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This paper summarises the results of combined structural and geomorphological investigations we carried out in two key areas, in order to obtain new data on the structure and evolution of the Tyrrhenian slope of the southern Apennines. Analysis by a stress inversion method [Angelier, J., 1994. Fault slip analysis and paleostress reconstruction. In: Continental Deformation. P.L. Hancock Ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 53–100] of fault slip data from Mesozoic to Quaternary formations allowed the reconstruction of states of stress at different time intervals. By integrating these data with those deriving from the stratigraphic and morphotectonic records, chronology and timing of the sequence of the deformation events was obtained.The tectonic history of the region can be related to four deformation events. Structures related to the first event, that was dominated by a strike-slip regime with a NW–SE oriented σ1 and was active since Mid–Late Miocene, do not significantly affect the present day landscape, as they were strongly displaced and overprinted by subsequent deformation events and/or deleted by erosion. The second and third events, that may be considered as the main responsible for the morphostructural signature of the region, are comparable with the stretching phases recognised offshore and considered to be responsible for the opening and widening of the Tyrrhenian basin. In particular, the second event (with an E–W oriented σ3), took place in the Late Miocene/earliest Pliocene and was first dominated by a strike-slip regime, that was also responsible for thrusting and folding. Since Late Pliocene, it was dominated by an extensional regime that created large vertical offsets along N–S to NW–SE trending faults. The third event, that was dominated by extension with a NW–SE oriented σ3, started in the Early Pleistocene and was responsible for formation of the horst-and-graben structure with NE–SW trend that characterises the Tyrrhenian margin of the southern Apennines. The fourth deformation event, which is characterised by an extensional regime with a NE–SW trending σ3, started in the late Middle Pleistocene and is currently active.  相似文献   

Intrastratal shrinkage (often termed ‘synaeresis’) cracks are commonly employed as diagnostic environmental indicators for ancient salinity‐stressed, transitional fluvial‐marine or marginal‐marine depositional environments. Despite their abundance and use in facies interpretations, the mechanism of synaeresis crack formation remains controversial, and widely accepted explanations for their formation have hitherto been lacking. Sedimentological, ichnological, petrographic and geochemical study of shallow marine mudstone beds from the Ordovician Beach Formation of Bell Island, Newfoundland, has revealed that crack development (cf. synaeresis cracks) on the upper surface of mudstone beds is correlated with specific organic, geochemical and sedimentological parameters. Contorted, sinuous, sand‐filled cracks are common at contacts between unbioturbated mudstone and overlying sandstone beds. Cracks are absent in highly bioturbated mudstone, and are considered to pre‐date firmground assemblages of trace fossils that include Planolites and Trichophycus. The tops of cracked mudstone beds contain up to 2·1 wt% total organic carbon, relative to underlying mudstone beds that contain around 0·5 wt% total organic carbon. High‐resolution carbon isotope analyses reveal low δ13Corg values (?27·6‰) on bed tops compared with sandy intervals lacking cracks (?24·4 to ?24·9‰). Cracked mudstone facies show evidence for microbial matgrounds, including microbially induced sedimentary structures on bedding planes and carbonaceous laminae and tubular carbonaceous microfossils in thin section. Non‐cracked mudstone lacks evidence for development of microbial mats. Microbial mat development is proposed as an important prerequisite for intrastratal shrinkage crack formation. Both microbial mats and intrastratal shrinkage cracks have broad palaeoenvironmental distributions in the Precambrian and early Phanerozoic. In later Phanerozoic strata, matgrounds are restricted to depositional environments that are inhospitable to burrowing and surface‐grazing macrofauna. Unless evidence of synaeresis (i.e. contraction of clay mineral lattices in response to salinity change) can be independently demonstrated, the general term ‘intrastratal shrinkage crack’ is proposed to describe sinuous and tapering cracks in mudstone beds.  相似文献   

Mass movements varying in type and size, some of which are periodically reactivated, affect the urban area of Avigliano. The disturbed and remoulded masses consist of sandy–silty or silty–clayey plastic material interbedded with stone fragments and conglomerate blocks. Five landslides that were markedly liable to rainfall-associated instability phenomena were selected.

The relationships between landslides and rainfall were investigated using a hydrological and statistical model based on long-term series of daily rainfall data. The model was used to determine the return period of cumulative daily rainfall over 1–180 days. The resulting hydrological and statistical findings are discussed with the aim of identifying the rainfall duration most critical to landslides.

