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Pattern formation is a fundamental aspect of self‐organization in fields of bedforms. Time‐series aerial photographs and airborne light detection and ranging show that fully developed, crescentic aeolian dunes at White Sands, New Mexico, interact and the dune pattern organizes in systematically similar ways as wind ripples and subaqueous dunes and ripples. Documented interactions include: (i) merging; (ii) lateral linking; (iii) defect repulsion; (iv) bedform repulsion; (v) off‐centre collision; (vi) defect creation; and (vii) dune splitting. Merging and lateral linking are constructive interactions that give rise to a more organized pattern. Defect creation and bedform splitting are regenerative interactions that push the system to a more disorganized state. Defect/bedform repulsion and off‐centre collision cause significant pattern change, but appear to be neutral in overall pattern development. Measurements of pattern parameters (number of dunes, crest length, defect density, crest spacing and dune height), dune migration rates, and the type and frequency of dune interactions within a 3500 m box transect from the upwind margin to the core of the dune field show that most pattern organization occurs within the upwind field. Upwind dominance by constructive interactions yields to neutral and regenerative interactions in the field centre. This spatial change reflects upwind line source and sediment availability boundary conditions arising from antecedent palaeo‐lake topography. Pattern evolution is most strongly coupled to the pattern parameters of dune spacing and defect density, such that spatially or temporally the frequency of bedform interactions decreases as the dunes become further apart and have fewer defects.  相似文献   

Aeolian dune interactions provide the dynamics for field‐scale pattern emergence and evolution within a set of boundary conditions. Although morphologies for a spectrum of dune interactions are recognized, associated stratigraphic architectures are unknown and have probably been misidentified in the rock record. A unique data set for the White Sands Dune Field in New Mexico (USA) allowed for a detailed analysis in which the morphological evolution of defect and bedform repulsion interactions is chronicled over a decadal time‐series of images and coupled with the resulting stratigraphic architecture, documented from cross‐strata exposed in interdune areas and ground‐penetrating radar imaging of dune interiors. Defect and bedform repulsions represent a class of interactions in which the faster‐migrating dune termination or defect (defect repulsion), or pair of defects (bedform repulsion), collides with the target dune downwind. Results document that during the collision, the defect(s) of the impactor dune recombine(s) with a segment of the target dune, and the redundant target dune segment is ejected as a parabolic‐shaped ejecta dune. The ejecta dune assumes a more barchanoid shape as it migrates downwind. The interaction architecture consists of lateral truncation of the target set by an interaction bounding surface. Defect cross‐strata tangentially approach the surface in plan‐view, and downlap onto the surface in cross‐section. The orientation of the defect cross‐strata is at an acute angle to the trend of the interaction surface. Orientations of the defect cross‐strata, which represent the defect approach angle, and the target dune cross‐strata, which represent the general dune migration direction, diverge at a high angle. Defect cross‐strata typically consist of wind‐ripple laminae, in contrast to the target set that may house grainflow cross‐strata. In the transport direction, the erosional interaction surface curves to become subparallel to subjacent and superjacent cross‐strata where the defect and target unify into a single lee face.  相似文献   

Twenty-one surficial sand samples from the Altar Desert coastal and desert dune systems were analysed for rare earth elements (REE) content. This was done to observe the provenance signatures for four strategic dune localities near the Colorado River Delta, the El Pinacate dune fields, and the beaches of the north of the Gulf of California in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Our goals are to show which mechanisms (i.e., aeolian, marine) exert more influence on the composition of the Altar Desert dune sands. This study also shows the usefulness of REE spatial distribution to determine the relative mobility of the sand. Some sand samples from the dune systems in San Luis Río Colorado (SLRC), Golfo de Santa Clara (GSC), and Puerto Peñasco (PP) displayed dissimilar REE concentrations with respect to the rest of the sand samples from the same sites. These differences can be related to short aeolian transport distance in the sands with high REE concentrations and long aeolian transport distance in the sands with low REE concentrations. Besides, high REE concentration in the sands might be due to their closeness to the Colorado River Delta sediments and to recycled sands derived from granitic rocks. In contrast, all the sand samples from the El Pinacate (EP) site have similar REE concentration values, suggesting that the El Pinacate dune sands are influenced by more selective aeolian processes and less diverse heavy mineral content. The Altar Desert dune sands are derived from granitic sources eroded by the Colorado River. Our results also indicate that the Altar Desert dune sands are low in heavy mineral content (with the exception of Fe and Ti bearing minerals) and enriched in carbonates with phosphates (especially at the PP site) yielding poor correlations between REE and major element concentrations. The REE geographical distribution values in the Altar Desert dune sands indicate that light and heavy REE concentration values are related to aeolian transport, maturity of the sands, their low weathering rates, proximity of the source rocks, and the biogenic debris input from beach sands into the dune.  相似文献   

