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阮成雯  高峰林 《内陆地震》1999,13(3):279-288
每一个14C测定年代数据包括下列内容并按下列位置安排:序号实验室编号样品提供单位及姓名样品名称14C年代14C年代原编号采样日期(距今,5568)(距今,5730)(公元/公元前)(公元/公元前)东经北纬树轮校正年代(公元/公元前)采样地点及物性描述41XZ-110新疆地震局李 军 张 勇亚砂土 3980±654095±7588-BXK-11988-07-14BC2030BC214592°15′43°29′巴里坤沙尔乔克乡库尔探槽含腐殖质亚砂土,较均匀,样品采自地表下0.7m处(与XZ-111为…  相似文献   

主要介绍新疆维吾尔自治区地震局放射性同位素碳测年实验室的14C测年原理,样品的前处理、样品的化学制备,低水平放射性测量方法及测定年代。首次公布一批14C年代测定数据。  相似文献   

李红春  陈文寄 《地震地质》1996,18(4):329-338
由于受“死碳”的影响,年轻洞穴碳酸盐的^14C测年始终受到限制,为此,建立了^14C法测定石笋生长速率及校正“死碳”影响的理论模式,从而将石笋的测年时限和精度大大提高。这一理论成功地运用于北京石花洞年轻石笋的定年。利用^14C法与石笋生长光性年际纹层推算的平均生长速率十分吻合,表明石笋S312的生长速率为0.042mm/a。^210Pb法测定石笋顶部的年龄小于100a,与^14C结果的外推年龄基本  相似文献   

香港地区的100个^14C数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严维枢 《华南地震》1989,9(1):36-43
在香港,随着对浅、表沉积地质学兴趣的增长以及对考古学兴趣的持续,使得近年来~(14)C数据的总数,达到了一百个之多。为便于参考,作者将已知的所有数据列表于本文.如有错误和疏漏,恳请告知。 为方便起见,将~(14)C数据按考古学和地质学的意义分列二表。此前,还列表说明出数据的实验室及其代号。图1是采集测试样品的位置图。  相似文献   

赵红梅 《华南地震》1996,16(2):53-56
介绍了建立华南地区^14C年代数据库的思路和结构特征,该加目收录了华南地区数百年代数据,其管理系统设计了6种检索方式,通过检索可查询到所需的^14C年代数据及其相关的地质资料,为有专业的年代分析和研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

每一个14C测定年代数据包括下列内容并按下列位置安排:序号实验室编号样品提供单位及姓名样品名称14C年代(年)14C年代(年)原编号采样日期(距今,5568)(距今,5730)(公元/公元前)(公元/公元前)东经北纬树轮校正年代(年)(公元/公元前)采样地点及物性描述104XZ-218新疆地震局   宋和平黄土4500±904630±90花果山-11991-12-00BC2550BC268081°30′43°40′花果山(伊宁—新源公路)槽子黄土山丘,深度为地表下2m105XZ-219新疆地震局宋和平黄土7815±808045±80734厂-2#1991-12-00BC5865BC609581°30′43°伊宁市734厂后沟表层低山,深度在地…  相似文献   

彭贵  焦文强 《地震地质》1994,16(1):26-28
通过对独山子地区荒漠土碳酸盐淀积层的^14C年龄测定,探讨了碳酸盐淀积层碳的来源及其^14C年龄的可靠性问题,提出了根据碳酸盐淀积层的无机碳年龄,对确定土壤的年龄是有意义的。  相似文献   

本文简述了国际上在碳的化学地球动力学方面的研究进展。这包括对整个地球和地幔的碳丰度估计,对当代从大洋中脊、岛弧排出的CO2通量等估计,以及对涉及地球去气和深部碳循环等过程的一些有争议的化学地球动力学问题的探讨。  相似文献   

This study provides the first detailed estimate of riverine organic carbon fluxes in British rivers, as well as highlighting major gaps in organic carbon data in national archives. Existing data on organic carbon and suspended solids concentrations collected between 1989 and 1993, during routine monitoring by the River Purification Boards (RPBs) in Scotland and the National River Authorities (NRAs) in England and Wales, were used with annual mean flows to estimate fluxes of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in British rivers. Riverine DOC exports during 1993 varied from 7·7–103·5 kg ha−1 year−1, with a median flux of 31·9 kg ha−1 year−1 in the 85 rivers for which data were available. There was a trend for DOC fluxes to increase from the south and east to the north and west. A predictive model based on mean soil carbon storage in 17 catchments, together with regional precipitation totals, explained 94% of the variation in the riverine DOC exports in 1993. This model was used to predict riverine DOC fluxes in regions where no organic carbon data were available. Calculated and predicted fluxes were combined to produce an estimate for exports of DOC to tidal waters in British rivers during 1993 of 0·68±0·07 Mt. Of this total, rivers in Scotland accounted for 53%, England 38% and Wales 9%. Scottish blanket peats would appear to be the largest single source of DOC exports in British rivers. An additional 0·20 Mt of organic carbon were estimated to have been exported in particulate form in 1993, approximately two–thirds of which was contributed by English rivers. It is suggested that riverine losses of organic carbon have the potential to affect the long-term dynamics of terrestrial organic carbon pools in Britain and that rivers may regulate increases in soil carbon pools brought about by climate change. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了中国新疆维吾尔自治区地震局和乌兹别克斯坦共和国科学院地震研究所近 1 0年来地震科技合作在地下水碳同位素方面的基本研究成果。结合天山主要地震活动区 2 0 0余个水点的碳同位素观测资料 (其中乌鲁木齐地下水中碳同位素资料是第一次公布 ) ,分析了水中碳同位素的区域分布规律、来源及影响因素 ,探讨了碳同位素地震前兆异常的某些特征。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Watershed restoration efforts have been accelerated in recent years by mandates in the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and increasing pressure from environmental groups (Wagner and Roberts, 1998). To address these mandates, water-quality management plans and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) have been developed for surface waters, such as streams placed on the 303(d) list because of beneficial use impairment. Commonly, much of the degradation of surface…  相似文献   

