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Guo-qing Chen Run-qiu Huang Feng-shou Zhang Zhen-fei Zhu Yu-chuan Shi Jian-chao Wang 《山地科学学报》2018,15(3):672-684
A new method, the dynamic reduction method (DRM) combined with the strain-softening method, was applied to evaluate the possible slip surface of a highly heterogeneous rock slope of the Dagangshan hydropower station in Southwest China. In DRM, only the strength of the failure elements is reduced and the softening reduction factor K is adopted to calculate the strength parameters. The simulation results calculated by DRM show that the further slip surface on the right slope of the Dagangshan hydropower station is limited in the middle part of the slope, while both SRM (strength reduction method) and LEM (limit equilibrium method) predict a failure surface which extends upper and longer. The observations and analysis from the three recorded sliding events indicate that the failure mode predicted by DRM is more likely the scenario. The results in this study illustrate that for highly heterogeneous slopes with geological discontinuities in different length scales, the proposed DRM can provide a reliable prediction of the location of the slip surface. 相似文献
Study on the grain size distribution characteristics and the frictional strength behavior of the slide deposits are helpful to disclose the landslide runout process and understand the mechanism of a long runout landslide. We performed grain size distribution analysis on samples collected from Chenjiaba landslide induced by Wenchuan earthquake. The grain size distribution of samples from the landslide sections quantitatively depicts a gradual coarsening upward grading from shear zone to the top section. Then a multistage-multiphase ring shearing approach was used to determine a comparative shear strength behavior of samples from each landslide section. In this method, a sample was sheared continuously for large displacement and fast rate on different normal stress conditions. The multiphase shear mode with a maximum of 105 mm/min rate has allowed observing the qualitative change and patterns of the frictional resistance behaviors of soils under different normal stresses. The results of coefficient of friction values under multiphase shear mode have shown substantial post peak shear weakening behaviors after large shear displacement that can be narrated with long runout processes. The shear strength test results indicate that the shear zone samples have developed higher friction angle values compared to overlying section samples, on the last phase of shear process, which may be very important to understand the braking mechanism of a long runout landslide. 相似文献
由于传统搜索方法对岩质边坡滑裂面的确定无法兼顾效率与精度, 如何迅速准确确定潜在滑裂面仍然是个难题。极限平衡法在岩质边坡稳定性分析中备受认可, 采用岩质边坡平面剪切滑动模型, 以滑裂面的倾角来表征潜在滑裂面的位置; 基于极值法, 推导了极限平衡条件下平面剪切破坏型岩质边坡潜在滑裂面的解析解, 并结合香港秀茂坪路边坡对其准确性进行了验证, 进一步对四川宜宾打营盘山公路多级边坡进行了整体稳定性分析。结果表明: 香港秀茂坪边坡采用本文方法确定的边坡潜在滑裂面倾角与实际滑坡倾角基本一致。实际工程应用中, 采用Slide软件中布谷鸟搜索法和模拟退火法两种搜索方法得到的滑裂面倾角分别为38.0°和37.0°, 本解析法所得倾角为34.8°; 选用Janbu法、Morgenstern-Price法和Sarma法分别计算对应的稳定系数, 结果均为1.04左右, 本文所得稳定系数为1.15, 可见本文方法所得结果基本准确。通过参数敏感性分析发现, 随着黏聚力的增加, 边坡滑裂面倾角越来越小, 稳定系数也随之增加; 而当内摩擦角增大时, 边坡滑裂面倾角和稳定系数也随之增大。 相似文献
Soil shear strength is an important indicator of engineering design and an essential parameter of soil precision tillage and agricultural machinery and equipment design. Although numerous studies have investigated the characteristics of different soil shear strengths, only a few of these works have paid attention to soils containing considerable quantities of rock fragments. To date, most studies on the effects of rock fragments on the shear strength have paid attention to the role of rock fragments with sizes >2 mm. The effects of rock fragments <2 mm in soil are generally ignored. Similar to rock fragments >2 mm, the presence of rock fragments <2 mm could also change the mechanical properties of soils. Thus, in the present study we evaluated the potential influence of <2 mm rock fragments on soil shear strength via an unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial compression test. Our results were as follows: (1) A certain quantity of <2 mm rock fragments presented in purple soils developed from clay rocks; and an appropriate quantity of <2 mm rock fragments could improve the shear strength of soils. (2) The different PSDs of soils containing <2 mm rock fragments mainly caused variations in the internal friction angle of soils. (3) The