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鲁西杨庄条带状铁建造特征及锆石年代学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赖小东  杨晓勇 《岩石学报》2012,28(11):3612-3622
泰山群主要分布于鲁西地区中部,是鲁西花岗-绿岩带的一个重要组成部分。近年来,在沂水县杨庄发现了一定规模的沉积变质铁矿,铁矿层位赋存于柳杭岩组上段的斜长角闪岩段内。本文对杨庄铁矿BIF及侵入地层的岩浆岩进行锆石年代学测定,测定的含磁铁矿斜长角闪岩中锆石U-Pb年龄数据主要集中在2.6Ga附近,确定斜长角闪岩的形成年龄为2615±61Ma;铁矿顶板黑云母石英片岩的形成年龄小于2527±66Ma,该岩段又被晚期混合花岗岩穿插,其锆石年龄测定结果为2469±34Ma,所以推测黑云母石英片岩的形成年龄在2.5Ga附近。据此我们认为鲁西地区的"柳杭岩组"似可近一步解体为新太古的斜长角闪岩段(含磁铁矿建造)和古元古的表壳岩段(以片岩系为主)。混合花岗岩的形成年龄属于古元古代早期,似乎可以填补全球地质演化的静寂期 (2.3~2.5Ga)。以泰山群为代表的变质岩系在地下较深部位出现或者被中晚元古代盖层覆盖,为探讨华北克拉通早期演化和开展华北克拉通BIF型铁矿研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Algoma型和Superior型硅铁建造地球化学对比研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
李延河  侯可军  万德芳  张增杰 《岩石学报》2012,28(11):3513-3519
前寒武纪条带状硅铁建造(BIFs)是世界上最重要的铁矿资源类型和地球早期特有的化学沉积建造类型,广泛分布于太古代-古元古代(3.2~ 1.8Ga),记录了地球早期岩石圈、水圈、大气圈和生物圈的状态及演化.前人根据BIFs的岩石组合和构造地质环境将其划分为Algoma型和Superior型.本文对比研究了Algoma型和Superior型BIFs的硅、氧、铁和多硫同位素特征.不同时代和不同类型BIFs的硅氧同位素组成非常相似,强烈亏损30Si,δ30SiNBS-28为较大的负值.二者的铁同位素和硫同位素非质量分馏效应明显不同.Algoma型BIF的△33S多为负值,而Superior型BIF的△33S多为正值;Algoma型BIF富集重铁同位素,δ56FeIRMM-144多为高正值,而Superior型BIF相对富集轻铁同位素,δ56FeIRMM.144多为负值或小正值.研究提出无论是Algoma型,还是Superior型BIFs都是由地球早期的海底火山热液喷气作用形成的,二者属于同一成矿系统,相对而言,Algoma型BIF与火山活动关系更密切,距离同期火山活动中心更近,多形成于深水盆地,环境更加还原.  相似文献   

微生物参与前寒武纪条带状铁建造沉积的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地球演化早期太古代和早元古代大规模的条带状铁建造(BIF)是目前世界上最重要的铁矿资源。已有的稳定同位素组成、分子化石以及岩石磁学性质等证据支持早期微生物广泛参与了BIF的形成。本文评述了微生物参与BIF形成过程中铁搬运和沉淀及其同位素分馏、生物标志物和岩石磁学证据。深入地研究BIF成矿中的微生物矿化贡献,有助于解释BIF形成机制,反演前寒武纪大气—海洋环境演化,以及理解地球早期生命的过程。  相似文献   

