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Although sandy foreshore facies are generally characterized by parallel lamination, wavy lamination is predominant in the mixed sand and gravel foreshore facies of the Pleistocene Hosoya Sandstone, which crops out along the Pacific coast of the Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi, central Japan. The foreshore facies consists of three sedimentary subfacies; interbeds of gravel and parallel laminated sand of the lower foreshore facies, parallel laminated fine to medium sand beds containing scattered pebbles and cobbles of the middle foreshore facies, and wavy laminated fine to medium sand beds containing scattered pebbles and cobbles of the upper foreshore facies. A lack of erosional surfaces in the middle foreshore facies indicates the continuous accumulation of sand in flat beds under upper plane bed flow. The wavy laminated sands of the upper foreshore facies exhibit erosional surfaces indicative of repeated deposition and erosion. The erosional surfaces are undulatory, with depressions (10 cm wide and 3 cm deep) that contain scattered pebbles and cobbles. These depressions reflect backwash erosion of sand around and below the pebbles and cobbles. Sand draping over the undulating erosional surfaces forms the wavy lamination. The wavy laminated sand with scattered pebbles and cobbles is a key facies of an upper foreshore or swash zone, and is a good sea-level marker.  相似文献   

Much of our understanding of submarine sediment‐laden density flows that transport very large volumes (ca 1 to 100 km3) of sediment into the deep ocean comes from careful analysis of their deposits. Direct monitoring of these destructive and relatively inaccessible and infrequent flows is problematic. In order to understand how submarine sediment‐laden density flows evolve in space and time, lateral changes within individual flow deposits need to be documented. The geometry of beds and lithofacies intervals can be used to test existing depositional models and to assess the validity of experimental and numerical modelling of submarine flow events. This study of the Miocene Marnoso Arenacea Formation (Italy) provides the most extensive correlation of individual turbidity current and submarine debris flow deposits yet achieved in any ancient sequence. One hundred and nine sections were logged through a ca 30 m thick interval of time‐equivalent strata, between the Contessa Mega Bed and an overlying ‘columbine’ marker bed. Correlations extend for 120 km along the axis of the foreland basin, in a direction parallel to flow, and for 30 km across the foredeep outcrop. As a result of post‐depositional thrust faulting and shortening, this represents an across‐flow distance of over 60 km at the time of deposition. The correlation of beds containing thick (> 40 cm) sandstone intervals are documented. Almost all thick beds extend across the entire outcrop area, most becoming thinly bedded (< 40 cm) in distal sections. Palaeocurrent directions for flow deposits are sub‐parallel and indicate confinement by the lateral margins of the elongate foredeep. Flows were able to traverse the basin in opposing directions, suggesting a basin plain with a very low gradient. Small fractional changes in stratal thickness define several depocentres on either side of the Verghereto (high) area. The extensive bed continuity and limited evidence for flow defection suggest that intrabasinal bathymetric relief was subtle, substantially less than the thickness of flows. Thick beds contain two distinct types of sandstone. Ungraded mud‐rich sandstone intervals record evidence of en masse (debrite) deposition. Graded mud‐poor sandstone intervals are inferred to result from progressive grain‐by‐grain (turbidite) deposition. Clast‐rich muddy sandstone intervals pinch‐out abruptly in downflow and crossflow directions, in a fashion consistent with en masse (debrite) deposition. The tapered shape of mud‐poor sandstone intervals is consistent with an origin through progressive grain‐by‐grain (turbidite) deposition. Most correlated beds comprise both turbidite and debrite sandstone intervals. Intrabed transitions from exclusive turbidite sandstone, to turbidite sandstone overlain by debrite sandstone, are common in the downflow and crossflow directions. This spatial arrangement suggests either: (i) bypass of an initial debris flow past proximal sections, (ii) localized input of debris flows away from available sections, or (iii) generation of debris flows by transformation of turbidity currents on the basin plain because of seafloor erosion and/or abrupt flow deceleration. A single submarine flow event can comprise multiple flow phases and deposit a bed with complex lateral changes between mud‐rich and mud‐poor sandstone.  相似文献   

