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拖曳锚由于其承载性能和深水中便于安装被广泛应用于海洋工程系泊系统中,如:适用于悬链式系泊系统的传统拖曳锚和适用于绷紧式系泊系统的法向承力锚。拖曳锚安装过程中涉及诸多运动特性:锚板运动方向、系缆点处拖曳力和拖曳角及运动轨迹。基于大变形有限元分析技术耦合的欧拉-拉格朗日法,并引入缆绳方程,建立起锚-缆绳-海床土耦合作用的有限元分析模型;模拟了拖曳锚在均质和线性强度黏土中的嵌入安装过程,研究了锚板运动方向、系缆点处拖曳力和拖曳角及运动轨迹等运动特性;通过与已有的有限元分析方法及理论方法进行对比,验证了该分析模型的有效性;与已有的有限元分析方法相比,提出的分析模型有效地提高了计算效率。  相似文献   

深水锚是深水系泊系统的核心组成,随着新概念和新技术在深水系泊领域的不断涌现和发展,深水锚在海床中的动力行为变得更为复杂,这给既有的分析方法带来极大的挑战。将深水锚的复杂动力行为视为拔出、旋转、嵌入三种典型行为的组合,分别给出明确定义并建立力学模型。提出最小力准则以确定锚的拔出、嵌入方向和旋转中心,该准则同时可作为拔出、旋转、嵌入行为是否发生的判定条件,从而建立起可以描述深水锚在海床中复杂动力行为的分析模型。为检验所提出的分析模型,将其应用于预测拖曳锚在海床中的嵌入运动轨迹,并与已有分析方法和离心机试验结果进行对比,验证了该分析模型的有效性。  相似文献   

The ultimate embedment depth (UED) is a very important index in evaluating the performance of drag anchors, and hence is of necessity to evaluate the UED precisely in design and analysis. On the other hand, the UED is also a key parameter in predicting the kinematic trajectory of drag anchors in soils by numerical or analytical methods. In this paper, analytical derivations are developed to express the UED not only in clay but also in sand. By analyzing and describing equilibrium forces acting on the anchor and embedded drag line, and the interaction between them at the UED, concise expressions are formulated for predicting the UED in terms of characteristics of the anchor, drag line and soil. Considering that the exact values of the various parameters are seldom known, a parametric analysis is performed systematically. In order to check the applicability and precision, expressions of the UED in clay are compared comprehensively with the other prediction methods. Specially designed tests are also carried out in a model experimental system, and the measured data are used to examine the expression of UED in sand.  相似文献   

With the application of innovative anchor concepts and advanced technologies in deepwater moorings, anchor behaviors in the seabed are becoming more complicated and pose a great challenge to the analytical methods. In the present work, a large deformation finite element (FE) analysis employing the coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian technique is performed to simulate the installation/mooring line, and then is applied to analyzing comprehensive anchor behaviors in the seabed. By connecting cylindrical units with each other using connector elements, the installation/mooring line is constructed. With the constructed installation/mooring line, FE simulations are carried out to investigate comprehensive anchor behaviors in the seabed, including long-distance penetration of drag anchors, keying of suction embedded plate anchors and non-catastrophic behavior of gravity-installed anchors. Through comparative studies, the accuracy of the proposed method is well examined. A parametric study is also undertaken to quantify the effects of the frictional coefficient, initial embedment depth, and soil weight on the profile of the embedded anchor line and the shackle load. The present work demonstrates that the proposed FE model, which incorporates the installation/mooring line and the anchor, is effective in analyzing the comprehensive anchor behaviors in the seabed.  相似文献   

作为深海工程应用中一种新型的拖曳嵌入式系泊基础,法向承力锚与目前新型的深水绷紧索系泊方式结合,在深水条件下的优势非常明显.综合比较了新型拖曳锚、吸力锚以及桩锚在施工、性能以及经济性等多方面的特点.提出了开展新型拖曳锚研发的若干关键技术.在对国外的实验研究现状进行综合评述的基础上,重点介绍了在构建新型拖曳锚模型实验平台方面取得的成果,涉及模型水槽、拖曳与回收系统、测量系统、模型锚板设计以及拖曳-系泊转换机构等关键技术.  相似文献   

