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We present a pattern-based regionalization of the conterminous US – a partitioning of the country into a number of mutually exclusive and exhaustive regions that maximizes the intra-region stationarity of land cover patterns and inter-region disparity between those patterns. The result is a discretization of the land surface into a number of landscape pattern types (LPTs) – spatial units each containing a unique quasi-stationary pattern of land cover classes. To achieve this goal, we use a recently developed method which utilizes machine vision techniques. First, the entire National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) is partitioned into a grid of square-size blocks of cells, called motifels. The size of a motifel defines the spatial scale of a local landscape. The land cover classes of cells within a motifel form a local landscape pattern which is mathematically represented by a histogram of co-occurrence features. Using the Jensen–Shannon divergence as a dissimilarity function between patterns we group the motifels into several LPTs. The grouping procedure consists of two phases. First, the grid of motifels is partitioned spatially using a region-growing segmentation algorithm. Then, the resulting segments of this grid, each represented by its medoid, are clustered using a hierarchical algorithm with Ward’s linkage. The broad-extent maps of progressively more generalized LPTs resulting from this procedure are shown and discussed. Our delineated LPTs agree well with the perceptual patterns seen in the NLCD map.  相似文献   

A method to dynamically subdivide parcels in land use change models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatial simulation models have become a popular tool in studying land use/land cover (LULC) change. An important, yet largely overlooked process in such models is the land subdivision, which is known to govern LULC change and landscape restructuring to a large extent. To fill this gap, we propose an efficient and straightforward method to simulate dynamic land subdivision in LULC change models. Key features in the proposed method are implementing a hierarchical landscape where adjacent cells of the same LULC type form patches, patches form properties, and properties form the landscape and incorporating real subdivision layouts. Furthermore, we use a queue-based modified flood-fill algorithm to dynamically reset LULC patches following a subdivision. The proposed subdivision method is demonstrated in action using a prototype agent-based LULC model developed for an amenity landscape in Australia. Results show that it is computationally feasible to run the subdivision method even as spatial resolution is increased, thus providing a proven means for spatial simulation models to dynamically split parcel land.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to document the role of fire in shaping the landscape by identifying links between historical fire records and the current landscape indicating that fire favors certain land use/land cover (LULC) types. We geo-referenced fire records taken from 1922 to 2000 in Aitoloakarnania, the largest prefecture -in terms of surface area- of Greece and compared the past LULC classes where fires burned to the present landscape. The outputs indicated a shift of the historic fire ignition points from natural to agricultural-related LULC classes since a significant proportion of fire incidents that, according to the fire records, burnt natural vegetation units is currently located in agricultural landscape units. Additionally, a significant proportion of the fire-affected land cover classes retain their character thus supporting the argument that these classes, especially fire-prone or fire-resistant, have developed mechanisms to cope with fire. In such ecosystems the role of fire is to maintain rather than transform land cover classes.The findings of this research lead us to conclude that fire can be perceived as a long-term landscape modifier in the Mediterranean, although its effects may vary from region to region because of differences in regeneration patterns among the main land cover types, topographic constraints and local fire histories. Historical fire records extending back to the early 20th century proved to provide valuable information that can reveal interesting patterns of fire burning history and explain present land cover and use patterns. This knowledge, documented from historical records, can be used to develop fire management and land cover/land use management planning.  相似文献   

