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The rough‐sea reflection‐response varies (1) along the streamer (2) from shot to shot and (3) with time along the seismic trace. The resulting error in seismic data can be important for time‐lapse imaging. One potential way of reducing the rough‐sea receiver error is to use conventional statistical deconvolution, but special care is needed in the choice of the design and application windows. The well‐known deconvolution problem associated with the non‐whiteness of the reflection series is exacerbated by the requirement of an unusually short design window – a requirement that is imposed by the non‐stationary nature of the rough‐sea receiver wavelet. For a synthetic rough‐sea data set, with a white 1D reflection series, the design window needs to be about 1000 ms long, with an application window about 400 ms long, centred within the design window. Although such a short design window allows the deconvolution operator to follow the time‐variation of the rough‐sea wavelet, it is likely to be too short to prevent the non‐whiteness of the geology from corrupting the operator when it is used on real data. If finely spatial‐sampled traces are available from the streamer, the design window can be extended to neighbouring traces, making use of the spatial correlations of the rough‐sea wavelet. For this ‘wave‐following’ approach to be fruitful, the wind (and hence the dominant wave direction) needs to be roughly along the line of the streamer.  相似文献   

With the increasing use of permanently installed seismic installations, many of the issues in time‐lapse seismic caused by the lack of repeatability can be reduced. However, a number of parameters still influence the degree of reliability of 4D seismic data. In this paper, the specific impact of seawater velocity variations on time‐lapse repeatability is investigated in a synthetic study. A zero‐lag time‐lapse seabed experiment with no change in the subsurface but with velocity changes in the water column is simulated. The velocity model in the water column is constant for the baseline survey while the model for the repeat survey is heterogeneous, designed from sea salinity and temperature measurements in the West of Shetlands. The difference section shows up to 80% of residual amplitude, which highlights the poor repeatability. A new dynamic correction which removes the effect of seawater velocity variations specifically for permanent installations is developed. When applied to the synthetic data, it reduces the difference residual amplitude to about 3%. This technique shows substantial improvement in repeatability beyond conventional time‐lapse cross‐equalization.  相似文献   

The rough sea surface causes perturbations in the seismic data that can be significant for time‐lapse studies. The perturbations arise because the reflection response of the non‐flat sea perturbs the seismic wavelet. In order to remove these perturbations from the received seismic data, special deconvolution methods can be used, but these methods require, as input, the time varying wave elevation above each hydrophone in the streamer. In addition, the vertical displacement of the streamer itself must also be known at the position of each hydrophone and at all times. This information is not available in conventional seismic acquisition. However, it can be obtained from the hydrophone measurements provided that the hydrophones are recorded individually (not grouped), that the recording bandwidth is extended down to 0.05 Hz and that data are recorded without gaps between the shot records. The sea surface elevation, and also the wave‐induced vertical displacement of the streamer, can be determined from the time‐varying pressure that the sea waves cause in the hydrophone measurements. When this was done experimentally, using a single sensor seismic streamer without a conventional low cut filter, the wave induced pressure variations were easily detected. The inversion of these experimental data gives results for the sea surface elevation that are consistent with the weather and sea state at the time of acquisition. A high tension approximation allows a simplified solution of the equations that does not demand a knowledge of the streamer tension. However, best results at the tail end of the streamer are obtained using the general equation.  相似文献   

Repeatability of seismic data plays a crucial role in time‐lapse seismic analysis. There are several factors that can decrease the repeatability, such as positioning errors, varying tide, source variations, velocity changes in the water layer (marine data) and undesired effects of various processing steps. In this work, the complexity of overburden structure, as an inherent parameter that can affect the repeatability, is studied. A multi‐azimuth three‐dimensional vertical‐seismic‐profiling data set with 10 000 shots is used to study the relationship between overburden structure and repeatability of seismic data. In most repeatability studies, two data sets are compared, but here a single data set has been used because a significant proportion of the 10 000 shots are so close to each other that a repeatability versus positioning error is possible. We find that the repeatability decreases by a factor of approximately 2 under an overburden lens. Furthermore, we find that the X‐ and Y‐components have approximately the same sensitivity to positioning errors as the Z‐component (for the same events) in this three‐dimensional vertical‐seismic‐profiling experiment. This indicates that in an area with complex overburden, positioning errors between monitor and base seismic surveys are significantly more critical than outside such an area. This study is based on a three‐dimensional three‐component vertical‐seismic‐profiling data set from a North Sea reservoir and care should be taken when extrapolating these observations into a general four‐dimensional framework.  相似文献   

