deficiency of large impactors and a greater number of small impactors, most likely planetocentric debris (Saturn Population II). Meanwhile, Tethys’ impact crater size-frequency distribution, which has some similarity to the distributions of Mimas, Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus, may be transitional between the two populations. Furthermore, when the impact crater distributions from these older cratered terrains are compared to younger ones like Dione’s smooth plains, the distributions have some similarities and differences. Therefore, it is uncertain whether the size-frequency distribution of the impactor population(s) changed over time. Finally, we find that Phoebe has a unique impact crater distribution. Phoebe appears to be lacking craters in a narrow diameter range around 1 km. The explanation for this confined “dip” at D = 1 km is not yet clear, but may have something to do with the interaction of Saturn’s irregular satellites or the capture of Phoebe.  相似文献   

Cassini radar tracks on Saturn’s icy satellites through the end of the Prime Mission in 2008 have increased the number of radar albedo estimates from 10 (Ostro et al., 2006) to 73. The measurements sample diverse subradar locations (and for Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus almost always use beamwidths less than half the target angular diameters), thereby constraining the satellites’ global radar albedo distributions. The echoes result predominantly from volume scattering, and their strength is thus strongly sensitive to ice purity and regolith maturity. The combination of the Cassini data set and Arecibo 13-cm observations of Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea (Black et al., 2007), and Iapetus (Black et al., 2004) discloses an unexpectedly complex pattern of 13-to-2-cm wavelength dependence. The 13-cm albedos are generally smaller than 2-cm albedos and lack the correlation seen between 2-cm and optical geometric albedos. Enceladus and Iapetus are the most interesting cases. We infer from hemispheric albedo variations that the E-ring has a prominent effect on the 13-cm radar “lightcurve”. The uppermost trailing-side regolith is too fresh for meteoroid bombardment to have developed larger-scale heterogeneities that would be necessary to elevate the 13-cm radar albedo, whereas all of Enceladus is clean and mature enough for the 2-cm albedo to be uniformly high. For, Iapetus, the 2-cm albedo is strongly correlated with optical albedo: low for the optically dark, leading-side material and high for the optically bright, trailing-side material. However, Iapetus’ 13-cm albedo values show no significant albedo dichotomy and are several times lower than 2-cm values, being indistinguishable from the weighted mean of 13-cm albedos for main-belt asteroids, 0.15 ± 0.10. The leading side’s optically dark contaminant must be present to depths of at least one to several decimeters, so 2-cm albedos can mimic the optical dichotomy; however, it does not have to extend any deeper than that. The fact that both hemispheres of Iapetus look Asteroid-like at 13 cm means that coherent backscattering itself is not nearly as effective as it is at 2 cm. Since Iapetus’ entire surface is mature regolith, the wavelength dependence must involve composition, not structure. Either the composition is a function of depth everywhere (with electrical loss much greater at depths greater than a decimeter or two), or the intrinsic electrical loss of some pervasive constituent is much higher at 13 cm than at 2 cm. Ammonia is a candidate for such a contaminant. If ammonia’s electrical properties do not depend on frequency, and if ammonia is globally much less abundant within the upper one or two decimeters than at greater depths, then coherent backscattering would effectively be shut down at 13 cm, explaining the Asteroid-like 13-cm albedo.  相似文献   