shear strengths of the two mudstone-developed red-brown and gray-brown purple soils was more sensitive to water than that of the shale-developed coarse-dark purple soil. As the soil water content increased from 9% to 23%, the changes in the cohesion, internal friction angle, shear strength, and the maximum principal stress difference were smaller in the coarse dark purple soil than in the two other soils. We therefore concluded that <2 mm rock fragments in purple soils exerted important effects on soil shear strength. A better understanding of the differences among the shear strength features of purple soils could help improve the design of agricultural machinery and equipment. 相似文献
金坛盐面积大、矿层稳定、厚度大,品位高,是一座具很高经济价值的大型盐矿床。回顾了盐矿早期由于缺乏规划而无序开采,资源浪费的发展阶段,提出了集约化开发,实现平等互利、风险共担、走联合办矿的道路。介绍了公司把握机遇,储气库项目有序推进,真空盐项目井展顺利。 相似文献
Xigeda formation is a type of hundred-meter-thick lacustrine sediments of being prone to triggering landslides along the trunk channel and tributaries of the upper Yangtze River in China. The Yonglang landslide located near Yonglang Town of Dechang County in Sichuan Province of China, which was a typical Xigeda formation landslide, was stabilized by anti-slide piles. Loading tests on a loading-test pile were conducted to measure the displacements and moments. The uncertainty of the tested geomechanical parameters of the Yonglang landslide over certain ranges would be problematic during the evaluation of the landslide. Thus, uniform design was introduced in the experimental design, and by which, numerical analyses of the loading-test pile were performed using Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC3D) to acquire a database of the geomechanical parameters of the Yonglang landslide and the corresponding displacements of the loading-test pile. A three-layer back-propagation neural network was established and trained with the database, and then tested and verified for its accuracy and reliability in numerical simulations. Displacement back analysis was conducted by substituting the displacements of the loading-test pile to the well-trained three-layer back-propagation neural network so as to identify the geomechanical parameters of the Yonglang landslide. The neural-network-based displacement back analysis method with the proposed methodology is verified to be accurate and reliable for the identification of the uncertain geomechanical parameters of landslides. 相似文献
针对2016年5月发生于秭归县西北部的谭家湾滑坡,结合卫星遥感影像、现场勘查资料以及历史资料等多源数据,初步明确了滑坡的影响区域、特征及发生时序;综合采用钻探、槽探、物探等手段,开展室内外相关实验,明确了滑坡区的地层特性以及岩土体物理力学性质指标,通过分析该区裂缝位移及GPS数据,对该边坡的变形机制进行了探讨,并对该区稳定性进行了评价。结果表明:①谭家湾滑坡属于不规则"圈椅形"中型松散层的水库下降型滑坡,滑坡区的地表形态、地质构造及岩性等因素决定了滑坡的形成和发育,库水位和降雨的共同作用激励了滑坡的变形;②滑坡根据时序共分为3级滑体,总体呈现多次、多层、相互影响的演化特点,第三级滑体具有牵引式特征;③滑坡体内地下水位随库水位下降而下降,但下降速率缓于库水位,随之坡体内水力梯度和渗透力显著变大,此时碰到强降雨,将会导致坡体地下水赋存,岩土体软化,加剧滑坡变形,须施加必要的防护措施。④稳定性分析表明,该滑坡现处于临界稳定状态,一旦发生降雨和库水位变化,局部段可能发生失稳滑动。 相似文献
It is difficult to obtain reliable shear strength parameters for the stability analysis and evaluation of high loess slopes.Hence,this paper determines slope elements and physical parameter of 79 slopes with heights of[40,120]m based on the measured loess slopes in the Ganquan and Tonghuang subregions of northern Shaanxi Province,China.In the limit state of the loess slope(stability factor Fs is 1.0),a fitting equation for the slope height and width is established.Then,the model is developed by stability analysis software-SLOPE/W,and the comprehensive shear strength parameters corresponding to different slope heights of the high slope in the study area are obtained by inversion using the Morgenstern-Price method.The results show that when the height of the slope increases,the cohesion c increases in the soil,and the internal friction angle j decreases.This change is consistent with the characteristics reflected in the composition and physical properties of the slopes,and the comprehensive strength parametric curves are very similar between the Ganquan subregion and the Tonghuang subregion.A landslide that occurred in Miaodian-zaitou of Jingyang County,Shaanxi Province,is selected to verify this inversion method,and the results show that the calculated shear strength parameters of the inversion are consistent with the measured value of the actual slope. 相似文献