The concept of a precipitation threshold was generalized by defining some probability classes of cumulative rainfall. These classes indicate the thresholds beyond which reactivation is likely to occur. The probability classes are defined according to the return period of the cumulative rainfall concomitant with landslide reactivation.  相似文献   

Southern Italy is dominated by extensional tectonics that in the Calabrian arc and Eastern Sicily produced the development of the Siculo–Calabrian Rift Zone (SCRZ). This zone is represented by a ≈ 370 km-long fault belt consisting of 10 to 50 km long distinct fault segments which extend both offshore and on land being also responsible of the crustal seismicity of this region. The geological and morphological observations indicate that the active normal faults of the SCRZ are characterized by throw-rates ranging from 0.7 to 3.1 mm/a. They accommodate an almost uniform horizontal extension-rate of about 3.0 mm/a along a WNW–ESE regional extension direction. Based on our field observations and following empirical relationships between magnitude and surface rupture length connections between large crustal earthquakes and distinct fault segments of the SCRZ have been also tentatively tested. Our data indicate moreover that the magnitudes (M) of the historical and instrumental earthquakes are consistent with the estimated values and that the geometry and kinematics of the fault segments and the related different crustal features of the SCRZ control the different seismic behaviours of adjacent portions of the active rift zone.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminiferal analysis of the Erto section in the Vajont valley (Southern Alps, northern Italy) reveals a relatively complete succession across the Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T) boundary. The turnover of planktonic foraminiferal fauna was studied for a stratigraphic interval spanning theAbathomphalus mayaroensisZonep.p., Pseudotextularia deformisZone,Guembelitria cretaceaZone,Parvularugoglobigerina eugubinaZone,Eglobigerina eobullioidesSubzone, andParasubbotina pseudobulloidesZonep. p.The extinction of most large, ornate, late Maastrichtian species occurs below a black ‘boundary clay’ (2–4 cm thick); however, part of the Late Cretaceous species, mainly heterohelicidids and hedbergellids, were found over an interval of more than 100 cm above the boundary. Although a relatively high number of species occur for the last time in the main extinction phase, the abundance of these outgoing species is less than 20% of the total population; unkeeled or weakly keeled, simple-shaped forms (heterohelicids, globotruncanellids, hedbergellids) constitute the bulk of the planktonic foraminiferal population both in uppermost Maastrichtian and lowermost Danian beds. The first Tertiary species (‘Globigerinaminutulaand ‘Globigerinafringa) appear just above the ‘boundary clay’;Parvularuglobigerina eugubinaoccurs a few centimeters above. A marked increase in abundance and diversity in the Tertiary planktonic foraminiferal population occurs at the base of theEoglobigerina eobulloidesSubzone.  相似文献   

The Calabrian–Peloritan Hercynian Range includes three weakly metamorphosed Palaeozoic sequences cropping out in north-eastern Sila (Bocchigliero sequence), southern Sila, Serre and Aspromonte (Stilo sequence), and in the Peloritan Mountains (Peloritan sequence). The work reported here considers the Bocchigliero sequence and comprises part of a geological, petrological and geochemical research programme on the Palaeozoic evolution of the Calabrian–Peloritan Arc. The Bocchigliero sequence constitutes the lower tectonic unit of the Hercynian Caiabrian–Peloritan Range and is overthrusted by the metamorphic Mandatoriccio Unit. The Bocchigliero sequence is a terrigenous–carbonate–volcanic association, is affected byclow grade metamorphism, contains Cambro-Ordovician fossils and extends in age from the Cambrian to the Devonian. The terrigenous material is represented by meta-arenites and metapelites (Cambrian–Devonian); the volcanics include metatuffites (Cambrian and Ordovician), metabasalts (Cambro-Ordovician), metaandesites and metarhyolites (Ordovician and Siluro-Devonian); limestone beds are present in the Devonian. It is believed that the Palaeozoic Bocchigliero basin formed in the Cambrian on a continental crust in which the rocks constituting today's Mandatoriccio Unit were located at 3–8 km depth. The crustal thinning in the Cambro-Ordovician led to fracturing and upwelling of alkaline within-plate basaltic magmas, whereas in the Ordovician the thinning took place under conditions of higher plasticity. In this latter period an increase in temperature resulting from mantle upwelling produced crustal partial melts of andesite and rhyolite composition. In addition, this thermal uprise was responsible for regional metamorphism characterized by low pressures and by the absence of penetrative deformation. The effects of this metamorphism are well developed in the rocks of the Mandatoriccio Unit. In the Silurian and Devonian, progressive closing of the basin took place. The Palaeozoic sequence was then subjected to Variscan low pressure–low temperature metamorphism and Alpine deformation.  相似文献   