Population and demographic data at high spatial resolution is a valuable resource for supporting planning and management decisions as well as an important input to socio-economic academic studies. Dasymetric modeling has been a standard technique to disaggregate census-aggregated units into raster-based data of higher spatial resolution. Although utility of dasymetric mapping has been demonstrated on local and regional scales, few high resolution large-scale models exist due to their high computational cost. In particular, no publicly available high resolution dasymetric model of population distribution over the entire United States is presently available. In this paper we introduce a 3″ (∼90 m) resolution dasymetric model of demographics over the entire conterminous United States. The major innovation is to disaggregate already existing 30″ (∼1 km) and 7.5″ (∼250 m) SEDAC (Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center) Census 2000 grids instead of the original census block-level data. National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2001 is used as ancillary information. This allows for rapid development of a U.S.-wide model for distribution of population and sixteen other demographic variables. The new model is demonstrated to markedly improve spatial accuracy of SEDAC model. To underscore importance of high spatial resolution demographic information other than total population count we demonstrate how maps of several population characteristics can be fused into a “product” map that illustrates complex social issues. Specifically, we introduce a “diversity” categorical map that informs (at nominal 3″ resolution) about spatial distribution of racial diversity, dominant race, and population density simultaneously. Diversity map is compared to a similar map based on census tracts. High resolution raster map allows study of race-diversity phenomenon on smaller scale, and, outside of major metropolitan areas, revels existence of patterns that cannot be deduced from a tract-based map. The new high resolution population and diversity maps can be explored online using our GeoWeb application DataEye available at http://sil.uc.edu/. Both datasets can be also downloaded from the same website.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area exemplifies the dominant US Southwest urban growth pattern of the past six decades. Using a combination of multitemporal land cover data, gradient analysis, and landscape metrics, we quantify and characterize spatiotemporal patterns of land fragmentation observed in Phoenix. We analyze historical, qualitative data to identify five major socio-ecological drivers critical to understanding the urbanization processes and fragmentation patterns: population dynamics, water provisioning, technology and transportation, institutional factors, and topography. A second objective is to assess the applicability and accuracy of National Land cover Database (NLCD)-—a widely used land cover dataset—-to detect and measure urban growth and land fragmentation patterns in the relatively treeless desert biome of the US Southwest. In contrast to studies in the temperate eastern USA where NLCD has proved inaccurate for detection of exurban development, our study demonstrates that NLCD is a reliable data source for measuring land use in the southwest, even in low-density environments. By combining qualitative analyses of social-ecological drivers with fragmentation analyses, we move toward an improved understanding of urbanization and insights on the human modification framework used widely in land change science.  相似文献   

The middle reaches of the Yellow River represent an important area for the protection and development of the Yellow River Basin. Most of the area of the river basin is within the Loess Plateau, which establishes it as a fragile ecological environment. Firstly, using high-resolution data of land use in the watershed from the past 30 years, landscape ecological risk(LER) sample units are defined and an ecological risk index(ERI) model is constructed. Kriging interpolation is used to display the LE...  相似文献   

孙传谆  李鹏  邓羽  张昌顺 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2902-2919
落实“山水林田湖草生命共同体”理念,提出美丽中国生态建设优化途径已成为当前亟待解决的关键科学问题和国家生态文明建设的重大需求。因地制宜地做好美丽中国建设的生态区划,提出生态建设分区方案,是实现美丽中国愿景的重要路径。目前,生态区划对于新时期系统性生态建设内涵,以及全球气候和人类活动变化双重背景对生态系统空间异质性影响的考虑不足。本文通过构建“景观美、服务美、安全美”的三位一体美丽中国生态建设分区的理论框架,综合考虑生态系统结构、格局、质量、服务、胁迫等因素的空间异质性,建立美丽中国生态建设分区三级指标体系,以及对生态现状本底和退化程度进行评估的生态建设综合指数和生态退化综合指数。以全国第三级流域为基本单元,基于指标现状特征及生态综合评估结果,通过空间聚类分析将全国划分为5个一级生态建设区和13类22个二级生态建设区,并在二级分区的基础上选择典型区划分出三级生态建设区。分区结果为美丽中国生态建设提供应用支撑。此外,未来生态建设分区的指标构建应当更加注重指标之间的关联性和生态系统功能的多样性,并进一步耦合气候变化和人类活动对生态系统的双重干扰。  相似文献   