Banded Iron Formations(BIFs) are chemical sediments, ubiquitously distributed in the Precambrian supracrustal belts; thus their trace element compositions are helpful for deciphering geochemical evolution on the Earth through time. However, it is necessary to elucidate factors controlling the whole-rock compositions in order to decode the ancient seawater compositions because their compositions are highly variable. We analyzed major and trace element contents of the BIFs in the 3.8-3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal belt(ISB), southern West Greenland. The BIFs are petrographically classified into four types:Black-,Gray-, Green-and White-types, respectively. The Green-type BIFs contain more amphiboles, and are significantly enriched in Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, heavy rare earth element(HREE) and U contents. However,their bulk compositions are not suitable for estimate of seawater composition because the enrichment was caused by secondary mobility of metamorphic Mg, Ca and Si-rich fluid, involvement of carbonate minerals and silicate minerals of olivine and pyroxene and/or later silicification or contamination of volcanic and clastic materials. The White-type BIFs are predominant in quartz, and have lower transition element and REE contents. The Gray-type BIFs contain both quartz and magnetite. The Black-type BIFs are dominated by magnetite, and contain moderate to high transition element and REE contents. But,positive correlations of V, Ni, Zn and U contents with Zr contents suggest that involvement of detrital,volcanic and exhalative materials influences on their contents. The evidence for significant influence of the materials on the transition element contents such as Ni in the BIFs indicates the transition element contents in the Archean ocean were much lower than previously estimated. We reconstructed secular variations of V,Co, Zn and U contents of BIFs through time, which show Ni and Co contents decreased whereas V, Zn and U contents increased through time. Especially, the Ni and Co contents drastically decreased in the Mesoarchean rather than around the Great Oxidation Event. On the other hand, the V,Zn and U contents progressively increased from the Mesoarchean to the Proterozoic. Stratigraphical trends of the BIFs show increase in Y/Ho ratios and decrease in positive Eu anomaly upwards, respectively. The stratigraphic changes indicate that a ratio of hydrothermal fluid to seawater component gradually decrease through the deposition, and support the Eoarchean plate tectonics, analogous to the their stratigraphic variations of seafloor metalliferous sediments at present and in the Mesoarchean.  相似文献   

沈其韩  宋会侠 《岩石学报》2015,31(10):2795-2815
本文在查阅前人大量资料的基础上,对华北克拉通条带状铁建造中富铁矿的研究历史进行了回顾和总结,将研究历史分为1949年以前,1950~1965年期间,1978~1986年期间,1987~1994年期间和2009年以来5个阶段。重点介绍了鞍本地区、冀东-吕梁地区和河南舞阳地区富铁矿的基本地质特征以及典型富铁矿的研究概况,针对鞍本地区弓长岭二矿区磁铁富矿成因的复杂性,对不同成因观点以及目前已取得的共识进行了详细阐述。目前大多数学者不支持接触交代假说和菱铁矿经变质转化为富铁矿成矿假说,近半数学者支持变质热液成矿假说,半数学者支持混合岩化热液成矿假说。作者在综合分析前人大量资料后,认为变质热液成矿说依据不足,理由有四点:(1)磁铁富矿中往往见有磁铁贫矿的残体;(2)磁铁富矿与蚀变岩紧密伴生,蚀变矿物石榴子石、部分角闪石(透闪石)和部分绿泥石均属非变质热液成因;(3)研究区遭受区域高绿片岩相至低角闪岩相变质作用的时间为2500~2450Ma,而与蚀变矿物石榴石紧密伴生的热液锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年结果为1840±7Ma,明显小于区域变质作用年龄,据此可将热液作用时间限定于古元古代晚期,相当于大陆地壳伸展阶段;(4)部分热液成因富铁矿利用Re-Os方法定年,除一种属原生沉积成矿外,年龄范围也在古元古代晚期,可作为参考。此种热液是否为混合岩化热液尚缺乏足够证据,故本文暂将其作为古元古代晚期热液。此外,本文对华北克拉通条带状铁建造中富铁矿成因类型及其远景进行了初步总结,认为古元古代晚期形成的磁铁富矿规模属大型矿床,有较好远景;原生较富贫铁矿因褶皱构造产生磁铁矿流变而形成的富铁矿(可能尚有热液叠加)规模较大,具有一定远景;其他类型均为小型规模,不具工业意义。最后,本文指出富铁矿成因研究中尚存在的主要问题,包括早元古代晚期热液的来源;热液的形成是一期还是多期;铁建造遭受区域变质达高绿片岩相时,贫铁矿的围岩变质演化机理等,尚需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