Attributed to good performance in the seabed, drag anchors are adopted as an effective anchoring solution in deepwater mooring systems. This type of anchors is drag installed, companying with comprehensive behaviors during movement of the anchor in the seabed, which make the anchor trajectory and therefore the final embedment position difficult to be predicted. On the basis of the mechanical model and analytical procedure, an analytical method is proposed for exploring comprehensive behaviors of drag anchors in both clay and sand. The anchor behaviors are classified as keying, pulling out and diving. The bearing capacity and the trajectory of the anchor can be predicted through the combination of the three behaviors. By comparing analytical predictions with experimental data and other predictions, the efficiency and veracity of the theoretical model are validated. A parametric study is also performed to investigate the effects of different parameters, and to further understand the comprehensive anchor behaviors in the seabed. The present work provides an efficient theoretical tool for analyzing comprehensive behaviors of drag anchors in either clayey or sandy seabed.  相似文献   

刘君  张雪琪 《海洋工程》2017,35(3):29-36
板翼动力锚是依靠自重完成安装并靠自重和海床土的抗力来锚固的新型动力锚。板翼动力锚在水中自由下落的阻力决定了锚到达海床表面时的速度,进而直接决定了锚贯入海床中的深度以及它能提供的承载力。板翼动力锚的形状比较复杂,采用计算流体动力学的方法研究板翼动力锚的下落速度、水平位移和转角与下落位移的关系。计算结果表明:板翼动力锚的拖曳阻力系数约为0.93~1.12之间;在沉贯过程中应使加载臂与翼板共面以减少阻力;板翼动力锚的终端速度约为28 m/s。  相似文献   

为了提高近岸台风浪模拟的精度和效率,选取台湾海峡及其邻近海域为研究区域,以0903号台风“莲花”为例,采用大、小网格嵌套的SWAN波浪模型和抛物型近似缓坡方程联合应用的方法模拟了此台风浪场的分布特征.将验证点的计算值与浮标实测值进行对比,峰值的最大绝对偏差为0.89 m,整个模拟过程的平均绝对偏差为0.45 m,平均相对偏差在20%以内,整体模拟效果良好.为了便于分析模拟结果,选取了2009年6月20日23时、21日08时、21日14时3个典型时刻的模拟结果进行对比分析.其结果表明:(1)随着台风中心的北移,研究区域内风浪逐渐占据绝对主导地位,风与波浪的变化趋势更加吻合.21日08时泉州湾内最大风速约15 m/s,湾口的最大波高为2.8m;至21日14时台风中心逼近泉州湾口,湾内最大风速增大至20 m/s,湾口最大波高迅速增至4.4m,模拟结果与实际情况相吻合.(2)在台风中心逼近泉州祥芝中心渔港时港区受台风影响最大,但受该渔港东侧防波堤的阻挡,波浪较难进入避风水域,仅从堤头绕射进入港内,港内波高约为0.2m,港外最大波高达到2.3 m,受到东向浪侵袭时港内避风条件较好.上述结果表明,SWAN波浪模型和缓坡方程联合应用在台湾海峡及其邻近海域的台风浪数值计算中具有良好的适应性.  相似文献   

The role of similitude in scaled simulation of major installation operations of offshore steel jackets, namely, loadout, launching and upending has been studied. The physical modelling can be looked upon both as an adjunct to numerical modelling using computers and also as an independent tool of investigation. The problems of design of models and of experiments are discussed and the prediction equations based on similitude are given.  相似文献   

杜宇  王凯  初岳峰 《海洋工程》2023,41(4):49-58
由于浅水深条件下悬链线系泊系统的性能对系泊缆长度和几何形状更为敏感,悬链线系泊系统的安装误差对其性能的影响较深水条件下的更为显著。因此首先对适用于半潜漂浮式风机的悬链线系泊系统施工进行研究,分别确定了锚安装位置误差、系泊缆预铺误差和系泊缆与漂浮式基础回接误差的来源,并根据施工条件给出了误差值。之后,以浮体动力学仿真作为手段,对系泊缆系统施工误差对其性能的影响进行基于时域仿真的量化研究。研究表明,锚安装位置误差对系泊系统性能影响不大,但系泊缆预铺和回接的误差对系泊系统性能的影响较大。系泊缆回接的误差可造成系泊缆张力平均值和标准差与设计值偏差近20%,可能对系泊系统疲劳寿命评估产生较大的影响。与系泊缆回接误差相比,系泊缆预铺误差的产生原因更为复杂,由于系泊缆预铺误差往往导致系泊缆长度增长,存在误差的系泊缆张力的各项统计值总体偏小,但可能会造成同组无误差系泊缆的张力过载。  相似文献   