Accurate information on land use and land cover (LULC) is critical for policy decisions especially for management of land and water resources’ activities in large river basins around the world. Phenology based LULC classification is the most promising approach particularly in the areas with diversified cropping patterns. Sometimes in large river basins, local climate and topography provides two different phenological information sets for the same crops in the same season. Based on accurate phenological information of the main crops in spatially segregated units, the remote sensing based classification was used to map the LULC changes for a period of 2003–2013 in the Kabul River Basin (KRB) of Afghanistan. We used remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products of Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) from Terra (MOD13Q1) and Aqua (MYD13Q1) with 250 m spatial resolution for this study. The overall accuracy (mean) of the LULC classification throughout the study period was around 68.15% ± 9.45while the producer and user accuracies (mean) were 75.9 ± 11.3% and 76.4 ± 11.2%, respectively. Results show that the cropping patterns vary significantly in the spatially disaggregated units. From 2003 till 2013, the ground coverage of wheat, barley and rice was increased by 31%, 7% and 32%, respectively. Overall, there has been only 2% increment in the agricultural area across the KRB between 2003 and 2013. This relatively increased trend of land cover change has taken place as a result of partial improvement in political stability as well as investment in irrigation infrastructure and agricultural development in the region. This study further provides insight to develop new agriculture strategies in order to maintain the ecosystem required to fulfil the rising food demands.  相似文献   

景观生态区划的理论研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
景观生态系统由多个层次水平的等级体系所组成, 在不同的时间和空间尺度中, 其结构与 功能具有不同的相互依存关系, 区划的概念有助于整合景观的等级性并厘清复杂性。本研究在景 观生态学格局、过程、功能研究的基础上, 结合综合自然地理区划、生态区划、生态经济区划、农业 区划等相关研究的成果,探讨了景观生态区划应依循的原则、内容及区划等级系统, 指出景观生 态区划不仅强调景观水平方向上的空间异质性, 还必须综合景观单元的过程关联和功能统一性。 同时以生态系统完整性原则为核心制定了开展景观生态区划需遵循的等级性、多尺度性、发生一 致性、格局与功能依存性、功能协调性以及界线完整性等原则。在其指导下, 重点讨论了景观生态 区划过程中涉及的方法论构建、景观生态分析与评价、景观生态区划体系构建等研究内容。最后, 通过比较了景观生态区划与自然区划、生态区划以及经济区划之间的异同,提出了不同尺度下景 观生态区划理论的应用方向。  相似文献   

Detecting land-use change has become of concern to environmentalists, conservationists and land use planners due to its impact on natural ecosystems. We studied land use/land cover (LULC) changes in part of the northwestern desert of Egypt and used the Markov-CA integrated approach to predict future changes. We mapped the LULC distribution of the desert landscape for 1988, 1999, and 2011. Landsat Thematic Mapper 5 data and ancillary data were classified using the random forests approach. The technique produced LULC maps with an overall accuracy of more than 90%. Analysis of LULC classes from the three dates revealed that the study area was subjected to three different stages of modification, each dominated by different land uses. The use of a spatially explicit land use change modeling approach, such as Markov-CA approach, provides ways for projecting different future scenarios. Markov-CA was used to predict land use change in 2011 and project changes in 2023 by extrapolating current trends. The technique was successful in predicting LULC distribution in 2011 and the results were comparable to the actual LULC for 2011. The projected LULC for 2023 revealed more urbanization of the landscape with potential expansion in the croplands westward and northward, an increase in quarries, and growth in residential centers. The outcomes can help management activities directed toward protection of wildlife in the area. The study can also be used as a guide to other studies aiming at projecting changes in arid areas experiencing similar land use changes.  相似文献   