The Grès de Champsaur turbidite system, deposited in a distal setting in the Alpine Foreland Basin of south‐eastern France, exhibits a repeated upsection alternation in sand body geometry between incised channels and sheet sands. The channels form symmetric lenticular erosional features, of width 900–1000 m (measured between the lateral limits of incision) and depth 65–115 m, and can be traced axially for up to 5 km. In each case, the channel fill is capped by a laterally persistent sandy sheet‐form interval, which lies upon a fine‐grained substrate beyond the channel margins. No intrachannel elements have been traced into the substrate sequence, suggesting that, before infill, the channels acted as open sea‐floor conduits of essentially the same dimensions as the preserved channel deposits. The channels are vertically stacked, although axial erosion juxtaposes younger channel axis deposits against the fill of older channels and their channel‐capping sheet sandstones to produce an apparently well‐connected composite sandstone body geometry. The predominant channel‐fill facies comprises coarse‐grained, amalgamated sandstones, which are commonly parallel‐ or cross‐stratified. Subsidiary facies of finer grained sandstone–mudstone couplets and clast‐bearing muddy debrites are commonly preserved as erosional remnants, suggesting a complex channel history of aggradation and erosion. The repeated cycles of channel incision, infill and transition to sheet sandstone development indicate repetitive incision and healing of the palaeo‐sea floor. A model is proposed that links incision to the development of relatively steep axial gradients (parallel to the mean dispersal direction) and the return to sheet‐form deposition to the re‐establishment of lower axial gradients, with the repetitive switch between incisional channels and sheet sandstones driven by changes in sediment input rate against a background of ongoing sea‐floor tilting.  相似文献   

The canyon mouth is an important component of submarine‐fan systems and is thought to play a significant role in the transformation of turbidity currents. However, the depositional and erosional structures that characterize canyon mouths have received less attention than other components of submarine‐fan systems. This study investigates the facies organization and geometry of turbidites that are interpreted to have developed at a canyon mouth in the early Pleistocene Kazusa forearc basin on the Boso Peninsula, Japan. The canyon‐mouth deposits have the following distinctive features: (i) The turbidite succession is thinner than both the canyon‐fill and submarine‐fan successions and is represented by amalgamation of sandstones and pebbly sandstones as a result of bypassing of turbidity currents. (ii) Sandstone beds and bedsets show an overall lenticular geometry and are commonly overlain by mud drapes, which are massive and contain fewer bioturbation structures than do the hemipelagic muddy deposits. (iii) The mud drapes have a microstructure characterized by aggregates of clay particles, which show features similar to those of fluid‐mud deposits, and are interpreted to represent deposition from fluid mud developed from turbidity current clouds. (iv) Large‐scale erosional surfaces are infilled with thick‐bedded to very thick‐bedded turbidites, which show lithofacies quite similar to those of the surrounding deposits, and are considered to be equivalent to scours. (v) Concave‐up erosional surfaces, some of which face in the upslope direction, are overlain by backset bedding, which is associated with many mud clasts. (vi) Tractional structures, some of which are equivalent to coarse‐grained sediment waves, were also developed, and were overlain locally by mud drapes, in association with mud drape‐filled scours, cut and fill structures and backset bedding. The combination of these outcrop‐scale erosional and depositional structures, together with the microstructure of the mud drapes, can be used to identify canyon‐mouth deposits in ancient deep‐water successions.  相似文献   

A 500‐m‐long road cutting in the Lower Devonian Snowy River Volcanics (SRV), eastern Victoria, Australia, exposes phreatomagmatic units and volcaniclastic sediments. Based on bed geometry, sorting and sedimentary structures, it was possible to distinguish base‐surge deposits from ephemeral fluvial deposits in this relatively well‐exposed ancient succession. Where the base‐surge deposits infill irregular topography, bed sets mantle the pre‐existing surface but thicken into topographic lows. In contrast, where the fluvial deposits infill topographic depressions, beds onlap laterally against channel walls. In addition, curvi‐planar slide surfaces within the base‐surge deposits generated by inter‐eruptive slumping indicate rapid emplacement as a constructional tuff rampart (? maar). The base‐surge deposits are always poorly sorted and commonly contain accretionary lapilli, reflecting their deposition from turbulent, low‐particle‐concentration, steam‐rich pyroclastic currents. In contrast, the fluvial deposits are relatively well‐sorted, reflecting hydraulic sorting and winnowing during tractional transport and deposition. There are significant differences in the types of sedimentary structures present. (1) Bedding in the base‐surge deposits is entirely tabular, and beds can be traced laterally to the limits of the outcrop. In contrast, the fluvial deposits have abundant internal scour surfaces that result in beds/bedding intervals lensing out laterally over intervals of the order of 5–10 m. (2) Cross‐beds with relatively high‐angle foresets are restricted to the fluvial deposits. (3) Laterally persistent tabular beds that contain abundant, densely packed accretionary lapilli are restricted to the base‐surge deposits. In summary, although base‐surge deposits and ephemeral fluvial deposits can appear superficially similar, it is possible to apply facies models carefully to distinguish between them, even in ancient successions.  相似文献   

