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Nina Morgan 《Geology Today》2019,35(5):179-185
William Smith's 1815 Map of the Geology of England and Wales was a ground‐breaking achievement that changed the understanding of geology forever. However, perhaps Smith's greatest contribution to science lay in nurturing the talent of his orphaned nephew, John Phillips, who grew up to become one of the most versatile and distinguished geologists and polymaths of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

The equation describing the conduction of heat in solids has, over the past two centuries, proved to be a powerful tool for analyzing the dynamic motion of heat as well as for solving an enormous array of diffusion-type problems in physical sciences, biological sciences, earth sciences, and social sciences. This equation was formulated at the beginning of the nineteenth century by one of the most gifted scholars of modern science, Joseph Fourier of France. A study of the historical context in which Fourier made his remarkable contribution and the subsequent impact his work has had on the development of modern science is as fascinating as it is educational. This paper is an attempt to present a picture of how certain ideas initially led to Fourier’s development of the heat equation and how, subsequently, Fourier’s work directly influenced and inspired others to use the heat diffusion model to describe other dynamic physical systems. Conversely, others concerned with the study of random processes found that the equations governing such random processes reduced, in the limit, to Fourier’s equation of heat diffusion. In the process of developing the flow of ideas, the paper also presents, to the extent possible, an account of the history and personalities involved. Reprinted by permission from theAmerican Geophysical Union, @ 1999. Originally published inReviews of Geophysics as “Fourier’s Heat Conduction Equation: History, Influence and Connections,” Vol. 37, issue 1, pages 151–172, February 1999. Appended here are eight figures of historical importance.  相似文献   

Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth gives a variety of unusually biased interpretations of the state of climate science and global warming theory. These cover a wide range of natural events and processes which could potentially be impacted by global warming, but which the movie misrepresents as clear examples of the human influence on climate. A few examples include the mixing up of cause and effect in his graphical portrayal of temperature and carbon dioxide variations over hundreds of thousands of years; the repeated depiction of ice calving from glaciers as a sign of global warming; the implication that Hurricane Katrina was the fault of humans; and the particularly extreme view that the Greenland ice sheet will melt, flooding coastal cities worldwide. Ultimately, all of these are related to the widespread perception that scientists have uniquely tied global warming to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The real inconvenient truth is that science has no idea how much of recent warming is natural versus the result of human activities.  相似文献   

In 1859, in his great work On the Origin of Species, Darwin repeatedly raised what he regarded to be the most serious problem facing his theory of evolution – the lack of fossils predating the rise of shelly invertebrates that marks the beginning of the Cambrian Period of geological time (550 Ma), an “inexplicable” absence that could be “truly urged as a valid argument” against his all-embracing synthesis. This missing early fossil record posed a major dilemma, for Darwin's theory demanded firm linkage from the less advanced to the more evolved, from primitive microbes to protozoans to the rich faunas of the basal Phanerozoic for which no fossil evidence was known. For more than 100 years, the history of Precambrian life stood out as one of the greatest unsolved problems in natural science. In recent decades, however, understanding of life's early evolution has changed markedly as the documented fossil record has been extended seven-fold to some 3500 Ma, an age more than three-quarters that of the planet. This long-sought solution to Darwin's dilemma was set in motion by a small vanguard of workers who blazed the trail in the 1950s and 1960s, just as their course was charted by a few prescient pioneers of the previous century. All workers today, including the 28 participants in the recently held World Summit on Ancient Microscopic Fossils, have roots that can be traced to the pathfinders of a half-century ago.  相似文献   

杨小平 《第四纪研究》2005,25(4):432-437
文章介绍李希霍芬(1833~1905,F.vonRichthofen)对地貌学建立的重要贡献及这门学科自此以后在德国的理论进展;论证了在过去的100年中,在不同时期都有德国杰出的科学工作者叙述对李希霍芬著作的认同和赞赏。总体上来讲,很多人都同意称李希霍芬为关于地形和景观科学的“地貌学之父”。在A.洪堡(A.Humboldt)和C.李特尔(C.Ritter)早期概念的基础上,李希霍芬使地理学变成一门研究人类生存空间的自然科学。尽管在李希霍芬之后所发展起来的气候地貌学和地生态学的重要性是不可低估的,但直到今天李希霍芬所开展的与地质学有紧密联系的地貌学的分支仍具有活力。  相似文献   

李四光是中国科技界的一面旗帜,他对地质科学理论有着卓越贡献,其学术理论具有超前意义,影响深远。文章从李四光对国家和人民的一片赤子之心;李四光走自主创新之路,积极探索解决中国问题的精神;李四光的重视实践,重视辩证的思想方法论;李四光理论联系实际解决实际问题,在应用中发展地质力学学科;以及大力培养学科带头人等五个方面纪念李四光。提出学习和发扬李四光的科学思想和爱国精神,以创造性地解决中国和世界面临的新的重大问题。   相似文献   

