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Measurements of the north-south (B z component of the interplanetary field as compiled by King (1975) when organized into yearly histograms of the values of ¦B z ¦ reveal the following. (1) The histograms decrease exponentially from a maximum occurrence frequency at the value ¦B z ¦ = 0. (2) The slope of the exponential on a semi-log plot varies systematically roughly in phase with the sunspot number in such a way that the probability of large values of ¦B z ¦ is much greater in the years near sunspot maximum than in the years near sunspot minimum. (3) There is a sparsely populated high-value tail, for which the data are too meager to discern any solar cycle variation. The high-value tail is perhaps associated with travelling interplanetary disturbances. (4) The solar cycle variations of B z and the ordinary indicators of solar activity are roughly correlated. (5) The solar cycle variation of B z is distinctly different than that of the solar wind speed and that of the geomagnetic Ap disturbance index.Now at the Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Calif. 90245, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The representation of the sector boundaries, published by Svalgaard (1974, 1975) in a superposed 27-days Bartels format showed that they have a significant preference to occur in certain days of the solar rotation. Further study of these data, as well as of the polarized days in the vicinity of them, pointed out that during the epoch of extrema of the 11-year cycle there is a well-established 2-sector structure, on the average. On the contrary, a mean 4-sector structure is more prominent during the intermediate years.  相似文献   

Solar proton events are classified into three types, F,F1 and S, based on the intensity time variation and related solar phenomena. The propagation mechanism for each is considered. The structure of the magnetic fields near the Sun and in interplanetary space are deduced, and the structure of the flare nimbus is discussed. The influence of the interplanetary magnetic fields on the propagation of solar protons is examined in detail.  相似文献   

Comparison of the long-term variation of photospheric faculae areas with that of sunspots shows that studies of faculae provide both complementary and supplementary information on the behaviour of the solar cycle. Detailed studies of the development of sunspots with respect to faculae show that there is a high degree of order over much of a given cycle, but marked differences from cycle to cycle. Within a cycle the relationship between spot and faculae areas appears to be similar for the N and S solar hemispheres, and over the early stages of a cycle it is directly related to the magnitude of the maximum sunspot number subsequently attained in that cycle.This result may well have predictive applications, and formulae are given relating the peak sunspot number to simple parameters derived from this early developmental stage. Full application to the current cycle 21 is denied due to the cessation of the Greenwich daily photoheliographic measurements, but use of the cruder weekly data suggests a maximum smoothed sunspot number of 150 ± 22.The effects of the incompatibility of the spot and faculae data, in that faculae are unobservable over a large fraction of the solar disc and also do not always develop associated spots, have been examined in a detailed study of two cycles and shown not to vitiate the results.Now at NOAA, Environmental Data Service, NGSTDC, Boulder, Colo. 80302, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The interplanetary magnetic field has been mapped between 0.4 and 1.2 AU in the ecliptic plane, extrapolating from satellite measurements at 1 AU. The structure within sectors and the evolution of sectors are discussed. The development of a solar active region appears to produce magnetic loops in the interplanetary medium that result in the formation of a new sector.  相似文献   

The magnetic field lines of the corona associated with the solar-cycle surface general magnetic field are calculated by a potential-field approximation to study the solar-cycle evolution of the geometry of the coronal field. The surface field evolution used here is the radial field evolution, predicted by a model of the solar cycle driven by the dynamo action of the global convection, and justified observationally using Mount Wilson magnetic synoptic chart data. The evolution of the calculated coronal general field is now good for comparison with observations and shows the following. (i) The field of the polar and high-altitude corona has dipolar structure in almost all phases of the solar cycle except in a short time interval around maximum phase despite the quadrupolar structure of the general magnetic field at the surface; quadrupolar field forms loop-like structure in the lower corona. The almost-dipolar structure of the polar and high-latitude corona and the loop formation of the equatorial lower corona explain the appearance of the undisturbed minimum corona observed at eclipses. (ii) The polar field lines are directed almost radially at the minimum phase, which should be responsible for polar plumes. The field lines slowly open up to participate in the loop-like structure of the equatorial lower corona, and rapidly change their structure and polarity at the maximum phase, to resume the almost radial configuration slowly, (iii) During the rapidly changing maximum phase, the field lines do not penetrate deep into the interplanetary space resulting in the absence of polar plumes and the appearance of the circular corona- the maximum corona. In this phase, the coronal field should not be approximated by a dipole field. The surface field evolution which can explain such behaviors of the corona is characteristic of the solar-cycle process dominated by the latitudinal gradient of the differential rotation. If the radial gradient dominated in the subsurface process, the coronal evolution would look quite different and would show latitudinal propagation of enhancement of activity. Although nonaxisymmetric features should be superposed on the axisymmetric general field to express the real corona, the general field can be a basic coronal field in studying long-term interaction between the convection zone and the interstellar space especially in studying the magnetic braking of the solar rotation.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the solar magnetic field in the interplanetary space is inferred from a theoretical point of view. We use the magnetic field produced by a magnetic dipole rotating obliquely in vacuum. The correction for the presence of a plasma surrounding the Sun is taken into account in terms of a phenomenological approximation.Our method well reproduces the basic features of the polarity-reversal-surface (the neutral sheet in the two-hemisphere model by Saito (1975)) obtained on the basis of observational data, i.e. the snail-shell like structure and variation of its precise shape in accordance with the solar cycle, except for the folding of the surface.  相似文献   