In recent decades, data-driven landslide susceptibility models(Dd LSM), which are based on statistical or machine learning approaches, have become popular to estimate the relative spatial probability of landslide occurrence. The available literature is composed of a wealth of published studies and that has identified a large variety of challenges and innovations in this field. This review presents a comprehensive up-to-date overview focusing on the topic of Dd LSM. This research begins with an i... 相似文献
Stability analysis of the dam is important for disaster prevention and reduction. The dam's geometry plays an important role in understanding its stability. This study develops a rapid landslide dam geometry assessment method for both earthquake-induced and rainfall-induced landslide dams based on nine real cases collected in Chinese Taipei and 214 cases collected worldwide. For simplification purposes, a landslide dam is classified into triangular or trapezoidal. The rapid landslide dam geometry assessment method in this paper uses only satellite maps and the topographic maps to get landslide area, and then analyze the dam geometry. These maps are used to evaluate the area of the landslide and the slope of the river bed. Based on the evaluation information, the proposed method can calculate dam height, the length of the dam, and the angles of the dam in both upstream and downstream directions. These geometry parameters of a landslide dam provide important information for further dam stability analysis. The proposed methodology is applied to a real landslide dam case at Hsiaolin Village. The result shows that the proposed method can be used to assess the landslide dam geometry. 相似文献
This paper analysed the evolution of landslide research and research foci in different countries. The data comprise 3105 landslide SCI articles published between January 1977 and June 2015 from the Web of Science. The data are extracted under interaction constraints of the journal title, category, and keywords. The complex network method is used for the analysis. First, from the perspective of topics and methods, the evolution is systematically assessed by generating a co-citation network of the articles and a semantic cluster analysis. Second, from the perspective of topics and landsliderelated disasters, the focus in different countries is discussed by generating co-occurrence networks. These networks are the co-occurrence of the countries and keywords, and the co-occurrence of countries and landslide-related disaster phrases. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) landslide susceptibility analysis and methods of machine learning are popular research topics and methods, respectively. The topics change through time, and the article output is influenced by increasing landslide-related disasters, increasing economic losses and casualties, a desire for a more complete and accurate landslide inventory, and the use of effective methods, such as geographical information Science(GIS) and machine learning.(2) The research focus in each country is related with the country-specific disasters or economic costs caused by landslides to some degree. In addition to Italy and the USA, China is the country most commonly affected by landslides, and it should develop its own landslide database and complete in-depth studies of disaster mitigation. 相似文献
岩坡稳定性优势面分析法--以太湖度假区休体公园渔洋山边坡为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用优势面理论层次分析法。确定岩坡的控稳优势面.通过对太湖度假区休体公园渔洋山边坡的研究得出F1和软弱夹层是控稳优势面。通过优势面组合分析.得出4组优势分离体。其中F1、软弱夹层和边坡临空面组合为试算安全系数最小优势分离体。最后用Sarma法进行稳定性计算.得出各种优势分离体组合模型在考虑地下水和地震加速度为0.15g的情况下均是不稳定的。结果表明,采用层次分析法对岩坡稳定性进行评价的方法是可行的。 相似文献
Landslides are common hazards in orogenic belt areas. However, it is difficult to quantitatively express the driving effects of tectonic uplift and stream erosion on the occurrence of landslides on large spatial scales by conducting field investigations. In this study, we analyzed a relatively large region that extends over the Yangbi River basin on the upper Lancang-Mekong in China. A series of quantitative indices, including kernel density of the landslide(KDL), hypsometric integral(HI), steepness index(ksn), stream power(?), and stream power gradient(ω) were used to explore the promoting effects of tectonic uplift and stream action intensity on landslides by mapping geomorphic dynamic parameters combined with actual landslide data. The analysis showed that the HI value in the highest landslide risk area was approximately 0.47, and that the KDL in the region can be expressed as a function of steepness or stream power gradient of the channel network, namely, KDL = 0.0127 Ln ksn-0.0167(R~2 = 0.72, P 0.001) and KDL = 0.0219 Ln ω-0.0558(R~2 = 0.21, P 0.02). Therefore, the lower reach of the Yangbi River basin, with higher steepness and stream power gradient, usually has a high uplifting rate and stream incision that drives landslides and causes the entire river network system to be in a stage of longterm active erosion. Furthermore, the results suggest that sediments were being rapidly discharged from the steep tributary channels to the mainstream. This practical situation highlights that the downstream area of the river basin is a high-risk area for landslide hazards, especially in association with heavy rainfall and earthquakes. 相似文献