通过Fe同位素、稀土元素与主量元素相结合的方法,对辽宁省鞍山-本溪地区新太古代条带状铁建造(BIF)的成矿物质来源提出了有效制约.BIF的化学成分主要由TFe2O3和SiO2组成,并且具有较低的Al2O3和TiO2含量,表明该地区BIF型贫铁矿是由极少碎屑物质加入的化学沉积岩.稀土元素的总量较低,经页岩标准化后的稀土元素配分模式呈现轻稀土亏损、重稀土富集的特征,具有明显的Eu、Y、La正异常,这些特征表明该地区BIF是古海洋的化学沉积岩,同时具有明显的火山热液贡献特征.用多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MCICP-MS)测定Fe同位素的结果表明,相对于标准IRMM-014,所测样品均显示Fe的重同位素富集,且Fe同位素组成与Eu异常存在明显的正相关关系,表明该地区BIF中铁的来源与海底火山热液活动密切相关,首次从成矿元素Fe本身为条带状铁建造的成矿物质来源提供了直接的证据.  相似文献   

The discovery of the Gouap banded iron formations(BIFs)-hosted iron mineralization in the northwestern of the Nyong Group(Ntem Complex)in southwestern Cameroon provides unique insights into the geology of this region.In this contribution,we firstly report detailed study of geochemistry,isotopic and geochronology of well preserved samples of the Gouap BIFs collected from diamond drillcores.The Gouap BIFs consist mainly of amphibole BIFs and amphibole-pyrite BIFs characterized by dominant Fe2O3+SiO2contents and variable contents of CaO,MgO and SO3,consistent with the presence of amphibole,chlorite,epidote and pyrite,formed during amphibolite facies metamorphism and overprinted hydrothermal event.The amphibole–pyrite BIFs are typically enriched in trace and rare earth elements(REE)compared to the amphibole BIFs,suggesting the influence of detrital materials as well as secondary hydrothermal alteration.The Post Archean Australian Shale(PAAS)-normalized REE–Y profiles of the Gouap BIFs display positive La,Eu anomalies,weak negative Ce anomalies,indicating a mixture of low-temperature hydrothermal fluids and relatively oxic conditions probably under relative shallow seawater.We present here the first isotopic data of BIFs within the Ntem Complex.Theδ30SiNBS28values of the quartz from the Gouap BIFs vary from-1.5‰to-0.3‰and from-0.8‰to-0.9‰for the amphibole BIFs and amphibole–pyrite BIFs,respectively.The quartz hasδ18OV-SMOW values of 6.8‰–9.5‰(amphibole BIFs)and 9.2‰–10.6‰(amphibole–pyrite BIFs).The magnetite from the Gouap BIFs showsδ18O values ranging from-3.5‰to-1.8‰and from-3‰to-1.7‰for the amphibole BIFs and amphibole–pyrite BIFs,respectively.Moreover,the pyrite grains in the amphibole–pyrite BIFs displayδ34S values of 1.1‰–1.8‰.All isotopic data of the Gouap BIFs confirm that they might have precipitated from low-temperature hydrothermal fluids with detrital input distant from the volcanic activity.According to their geochemical and isotopic characteristics,we propose that the Gouap BIFs belong to the Superior type.In situ U–Pb zircon dating of BIFs was conducted to assess the BIF depositional age based on strong evidence of zircon in thin section.The Gouap BIFs were probably deposited at 2422±50 Ma in a region where sediments extended from continental shelf to deep-water environments along craton margins like the Caue Formation of the Minas Supergroup,Brazil.The studied BIFs have experienced regional hydrothermal activity and metamorphism at 2089±8.3 Ma during the Eburnean–Transamazonian orogeny.These findings suggest a physical continuity between the protocratonic masses of both Sao Francisco and Congo continents in the Rhyacian Period.  相似文献   

