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LIU  Chuntu 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(3):311-320
The element stiffness matrix of the equivalent beam or pipe element of the deformed leg of the platform is derived by the finite element method. The stresses and displacements of some damaged components are calculated, and the numeri-cal solutions agree well with those obtained by the fine mesh finite element method. Finally, as an application of this method, the stresses of some platform structures are calculated and analyzed.  相似文献   

A design method of reinforced concrete (R. C.) offshore platforms with nonlinear finite element analysis is proposed. According to the method, a computer program is developed. In this program nonlinear constitutive relationships and strength criteria of concrete and steel bars are included, and the progressive cracking and crushing of the concrete are taken into account. Based on the stress distribution obtained by the nonlinear finite element analysis, the amount of reinforcement in the control sections can be computed and adjusted automatically by the program to satisfy the requirement of the design. The amount of reinforcement required in the control sections, which are obtained with the nonlinear finite element analysis, is agreeable to that obtained in the experiment. This shows that the design method of R. C. offshore platform with the nonlinear finite element method proposed by the authors is reliable for practical use.  相似文献   

具有裂纹损伤桩腿的海洋石油平台有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用有限元分析方法和断裂力学方法,将含裂纹构件的裂纹以线弹簧处理,建立了带有裂纹损伤桩腿的等效梁和管单元的单元刚度矩阵的计算方法。对检验方法的正确性,使用该方法对几种损伤构件进行了强度计算,并与有限元细化网格计算结果和实验结果进行比较,最后将等效单元计算程序接入大型有限元程序SuperSAP,对受损后的平台整体结构进行了应力计算和强度分析。  相似文献   

建立一类四阶色散耗散方程全离散有限体积元格式,并给出格式的收敛性和误差估计,同时还给出数值结果。  相似文献   

一种适用于网箱耐流特性有限元分析的网目群化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
养殖网箱耐流特性是网箱工程设计中的重要问题之一,探求对这一问题的数值解法在近几年得到了空前的重视。但是,由于深水抗风浪网箱箱体规模大,如果在有限元分析中单纯以网衣网目脚为单元进行数值计算,其计算量相当庞大。文中介绍1种可供网箱箱体有限元分析的网目群化方法,根据保持群化前后网衣水中重量和投影面积相等以保证网箱网衣总体水动力相同的原则,将若干个真实网目群化为1个虚拟的计算网目,以达到有效减少计算单元、提高运算效率和节省运算时间的目的。通过不同群化条件下数值例的计算结果与实验值的比较,验证网目群化方法的可行性。在一般条件下,8×8群化或6×6群化能够有效实现计算精度与计算效率的兼顾。  相似文献   

赵明  滕斌 《中国海洋工程》2004,18(2):267-280
The incompressible viscous uniform and shear flow past a circular cylinder is studied. The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved by a finite element method. The governing equations are discretized by a weighted residual method in space. The stable three-step scheme is applied to the momentum equations in the time integration. The numerical model is firstly applied to the computation of the lid-driven cavity flow for its validation. The computed results agree well with the measured data and other numerical results. Then, it is used to simulate the viscous uniform and shear flow over a circular cylinder for Reynolds numbers from lO0 to lO00. The transient time interval before the vortex shedding occurs is shortened considerably by introduction of artificial perturbation. The computed Strouhal number, drag and lift coefficients agree well with the experimental data. The computation shows that the finite element model can be successfully applied to the viscous flow problem.  相似文献   

本文从特征值问题出发 ,结合结构系统的有限单元模型并引入单元损伤因子 ,导出了求解单元损伤因子的方程 ,从而可以确定结构的损伤位置和损伤程度。利用简支梁进行了数值模拟 ,建立了简支梁的有限单元模型 ,用不同单元弹性模量的降低来模拟各种不同的损伤工况 ,并对每种工况进行了损伤位置和损伤程度识别 ,数值模拟结果同实际情况吻合很好。  相似文献   

自升式钻井平台插桩是地基土在桩靴荷载作用下发生连续的塑性破坏的动态过程,当地基极限承载力等于桩靴荷载时插桩完成。经典土力学极限承载力理论对土体潜在滑动面做了假设,无法有效分析土体内部的破坏过程。本研究应用有限元法(FEM )对插桩过程进行了模拟,得到地基土的破坏机制以及中间荷载下土体的应力、应变情况,通过和各理论公式计算的极限承载力进行对比分析,分析影响地基极限承载力的因素。研究表明,基础宽度与硬土层厚度的比值 B/H越大,下卧软土层越容易发生塑性破坏,极限承载力明显下降,当B/H<0.286时,可以忽略下卧软土层对地基承载力的影响。  相似文献   

利用最小二乘方法解决了2个有限元模型修正问题,对Kuo等学者提出的方法给出了改进。在不增加计算量的前提下,使计算过程更加简化,并用数值例子验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The plastic node method is reformulated by the variational principle and is applied to elasto-plastic finite element analysis of tubular joints, eventually including the effect of internal and external gussets, stiffener rings, etc., if necessary. Four different joints are studied here in detail for the elasto-plastic behavior, the strain at the hot spot, the strain concentration factor around the intersection line, and the propagation of the plastic region with loading up to collapse in order to determine the ultimate strength, safety factor, and development of the plastic field. The present results are in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Corrosion and fatigue cracks are major threats to the structural integrity of aging offshore platforms.For the rational estimation of the safety levels of aging platforms,a global reliability assessment approach for aging offshore platforms with corrosion and fatigue cracks is presented in this paper.The base shear capacity is taken as the global ultimate strength of the offshore plaffoms,it is modeled as a random process that decreases with time in the presence of corrosion and fatigue crack propagation.And the corrosion and fatigue crack growth rates in the main members and key joints are modeled as random variables.A simulation method of the extreme wave loads which are applied to the structures of offshore platforms is proposed too.Furthermore,the statistics of global base shear capacity and extreme wave loads are obtained by Monte Carlo simulation method.On the basis of the limit state equation of global failure mode,the instantaneous reliability and time dependent reliability assessment methods are both presented in this paper.Finally the instantaueous reliability index and time dependent failure probability of a jacket platform are estimated with different ages in the demonstration example.  相似文献   

