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On the basis of the conceptual model,the development of wintertime stratocumulus cloud has been simulated by using a planetary boundary layer/cloud physics model.The main characteristics of the cloud structure and evolution obtained from the simulation are consistent with those from observations.By analyzing the modeled results,some details of the cloud structures and microphysics processes are discussed.  相似文献   

The data of two cases of the winter stratocumulus cloud over U|¨ru|¨mqi,obtained by aircraft,radio-sonde,radiowind,tethered bolloon and surface observations,are analysed.On the hasis of these,a concep-tual model of the formation,evolution and dissipation of this type of cloud is proposed.  相似文献   

The data of two cases of the winter stratocumulus cloud over Ürümqi,obtained by aircraft,radiosonde,radiowind,tethered bolloon and surface observations,are analysed.On the hasis of these,a conceptual model of the formation,evolution and dissipation of this type of cloud is proposed.  相似文献   

The comparison analyses between two tropical depressions in the South China Sea are completed by numerical ex-periments with a limited area model developed in Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Oceanic Meteorology. One of thedepressions develops and finally becomes a typhoon within 24 hours of the analyzing period (defined as DVD hereafter),and the other not (defined as UNDVD) The analyses show that their initial structures of temperature, humidity, pres-sure. wind and stability are obviously different from each other. There are a very deep wet layer and a clear warm-coredstructure in the mid-lower troposphere in the depression area in the DVD case, but with the warm core in the upperrather than lower troposphere arid a very shallow wet layer in the lower troposphere in the depression area in theUNDVD case. The developing and non-developing processes are successfully simulated by the model, showing that theCISK mechanism plays the most important role in the development of SCSDs (Tropical Depressions in the South ChinaSea). Several numerical experiments show that the structures of humidity and temperature in the depression area haveimportant effect on the development of SCSDs. It is favourable to the development of SCSDs when a very deep wet layerexists in the mid-lower troposphere or a warm-cored structure exists in the mid-lower troposphere instead of in uppertroposphere, and conversely, it is unfavourable to the development of SCSDs when the wet layer is very shallow in thelower troposphere or the warm-cored structure is in the upper troposphere rather than in mid-lower troposphere. Thestructures of stability for each case are also analysed, which shows evident differences between the two cases, with adeeper instability layer in the DVD case and a shallower one in the UNDVD case. Finally, the sensitivity of the devel-opment of the SCSDs to the vertical structures of humidity and temperature in the depression area is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper,the processes of the occurrence and development of a mid-tropospheric cyclone (MTC hereinafter)over the South China Sea are successfully simulated,adopting the convective heating profile calculated from the ana-lysed data.And a series of numerical experiments show that the convective heating rate, especially its vertical profile,plays a key role in the occurrence,development and maintenance of the MTC.When there is highly concentratedconvective heating in middle layer(400—450hPa),the MTC could occur and maintain for longer time.And the key tosuccessfully predict the MTC by numerical model is to correctly specify the convective heating profile in the model.  相似文献   

Downburst is a very dangerous weather phenomenon for aeroplane taking off or landing. Inorder to understand the initial formation and evolution of downburst and to study the effects of at-mospheric environment condition and the microstructure of cloud-precipitation particles on thedownburst development processes, we have designed and carried out a modeling scheme by makinguse of our own non-hydrostatic compressible mesoscale-γ model including necessary cloud-precipi-tation processes. The initial conditions of temperature, humidity and wind are from an observationcase in which the downburst occurred. The results of computations demonstrate the evolution ofdownburst and show the variation of various environmental and microphysical parameters. Some ofthe mechanisms about the downburst occurrence have been obtained. Computation results mayhelp airport forecasters to determine the occurrence of downburst better.  相似文献   

The formation and development of radiation fog are studied by using a one-dimensional model.Theresults are as follows:(1)The fog can change the ambient wind and temperature fields,on the contrary,theambient fields may also influence the fog;(2)The modeling fog forms initially at a certain level above thesurface,which is detailedly explained in the paper;(3)Turbulence delays the formation of fog but promotesits development;(4)Whether fog liquid water content exchange coefficient equals momentum exchangecoefficient has no influence on the numerical results.In addition,wind,temperature,exchange coefficient,and net radiative flux before and after the formation of radiation fog,are also studied.  相似文献   

By employing the improved T42L5 spectral model and utilizing the ECMWF data covering the period from 1 Julyto 7 July 1982,a numerical research on the formation of the Ural blocking system has been made.The results show thatthe model forecasts for the upstream U ral area turn out to be worse if the dynamic effect of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateauis not considered.The correlation coefficient between the model forecasts and observed 500 hPa geopotential heightanomaly decreases by 9% for the 5-day mean,and their averaged root mean square (RMS) error increases 15 m.Due tothe dynamic effect of the Plateau,the trough being on the northwest of the Plateau is barricaded and turns to be atransversal trough.Consequently southwest flow occurs along the northwest of the Plateau in front of the trough,whilenortheast flow prevails over the west of the trough,causing the formation of the blocking high over the Ural area.Whenthe dynamic effect of the Plateau is not taken into consideration,the trough develops and moves southeastward and theUral blocking high changes into a migratory high.All these result in the failure of the simulation.The dynamic effect ofthe Plateau helps to increase the negative vorticities over the Plateau and its north periphery as well as the Ural area,andalso helps to increase the positive vorticities over the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea area.On the other hand,thethermodynamic effect mainly influences the Plateau and its downstream area and plays an less important role in theformation of the blocking high over the upstream Ural area.  相似文献   



