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库岸滑坡受到库水升降作用影响,内部渗透压力会产生周期性的变化。动态渗透压力会导致滑带结构与强度产生劣化,进而影响滑坡整体稳定性。为揭示滑带在渗透作用下的结构演变特征,通过室内渗流试验结合CT扫描技术获取了黄土坡滑坡滑带在不同渗流条件下的细观结构特征,采用Avizo软件量化滑带细观结构参数,定量分析了不同渗透条件下滑带结构的演变规律。结果表明,滑带的渗透系数随渗流时长的增加而呈指数形式下降,且水力梯度越大最终试样的渗透系数越小;连续的CT重构图像显示渗流过程中部分黏土团聚体发生解体,大孔隙被附近的细颗粒逐渐充填,试样结构的宏观均一性增强;统计数据表明滑带土的表观孔隙率由5%下降到了1%,等效直径小于80μm的孔隙占比随渗流时长的增加而增多,而等效直径大于80μm的孔隙占比随渗流时长的增加而减少。结果证明周期性渗透作用会影响滑带内孔隙结构的分布特征,细观上表现为大孔隙被小颗粒充填,导致渗流通道变得细长而弯曲,孔隙的有效连通性被削弱,宏观上表现为渗透系数随渗流时长的增加而降低。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of a weak intercalation on slope stability, a large-scale shaking table model test was conducted to study the dynamic response of rock slope models with weak intercalation. The dynamic response of the prototype slopes were studied in laboratory with the consideration of law of similitude. The initiation failure was observed in the rock slope model with a counter-tilt thin-weak intercalation firstly, not in the slope model with a horizontal thin-weak intercalation. Furthermore, it was interesting that the fracture site is shifted from crest top to the slope surface near the weak intercalation, which is different with the location of failure position in a normal layered slope. We also discussed the effect of the dip angle and the thickness of weak intercalation on the failure mechanism and instability mode of the layered rock slope. From the experimental result, it was noted that the stability of the slope with a counter-tilt weak intercalation could be worse than that of the other slopes under seismic excitation. The findings showed the difference of failure in slopes with a horizontal and counter weak intercalation, and implicated the further evaluation of failure of layered slopes caused by seismic loads.  相似文献   

Monitoring deformation in high undulating mountainous environments is critical for surface process research and disaster prevention studies. Although observations based on interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar(InSAR) are an excellent tool for monitoring deformation, the shadow phenomena can limit its application. Based on a series of geomorphic parameters and limited InSAR observation data, surface deformations were reconstructed in areas with missing observations by constructing a random for...  相似文献   

Zhu  Guoping  Liu  Zijun  Yang  Yang  Wang  Zhen  Yang  Wenjie  Xu  Liuxiong 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(3):1080-1089
As a key species of the Southern Ocean ecosystem, the thermal and saline tolerances of Antarctic krill(Euphausia superba Dana) are relatively unknown because of the challenging environment and complicated situations needed for observation have inhibited in-situ experiments in the field. Hence,the thermal and saline tolerance of krill were examined under in-situ aquarium conditions with different controlled scenarios. According to the experiments, the critical lethal times of krill were 24 h, 2 h and 0.5 h under 9℃, 12℃, and 15℃, respectively, and the estimated 50% lethal times were about 17.1 h and 1.7 h under 12℃ and 15℃, respectively. Additionally, the critical lethal times(the estimated 50% lethal times) of krill were approximately 14 h and 0.5 h(about 22.9 h and 1.7 h) of salinity under 19.7 and 15.9, respectively.The observed critical and 50% lethal times of krill were 0.5 h and approximately 1.4 h, respectively,salinity under 55.2. The critical and 50% lethal temperatures of krill were 13℃ and approximately 14.2℃,respectively. Additionally, the critical and 50% lethal salinity was 19.6 and approximately 17.5 for the lower saline(below normal oceanic salinity [34.4]) environment and 50.3 and approximately 53.2 for the higher saline(above 34.4) environment, respectively. The upper thermal and saline preferences of krill can be considered 6℃ and 26.8 to 41.2, respectively. These results can provide potential scenarios for predicting the possible fate of this key species in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

