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本文从地震观测数据的利用角度出发,讨论世界范围内远震震级的测定问题。笔者认为,现震级标度存在的弊病是:震级饱和,测值偏差大,过分依赖频率的变动以及需要各种校正等。体波震级的问题大于面波;周期较短的震相问题大于周期较长的震相问题。矩震级标度将逐渐取代依据变幻不定的各种地震波的观用的各种标度。对于远震,长周期地震仪记录的面波震级Ms将得以发展,成为矩震级的一种辅助标度。本文最后提出了矩震级标度实行后,历史地震震级和区域地震震级如何与之衔接的初步设想。  相似文献   

简述了中国学者近年来在地震震级转换关系方面的研究成果与进展,比较了中国台网测定的各种震级与国外主要地震机构测定的地震标度之间的差别与各震级间的转换关系。在前人研究的基础上,统一给出了矩震级与各种震级标度之间的对应关系:在国外震级标度中,6.5≤M≤7.6时,mB≈MW;5.2≤M≤8.0时,mS≈MW;4.2≤M≤7.0时,mL≈MW;4.0≤M≤6.0时,mb≈MW。在上述震级区间,MW与mB、mb、ML和MS的偏差≤0.2。经过推导,我国常规震级标度与矩震级的之间的对应关系为:4.5≤M≤5.8时,mb≈MW;4.5≤M≤7.5时,mB≈MW;4.5≤M≤7.0时,ML≈MW;MS≈MW;MS7=MW。在上述震级区间,MW与mB、MS的偏差≤0.2,与MS7偏差为0;与ML偏差为0.22。上述结论可为地震预测及相关领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

使用四川省地震台网2013年4月以来的宽频带数字地震资料,对新国家标准震级标度与传统震级标度中的4类震级进行了对比分析。结果表明:新ML与传统ML、MS(BB)与MS7之间的差别最小,相关性最高;所有事件的新mb均大于或等于传统mb;大部分事件的新ML大于传统ML;mB(BB)大于mB的事件多于mB(BB)小于mB的事件;MS(BB)小于MS7的事件数量与MS(BB)大于MS7的事件接近;新ML较传统ML更符合区域地质实际状况,新mb较传统mb更便于测量,MS(BB)较MS7、mB(BB)较mB更适应当前的宽频带数字地震资料,其测定结果更稳定。新国家标准震级标度充分考虑了我国震级测定的历史连续性,很好地继承和衔接了传统震级标度,在可操作性和资料适用性方面有极大提高。   相似文献   

张玲 《山西地震》2019,(2):8-11
选用2018年山西数字地震台网的观测资料,分别对新国家标准震级标度与传统震级标度测定的地方性震级进行了对比分析。结果表明,新国标ML震级与传统ML震级一致性较高,震级偏差在0.1之内。新国家标准震级标度很好地继承和衔接了传统震级标度,使用分区量规函数测定的ML单台震级偏差和平均标准偏差值均较小,新震级标度测定的近震震级更加准确。  相似文献   

IASPEI新震级标度与传统震级标度的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对世界上主要地震台网中心几十年来震级测定结果的对比分析,针对数字地震记录频带宽、动态范围大的特点,国际地震学与地球内部物理学协会(IASPEI)震级工作组于2003年提出了新的震级标度和测定方法,新的震级标度包括地方性震级ML、面波震级Msc(20)和Ms(BB)、体波震级mb和mB、区域Lg震级mb(Lg)和矩震级MW,本文介绍了这些新震级及其测定方法,并将这些震级与我国传统震级mb、mB、MS7、Ms在计算公式、振幅量取、周期范围和震中距范围几个方面进行了详细的比较。  相似文献   

矩震级标度是从地震矩换算过来的,换算关系中地震应力降与剪切模量估算的不准确会对矩震级标度产生影响.本文利用1976年1月~2006年12月发生在东经75°~135°,北纬15°~55°的M≥5地震的矩震级与面波震级,探讨了应力降与剪切模量的比值Δσ/μ在中国及邻区以及在不同震级下的分布特征.中国大陆及邻区的Δσ/μ值分布较分散,不同地区的Δσ/μ值明显不同,且绝大部分值大于矩震级和地震矩换算关系中使用的全球平均值.对于同一地区不同震级的地震,其Δσ/μ值也不一样,震级大,Δσ/μ值通常也大.研究认为剪切模量和地震应力降的估计对矩震级标度的影响不能忽略.  相似文献   

关于震级标度的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就震级标度的一些议题提出看法,包括震级的国家标准、多种震级标度的存在、“全覆盖”震级、不同震级标度的换算、震级的校准等.文中还对改善震级测定工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

两种震级标度讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析论述了我国在测报近震震级和面波震级业务中存在的种种问题,用现行起算函数测算的ML随震中距存在系统偏差,近场偏低,远场偏高;此函数系统建立的方法有不合理之处,它不适于DD-1仪。用现行公式测算的MS与国际上震级水平不一致,总体趋势偏高;在90(距离上震级零点严重失控;用单一水平向记录计算MS是个原则性差误。需要用新的起算函数系统代替R1(()计算ML; 需要用新的公式取代现行公式计算MS。  相似文献   

提出一种高频震级标度(m): m=2log■_(kf)+3式中,■_(kf)是在震源或距断层10km处加速度傅里叶振幅谱的高频水平,单位是cm/s(平均的或其中任意一个水平分量)。可以从仪器资料或地震的有感面积来测定m。在北美东部和加州,我们规定对应于“平均”应力降的地震,m=M(矩震级)。如果M也是已知的,则m提供应力降的测量。观测的m与M之间的关系表明,对于北美东部地区地震,平均应力降大约是150bar;对于加州地区地震,平均应力降大约是70bar。北美东部地区应力降的变化又比加州地区的大得多。所提出标度的主要理由是它可用来解释有仪器记录的以前的大地震,而这些地震对北美东部地震危险性估计是十分重要的。对于这样的地震,m可以比M或m_N(Nuttli震级)的测定更为可靠,并且形成测定高频地面运动的更好基础。当将m和M作为一对使用时,则可提供为覆盖整个工程频带的地面运动的一个好的指标。如果能够给出一个地震的两种震级,那么,就可以用一个地面运动模型,如随机模型,获得可靠的反应谱和地面运动峰值。  相似文献   

