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The concept of stratigraphic base level, or the ratio between accommodation and sediment supply (A/S ratio), has been used to analyse the Rusty and Canyon Creek Members of the Campanian Ericson Sandstone in the Rock Springs Uplift, SW Wyoming, USA. The Ericson Sandstone was deposited under fluvial to estuarine conditions in a foreland basin setting influenced both by Sevier-style (thrust belt) tectonism and by more local, Laramide-style, foreland uplifts. The depositional setting was situated several tens to a few hundred kilometres from the nearest shoreline. Therefore, sea level change at the contemporaneous shoreline probably had little, if any, influence on the development of the sedimentary architecture. The Rusty Member shows an alternation between incised valleys filled by multi-storey estuarine channel sandstones showing palaeoflow to the south and delta plain sediments with single-storey channels with no evidence of tidal influence, which show palaeoflow to the east. This cyclicity is interpreted as recording repeated uplift of the Wind River Range to the north, causing valley incision and reduction of the A/S ratio. During quiescent periods, the A/S ratio increased allowing the valleys to fill and delta plain conditions to be subsequently re-established because of increased sediment supply from the thrust belt in the west. A regional unconformity at the base of the Canyon Creek Member truncates the Rusty Member, and represents a significant reduction of the A/S ratio caused by Laramide tectonic uplift. The Canyon Creek Member is a multi-storey, multi-lateral fluvial channel sandstone, where channel preservation and thickness increase upwards, suggesting an increase of the A/S ratio. The Canyon Creek Member channels are interpreted to have been sinuous, meandering channels from the observed sedimentary structures and fill patterns, despite their sand-rich nature. It is argued that grain size is a poor indicator of channel planform, and that there was very low preservation potential for fine material because of a relatively low A/S ratio. The top of the Canyon Creek Member is a regionally correlative surface marking an abrupt increase of the A/S ratio. This surface is termed an expansion surface, denoting an abrupt increase in accommodation. The overlying Almond Formation shows a single-storey alluvial architecture with a very high preservation of fine-grained material. An assumed correspondence in time of the Late Absaroka thrust phase in the Sevier belt to the west and the formation of the sharp top of the Canyon Creek Member suggests that the thrust phase caused a basin-wide abrupt increase of subsidence that changed the alluvial architecture. As an alternative to sequence stratigraphic nomenclature defined for strata controlled by shoreline movements, a scheme relating systems tracts and surfaces to changes in stratigraphic base level is proposed. Such a scheme is useful where correlations to shoreline strata are ambiguous or cannot be made, or where tectonics and climate are important controls.  相似文献   

Although the fossil record of plant macro- and mesofossils, including fossil charcoal, is patchy geographically and temporally, such remains play an important role for the interpretation of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic developments in the continental realm. In Egypt, previous palynological studies on the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) deposits suggested presence of lush subtropical forests, dominated by angiosperms and pteridophytes, which developed under warm and wet climatic conditions. In the present study, the occurrence of paleo-wildfires during the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) is presented for the first time, based on samples from a surface exposure in the vicinity of the Baris Oasis, south Western Desert, Egypt. Macroscopic charcoal was collected and subsequently analyzed under a stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The charred wood remains were identified as belonging to gymnosperms, which were important components of the North African paleoflora during the Cretaceous. These charcoal remains represent the first verified occurrence of paleo-wildfires in Africa during the Campanian.  相似文献   

Clearly defined distal tephras are rare in rockshelter sediment records. Crvena Stijena, a Palaeolithic site in Montenegro, contains one of the longest (> 20 m) rockshelter sediment records in Europe with deposits ranging in age from Middle Pleistocene to mid-Holocene. A distinctive tephra is clearly exposed within the well stratified record approximately 6.5 m below the present land surface. We present geochemical data to confirm that this tephra is a distal equivalent of the Campanian Ignimbrite deposits and a product of the largest Late Pleistocene eruption in Europe. Originating in the Campanian volcanic province of southwest Italy, this tephra has been independently dated to 39.3 ka. It is a highly significant chronostratigraphic marker for southern Europe. Macrostratigraphic and microstratigraphic observations, allied with detailed particle size data, show that the tephra layer is in a primary depositional context and was transported into the rockshelter by aeolian processes. This site is unique because the tephra forms an abrupt boundary between the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic records. Before they can be used as chronostratigraphic markers in rockshelter and cave-mouth environments, it is essential to establish the stratigraphic integrity of distal tephras and the mechanisms and pathways involved in their transport and deposition.  相似文献   