谢明忠 《中国煤田地质》2005,17(5):50-51,57
根据位于河北邢台东部太行山前大断裂东侧的金地热1号井的水质化验资料和测温资料,邢东地热水为镭、硅、氟、硫酸钙钠型高热复合矿水,具有较好的医疗价值,为核试验之前降水而成;地热温度随埋藏深度而自然增高(埋深2 900m时,井温89.9℃),其地热类型属于盆地型中低温地热资源.  相似文献   

Surveyed outcrops of the Middle Jurassic Entrada Sandstone at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, show the unusual occurrence of preserved aeolian dune palaeotopography buried beneath subaqueous strata. The preserved dune remnants have relief up to 35 m, trend NNW, and show internal scalloped cross-strata dipping to the WSW, with small sets occurring as both topsets and bottomsets. Outcrop data are best satisfied in computer models by 50 m high, sinuous bedforms that migrated to the WSW, while the sinuosity migrated alongcrest to the NNW. Superimposed small dunes occurred upon the stoss slope, and at the basal lee of the main bedform where they migrated alongslope to the NNW. Remnant dune palaeotopography is buried by onlapping, subaqueous, largely structureless sandstones believed to be derived by mass wasting of the upper portions of the dunes and deposited as sediment-gravity flows that infilled between the dunes. Preservation of dune palaeotopography beneath mass-flow deposits, with no evidence for gradually rising water, argues that flooding of the Entrada dune field was geologically instantaneous. The thickness and lithology of the overlying Todilto Formation conform to slight remnant palaeotopography on the Entrada surface. The Todilto is a laminated limestone and thinnest over remnant dune crestal areas, but thickens and increases in gypsum content downslope until it abruptly yields to a gypsum mound positioned over a remnant interdune hollow. The Todilto laminations are interpreted as seasonal varves deposited below wave base in a density-stratified water body. The flooding event that gave rise to the controversial Todilto water body occurred during Entrada time, with Todilto deposition occurring within an already substantial water body.  相似文献   