The earthquake magnitude was introduced into seismology nearly 40 yr ago, as a purely empirical concept. After an unparalleled success in scientific and practical applications the magnitude is developing into a concept with a clearer physical meaning and a more solid theoretical foundation. The magnitude determined from the maximum particle amplitude or velocity reflects the maximum radiation power of the seismic source in the frequency band recorded on a particular seismograph. Recently developed models for seismic sources assist in classifying earthquakes according to size and spectral character. From corresponding scaling laws the relations between various magnitude scales can be established. The magnitude aims at enabling one to compare the sizes of seismic sources ranging in character from nearly aseismic events to explosions. While the former are characterized by a relatively long-peroidic radiation maximum, the latter radiate primarily short-periodic seismic energy. Tectonic earthquakes are likely to range in character between the two extreme spectral cases. A comparison of earthquake magnitude with stellar magnitude leads to analogies in spectral character between earthquakes and stars, whereby seismic sources seem to follow a distribution similar to the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for stars. Before seismological practice can catch up with the new cognitions, improvements in the definition of the earthquake magnitude are in need.  相似文献   

In order to provide the tools for uniform size determination for Mediterranean earthquakes over the last 50-year period of instrumental seismology, we have regressed the magnitude determinations for 220 earthquakes of the European-Mediterranean region over the 1977–1991 period, reported by three international centres, 11 national and regional networks and 101 individual stations and observatories, using seismic moments from the Harvard CMTs. We calibrate M(M0) regression curves for the magnitude scales commonly used for Mediterranean earthquakes (ML, MWA, mb, MS, MLH, MLV, MD, M); we also calibrate static corrections or specific regressions for individual observatories and we verify the reliability of the reports of different organizations and observatories. Our analysis shows that the teleseismic magnitudes (mb, MS) computed by international centers (ISC, NEIC) provide good measures of earthquake size, with low standard deviations (0.17–0.23), allowing one to regress stable regional calibrations with respect to the seismic moment and to correct systematic biases such as the hypocentral depth for MS and the radiation pattern for mb; while mb is commonly reputed to be an inadequate measure of earthquake size, we find that the ISC mb is still today the most precise measure to use to regress MW and M0 for earthquakes of the European-Mediterranean region; few individual observatories report teleseismic magnitudes requiring specific dynamic calibrations (BJI, MOS). Regional surface-wave magnitudes (MLV, MLH) reported in Eastern Europe generally provide reliable measures of earthquake size, with standard deviations often in the 0.25–0.35 range; the introduction of a small (±0.1–0.2) static station correction is sometimes required. While the Richter magnitude ML is the measure of earthquake size most commonly reported in the press whenever an earthquake strikes, we find that ML has not been computed in the European-Mediterranean in the last 15 years; the reported local magnitudes MWA and ML do not conform to the Richter formula and are of poor quality and little use, with few exceptions requiring ad hoc calibrations similar to the MS regression (EMSC, ATH). The duration magnitude MD used by most seismic networks confirms that its use requires accurate station calibrations and should be restricted only to events with low seismic moments.  相似文献   

Summary The local magnitude ML at the seismological station Pruhonice (PRU) was converted into surface wave magnitude MS using the formula MS=–3.2+1.45 ML and the seismic wave energy was estimated using the relation log E (Joule)=1.2+2.0 ML. It was proposed to apply the same conversion formulae at seismological stations Kaperské Hory (KHC) and Berggiesshübel (BRG) where the calibrating functions for local magnitudes were determined for the same set of earthquakes with common reference magnitudes as in the case of the PRU station.  相似文献   

In this study, we aim to improve the scaling between the moment magnitude (M W), local magnitude (M L), and the duration magnitude (M D) for 162 earthquakes in Shillong-Mikir plateau and its adjoining region of northeast India by extending the M W estimates to lower magnitude earthquakes using spectral analysis of P-waves from vertical component seismograms. The M W-M L and M W-M D relationships are determined by linear regression analysis. It is found that, M W values can be considered consistent with M L and M D, within 0.1 and 0.2 magnitude units respectively, in 90 % of the cases. The scaling relationships investigated comply well with similar relationships in other regions in the world and in other seismogenic areas in the northeast India region.  相似文献   

地震的震级   总被引:33,自引:13,他引:20  
简要介绍了地方性震级Mi、体波震级mb、面波震级Ms和矩震级Mw的定义及其测定方法,分析了它们的优点和缺点,并对震级饱和效应及其产生的原因作了介绍和解释。文章指出,矩震级是一个表征地震绝对大小的量,它与地震震源的物理过程直接关联,不会饱和;与传统上使用的其他震级标度相比,矩震级具有明显的优点,是当今国际地震学界推荐优先使用的震级标度。  相似文献   

速度型记录设备的地震速报,一般直接使用记录到的波形数据计算震级(速度震级).编写台网观测报告,需要把速度波形仿真成位移后再计算震级(仿真震级).本文利用北京市地震台网2003年以来1 000多条记录,以全网、单台两种方式研究了上述两种震级的关系,结果表明.它们之间存在很好的线性关系,且与震中距、台基、设备等因素有关.建议在速报阶段,可用震级差和线性关系两种方法对仿真震级进行估计.  相似文献   

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