The joint application of electromagnetic techniques for near-surface exploration is a useful tool for soil pollution monitoring and can also contribute towards describing the spatial distribution of pollutants. The results of a geophysical field survey that was carried out for characterizing the heavy metal and waste disposal soil pollution phenomena in the industrial area of Val Basento (Basilicata region, Southern Italy) are presented here. First, topsoil magnetic susceptibility measurements have been carried out for defining the spatial distribution of superficial pollution phenomena in the investigated area. Second, detailed and integrated measurements based on a high-resolution magnetic mapping and ground probing radar (GPR) profiling have been applied to investigate the subsurface in two industrial areas located in more polluted sites that were identified during the first phase. Our monitoring strategy discloses the way to rapidly define the zone characterized by high pollution levels deriving from chemical industries and traffic emissions and to obtain the way information about the presence of local buried sources of contamination.  相似文献   

Alfred Uchman   《Cretaceous Research》2007,28(6):980-1004
Twenty one ichnogenera and 30 ichnospecies are recognized in the Late Campanian – Maastrichtian Monte Antola Formation of Italy, most of them for the first time. They belong to a specific mixture of the Nereites and Ophiomorpha rudis ichnosubfacies of the Nereites ichnofacies. Composition and abundance of trace fossils vary from outcrop to outcrop. Chondrites intricatus, Ch. targionii, Nereites irregularis, Cladichnus fischeri and Trichichnus linearis are most common. Chondrites patulus, Ophiomorpha recta and “Spirophycusbicornis trace fossils are less common in outcrops, and the other trace fossils are rare or very rare. Generally, ichnogeneric diversity in Cretaceous–Cainozoic calcareous and mixed siliciclastic-calcareous flysch deposits is distinctly lower than in siliciclastic flysch. Significantly, the foremost pre-depositional forms are distinctly rare, probably due to preservational and depositional factors.  相似文献   

Teleseismic and strong motion data are used to derive the source parameters of the September 9, 1998 Castelluccio earthquake (M5.6). Teleseismic body-wave modeling indicates normal faulting (Plane 1: strike = 328°, dip = 50°, rake = −75°; Plane 2: strike = 126°, dip = 42°, rake = −107°) along NW–SE striking planes. Both nodal planes of the computed focal mechanism are tested for their capability of reproducing the mainshock acceleration time histories at three strong motion stations. Synthetic accelerograms are estimated using the stochastic method for finite sources in combination with the H/V ratios technique for the incorporation of the site effect. Our preferred model, which provided the best fit between synthetic and observed waveforms and corresponding Fourier amplitude spectra, consists of a NE-dipping normal fault with dimensions 8 × 7 km. The rupture nucleation point, which is assumed to coincide with the hypocenter location, was confined to the southeasternmost, deepest part of the fault. Our results are in good agreement with the so far released information regarding the aftershock sequence of the examined event, as well as the general seismotectonic knowledge on the broader epicentral area.  相似文献   

A fish otolith assemblage from the Messinian ‘Lago‐mare’ deposits of the Colombacci Formation cropping out in the Montecalvo in Foglia Syncline, Marche, central Italy, is described. The assemblage displays a low diversity and consists of seven taxa belonging to three families: the Gobiidae, Myctophidae and Sciaenidae. Sciaenid otoliths are the most abundant elements representing 88% of the entire assemblage. The palaeoecological analysis reveals a coastal shallow marine environment strongly influenced by continental outflow. The low diversity and high abundance of the euryecious sciaenids are indicative of a very simplified food web, which probably represented an ecological response to the fluctuating environmental parameters and available food resources. The fish remains documented here provide an unambiguous evidence that normal marine conditions were present in the Mediterranean, at least in the upper part of the ‘Lago‐mare’ event, and unquestionably demonstrate that the marine refilling preceded the Mio‐Pliocene boundary. These findings clearly demonstrate that fishes, because of their mobility and migratory behaviour, represent a useful tool for the large‐scale interpretation of the environmental conditions of the Messinian Mediterranean water body. The necessity of a new scenario of palaeoenvironmental evolution for the post‐evaporitic Messinian of the Mediterranean is also discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Isola del Toro is a small island (∼1 km2) about 5 nautical miles SW of Sardinia entirely made up of mildly alkaline sodic evolved rocks (benmoreites and trachytes) related to each other by fractionation processes. 40Ar/39Ar dating of an anorthoclase mineral separate from a trachyte gave an age of 11.83 ± 0.10 Ma. This age estimate falls within an interval previously considered a‐magmatic in Sardinia. The results of this study shift the beginning of the Middle Miocene–Quaternary anorogenic volcanism of Sardinia back to the Late Serravalian. The transition between orogenic and anorogenic activity in Sardinia is markedly different from that recorded in the rest of the circum‐Mediterranean area, where this transition is much more gradual, both in time and in terms of magma composition. On the other hand, the transition between orogenic and anorogenic magmatism in Sardinia is rather sharp and lacks hybrid compositions. The Isola del Toro volcanic rocks represent the first anorogenic products produced during the opening of the western Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Matera is an ancient city located at the top of Italy's high heel that has been anointed the European Capital of Culture 2019 and which, since 1993, has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The close relationship between the urban development of the old town and its geology offers the unique opportunity to discover, in one shot, the cultural and geological history of a wonderful city that is often left out of the spotlight. As a corollary to this, the rupestrian old town of Matera and nearby areas are known also for having been the location of several movies (e.g. Bond 25 ‘No time to die’). Accordingly, media and tourists alike are showing a growing interest in Matera.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological and geochemical study is presented for the San Severino Lucano region of southern Italy. In this region, groundwater circulation occurs in rocks lithologically different from one another (metaophiolites, carbonate rocks, etc.). Many springs drain this region. The Frido springs are the most important both for their great volume of flow and for their water quality. A water balance estimated for the recharge area of the Frido springs suggests that during the period 1938–1958 the evapotranspiration represents 54.8 percent, runoff 21.2 percent, and infiltration to groundwater 34 percent of rainfall. The springs studied have a meteoric origin and their waters are mostly acid carbonate-alkaline earth type. The reservoir rocks appear to be the only discriminating factors for the chemical composition of the waters analysed.  相似文献   