Garnet-pyroxene-sphalerite skarns in the Empire Mine replace Paleozoic carbonates adjacent to the Tertiary Hanover-Fierro granodiorite. Skarn geometry suggests that fluids migrated up pre-ore dikes, faults and the igneous contact, and were deflected laterally into the permeable Tierra Blanca Limestone beneath the relatively impermeable Parting Shale.Silicates associated with propylitically altered pre-ore dikes are enriched in deuterium (D), and depleted in18O relative to the Hanover-Fierro pluton and post-ore igneous rocks. Early skarn silicates are also depleted in18O with respect to the pluton, while later skarn minerals are depleted in both D and18O. Variations in isotope composition of alteration and skarn minerals indicate isotope heterogeneities in mineralizing fluids, even at the small scale of centimeters. Isotope thermometry indicates that there is some degree of subsolidus re-equilibration of igneous and alteration minerals.Several possible fluid flow regimes may have operated to produce the fluids calculated to be in exchange equilibrium with the various rocks and minerals of the Empire skarn system, and mixing of end-member meteoric, formation and magmatic fluids in different proportions can produce observed δDδ18O trends. An end-member magmatic fluid could produce the D-enrichment observed for early skarn fluids, but this would require isolating magmatic fluids from external fluid sources during cooling of the system from magmatic temperatures of 700°C to skarn temperatures of the order of ≤ 400°C. The D-enrichment may also be explained by the mixing of magmatic and formation waters. Lower δD values, however, require that a large proportion of late-stage skarn fluids must be a D-depleted Tertiary meteoric water, and magmatic water is restricted to a relatively minor component.The end-member mixing approach indicates significant changes in fluid flow systematics over a relatively narrow range in temperature. Alternatively, observed trends in both δD and δ18O for skarn fluids can also be reproduced by interacting a D-depleted meteoric water with the Hanover-Fierro pluton at low and variable system water-rock ratios, and temperatures between 250 and 400°C. During migration along the long fluid flow paths implied by the low system water-rock ratios (≤0.1), the salinity of dilute meteoric waters could increase through interaction with minerals or leaking fluid inclusions in the country rock. Correlation of isotope depletions of the carbonate wallrocks with inferred fluid flow conduits, suggests significant amounts of fluid-rock exchange at relatively high local water-rock ratios during focusing of flow by critical structures. Although different C sources might require smaller values, it is clear that large (>1) local water-rock ratios are required to produce depletions observed in both18O and13C in hydrothermal calcites. Stable isotope evidence does not require the presence of a significant magmatic fluid component, and suggests that the bulk of the skarn fluids could instead be derived predominantly from a D-depleted meteoric water.  相似文献   

江西石城国家地质公园的龟裂地貌主要产于晚白垩世河口组红色砂岩中,造型奇特、多样,形成许多象形景观,如龟寿石、松果石、鳄鱼石、仙人犁田等,引人注目。但是,对这些龟裂地貌的微观研究不足,导致对其成因的解释比较模糊。本次在野外用罗盘测量裂隙走向,同时采集砂岩样品进行偏光显微镜和扫描电子显微镜实验观察,分析龟裂地貌形成的原因。野外观察发现,龟裂地貌主要发育在颗粒相对均匀的厚层细粒砂岩中,可产在砂岩层面或其它暴露面上,向下延伸一般不超过15 cm。在偏光显微镜下,砂岩样品的碎屑颗粒主要为次棱角状-次圆状,分选性较好,填隙物中含有方解石胶结物。在扫描电镜下,颗粒胶结疏松,颗粒表面的溶蚀小孔和裂隙比较常见。结合国内外类似研究,本文认为岩性是龟裂地貌发育的基本要素,裂隙走向的玫瑰花图显示,断裂构造控制了一部分龟裂的形成,但并不是唯一的原因。在风化作用过程中,由于硅、铁、锰氧化物沉淀而在砂岩表层形成薄层结壳,后由于应力拉张使结壳破裂,形成细小的裂隙,流水沿着裂隙侵蚀使其扩大,最终形成龟裂地貌。最后,提出龟裂地貌的四个阶段演化模式。  相似文献   

以苏家里新村地面及建筑物裂缝调查结果和沉降监测资料为基础,应用工程地质类比法对非采矿因素引起的裂缝进行综合的定性分析,并应用FLAC3D程序对受煤矿采空区影响的建筑物进行数值模拟分析,同时归纳分析了对由于采矿因素和非采矿因素导致的地面及建筑物裂缝的成因、位置和规律。分析结果表明:苏家里新村地面及建筑物裂缝是开采沉陷引起的地表变形、填土地基不均匀沉降、河流冲蚀边坡坡脚等因素共同作用的结果。研究结果为该矿区地面建筑物的修复加固提供依据。  相似文献   

