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The Pisco earthquake ( M w 8.0; 2007 August 15) occurred offshore of Peru's southern coast at the subduction interface between the Nazca and South American plates. It ruptured a previously identified seismic gap along the Peruvian margin. We use Wide Swath InSAR observations acquired by the Envisat satellite in descending and ascending orbits to constrain coseismic slip distribution of this subduction earthquake. The data show movement of the coastal regions by as much as 85 cm in the line-of-sight of the satellite. Distributed-slip model indicates that the coseismic slip reaches values of about 5.5 m at a depth of ∼18–20 km. The slip is confined to less than 40 km depth, with most of the moment release located on the shallow parts of the interface above 30 km depth. The region with maximum coseismic slip in the InSAR model is located offshore, close to the seismic moment centroid location. The geodetic estimate of seismic moment is 1.23 × 1021 Nm ( M w 8.06), consistent with seismic estimates. The slip model inferred from the InSAR observations suggests that the Pisco earthquake ruptured only a portion of the seismic gap zone in Peru between 13.5° S and 14.5° S, hence there is still a significant seismic gap to the south of the 2007 event that has not experienced a large earthquake since at least 1687.  相似文献   

Magnetic remanence vectors for 1737 samples from two ∼100 m cores of Lake Baikal sediments are reported along with complete magnetic susceptibility profiles obtained from a pass-through system. Chronological control is established by means of two independent correlations; first, by matching susceptibility variations to the oceanic oxygen isotope record and second, by matching the relative palaeointensity variations to the SINT-800 global reference curve. These both imply an average deposition rate of 15 cm kyr–1 and a basal age of ∼640 ka. Spectral analysis reveals the presence of Milankovitch signals at ∼100 kyr (eccentricity), ∼41 kyr (obliquity) and ∼23 and ∼19 kyr (precession). Stable remanence vectors are almost all of normal polarity. The few exceptions comprise brief intervals of low and/or negative inclinations which probably represent geomagnetic excursions. However, these are far less numerous than the high sedimentation rate would lead one to expect. Furthermore, only four of them can be readily matched to the—still poorly understood—global pattern. These are the Laschamp, the Albuquerque, the Iceland Basin and perhaps the West Eifel excursions which occurred at ∼38 000, ∼146 000, at 180 000–190 000 and at 480 000–495 000 yr ago, respectively.  相似文献   

The highest intermediate depth moment release rates in Indonesia occur in the slab beneath the largely submerged segment of the Banda arc in the Banda Sea to the east of Roma, termed the Damar Zone. The most active, western-part of this zone is characterized by downdip extension, with moment release rates (∼1018 Nm yr–1 per 50 km strike length) implying the slab is stretching at ∼10−14 s−1 consistent with near complete slab decoupling across the 100–200 km depth range. Differential vertical stretching along the length of the Damar Zone is consistent with a slab rupture front at ∼100–200 km depth beneath Roma propagating eastwards at ∼100 km Myr–1. Complexities in the slab deformation field are revealed by a narrow zone of anomalous in-plane P -axis trends beneath Damar, where subhorizontal constriction suggests extreme stress concentrations ∼100 km ahead of the slab rupture front. Such stress concentrations may explain the anomalously deep ocean gateways in this region, in which case ongoing slab rupture may have played a key role in modulating the Indonesian throughflow in the Banda Sea over the last few million years.  相似文献   

Teleseismic P waves passing through low-wave-speed bodies in the mantle are refracted, causing anomalies in their propagation directions that can be measured by seismometer arrays. Waves from earthquakes in the eastern Pacific and western North America arriving at the NORSAR array in Norway and at seismic stations in Scotland pass beneath the Iceland region at depths of ∼ 1000–2000 km. Waves arriving at NORSAR have anomalous arrival azimuths consistent with a low-wave-speed body at a depth of ∼ 1500 km beneath the Iceland–Faeroe ridge with a maximum diameter of ∼250 km and a maximum wave-speed contrast of ∼ 1.5 per cent. This agrees well with whole-mantle tomography results, which image a low-wave-speed body at this location with a diameter of ∼ 500 km and a wave-speed anomaly of ∼ 0.5 per cent, bearing in mind that whole-mantle tomography, because of its limited resolution, broadens and weakens small anomalies. The observations cannot resolve the location of the body, and the anomaly could be caused in whole or in part by larger bodies farther away, for example by a body imaged beneath Greenland by whole-mantle tomography.  相似文献   