The Campanian of the eastern Koppeh-Dagh Basin (NE Iran) is generally considered to be represented by the upper part of the Abderaz and the Abtalkh formations. The Abtalkh Formation, which is studied here, reaches thicknesses of up to 1750 m in the area. The formation is characterized by abundant, diverse, and poor to moderately well preserved calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Tethyan affinity. The assemblages were studied in detail in two sections in eastern Koppeh-Dagh, allowing construction of a precise biozonation for this stage. The Abtalkh Formation at sections in Abtalkh village and Padeha spans biozones CC20 to CC23a (UC15bTP to UC16). The results of this study indicate a late early to late Campanian age for the formation in the area. The most complete Campanian sequence is in the southeast, where the Padeha section is located. Nannofossil abundance and diversity decreases upwards, showing a trend from the base to top of the formation. Dominance of warm water taxa, and low abundance of high latitude taxa, confirm placement of the basin in low to mid palaeolatitudes during deposition of the formation.  相似文献   

Saltasaurine titanosaurs are characterized by their relatively small size compared to other sauropods, extreme postcranial pneumaticity, and dermal armour covering the body. This group has been reported in the Upper Cretaceous of the Lecho, Allen, and Anacleto formations of Argentina. We describe here a new saltasaurine specimen (MACN-Pv RN 233) from the Campanian of the Angostura Colorada Formation (Río Negro Province) that is represented by eight caudal vertebrae and six osteoderms. This specimen is described in detail and its phylogenetic relationships with the other three known saltasaurines, as well as its implications to the knowledge of caudal vertebra and osteoderm anatomy, are discussed. Our results place MACN-Pv RN 233 more closely related to Saltasaurus loricatus and Rocasaurus muniozi than to Neuquensaurus australis. MACN-Pv RN 233 possesses a combination of features that differ from other saltasaurines, but because of the fragmentary nature of the specimen we decided for the sake of taxonomic stability to not erect a new taxon. This specimen shows the first unambiguous evidence of chevron pneumatisation for a sauropodomorph, implying a broader osteological invasion of the diverticula from the abdominal air sac than previously thought for this group of dinosaurs. MACN-Pv RN 233 preserves two osteoderm morphotypes, one similar to those reported for Neuquensaurus australis and Saltasaurus loricatus. This new specimen expands the distribution of the group to a new geological unit and increases the dinosaur diversity known for the Angostura Colorada Formation.  相似文献   

The presence of an independently dated marker in an archaeological site offers rare opportunities for assessing the reliability of radiocarbon dates, especially when these are close to the age limit of the technique. Two different pretreatment protocols (routine ABA and more rigorous ABOx-SC) were employed in the chemical preparation of the same charcoal sample from a layer closely associated to the Campanian Ignimbrite tephra at the Russian Palaeolithic site of Kostenki 14 (Markina Gora). The ABA-treated fraction gave an age of ∼33 14C ka BP, comparable to a previous determination from the same layer, whereas the ABOx-SC produced an older age of ∼35 14C ka BP. This is the first radiocarbon determination of an archaeological sample to provide an age consistent with the “calendar” age for the CI tephra marker.  相似文献   