In part Ⅱ of this paper, the effeets of diabatic heating and the Tibetan Plateau on the seasonal transition of the general circulation over Asia is investigated. It is shown that the effect of differential heating mainly due to land-sea contrast dominates even fora medium time scale. The effect of the Plateau seems to reinforce but not radically change the basic features of the events.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of the radiation transfer and some physical approximation techniques,a numericalclimatological method for the radiation budget in the troposphere over China is proposed.By utilizingten-year-averaged climatological data (1960—1969,1961—1970) from 104 stations,the radiation budgetand its components of the troposphere over China are calculated.In contrast with the satellite observationsand other computational results,the present results are satisfactory.The main factors which determine theradiation budget are also discussed briefly.  相似文献   

A zonal domain,primitive equation model is used in this paper to study the influences of the main sea surface tem-perature anomaly(SSTA)areas over the Pacific on precipitation in 1991.Some numerical experiments are made and themechanisms of the influences are discussed.The results show that the influences of the SSTA are mainly confined withinthe tropical and the subtropical regions.The direct effect of the SSTA is to change the exchanges of the sensible heat andthe water vapour between the air and the sea,through the consequent changes of temperature and the flow fields and thefeedback process of condensation,the SSTA finally affects precipitation.  相似文献   

To improve the simulating ability of a model,this paper presents a scheme of calculatingdirect radiation at land surface with topography in the model.A numerical study is conducted forthe topographic effects of the Tibetan Plateau on the direct radiation using NCEP terrain data.Results show that,after taking account into the topographic radiation effect,the regional averageof the radiation over the Plateau obviously increases in the local early morning and late afternoon,but changes less around noon.The effect is stronger in winter than that in summer.Andheterogeneous topography has also affected the distribution of the radiation in this area.A simplenumerical experiment shows that considering the effect will lead ground temperature to increase onthe slope having more sunshine,and vice versa.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the actual continuous materials of hilly area, we analyse the structures of the wind and temperature fields of planetary bounday layer over hill terrain under different weather conditions. As the results show that being similar to the situation in flat area, the planetary boundary layer has striking characteristics of daily variation and distinct regularity. We also find that in certain weather situation or under certain weather condition, these characteristics are principally determined by complex effect of such factors as the features of specific radiation field and intensity of turbulent exchange, and the advection of wind, and the thermodynamic effect of valley or lake-land, and the extending direction of valley, as well as difference between states of sunlessness and sunshine of the surface. Therein, the local environmental situation, where the reference station stands, is of considerable importance to the formation of the characteristics of planetary boundary over hill terrain (shortened as HTBL). These results not only help us to disclose the characteristics of planetary boundary layer over hill terrain in theory, but also are of great value in practice, like developing hilly area, and implementing environment conservation etc.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional fog model,suitable for precipitous and complex terrain,is designed contain-ing four prognostic variables—wind speed,potential temperature,specific humidity and mixing ratioof liquid water.The model considers turbulent exchange,the long-wave radiation on the ground sur-face and in the air.the short-wave solar radiation,the evaporation and condensation of moisture andthe surface heat budget and so on.In order to make the model run steadily on precipitous and complexterrain,we have improved the method of calculating horizontal pressure gradient force in the terraincoordinate system.The results coincide on the whole with the actual situation.  相似文献   

Based on an observational analysis, seven numerical experiments are designed to study the impacts of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over eastem China and relevant physical mechanism by NCAR CCM3. The numerical simulation results show that preceding winter SSTA in the Kuroshio region leads to summer precipitation anomaly over the Yangtze River valleys by modifying atmospheric general circulation over eastern Asia and middle-high latitude. West Pacific subtropical high is notably affected by preceding spring SSTA over the middle and east of Equator Pacific; SSTA of the central region of middle latitude in the corresponding period causes the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China so as to trigger the atmospheric Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern.  相似文献   

Based on an observational analysis, seven numerical experiments are designed to study the impacts of Pacific SSTA on summer precipitation over eastern China and relevant physical mechanism by NCAR CCM3. The numerical simulation results show that preceding winter SSTA in the Kuroshio region leads to summer precipitation anomaly over the Yangtze River valleys by modifying atmospheric general circulation over eastern Asia and middle-high latitude. West Pacific subtropical high is notably affected by preceding spring SSTA over the middle and east of Equator Pacific; SSTA of the central region of middle latitude in the corresponding period causes the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China so as to trigger the atmospheric Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern.  相似文献   

ON THE MODELLING STUDY OF MONSOON   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The major advances and achievements of recent studies on monsoon simulation are reviewed.Four aspects are included in the paper and they are simulation of general feature and seasonal tointerannual variation of monsoon.simulation of monsoon and ENSO relations,paleo-monsoonsimulation,and the predictability study of monsoon and monsoon climate.Concluding remarks aremade in the last section.  相似文献   

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