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We hypothesize that the weathering of building stones can be attributed to surface dissolution processes. We assume that chemical interactions occur on grain boundaries and/or microcracks and that diffusion is the controlling process. A dissolution layer (rind) develops adjacent to the weathering surface. We quantify the extent of dissolution by introducing a damage variable f; f=0 for pristine rock, and when f=1 the rock disintegrates. We assume that the variations of the damage variable are given by the diffusion equation. We solve two problems. The first is for the structure of the transient dissolution boundary layer prior to surface disintegration. We find an incubation time ti, before active weathering (disintegration) begins. The second is the solution for steady-state weathering with a constant weathering velocity vw. Our results are entirely consistent with weathering studies on Carrara marble gravestones in the United Kingdom. Typical incubation times are ti=20–30 years, and typical steady-state weathering velocities are vw=5–50 m year–1.  相似文献   




The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of flow, transport and geochemical parameters in the unsaturated and saturated zones on the release of SO4 from overburden lignite spoil piles into the adjacent lake. A vertical one-dimensional model was set up using the reactive transport simulator SULFIDOX in order to account for the unsaturated zone. The SULFIDOX model was calibrated for effective diffusion using measured O2 in the gas phase and SO4 concentrations in the liquid phase from the unsaturated zone of the heap. The results show high sensitivity to O2 supply and initially present gypsum, but the inclusion of secondary mineral precipitation in equilibrium is of minor importance for the results. To account for the transport of released SO4 from the saturated zone into the surface water, scenarios were performed by using SULFIDOX results as input concentration for a two-dimensional vertical model set up with PROCESSING MODFLOW and MT3D. These scenarios indicate a rising discharge of SO4 into the adjacent lake due to continued pyrite weathering for 80 a. Results are highly sensitive to dispersivity, whereas the spatial variability of pyrite distribution did not show any influence on the results. The consideration of initially present gypsum shows a major effect on the modelled SO4 release.  相似文献   

Water injection experiments were performed in 1997, 2000 and 2003 at the 1800 m borehole near the fracture zone of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. During these experiments, a contraction of about 10− 8–10− 7 was observed with three-component strainmeters at a bottom of the 800 m borehole, 70 m southwest of the 1800 m borehole. We estimated hydraulic properties of the fracture zone near the Nojima fault by using the strain data to investigate a healing of the fault during the postseismic stage. We calculated pore pressure changes due to the water injection using Darcy's equation and obtained strain changes due to the pore pressure changes as elastic deformations of the crust. The calculated strain changes have a nearly agreement with the observed strain changes. Hydraulic conductivity in 1997, 2000 and 2003 was determined to be 0.9 ± 0.2 × 10− 6, 0.8 ± 0.2 × 10− 6 and 0.4 ± 0.1 × 10− 6 m/s, respectively. The reduced hydraulic conductivities in 2000 and 2003 suggest that the fractures had been healing.  相似文献   

River water composition (major ion and 87Sr/86Sr ratio) was monitored on a monthly basis over a period of three years from a mountainous river (Nethravati River) of southwestern India. The total dissolved solid (TDS) concentration is relatively low (46 mg L−1) with silica being the dominant contributor. The basin is characterised by lower dissolved Sr concentration (avg. 150 nmol L−1), with radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios (avg. 0.72041 at outlet). The composition of Sr and 87Sr/86Sr and their correlation with silicate derived cations in the river basin reveal that their dominant source is from the radiogenic silicate rock minerals. Their composition in the stream is controlled by a combination of physical and chemical weathering occurring in the basin. The molar ratio of SiO2/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio show strong seasonal variation in the river water, i.e., low SiO2/Ca ratio with radiogenic isotopes during non-monsoon and higher SiO2/Ca with less radiogenic isotopes during monsoon season. Whereas, the seasonal variation of Rb/Sr ratio in the stream water is not significant suggesting that change in the mineral phase being involved in the weathering reaction could be unlikely for the observed molar SiO2/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr isotope variation in river water. Therefore, the shift in the stream water chemical composition could be attributed to contribution of ground water which is in contact with the bedrock (weathering front) during non-monsoon and weathering of secondary soil minerals in the regolith layer during monsoon. The secondary soil mineral weathering leads to limited silicate cation and enhanced silica fluxes in the Nethravati river basin.  相似文献   