The Mesaverde Group consists of a thick wedge of fluvial, littoral-deltaic and shallow marine clastics shed into the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America. The western parts of the seaway lay within the strongly subsiding foredeep of the active Sevier fold and thrust belt further to the west. The study area is located east of the axis of maximum subsidence and is thus in a favourable position to record competing effects of eustasy, sediment supply and thrust-load induced subsidence. Facies and sequence analysis carried out on high quality outcrop and well log data led to the recognition of a complex depositional cycle hierarchy within the typical storm- and wave-dominated inner shelf/shoreface/strand plain and delta systems of the Mesaverde. Fourth-order parasequences and parasequence bundles of estimated 100–400 ka duration are the best recognizable, ubiquitous and most useful stratigraphic units. Their arrangement with respect to sequence boundaries, however, varies with their overall stratigraphic position and also differs from the Exxon models. Mesaverde progradation was interrupted by a major transgression that occurred out of phase with the aggradational to progradational stacking trend of third-order sequences. A proposed genetic model relates large-scale (second-order) sequence architecture to tectonics: a Sevier thrust event as well as Laramide uplift within the foredeep controlled non-linear changes in the accommodation/supply ratio. Parasequence stacking patterns and sequence boundary formation, in contrast, were the product of (global?) eustasy enhanced by short-term, perhaps local, changes in the rates of subsidence and detrital influx.  相似文献   

The siderolitids from the uppermost Campanian and Maastrichtian deposits of the Pyrenees have been re-studied. This has revealed a high diversity and rapid replacement of taxa, confirming the group as a good tool for high resolution biostratigraphy. Two genera have been found in the uppermost Campanian–Maastrichtian interval in the Pyrenean deposits: Siderolites Lamarck, and Wannierina Robles-Salcedo. Siderolites, with canaliferous spines or denticulate periphery, is represented by four species replacing each other from the latest Campanian to Maastrichtian: Siderolites praecalcitrapoides (latest Campanian), S. pyrenaicus sp. nov. (early Maastrichtian), Siderolites calcitrapoides (late Maastrichtian) and Siderolites denticulatus (late Maastrichtian). Wannierina is characterised by well-developed keels and ramified marginal canals. Two species of Wannierina have been identified and they succeeded one another from latest Campanian to early Maastrichtian: Wannierina vilavellensis sp. nov. (latest Campanian) and Wannierina cataluniensis (early Maastrichtian). The species of the genus Siderolites inhabited shallow waters of tropical to subtropical platforms with moderate-to-high water-energy conditions and those of the genus Wannierina are typical of deep–water low-energy environments but still in the eutrophic zone.  相似文献   

Examples of the three volcanic rock types, wyomingite, orendite and madupite from the Leucite Hills have been examined with the electron microprobe. The results show that leucite is non-stoichiometric as predicted byCross (1897), having an excess of potassium and silicon, and that the only feldspar found, a sanidine, contains up to 18 percent of the iron-feldspar molecule. The co-existing phlogopite, diopside and olivine together with the groundmass amphibole are all highly magnesian. Of the varied accessory minerals, priderite (K2Ti8O16) and wadeite (K4Zr2Si6O18) have been identified and analyzed together with ubiquitous apatite and perovskite, both of which contain rare earths in abundance. Comparative mineralogical data has been obtained on a few representative specimens from West Australia and on the jumillite from Spain.The new rock analyses together with the existing data from the Leucite Hills show the rare but characteristic molecular excess of potassium over aluminium; this excess is considered to account for the ahsence of the iron-titanium oxides in the orendites and wyomingites, and of course for the unusual composition and species of the minerals. Exploratory melting experiments show that these potassic lavas have a comparable melting range to magnesian basalts, and a crustal origin is thereby considered precluded. There is no evidence that sialic contamination contributed notably to the composition of the oversaturated orendites and wyomingites, and their relationship by any process of crystal fractionation to the undersaturated madupite is obscure. The generation of madupite could be achieved by crystal fractionation at high pressure of a liquid derived by partial fusion of mantle material.  相似文献   