Most seismic processing algorithms generally consider the sea surface as a flat reflector. However, acquisition of marine seismic data often takes place in weather conditions where this approximation is inaccurate. The distortion in the seismic wavelet introduced by the rough sea may influence (for example) deghosting results, as deghosting operators are typically recursive and sensitive to the changes in the seismic signal. In this paper, we study the effect of sea surface roughness on conventional (5–160 Hz) and ultra‐high‐resolution (200–3500 Hz) single‐component towed‐streamer data. To this end, we numerically simulate reflections from a rough sea surface using the Kirchhoff approximation. Our modelling demonstrates that for conventional seismic frequency band sea roughness can distort results of standard one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional deterministic deghosting. To mitigate this effect, we introduce regularisation and optimisation based on the minimum‐energy criterion and show that this improves the processing output significantly. Analysis of ultra‐high‐resolution field data in conjunction with modelling shows that even relatively calm sea state (i.e., 15 cm wave height) introduces significant changes in the seismic signal for ultra‐high‐frequency band. These changes in amplitude and arrival time may degrade the results of deghosting. Using the field dataset, we show how the minimum‐energy optimisation of deghosting parameters improves the processing result.  相似文献   

Time‐lapse seismics is the methodology of choice for remotely monitoring changes in oil/gas reservoir depletion, reservoir stimulation or CO2 sequestration, due to good sensitivity and resolving power at depths up to several kilometres. This method is now routinely applied offshore, however, the use of time‐lapse methodology onshore is relatively rare. The main reason for this is the relatively high cost of commercial seismic acquisition on land. A widespread belief of a relatively poor repeatability of land seismic data prevents rapid growth in the number of land time‐lapse surveys. Considering that CO2 sequestration on land is becoming a necessity, there is a great need to evaluate the feasibility of time‐lapse seismics for monitoring. Therefore, an understanding of the factors influencing repeatability of land seismics and evaluating limitations of the method is crucially important for its application in many CO2 sequestration projects. We analyse several repeated 2D and 3D surveys acquired within the Otway CO2 sequestration pilot project (operated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Technologies, CO2CRC) in Australia, in order to determine the principal limitations of land time‐lapse seismic repeatability and investigate the influence of the main factors affecting it. Our findings are that the intrinsic signal‐to‐noise ratio (S/N, signal to coherent and background noise levels) and the normalized‐root‐mean‐square (NRMS) difference are controlled by the source strength and source type. However, the post‐stack S/N ratio and corresponding NRMS residuals are controlled mainly by the data fold. For very high‐fold data, the source strength and source type are less critical.  相似文献   

