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The results are presented from tidal gravity measurements at five sites in Europe using LaCoste and Romberg ET gravimeters. Improvements that we have made to the accuracies of these gravimeters are discussed. It is shown that the 'standard' calibration of the International Center for Earth Tides, used for worldwide tidal gravity profiles, is 1.2 per cent too high. The M2 and O1 observations are compared with model calculations of the Earth's body tide and ocean tide loading and it is shown that there is a very significant improvement in the agreement between observations and models compared to that obtained with previous tidal gravity measurements. For O1, where the ocean tide loading and attraction in central Europe is only 0.4 per cent of the body tide, our measurements verify that the Dehant-Wahr anelastic body tide model gravimetric factor is accurate to 0.2 per cent. It is also shown that the effects of lateral heterogeneities in Earth structure on tidal gravity are too small to explain the large anomalies in previously published tidal gravity amplitudes. The observations clearly show the importance of conserving tidal mass in the Schwiderski ocean tide model. For sites in central Europe, the M2 and O1 observations and the models are in agreement at the 0.1 μgal (10−9 m s−2) level and tidal corrections to this accuracy can now be made to absolute gravity measurements.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of OH airglow undertaken on May 2, 2006 at Uji, Japan reveal variations in intensity and rotational temperature related to the passage of an atmospheric gravity wave. The variations exhibit a period of approximately 1 h and magnitudes of 2–6% in intensity and 0.5–2% in rotational temperature. The vertical wavelength and intrinsic frequency of the atmospheric gravity wave were determined from the horizontal wavelength derived by an OH airglow imager, the background horizontal wind velocity obtained by the middle and upper atmosphere (MU) radar, and the dispersion relationship. The observed variations are consistent with the values calculated using the model of Liu, A.Z., Swenson, G.R. [2003. A modeling study of O2 and OH airglow perturbations induced by atmospheric gravity waves. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (No. D4), 4151. doi:10.1029/2002JD002474].  相似文献   

张赤军 《极地研究》2001,13(4):273-282
在山区 ,尤其是在有全球第三极之称的喜马拉雅山区 ,当相邻点间距不大时 ,如何利用这些点上的重力与地形 (高程 )数据推估待求点的重力值 ,这对难以攀登和不能用仪器观测的山峰很有意义。研究指出 ,在地形负荷的波长很短时 ,具有一定强度的地壳足以能够支撑这种负荷 ,因此 ,不能用Airy Heiskanen和Pratt Hayford局部补偿模型作重力推估 ;由于空间异常主要受地形起伏制约 ,因此借助于邻近重力点的地形 (高程 )作推估会得到满意的结果。基于这一思路 ,我们采用了 4种有关公式 ,有效地推估了第三极之巅珠穆朗玛峰顶上的重力值 ,该值为(976 970± 7)× 1 0 - 5m·s- 2 。这一结果为精确推求珠峰大地水准面和正高提供了必要的数据 ,若用均衡的方法来推估 ,则可能相差近 1 0 0× 1 0 - 5m·s- 2 。  相似文献   

中国农民旅游流网络重心轨迹的演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈超  马海涛  陈楠  陈胡玥 《地理研究》2014,33(7):1306-1314
农民旅游流是旅游地理学研究的热点问题,其旅游重心能综合反映旅游流网络的空间扩散和集聚特征。运用国内农村居民旅游者的流向抽样调查数据,构建农民旅游流网络重心、旅游流向、移动距离模型,对农民旅游流的重心轨迹进行研究。结果显示:农民旅游流网络重心隐含农民旅游客源地和目的地双重心的内在联系特性,两种重心呈现“偏南-西南-东北-偏东”的演变轨迹,农民旅游客源地重心与目的地重心存在空间错位;农民旅游流网络重心的移动幅度东西方向大于南北方向,2003-2004 年与2004-2005 年的重心移动距离尺度大于其他时期;其网络重心与经济收入、人口、入境旅游三项重心比较明显偏西南部,呈现客源地重心向东南部、目的地重心向东转北的发展趋势,农民旅游客源地出游力存在区域差异、目的地吸引力存在空间不平衡。本研究作为旅游产业的区域布局与旅游资源的科学配置的基础工作,可为深化农民旅游市场开发以及预测旅游流的动态提供新视角。  相似文献   

A Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the NW Himalayas and parts of the Kohistan/Hindukush region has been prepared using all available gravity data. Analysis of the gravity field has been carried out along a profile extending from Gujranwala (located near the edge of the Indian shield) to the Haramosh massif in a NNE–SSW direction. The gravity profile is located close to the DSS profile shot under the USSR–India scientific collaborative programme. Velocity information available along different parts of the profile has been used to infer values of crustal and upper mantle density.
The observed gravity field (Bouguer) has been interpreted in terms of Moho depth and density contrast between the crust and the mantle. The Moho depth is interpreted as increasing from nearly 35 km near the edge of the Indian shield to 75 km (below sea-level) underneath the Haramosh massif. A similar model is applicable to a profile passing to the west of Nanga Parbat massif, from Gujranwala to Ghizar, through the Kohistan region. However, along this profile high-density lower-crustal rocks appear to have been emplaced in the upper part along the main mantle thrust. The nature of isostatic compensation prevailing underneath the Himalayas has been discussed, as has the theory of lithospheric flexure proposed by Karner & Watts and Lyon-Caen & Molnar. It is felt that although these ideas explain the broad features of the Moho configuration as observed in the NW Himalayas, there are significant departures. The role of tectonic forces in shaping the Moho and causing changes in the density of the crust cannot be denied.  相似文献   

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