The terrestrial lizard fossil record of Gondwana is very scarce. Few lizards, from mostly fragmentary fossils, have been identified in Madagascar, Tanzania, Morocco, South Africa, India and South America. Among the South American specimens there are basal Squamata forms (Olindalacerta and Tijubina) and a possible iguanid (Pristiguana) form Brazil. In Argentina gondwanian terrestrial lizards are represented by a putative iguanid and a small, poorly preserved dentary. This last specimen, recovered from the Anacleto Formation (Neuquén Group, Río Colorado Subgroup) in vicinity of the locality of Cinco Saltos (Río Negro Province), is here described formally. Comparisons with extant lizards indicate more affinity of the fossil with the Scincomorpha (non Scincophidia) than with any other group of lizards. This finding suggests that lizards were probably better represented and more diverse in the Mesozoic of South America than previously thought, although the fossil record is, at the moment, much poorer than in Laurasia.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2012,33(6):781-785
The terrestrial lizard fossil record of Gondwana is very scarce. Few lizards, from mostly fragmentary fossils, have been identified in Madagascar, Tanzania, Morocco, South Africa, India and South America. Among the South American specimens there are basal Squamata forms (Olindalacerta and Tijubina) and a possible iguanid (Pristiguana) form Brazil. In Argentina gondwanian terrestrial lizards are represented by a putative iguanid and a small, poorly preserved dentary. This last specimen, recovered from the Anacleto Formation (Neuquén Group, Río Colorado Subgroup) in vicinity of the locality of Cinco Saltos (Río Negro Province), is here described formally. Comparisons with extant lizards indicate more affinity of the fossil with the Scincomorpha (non Scincophidia) than with any other group of lizards. This finding suggests that lizards were probably better represented and more diverse in the Mesozoic of South America than previously thought, although the fossil record is, at the moment, much poorer than in Laurasia.  相似文献   

Fourteen microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) have been described from the middle part of the Jodhpur Sandstone. They have been subdivided under three headings; (A) those microbially induced structures which could be compared with the structures also produced by the inorganic processes, (B) those structures which have unique morphologies and could not have produced by inorganic processes alone and (C) those structures which could not acquire specific morphologies and can be referred to as ‘textured morphological surfaces’ in the sense of Gehling and Droser (2009). These forms are described and their stratigraphic significance discussed. There are some morphologies like Arumberia banksi, Rameshia rampurensis and Jodhpuria circularis which have been restricted to latest Neoproterozoic sediments.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocities of the lithospheric structure to 73 km depth have been defined along three profiles crossing the Campanian Plain (Southern Italy) from the simultaneous non linear inversion of the local and regional dispersion data. The former consist of group velocity dispersion data obtained from some seismic events which occurred at the borders of the Campanian Plain and recorded at Napoli, and the latter of group and phase dispersion data obtained in previous studies. The main features of the representative VS models are a carbonate basement deepening to ~5 km in the central part of the Plain and a low velocity zone at a depth of ~15 km, rising to 7 km in the southern part, close to Somma-Vesuvio. The low velocity layer can be correlated with that found at ~10 km of depth below Campi Flegrei and the Neapolitan area, and at 5 km below the Somma-Vesuvio caldera area. Such regional velocity reduction can be associated to the presence of a zone with less than 5% partial melting that can be interpreted as magmatic reservoir of the Campanian volcanism.  相似文献   

A new jaw from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) Otter Sandstone Formation of Devon confirms the existence of a derived archosaur (avesuchian). Numerous isolated teeth and vertebrae had already suggested the presence of archosaurs in the Otter Sandstone Formation, presumed predators on the fauna of temnospondyls, procolophonids, and rhynchosaurs, but the new fossil is the first to show some diagnostic characters. Other elements in the same block as the jaw, but not necessarily from the same animal, include a possible skull or pelvic bone, a slender long bone, a small tooth (perhaps prolacertiform), and two presumed archosaur dermal scutes. An additional scute is present, as well as the probable distal end of a pubis, perhaps from a large poposauroid archosaur like the Anisian-age Bromsgroveia or Arizonasaurus. The jaw and pubis represent animals of very different sizes, some 0.8 m and 3 m long in estimated body length respectively.  相似文献   

A fragmentary ichthyosaur specimen collected in situ at Castle Top Quarry in Nettleton, Lincolnshire, UK from exposures of the Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) Spilsby Sandstone Formation (Subcraspedites ?preplicomphalus Zone) is reported. In general, Early Cretaceous ichthyosaurs from the Berriasian to Barremian are poorly understood. Despite the fragmentary nature of the described specimen, it is the first ichthyosaur reported from this specific zone and adds to the literature another rare ichthyosaur from the Berriasian.  相似文献   