4D seismic is widely used to remotely monitor fluid movement in subsurface reservoirs. This technique is especially effective offshore where high survey repeatability can be achieved. It comes as no surprise that the first 4D seismic that successfully monitored the CO2 sequestration process was recorded offshore in the Sleipner field, North Sea. In the case of land projects, poor repeatability of the land seismic data due to low S/N ratio often obscures the time‐lapse seismic signal. Hence for a successful on shore monitoring program improving seismic repeatability is essential. Stage 2 of the CO2CRC Otway project involves an injection of a small amount (around 15,000 tonnes) of CO2/CH4 gas mixture into a saline aquifer at a depth of approximately 1.5 km. Previous studies at this site showed that seismic repeatability is relatively low due to variations in weather conditions, near surface geology and farming activities. In order to improve time‐lapse seismic monitoring capabilities, a permanent receiver array can be utilised to improve signal to noise ratio and hence repeatability. A small‐scale trial of such an array was conducted at the Otway site in June 2012. A set of 25 geophones was installed in 3 m deep boreholes in parallel to the same number of surface geophones. In addition, four geophones were placed into boreholes of 1–12 m depth. In order to assess the gain in the signal‐to‐noise ratio and repeatability, both active and passive seismic surveys were carried out. The surveys were conducted in relatively poor weather conditions, with rain, strong wind and thunderstorms. With such an amplified background noise level, we found that the noise level for buried geophones is on average 20 dB lower compared to the surface geophones. The levels of repeatability for borehole geophones estimated around direct wave, reflected wave and ground roll are twice as high as for the surface geophones. Both borehole and surface geophones produce the best repeatability in the 30–90 Hz frequency range. The influence of burying depth on S/N ratio and repeatability shows that significant improvement in repeatability can be reached at a depth of 3 m. The level of repeatability remains relatively constant between 3 and 12 m depths.  相似文献   

Fluid depletion within a compacting reservoir can lead to significant stress and strain changes and potentially severe geomechanical issues, both inside and outside the reservoir. We extend previous research of time‐lapse seismic interpretation by incorporating synthetic near‐offset and full‐offset common‐midpoint reflection data using anisotropic ray tracing to investigate uncertainties in time‐lapse seismic observations. The time‐lapse seismic simulations use dynamic elasticity models built from hydro‐geomechanical simulation output and a stress‐dependent rock physics model. The reservoir model is a conceptual two‐fault graben reservoir, where we allow the fault fluid‐flow transmissibility to vary from high to low to simulate non‐compartmentalized and compartmentalized reservoirs, respectively. The results indicate time‐lapse seismic amplitude changes and travel‐time shifts can be used to qualitatively identify reservoir compartmentalization. Due to the high repeatability and good quality of the time‐lapse synthetic dataset, the estimated travel‐time shifts and amplitude changes for near‐offset data match the true model subsurface changes with minimal errors. A 1D velocity–strain relation was used to estimate the vertical velocity change for the reservoir bottom interface by applying zero‐offset time shifts from both the near‐offset and full‐offset measurements. For near‐offset data, the estimated P‐wave velocity changes were within 10% of the true value. However, for full‐offset data, time‐lapse attributes are quantitatively reliable using standard time‐lapse seismic methods when an updated velocity model is used rather than the baseline model.  相似文献   

Seismic time‐lapse surveys are susceptible to repeatability errors due to varying environmental conditions. To mitigate this problem, we propose the use of interferometric least‐squares migration to estimate the migration images for the baseline and monitor surveys. Here, a known reflector is used as the reference reflector for interferometric least‐squares migration, and the data are approximately redatumed to this reference reflector before imaging. This virtual redatuming mitigates the repeatability errors in the time‐lapse migration image. Results with synthetic and field data show that interferometric least‐squares migration can sometimes reduce or eliminate artifacts caused by non‐repeatability in time‐lapse surveys and provide a high‐resolution estimate of the time‐lapse change in the reservoir.  相似文献   