The low-grade Palaeoproterozoic stratabound banded iron ores of the Krivoy Rog basin (Ukraine) underwent strong tectonometamorphic deformation into superimposed folds of several orders, with amplitudes from centimetres to hundreds of metres. The across-strike sections of bed surfaces defining the low-grade ore bodies resemble self-similar fractal curves; hence, a fractal geometrical model was developed in order to quantify the complexity and sinuosity of bed contours. Two different methods of measurement (polygonal approximation and two-dimensional grid cell counting) were used for 5–8 different scales. Factual similarity dimension D and other model parameters have been estimated by means of linear regression and compared for both measurement methods. From the fractal model a sinuosity coefficient of contours of the folded bed surfaces K s and a coefficient of degree of exploration of iron ore bodies K e were constructed. It is pointed out that parameters of the model can be used for determination of the optimal exploration length scales.  相似文献   

钱兵 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):630-640
赞坎铁矿石西昆仑成矿带近年来新发现的一处超大型铁矿床,矿区内广泛出露古元古代布伦阔勒变质岩层,矿体主要赋存于布伦阔勒岩群角闪斜长片岩和黑云石英片岩内部,部分产于霏细岩与黑云石英片岩接触带内。矿床由Ⅰ~Ⅶ号矿体组成,其中Ⅰ号和Ⅲ号矿体为主要矿体。根据矿石组构、矿物共生关系等特征,成矿过程可划分为早期沉积期、中期变质期及晚期岩浆热液期3个成矿期,其中,岩浆热液期可进一步划分为矽卡岩阶段、热液改造阶段和硫化物阶段。早期沉积期磁铁矿呈微细粒他形晶结构,被变质期石英颗粒包裹,以较低含量的TFeO、MgO、MnO和较高含量的TiO2、Al2O3为特征;中期变质期磁铁矿分布于条带状矿石内,他形晶粒状结构,与早期相比,TFeO、MgO、MnO等含量相对升高而TiO2、Al2O3等含量相对降低;晚期岩浆热液期矽卡岩阶段磁铁矿分布于块状矿石内,自形晶粒状结构,以相对富TFeO、MgO、MnO而贫TiO2、Al2O3为特征;晚期热液改造阶段磁铁矿分布于浸染状矿石中,半自形-自形粒状结构、交代残余结构为主,TFeO、Al2O3、TiO2、MnO等含量变化较大。认为赞坎铁矿是沉积变质型铁矿床,遭受后期岩浆热液作用交代改造。  相似文献   

鞍山-本溪条带状铁建造(Banded Iron Formation,简称BIF)位于华北克拉通东北缘,是世界上典型BIF之一,也是我国最重要的铁矿资源基地。大孤山位于鞍山地区南部矿带,为新太古代典型的Algoma型BIF,与华北克拉通其它大多数BIF相比,具有较低变质程度(绿片岩相-低角闪岩相)和较完整的沉积相分布特征。因此,通过大孤山BIF的研究有利于追踪Algoma型BIF的原生矿物组成及其后期成岩-变质过程,进而通过分析原生矿物形成的物理化学条件探讨古海洋环境。依据原生矿物共生组合及产出特征,可将大孤山BIF沉积相划分为氧化物相(30%)、硅酸盐相(50%)和碳酸盐相(20%)。氧化物相主要分布于主矿体南部,主要矿物组成为磁铁矿和石英;硅酸盐相分布于主矿体中部,主要矿物组成除了石英和磁铁矿之外,还有黑硬绿泥石、绿泥石、镁铁闪石等;碳酸盐相分布于矿体北部,主要矿物组成为菱铁矿、磁铁矿和石英等。本文通过大孤山BIF岩相学观察和含铁矿物化学成分研究,推测原生沉积物的组成为无定形硅胶、三价铁氢氧化物和富铝粘土碎屑,在经历了成岩和低级变质作用后转变为具不同相带的条带状铁建造。通过分析磁铁矿、菱铁矿和黑硬绿泥石等矿物在不同P_(O_2)-P_(CO_2)和pH-Eh条件下的共生相图可知,这些矿物均是在较低氧逸度、中到弱碱性环境下形成。综合考虑矿物成分、共生组合及受变质作用较弱等信息,本文推测制约原生矿物形成的控制因素主要是古海水氧化还原状态、酸碱度、CO_2含量和硫逸度。  相似文献   

