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重力和重力梯度数据三维相关成像   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了重力异常三维相关成像方法和重力梯度数据三维相关成像方法,并提出了基于异常分离的三维相关成像方法来提高成像分辨率.通过合成Y型岩脉模型和合成多个直立长方体组合模型的重力异常和重力梯度数据试验分析,验证了本文三维相关成像方法可显示出异常地质体的空间赋存状态和等效剩余质量分布,具有良好的纵向和横向分辨率.  相似文献   

张永志  李辉 《地震》2002,22(2):35-41
简要介绍了为探索和解释地震前后重力变化的各种孕震模式,推导了由孕震引起的密度变化和位移与地面重力位、重力、重力梯度之间的变化关系。摸拟计算了孕震位移和密度变化引起的重力位、重力、重力梯度变化的空间分布并分析了重力位、重力、重力梯度变化的空间分布特征。与此同时,采用广义司托克斯云积分和有限差分方法对云南丽江7. 0级地震前重力位、重力、重力水平梯度进行了计算。结果表明,强震前重力位、重力、重力梯度有其自身的变化特征,这对预测强震有实际意义。  相似文献   

A new method for near-topographic correction in gravity surveys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper is concerned with the problems of topographic reduction in gravity prospecting. Particular emphasis is placed on topographic conditions frequently encountered in mountainous areas such as in the Alps. New master curves are developed for several cases in which steep walls followed by inclined planes are located near the gravity sites. The computation methods are outlined and the precision as well as the rapidity are tested for various cases.Contribution No. 301. Institute of Geophysics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

When anomalous gravity gradient signals provide a large signal‐to‐noise ratio, airborne and marine surveys can be considered with wide line spacing. In these cases, spatial resolution and sampling requirements become the limiting factors for specifying the line spacing, rather than anomaly detectability. This situation is analysed by generating known signals from a geological model and then sub‐sampling them using a simulated airborne gravity gradient survey with a line spacing much wider than the characteristic anomaly size. The data are processed using an equivalent source inversion, which is used subsequently to predict and grid the field in‐between the survey lines by means of forward calculations. Spatial and spectral error analysis is used to quantify the accuracy and resolution of the processed data and the advantages of acquiring multiple gravity gradient components are demonstrated. With measurements of the full tensor along survey lines spaced at 4 × 4 km, it is shown that the vertical gravity gradient can be reconstructed accurately over a bandwidth of 2 km with spatial root‐mean square errors less than 30%. A real airborne full‐tensor gravity gradient survey is presented to confirm the synthetic analysis in a practical situation.  相似文献   




边界识别是重力资料解释中的一项重要任务.随着重力梯度测量技术的迅速发展,重力梯度张量数据在边界识别中的应用越来越广泛.本文重点研究了随着深度的增加,边界识别能力下降,正负异常中出现假边缘的问题.另外,有些边缘检测方法对走向不同的地质体识别能力有所差异.本文对基于重力梯度张量的水平方向Theta法进行改进,通过选择合适的...  相似文献   

由于卫星重力梯度观测的有色噪声特性和海量观测特征,在利用直接法进行重力场模型的最小二乘求解时,观测值的协方差阵为超大型的非对角阵,这给数值求解带来了极大困难.本文提出了一种基于先验误差功率谱密度的最优ARMA滤波模型构建方法,结合法方程的分块求解策略,可实现对卫星重力梯度观测值的高效滤波处理.数值仿真结果表明,利用最优ARMA滤波器进行时域滤波后,法方程的态性得到了明显改善,重力梯度观测值中的有色噪声得到了有效的\"白化\"处理,大地水准面精度得到了显著提升.  相似文献   

The gravity field of the earth is a natural element of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). Gravity field quantities are like spatial geodetic observations of potential very high accuracy, with measurements, currently at part-per-billion (ppb) accuracy, but gravity field quantities are also unique as they can be globally represented by harmonic functions (long-wavelength geopotential model primarily from satellite gravity field missions), or based on point sampling (airborne and in situ absolute and superconducting gravimetry). From a GGOS global perspective, one of the main challenges is to ensure the consistency of the global and regional geopotential and geoid models, and the temporal changes of the gravity field at large spatial scales. The International Gravity Field Service, an umbrella “level-2” IAG service (incorporating the International Gravity Bureau, International Geoid Service, International Center for Earth Tides, International Center for Global Earth models, and other future new services for, e.g., digital terrain models), would be a natural key element contributing to GGOS. Major parts of the work of the services would, however, remain complementary to the GGOS contributions, which focus on the long-wavelength components of the geopotential and its temporal variations, the consistent procedures for regional data processing in a unified vertical datum and Terrestrial Reference Frame, and the ensuring validations of long-wavelength gravity field data products.  相似文献   