本文研究的复理石具有多种类型的递变层理,有大量波痕,尤其是干涉波痕及浪成波痕发育,古水流方向有双向性,有多级别韵律发育等,说明这一复理石是由波浪、底流、潮流等多种水动力作用叠加而形成的,其沉积环境属浅海直至潮坪。  相似文献   

Calcareous siltstone beds in the sub-littoral marine sedimentary rocks of the highest Ludlovian (Upper Whitcliffian) in south Radnorshire display symmetrical ripples with wave lengths around 30 cm. These structures are interpreted as having been formed by the deposition of calcareous silt layers in conformity with bottom surfaces previously scoured into a pattern of symmetrical, gently-rounded, crests and troughs; hence, they are termed scour ripples. There is some evidence of a longitudinal relationship between the scour ripples and the scouring and depositing currents involved in their formation.  相似文献   

Bedrock surfaces exposed around Llyn Llydaw, North Wales demonstrate contrasting styles of erosion beneath a Late Devensian ice sheet and a Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) valley glacier. Ice sheet erosion involved lee-side fracturing, surface fracture wear and abrasive wear, while LLS erosion was primarily by abrasive wear. Preservation of ice sheet erosional features indicates limited rates of erosion during the LLS. Analysis of the geometry and distribution of erosional markings suggests that the low erosional capacity of the LLS glacier was due to a low basal sliding velocity. This prevented the formation of lee-side cavities, reduced the debris flux over the bed and minimised particle-bed contact loads. Reconstructions of the mass balance and geometry of the LLS glacier indicate that most of its balance velocity could be achieved by internal deformation alone. A combination of low subglacial water pressures and an unusually rough substrate explain the low sliding velocities. High bed roughness is due to the absence of leeside cavities and a change in flow orientation between ice sheet and LLS times, which meant that the LLS glacier was in contact with roughness elements which were generated in cavities beneath the ice sheet.  相似文献   

A common facies observed in deep‐water slope and especially basin‐floor rocks of the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup (British Columbia, Canada) is structureless, coarse‐tail graded, medium‐grained to coarse‐grained sandstone with from 30% to >50% mud matrix content (i.e. matrix‐rich). Bed contacts are commonly sharp, flat and loaded. Matrix‐rich sandstone beds typically form laterally continuous units that are up to several metres thick and several tens to hundreds of metres wide, and commonly adjacent to units of comparatively matrix‐poor, scour‐based sandstone beds with large tabular mudstone and sandstone clasts. Matrix‐rich units are common in proximal basin‐floor (Upper Kaza Group) deposits, but occur also in more distal basin‐floor (Middle Kaza Group) and slope (Isaac Formation) deposits. Regardless of stratigraphic setting, matrix‐rich units typically are directly and abruptly overlain by architectural elements comprising matrix‐poor coarse sandstone (i.e. channels and splays). Despite a number of similarities with previously described matrix‐rich beds in the literature, for example slurry beds, linked debrites and co‐genetic turbidites, a number of important differences exist, including the stratal make‐up of individual beds (for example, the lack of a clean sandstone turbidite base) and their stratigraphic occurrence (present throughout base of slope and basin‐floor strata, but most common in proximal lobe deposits) and accordingly suggest a different mode of emplacement. The matrix‐rich, poorly sorted nature of the beds and the abundance and size of tabular clasts in laterally equivalent sandstones imply intense upstream scouring, most probably related to significant erosion by an energetic plane‐wall jet or within a submerged hydraulic jump. Rapid energy loss coupled with rapid charging of the flow with fine‐grained sediment probably changed the rheology of the flow and promoted deposition along the margins of the jet. Moreover, these distinctive matrix‐rich strata are interpreted to represent the energetic initiation of the local sedimentary system, most probably caused by a local upflow avulsion.  相似文献   