二维各向异性介质中三分量波动方程有限元法模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用六面体单元和三线性插值函数 ,推导出在任意弹性各向异性介质中三维三分量波动方程所满足的有限元方程 ,同时给出也适用于矩形单元和双线性插值的二维三分量各向异性介质中的波动方程模拟的一般性公式 ,最后讨论两个数值模拟的结果。  相似文献   

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Ocean Cables   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This study has focused on developing numerical procedures for the dynamic nonlinear analysis of cable structures subjected to wave forces and ground motions in the ocean. A geometrically nonlinear finite element procedure using the isoparamnetrie curved cable element based on the Lagrangian folmulation is briefly summarized. A simple and accurate method to determine the initial equilibrium state of cable systems associated with self-weights, buoyancy and the motion of end points is presented using the load incremental method combined with penalty method. Also the Newmark method is used for dynamic nonlinear analysis of ocean cables. Numerical examples are presented to validate the present numerical method.  相似文献   

刘剑涛  李飒 《海洋工程》2015,33(6):90-94
近年来海上工程的规模越来越大,为了满足工程需要,桩基设计常常采用大直径,大长度的钢管桩。打桩过程是个相当复杂的过程,不仅涉及到几何非线性、材料非线性、边界非线性,而且是个动力过程。有限元法在处理打桩分析方面具有很强的优势,采用PLAXIS对不同条件下的打桩问题进行了动力模拟分析。分析显示在打桩过程中,桩端土体会产生较大的水平位移和竖向位移,桩端土体和靠近桩端的部分土塞内会产生较大的超孔隙水压力。在砂土中,停锤较短时间也会使孔压迅速消散,这也是打桩中间的停锤会造成后续打桩困难的主要原因。  相似文献   

Corrosion and fatigue cracks are major threats to the structural integrity of aging offshore platforms. For the rational estimation of the safety levels of aging platforms, a global reliability assessment approach for aging offshore platforms with corrosion and fatigue cracks is presented in this paper. The base shear capacity is taken as the global ultimate strength of the offshore platforms. It is modeled as a random process that decreases with time in the presence of corrosion and fatigue crack propagati...  相似文献   

Analysis of Collision Protection for Ocean and Offshore Structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 .Introduction Many accidents of ocean and offshore structuresinvolve impact loadings .Some famous ship colli-sion cases arethe Tj rn Bridge (Sweden) ,the West Bridge of the Great Belt Link (Denmark) andtheMaracaibo Bridge (Venezuela) . Most studies usedthe Hertzian contact law(Zukaset al .,1982) tocalculate the impact force and analyze structures subjectedtoimpact loadings .Other alternative meth-ods such as the spring-dashpot and momentumbalance methods utilizedthe coefficient of rest…  相似文献   

依据环境水文地质条件、污染源的状况和酚、氰化物对地下水长期污染状况,综合临淄地区现场资料对酚、氰化物的污染特性及迁移机理作初步研究。研究表明,淄河沿岸区和冲沟内砂砾石分布区是酚、氰化物进入地下水的主要通道,大气降水是促进酚、氰化物解吸迁移的主要因素。虽然目前研究区域内已无含酚、氰化物的污水直接排放,但吸附于较厚细颗粒包气带土层中的酚、氰化物还将在较长时间内存在并缓慢进入地下水中,其含量将会随时间的推移而呈减少趋势。  相似文献   

海洋平台复杂节点阴极保护电位分布的有限元法计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解阴极保护电位分布是合理设计阴极保护工程的必要条件和评价阴极保护效果的重要依据。本文应用有限元素法(FEM)计算海洋平台复杂节点表面的阴极保护电位分布。在实验室通过边界条件试验建立数学模型,计算海水中被保护的I,Y,K型复杂节点电位分布情况。计算结果与测量结果吻合得很好,说明FEM能够应用于海洋平台复杂节点阴极保护电位分布的计算,所获得的边界条件合理。  相似文献   

赵明  滕斌  谭丽 《中国海洋工程》2004,18(3):335-346
In this paper, a numerical model is established for estimating the wave forces on a submerged horizontal circular cylinder. For predicting the wave motion, a set of two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations is solved numerically with a finite element method. In order to track the moving non-linear wave surface boundary, the Navier-Stokes equations are discretized in a moving mesh system. After each computational time step, the mesh is modified according to the changed wave surface boundary. In order to stabilize the numerical procedure, a three-step finite element method is applied in the time integration. The water sloshing in a tank and wave propagation over a submerged bar are simulated for the first time to validate the present model. The computational results agree well with the analytical solution and the experimental data.Finally, the model is applied to the simulation of interaction between waves and a submerged horizontal circular cylinder.The effects of the KC number and the cylinder depth on the wave forces are studied.  相似文献   

高地下水位地区构筑地下建(构)筑物必须解决结构上浮问题,抵抗上拔荷载作用已成为地下工程建设中经常需要面临的问题。试验表明爆扩桩具有很好的抗浮能力,其成桩施工工艺方面的研究也比较完善,但是对爆扩桩的承载机理的研究很少,通过运用NCAP-1有限元计算程序,分析总结爆扩桩的抗拔承载机理。  相似文献   

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