The water-undersaturated melting relationships of a mafic, peralkaline, potassic madupite (with about 3% H2O as shown by chemical analysis) from the Leucite Hills, Wyoming, have been studied at pressures up to 30 kb. At low pressures (<5 kb) leucite is the dominant liquidus phase, but it is replaced at higher pressures by clinopyroxene plus olivine (<5–7 kb), clinopyroxene (7–12.5 kb), clinopyroxene plus minor spinel (12.5–17.5 kb), and clinopyroxene alone (17.5–> 30 kb). At all pressures there is a reaction relationship with falling temperature between melt, olivine and probably clinopyroxene to yield phlogopite. Apatite is stable within the melting interval to pressures above 25 kb. Electron microprobe analyses demonstrate that the clinopyroxene is diopsidic, with low aluminium and titanium contents. Pressure has relatively little effect on the composition of the pyroxene. Phlogopite is also aluminium-poor and has only a moderate titanium content. The experimental results indicate that madupite is not the partial melting product of hydrous lherzolite or garnet lherzolite in the upper mantle and it seems improbable that it is derived by melting of mantle peridotite with a mixed H2O-CO2 volatile component. Madupite could, however, be the partial melting product of mica-pyroxenite or mica-olivine-pyroxenite in the upper mantle. It is pointed out that the chemistry of some potassium-rich volcanics may have been affected by volatile transfer and other such processes during eruption and that experimental studies of material affected in this way have little bearing upon the genesis of potassic magmas. Finally, the experimental results enable constraints to be placed upon the P-T conditions of the formation of richterite-bearing mica nodules found in kimberlites and associated rocks. Maximum conditions are 25 kb and 1,100 ° C.  相似文献   

Pachycephalosaurs, a group of ornithischian dinosaurs with distinctive cranial ornamentation and skull domes, underwent dramatic changes in cranial morphology during ontogeny. This has caused debate about whether some specimens belong to juveniles or adults, which impacts studies of pachycephalosaur phylogeny and evolution. One such debate concerns a small skull roof specimen from the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of New Mexico, NMMNH P-33898, which was originally described as an indeterminate juvenile but later regarded as a mature adult and erected as the holotype of a new small-bodied species, Stegoceras novomexicanum. We restudied NMMNH P-33898 using computed tomography scanning, morphometric and phylogenetic analyses, and comparisons to growth series of other pachycephalosaurs (Stegoceras validum, Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis). We conclude that two purported paratype specimens of Stegoceras novomexicanum cannot be referred to the same taxon as the holotype, that the holotype and controversial paratypes all belong to immature specimens and not aberrant small-bodied adults, but that current evidence cannot clearly determine whether NMMNH P-33898 is a juvenile belonging to its own diagnostic species (S. novomexicanum) or is a juvenile of Stegoceras validum, Sphaerotholus goodwini, or another known taxon. We review the pachycephalosaur record of New Mexico and demonstrate that pachycephalosaurs were important components of dinosaur faunas in the southern part of Western North America during the ∼15 million years before the end-Cretaceous extinction, just as they were in roughly contemporaneous northern localities.  相似文献   

Exsolved augite pyroxenes from the ferromonzonite border facies of the ferrosyenite in the Laramie Anorthosite Complex have been studied with the transmission electron microscope and the electron microprobe to determine their exsolution histories. The Lindsley and Andersen (1983) geothermometer gives initial crystallization temperatures of 1000° C for the bulk augite crystal (Wo32 En22 Fs46). Exsolved lamellae are predominantly pigeonites with very low calcium contents (Wo1–3 En23–24 Fs71–74) and have formation temperatures estimated to be in the range of 600 to 975° C. The uniform compositions of lamellae and hosts, despite the range in lamellar size and orientation, suggest that either 1) the ferromonzonite experienced an extended plateau in cooling or a reheating event at 600 to 650° C or 2) the pyroxenes recorded a blocking temperature. Two-feldspar geothermometry on exsolved feldspars also records 600° C and suggests that these low temperatures are not blocking temperatures.  相似文献   

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