Current understanding of submarine sediment density flows is based heavily on their deposits, because such flows are notoriously difficult to monitor directly. However, it is rarely possible to trace the facies architecture of individual deposits over significant distances. Instead, bed‐scale facies models that infer the architecture of ‘typical’ deposits encapsulate current understanding of depositional processes and flow evolution. In this study, the distribution of facies in 12 individual beds has been documented along downstream transects over distances in excess of 100 km. These deposits were emplaced in relatively flat basin‐plain settings in the Miocene Marnoso Arenacea Formation, north‐east Italy and the late Quaternary Agadir Basin, offshore Morocco. Statistical analysis shows that the most common series of vertical facies transitions broadly resembles established facies models. However, mapping of individual beds shows that they commonly deviate from generalized models in several important ways that include: (i) the abundance of parallel laminated sand, suggesting deposition of this facies from both high‐density and low‐density turbidity current; (ii) three distinctly different types of grain‐size break, suggesting waxing flow, erosional hiatuses and bypass of silty sediment; (iii) the presence of mud‐rich debrites demonstrating hybrid flow deposition; and (iv) dune‐scale cross‐lamination in fine‐medium grained sandstones. Submarine sediment density flows in basin‐plain settings flow over relatively simple topography. Yet, their deposits record complex flow events, involving transformation between different flow types, rather than the simple waning surges often associated with the distal parts of turbidite systems.  相似文献   

Outcrop analogues of the Late Jurassic lower Arab‐D reservoir zone in Saudi Arabia expose a succession of fining‐upward cycles deposited on a distal middle‐ramp to outer‐ramp setting. These cycles are interrupted by erosional scours that incise up to 1·8 m into underlying deposits and are infilled with intraclasts up to boulder size (1 m diameter). Scours of similar size and infill are not commonly observed on low‐angle carbonate ramps. Outcrops have been used to characterize and quantify facies‐body geometries and spatial relationships. The coarse grain size of scour‐fills indicates scouring and boulder transport by debris or hyperconcentrated density flows strengthened by offshore‐directed currents. Longitudinal and lateral flow transformation is invoked to produce the ‘pit and wing’ geometry of the scours. Scour pits and wings erode up to 1·8 m and 0·7 m deep, respectively, and are on average 50 m wide between wing tips. The flat bases of the scours and their lack of consistent aspect ratio indicate that erosion depth was limited by the presence of cemented firmgrounds in underlying cycles. Scours define slightly sinuous channels that are consistently oriented north–south, sub‐parallel to the inferred regional depositional strike of the ramp, suggesting that local palaeobathymetry was more complex than commonly assumed. Weak lateral clustering of some scours indicates that they were underfilled and reoccupied by later scour incision and infill. Rudstone scour‐fills required reworking of material from inner ramp by high‐energy, offshore‐directed flows, associated with storm action and the hydraulic gradient produced by coastal storm setup, to generate erosion and sustain transport of clasts that are generally associated with steeper slopes. Quantitative analysis indicates that these coarse‐grained units have limited potential for correlation between wells as laterally continuous, highly permeable reservoir flow units, but their erosional and locally clustered character may increase effective vertical permeability of the Arab‐D reservoir zone as a whole.  相似文献   