A mobile in-situ testing equipment used to detect geotechnical thermophysical properties was developed. The equipment is composed of a heat pump, frequency pumps, an electric tee joint regulator valve, some sensors, an electric control system, data acquisition and control system, which can do tests under the condition of extracting and storing subsurface heat. Applying the line source and the cylinder source heat transfer model, and combining the parameters estimation, the average thermophysieal property parameters of rock and soil will be calculated, which provides the basis for designing the ground source heat pump systems.  相似文献   

A mobile in-situ testing equipment used to detect geotechnical thermophysical properties was developed. The equipment is composed of a heat pump, frequency pumps, an electric tee joint regulator valve, some sensors, an electric control system, data acquisition and control system, which can do tests under the condition of extracting and storing subsurface heat. Applying the line source and the cylinder source heat transfer model, and combining the parameters estimation, the average thermophysical property parameters of rock and soil will be calculated, which provides the basis for designing the ground source heat pump systems.  相似文献   

Reliable estimation of deformation and failure behaviors of fractured rock mass is important for practical engineering design. This study proposes a multi-domain equivalent method for fracture network to estimate the deformation properties of complex fractured rock mass. It comprehends both the advantages of the discrete fracture network model and the equivalent continuum model to capture the features of discontinuities explicitly while reducing computational intensity. The complex fracture netw...  相似文献   

高寒、高海拔地区由于反复冻融导致的岩体变形破坏,对区内工程建设有重大影响。为研究不同裂隙条件下岩体循环冻融特性,在汶马高速沿线选择具有代表性的千枚岩和砂岩,制备了不同裂隙条件(长度、张开度、裂隙组数)试样,在干燥和饱水两种状态下分别进行大温差(-20℃到20℃)循环冻融(50次)试验。试验揭示了饱水裂隙岩样冻融变形过程:冻缩→冻胀→冻缩(冻结阶段)→融胀→融缩→融胀(融化阶段),干燥裂隙岩样冻融变形过程:冻缩(冻结阶段)→融胀(融化阶段)。进一步,选择冻胀量εd为指标,分析了两类岩样冻融循环次数与εd的关系,揭示了裂隙长度、宽度和组数对εr的影响规律;选择残余变形量εr为指标,揭示了千枚岩和砂岩试样在饱水条件下εr随εd的增加规律,获得了εd与εr间的定量关系;分析了干燥和饱水试样单轴抗压强度随冻融循环次数增加而减小规律,确定了冻融次数与试样劣化间的线性关系。最后,初步讨论了饱水条件、岩性和裂隙条件对岩体冻融循环变形的影响机制。   相似文献   

Soilerosionisoneofthemostseriousenvironmentalproblemsinthepresentworld.Itnotonlyrestrictstheproductionofagriculturebadly,butalsothreatensthenaturalenvironmentonwhichhumanbeinglive.Andthismakethemankindconfrontedwithtremendouschallenge.OntheLoessPlateau,soilandwaterlossisterrible,environmentisweak,anditshighsandyieldmakestheriverwayinthelowerreachesoftheHuanghe(Yellow)Riverfilledup,riverbeddrivenup,floodthreatprickedup,andresultsingreathiddentroublestothecontrollingoffloodandtherunningofirrig…  相似文献   

Engineering experience shows that outward dipping bedded rock slopes, especially including weak interlayers, are prone to slide under rainfall conditions. To investigate the effect of inclined weak interlayers at various levels of depth below the surface on the variation of displacements and stresses in bedded rock slopes, four geo-mechanical model tests with artificial rainfall have been conducted. Displacements, water content as well as earth pressure in the model were monitored by means of various FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors. The results showed that the amount of displacement of a slope with a weak interlayer is 2.8 to 6.2 times larger than that of a slope without a weak interlayer during one rainfall event. Furthermore, the position of the weak interlayer in terms of depth below the surface has a significant effect on the zone of deformation in the model. In the slope with a high position weak interlayer, the recorded deformation was larger in the superficial layer of the model and smaller in the frontal portion than in the slope with a low position weak interlayer. The slope with two weak interlayers has the largest deformation at all locations of all test slopes. The slope without a weak interlayer was only saturated in its superficial layer, while the displacement decreased with depth. That was different from all slopes with a weak interlayer in which the largest displacement shifted from the superficial layer to the weak interlayer when rainfall persisted. Plastic deformation of the weak interlayer promoted the formation of cracks which caused more water to flow into the slope, thus causing larger deformation in the slope with weak interlayers. In addition, the slide thrust pressure showed a vibration phenomenon 0.5 to 1 hour ahead of an abrupt increase of the deformation, which was interpreted as a predictor for rainfall-induced failure of bedded rock slopes.  相似文献   