The global distribution of phosphine (PH3) on Jupiter and Saturn is derived using 2.5 cm−1 spectral resolution Cassini/CIRS observations. We extend the preliminary PH3 analyses on the gas giants [Irwin, P.G.J., and 6 colleagues, 2004. Icarus 172, 37-49; Fletcher, L.N., and 9 colleagues, 2007a. Icarus 188, 72-88] by (a) incorporating a wider range of Cassini/CIRS datasets and by considering a broader spectral range; (b) direct incorporation of thermal infrared opacities due to tropospheric aerosols and (c) using a common retrieval algorithm and spectroscopic line database to allow direct comparison between these two gas giants.The results suggest striking similarities between the tropospheric dynamics in the 100-1000 mbar regions of the giant planets: both demonstrate enhanced PH3 at the equator, depletion over neighbouring equatorial belts and mid-latitude belt/zone structures. Saturn's polar PH3 shows depletion within the hot cyclonic polar vortices. Jovian aerosol distributions are consistent with previous independent studies, and on Saturn we demonstrate that CIRS spectra are most consistent with a haze in the 100-400 mbar range with a mean optical depth of 0.1 at 10 μm. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn's tropospheric haze shows a hemispherical asymmetry, being more opaque in the southern summer hemisphere than in the north. Thermal-IR haze opacity is not enhanced at Saturn's equator as it is on Jupiter.Small-scale perturbations to the mean PH3 abundance are discussed both in terms of a model of meridional overturning and parameterisation as eddy mixing. The large-scale structure of the PH3 distributions is likely to be related to changes in the photochemical lifetimes and the shielding due to aerosol opacities. On Saturn, the enhanced summer opacity results in shielding and extended photochemical lifetimes for PH3, permitting elevated PH3 levels over Saturn's summer hemisphere.  相似文献   

All of the large impact features of the middle-sized icy satellites of Saturn and Uranus that were clearly observed by the Voyager spacecraft are described. New image mosaics and stereo-and-photoclinometrically-derived digital elevation models are presented. Landforms related to large impact features, such as secondary craters and possible antipodal effects are examined and evaluated. Of the large impacts, Odysseus on Tethys appears to have had the most profound effect on its “target” satellite of any of the impact features we examined. Our modeling suggests that the Odysseus impact may have caused the prompt formation of Ithaca Chasma, a belt of tectonic troughs that roughly follow a great circle normal to the center of Odysseus, although other hypotheses remain viable. We identify probable secondary cratering from Tirawa on Rhea. We attribute a number of converging coalescing crater chains on Rhea to a putative, possibly relatively fresh, ∼350 km-diameter impact feature. We examine the antipodes of Odysseus, the putative ∼350 km-diameter Rhean impact feature, and Tirawa, and conclude that evidence from Voyager data for damage from seismic focusing is equivocal, although our modeling results indicate that such damage may have occurred. We propose a number of observations and tests for Cassini that offer the opportunity to differentiate among the various explanations and speculations reviewed and evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

We investigate a new theory of the origin of the irregular satellites of the giant planets: capture of one member of a ∼100-km binary asteroid after tidal disruption. The energy loss from disruption is sufficient for capture, but it cannot deliver the bodies directly to the observed orbits of the irregular satellites. Instead, the long-lived capture orbits subsequently evolve inward due to interactions with a tenuous circumplanetary gas disk.We focus on the capture by Jupiter, which, due to its large mass, provides a stringent test of our model. We investigate the possible fates of disrupted bodies, the differences between prograde and retrograde captures, and the effects of Callisto on captured objects. We make an impulse approximation and discuss how it allows us to generalize capture results from equal-mass binaries to binaries with arbitrary mass ratios.We find that at Jupiter, binaries offer an increase of a factor of ∼10 in the capture rate of 100-km objects as compared to single bodies, for objects separated by tens of radii that approach the planet on relatively low-energy trajectories. These bodies are at risk of collision with Callisto, but may be preserved by gas drag if their pericenters are raised quickly enough. We conclude that our mechanism is as capable of producing large irregular satellites as previous suggestions, and it avoids several problems faced by alternative models.  相似文献   