The early Pleistocene clastic succession of the Peri‐Adriatic basin, eastern central Italy, records the filling of a series of piggyback sub‐basins that formed in response to the development of the eastward‐verging Apennine fold‐thrust belt. During the Gelasian (2·588 to 1·806 Ma), large volumes of Apennine‐derived sediments were routed to these basins through a number of slope turbidite systems. Using a comprehensive outcrop‐based dataset, the current study documents the depositional processes, stratigraphic organization, foraminiferal age and palaeodepth, and stratigraphic evolution of one of these systems exposed in the surroundings of the Castignano village. Analysis of foraminiferal assemblages consistently indicates Gelasian deposition in upper bathyal water depths. Sediments exposed in the study area can be broken into seven main lithofacies, reflecting specific gravity‐induced depositional elements and slope background deposition: (i) clast‐supported conglomerates (conglomerate channel‐fill); (ii) amalgamated sandstones (late stage sandstone channel‐fill); (iii) medium to thick‐bedded tabular sandstones (frontal splay sandstones); (iv) thin to thick‐bedded channelized sandstones (sandy channel‐fill); (v) medium to very thin‐bedded sandstones and mudstones (levée‐overbank deposits); (vi) pebbly mudstones and chaotic beds (mudstone‐rich mass‐transport deposits); and (vii) massive mudstones (hemipelagic deposits). Individual lithofacies combine vertically and laterally to form decametre‐scale, disconformably bounded, fining‐upward lithofacies successions that, in turn, stack to form slope valley fills bounded by deeply incised erosion surfaces. A hierarchical approach to the physical stratigraphy of the slope system indicates that it has evolved through multiple cycles of waxing then waning flow energy at multiple scales and that its packaging can be described in terms of a six‐fold hierarchy of architectural elements and bounding surfaces. In this scheme, the whole system (sixth‐order element) is comprised of three distinct fifth‐order stratigraphic cycles (valley fills), which define sixth‐order initiation, growth and retreat phases of slope deposition, respectively; they are separated by discrete periods of entrenchment that generated erosional valleys interpreted to record fifth‐order initiation phases. Backfilling of individual valleys progressed through deposition of two vertically stacked lithofacies successions (fourth‐order elements), which record fifth‐order growth and retreat phases. Fourth‐order initiation phases are represented by erosional surfaces bounding lithofacies successions. The component lithofacies (third‐order element) record fourth‐order growth and retreat phases. Map trends of erosional valleys and palaeocurrent indicators converge to indicate that the sea floor bathymetric expression of a developing thrust‐related anticline markedly influenced the downslope transport direction of gravity currents and was sufficient to cause a major diversion of the turbidite system around the growing structure. This field‐based study permits the development of a sedimentological model that predicts the evolutionary style of mixed coarse‐grained and fine‐grained turbidite slope systems, the internal distribution of reservoir and non‐reservoir lithofacies within them, and has the potential to serve as an analogue for seismic or outcrop‐based studies of slope valley fills developed in actively deforming structural settings and under severe icehouse regimes.  相似文献   

Many shoreface sandstone reservoirs host significant hydrocarbon volumes within distal intervals of interbedded sandstones and mudstones. Hydrocarbon production from these reservoir intervals depends on the abundance and proportion of sandstone beds that are connected by erosional scours, and on the lateral extent and continuity of interbedded mudstones. Cliff‐face exposures of the Campanian ‘G2’ parasequence, Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation in the Book Cliffs of east‐central Utah, USA , allow detailed characterization of 128 erosional scours within such interbedded sandstones and mudstones in a volume of 148 m length, 94 m width and 15 m height. The erosional scours have depths of up to 1·1 m, apparent widths of up to 15·1 m and steep sides (up to 35°) that strike approximately perpendicular (N099 ± 36°) to the local north–south palaeoshoreline trend. The scours have limited lateral continuity along strike and down dip, and a relatively narrow range of apparent aspect ratio (apparent width/depth), implying that their three‐dimensional geometry is similar to non‐channelized pot casts. There is no systematic variation in scour dimensions, but ‘scour density’ is greater in amalgamated (conjoined) sandstone beds over 0·5 m thick, and increases upward within vertical successions of upward‐thickening conjoined sandstone beds. There is no apparent organization of the overall lateral distribution of scours, although localized clustering implies that some scours were re‐occupied during multiple erosional events. Scour occurrence is also associated with locally increased amplitude and laminaset thickness of hummocky cross‐stratification in sandstone beds. The geometry, distribution and infill character of the scours imply that they were formed by storm‐generated currents coincident with riverine sediment influx (‘storm floods’). The erosional scours increase the vertical and lateral connectivity of conjoined sandstone beds in the upper part of upward‐thickening sandstone bed successions, resulting in increased effective vertical and horizontal permeability of such intervals.  相似文献   