干热岩具有利用率高、无污染、储量巨大、分布较广、持续稳定、安全性好等特点,被全球公认为在21世纪能够取代化石能源的一种最优质的、可再生的新型清洁能源。目前对于干热岩的成因机理还没有定论,而对于干热岩的勘探寻找、远景区的圈定以及资源评价也有不同的观点,为了有利于干热岩勘探开发,本文在综述前人研究工作基础上,总结归纳了干热岩勘查评价指标,几个重要的指标及其特征如下。第一个指标是岩石圈厚度和莫霍面埋深,岩石圈厚度较小并且莫霍面埋深比较浅,是评价干热岩远景区的一个重要指标。莫霍面埋深较浅指示深部热源(幔源热)更加接近地表,故埋深较浅(较薄的厚度)并具有上隆的特征有利于深部的热量向上传导,为干热岩的孕热环境提供良好的条件。第二个指标是居里等温面,埋深较浅的居里等温面是干热岩远景区一个重要的评价指标。居里等温面是地球内部一个非常特殊的温度(热物质)界面,它不仅能指示地下温度场的分布特征,还可指示地壳深部热能分布特征,对干热岩及地震的成因研究具有十分重要的意义;如果居里面埋深较浅,则热量传导到地表的距离比较短,深部的热流活动更容易向地表传送,不仅是有利的高温干热岩孕热环境,也有利于储存的热能快速向上传导。第三个指标为地温梯度,地温梯度较大是寻找干热岩远景区的一个重要指标;如果一个地区具有较高的地温梯度(≥ 35℃/km),则随着深度的增加深部的地温增加较快,在相对较浅的地方就可以获得温度较高的岩石体。第四个指标是大地热流,大地热流值较大(≥ 75 mW/m2)就指示地球深部有存在高温岩石体的可能;大地热流是地温场的综合性热参数,能够准确地反映区域内的地温场特征。第五个指标是新构造运动,这也是人们寻找干热岩时容易忽略的一个重要指标。新构造运动包括火山、地震及活动断裂构造等。地震和火山是极具破坏性的自然灾害,两者的发生都表明了地球内部的热能汇聚到一定程度,从而打破了地球内部平衡状态而以地震或火山的形式把热量进行释放的地球系统行为。该指标中,如地震震级大(>3级)、震源深度浅(10~15 km)、频度大,火山活动时间新(活火山、休眠火山、中新世以来的死火山)规模大都说明地球深部存在不稳定的高热状态,易形成干热岩;如果能提前找到该区域的干热岩,可以先取出其中的热,那么地震和火山就有可能不会发生,这样可以达到取热减灾减排的作用。活动的深大断裂即能产生一部分热,也能将深部的热传输到浅部,尤其是活动性强的走滑拉张断裂,其深部具有韧性剪切特征,直接指示了深部的高温体的存在。第六个指标是高温温泉与气田等。温泉、气田的形成通常与深部的热储关系密切,一般认为地下水沿某个通道向下渗透接触到深部高温热储被加热后再沿某一通道流出地表而形成温泉;所以,温泉的出露指示了深部存在高温的岩石体(干热岩);区域地温场异常明显,地表热泉等高温水热型地热田较密集的区域有望在深部寻找到干热岩,这也是一种就热(水热)找热(干热)的常规方法。作为固体矿产资源的干热岩,其形成具备四个必要条件:源、通、储、盖。第一个条件是要有丰富的动态热源如来源于深部地幔(幔源热),来源于晚新生代活动的控热构造系统-活动的韧性剪切带,来源于地壳内的低速低阻体(中下地壳热)以及来源于高放射性中新生代花岗岩体(壳源热)。第二个条件是要有优良的导热通道,如壳内15~25 km低速层不仅是热源,同时具有将深部地幔热能向上传导的作用;软流圈地幔上隆时具活动性的深大断裂(深部具韧性特征、浅部具脆性特征)常常具有很好的导热功能;地壳浅表层次的脆性断裂系统往往不是干热岩的热通道,而是水热型地热能的导水、释热构造。第三个条件是要有巨大的储热岩石体,除埋深要适中(3~6 km)并具有较高温度(≥150℃)外,其规模要大(蕴含丰富的热能),热导率大(>2 W/mK),裂隙少(不含水或含少量不流动的水);当然热储层可以是变质岩、岩浆岩,也可以为沉积岩。第四个条件是要有良好的保热盖层,盖层(被子)导热率低(< 2 W/mK)、厚度适中(>1 km)(具有良好的保温效果),地温梯度高(≥40℃/km)、大地热流值高(≥70 mW/m2)(指示深部存在高温特征)是深部赋存有高温地热资源的必要条件。   相似文献   