Summary. An overview is taken of the last decade of studies of the effect of earthquakes on the polar motion. The treatment of the liquid outer core in static deformation is reviewed and some misconceptions in a number of papers are pointed out. Volterra's formula is generalized to the case of a liquid core which does not obey the highly idealized Adams—Williamson density law. The focal mechanism representation of Smylie & Mansinha (1971) is corrected for neglected terms arising from coordinate curvature, bringing the computed polar shifts into near numerical agreement with those of other workers. On the basis of the comparison of the observed and computed polar shifts for the Chile 1960 and Alaska 1964 events, it is suggested that the observed polar shifts for large earthquakes may be useful as discriminators in selecting focal mechanism parameters. The observed level of Chandler wobble excitation provides a constraint on some of the more extreme values of seismic moment recently proposed, unless these are supposed to depend only weakly on magnitude. The cumulative effect of the 30 largest earthquakes in the period 1901–64, recently examined by O'Connell & Dziewonski, is found to yield a rms Chandler wobble excitation of 0".10, using the random walk theory of Mansinha & Smylie (1967). This is close to the observed level (∼ 0".15). In addition to yielding the solution to a very long-standing geophysical puzzle, the study of the effect of earthquakes on the polar motion over the last decade may have produced a useful tool for the elucidation of seismic mechanism.  相似文献   

根据威德尔海豹在不同生态行为下发出的声信号资料,对其声信号特征进行分析研究。结果表明,威德尔海豹的声信号与生态行为息息相关。威德尔海豹伴随生态行为发出的声信号主要是由脉冲列和连续波组成。脉冲列的持续时间为2.2~48ms,间隔在4.4~28ms,频段范围在861Hz~5kHz,谱峰分别在1.6kHz、2.9kHz和4kHz处出现;连续波声信号的频段范围在102Hz~4.4kHz,谱峰分别出现在419Hz、486Hz、663Hz、829Hz和1.2kHz处。  相似文献   

Earthquake populations have recently been shown to have many similarities with critical-point phenomena, with fractal scaling of source sizes (energy or seismic moment) corresponding to the observed Gutenberg–Richter (G–R) frequency–magnitude law holding at low magnitudes. At high magnitudes, the form of the distribution depends on the seismic moment release rate M˙ and the maximum magnitude m max . The G–R law requires a sharp truncation at an absolute maximum magnitude for finite M˙ . In contrast, the gamma distribution has an exponential tail which allows a soft or 'credible' maximum to be determined by negligible contribution to the total seismic moment release. Here we apply both distributions to seismic hazard in the mainland UK and its immediate continental shelf, constrained by a mixture of instrumental, historical and neotectonic data. Tectonic moment release rates for the seismogenic part of the lithosphere are calculated from a flexural-plate model for glacio-isostatic recovery, constrained by vertical deformation rates from tide-gauge and geomorphological data. Earthquake focal mechanisms in the UK show near-vertical strike-slip faulting, with implied directions of maximum compressive stress approximately in the NNW–SSE direction, consistent with the tectonic model. Maximum magnitudes are found to be in the range 6.3–7.5 for the G–R law, or 7.0–8.2 m L for the gamma distribution, which compare with a maximum observed in the time period of interest of 6.1 m L . The upper bounds are conservative estimates, based on 100 per cent seismic release of the observed vertical neotectonic deformation. Glacio-isostatic recovery is predominantly an elastic rather than a seismic process, so the true value of m max is likely to be nearer the lower end of the quoted range.  相似文献   

Summary. 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating studies have been carried out on samples taken from the Tudor Gabbro, Grenville Province, Ontario. In an earlier K-Ar study, these rocks have yielded an isochron age of ∼700 Ma together with very high initial argon ratios. Age spectrum plots on whole-rock samples, in general, display a saddle-shaped character, with two of them exhibiting minima close to 700 Ma. No clear plateaus are observed for these rocks. A hornblende separate records the time ∼1110 Ma at which the stock finally cooled through the ∼590°C isotherm. The Tudor Gabbro was probably intruded into an area undergoing middle-amphibolite facies meta-morphism about 1180 Ma ago. The age spectra of two whole-rock samples together with that of their plagioclase separates, suggest that the stock cooled to ∼200–250°C at about 720 Ma. Slow cooling, averaging about 1°C Ma−1 is indicated for this section of the Grenville Province for the period 1100–700 Ma. If the age of the Tudor Gabbro's palaeomagnetic pole position is taken to be 720 Ma, the Hadrynian Track Hypothesis leads to very high polar wander rates of > 20cm a−1 for the period 820–720 Ma. If this hypothesis is rejected, the average drift rate for this period would be ∼4 cm a−1, in much better agreement with published values of ∼5 cm a−1 for the period 1400–820 Ma.  相似文献   