Historically, rights in water originated as public property and only later became individualized rights to utilize the public resource, in a manner consistent with the public welfare needs of society, but protected by principles of property law. Five basic regulatory systems for rights in groundwater in the United States have evolved to date. The problems raised by the hydrologic differences between groundwater hydraulically connected to stream systems and groundwater in non-replenished aquifers have been resolved to some extent by a couple of leading court cases. Numerical modeling and other technical methodologies have also evolved to evaluate the scientific issues raised by the different hydrologic conditions, but these are not immune from criticism. The current role of aquifers is evolving into that of storage facilities for recycled water, and their utilization in this manner may be expanded even further in the future. The policy implications of the choices relating to joint management of ground and surface water cannot be overstated. As this paper demonstrates, proactive administration of future groundwater depletions that affect stream systems is essential to the ultimate ability to plan for exploitation, management and utilization of water resources in a rational way that coordinates present and future demand with the reality of scarcity of supply. The examples utilized in this paper demonstrate the need for capacity building, not just to develop good measurement techniques, or to train talented lawyers and judges to write good laws, but also for practical professional water managers to keep the process on a rational course, avoiding limitless exploitation of the resource as well as conservative protectionism that forever precludes its use.
Charles T. DuMarsEmail: Phone: +1-505-3460998Fax: +1-505-3460997

Lechuguilla Cave is a deep, extensive, gypsumand sulfur-bearing hypogenic cave in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico, most of which (>90%) lies more than 300 m beneath the entrance. Located in the arid Guadalupe Mountains, Lechuguilla's remarkable state of preservation is partially due to the locally continuous Yates Formation siltstone that has effectively diverted most vadose water away from the cave. Allocthonous organic input to the cave is therefore very limited, but bacterial and fungal colonization is relatively extensive: (1)Aspergillus sp. fungi and unidentified bacteria are associated with iron-, manganese-, and sulfur-rich encrustations on calcitic folia near the suspected water table 466 m below the entrance; (2) 92 species of fungi in 19 genera have been identified throughout the cave in oligotrophic (nutrient-poor) soils and pools; (3) cave-air condensate contains unidentified microbes; (4) indigenous chemoheterotrophicSeliberius andCaulobacter bacteria are known from remote pool sites; and (5) at least four genera of heterotrophic bacteria with population densities near 5×105 colony-forming units (CFU) per gram are present in ceiling-bound deposits of supposedly abiogenic condensation-corrosion residues. Various lines of evidence suggest that autotrophic bacteria are present in the ceiling-bound residues and could act as primary producers in a unique subterranean microbial food chain. The suspected autotrophic bacteria are probably chemolithoautotrophic (CLA), utilizing trace iron, manganese, or sulfur in the limestone and dolomitic bedrock to mechanically (and possibly biochemically) erode the substrate to produce residual floor deposits. Because other major sources of organic matter have not been detected, we suggest that these CLA bacteria are providing requisite organic matter to the known heterotrophic bacteria and fungi in the residues. The cavewide bacterial and fungal distribution, the large volumes of corrosion residues, and the presence of ancient bacterial filaments in unusual calcite speleothems (biothems) attest to the apparent longevity of microbial occupation in this cave.  相似文献   

The Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone represents the product of at least 12 separate aeolian erg sequences, each bounded by regionally extensive deflationary supersurfaces. Facies analysis of strata in the White Canyon area of southern Utah indicates that the preserved sequences represent erg‐centre accumulations of mostly dry, though occasionally water table‐influenced aeolian systems. Each sequence records a systematic sedimentary evolution, enabling phases of aeolian sand sea construction, accumulation, deflation and destruction to be discerned and related to a series of underlying controls. Sand sea construction is signalled by a transition from damp sandsheet, ephemeral lake and palaeosol deposition, through a phase of dry sandsheet deposition, to the development of thin, chaotically arranged aeolian dune sets. The onset of the main phase of sand sea accumulation is reflected by an upward transition to larger‐scale, ordered sets which represent the preserved product of climbing trains of sinuous‐crested transverse dunes with original downwind wavelengths of 300–400 m. Regularly spaced reactivation surfaces indicate periodic shifts in wind direction, which probably occurred seasonally. Compound co‐sets of cross strata record the oblique migration of superimposed slipfaced dunes over larger, slipfaceless draa. Each aeolian sequence is capped by a regionally extensive supersurface characterized by abundant calcified rhizoliths and bioturbation and which represents the end product of a widespread deflation episode whereby the accumulation surface was lowered close to the level of the water table as the sand sea was progressively cannibalized by winds that were undersaturated with respect to their potential carrying capacity. Aeolian sequence generation is considered to be directly attributable to cyclical changes in climate and related changes in sea level of probable glacio‐eustatic origin that characterize many Permo‐Carboniferous age successions. Sand sea construction and accumulation occurred during phases of increased aridity and lowered sea level, the main sand supply being former shallow marine shelf sediments that lay to the north‐west. Sand sea deflation and destruction would have commenced at, or shortly after, the time of maximum aridity as the available sand supply became exhausted. Restricted episodes of non‐aeolian accumulation would have occurred during humid (interglacial) phases, accumulation and preservation being enabled by slow rises in the relative water table. Subsidence analysis within the Paradox Basin, together with comparisons to other similar age successions suggests that the climatic cycles responsible for generating the Cedar Mesa erg sequences could be the product of 413 000 years so‐called long eccentricity cycles. By contrast, annual advance cycles within the aeolian dune sets indicate that the sequences themselves could have accumulated in just a few hundred years and therefore imply that the vast majority of time represented by the Cedar Mesa succession was reserved for supersurface development.  相似文献   