To explain the formation of surface features on Europa, Enceladus, and other satellites, many authors have postulated the spatial localization of tidal heating within convective plumes. However, the concept that enhanced tidal heating can occur within a convective plume has not been rigorously tested. Most models of this phenomenon adopt a tidal heating with a temperature-dependence derived for an incompressible, homogeneous (zero-dimensional) Maxwell material, but it is unclear whether this formulation is relevant to the heterogeneous situation of a warm plume surrounded by cold ice. To determine whether concentrated dissipation can occur in convective plumes, we develop a two-dimensional model to compute the volumetric dissipation rate for an idealized, vertically oriented, isolated convective plume obeying a Maxwellian viscoelastic compressible rheology. We apply the model to the Europa and Enceladus ice shells, and we investigate the consequences for partial melting and resurfacing processes on these bodies. We find that the tidal heating is strongly temperature dependent in a convective ice plume and could produce elevated temperatures and local partial melting in the ice shells of Europa and Enceladus. Our calculation provides the first quantitative verification of the hypothesis by Sotin et al. [Sotin, C., Head, J.W., Tobie, G., 2002. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29. 74-1] and others that the tidal dissipation rate is a strong function of temperature inside a convective plume. On Europa, such localized heating could help allow the formation of domes and chaos terrains by convection. On Enceladus, localized tidal heating in a thermal plume could explain the concentrated activity at the south pole and its associated heat transport of 2-7 GW.  相似文献   

Observations suggest that moist convection plays an important role in the large-scale dynamics of Jupiter's and Saturn's atmospheres. Here we use a reduced-gravity quasigeostrophic model, with a parameterization of moist convection that is based on observations, to study the interaction between moist convection and zonal jets on Jupiter and Saturn. Stable jets with approximately the same width and strength as observations are generated in the model. The observed zonal jets violate the barotropic stability criterion but the modeled jets do so only if the flow in the deep underlying layer is westward. The model results suggest that a length scale and a velocity scale associated with moist convection control the width and strength of the jets. The length scale and velocity scale offer a possible explanation of why the jets of Saturn are stronger and wider than those of Jupiter.  相似文献   

Anderson and Schubert [2007. Saturn's Gravitational field, internal rotation, and interior structure. Science 317, 1384-1387 (paper I)] proposed that Saturn's rotation period can be ascertained by minimizing the dynamic heights of the 100 mbar isosurface with respect to the geoid; they derived a rotation period of 10 h 32 m 35 s. We investigate the same approach for Jupiter to see if the Jovian rotation period is predicted by minimizing the dynamical heights of its isobaric (1 bar pressure level) surface using zonal wind data. A rotation period of 9 h 54 m 29.7 s is found. Further, we investigate the minimization method by fitting Pioneer and Voyager occultation radii for both Jupiter and Saturn. Rotation periods of 9 h 55 m 30 s and 10 h 32 m 35 s are found to minimize the dynamical heights for Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. Though there is no dynamical principle requiring the minimization of the dynamical heights of an isobaric surface, the successful application of the method to Jupiter lends support to its relevance for Saturn.We derive Jupiter and Saturn rotation periods using equilibrium theory to explain the difference between equatorial and polar radii. Rotation periods of 9 h 55 m 20 s and 10 h 31 m 49 s are found for Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. We show that both Jupiter's and Saturn's shapes can be derived using solid-body rotation, suggesting that zonal winds have a minor effect on the planetary shape for both planets.The agreement in the values of Saturn's rotation period predicted by the different approaches supports the conclusion that the planet's period of rotation is about 10 h 32 m.  相似文献   

H.M. Schmid  F. Joos  D. Gisler 《Icarus》2011,212(2):701-713
We present ground-based limb polarization measurements of Jupiter and Saturn consisting of full disk imaging polarimetry for the wavelength 7300 Å and spatially resolved (long-slit) spectropolarimetry covering the wavelength range 5200-9350 Å.For the polar region of Jupiter we find for λ = 6000 Å a very strong radial (perpendicular to the limb) fractional polarization with a seeing corrected maximum of about +11.5% in the South and +10.0% in the North. This indicates that the polarizing haze layer is thicker at the South pole. The polar haze layers extend down to 58° in latitude. The derived polarization values are much higher than reported in previous studies because of the better spatial resolution of our data and an appropriate consideration of the atmospheric seeing. Model calculations demonstrate that the high limb polarization can be explained by strongly polarizing (p ≈ 1.0), high albedo (ω ≈ 0.98) haze particles with a scattering asymmetry parameter of g ≈ 0.6 as expected for aggregate particles of the type described by West and Smith (West, R.A., Smith, P.H. [1991]. Icarus 90, 330-333). The deduced particle parameters are distinctively different when compared to lower latitude regions.The spectropolarimetry of Jupiter shows a decrease in the polar limb polarization towards longer wavelengths and a significantly enhanced polarization in strong methane bands when compared to the adjacent continuum. This is a natural outcome for a highly polarizing haze layer above an atmosphere where multiple scatterings are suppressed in absorption bands. For lower latitudes the fractional polarization is small, negative, and it depends only little on wavelength except for the strong CH4-band at 8870 Å.The South pole of Saturn shows a lower polarization (p ≈ 1.0-1.5%) than the poles of Jupiter. The spectropolarimetric signal for Saturn decrease rapidly with wavelength and shows no significant enhancements in the fractional polarization in the absorption bands. These properties can be explained by a vertically extended stratospheric haze region composed of small particles <100 nm as suggested previously by Karkoschka and Tomasko (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2005]. Icarus 179, 195-221).In addition we find in the V- and R-band a previously not observed strong polarization feature (p = 1.5-2.0%) near the equator of Saturn. The origin of this polarization signal is unclear but it could be related to a seasonal effect.Finally we discuss the potential of ground-based limb polarization measurements for the investigation of the scattering particles in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