基于Delaunay剖分的二维非规则重力建模及重力计算   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对计算截面为任意形状的非均匀密度二度体的重力问题,提出了二维情况下的非规则重力建模方法,即利用二维Delaunay剖分方法,将其截面分割为若干三角形,将该二度体分解成为若干三角棱柱的组合;通过求取变密度的三角棱柱体的重力异常,并将其累加,最后得出了截面为任意形状的水平无限延伸的二度体的重力计算公式.以千米桥油田的一条实测重力剖面为例,用该方法进行了反演计算,并将反演结果与常规方法做了分析比较,进行了相应的分析和讨论.  相似文献   

本文利用三个高阶重力场模型LP150Q、GLGM-3和SGM150j以及嫦娥地形模型CLTM-s01,在频率域内使用固定窗口的方法,研究了不同重力场模型的重力/地形局部导纳谱与局部相关谱的全球分布,以及典型质量瘤盆地重力/地形局部导纳谱与局部相关谱分布的特征.结果表明:加入远月面重力场信息有助于增强重力场模型在中高频段的信号强度;三个重力场模型LP150Q、GLGM-3和SGM150j均适合于作近月面重力/地形局部导纳与局部相关性的分析和近月面地球物理参数的估计;重力场模型LP150Q和GLGM-3较适合作远月面大范围的研究,不适合于作远月面重力/地形局部导纳谱与局部相关谱的分析以及作远月面局部区域地球物理参数的估计,SGM150j较适合于作远月面局部区域地球物理参数的估计;近月面大型质量瘤盆地异常质量的尺度比远月面质量瘤盆地异常质量的大,而深度也比远月面的深.  相似文献   

本文利用澳大利亚北领地West Arnhem Land 地区实测重力异常数据并联合DEM(9")和SRTM3(3")地形高程数据,使用移去-恢复技术和Stokes积分方法计算了该地区两条剖面的重力梯度及其功率谱密度,使用FFT方法解算了整个地区的重力梯度值,结果证明了联合重力异常数据和高分辨率地形高程数据能有效地提高重力梯度的解算精度;功率谱密度的计算结果与国外成熟的重力梯度功率谱密度模型相吻合,表明高于0.3 Hz频率范围的功率谱密度可看做噪声,为重力梯度数据处理中噪声的辨别和剔除提供了借鉴,另外对重力梯度辅助导航基准图的构建以及重力梯度测量系统的标定提供了有益的探索.  相似文献   

GOCE引力梯度的频谱分析及滤波   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
GOCE卫星提供的梯度数据含有非常大的低频误差,如何处理这种误差是GOCE数据处理中最为关键的工作之一.本文根据GOCE卫星的运行情况,首先分析了梯度数据的频率特性,推导了频率与阶次的对应关系;并在此之上,介绍了针对低频误差的滤波方法,即移去恢复和向前向后滤波方法,前者可解决滤波中的低频信号损失问题,后者则主要解决了滤波中的相位漂移问题.最终结果表明:引力梯度的时间频谱与球谐展开中的阶次虽不是一一对应的,但各阶所对应的最大截止频率与阶次却有一定的显式表达.同时也表明,本文所采用的滤波方法是有效的,达到了消除低频误差但保留观测频段信号的目的.  相似文献   

In glaciated areas, the Earth is responding to the ongoing changes of the ice sheets, a response known as glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). GIA can be investigated through observations of gravity change. For the ongoing assessment of the ice sheets mass balance, where satellite data are used, the study of GIA is important since it acts as an error source. GIA consists of three signals as seen by a gravimeter on the surface of the Earth. These signals are investigated in this study. The ICE-5G ice history and recently developed ice models of present day changes are used to model the gravity change in Greenland. The result is compared with the initial measurements of absolute gravity (AG) change at selected Greenland Network (GNET) sites.We find that observations are highly influenced by the direct attraction from the ice and ocean. This is especially evident in the measurements conducted at the GNET station near the Helheim Glacier. The effect of the direct attraction diminishes at sites that are more than one degree from the source. Here, the dominant signal is the effect of the elastic signal from present day ice mass changes. We find agreement between the measured and modelled gravity changes at all but one site. This agreement only holds when the direct attraction is considered. For one site, there is no agreement, indicating that some improvements to the modelling results or the processing of the gravity data are needed. In addition, more AG measurements are needed to strengthen the time series of gravity change.  相似文献   

This study investigates data-processing methods and examines the precipitation effect on gravity measurements at the Dali gravity network, established in 2005. High-quality gravity data were collected during four measurement campaigns. To use the gravity data validly, some geophysical corrections must be considered carefully. We first discuss data-processing methods using weighted leastsquares adjustment with the constraint of the absolute gravity datum. Results indicate that the gravity precision can be improved if all absolute gravity data are used as constraints and if calibration functions of relative gravimeters are modeled within the observation function. Using this data-processing scheme, the mean point gravity precision is better than 12 lgal. After determining the best data-processing scheme, we then process the gravity data obtained in the four measurement campaigns, and obtain gravity changes in three time periods. Results show that the gravity has a remarkable change of more than 50 lgal in the first time period from Apr–May of 2005 to Aug–Sept of 2007. To interpret the large gravity change, a mean water mass change(0.6 m in height) is assumed in the ETOPO1 topographic model. Calculations of the precipitation effect on gravity show that it can reach the same order of the observed gravity change. It is regarded as a main source of the remarkable gravity change in the Dali gravity network, suggesting that the precipitation effect on gravity measurements must be considered carefully.  相似文献   