About half of the arid and semi-arid lands in the world are deserts that comprise various types of aeolian sand dunes deposits. In Shaanxi Province, aeolian sand dunes cover considerable areas of the Yulin desert and northern Jinbian. Sand dunes are moving in the main wind direction and converting some agricultural area to wasteland. Remote sensing of sand dunes helps in the understanding of aeolian process and desertification. Remote sensing data combined with field studies are valuable in studying sand dunes, regional aeolian depositional history. In particular, active and inactive sand dunes of the north Shaanxi Province were studied using remote sensing and geographic information system. In this study, we describe the Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images, covering north Shaanxi Province, which were used to study the distribution, shape, size, trends, density and movement of sand dunes and their effect on desertification of cultivated lands. Estimation was made depending on soil erodibility factor (Ⅰ) and local climatic factor (C) during the period (June to September). The result indicates that soil erosion caused sand drift of 8.957 5, 7.03 ton for Yulin and Jinbian, respectively. The mean sand dunes movement rate were 4.37, 3.11 m, whereas, monthly sand dune advance rate were 1.092 5, 0.777 5 m, for the two locations, respectively. The study reveals that cultivated lands extended obliquely to the direction of sand dune movement are extremely affected, while other segments that extend parallel to the direction of the movement are not affected. Accordingly the north Shaanxi Province was divided into areas of different classes of potential risk. Moreover, blown sands and sand movement from neighboring highlands also affect the area of western desert.  相似文献   

Abstract Portions of three Proterozoic tectonostratigraphic sequences are exposed in the Cimarron Mountains of New Mexico. The Cimarron River tectonic unit has affinities to a convergent margin plutonic/volcanic complex. Igneous hornblende from a quartz diorite stock records an emplacement pressure of 2–2.6 kbar. Rocks within this unit were subsequently deformed during a greenschist facies regional metamorphism at 4–5 kbar and 330 ± 50° C. The Tolby Meadow tectonic unit consists of quartzite and schist. Mineral assemblages are indicative of regional metamorphism at pressures near 4 kbar and temperatures of 520 ± 20° C. A low-angle ductile shear zone separates this succession from gneisses of the structurally underlying Eagle Nest tectonic unit. Gneissic granite yields hornblende pressures of 6–8 kbar. Pelitic gneiss records regional metamorphic conditions of 6–7 kbar and 705 ± 15° C, overprinted by retrogression at 4 kbar and 530 ± 10° C. Comparison of metamorphic and retrograde conditions indicates a P–T path dominated by decompression and cooling. The low-angle ductile shear zone represents an extensional structure which was active during metamorphism. This extension juxtaposed the Tolby Meadow and Eagle Nest units at 4 kbar and 520° C. Both units were later overprinted by folding and low-grade metamorphism, and then were emplaced against the Cimarron River tectonic unit by right-slip movement along the steeply dipping Fowler Pass shear zone. An argon isotope-correlation age obtained from igneous hornblende dates plutonism in the Cimarron River unit at 1678 Ma. Muscovite associated with the greenschist facies metamorphic overprint yields a 40 Ar/39 Ar plateau age of 1350 Ma. By contrast, rocks within the Tolby Meadow and Eagle Nest units yield significantly younger argon cooling ages. Hornblende isotope-correlation ages of 1394–1398 Ma are interpreted to date cooling during middle Proterozoic extension. Muscovite plateau ages of 1267–1257 Ma appear to date cooling from the low-grade metamorphic overprint. The latest ductile movement along the Fowler Pass shear zone post-dated these cooling ages. Argon released from muscovites of the Eagle Nest/Tolby Meadow composite unit, at low experimental temperatures, yields apparent ages of c. 1100 Ma. Similar ages are not obtained north-east of the Fowler Pass shear zone, suggesting movement more recently than 1100 Ma.  相似文献   