P.C. Thomas 《Icarus》2010,208(1):395-401
The Cassini spacecraft has provided data on over twenty satellites orbiting Saturn. In this study we update the shape measurements derived from imaging data of nearly all the observed regular satellites (those with low eccentricities and inclinations) and briefly discuss some of the implications of their properties. In particular, the improved data show that Rhea’s shape is hydrostatic.  相似文献   

The exospheric theory based on the Kappa velocity distribution function (VDF) is used to model the exosphere of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. Such Kappa velocity distribution functions with an enhanced population of suprathermal particles are indeed often observed in space plasmas and in the space environment of the planets. The suprathermal particles have significant effects on the escape flux, density and temperature profiles of the particles in the exosphere of the giant planets. The polar wind flux becomes several orders larger when suprathermal electrons are considered, so that the planetary ionosphere becomes then a significant source for their inner magnetosphere. Moreover, the number density of the particles decreases slower as a function of the altitude when a Kappa distribution is considered instead of a Maxwellian one. Two-dimensional maps of density are calculated for typical values of the temperatures. The exospheric formalism is also applied to study the escape flux from the exospheres of Io and Titan, respectively, moons of Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

Peter J Gierasch 《Icarus》2004,167(1):212-219
The linear stability of a zonal jet that decays with depth is investigated under the assumption that the thermal stratification is very small. A westerly cosine jet is found to be more stable than it is in a thin fluid shell with two-dimensional flow. This is in agreement with observations of Jupiter and Saturn, where jet curvature exceeds the barotropic stability criterion. This result constitutes an alternative hypothesis to that of Ingersoll and Pollard [Icarus 52 (1982) 62], who showed that deep jets extending through the interior are also more stable than thin shell jets. The flow regime assumed in the present work requires that a small stratification can exist and persist even in the presence of horizontal temperature gradients. Further work will be needed to test whether this is realistic.  相似文献   

Chihiro Tao  Sarah V. Badman 《Icarus》2011,213(2):581-592
Planetary aurora display the dynamic behavior of the plasma gas surrounding a planet. The outer planetary aurora are most often observed in the ultraviolet (UV) and the infrared (IR) wavelengths. How the emissions in these different wavelengths are connected with the background physical conditions are not yet well understood. Here we investigate the sensitivity of UV and IR emissions to the incident precipitating auroral electrons and the background atmospheric temperature, and compare the results obtained for Jupiter and Saturn. We develop a model which estimates UV and IR emission rates accounting for UV absorption by hydrocarbons, ion chemistry, and non-LTE effects. Parameterization equations are applied to estimate the ionization and excitation profiles in the H2 atmosphere caused by auroral electron precipitation. The dependences of UV and IR emissions on electron flux are found to be similar at Jupiter and Saturn. However, the dependences of the emissions on electron energy are different at the two planets, especially for low energy (<10 keV) electrons; the UV and IR emissions both decrease with decreasing electron energy, but this effect in the IR is less at Saturn than at Jupiter. The temperature sensitivity of the IR emission is also greater at Saturn than at Jupiter. These dependences are interpreted as results of non-LTE effects on the atmospheric temperature and density profiles. The different dependences of the UV and IR emissions on temperature and electron energy at Saturn may explain the different appearance of polar emissions observed at UV and IR wavelengths, and the differences from those observed at Jupiter. These results lead to the prediction that the differences between the IR and UV aurora at Saturn may be more significant than those at Jupiter. We consider in particular the occurrence of bright polar infrared emissions at Saturn and quantitatively estimate the conditions for such IR-only emissions to appear.  相似文献   