The Archean (2.8 Ga) Banded Iron Formation (BIF) of the Bell Lake region of Yellowknife greenstone belt, Canada is recrystallized to metamorphic assemblages of the amphibolite facies. This BIF is characterized by centimetre‐scale Fe‐rich and Si‐rich mesobands. In the Si‐rich mesobands, thin layers of magnetite microbands are developed in a quartz matrix. The Fe‐rich mesobands are composed mainly of Ca‐amphibole (hornblende), Fe–Mg amphibole (grunerite), and magnetite. The metamorphic foliation locally cuts across the mesoband boundaries, indicating the mesobanding was formed prior to peak metamorphism. Variations in mineral modal proportions between Fe‐rich mesobands and microbands are diagnostic of depositional compositional differences between beds. Micro‐X‐ray fluorescence imaging reveals metamorphic differentiation within Fe‐rich mesobands, with segregation of Fe–Mg amphibole, and the incompatible element Mn is concentrated at the margins of the Fe‐rich mesobands during the amphibole‐forming reactions. Ti was relatively immobile during metamorphic segregation and its distribution provides a record of the original structures in the Fe‐rich mesobands.  相似文献   

东南极南查尔斯王子山条带状含铁建造(BIF)产于鲁克山古元古代鲁克群的底部,总厚400 m,矿体厚度30~70 m,铁矿平均品位33.5%。该条带状含铁建造形成过程可能与变质火山岩有联系,在成因分类上属于苏必利尔湖型含铁建造和阿尔戈马型含铁建造之间的过渡类型。高精度航磁测量在鲁克山圈定出宽约10 km的北、南两条磁异常条带,延长分别约为50 km和60 km。据此初步建立该地区沉积变质型铁矿预测模型,圈定了含铁建造的资源分布范围,最终估算出铁矿石可开采的资源量大于百亿吨。   相似文献   

昌邑铁矿位于华北克拉通东部的胶北地体,为赋存于古元古代粉子山群变质岩中的条带状铁建造(BIF)铁矿。矿体主要呈透镜状、似层状,以(含)角闪石英磁铁岩为主要矿石,经历了温度高达636℃的角闪岩相变质作用。铁矿石富SiO2和Fe2O3T(SiO2+Fe2O3T=82.5%~97.7%),含少量Al2O3、MgO和CaO等,显示主要为化学沉积但有少量碎屑或泥质加入的特征。与PAAS相比轻稀土元素亏损、高的Y/Ho比值以及La和Y正异常表明铁矿沉淀于海相环境,而高的Ti/V比值、高Cr、Co和Ni含量以及Eu的正异常表明火山热液的参与,成矿物质来源于火山活动。无明显的Ce负异常表明当时可能存在一个缺氧的大气环境。昌邑铁矿与华北克拉通太古宙BIF相比,总体上没有显著差别,但Al2O3、CaO、MgO和K2O含量相对较高,Eu正异常相对较弱,表明其可能形成于具有更多碎屑物质和更少热液参与的浅水环境。  相似文献   

辽宁鞍本地区位于华北克拉通东北缘,分布有诸多大型-特大型条带状铁矿床。本文对该区歪头山铁矿进行了岩石学、矿物学及年代学研究。歪头山铁建造以条带状铁矿石为主,兼含有少量的块状矿石,其顶底板围岩及矿体夹层主要为太古界鞍山群斜长角闪岩。元素地球化学分析表明,铁矿石富集重稀土[(La/Yb)PAAS=0.24~0.33],具La正异常(La/La*=1.43~1.61)、Eu正异常(Eu/Eu*=2.40~4.54)及Y正异常(Y/Y*=1.10~1.30),Y/Ho值平均30.59,Sr/Ba值平均17.62,Ti/V值平均19.45,反映成矿物质可能来源于由海底火山活动带来的高温热液与海水的混合溶液。铁矿石无明显Ce负异常(Ce/Ce*=0.92~1.06),暗示BIF沉积时海水处于缺氧环境。除Fe2O3T与SiO2外,铁矿石中其它氧化物含量均非常低,且贫Th、U、Zr等具有陆源性质的元素,表明大陆碎屑物质对BIF贡献极少。斜长角闪岩稀土元素配分型式近于平坦[(La/Yb)N=0.80~1.10],无明显Ce异常(Ce/Ce*=0.95~0.99)与Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.88~1.16);其大离子亲石元素富集,高场强元素无明显亏损。地球化学分析表明,斜长角闪岩原岩可能为产于弧后盆地的玄武质火山岩。锆石形态与微量元素分析显示,斜长角闪岩中的锆石均属岩浆成因。SIMS锆石U-Pb定年显示斜长角闪岩原岩形成于2533±11Ma,代表了歪头山BIF的成矿年龄;在玄武质岩浆喷发过程中,还捕获了一组年龄为2610±5Ma的锆石。电子探针分析显示磁铁矿成分纯净(FeOT=92.04%~93.05%),其标型组分特征暗示歪头山BIF属沉积变质型铁矿。综合分析认为,歪头山铁矿属Algoma型BIF,成矿与弧后盆地岩浆活动密切相关,指示了新太古代末华北克拉通普遍发育的一期BIF成矿事件。  相似文献   