Combined fluid inclusion microthermometry and microanalysis by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) are used to constrain the hydrothermal processes forming a typical Climax-type porphyry Mo deposit. Molybdenum mineralisation at Questa occurred in two superimposed hydrothermal stages, a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia and later stockwork veining. In both stages, texturally earliest fluids were single-phase, of low salinity (~7 wt.% NaClequiv.) and intermediate-density. Upon decompression to ~300 bar, they boiled off a vapour phase, leaving behind a residual brine (up to 45 wt.% NaClequiv) at temperatures of ~420°C. The highest average Mo concentrations in this hot brine were ~500 μg/g, exceeding the Mo content of the intermediate-density input fluid by about an order of magnitude and reflecting pre-concentration of Mo by fluid phase separation prior to MoS2 deposition from the brine. Molybdenum concentrations in brine inclusions, then, decrease down to 5 μg/g, recording Mo precipitation in response to cooling of the saline liquid to ~360°C. Molybdenite precipitation from a dense, residual and probably sulphide-depleted brine is proposed to explain the tabular shape of the ore body and the absence of Cu-Fe sulphides in contrast to the more common Cu-Mo deposits related to porphyry stocks. Cesium and Rb concentrations in the single-phase fluids of the breccia range from 2 to 8 and from 40 to 65 μg/g, respectively. In the stockwork veins, Cs and Rb concentrations are significantly higher (45–90 and 110–230 μg/g, respectively). Because Cs and Rb are incompatible and hydrothermally non-reactive elements, the systematic increase in their concentration requires two distinct pulses of fluid exsolution from a progressively more fractionated magma. By contrast, major element and ore metal concentrations of these two fluid pulses remain essentially constant. Mass balance calculations using fluid chemical data from LA-ICPMS suggest that at least 25 km3 of melt and 7 Gt of deep input fluid were necessary to provide the amount of Mo contained in the stockwork vein stage alone. While the absolute amounts of fluid and melt are uncertain, the well-constrained element ratios in the fluids together with empirical fluid/melt partition coefficients derived from the inclusion analyses suggest a high water content of the source melt of ~10%. In line with other circumstantial evidence, these results suggest that initial fluid exsolution may have occurred at a confining pressure exceeding 5 kbar. The source of the molybdenum-mineralising fluids probably was a particularly large magma chamber that crystallised and fractionated in the lower crust or at mid-crustal level, well below the shallow intrusions immediately underlying Questa and other porphyry molybdenum deposits. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 Proposed groundwater withdrawals in the San Luis Valley of Colorado may lower the water table in Great Sand Dunes National Monument. In response, the National Park Service initiated a study that has produced a generalized conceptual model of the hydrologic system in order to assess whether a lowering of the water table might decrease the surface flow of lower Medano Creek. Based upon information obtained during the drilling of several boreholes, there appear to be five important hydrostratigraphic units underlying lower Medano Creek within the upper 30 m of the ground surface: 1. a perched aquifer overlying an aquitard located between about 5 and 6 m below the ground surface; 2. the aquitard itself; 3. an unconfined aquifer located between the upper and lower aquitards; 4. an aquitard located between about 27 and 29 m below the ground surface; and 5. a confined underlying the lower aquitard. Because the areal extent of the aquitards cannot be determined from the borehole data, a detailed conceptual model of the hydrogeologic system underlying lower Medano Creek cannot be developed. However, a generalized conceptual model can be envisioned that consists of a complex system of interlayered aquifers and leaky aquitards, with each aquifer having a unique hydraulic head. Water levels in the perched aquifer rise rapidly to their annual maximum levels in response to the arrival of the flow terminus of Medano Creek during the spring runoff event, and the location of the flow terminus is directly dependent upon the discharge of the creek. Water levels in the deeper, non-perched aquifers do not appear to fluctuate significantly in response to the arrival of the flow terminus, demonstrating that it is unlikely that the proposed groundwater withdrawals will decrease the surface flow of lower Medano Creek. Received: 27 December 1995 · Accepted: 20 February 1996  相似文献   