姜春发 《地球学报》1984,6(2):247-254
<正> 1984年3月30日,是严师黄汲清教授80寿辰。1928年,他毕业于北京大学,入地质调查所工作,后赴欧洲留学取得博士学位,从事地质研究和教育工作至今已有56个春秋了。黄汲清教授在地质理论研究和找矿实践方面,都做出了重要贡献,并且还为社会主义祖国培养了大批地质人员。因此,赢得了国内外地质界的敬重,荣获了国家的奖励。 为什么他能在学术上取得如此卓越的成就?原因尽管很多,严谨的学风却是关键。我与肖序常、任纪舜同志等在他身边工作和学习近30年,目睹他严谨的治学态度和科学的工作方法,受到了深刻的教益。他的治学有什么特点呢?  相似文献   

李连捷先生是我国土壤科学的创始人之一,也是我国土壤科学的教育家,为土壤科学发展的地学理论基础和生产应用做了大量工作。我作为李连捷先生的研究生,有幸在先生身边度过了10年,切身体会到了他对研究生的关心和培养。他不仅教我学业,而且教我做人。他渊博的知识、宽广的胸怀和幽默的谈吐让我难忘。他注重调查研究,力求理论与生产实践相结合;他不墨守成规,注重创新发展;他精益求精,不畏困难,不怕挫折,乐观地面对人生都给我留下了终生受益的精神财富  相似文献   

Martin J. Haigh 《Geoforum》1984,15(4):543-561
Ravine and gully erosion affects 1% of India's land area. Zones of severe ravine trenching are found along the margins of the Gangetic Basin and in the semi-arid northwest. Ravine reclamation is currently rated as a high national priority, and India has the Third World's leading soil conservation movement. This paper reviews the technical contributions made to the study of ravine origins and genesis by government soil conservation research workers in the light of the dissident views expressed by academic geoscientists. It also reviews the soil conservation establishment's major contributions to cost-effective ravine reclamation planning. However, it is emphasised that while great advances have been made towards technological remedies for ravine erosion, relatively little has been accomplished in the realm of social science. Successful ravine reclamation requires the support and involvement of the local cultivator and local community and, probably, reform of local land tenure and social arrangements. Towards this end, much experience has been accumulated in non-government circles through the activities of Gandhian sarvodaya groups. It is recommended that their ideas and methods are integrated into ravine reclamation activities.  相似文献   

The tribute to Mikhail V. Lomonosov on the occasion of his 250th anniversary of his birth enables better students of the history of geological science to identify the obvious confusion and glaring flaws in this overstated presentation of Lomonosov as the father of geology. Perhaps it will stimulate interest in Lomonosov's On Terrestrial Strata, published in 1763. The article contains evidences of overwhelming self-pride of the Communists in the fact that Lomonosov was Russian, but in identifying him as somehow linked with progressive Communism leaves one to wonder.--B. N. Cooper.  相似文献   

In 1725 Dr Johann Beringer became the butt of a malicious academic hoax. But in his disgrace he rendered no small service to the emerging science of palaeontology.  相似文献   

Despite the widely acknowledged threat posed by invasive species in coastal estuaries, there are substantial gaps at the intersection of science and policy that are impeding invasive species management. In the face of pressing management needs in coastal and estuarine environments, we advocate that introduced species should receive the kind of management effort dedicated, for example, to reducing pollution. We support our argument with some examples of economic costs of estuarine and coastal introduced species and a summary of recent evidence for the ecological costs. We highlight some of the issues that either thwart or facilitate the successful marriage between science and management of introduced species, including the regulatory framework for management. We use the available information on coastal eradication programs, including case histories of the programs for Caulerpa taxifolia and Spartina alterniflora (and hybrids) in the western USA, to indicate the feasibility of managing introduced species and to help point out how management and science can improve the outcome. We close with a research agenda that focuses primarily on science that will really assist with invasive species management and reflects our own experience and the opinions of managers directly involved with this issue.  相似文献   

This brief review is dedicated to academician Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich, the science of his epoch and the creation of modern accretion theory.  相似文献   

Tamura et al. (2018) refined our understanding of formative processes that have resulted in a series of coarse‐sand beach ridges at Cowley Beach in north‐eastern Australia. Nott (2018) claimed that there are several shortcomings in the findings Tamura et al. (2018) presented. However, his criticism mostly derived from his misunderstanding of the data and discussion presented in Tamura et al. (2018), which thus should be clarified here. This reply also reiterates how his method for estimating the magnitude of past tropical cyclones from beach ridges is inconsistent with our observations of beach morphology and beach‐ridge formative processes.  相似文献   