基于土地类型自下而上的自然区划能够确立更加清晰的自然区划界线,是自然区划研究取得突破的关键。以青藏高原东部山区为研究区,采用神经网络模型与GIS技术,开展基于土地类型自下而上的区划研究。通过计算得到研究区地形综合指数、温暖指数、湿润指数、地被指数和水文指数5个自然指数指标,并将这些指标作为变量输入层,输入到建立的Self-Organizing Feature Maps神经网络模型中,对土地类型单元自下而上合并,生成青藏高原东部山区自然区划图,实现以土地类型单元为控制本底的定量化分区。结果表明:①可以将土地类型单元聚合成高原高寒稀疏植被区、高原高寒草甸草原区、高原高寒灌丛草甸区、高山深谷灌丛草甸区和高山深谷针叶林区5个自然带区域。②分区结果与中国生态地理区域划分的自然界线比较接近,相似性较高,分区结果较理想。  相似文献   

Temperate forest represents the smallest area among the main world's forest biomes, but is one of those most threatened by forest loss. Chile contains most of the temperate forest in South America and more than half of the temperate forest in the southern hemisphere. Chilean temperate forest is considered to be one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. In this study we assessed the rate of land use and land cover (LULC) change over time, identified the main LULCs replacing native forest, and described how changes have evolved in contrasting physiographical conditions and through different historical phases of the landscape over the last 40 years. To achieve this, we analysed LULC change with particular focus on forest cover in three areas representing different physiographical conditions and histories of human occupation in the Araucanía Region of Chile, namely the Central Valley, the Coastal range, and the Andean range. We found substantial differences in temporal and intra-regional patterns of forest loss and LULC change. In the Central Valley, forest loss started long ago, and the area occupied by native forest nowadays is less than 5% of the landscape. In the Coastal range, rapid land cover change has taken place since 1973, with an increasing rate of forest loss over time. We detected a similar but less intense pattern in the forests of the Andean range. Overall, the general pattern points to a process of landscape homogenization in all three physiographical areas. Exotic tree plantations have spread over large geographical areas, becoming the dominant land cover. Land cover change in the Araucanía Region reflects a model of change in which areas with better environmental conditions and accessibility are occupied first for productive activities. As the availability of suitable areas for the expansion of productive activities diminishes, these activities start to move into physiographical areas which were previously “protected” by adverse environmental conditions or poor accessibility. This model of production growth could lead to the complete deforestation of areas outside national protected areas, and other areas which still remain inaccessible due to technological restrictions on exploitation.  相似文献   

南水北调中线水源区土地利用/土地覆被的空间格局   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
土地利用/土地覆被 (简称LULC) 变化对流域水资源动态具有深刻的影响。这对于我国大规模跨流域的南水北调工程规划尤为重要。本文制定了该工程中线水源区约95 000 km2 面积的LULC分类系统,利用2000年前后的TM影像完成LULC分布现状图,并结合DEM分析了其土地利用/土地覆被的空间格局特征。结果表明:① 研究区域森林覆盖率为50.97%,灌丛25.58%;农田约占15%,其中旱地与水田的比例约10:3;石砾裸地等强烈退化类型合占5.66%;水域约占1%。② 区内秦岭南坡、汉-丹平原丘陵、巴山北坡三部分的LULC结构存在显著差异,强度土地利用类型和退化土地类型主要分布在汉-丹平原丘陵地区;秦岭南坡耕地的水分条件较巴山北坡好,但局部土地退化现象也更严重。③ 地形对LULC具有明显影响。海拔高度控制着自然植被的垂直分异和各种土地利用类型及利用强度的分布;各土地覆被类型的分布显示了坡度对土地开发强度的限制作用;坡向对局部LULC格局的影响并不显著,但在区域尺度上可能对秦岭南坡与巴山北坡的LULC结构差异具有贡献。南水北调中线工程水源区当前的LULC结构和空间格局显示,总体上植被状况良好,高强度的土地利用类型主要集中于海拔1000m以下的平缓地区,而退化土地类型也主要存在于这一区域,是流域水质保护和环境治理的关键区域。  相似文献   