Progress in the imaging of the mantle and core is partially limited by the sparse distribution of natural sources; the earthquake hypocenters are mainly along the active lithospheric plate boundaries. This problem can be approached with seismic interferometry. In recent years, there has been considerable progress in the development of seismic interferometric techniques. The term seismic interferometry refers to the principle of generating new seismic responses by cross‐correlating seismic observations at different receiver locations. The application of interferometric techniques on a global scale could create sources at locations where no earthquakes occur. In this way, yet unknown responses would become available for the application of travel‐time tomography and surface‐wave dispersion studies. The retrieval of a dense‐enough sampling of source gathers would largely benefit the application of reflection imaging. We derive new elastodynamic representation integrals for global‐scale seismic interferometry. The relations are different from other seismic interferometry relations for transient sources, in the sense that they are suited for a rotating closed system like the Earth. We use a correlation of an observed response with a response to which free‐surface multiple elimination has been applied to account for the closed system. Despite the fact that the rotation of the Earth breaks source‐receiver reciprocity, the seismic interferometry relations are shown to be valid. The Coriolis force is included without the need to evaluate an extra term. We synthesize global‐scale earthquake responses and use them to illustrate the acoustic versions of the new interferometric relations. When the sampling of real source locations is dense enough, then both the responses with and without free‐surface multiples are retrieved. When we do not take into account the responses from the sources in the direct neighborhood of the seismic interferometry‐constructed source location, the response with free‐surface multiples can still be retrieved. Even when only responses from sources at a certain range of epicentral distances are available, some events in the Green's function between two receiver locations can still be retrieved. The retrieved responses are not perfect, but the artefacts can largely be ascribed to numerical errors. The reconstruction of internal events – the response as if there was a source and a receiver on (major) contrasts within the model – could possibly be of use for imaging. With modelling it is possible to discover in which region of the correlation panel stationary phases occur that contribute to the retrieval of events. This knowledge opens up a new way of filtering out undesired events and of discovering whether specific events could be retrieved with a given source‐receiver configuration.  相似文献   

The geological storage of carbon dioxide is considered as one of the measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate global warming. Operators of storage sites are required to demonstrate safe containment and stable behaviour of the storage complex that is achieved by geophysical and geochemical monitoring, combined with reservoir simulations. For site characterization, as well as for imaging the carbon dioxide plume in the reservoir complex and detecting potential leakage, surface and surface‐borehole time‐lapse seismic monitoring surveys are the most widespread and established tools. At the Ketzin pilot site for carbon dioxide storage, permanently installed fibre‐optic cables, initially deployed for distributed temperature sensing, were used as seismic receiver arrays, demonstrating their ability to provide high‐resolution images of the storage formation. A vertical seismic profiling experiment was acquired using 23 source point locations and the daisy‐chained deployment of a fibre‐optic cable in four wells as a receiver array. The data were used to generate a 3D vertical seismic profiling cube, complementing the large‐scale 3D surface seismic measurements by a high resolution image of the reservoir close to the injection well. Stacking long vibro‐sweeps at each source location resulted in vertical seismic profiling shot gathers characterized by a signal‐to‐noise ratio similar to gathers acquired using geophones. A detailed data analysis shows strong dependency of data quality on borehole conditions with significantly better signal‐to‐noise ratio in regions with good coupling conditions.  相似文献   

Ghawar, the largest oilfield in the world, produces oil from the Upper Jurassic Arab‐D carbonate reservoir. The high rigidity of the limestone–dolomite reservoir rock matrix and the small contrast between the elastic properties of the pore fluids, i.e. oil and water, are responsible for the weak 4D seismic effect due to oil production. A feasibility study was recently completed to quantify the 4D seismic response of reservoir saturation changes as brine replaced oil. The study consisted of analysing reservoir rock physics, petro‐acoustic data and seismic modelling. A seismic model of flow simulation using fluid substitution concluded that time‐lapse surface seismic or conventional 4D seismic is unlikely to detect the floodfront within the repeatability of surface seismic measurements. Thus, an alternative approach to 4D seismic for reservoir fluid monitoring is proposed. Permanent seismic sensors could be installed in a borehole and on the surface for passive monitoring of microseismic activity from reservoir pore‐pressure perturbations. Reservoir production and injection operations create these pressure or stress perturbations. Reservoir heterogeneities affecting the fluid flow could be mapped by recording the distribution of epicentre locations of these microseisms or small earthquakes. The permanent borehole sensors could also record repeated offset vertical seismic profiling surveys using a surface source at a fixed location to ensure repeatability. The repeated vertical seismic profiling could image the change in reservoir properties with production.  相似文献   