Franny G. Murillo-García Mauro Rossi Francesca Ardizzone Federica Fiorucci Irasema Alcántara-Ayala 《山地科学学报》2017,14(7):1241-1261
In this paper, an attempt to analyse landslide hazard and vulnerability in the municipality of Pahuatlán, Puebla, Mexico, is presented. In order to estimate landslide hazard, the susceptibility,magnitude(area-velocity ratio) and landslide frequency of the area of interest were produced based on information derived from a geomorphological landslide inventory; the latter was generated by using very high resolution satellite stereo pairs along with information derived from other sources(Google Earth,aerial photographs and historical information).Estimations of landslide susceptibility were determined by combining four statistical techniques:(i) logistic regression,(ii) quadratic discriminant analysis,(iii) linear discriminant analysis, and(iv)neuronal networks. A Digital Elevation Model(DEM)of 10 m spatial resolution was used to extract the slope angle, aspect, curvature, elevation and relief.These factors, in addition to land cover, lithology anddistance to faults, were used as explanatory variables for the susceptibility models. Additionally, a Poisson model was used to estimate landslide temporal frequency, at the same time as landslide magnitude was obtained by using the relationship between landslide area and the velocity of movements. Then,due to the complexity of evaluating it, vulnerability of population was analysed by applying the Spatial Approach to Vulnerability Assessment(SAVE) model which considered levels of exposure, sensitivity and lack of resilience. Results were expressed on maps on which different spatial patterns of levels of landslide hazard and vulnerability were found for the inhabited areas. It is noteworthy that the lack of optimal methodologies to estimate and quantify vulnerability is more notorious than that of hazard assessments.Consequently, levels of uncertainty linked to landslide risk assessment remain a challenge to be addressed. 相似文献
目前工程实践中弃渣场抗剪强度参数主要采用工程地质类比法进行取值, 参数误差较大, 有必要采用多种方法对弃渣场抗剪强度参数进行综合取值研究。以某公路弃渣场为工程实例, 通过室内颗分试验确定弃渣场弃渣的颗粒级配, 在此基础上采用室内大型剪切试验及工程地质类比法综合确定该弃渣的抗剪强度参数, 并以此参数计算弃渣体的稳定性。计算结果表明, 弃渣体在天然工况条件下稳定性系数为1.369, 在暴雨工况条件下稳定性系数为1.083, 弃渣场在计算工况条件下处于基本稳定-稳定状态, 与现场巡查及监测结果基本一致。说明该弃渣抗剪强度参数取值比较合理准确, 可为公路弃渣场参数取值提供参考。 相似文献
Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset from 1959-2004, the location and strength of the ITCZ (Inter-Tropical Con-vergence Zone), as well as their relations with typhoons in the northwestern Pacific were studied. It was found that the pentad loca-tion and strength of the ITCZ had close relations with the typhoon frequency. Higher latitude location or strengthened ITCZ were found to be favorable for the occurrence of typhoons over the Northwestern Pacific. An index was defined for ascertaining the loca-tion of the ITCZ. It was found that the index defined with the maximum value ofpentad and monthly meridional shear of zonal wind speed could better describe the location of ITCZ than another index defined with the maximum value of convergence. Correlation analysis between the index of ITCZ and the maximum cloud cover in the tropics showed that there were close relations between the ITCZ determined by the index and the maximum tropical cloud belt. The strength index of an ITCZ was defined as the zonal wind speed difference at latitudes south and north of the ITCZ. It was found that there are close relations between the ITCZ intensity and typhoon occurrence in the South China Sea [10°N-20°N, 100°E-120°E] and regions east of the Philippines and near the Mariana Islands [5°N-20°N, 127.5°E-150°E]. 相似文献