通过对柴达木盆地路乐河和西岔沟剖面新近系沉积的详细分析,发现柴达木盆地新近纪发育典型的湖相风暴岩沉积。风暴沉积构造主要有风暴侵蚀构造、风暴撕裂构造、风暴浪构造以及及风暴期后快速沉积构造等,包括渠铸型构造、冲刷面构造、泥砾、丘状交错层理、洼状交错层理、平行层理和粒序层理等构造类型。根据风暴岩序列的规模、丘状交错层理的波长大小等因素分析柴达木盆地新近系上干柴沟组风暴的规模明显强于下油砂山组。上干柴沟组与下油砂山组之间古风暴强度的变化说明柴达木盆地在该时期发生了一次重大的古气候转型事件,与青藏高原整体初次隆升时间有较好的响应关系。风暴岩的发现,对于分析柴达木盆地新近纪的古地理、古气候、古构造及板块的运动规律具有重要意义,也为青藏高原的隆升研究提供了新资料、开辟了新途径。  相似文献   

Autocyclic behaviour of fan deltas: an analogue experimental study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fan deltas are excellent recorders of fan‐building processes because of their high sedimentation rate, particularly in tectonically active settings. Although previous research focuses mainly on allogenic controls, there is clear evidence for autogenically produced storage and release of sediment by flume and numerical modelling that demands further definition of characteristics and significance of autogenically forced facies and stratigraphy. Analogue experiments were performed on fan deltas with constant extrinsic variables (discharge, sediment supply, sea‐level and basin relief) to demonstrate that fan‐delta evolution consists of prominent cyclic alternations of channellized flow and sheet flow. The channellized flow is initiated by slope‐induced scouring and subsequent headward erosion to form a channel that connected with the valley, while the removed sediment is deposited in a rapidly prograding delta lobe. The resulting decrease in channel gradient causes a reduction in flow strength, mouth‐bar formation, flow bifurcation and progressive backfilling of the channel. In the final stage of channel filling, sheet flow coexists for a while with channellized flow (semi‐confined flow), although in cycle 1 this phase of semi‐confined flow was absent. Subsequent autocyclic incisions are very similar in morphology and gradient. However, they erode deeper into the delta plain and, as a result, take more time to backfill. The duration of the semi‐confined flow increases with each subsequent cycle. During the period of sheet flow, the delta plain aggrades up to the ‘critical’ gradient required for the initiation of autocyclic incision. This critical gradient is dependent on the sediment transport capacity, defined by the input conditions. These autogenic cycles of erosion and aggradation confirm earlier findings that storage and release of sediment and associated slope variation play an important role in fan‐delta evolution. The erosional surfaces produced by the autocyclic incisions are well‐preserved by the backfilling process in the deposits of the fan deltas. These erosional surfaces can easily be misinterpreted as climate, sea‐level or tectonically produced bounding surfaces.  相似文献   

Gravity flow is a widely-distributed fluid type in nature. Various classification schemes of gravity flow are proposed by different researchers from different viewpoints. The scheme of turbidity flow and debris flow is adopted in this paper. The sedimentary characteristics of turbidite and sandy debrite are summarized and discussed to clarify most typical facies marks of these two rock types. The study shows that turbidite and sandy debris can be identified by the following typical characteristics during the outcrop and core observation: If the graded bedding is developed in sandstone,it should be identified as turbidite;if the muddy rip-up clast or no bedding structure(massive sandstone)is developed in sandstone,it should be identified as sandy debris. These characteristics are the most reliable signatures to distinguish turbidite and sandy debris. In addition,some other sedimentary structures such as deformation bedding,climbing ripple cross bedding,wavy bedding,parallel bedding,scouring surface,lithologic abrupt interface,and flute cast also have certain indicative significance. It is necessary to make a comprehensive judgment based on the sedimentary background,vertical combination of lithofacies,geophysics and other materials when these characteristics are presented in the study.  相似文献   