Oxide–sulphide–Fe–Mg–silicate and titanite–ilmenite textures as well as their mineral compositions have been studied in felsic and intermediate orthogneisses across an amphibolite (north) to granulite facies (south) traverse of lower Archean crust, Tamil Nadu, south India. Titanite is limited to the amphibolite facies terrane where it rims ilmenite or occurs as independent grains. Pyrite is widespread throughout the traverse increasing in abundance with increasing metamorphic grade. Pyrrhotite is confined to the high‐grade granulites. Ilmenite is widespread throughout the traverse increasing in abundance with increasing metamorphic grade and occurring primarily as hemo‐ilmenite in the high‐grade granulite facies rocks. Magnetite is widespread throughout the traverse and is commonly associated with ilmenite. It decreases in abundance with increasing metamorphic grade. In the granulite facies zone, reaction rims of magnetite + quartz occur along Fe–Mg silicate grain boundaries. Magnetite also commonly rims or is associated with pyrite. Both types of reaction rims represent an oxidation effect resulting from the partial subsolidus reduction of the hematite component in ilmenite to magnetite. This is confirmed by the presence of composite three oxide grains consisting of hematite, magnetite and ilmenite. Magnetite and magnetite–pyrite micro‐veins along silicate grain boundaries formed over a wide range of post‐peak metamorphic temperatures and pressures ranging from high‐grade SO2 to low‐grade H2S‐dominated conditions. Oxygen fugacities estimated from the orthopyroxene–magnetite–quartz, orthopyroxene–hematite–quartz, and magnetite–hematite buffers average 2.5 log units above QFM. It is proposed that the trends in mineral assemblages, textures and composition are the result of an external, infiltrating concentrated brine containing an oxidizing component such as CaSO4 during high‐grade metamorphism later acted upon by prograde and retrograde mineral reactions that do not involve an externally derived fluid phase.  相似文献   