速度倒数法(INV)是基于坡表变形特征的滑坡启滑预测工具,其与滑坡内部多物理场演化的关系仍需进一步明晰。开展了甘肃省舟曲县立节北山滑坡的勘察与坡表变形监测,采用基于速度倒数法、速度阈值法、以非饱和土理论为基础的边坡降雨响应模拟3种方法,对该滑坡的运动特征与失稳的内在机制展开了研究。研究结果表明:边坡变形速度倒数-时间曲线有明显的加速起始点。速度倒数在2021年6月3日达到最低值后,进入约60 d的平稳期,在9月20日突然加速,并在20 d内速度达到200 mm/d以上,变形不再收敛。基于速度倒数法得到的滑坡生命周期结束点,与实际的失稳点相差8 d,提前约130 d对该突发性滑坡进行了预报。根据全过程速度时程曲线,存在20,60,100 mm/d的多级速度阈值。边坡应力场、变形场、渗流场的数值模拟结果显示,变形时程曲线的拐点与降雨强度的增加相关,累计降雨量与安全系数呈指数负相关。数值模拟得到的累计变形为2 250 mm,变形速度为10~35 mm/d,速度倒数为0.03~0.12 d/mm,与实际监测数据接近。综上所述,速度倒数法对立节北山滑坡的生命周期进行了有效预测,基于速度的预警阈值... 相似文献
高寒、高海拔地区由于反复冻融导致的岩体变形破坏,对区内工程建设有重大影响。为研究不同裂隙条件下岩体循环冻融特性,在汶马高速沿线选择具有代表性的千枚岩和砂岩,制备了不同裂隙条件(长度、张开度、裂隙组数)试样,在干燥和饱水两种状态下分别进行大温差(-20℃到20℃)循环冻融(50次)试验。试验揭示了饱水裂隙岩样冻融变形过程:冻缩→冻胀→冻缩(冻结阶段)→融胀→融缩→融胀(融化阶段),干燥裂隙岩样冻融变形过程:冻缩(冻结阶段)→融胀(融化阶段)。进一步,选择冻胀量εd为指标,分析了两类岩样冻融循环次数与εd的关系,揭示了裂隙长度、宽度和组数对εr的影响规律;选择残余变形量εr为指标,揭示了千枚岩和砂岩试样在饱水条件下εr随εd的增加规律,获得了εd与εr间的定量关系;分析了干燥和饱水试样单轴抗压强度随冻融循环次数增加而减小规律,确定了冻融次数与试样劣化间的线性关系。最后,初步讨论了饱水条件、岩性和裂隙条件对岩体冻融循环变形的影响机制。 相似文献
Geometrical feature analysis and disaster assessment of the Xinmo landslide based on remote sensing data 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
Jian-rong Fan Xi-yu Zhang Feng-huan Su Yong-gang Ge Paolo Tarolli Zheng-yin Yang Chao Zeng Zhen Zeng 《山地科学学报》2017,14(9):1677-1688
At 5:39 am on June 24, 2017, a landslide occurred in the village of Xinmo in Maoxian County, Aba Tibet and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture(Sichuan Province, Southwest China). On June 25, aerial images were acquired from an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), and a digital elevation model(DEM) was processed. Landslide geometrical features were then analyzed. These are the front and rear edge elevation, accumulation area and horizontal sliding distance. Then, the volume and the spatial distribution of the thickness of the deposit were calculated from the difference between the DEM available before the landslide, and the UAV-derived DEM collected after the landslide. Also, the disaster was assessed using high-resolution satellite images acquired before the landslide. These include Quick Bird, Pleiades-1 and GF-2 images with spatial resolutions of 0.65 m, 0.70 m, and 0.80 m, respectively, and the aerial images acquired from the UAV after the landslide with a spatial resolution of 0.1 m. According to the analysis, the area of the landslide was 1.62 km2, and the volume of the landslide was 7.70 ± 1.46 million m3. The average thickness of the landslide accumulation was approximately 8 m. The landslide destroyed a total of 103 buildings. The area of destroyed farmlands was 2.53 ha, and the orchard area was reduced by 28.67 ha. A 2-km section of Songpinggou River was blocked and a 2.1-km section of township road No. 104 was buried. Constrained by the terrain conditions, densely populated and more economically developed areas in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River basin are mainly located in the bottom of the valleys. This is a dangerous area regarding landslide, debris flow and flash flood events Therefore, in mountainous, high-risk disaster areas, it is important to carefully select residential sites to avoid a large number of casualties. 相似文献
The traditional combined gravity and magnetic analysis uses the linear regression of the first order vertical derivative of the gravity anomaly and the reduction to the pole ( RTP) magnetic anomaly, and provides the quantitative or semi-quantitative interpretation by calculating the correlation coefficient, slope, and inter-cept.In the calculation process, due to the remanent magnetization, the RTP anomaly still contains the effect of oblique magnetization, as a result, the homologous gravity and magnetic anomalies may display irrelevant results in the linear regression calculation.To solve this problem, we present a new combined analysis using normal-ized source strength ( NSS ) .Based on the Poisson's relation, the gravity field can be transformed into the pseudomagnetic field of the direction of geomagnetic field magnetization under the homologous condition.The NSS of the pseudomagnetic field and that of the original magnetic field are calculated, which are insensitive to the remanence, and then the linear regression analysis is carried out.The approach is tested using synthetic model under complex magnetization, the results show that it can still identify the gravity and magnetic anomalies from same source under strong remanence, and can establish the Poisson's ratio.Finally, this approach is ap-plied in Wudalianchi in China.The results demonstrated that this approach is feasible and can provide the ref-erence for further data processing and interpretation. 相似文献