研究不同环剪条件下库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土强度特性对滑坡稳定性评价具有重要意义。针对目前在库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土力学特性方面研究薄弱的问题, 以三峡库区童家坪滑坡滑带土为研究对象, 采用ARS-E2环剪仪开展了不同剪切速率下的剪切试验, 研究了等速剪切、加速剪切以及减速剪切作用下滑带土强度变化特征。试验结果表明: 滑带土试样在恒定的低速剪切条件下更容易得到稳定的残余强度, 并且达到峰值强度后易出现"应变软化"现象; 在相同剪切应力条件下, 滑带土加速环剪和减速环剪的剪应力变化趋势基本一致, 与法向应力均呈正相关关系; 剪切速率的变化会显著影响滑带土峰值黏聚力的大小。研究成果揭示了不同环剪条件下滑带土力学特性, 可以为揭示库岸堆积层滑坡变形破坏的力学机制提供理论依据。   相似文献   

在模拟注蒸汽条件下,开展辽河油田杜84区块超稠油低温氧化反应实验,分析稠油黏度、SARA组成及气体产物的变化,探讨超稠油低温氧化反应的基本特征和机理.结果表明:杜84区块超稠油经过低温氧化反应后气体产物主要为CO2、CO和余O2,并有少量烃气、SO2和H2S,余氧体积分数一般低于4%.在空气压力为0.25MPa时,超稠油低温氧化反应后黏度增大10%~40%,重质组分体积分数增加5.00%,其中,胶质质量分数降低2.00%~5.00%,沥青质质量分数增大5.00%~10.00%.超稠油低温氧化反应机理主要是芳烃加氧或聚合向胶质转化,胶质加氧或聚合向沥青质转化.  相似文献   

东天山觉罗塔格金矿带构造变形与成矿预测   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
东天山觉罗塔格金矿带构造变形特征明显,横向分带可分为3个变形子带,组构差异显示走向分段韧性剪切带发展演化过程中相伴的脆-韧性变形转换带较为普遍。脆-韧性变形转换过程受多种动力作用方式控制,造成多种变形方式同存互竞,常见微破裂、碎裂流和晶内滑移。有两种转换过程,宏观上各圈层的变形连通和微观上主要地质体内的变形开合使脆-韧性变形转换带内流体强烈对流,并富集成矿。近年来在该区带发现的一系列金矿床(点),约85%都分布于脆-韧性变形转换带中,数值模拟显示脆-韧性变形带控制金矿床,其中的张性扩容构造控制金矿体。此已成为该区剪切变形带内控矿的重要特征和普遍规律。  相似文献   