At the advent of the twentieth century, geologists believed that folded continental mountain chains like the Alps were due to horizontal compression, resulting from contractions of the Earth’s crust as it cooled. In 1918, Albert Heim defended this point of view and illustrated it with a geological section across Switzerland. In 1915, however, and in short notes as early as 1912, Alfred Wegener in Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (The Origin of Continents and Oceans) proposed that mountains were the result of collisions between light continents drifting and floating on denser formations of the Earth’s interior, also present at the bottom of the oceans. Before this (1906), Otto Ampferer had already proposed the association of folds with active movements of material inside the Earth. Wegener used numerous morphological, geological, and gravimetric data to justify his theory. He was innovative in his successful use of paleogeographic and paleoclimatologic reconstitutions. Although very popular, his theory only received reserved approval from the active scientific community. Alpine geologists found it too audacious and too far removed from the field data. In the first critical analysis written in French (1922), Elie Gagnebin welcomed it as a working hypothesis, but was very reserved regarding the arguments of a geophysicist who, in his opinion, was not sufficiently versed in structural geology. In contrast, Emile Argand integrated Wegener’s theory into his conception of the evolution of the Alps already in 1916. At that time, he judged the Alpine orogeny to have been the result of permanent compression and proposed that its whole history had been dominated by what he called embryonic tectonics, a compressional concept which he illustrated so admirably that it had an incomparable and lasting success. However, he himself abandoned it in his major work, La Tectonique de l’Asie (The Tectonics of Asia), in favour of an evolution that first originated in an extension regime, finally leading to the splitting of the continental crust, with local emergence of basic rocks, constituting the bottom of new oceanic floors. It is at the slope of these continental margins, and at their foot, that geosynclines are formed by the large accumulation of sediments transported by submarine slumping. During the following compressive stage, slices of basic ocean floor are transported upwards between overlapping continental masses, forming extensive ophiolitic zones. Although admired for his enormous accomplishment, La Tectonique de l’Asie remained ignored for its most innovative propositions, which clearly foreshadow plate tectonics. After this work, Argand practically abandoned geology. His last publication (1934), Guide géologique de la Suisse: la zone pennique (Geological Guide to Switzerland: the Pennine Zone), revived his argument of the early evolution of the geosyncline in a context of extension, followed by thrusts involving the ocean floor. Unfortunately, the concept had no greater success than at its first appearance.  相似文献   

This tribute praises Lomonosov for his purported employment of the dialectic concept to the evolution of the earth. The claim that Lomonosov's interpretations of the earth are materialistic is absolutely true, as are all other scientific interpretations. Whether he is the father of materialism in Russian science is of little importance because all sound science is materialistic.

Twelve partly substantiated claims about Lomonosov's work are summarized. The statements that he first applied historical analysis to explain geologic phenomena and that he established the principle of actualism 70 years before LyeII should be brought to the attention of those unfamiliar with the contributions of the great Russian scientist. The tribute contains a good bibliography.--B. N. Cooper.  相似文献   

Luca Muscarà 《GeoJournal》2001,52(4):285-293
At a time when human geography–in its search for general and systemic laws–was often seduced by different kinds of determinism, Jean Gottmann developed his theoretical model in order to explain the political partitioning of geographical space. This model, shaped by the study of the classics in political philosophy, makes explicit reference to human psychology, and is based on a few fundamental concepts: cloisonnement (partitioning), circulation (movement), carrefour (crossroad) and iconographie (iconography). This paper presents the above mentioned concepts through a chronological analysis of their formulation in different chapters of Gottmann's bibliography, in order to reconstruct the genesis and evolution of his model. In the conclusions a few questions are presented, that suggest how Gottmann's model could still be usefully applied to contemporary human and political geography.  相似文献   

对我国著名地质学家陈国达院士的科学哲学思想作了探讨,其主要内容有:历史动力法是复杂性哲学思想与地质科学思想相结合的产物;递进思想是辩证否定观在大地构造理论发展中的胜利;地洼学说的理论结构与发展纲领是与拉卡托斯科学哲学思想不谋而合的。研究陈国达科学哲学思想对指导科学研究无疑具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

张立生 《地质学报》2022,96(1):25-49
谢家荣是中国地质学家群体中极其重要和突出的一位,他在地质科学领域里涉猎面之广,在我国地质界独一无二,是一位“全方位的地质学家”,是现代中国地质学领域当之无愧的拓荒者。本文略述其简历和他在中国煤岩学和煤地质学、土壤学、石油地质学、铀钍矿产地质与勘查、北京西山地质研究、中国大地构造学、矿床学、经济地质学和地质教育领域的贡献与成就。谢家荣对中国地质事业和中国地质学会的建立与成长都作出了不可磨灭的贡献,是我们永远都不应该忘记、都值得纪念的一位伟大的地质学家。  相似文献   

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