重力流是自然界中广泛存在的一种流体形式,不同学者基于不同切入点往往会提出多种重力流的划分方案。采用浊流和碎屑流的二分方案,对浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩的沉积特征展开综述和探讨,旨在进一步概括这2类岩石的沉积特征,明确具有指示意义的最典型相标志。研究表明,在野外露头和钻井岩心中,可以通过以下典型特征鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩: 砂岩内若发育以正粒序为特征的递变层理,则应该将其认定为浊积岩;若砂岩内发育泥岩撕裂屑、漂浮状泥砾或不含任何层理构造(块状砂岩),则应该将其认定为砂质碎屑流岩。这些特征是鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩最可靠的标志。此外,变形层理、爬升波纹交错层理、波状层理、平行纹层、冲刷侵蚀界面、岩性突变界面和槽模等沉积构造也具有一定指示意义,出现这些特征时需要结合沉积背景、岩相的垂向组合关系和地球物理等资料进行综合判断。  相似文献   

Tetsuji Muto 《地学学报》1995,7(4):417-423
Kolmogorov's model of the distribution of bed thicknesses is assessed by numerical simulations of a sedimentation process, assumed to be a random time-series of alternating depositional and erosional episodes conformable with a stationary Markov process in a state of equilibrium. The study supports the validity of the main point of the model. The random time-series process generates a succession of beds with 'positive' (preserved) and 'negative' (eroded) thicknesses, the frequency distribution of which, f(x), spans the range of positive to negative x -values. The beds with negative thicknesses are absent in the stratigraphic record, whereby the measured bed thicknesses show a frequency distribution, f*( x | x > 0), that is left-side truncated, cut off at the zero thickness value. The numerical simulations further indicate that f( x ) is a 'composite' geometrical distribution, whose actual form changes progressively with p d, the probability of sediment deposition relative to erosion. The distribution f( x ) invariably has a maximum at x ≤0, such that the truncated distribution f*( x ) for p d≥0.5 is a simple geometrical distribution regardless of p d value. The f*( x ) distribution will appear to be a negative exponential distribution when based on the bed-thickness data measured in a conventional metric scale. Data sets from four different turbidite successions in the Cenozoic of Japan, each comprising a few thousand beds, show this type of distribution. However, the sandstone-capping shales in one of the turbidite successions show a truncated Gaussian distribution, attributed to a significant component of non-turbiditic mud. No universal form of bed-thickness distribution can be assumed for the Kolmogorov model. The form of bed-thickness distribution may vary with the type of the depositional process and the character of the sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

The Coppenbrügge subaqueous ice‐contact fan complex of early Saalian age is about 10 km long and up to 10 km wide and is composed of offset‐stacked fan clinothems that are transgressive‐regressive sequences formed during an overall lake level rise. The individual fan bodies consist of coarse gravel in the ice‐proximal part, passing distally into sandy facies and showing large‐scale foreset bedding. The iceberg scour recognized in an open‐pit outcrop is up to 1.5m deep, up to 2m wide and cut in undisturbed mid‐fan deposits. The scour‐fill can be traced laterally for about 15m and consists of sheared sand and, in the frontal zone, of downbent overlying strata surrounded by a zone of deformed sediments. The deformed sediment produced by the iceberg keel's shearing of the trough walls is a sand mass containing angular soft‐sediment clasts that show internal folds and fractures. The basal surface of the deformed sediment is a nearly horizontal shear plane, steepening up laterally as a discrete thrust and showing a flat‐ramp‐flat geometry. The scour was formed by the iceberg keel's ploughing the substrate and pushing the sediment sideways and frontally, forming a ridge of deformed sediments at the trough end. This ridge was concurrently eroded by an accompanying meltwater underflow which apparently developed a horseshoe system of scouring vortices around the grounded iceberg. The current's scour was filled with massive, non‐stratified sand deposited rapidly from turbulent suspension. The iceberg eventually broke up and its keel part was buried. As these ice fragments gradually melted, the space was closed by normal faulting and downbending of overlying strata. The collapsing scour‐fill became partly liquified, and the resulting water‐escape structures cut the normal faults and the overlying deposits. Though produced chiefly by tangential shear strain, iceberg‐ploughing features are readily distinguishable from other glaciotectonic deformations. They can serve as a diagnostic criterion for glaciolacustrine or glaciomarine environments and the distinguishing of ice‐contact subaqueous fans from ice‐contact deltas in the stratigraphic record.  相似文献   

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