岩质边坡非饱和带水分对于边坡植物生长具有重要的生态学意义.目前对岩质边坡非饱和带水汽运移的系统性研究还很少,现有研究大部分集中在大气与岩体的接触面和凝结水能否生成的定性层面,而未将边坡非饱和带作为一个系统整体来研究.为了阐明岩质边坡非饱和带的水汽运移机制及其与边坡植物生长之间的关系,运用热力学和系统科学的理论,开展边坡温湿度监测试验,进行了详细的水汽运移机制的研究.研究发现,岩质边坡非饱和带内的水汽运移驱动力为水汽分压梯度,水汽从水汽分压大的位置向水汽分压小的位置运移.冬季时,水汽从边坡深部向浅部运移,夏季时,水汽从大气向边坡深部运移.岩质边坡非饱和带内存在水汽饱和带,夏季范围较大,冬季范围收缩.同时,通过对岩质边坡复绿植物的成活率进行监测分析,论述了岩质边坡非饱和带内的水汽内循环机制及其生态学意义.本文对于研究岩体非饱和带水文学、探索植物水分来源、指导岩质边坡复绿乃至干旱半干旱带的生态修复都有极为重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the gravity-induced rock slope deformation observed along the Nujiang River in China. We performed a comprehensive field investigation and analysis to identify the deformation pattern of the slope and its triggering factors. Moreover, a geological-evolutionary model was developed, and it considers the effects of river incision and rock mass degradation caused by weathering and simulates the mechanisms underlying the initiation and progression of the slope deformation. The results support the proposed failure mechanism in which fractures within the slope are induced by rock mass degradation caused by weathering. Importantly, the modeling reveals that compressional deformation at the toe of the slope results in a tensile failure in the upper portion of the slope, demonstrating that the rock mass in the slope toe is the key factor inducing slope deformation. This analysis of slope deformation and its spatial and temporal correlations with rock weathering and river incision reveal the main triggering factors that control the evolution of the studied slope and provide insights into the deformation process.  相似文献   

根据盆地演化规律及断层穿层性,将海拉尔盆地断裂分为盆地基底断裂和盖层断裂;根据活动时期和变形特征,分为早期伸展断裂系统、中期张扭断裂系统、早期伸展)中期张扭断裂系统、中期张扭)晚期反转断裂系统和早期伸展)中期张扭)晚期反转断裂系统.结合海拉尔盆地岩心和野外观察,建立3种断裂带内部结构模式:致密储层中断层角砾岩结构、泥质岩盖层中泥岩涂抹结构和泥质岩盖层内断层泥结构.与油气垂向运移有关的断裂系统包括早期伸展)中期张扭)晚期反转断裂系统(正反转断层)、早期伸展)中期张扭)晚期反转活动的断裂系统(反转再活动正断层)和中期张扭)晚期反转活动的断裂系统.该研究成果可以为海拉尔盆地断层封闭性评价提供指导.  相似文献   

The foundations of some ocean engineering structures are built to withstand not only the vertical gravity load V, but also the horizontal load H induced by sea waves and current. The horizontal load includes the concentrated force load, the moment load M, and the torque load T termed also as combined loading. It is of academic and engineering significance to study the deformation law of submarine seabed due to combined loading. On the basis of the three-dimensional elastic mechanics solution of circular foundation, numerical methods are used to analyze the deformation law of submarine soil under circular foundation with six degrees of freedom. The finite element analysis results give the elastic deformation law of soil in three dimensional spaces, modify the theoretical elasticity solution, and presents nonlinear soil deformation mechanism under the circular foundation with six degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

This study discussed how cavity gas pressure affects the stability of rock mass with fractures under well controlled laboratory experiments. Suddenly-created void space created and the induced gas pressures have been the focus of active researches because they are associated with fast movement of large-scale landslides. A shaking table experiment was set up to mimic weak-intercalated rock slope under seismic loads. Excessive cavity gas pressure would be produced in weak spots upon a sudden vibration load. The drastically elevated gas pressure is believed to be responsible for the creation of cavities surrounding the tension fracture. With dissipation of the excessive cavity gas pressure, the fractures are in unbounded closed-state. This observation explains that the slope body would be split and loosened under several aftershocks, and with the expanding of the cracks, the slope failure eventually occurred. The research of the mechanism of cavity gas pressure could provide a novel insight into the formation mechanism of landslides under seismic load and has implications for the disaster prevention and control theory for the slope stability evaluation.  相似文献   

To study the damage mechanisms of anhydrite rock under freeze-thaw cycles, the physicalmechanical properties and the microcracking activities of anhydrite rock were investigated through mass variation, nuclear magnetic resonance, scanning electron microscope tests, and uniaxial compression combined with acoustic emission(AE) tests. Results show that with the increase of freeze-thaw processes,the mass, uniaxial compression strength, and elastic modulus of the anhydrite specimens decrease while th...  相似文献   

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