The 2002 earthquake sequence of October 31 and November 1 (main shocks Mw = 5.7) struck an area of the Molise region in Southern Italy. In this paper we analyzed the co-seismic deformation related to the Molise seismic sequence, inferred from GPS data collected before and after the earthquake, that ruptured a rather deep portion of crust releasing a moderate amount of seismic energy with no surface rupture. The GPS data have been reduced using two different processing strategies and softwares (Bernese and GIPSY) to have an increased control over the result accuracy, since the expected surface displacements induced by the Molise earthquake are in the order of the GPS reliability. The surface deformations obtained from the two approaches are statistically equivalent and show a displacement field consistent with the expected deformation mechanism and with no rupture at the surface. In order to relate this observation with the seismic source, an elastic modeling of fault dislocation rupture has been performed using seismological parameters as constraints to the model input and comparing calculated surface displacements with the observed ones. The sum of the seismic moments (8.9 × 1017 Nm) of the two main events have been used as a constraint for the size and amount of slip on the model fault while its geometry has been constrained using the focal mechanisms and aftershocks locations. Since the two main shocks exhibit the same fault parameters (strike of the plane, dip and co-seismic slip), we modelled a single square fault, size of 15 km × 15 km, assumed to accommodate the whole rupture of both events of the seismic sequence. A vertical E–W trending fault (strike = 266°) has been modeled, with a horizontal slip of 120 mm. Sensitivity tests have been performed to infer the slip distribution at depth. The comparison between GPS observations and displacement vectors predicted by the dislocation model is consistent with a source fault placed between 5 and 20 km of depth with a constant pure right-lateral strike-slip in agreement with fault slip distribution analyses using seismological information. The GPS strain field obtained doesn't require a geodetic moment release larger than the one inferred from the seismological information ruling out significant post-seismic deformation or geodetic deformation released at frequencies not detectable by seismic instruments. The Molise sequence has a critical seismotectonic significance because it occurred in an area where no historical seismicity or seismogenic faults are reported. The focal location of the sequence and the strike-slip kinematics of main shocks allow to distinguish it from the shallower and extensional seismicity of the southern Apennines being more likely related to the decoupling of the southern Adriatic block from the northern one.  相似文献   

A set of 41 focal mechanisms (1989–2006) from P-wave first polarities is computed from relocated seismic events in the Giudicarie–Lessini region (Southern Alps). Estimated hypocentral depths vary from 3.1 to 20.8 km, for duration magnitudes (MD) in the range 2.7–5.1. Stress and strain inversions are performed for two seismotectonic zones, namely G (Giudicarie) and L (Lessini). This subdivision is supported by geological evidence, seismicity distribution, and focal mechanism types. The available number of data (16 in G, 22 in L) does not make possible any further subdivisions. Seismotectonic zones G and L are undergoing different kinematic regimes: thrust with strike-slip component in G, and strike-slip in L. Principal stress and strain axes in each sub-region show similar orientations. The direction of maximum horizontal compressive stress is roughly perpendicular to the thrust fronts along the Giudicarie Belt in zone G, and compatible with right-lateral strike-slip reactivation of the faults belonging to the Schio-Vicenza system in zone L. On the whole, kinematic regimes and horizontal stress orientations show a good fit with other stress data from focal mechanisms and breakouts and with geodetic strain rate axes.  相似文献   