This article offers a review of published knowledge and a new state-of-the-art analysis regarding the floristic composition, the functional composition and the plant communities found in the central Namib Desert. At the same time, this paper contributes to the understanding of the relationship between the plant species composition of the central Namib Desert and the prevailing environmental gradients, with an emphasis on diversity and ecology in space and time. This article builds on three thematic foci. The first focus (1) lies on the present knowledge of the composition and the characteristics of the flora. A comprehensive floristic database has been compiled based on all available sources. A second focus (2) lies on the characterization and spatial distribution of the vegetation units. Therefore, we created a new vegetation classification based on a unique vegetation-plot database (http://www.givd.info/ID/AF-00-007) and additional data summing up to 2000 relevés, resulting in 21 large-scale vegetation classes. Using a supervised classification approach based on the vegetation classification, remote sensing and environmental data, we were able to produce a new vegetation map of the Central Namib. This was updated using expert knowledge, field visits and through manual preprocessing. With the third focus (3) we explore the spatial patterns of the previous foci and discuss their relation to environmental parameters and gradients.  相似文献   

鹤山市景观格局动态变化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周霞  廖圣东  廖其芳 《热带地理》2005,25(3):206-210
以鹤山市1988、1995和2001年的TM影像为基本资料,在ERDAS、ARC/INFO和FRAGSTATS软件的支持下,提取景观缀块信息,并从缀块类型水平和景观水平对3个时段的景观格局进行分析;同时对1988和2001年两个时段的景观格局进行叠加分析,生成变化转移矩阵,以分析景观格局空间演化规律。结果表明,鹤山市景观格局具有动态变化的特征,不同缀块类型间各有其变化特点,且存在一定的空间演化规律。  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) change in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta (GBD) poses significant challenges towards future environmental sustainability of the region and requires regional scale monitoring of key bio-physical variables and changes in their inter-relationship over space and time. Focusing on the southern part of the lower GBD region along the international border of India and Bangladesh, this study examined the spatio-temporal variability of LULC change and its relationship with Land Surface Temperature (LST). Furthermore, LULC-LST relationships were compared between Indian and Bangladesh part and its trend in and around big cities (with more than 1 million population) and towns (with more than 100,000 population) was investigated. Results showed that LST changes were predominantly driven by LULC changes on both sides of the border. Urban growth is the dominant form of LULC change, and the rate of land change was faster in 2005–2010 time period than 1989–2005. Over the period of 21 years, mean January LST decreased by approximately 1.83 °C in Indian part and 1.85 °C in the Bangladesh part. Areas that changed from to rural from agricultural experienced decrease in mean LST, whereas those areas that changed to urban from either agriculture or rural, experienced increase in mean LST. The relationship between LULC and LST are same on both sides of the Indo-Bangladesh border. In bigger cities like Kolkata (in India) and Khulna (in Bangladesh), there is a high spatial variability in relationship between LULC and LST compared to large towns. The LULC-LST relationship in large towns in India was influenced by proximity to Kolkata and coastal areas, whereas in Bangladesh no such influence was evident. The results and the data produced in this study are crucial for monitoring LULC changes, for developing spatial decision support system, and thus will be helpful to address the current challenges of land management in the GBD region. Changes in the LULC and LST are important indicators of GBD's environmental health and access its vulnerability and thus the present findings serve as baseline information for future studies seeking to examine the impact of differential policies on the LULC change in the region.  相似文献   

盐城开发空间区划及其思考   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
在国家“十一五”规划纲要中, 将国土空间划分为优化开发、重点开发、限制开发和禁止开发四类主体功能区, 这是新时期传统区划理论和方法为国民经济和社会发展服务的一次重要创新。作者认为: 主体功能区划主要在于解决区域问题, 用科学发展观协调区域发展。 因此, 功能区区划的理论和方法也需要与时俱进的创新。文章通过盐城沿海开发空间区划实例进行功能区区划的理论和方法探索。首先, 综合经济区划。运用传统的综合经济区划理论与方法进行经济区划分, 大致确定不同经济区的经济发展布局方向; 其次, 控制开发区划。 综合考虑上述综合经济区的功能, 景观生态体系建设需要, 土地利用现状、辐射沙洲分布、近海海域污染、海港分布、水源保护地以及自然保护区和生态保护区等, 确定相关的禁止开 发区和限制开发区; 第三, 开发潜力区划。以乡镇为基本单元, 运用多因子分析方法, 按照资源环境承载力、现有开发密度强度、未来发展潜力3 个主因子进行开发潜力区划; 最后, 在上述三个区划的基础上, 进行主体功能区划。文章也认为: 主体功能区实质是一种区域发展政策区, 其区划也只是一种纯粹的区域划分, 是目前经济社会发展规划、土地利用规划和城市总体规划“三规”分立走向“三规”合一的空间平台。  相似文献   