The spatial organization of the observed photospheric magnetic field, as well as its relation to the polarity of the interplanetary field, have been studied using high resolution magnetograms from Kitt Peak National Observatory. Systematic patterns in the large scale field have been found to be due to contributions from both concentrated flux and more diffuse flux. It is not necessary to assume, as has often been done in previous studies, that there is a weak background solar magnetic field causing the large-scale patterns in the photosphere, although the existence of such a field cannot be excluded. The largest scale structures in the photosphere correspond to the expected pattern at the base of a warped heliomagnetic equator.The polarity of the photospheric field, determined on various spatial scales, correlates with the polarity of the interplanetary field, with the most significant correlation due to mid-latitude fields. However, because the interplanetary field is likely to be rooted in concentrated photospheric regions, rather than across an entire polarity region, both the strength and polarity of the field are important in determining the interplanetary field. Thus studies of the interplanetary field which are based on either instrumental or numerical averaging of fields in the solar photosphere are subject to serious inherent limitations.Analyses based on several spatial scales in the photosphere suggest that new flux in the interplanetary medium is often due to relatively small photospheric features which appear in the photosphere up to one month before they are manifest at the Earth. The evolution of the over-all photospheric pattern may be due to individual sub-patterns which have slightly different rotation properties and which alternate in their relative dominance of the interplanetary medium.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate the association of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) with various solar wind parameters (i.e. solar wind speed V, plasma proton temperature, plasma proton density), interplanetary magnetic field (IMF B), geomagnetic storms (GSs), averaged planetary A-index (Ap index) and sun spot number (SSN) for the period 2009–2016 (solar cycle 24) by using their daily mean average. To find the association of CRI with various solar wind parameters, GSs, IMF B, Ap index and SSN, we incorporate the analysis technique by superposed-epoch method. We have observed that CRI decreases with the increase in IMF B. Moreover the time-lag analysis has been performed by the method of correlation coefficient and observed a time lag of 0 to 2 day between the decrease in CRI and increase in IMF B. In addition, we show that the CRI is found to decrease in a similar pattern to disturbance storm time (Dst index) for most of the period of solar cycle 24. The high and positive correlation is found between CRI and Dst index. The CRI and Ap index are better anti-correlated to each other than CRI and IMF. CRI and SSN are positively correlated with each other. Solar wind parameters such as solar wind speed V is a CR-effective parameter while plasma proton temperature and plasma proton density are not CR-effective parameters. The indicated parameters such as Dst index, Ap index, IMF B and solar wind parameters such as solar wind speed V, plasma proton temperature, plasma proton density shows a kind of irregular variations for solar cycle 23 and 24 while CRI and SSN shows distinct behaviour for the two cycle.  相似文献   

The properties of the variations in the interplanetary field that were observed with the Mariner-2 magnetometer are employed in developing a model for the typical interplanetary field. Some properties of the behavior of solar protons in the model field are determined. It is shown that protons with energies less than 1 MeV would travel adiabatically throughout the solar system, protons with energies in the range 1–100 MeV would first encounter efficient scattering at heliocentric ranges beyond 1 a.u., protons with energies in the range 100 MeV–1 BeV would encounter efficient scattering at ranges near 1 a.u., and protons with energies greater than 1 BeV would first encounter efficient scattering at ranges less than 1 a.u. It is argued that various properties of solar-proton events may be accounted for by this model. However, non-relativistic solar-flare electrons would travel adiabatically throughout interplanetary space. Using the Mariner-2 data, it is shown that a good deal of the observed spread in the directions of travel of solar protons in the interplanetary field at the onset of an event is probably due to the variations in the orientation of the field rather than to a spread in particle pitch angles.  相似文献   