Samples of chert nodules, diagenetic carbonates and evaporites (gypsum/anhydrite) collected from the gypsiferous limestones of the Kef Eddour Member (Ypressian‐Priabonian) near Metlaoui and Sehib (Tunisia) show selective silicification with great variety in the silicified by‐products. Based on δ13C values, which support an organic origin for the carbon, carbonates replaced evaporites microbially through bacterial sulphate reduction. Observations and results suggest two scenarios for chert formation that are related to the rate and timing of diagenetic carbonate replacement of the evaporites (anhydrite/gypsum). In the absence of early diagenetic carbonate phases, silica with δ18O values from +25 to +28·6‰ [standard mean ocean water (SMOW)] replaced the outer parts of anhydrite nodules at pH < 9. In contrast, pore‐fluid pH values > 9 in the innermost parts of the anhydrite nodules prevented silica precipitation. The record of this chemical barrier is preserved in the microquartz rims and geode features that formed in the inner parts of the nodules after dissolution of the anhydrite nucleus. The microbial diagenetic replacement of evaporites (bacterial sulphate reduction) by carbonates (calcite, aragonite and dolomite) favoured silica replacement of carbonates rather than evaporites. Silica, with δ18O signature of +21 to +26‰ (SMOW), replaced carbonates on a volume‐for‐volume basis, yielding a more siliceous groundmass, and accounting for 90–95% of the nodules. The relatively higher δ18O values of quartz replacing anhydrite can be explained by a diagenetic fluid in equilibrium with mixed (meteoric/marine) to marine water. The lower δ18O values of the quartz that replaced the diagenetic carbonates are ascribed to flushing by meteoric water in a later diagenetic stage. The silica supply for chert formation could be derived from the reworked bio‐siliceous deposits (diatomites) to the west of the basin [vestiges of an opal‐CT precursor undetectable by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) were revealed by δ29Si magic‐angle‐spinning nuclear magnetic resonance investigations], diagenesis of the extraformational and overlying clay‐rich beds (the host limestones are clay‐poor as shown by XRD measurements), and minor volcanogenic and hydrothermal contributions during early diagenetic stages.  相似文献   