A multichannel borehole‐to‐surface controlled‐source electromagnetic experiment was carried out at the onshore CO2 storage site of Hontomín (Spain). The electromagnetic source consisted of a vertical electric dipole located 1.5 km deep, and the electric field was measured at the surface. The subsurface response has been obtained by calculating the transfer function between the transmitted signal and the electric field at the receiver positions. The dataset has been processed using a fast processing methodology, appropriate to be applied on controlled‐source electromagnetics (CSEM) data with a large signal‐to‐noise ratio. The dataset has been analysed in terms of data quality and repeatability errors, showing data with low experimental errors and good repeatability. We evaluate if the induction of current along the casing of the injection well can reproduce the behaviour of the experimental data.  相似文献   

Sea‐bed diffractions are frequently observed for several of the fields in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. This is a challenge in time lapse seismic analysis, since diffracted multiples are difficult to remove by processing and therefore is a major source of poor time lapse data quality. In this work we test if the diffractions can be used for enhanced 4D interpretation. By analysing the time‐shift of the sea‐bed diffraction hyperbola between the base and monitor it is tested if changes in water velocity and tides can be estimated. Two models using time lapse diffraction analysis are tested: the first one simply adds time‐shifts for the two branches of the diffraction hyperbola and this average time‐shift is then used to estimate the water velocity change. The other method uses an inversion method based on the diffraction equation for a point diffractor to estimate the velocity change. In‐line common‐midpoint shifts are estimated by subtracting the time‐shifts of both hyperbola branches followed by direct inversion. The diffraction based time‐shifts are compared to time‐shifts estimated by standard cross‐correlation of the sea‐bed reflection. The averaging method gives slightly higher uncertainties, while the inversion using an exact traveltime equation gives similar uncertainties compared to the sea‐bed reflection method.  相似文献   

Discrete wavelet transforms are useful in a number of signal processing applications. To improve the scale resolution, a joint function of time, scale and eigenvalue that describes the energy density or intensity of a signal simultaneously in the wavelet and eigenimage domains is constructed. A hybrid method, which decomposes eigenimages in the wavelet domain, is developed and tested on field data with a variety of noise types. Several illustrative examples examine the ability of wavelet transforms to resolve features at several scales. Successful applications to time‐lapse seismic reservoir monitoring are presented. In reservoir monitoring, the scale‐dependent properties of the eigenstructure of the 4D data covariance matrix enable us to extract the low‐frequency time‐lapse signal that is the result of internal diffusive losses caused by fluid flow.  相似文献   

Shear‐wave polarization and time delay are attributes commonly used for fracture detection and characterization. In time‐lapse analysis these parameters can be used as indicators of changes in the fracture orientation and density. Indeed, changes in fracture characteristics provide key information for increased reservoir characterization and exploitation. However, relative to the data uncertainty, is the comparison of these parameters over time statistically meaningful? We present the uncertainty in shear‐wave polarization and time delay as a function of acquisition uncertainties, such as receiver and source misorientation, miscoupling and band‐limited random noise. This study is applied to a time‐lapse borehole seismic survey, recorded in Vacuum Field, New Mexico. From the estimated uncertainties for each survey, the uncertainty in the difference between the two surveys is 31° for the shear‐wave polarization angle and 4 ms for the shear‐wave time delay. Any changes in these parameters greater than these error estimates can be interpreted with confidence. This analysis can be applied to any time‐lapse measurement to provide an interval of confidence in the interpretation of shear‐wave polarization angles and time splitting.  相似文献   

Passive seismic has recently attracted a great deal of attention because non‐artificial source is used in subsurface imaging. The utilization of passive source is low cost compared with artificial‐source exploration. In general, constructing virtual shot gathers by using cross‐correlation is a preliminary step in passive seismic data processing, which provides the basis for applying conventional seismic processing methods. However, the subsurface structure is not uniformly illuminated by passive sources, which leads to that the ray path of passive seismic does not fit the hyperbolic hypothesis. Thereby, travel time is incorrect in the virtual shot gathers. Besides, the cross‐correlation results are contaminated by incoherent noise since the passive sources are always natural. Such noise is kinematically similar to seismic events and challenging to be attenuated, which will inevitably reduce the accuracy in the subsequent process. Although primary estimation for transient‐source seismic data has already been proposed, it is not feasible to noise‐source seismic data due to the incoherent noise. To overcome the above problems, we proposed to combine focal transform and local similarity into a highly integrated operator and then added it into the closed‐loop surface‐related multiple elimination based on the 3D L1‐norm sparse inversion framework. Results proved that the method was capable of reliably estimating noise‐free primaries and correcting travel time at far offsets for a foresaid virtual shot gathers in a simultaneous closed‐loop inversion manner.  相似文献   