The evolution of the background magnetic field with the solar cycle has been studied using the dipole-quadrupole magnetic energy behaviour in a cycle. The combined energy of the axisymmetric dipole, non-axisymmetric quadrupole, and equatorial dipole is relatively lowly variable over the solar cycle. The dipole field changed sign when the quadrupole field was near a maximum, andvice versa. A conceptual picture involving four meridional magnetic polarity sectors proposed to explain these features may be in agreement with equatorial coronal hole observations. The rate of sector rotation is estimated to be 8 heliographic degrees per year faster than the Carrington rotation (P = 27.23d synodic). Polarity boundaries of sectors located 180° apart show meridional migrations in one direction, while the boundaries of the other two sectors move in the opposite direction. A simple model of how the magnetic field energy varies, subject to specifying reasonable initial photospheric magnetic and velocity field patterns, follows the observed evolution of the dipole and quadrupole field energies quite nicely.  相似文献   

The StokesV asymmetries observed in solar faculae can be interpreted by invoking the presence of magnetic and velocity fields variations along the line-of-sight. By means of a perturbative approach, we develop the theoretical dependence on magnetic and velocity fields of the StokesV profile around its zero-crossing point. We find that the empirical curves of growth for theV zero-crossing point and the slope, as well as the curve of growth for the integral (previously derived by Sánchez Almeidaet al., 1989, through the same approach), are reproduced quite well with a single atmosphere which assumes such simultaneous variations.The depth dependence of the fields that give the best fit in our model presents several striking properties which cannot be released without totally compromising the goodness of the fit. Namely, the magnetic field strength increases towards the observer while the downflowing velocity field decreases. Both variations must occur co-spatially, in the same atmospheric layers. This fact seems to contradict theoretical models for the fanning out parts of magnetic concentrations which foresee a sharp separation between a static magnetic layer and a deep zone with velocity fields. We discuss a possible solution of such contradiction in terms of a finite optical thickness of the boundary layer between zones with and without magnetic field in faculae.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

The mean photospheric magnetic field of the sun seen as a star has been compared with the interplanetary magnetic field observed with spacecraft near the earth. Each change in polarity of the mean solar field is followed about 4 1/2 days later by a change in polarity of the interplanetary field (sector boundary). The scaling of the field magnitude from sun to near earth is within a factor of two of the theoretical value, indicating that large areas on the sun have the same predominant polarity as that of the interplanetary sector pattern. An independent determination of the zero level of the solar magnetograph has yielded a value of 0.1±0.05 G. An effect attributed to a delay of approximately one solar rotation between the appearance of a new photospheric magnetic feature and the resulting change in the interplanetary field is observed.  相似文献   

Observations of interplanetary magnetic field polarity, solar wind speed, and geomagnetic disturbance index (C9) during the years 1962–1975 are compared in a 27-day pictorial format that emphasizes their associated variations during the sunspot cycle. This display accentuates graphically several recently reported features of solar wind streams including the fact that the streams were faster, wider, and longer-lived during 1962–1964 and 1973–1975 in the declining phase of the sunspot cycle than during intervening years (Bame et al., 1976; Gosling et al., 1976). The display reveals strikingly that these high-speed streams were associated with the major, recurrent patterns of geomagnetic activity that are characteristic of the declining phase of the sunspot cycle. Finally, the display shows that during 1962–1975 the association between long-lived solar wind streams and recurrent geomagnetic disturbances was modulated by the annual variation (Burch, 1973) of the response of the geomagnetic field to solar wind conditions. The phase of this annual variation depends on the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field in the sense that negative sectors of the interplanetary field have their greatest geomagnetic effect in northern hemisphere spring, and positive sectors have their greatest effect in the fall. During 1965–1972 when the solar wind streams were relatively slow (500 km s-1), the annual variation strongly influenced the visibility of the corresponding geomagnetic disturbance patterns.Visiting Scientist, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Erofeev  D.V.  Erofeeva  A.V. 《Solar physics》2000,191(2):281-292
We investigate a latitude–time distribution of polar faculae observed at Ussuriysk Observatory in years 1966–1986. The distribution is compared with the longitude-averaged (zonal) magnetic field of the Sun calculated from the data obtained at Mount Wilson Observatory in the years 1966–1976, and at Kitt Peak National Observatory during the period from 1976 to 1985. We found that slow, poleward-directed migration of the polar faculae zones occurring during the course of the solar cycle is not a continuous process, but it contains several episodes of appearance and fast poleward drift of new zones of polar faculae. At the rising phase of the solar cycle, new zones of polar faculae appear at latitudes as low as 40°, but the ones observed during the declining phase of the solar cycle originate at higher latitudes of 50–55°. Such episodes of appearance and fast migration of the polar faculae zones are associated with the poleward-directed streams of magnetic field originated at low latitudes. Moreover, we found some evidence for existence of an additional component of the polar faculae activity that reveals an equatorward migration during the course of the solar cycle. We also investigated a relationship between the number of polar faculae, n, and absolute magnetic flux z of the zonal mode of the solar magnetic field. We found that within the polar zones of the Sun, substantial correlation between temporal variations of n and z takes place both on the time scale of the solar cycle and on a shorter time scale of 2–4 years. The relationship between the number of polar faculae and magnetic flux may be approximated by a linear dependence n=0.12z (where z is expressed in 1021 Mx), except for time interval 1977 through 1980 for which the factor of proportionality is found to have a systematically larger value of 0.20.  相似文献   