This case study paper is about a large rotational rock and earth slide—earth flow located in the Secchia River Valley, in the Northern Apennines of Italy, that has displayed multiple reactivation phases between 2002 and 2004. The main geological constraints of the mass movement are related to the overlap of flysch rock masses over clayey complexes that allows rock slides to take place in the source area. The disarrangement and weathering of rock masses following slope movements causes large amount of fine-grained debris to be accumulated on the slope and mobilised by earth sliding and flowing. Analysis of rainfall data at the onset of reactivation events has proved that they occurred after periods with cumulated values higher than the averages of the last 30 years. The quantification of the morphological modifications induced by these reactivations has been made possible by comparing pre- and post-event digital elevation models. Depletion and accumulation has been in the range of 30 m in different parts of the slope. In particular, an advancement of the landslide toe of more than 400 m, which caused a 30-m thick landslide tip to deposit, has been clearly seen. Monitoring data regarding subsurface movements and surface tension crack widening (tension cracks so large as to be properly described at trenches) has shown that sliding surfaces as deep as 43 m exist in the upper part of the landslide, while the accumulation lobe has moved by sliding and flowing over surfaces as deep as some 10 m. Velocities of cm/day have been recorded in the deep surfaces and in widening trenches of the source area, while the advancement of the accumulation lobe has been estimated as having velocities of up to 10 m/day. Groundwater in the landslide body has been observed at depths of 5–15 m in the upper areas, while it is estimated as being at the ground level in the toe. On this basis, it is concluded that the landslide still has a high potential for further development, both in the upper landslide zone and in the toe area.  相似文献   

This paper reports novel data concerning the volcanic formation of the Piperno, a stone that has been used for a long time in the monumental architecture of Naples and the Campanian region (Southern Italy). A careful field survey of the outcrops or underground sites so far accessible allowed us to draw a lithostratigraphic reconstruction of the formation and enabled the recognition of the three main layers exploited in past centuries and which provided dimension stones for architectural and structural purposes. Petrophysical and mineralogical characterization also enabled us to discriminate the same layers previously identified. Different scoriae/matrix ratio, scoriae dimension and welding degree are the most peculiar features of these horizons. The combination of these three parameters, even though they did not affect the use of Piperno as dimension stone, somehow determined its variable susceptibility to the weathering agents. However, a linear relationship between the exposure time and the decay of the stone itself, at a parity of weathering intensity, was not observed. This assumption was proved by verifying that the specific layers of the volcanic sequence controlled the weathering degree of Piperno from monuments disregarding their age of emplacement.  相似文献   

The Lower Unit of the ophiolitic sequence of Northern Argolis comprises turbiditic sediments and olistostromes, both containing ophiolitic clasts, mainly crystal fragments (clinopyroxene, plagioclase, Cr-spinel, amphibole) in the turbidites and cumulitic intrusives (quartz noritic amphibole-bearing gabbros), subvolcanic rocks (dolerites) and various effusive lithologies (mainly Si-rich basalts to basaltic andesites) in the olistostromes. The volcanic rocks belong to three groups. In rare cases the lavas are mineralogically and chemically comparable with MORB; most of them, and the subvolcanic rocks, contain primary quartz and amphibole, orthopyroxene, Ca-rich plagioclase and clinopyroxene±Cr-spinels. All rocks are Si- and Mg-rich and have high concentrations of ‘compatible’ and very low concentrations of ‘incompatible’ elements. The REE profiles are characteristically U-shaped. Many of the observed features are comparable with those of subduction-related lavas and, in particular, with present day boninites and ophiolitic boninitic rocks. The gabbroic rocks have mineralogical and chemical analogies with the dolerites and lavas, thus it may be argued that the gabbros represent the intrusive counterparts of the ‘boninitic’ volcanic clasts. The mineral clasts occurring in the turbidites are chemically comparable with those analysed in the ophiolitic clasts of the overlying olistostrome. It may be concluded that the ophiolitic clasts of both olistostromes and turbidites were derived from a subduction-related sequence. An island arc–back-arc system might explain the occurrence of both boninitic and MORB-type lithologies in the olistostrome of Angelokastron. This may support the hypothesis of the onset of compressive tectonics along the Pindos Ocean during the Jurassic. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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