Manganese-rich and manganese-poor iron formations which occur as thin layers in the Halaguru-Satnuru area, south of Kabbaldurga, Karnataka, India are chemically intermediate between the ‘Algoma’and ‘Lake Superior’types, but higher in their MnO and TiO2 contents. The rocks are of four petrographic varieties: (a) quartz-magnetite-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene, (b) quartz-magnetite-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-garnet, (c) quartz-magnetite-clinopyroxene-garnet, and (d) quartz-magnetite-clinopyroxene-garnet-plagioclase. In the orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene pairs, Mn-Mg and Mn-Fe exchange is ideal irrespective of the MnSiO3 contents of orthopyroxenes (0.6–1.8 mol. % in Mn-poor and 15–25 mol. % in Mn-rich compositions). Mg-Fe exchange in the same pair is however non-ideal. Mn-Fe exchange in orthopyroxene-garnet pairs is ideal. The distribution patterns in the other binaries are inconclusive regarding ideality of exchange. Orthopyroxene-garnet and clinopyroxene-garnet geothermometers, modified for high spessartine contents, give temperatures of 800 ± 30° C. A modified version of the Harley (1984) geothermometer registers 740 ± 60° C, in agreement with the consensus temperature value. The equilibrium log ffo2 values in the iron formations, as calculated from the reaction 6FeSiO3+ O2= 2Fe3O4+ 6SiO2 are in the range of ?14.2 to ?15.5. Algebraic analysis of variations of fo2 with composition of phases indicates buffering of O2 in the rocks. The absence of grunerite in these assemblages is compatible with XH2O being less than 0.3 in the ambient fluid. Computations from volatile equilibria in the C-O-H system, however, predict high XH2O values (>0.7) at ac= 1.0, implying that the activity of graphite must have been greatly reduced—this is in accordance with the absence of graphite in these rocks.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic (593–532 Ma) Dahongliutan banded iron formation (BIF), located in the Tianshuihai terrane (Western Kunlun orogenic belt), is hosted in the Tianshuihai Group, a dominantly submarine siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary succession that generally has been metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Iron oxide (hematite), carbonate (siderite, ankerite, dolomite and calcite) and silicate (muscovite) facies are all present within the iron-rich layers. There are three distinctive sedimentary facies BIFs, the oxide, silicate–carbonate–oxide and carbonate (being subdivided into ankerite and siderite facies BIFs) in the Dahongliutan BIF. They demonstrate lateral and vertical zonation from south to north and from bottom to top: the carbonate facies BIF through a majority of the oxide facies BIF into the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF and a small proportion of the oxide facies BIF.The positive correlations between Al2O3 and TiO2, Sc, V, Cr, Rb, Cs, Th and ∑REE (total rare earth element) for various facies of BIFs indicate these chemical sediments incorporate terrigenous detrital components. Low contents of Al2O3 (<3 wt%), TiO2 (<0.15 wt%), ∑REE (5.06–39.6 ppm) and incompatible HFSEs (high field strength elements, e.g., Zr, Hf, Th and Sc) (<10 ppm), and high Fe/Ti ratios (254–4115) for a majority of the oxide and carbonate facies BIFs suggest a small clastic input (<20% clastic materials) admixtured with their original chemical precipitates. The higher abundances of Al2O3 (>3 wt%), TiO2, Zr, Th, Cs, Sc, Cr and ∑REE (31.2–62.9 ppm), and low Fe/Ti ratios (95.2–236) of the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF are consistent with incorporation of higher amounts of clastic components (20%–40% clastic materials). The HREE (heavy rare earth element) enrichment pattern in PAAS-normalized REE diagrams exhibited by a majority of the oxide and carbonate facies BIFs shows a modern seawater REE signature overprinted by high-T (temperature) hydrothermal fluids marked by strong positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu1PAAS = 2.37–5.23). The low Eu/Sm ratios, small positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu1PAAS = 1.10–1.58) and slightly MREE (middle rare earth element) enrichment relative to HREE in the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF and some oxide and carbonate facies BIFs indicate higher contributions from low-T hydrothermal sources. The absence of negative Ce anomalies and the high Fe3+/(Fe3+/Fe2+) ratios (0.98–1.00) for the oxide and silicate–carbonate–oxide BIFs do not support ocean anoxia. The δ13CV-PDB (−4.0‰ to −6.6‰) and δ18OV-PDB (−14.0‰ to −11.5‰) values for siderite and ankerite in the carbonate facies BIF are, on average, ∼6‰ and ∼5‰ lower than those (δ13CV-PDB = −0.8‰ to + 3.1‰ and δ18OV-PDB = −8.2‰ to −6.3‰) of Ca–Mg carbonates from the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF. This feature, coupled with the negative correlations between FeO, Eu/Eu1PAAS and δ13CV-PDB, imply that a water column stratified with regard to the isotopic omposition of total dissolved CO2, with the deeper water, from which the carbonate facies BIF formed, depleted in δ13C that may have been derive from hydrothermal activity.Integration of petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic data indicates that the silicate–carbonate–oxide facies BIF and part of the oxide facies BIF precipitated in a near-shore, oxic and shallow water environment, whereas a majority of the oxide and carbonate facies BIFs deposited in anoxic but Fe2+-rich deeper waters, closer to submarine hydrothermal vents. High-T hydrothermal solutions, with infusions of some low-T hydrothermal fluids, brought Fe and Si onto a shallow marine, variably mixed with detrital components from seawaters and fresh waters carrying continental landmass and finally led to the alternating deposition of the Dahongliutan BIF during regression–transgression cycles.The Dahongliutan BIF is more akin to Superior-type rather than Algoma-type and Rapitan-type BIF, and constitutes an additional line of evidence for the widespread return of BIFs in the Cryogenian and Ediacaran reflecting the recurrence of anoxic ferruginous deep sea and anoxia/reoxygenation cycles in the Neoproterozoic. In combination with previous studies on other Fe deposits in the Tianshuihai terrane, we propose that a Fe2+-rich anoxic basin or deep sea probably existed from the Neoproterozoic to the Early Cambrian in this area.  相似文献   