The phase velocity and the attenuation coefficient of compressional seismic waves, propagating in poroelastic, fluid-saturated, laminated sediments, are computed analytically from first principles. The wavefield is found to be strongly affected by the medium heterogeneity. Impedance fluctuations lead to poroelastic scattering; variations of the layer compressibilities cause inter-layer flow (a 1-D macroscopic local flow). These effects result in significant attenuation and dispersion of the seismic wavefield, even in the surface seismic frequency range, 10–100 Hz. The various attenuation mechanisms are found to be approximately additive, dominated by inter-layer flow at very low frequencies. Elastic scattering is important over a broad frequency range from seismic to sonic frequencies. Biot's global flow (the relative displacement of solid frame and fluid) contributes mainly in the range of ultrasonic frequencies. From the seismic frequency range up to ultrasonic frequencies, attenuation due to heterogeneity is strongly enhanced compared to homogeneous Biot models. Simple analytical expressions for the P -wave phase velocity and attenuation coefficient are presented as functions of frequency and of statistical medium parameters (correlation lengths, variances). These results automatically include different asymptotic approximations, such as poroelastic Backus averaging in the quasi-static and the no-flow limits, geometrical optics, and intermediate frequency ranges.  相似文献   

In this paper we present revised locations and original focal mechanisms computed for intermediate and deep earthquakes that occurred within the Southern Tyrrhenian subduction zone between 1988 and 1994, in order to improve our knowledge of the state of stress for this compressional margin. In particular, we define the stress distribution within a large portion of the descending slab, between 40 and about 450 km depth. The seismicity distribution reveals a continuous 40–50 km thick slab that abruptly increases its dip from subhorizontal in the Ionian Sea to a constant 70° dip in the Tyrrhenian. We computed focal mechanisms for events with magnitudes ranging from 2.7 and 5.7, obtaining the distribution of P - and T -axes for many events for which centroid moment tensor (CMT) solutions are not available, thus enabling the sampling of a larger depth range compared to previous studies. We define three portions of the slab characterized by different distributions of P - and T -axes. A general down-dip compression is found between 165 and 370 km depth, whereas in the upper part of the slab (40–165 km depth) the fault-plane solutions are strongly heterogeneous. Below 370 km the P -axes of the few deep events located further to the north have a shallower dip and are not aligned with the 70° dipping slab, possibly suggesting that they belong to a separated piece of subducted lithosphere. There is a good correspondence between the depth range in which the P -axes plunge closer to the slab dip (∼ 70°) and the interval characterized by the highest seismic energy release (190–370 km).  相似文献   

We present an acoustic emission (AE) monitoring technique to study high-pressure ( P > 1 GPa) microseismicity in multi-anvil rock deformation experiments. The application of this technique is aimed at studying fault mechanisms of deep-focus earthquakes that occur during subduction at depths up to 650 km. AE monitoring in multi-anvil experiments is challenging because source locations need to be resolved to a submillimetre scale due to the small size of the experimental assembly. AEs were collected using an 8-receiver array, located on the back truncations of the tungsten carbide anvils. Each receiver consists of a 150–1000 kHz bandwidth PZT transducer assembly. Data were recorded and processed using a high-speed AMSY-5 acquisition system from Vallen-Systems, allowing waveform collection at a 10 MHz sampling rate for each event signal. 3-D hypocentre locations in the assembly are calculated using standard seismological algorithms. The technique was used to monitor fault development in 3 mm long × 1.5 mm diameter olivine cores during axisymmetric compression and extension. The faults were generated during cold compression to ∼2 GPa confining pressure. Subsequent AEs at 2–6 GPa and 900 °C were found to locate near these pre-existing faults and exhibit high pressure stick-slip behaviour.  相似文献   