In a uniform granite gneiss study area in central Zimbabwe, lineaments oriented parallel to the maximum regional compressive stress orientation exhibit the thickest regolith development, while lineaments oriented perpendicular to the maximum compressive stress show the shallowest development of weathered regolith. The principal fracture set orientations were mapped using aerial imagery. The regional stress field, estimated from global stress maps, was used to determine the stresses acting on each principal lineament orientation. Multi-electrode resistivity profiling was carried out across fractures with different orientations to determine their subsurface regolith conditions. The results indicate that the 360 and 060° lineaments, which are sub-parallel to the principal compressive stress orientation (σ1) exhibit maximum development of the regolith, while 130° lineaments perpendicular to σ1 do not exhibit significant regolith development. Since regolith thickness has been positively correlated with groundwater resources, it is suggested that fractures with orientations sub-parallel to the principal compressive stress direction constitute favourable groundwater targets. Knowledge of the regional stress field and fracture set orientations can be used as an effective low cost tool for locating potentially higher yielding boreholes in crystalline rock terrains.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, a fracture mechanics model is developed to illustrate the importance of time-dependence for brittle fractured rock. In particular a model is developed for the time-dependent degradation of rock joint cohesion. Degradation of joint cohesion is modeled as the time-dependent breaking of intact patches or rock bridges along the joint surface. A fracture mechanics model is developed utilizing subcritical crack growth, which results in a closed-form solution for joint cohesion as a function of time. As an example, a rock block containing rock bridges subjected to plane sliding is analyzed. The cohesion is found to continually decrease, at first slowly and then more rapidly. At a particular value of time the cohesion reduces to value that results in slope instability. A second example is given where variations in some of the material parameters are assumed. A probabilistic slope analysis is conducted, and the probability of failure as a function of time is predicted. The probability of failure is found to increase with time, from an initial value of 5% to a value at 100 years of over 40%. These examples show the importance of being able to predict the time-dependent behavior of a rock mass containing discontinuities, even for relatively short-term rock structures. Received November 5, 2001; accepted July 24, 2002; Published online November 19, 2002  相似文献   

Zhang  Tong  He  Xiang  Liu  Yang  Zhao  Yixin  Yang  Ke  Yu  Xiang 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(2):1439-1451
Natural Hazards - The conductivity of fractured rock mass caused by the hydro-mechanical behavior and attributes of the rock is critical for fluid seepage and solute diffusion. To study the...  相似文献   

运用地体和地体活动论观点,提出青藏高原结构划分的新方案;强调青藏高原的形成经历了新元古代以来长期活动的过程,青藏高原是一个“非原地”诸多地体会聚、拼合以及经历复合碰撞造山的“造山的高原”;大型走滑断裂在青藏高原形成中起着地体相对位移、侧向挤出、移置及使高原几何形态扭曲的作用。提出青藏高原隆升的“南缘超深俯冲(>600km)、北缘陆内俯冲、腹地深部热结构及岩石圈范围内的向NE右旋隆升”的多元驱动力机制。  相似文献   

In the Lower Gondwana succession of the Jharia basin of eastern India, the Barren Measures Formation is characterized by the cyclic disposition of fine-grained lacustrine deposits and relatively coarse-grained fluvial deposits. The cyclic variation in the rate of coarse clastic input is attributed to the sedimentary response to basin tectonics. The sandstone-shale alternations of the Barren Measures succession can be correlated with the tectonic cyclothems developed on the hangingwall dip-slope and adjoining trough in a continental half-graben setting. Enhancement of the gradient of the hangingwall dip-slope during reactivation of the basin margin faults led to progradation of the existing fluvial system towards the half-graben trough and deposition of the coarser clastics on the fine-grained lacustrine deposits of the trough. Peneplanation of the hangingwall slope and slow increase in the lake level caused lacustrine transgression and retrogration of the fluvial system on the hangingwall block. The fluvial sediments were onlapped by the fine-grained lacustrine deposits. Episodic rejuvenation of the basin margin faults thus caused development of tectonic cyclothem on the hangingwall block. The paleocurrent pattern indicates that a persistent northward paleoslope was maintained during Barren Measures sedimentation. The inferred depositional settings were much more extensive than the present limit of the outcrop. The faults, presently defining the northern limit of the Barren Measures Formation, were possibly emplaced after Barren Measures sedimentation. The final movement along these fault planes caused preservation of the downthrown hangingwall block and the Barren Measures sediments on the footwall block were eroded during subsequent denudation. The Southern Boundary Fault came into existence after the deposition of the Barren Measures sediments.  相似文献   