Power spectra based on Pioneer 6 interplanetary magnetic field data in early 1966 exhibit a frequency dependence of f –2 in the range 2.8 × 10–4 to 1.6 × 10–2 cps for periods of both quiet and disturbed field conditions. Both the shape and power levels of these spectra are found to be due to the presence of directional discontinuities in the microstructure (< 0.01 AU) of the interplanetary magnetic field. Power spectra at lower frequencies, in the range of 2.3 × 10–6 to 1.4 × 10–4 cps, reflect the field macrostructure (> 0.1 AU) and exhibit a frequency dependence roughly between f –1 and f –3/2. The results are related to theories of galactic cosmic-ray modulation and are found to be consistent with recent observations of the modulation.  相似文献   

A simple model is used to present a unified picture of the polarity pattern of the interplanetary magnetic field observed during the solar cycle. Emphasis in this paper is on the field near solar maximum. The heliographic latitude dependence of the dominant polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field is explained in terms of weak poloidal (dipolar) field sources in the sun's photosphere. Unlike the Babcock theory, the author hypothesizes that the dipolar field exists at equatorial latitudes (0–20°), too, (as well as in polar regions) and that the major source of the interplanetary magnetic field observed near the ecliptic plane is the dipolar field from equatorial latitudes. The polarity of the interplanetary field data taken in 1968 and in the first half of 1969 near solar maximum may possibly be explained in terms of a depression of the dipolar field boundary in space. The effect on the solar wind of the greater activity in the northern hemisphere of the sun that existed in 1968 and in the first half of 1969 is believed responsible for this hypothesized depression, especially near solar maximum, of the plane separating the + and - dipolar polarity below the solar equatorial plane in space. Predictions are made concerning the interplanetary field to be observed near the ecliptic plane in each portion of the next solar cycle.  相似文献   

Auroral boundary variations and the interplanetary magnetic field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a DMSP data set of 150 auroral images during magnetically quiet times which have been analyzed in corrected geomagnetic local time and latitudinal coordinates and fit to offset circles. The fit parameters R (circle radius) and (X, Y) (center location) have been compared to the hourly interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) prior to the time of the satellite scan of the aurora. The results for variation of R with Bz, agree with previous works and generally show about a 1° increase of R with increase of southward Bz by 1 nT. The location of the circle center also has a clear statistical shift in the Southern Hemisphere with IMF By such that the southern polar cap moves towards dusk (dawn) with By > (By < 0).  相似文献   

The problem of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling is investigated for intense geomagnetic storms (Dst < -100nT) that occurred during solar cycle 23. For this purpose interplanetary plasma and field data during some intensely geo-effective transient solar/interplanetary disturbances have been analysed. A geomagnetic index that represents the intensity of planetary magnetic activity at subauroral latitude and the other that measures the ring current magnetic field, together with solar plasma and field parameters (V, B, Bz, σB, N, and T) and their various derivatives (BV,-BVz, BV2, -BzV2, B2V, Bz2V, NV2) have been analysed in an attempt to study mechanism and the cause of geo-effectiveness of interplanetary manifestations of transient solar events. Several functions of solar wind plasma and field parameters are tested for their ability to predict the magnitude of geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   

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