Concomitant with careless human interference in the delicate environmental balance, the Earth’s surface is witnessing a variety of changes in land use and land cover (LULC). Acquisition of a sound understanding of LULC is an important aspect of maintaining a sustainable, benign, healthy environment. The present work highlights a spatiotemporal study on the LULC features of Alappuzha District, an ecologically fragile area in southern Kerala, a state in South India. The study area faces diverse environmental challenges including decline of landforms, rising sea levels, population expansion and anthropogenic encroachments on the ecological balance. This investigation compiles an audited account of the modifications, in each class of LULC, using geospatial technologies. We interpreted satellite imagery from the Landsat 8 and the Landsat multispectral scanner for the years 1973 and 2017. The LULC aspects were categorized into seven classes: waterbody, waterlogged area, mixed vegetation, built-up land, uncultivated area, paddy field and sandy area. Our findings affirm that the expansiveness of the built-up land area is directly proportional to the growth of the population. Advanced technologies such as remote sensing and geographic information system accentuate alterations in land use patterns over time and the extent to which the changes affect the human population and the natural habitat. We verified the results of our research by assessment of accuracy and ground truth confirmation of the LULC features.


王丽  曾辉 《地理研究》2012,31(5):853-862
本文以我国典型快速城市化地区深圳市为例,综合使用GIS技术、道路网络结构特征分析、景观格局分析和相关分析方法研究其道路网络结构特征的成因及其景观生态效应。在确定了24个独立的空间研究单元的基础上,重点分析了深圳市道路网络结构特征的相关关系、城市化水平差异对道路网络结构特征的影响和道路格局特征的景观整体及重要组分的格局效应。结果表明:城市建设用地密度的增加导致交通用地密度、节点和廊道储量增加,道路网络结构复杂程度、格局指数降低;资源条件、环境和生态保护约束是导致道路网络复杂性增加、结构发育水平下降、网络格局指数不断降低的主要原因;深圳市的道路网络格局特征对全市景观整体格局没有表现显著的约束性影响,对建设用地显示出环境保护约束和空间吸引两个方面的综合效应,对于林地则表现出生态保护约束、空间排斥和物理分割三个方面的综合效应。  相似文献   

Non-point source pollution is one of the primarily ecological issues affecting the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In this paper, landscape resistance and motivation coefficient, which integrated various landscape elements, such as land use, soil, hydrology, topography, and vegetation, was established based on the effects of large-scale resistance and motivation on the formation of non-point source pollution. In addition, cost models of the landscape resistance and motivation coefficients were constructed based on the distances from the landscape units to the sub-basin outlets in order to identify the "source" and "sink" patterns affecting the formation of non-point source pollution. The results indicated that the changes in the landscape resistance and motivation coefficients of the 16 sub-basins exhibited inverse relationships to their spatial distributions. The landscape resistance and motivation cost curves were more volatile than the landscape resistance and motivation coefficient curves. The landscape resistance and motivation cost trends of the 16 sub-basins became increasingly apparent along the flow of the Yangtze River. The landscape resistance and motivation cost models proposed in this paper could be used to identify large-scale non-point source pollution "source" and "sink" patterns. Moreover, the proposed model could be used to describe the large-scale spatial characteristics of non-point source pollution formation based on "source" and "sink" landscape pattern indices, spatial localization, and landscape resistance and motivation coefficients.  相似文献   

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