This study investigates data-processing methods and examines the precipitation effect on gravity measurements at the Dali gravity network, established in 2005. High-quality gravity data were collected during four measurement campaigns. To use the gravity data validly, some geophysical corrections must be considered carefully. We first discuss data-processing methods using weighted least-squares adjustment with the constraint of the absolute gravity datum. Results indicate that the gravity precision can be improved if all absolute gravity data are used as constraints and if calibration functions of relative gravimeters are modeled within the observation function. Using this data-processing scheme, the mean point gravity precision is better than 12 μgal. After determining the best data-processing scheme, we then process the gravity data obtained in the four measurement campaigns, and obtain gravity changes in three time periods. Results show that the gravity has a remarkable change of more than 50 μgal in the first time period from Apr–May of 2005 to Aug–Sept of 2007. To interpret the large gravity change, a mean water mass change (0.6 m in height) is assumed in the ETOPO1 topographic model. Calculations of the precipitation effect on gravity show that it can reach the same order of the observed gravity change. It is regarded as a main source of the remarkable gravity change in the Dali gravity network, suggesting that the precipitation effect on gravity measurements must be considered carefully.  相似文献   

Five years of global temperatures retrieved from radio occultations measured by Champ (Challenging Minisatellite Payload) and SAC-C (Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas-C) are analyzed for gravity waves (GWs). In order to separate GWs from other atmospheric variations, a high-pass filter was applied on the vertical profile. Resulting temperature fluctuations correspond to vertical wavelengths between 400 m (instrumental resolution) and 10 km (limit of the high-pass filter). The temperature fluctuations can be converted into GW potential energy, but for comparison with parameterization schemes GW momentum flux is required. We therefore used representative values for the vertical and horizontal wavelength to infer GW momentum flux from the GPS measurements. The vertical wavelength value is determined by high-pass filtering, the horizontal wavelength is adopted from a latitude-dependent climatology. The obtained momentum flux distributions agree well, both in global distribution and in absolute values, with simulations using the Warner and McIntyre parameterization (WM) scheme. However, discrepancies are found in the annual cycle. Online simulations, implementing the WM scheme in the mechanistic COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere—Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) general circulation model (GCM), do not converge, demonstrating that a good representation of GWs in a GCM requires both a realistic launch distribution and an adequate representation of GW breaking and momentum transfer.  相似文献   

Either the magnetic anomaly or the horizontal gradient of gravity, if plotted against its Hilbert transform and then joined by a smooth curve, the relation figure is obtained. Properties of relation figures for some two-dimensional sources of simple geometry are shown to be useful in distinguishing the source geometry and also in estimating the source parameters, even in the presence of remanence.  相似文献   

旋转加速度计重力梯度仪原理及其应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
简要介绍了美国Bell宇航分公司旋转加速度计重力梯度仪、重力梯度仪测量原理、重力梯度测量系统及国内的研究现状,并对重力梯度仪及其测量系统的应用情况也作用了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

This paper examines in terms of seismic performance, the effectiveness of anchor reinforcement against gravity retaining walls used to stabilize a dry homogenous fill slope in earthquake-prone environment. Both analyzed stabilizing measures have the same design yield acceleration estimated from a limit equilibrium approach. The earthquake-induced displacements are calculated using a sliding block formulation of the equation of motion. Sliding failure along the base of the gravity retaining wall and rotational failure of the soil active wedge behind the wall, as well as rotational failure of the slide mass of the anchor-reinforced slope were considered in the present formulation. For the specific characteristics of the analyzed fill slope and input horizontal ground motion, the slope reinforced with anchors appears to experience vertical and horizontal seismic displacements at slope crest smaller by 12% and respectively, 32% than the vertical and horizontal earthquake-induced deformations estimated at the top of the active wedge behind the gravity retaining wall.  相似文献   

龙门山及邻区重、磁异常特征及与地震关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过研究龙门山构造带及邻区的区域重、磁场特征,以及龙门山断裂带的产状等特征,探讨其与地震关系.研究结果表明,龙门山断裂带是环绕青藏高原的重力梯度带的一部分.其对应密度分界面向西北方向倾斜,向下延深数十公里,切穿莫霍面.推测密度分界面分为两段,深部较陡的为岩石圈块体的边界,浅部较缓.基底隆起与凹陷的界线大体与大地构造单元的界线一致.由西部的岩石圈块体的边界至东部在地表的大地构造单元界线之间的距离约为40~50 km.隶属于中上地壳脆性变形层的地质体由岩石圈块体界线沿缓倾的密度界面推覆至地表的大地构造单元的界线处,在此过程中伴随岩层破碎,从而发生地震.龙门山构造带主要部分位于负磁异常区,这种反磁化和退磁的现象,可能与逆冲推覆作用所引起的深部岩层倒转有关.  相似文献   

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