Rare earth element (REE) distributions and Pb isotope compositions were explored in soils varying in age from ca. 0.4 to ?300 ka, developed on moraines in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming. Soil extracts (0.6 M HCl) were used to examine the soil labile pool while the major element distribution in soil profiles was used to determine the extent of weathering at different soil depths. The results show that the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the deepest bulk soil within each profile reflects the composition of the moraine till, except for the oldest soil. Up to ca. 12 ka, the soil extract fraction is enriched in light REE, indicating early release of light REE to the soil labile pool while that of the two oldest soils are relatively enriched in heavy REE. In the soil extracts the La/Sm ratio normalized to the deepest soil (LaD/SmD) decreases systematically with soil age. Similarly, the Eu-anomaly in the deepest soil from each profile (EuD/EuD*) decreases slightly with soil age in the three young soils; however, EuD/EuD* increases with soil age in the older soils. The systematic trends of these two ratios indicate the depletion of light REE in young soils and the enrichment of Eu and heavy REE in the older soils. Based on the Pb isotope ratios, the relative contribution of Pb to the soil labile pool via mineral weathering of U- or Th-rich phases was assessed for the different stages of weathering. The whole-soil profile 208Pb/204Pb ratio was found to decrease with soil age and with LaD/SmD, whereas it increased with the EuD/EuD* ratio. In each horizon, Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb) ratio generally decrease with soil age. In order to overcome possible effects from parent material heterogeneity, the amount of radiogenic Pb as compared to the whole-soil composition was calculated and this was found to decrease systematically with soil age.  相似文献   

尚文郁  孙静轶  谢曼曼  岑况  蔡泽  战楠  凌媛  孙青 《岩矿测试》2022,179(5):836-848



准噶尔盆地东部吉木萨尔凹陷主要生油层系二叠系测井研究发现,平地泉组烃源岩泥页岩具有荧光显示,而正常泥岩却没有;烃源岩泥页岩的自然伽玛、自然电位和电阻率都有增大的现象,特别是地层真电阻率增大明显.△logR法表明正常砂泥岩的电阻与声波时差曲线基本重合,而烃源岩层砂泥岩的电阻率曲线与声波时差曲线则明显不重合.平地泉组是主力生油层,这一结果与前人的研究具有一致性,也与有机碳热解的化验结果一致.同时发现烃源岩电阻越大,烃源岩产生的原油成熟度越高.  相似文献   

The Narmada River in India is the largest west-flowing river into the Arabian Sea, draining through the Deccan Traps, one of the largest flood basalt provinces in the world. The fluvial geochemical characteristics and chemical weathering rates (CWR) for the mainstream and its major tributaries were determined using a composite dataset, which includes four phases of seasonal field (spot) samples (during 2003 and 2004) and a decade-long (1990-2000) fortnight time series (multiannual) data. Here, we demonstrate the influence of minor lithologies (carbonates and saline-alkaline soils) on basaltic signature, as reflected in sudden increases of Ca2+-Mg2+ and Na+ contents at many locations along the mainstream and in tributaries. Both spot and multiannual data corrected for non-geological contributions were used to calculate the CWR. The CWR for spot samples (CWRspot) vary between 25 and 63 ton km−2 year−1, showing a reasonable correspondence with the CWR estimated for multiannual data (CWRmulti) at most study locations. The weathering rates of silicate (SilWR), carbonate (CarbWR) and evaporite (Sal-AlkWR) have contributed ∼38-58, 28-45 and 8-23%, respectively to the CWRspot at different locations. The estimated SilWR (11-36 ton km−2 year−1) for the Narmada basin indicates that the previous studies on the North Deccan Rivers (Narmada-Tapti-Godavari) overestimated the silicate weathering rates and associated CO2 consumption rates. The average annual CO2 drawdown via silicate weathering calculated for the Narmada basin is ∼0.032 × 1012 moles year−1, suggesting that chemical weathering of the entire Deccan Trap basalts consumes approximately 2% (∼0.24 × 1012 moles) of the annual global CO2 drawdown. The present study also evaluates the influence of meteorological parameters (runoff and temperature) and physical weathering rates (PWR) in controlling the CWR at annual scale across the basin. The CWR and the SilWR show significant correlation with runoff and PWR. On the basis of observed wide temporal variations in the CWR and their close association with runoff, temperature and physical erosion, we propose that the CWR in the Narmada basin strongly depend on meteorological variability. At most locations, the total denudation rates (TDR) are dominated by physical erosion, whereas chemical weathering constitutes only a small part (<10%). Thus, the CWR to PWR ratio for the Narmada basin can be compared with high relief small river watersheds of Taiwan and New Zealand (1-5%) and large Himalayan Rivers such as the Brahmaputra and the Ganges (8-9%).  相似文献   

达肯大坂岩群是欧龙布鲁克地块结晶基底的重要组成部分,在形成过程中保存了丰富的物质记录和演化信息,是研究欧龙布鲁克地块乃至我国西部古老地壳及构造演化的窗口。通过对达肯大坂岩群详细的物质组成及构造剖面研究,根据岩石组合及变质—变形特征,将其进一步细化为混合片麻岩岩段、(混合岩化)流变片麻岩岩段、条带状片麻岩岩段、片岩岩段和大理岩岩段,野外调查表明,达肯大坂岩群中发育多期构造变形作用,根据野外变形特征及各期变形的叠加改造关系,初步建立了达肯大坂岩群相对变形序列,为区域构造过程的探讨与对比提供了新的基础资料。  相似文献   