北京地区部分碳酸盐糜棱岩和碳酸盐假熔岩碳氧同位素组成的测试结果表明,碳酸盐岩在发生塑性变形时其δ13C、δ18O值均有不同程度的降低。同位素证据表明,碳酸盐糜棱岩的形成温度较低,并具有缓慢冷却的生成环境;碳酸盐假熔岩具有高温淬冷的同位素地球化学特征,它的形成可能与发震断层的迅速破裂过程有关。研究断层面附近产出的碳酸盐岩的稳定同位素组成对确认古地震事件是有意义的  相似文献   

Rainsplash is an important component of interrill erosion. To date, few studies have critically examined the linkages between aggregate entrainment by splash and associated nutrient flux. An Oxisol was used in laboratory rainfall experiments with two different antecedent moisture contents (AMC) and ten different rainfall energy flux densities (EFD). Splash and soil organic carbon (SOC) flux increased with increased EFD regardless of initial AMC. Aggregates were not transported in proportion to their content in the original soil matrix, those of 2000–4000 μm and <105 μm were found to be the most resistant to splash. Energy required to detach 1 gC varied from a median of 1870 J for the 2000–4000 μm fraction to 120 J for the 425–850 μm fraction. Temporal variation in cumulative splash flux and carbon flux for various combinations of AMC and EFD indicated distinct patterns. Under dry AMC, splash increased during 1 h duration storms and this was explained by increased aggregate breakdown by air-slaking, decreased soil strength and increased erodibility as soil moisture increased. Wet soil runs exhibited the opposite pattern of decreased flux with time, probably indicating a complex response to limited aggregate availability, increased seal development by raindrop compaction, and transient water layer effects in drop impact craters. The formulation of mass-based SOC enrichment ratios (ER) clearly indicated preferential detachment and transport of splashed aggregates between 250 and 2000 μm. A reliance of chemical transport models on concentration-based ER values can be misleading, because it is the balance between nutrient concentration and sediment quantity that is important for soil quality and non-point source modelling.  相似文献   

5.12汶川地震同震地表破裂带在虹口八角-深溪沟一带主要出露于三叠系须家河组的炭质泥岩中,同震断层泥在颜色、结构上与老断层泥和围岩类似。通过开挖探槽,系统采样,采用粉晶X射线衍射定量分析方法,研究了同震地表破裂带的围岩、断层角砾岩、老断层泥和新断层泥的矿物成分特征。同震断层泥的主要成分为石英和黏土矿物,含微量长石和白云石;断层泥的显著特征为高黏土矿物含量,从同震断层泥、老断层泥、角砾岩到围岩黏土矿物含量依次降低,黏土矿物以伊利石和伊蒙混层为主,含微量绿泥石和高岭石,矿物组成明显比地表破裂带北段同震断层泥简单。不同颜色的同震断层泥成分略有不同,黑色断层泥中伊利石含量明显高于白色断层泥;老断层泥中含有方解石和白云石,而同震断层泥不含方解石,只含微量白云石。同震断层泥中伊蒙混层高含量表明,在本次地震错动中有富含K的流体参与。  相似文献   

根据白云鄂博赋矿白云石大理岩的岩石学特征及地质产状将其分为两类:粗粒和细粒白云石大理岩.它们的氧、碳和锶同位素及微量元素地球化学特征显然有别于分布在宽沟背斜以北典型的沉积石灰岩和白云岩,而和幢源火成碳酸岩十分相似.与矿床进行对比研究说明,成矿流体和矿质主要起源于碳酸岩浆的分异作用,其放射性成因同位素和微量元素保持了地但指纹,而氧和碳同位素组成却向壳源方向漂移,证实碳酸岩浆侵位过程中受大陆地壳的混染作用非常微弱,但是由碳酸岩浆活动所引起的成矿热液体系中却有一定的地表水混人认为白云鄂博REE-Nb-Fe超大型矿床的成因应归属于火成碳酸岩型矿床.  相似文献   

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