The groundwater quality detoriation due to various geochemical processes like saline water intrusion, evaporation and interaction of groundwater with brines is a serious problem in coastal environments. Understanding the geochemical evolution is important for sustainable development of water resources. A detailed investigation was carried out to evaluate the geochemical processes regulating groundwater quality in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu, India. The area is entirely underlined by sedimentary formations, which include sandstone, clay, alluvium, and small patches of laterite soils of tertiary and quaternary age. Groundwater samples were collected from the study area and analyzed for major ions. The electrical conductivity (EC) value ranged from 962 to 11,824 μS/cm, with a mean of 2802 μS/cm. The hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in the study area starts from Mg-HCO3 type to Na-Cl type indicating the cation exchange reaction along with seawater intrusion. The Br/Cl ratio indicates the evaporation source for the ion. The Na/Cl ratios indicate groundwater is probably controlled by water-rock interaction, most likely by derived from the weathering of calcium-magnesium silicates. The plot of (Ca+Mg) versus HCO3 suggests ions derived from sediment weathering. The plot of Na+K over Cl reflects silicate weathering along with precipitation. Gibbs plot indicates the dominant control of rock weathering. Factor analysis indicates dominance of salt water intrusion, cation-exchange and anthropogenic phenomenon in the study.  相似文献   

A linear regression model in conjunction with cluster analysis was applied to the groundwater quality parameters for the Vaniyambadi industrial area, Tamil Nadu, India. These physico-chemical parameters were collected from 25 wells by intensive groundwater sampling conducted during January 2010. All the major ions, pH and electrical conductivity were analyzed. The abundances of cations were in the order of Na 相似文献   

位于宁芜矿集区南部钟姑矿田内的和睦山铁矿床是长江中下游成矿带内的一个典型的中型玢岩铁矿床,其主矿体呈似层状或透镜状产于闪长(玢)岩体与中-上三叠统地层接触带及其附近的灰岩中。近矿围岩蚀变矿化强烈,并具有显著的分带特征。岩(矿)相学研究表明,该矿床的形成经历了成矿前期(钠长石阶段)、主成矿期(阳起石-磷灰石-Ⅰ型磁铁矿阶段、浅闪石-金云母-Ⅱ型磁铁矿阶段和赤铁矿阶段)和成矿后期(石英-黄铁矿阶段和碳酸盐阶段)。矿物学研究表明,热液浅闪石较早阶段阳起石更富Al和Na、而贫Si;晚阶段Ⅱ型磁铁矿较早阶段Ⅰ型磁铁矿更富Ti和Al、而贫Mg。由岩体到矿体方向,金云母中Mg O含量逐渐富集,而Fe O和Ti O2含量逐渐降低,说明浅闪石-金云母-Ⅱ型磁铁矿阶段的成矿温度高于阳起石-磷灰石-Ⅰ型磁铁矿阶段,且阳起石-磷灰石-Ⅰ型磁铁矿阶段成矿热液在演化过程中,温度是逐渐降低的。综合研究表明,和睦山铁矿床为中-高温气液交代充填成因,Ⅰ型磁铁矿的形成以热液交代作用为主,Ⅱ型磁铁矿的生成则以热液充填作用为主,钠化对铁的活化和迁移起了重要作用。  相似文献   

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