In the San Marcos ranges of Cuatrociénegas, NE Mexico, several sediment-hosted copper deposits occur within the boundary between the Coahuila Block, a basement high mostly granitic in composition and Late Paleozoic to Triassic in age, and the Mesozoic Sabinas rift basin. This boundary is outlined by the regional-scale synsedimentary San Marcos Fault. At the basin scale, the copper mineralization occurs at the top of a ~1000 m thick red-bed succession (San Marcos Formation, Berrisian), a few meters below a conformable, transitional contact with micritic limestones (Cupido Formation, Hauterivian to Aptian). It consists of successive decimeter-thick roughly stratiform copper-rich horizons placed just above the red-beds, in a transitional unit of carbonaceous grey-beds grading to micritic limestones. The host rocks are fine- to medium-grained arkoses, with poorly sorted and subangular to subrounded grains. The detrital grains are cemented by quartz and minor calcite; besides, late iron oxide grain-coating cement occurs at the footwall unmineralized red-beds. The source area of the sediments, indicated by their modal composition, is an uplifted basement. The contents of SiO2 (40.70–87.50 wt.%), Al2O3 (5.91–22.00 wt.%), K2O (3.68–12.50 wt.%), Na2O (0.03–2.03 wt.%) and CaO (0.09–3.78 wt.%) are within the ranges expected for arkoses. Major oxide ratios indicate that the sedimentary-tectonic setting was a passive margin.The outcropping copper mineralization essentially consists in a supergene assemblage of chrysocolla, malachite and azurite. All that remains of the primary mineralization are micron-sized chalcocite grains shielded by quartz cement. In addition, pyrite subhedral grains occur scattered throughout the copper-mineralized horizons. In these weathered orebodies copper contents range between 4.24 and 7.72 wt.%, silver between 5 and 92 ppm, and cobalt from 8 to 91 ppm. Microthermometric measurements of fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite crystals from footwall barren veinlets gave temperatures of homogenization between 98 °C and 165 °C, and ice-melting temperatures between ?42.5 °C and ?26.1 °C.The primary copper mineralization formed during the early diagenesis, contemporary with the active life of the Sabinas Basin. The mineralizing fluids were dense, near neutral, moderately oxidized brines that originally formed from seawater that, driven by gravity, infiltrated to the deepest parts of the basin and dissolved evaporites. As a result, they became hydrothermal fluids of moderate temperature capable of leaching high amounts of copper. The source of this metal could be mafic detrital grains and iron oxides of the underlying Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous red-beds. Copper precipitation took place when the brines passed through the redox boundary marked by the transition from red- to grey-beds. The upward movement of the brines was promoted by a high heat flow that allowed their convective circulation and their ascent along the synsedimentary San Marcos Fault.  相似文献   

通过对鄂尔多斯盆地罕台庙地区中侏罗统直罗组下段下亚段地层还原性的地质参数进行统计,发现该地层的还原性强弱与铀矿体的厚度、品位和平米铀量具有一定的关系。地层还原性较强或较弱,均不利于铀富集,仅在适当范围内,才有利于富铀矿体的形成,才能使铀矿体的厚度、品位和平米铀量达到最大值。因此,地层或砂体的还原性研究,对铀矿体的精确空间定位具有显著的指导性作用。  相似文献   

赖勇 《矿床地质》1995,14(3):281-289
使用阴极发光技术可取得一般岩石显微镜无法得到的地质信息,并可将包裹体的研究从原来的“群分析”统计规律研究水平提高到“单包体分析”水平,获得更小时间单位成矿流体的演化特征,因而能更准确地模拟和恢复地质作用过程。运用阴极发光对石英等矿物的研究,发现蚀变带中的石英按不同的形态特征和发光性可以分为三期,和成矿关系密切为第一、二期石英。根据阴极发光下显示的生长微形态,系统地测试三期石英不同生长时期的包裹体物相,从而获取了整个成矿过程流体的p-t-v-x参数,确定构造作用加热大气降水形成成矿流体,体系开放流体两次减压沸腾导致金矿沉淀的矿体定位机理和成矿动力学机制。  相似文献   

Miduk hypogene and supergene porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization occurs within the Miocene porphyritic quartz–diorite and host Eocene plagioclase–hornblende phyric andesitic pyroclastic and flow sequence. Both the host rocks were extensively altered by hydrothermal fluids to dominantly potassic, phyllic, and argillic with interstitial to distal propylitic types.  相似文献   

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