We present velocity constraints for the upper-mantle transition zones beneath Central Siberia based on observations of the 1982 RIFT Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile. The data consist of seismic recordings of a nuclear explosion in north-western Siberia along a 2600 km long seismic profile extending from the Yamal Peninsula to Lake Baikal. We invert seismic data from the mantle transition zones using a non-linear inversion scheme using a genetic algorithm for optimization and the WKBJ method to compute the synthetic seismograms. A statistical error analysis using a graph-binning technique was performed to provide uncertainty values in the velocity models.
Our best model for the upper-mantle velocity discontinuity near 410 km depth has a two-stage velocity-gradient structure, with velocities increasing from 8.70–9.25 km s−1 over a depth range of 400–415 km, a gradient of 0.0433 s−1, and from 9.25–9.60 km s−1 over a depth range of 415–435 km, a gradient of 0.0175 s−1. This derived model is consistent with other seismological observations and mineral-physics models. The model for the velocity discontinuity near 660 km depth is simple, sharp and includes velocities increasing from 10.15 km s−1 at 655 km depth to 10.70 km s−1 at 660 km depth, a gradient of 0.055 s−1.  相似文献   

本文对南极菲尔德斯半岛黑背海鸥在某些生态行为下发出的鸣声波形结构和参数进行了分析。得出 :幼黑背海鸥发出“吱”声 ,频带在 1 6 1 0至 483 1 Hz,谱峰在 1 .7、2 .5和 2 .9k Hz;黑背海鸥发出“哦”声 ,频带在 1 1 71至 43 4 3 Hz,谱峰约在 1 .5 k Hz;黑背海鸥发出“哦啊”声 ,频带在1 0 72至 3 93 2 Hz,谱峰在 1 .2、1 .7和 3 k Hz,“咯”声 ,频带在 1 3 6 0至 41 5 3 Hz,谱峰在 1 .3、2和 2 .9k Hz  相似文献   

We image the Hikurangi subduction zone using receiver functions derived from teleseismic earthquakes. Migrated receiver functions show a northwest dipping low shear wave feature down to 60 km depth, which we associate with the crust of the subducted Pacific Plate. Receiver functions (RF) at several stations also show a pair of negative and positive polarity phases with associated conversion depths of ∼20–26 km, where the subducted Pacific Plate is at a depth of ∼40–50 km beneath the overlying Australian Plate. RF inversion solutions model these phases with a thin low S -wave velocity zone less than 4 km thick, and an S -wave velocity contrast of more than ∼0.5 km s−1 with the overlying crust. We interpret this phase pair as representing fluids near the base of the lower crust of the Australian Plate, directly overlying the forearc mantle wedge.  相似文献   

The Western Pyrenees presents a diffuse and moderate ( M ≤ 5.7) instrumental seismicity. It nevertheless historically suffered from strong earthquakes (I = IX MSK). The seismic sources of these events are not yet clearly identified. We focus on the Arudy (1980) epicentral area ( M = 5.1) and propose here the reactivation of early Cretaceous normal faults of the Iberian margin as a potential source. The late Cretaceous inversion of this basin, first in a left-lateral strike-slip mode and then in a more frontal convergence, resulted in a pop-up geometry. This flower structure attests of the presence of a deep crustal discontinuity.
The present-day geodynamic arrangement suggests that this accident is reactivated in a right lateral mode. This reactivation leads to a strain partitioning between the deep discontinuity that accommodates the lateral component of the motion and shallow thrusts, rooted on this discontinuity. These thrusts accommodate the shortening component of the strain. The distribution of the instrumental seismicity fits well the structural model of the Arudy basin. Whatever the compressive regional context, the structural behaviour of the system explains too the extensive stress tensor determined for the Arudy crisis if we interpret it in terms of strain ellipsoid. Indeed numerical modelling has shown that this concomitant activity of strike-slip and thrust faulting results in an extensive component that can rise 50 per cent of the finite strain.
We identify too a 25–30 km long potential seismic source for the Arudy area. The size of the structure and its potential reactivation in a strike-slip mode suggest that a maximum earthquake magnitude of ∼6.5 could be expected. The extrapolation of this model at the scale of the Western Pyrenees allows to propose other potential sources for major regional historical earthquakes.  相似文献   