将盲源地震波记录中有用的反射波信号恢复并降低噪声影响,历来是地震勘探数据处理环节中的一个难题.本文利用tesseral软件,通过建立一个典型凹陷模型,对影响盲源地震响应恢复的六个主要因素:自由表面、被动源的震源分布、被动源数目、被动源子波信号的持续时间、震源子波类型和随机噪声的响应特征分别进行研究,研究结果表明,各影响因素对盲源地震响应恢复质量均有一定程度的影响,其中被动源的震源分布情况、能捕获的被动源数目和被动源持续时间这三个因素直接决定了被动源地震响应的恢复质量,能否接收到来自自由地表的多次波,决定了地震响应恢复的可能性.这对实际地震勘探数据处理具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

In 2004 three seismic surface sources (VIBSIST, accelerated weight drop and MiniVib) were tested in a pilot study at the Ketzin test site, Germany, a study site for geological storage of CO2 (EU project CO2SINK). The main objectives of this pilot study were to 1) evaluate the response of the Ketzin site to reflection seismics, especially at the planned injection depth, 2) test different acquisition parameters and 3) use the results to guide the planning of the 3D survey. As part of these objectives, we emphasize the source performance comparison in this study. The sources were tested along two perpendicular lines of 2.4 km length each. Data were acquired by shooting at all stations (source and receiver spacing of 20 m) on both lines, allowing common‐midpoint stacked sections to be produced. The sources' signal characteristics based on signal‐to‐noise ratio, signal penetration and frequency content of raw shot records were analysed and stacked sections were compared. The results show that all three surface sources are suitable for reflection seismic studies down to a depth of about 1 km and provide enough bandwidth for resolving the geological targets at the site, i.e., the Weser and Stuttgart Formations. Near surface conditions, especially a thick weathering layer present in this particular area, strongly influence the data quality, as indicated by the difference in reflectivity and signal‐to‐noise ratio of the two common‐midpoint lines. The stacked sections of the MiniVib source show the highest frequency signals down to about 500 ms traveltime (approximately 500 m depth) but also the shallowest signal penetration depth. The VIBSIST source generates signals with the highest signal‐to‐noise ratio and greatest signal penetration depth of the tested sources. In particular, reflections below 900 ms (approximately 1 km depth) are best imaged by the VIBSIST source. The weight drop performance lies in between these two sources and might be recommended as an appropriate source for a 3D survey at this site because of the shorter production time compared to the VIBSIST and MiniVib sources.  相似文献   

An approach is developed to estimate pore‐pressure changes in a compacting chalk reservoir directly from time‐lapse seismic attributes. It is applied to data from the south‐east flank of the Valhall field. The time‐lapse seismic signal of the reservoir in this area is complex, despite the fact that saturation changes do not have an influence. This complexity reflects a combination of pressure depletion, compaction and stress re‐distribution throughout the reservoir and into the surrounding rocks. A simple relation is found to link the time‐lapse amplitude and time‐shift attributes to variations in the key controlling parameter of initial porosity. This relation is sufficient for an accurate estimation of pore‐pressure change in the inter‐well space. Although the time‐lapse seismic estimates mostly agree with reservoir simulation, unexplained mismatches are apparent at a small number of locations with lower porosities (less than 38%). The areas of difference between the observations and predictions suggest possibilities for simulation model updating or a better understanding of the physics of the reservoir.  相似文献   

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