Coastal dune (CD) and beach sand samples were mineralogically and chemically studied to assess the weathering rates in a coastal area surrounded by the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). The study area is a narrow coastal plain with sub-humid warm weather and vigorous coastal dynamics located in the Western Gulf of Mexico (WGM). Our results show that the grain size parameters remain homogeneous along nine CD and beach sites, probably due to the hydrodynamic mechanisms prevailing in the area, i.e. wind deflation, longshore currents, and waves. The minerals found in the CD and beach sands are enriched in recycled, highly corroded monocrystalline quartz (Qm), with loss of plagioclase (P) and olivine (ol), with ilmenite fractions (op) especially in the northern sites. The geochemical data show that the sands are controlled by the exhumation of the TMVB rocks composed of a high volcanic lithic content with lathwork, microlithic, and negligible vitric textures. These volcanic fractions are in agreement with the presence of lavas of calc alkaline, andesite, Na-alkaline lavas, and rhyolite tuffs derived from the TMVB. Significant Spearman Rank Correlations (SRCs) resulted from high silica, titanium, iron, magnesium, calcium, vanadium, chromium, cobalt, associated with the presence of Qm, ilmenite, clinopyroxene, shell fragments, and volcanic lithics. Monocrystalline quartz enrichments, compared to a quartz dilution effect (<Qm; < Qm) at the northern and southern beach sites, reflect the vigorous coastal dynamics. The presence of ilmenite lag deposits in the northern sites indicate that high energy hydrodynamic conditions prevail at the site. The rare earth element (REE) patterns support the mineralogical and compositional framework of the CD and beach sands as part of the TMVB exhumation. We used various chemical indices such as the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), the Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW), the Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA), and the Weathering Index of Plagioclase (WIP). The WIP values reflect the depletion of mobile elements such as Ca, Na, K, and enrichment of Qm at the northern beach sites, e.g. the Istirinchiá site. The CIA/WIP ratio of 2.13 indicates intermediate weathering under warm climatic conditions and recycling of CD and beach sands.  相似文献   

Historic, sulphur-rich volcanic eruptions have altered global climate for as much as five years, and much larger events are known from the geologic record. At Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, Early Oligocene strata of the lower Arikaree Group contain a tephra bed with abundant calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum. Previous work has shown sulphate from the pseudomorphs in this tephra bears a high 17O anomaly indicative of oxidation of sulphur gases by ozone or hydrogen peroxide in the atmosphere. Possible sources of the tephra were caldera eruptions at about 28 Ma in the San Juan volcanic field of south-western Colorado (∼500 km SW of the study site) and the eastern Great Basin (∼1000 km WSW). The present sedimentological study shows that tephra and volcanogenic sulphate were deposited and preserved within a small, surface-discharging playa that developed on the irregular upper surface of aeolian siltstones of the subjacent White River Group. Sulphate solutions (including perhaps sulphuric acid) percolated downward within the vadose zone, dissolving early formed smectite cement within underlying volcaniclastic sandstones, reddening these rocks along an irregular alteration front. Preserved fine-scale stratification within the sandstones precludes the possibility that reddening took place during pedogenesis. Displacive growth of gypsum at the playa centre folded tephra beds and forced tephra into underlying sandstones, forming elongate cones. The large mass fraction of gypsum (now replaced by calcite) in the playa sediments suggests a huge, long-distance delivery of sulphate aerosols. Some of the sulphate and tephra may have come from the same eruption, or the fine-grained tephra may simply have aided preservation of dry-fog sulphate derived from an unrelated, effusive eruption of lava.  相似文献   

A study of environmental chloride, deuterium, oxygen-18, and tritium in deep sand profiles (35 m) has been carried out in order to estimate their relative value for measuring average groundwater recharge. The investigation was located at a 0.1-km2 site in Quaternary sands near the northwestern coast of Senegal in a zone of rainfed agriculture. By using a steady-state model for duplicate unsaturated zone chloride profiles, the long-term average recharge at the site was estimated to be 30 mm yr–1 or around 10% of the average precipitation (290 mm). The chloride concentration of adjacent shallow groundwater was relatively uniform and comparable to the unsaturated zone average, while the spatial variability in the depth distribution of Cl in the unsaturated zone was considerable. Stable isotope (deuterium and oxygen-18) data show that there is some isotopic enrichment due to direct evaporation through the soil surface. The degree of heavy isotope enrichment is proportional to the extent of evaporative loss and there is good correspondance with the chloride enrichment. Nevertheless, stable isotopes cannot be used quantitatively to estimate the recharge. The excellent preservation of the peak in thermonuclear tritium in precipitation in the unsaturated zone at depths between 12 and 20 m enables an estimated annual recharge of 24 mm yr–1 in this area to be calculated, using the piston flow model. Agreement therefore between Cl and3H as tools for recharge measurement is reasonable over the site.  相似文献   

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