The origin of zonal jets on the jovian planets has long been a topic of scientific debate. In this paper we show that deep convection in a spherical shell can generate zonal flow comparable to that observed on Jupiter and Saturn, including a broad prograde equatorial jet and multiple alternating jets at higher latitudes. We present fully turbulent, 3D spherical numerical simulations of rapidly rotating convection with different spherical shell geometries. The resulting global flow fields tend to be segregated into three regions (north, equatorial, and south), bounded by the tangent cylinder that circumscribes the inner boundary equator. In all of our simulations a strong prograde equatorial jet forms outside the tangent cylinder, whereas multiple jets form in the northern and southern hemispheres, inside the tangent cylinder. The jet scaling of our numerical models and of Jupiter and Saturn is consistent with the theory of geostrophic turbulence, which we extend to include the effect of spherical shell geometry. Zonal flow in a spherical shell is distinguished from that in a full sphere or a shallow layer by the effect of the tangent cylinder, which marks a reversal in the sign of the planetary β-parameter and a jump in the Rhines length. This jump is manifest in the numerical simulations as a sharp equatorward increase in jet widths—a transition that is also observed on Jupiter and Saturn. The location of this transition gives an estimate of the depth of zonal flow, which seems to be consistent with current models of the jovian and saturnian interiors.  相似文献   

We give an overview of our current understanding of the structure of gas giant planets, from Jupiter and Saturn to extrasolar giant planets. We focus on addressing what high-pressure laboratory experiments on hydrogen and helium can help to elucidate about the structure of these planets.  相似文献   

Saturn’s moon Iapetus is unique in that it has apparently despun while retaining a substantial equatorial bulge. Stresses arising from such a non-hydrostatic shape should in principle cause surface deformation (tectonics). As part of a search for such a tectonic signature, lineaments (linear surface features) on Iapetus were mapped on both its bright and dark hemispheres. Lineament orientations were then compared to model stress patterns predicted for spin-down from a rotation period of 16.5 h (or less) to its present synchronous period, and for a range of lithospheric thicknesses. Many lineaments are straight segments of crater rimwalls, which may be faults or joints reactivated during complex crater collapse. Most striking are several large troughs on the bright, trailing hemisphere. These troughs appear to be extensional and are distinctive on that hemisphere, because the interior floors and walls of the troughs contain dark material. Globally, no specific evidence of strike slip or thrust offsets are seen, but this could be due to the age and degraded nature of any such features. We find that observed lineament orientations do not correlate with predicted patterns due to despinning on either hemisphere (the equatorial ridge was specifically excluded from this analysis, and is considered separately). Modest evidence for preferred orientations ±40° from north could be construed as consistent with respinning, which is not necessarily far-fetched. Assuming the rigidity of unfractured ice, predicted maximum lithospheric differential stresses from despinning range from ∼1 MPa to ∼160 MPa for the elastic spheroid and thin lithosphere limits, respectively (although it is only for thicker elastic lithospheres that we expect a nonhydrostatic state to be maintained over geologic time against lithospheric failure). The tectonic signature of despinning may have been obscured over time because the surface of Iapetus is very ancient, Iapetus’ thick lithosphere may have inhibited the full tectonic expression of despinning, or both. Several prominent lineaments strike E–W, and are thus parallel to the equatorial ridge (though not physically close to it), but a tectonic or volcanic origin for the ridge is highly problematic.  相似文献   

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