Apatite (U–Th)/He and fission track thermochronometry have been combined with 3D thermal modelling to constrain the late- to post-orogenic exhumation history of the Central Pyrenees, Spain. Data from four massifs immediately north and south of the present drainage divide of the mountain belt reveal a diachroneity in the transition from syn- to post-orogenic forcing of exhumation. Immediately south of the drainage divide, rapid exhumation of ∼1.5 mm year−1 decelerated after ∼30 Ma to ∼0.03 mm year−1. A similar transition occurred immediately north of the drainage divide at the same time. Further south, in the core of the Axial Zone antiformal stack of the Pyrenees, rapid (∼1 mm year−1), syn-orogenic exhumation continued to ∼20 Ma, but slowed to ∼0.1–0.2 mm year−1 soon after that time. This order of magnitude decrease in exhumation rates across the orogen records the diachronous transition into a post-orogenic state for the mountain belt. These data do not record rejuvenation of exhumation in Late Miocene or Pliocene times driven either by large-scale base-level change or an evolution to more erosive climatic conditions.  相似文献   

High-frequency body waves recorded by a temporary seismic array across the surface rupture trace of the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake were used to determine fault-zone structures down to the seismogenic depth. We first developed a technique to use generalized ray theory to compute synthetic seismograms for arbitrarily oriented tabular low-velocity fault-zone models. We then generated synthetic waveform record sections of a linear array across a vertical fault zone. They show that both arrival times and waveforms of P and S waves vary systematically across the fault due to transmissions and reflections from boundaries of the low-velocity fault zone. The waveform characteristics and arrival-time patterns in the record sections allow us to locate the boundaries of the fault zone and to determine its P - and S -wave velocities independently as well as its depth extent. Therefore, the trade-off between the fault-zone width and velocities can be avoided. Applying the method to the Landers waveform data reveals a low-velocity zone with a width of 270–360 m and a 35–60 per cent reduction in P and S velocities relative to the host rock. The analysis suggests that the low-velocity zone extends to a depth of ∼7 km. The western boundary of the low-velocity zone coincides with the observed main surface rupture trace.  相似文献   

Summary. Short period P -wave amplitudes at Soviet seismic stations are analysed to determine an amplitude–distance curve in the range 0°–180° from the USSR. Station amplitude terms, corrected for crustal amplification effects, are determined from seismic sources located between 30° and 90°. A relationship between these station terms and regional Pn wave speed and regional heat flow is determined and is found to be in close agreement with similar observations in North America. Station amplitude terms were found to be reasonably uniform across the continental portion of the USSR but the Baikal Rift valley is characterized by very low P -wave amplitudes and is the most significant feature discemible from the P -wave amplitude terms.  相似文献   

Seismic velocity structure of the San Francisco Bay region crust is derived using measurements of finite-frequency traveltimes. A total of 57 801 relative traveltimes are measured by cross-correlation over the frequency range 0.5–1.5 Hz. From these are derived 4862 'summary' traveltimes, which are used to derive 3-D P -wave velocity structure over a 341 × 140 km2 area from the surface to 25 km depth. The seismic tomography is based on sensitivity kernels calculated on a spherically symmetric reference model. Robust elements of the derived P -wave velocity structure are: a pronounced velocity contrast across the San Andreas fault in the south Bay region (west side faster); a moderate velocity contrast across the Hayward fault (west side faster); moderately low velocity crust around the Quien Sabe volcanic field and the Sacramento River delta; very low velocity crust around Lake Berryessa. These features are generally explicable with surface rock types being extrapolated to depth ∼10 km in the upper crust. Generally high mid-lower crust velocity and high inferred Poisson's ratio suggest a mafic lower crust.  相似文献   

Small-scale elastic heterogeneities (<5  km) are found in the upper lithosphere underneath the Gräfenberg array, southeast Germany. The results are based on the analysis of broadband recordings of 17 intermediate-depth (201–272  km) events from the Hindu Kush region. The wavefront of the first P arrival and the following 40  s coda are separated into coherent and incoherent (scattered) parts in the frequency range from 0.05 to 5  Hz. The frequency-dependent intensities of the mean and fluctuation wavefields are used to describe the scattering characteristics of the lithosphere underneath the receivers. It is possible to discriminate a weak-fluctuation regime of the wavefield in the frequency range below approximately 1.5–2.5  Hz and a strong-fluctuation regime starting at 2.0–2.5  Hz and continuing to higher frequencies. In order to explain the observed wavefield fluctuations, an approach with seismic scattering at random media-type structures is proposed. The preferred model contains heterogeneities with 3–7 per cent perturbations in seismic velocity and correlation lengths of 0.6–4.8  km in the crust. This is compatible with models from active seismic experiments. Scattering in the lithospheric mantle is not required, but cannot be excluded at weak velocity contrasts (<3 per cent).  相似文献   

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