Offshore floating facilities are fixed by anchoring systems embedded in seabed soils through chains or ropes. The chain inverse catenary profile embedded in soils influences both the anchor failure mechanism and the anchor holding capacity. The chain mobilizes varying soil normal and tangential resistances during motion, hence it is with difficulty to depict the chain profile. The present work proposed a modified method to estimate the chain inverse catenary profile with high accuracy based on the chain equations and the chain yield envelope. A testing arrangement with three load cells and two MEMS (Micro-electromechanical systems) accelerometers included was designed in model tests. By model tests, the loading combinations of the soil tangential and normal resistances on the chain were obtained and the yield envelopes for both chain and rope were determined. In addition, supplemental model tests were performed to validate the modified method proposed in this study, and the testing results indicated that the estimated chain inverse catenary profile was in good agreement with the actual one. Moreover, the testing arrangement is beneficial in investigating the chain-soil-anchor interaction.  相似文献   

Helical piles present a possible alternative to driven displacement piles in the offshore sector. While this type of pile is used widely in the onshore environment, design methods tend to be highly empirical and there is considerable uncertainty around the bearing resistance and the installation resistance required to install large diameter piles necessary to resist uplift. The paper combines a theoretical model for estimating torque resistance from the literature with a cone penetration test (CPT)-based model originally developed to estimate the axial resistance of helical piles and to predict the installation torque required to install piles in sand. The model appears to be able to capture the general installation behavior of piles across a range of scales and in various sand states.  相似文献   

The Lagrangian diffusion equation appropriate for the dispersion of current followers (e. g., floats, drogues, drifters) is proposed. The analytical solution to the equation is obtained for a uniform deformation field, characterized by Lagrangian deformations and anisotropic eddy diffusivities both varying with time. Expressions are derived for the patch area and its elongation and rotation. For small values of elapsed time after the initial release the patch area can be accounted for by the exponential of the cumulative value of the horizontal divergence; the relative rate of change of the patch area can be accounted for by the horizontal divergence.  相似文献   

The effect of the drag coefficient on a typhoon wave model is investigated.Drag coefficients for Pingtan Island are derived from the progress of nine typhoons using COARE 3.0 software.The wind parameters are obtained using the Weather Research and Forecasting model.The simulation of wind agrees well with observations.Typhoon wave fields are then simulated using the third-generation wave model SWAN.The wave model includes exponential and linear growths of the wind input,which determine the wave-growth mode.A triple triangular mesh is adopted with spatial resolution as fine as 100 m nearshore.The SWAN model performs better when using the new drag coefficient rather than the original coefficient.  相似文献   

This work presents a semi-analytical methodology to select design environmental conditions based on long-term cross-section utilization ratios at the TDZ (Touchdown Zone) for steel catenary risers. This approach uses simplified analytical models to calculate time series of short-term utilization ratios, defined according to the DnV-OS-F201 (2010) standard. After processing these time series, long-term utilization ratios can be determined with relatively low computational cost. By evaluating long-term utilization ratios, it is possible to define short-term design environmental conditions, defined as short-term conditions for which the extreme riser responses are equal to the long-term ones. This kind of methodology may represent a substantial change to the traditional focus given to riser design, which is based on responses obtained from extreme environmental conditions, instead of on the extreme responses.  相似文献   

The complementary mild-slope equation (CMSE) is a depth-integrated equation, which models refraction and diffraction of linear time-harmonic water waves. For 2D problems, it was shown to give better agreements with exact linear theory compared to other mild-slope (MS) type equations. However, no reference was given to 3D problems. In contrast to other MS-type models, the CMSE is derived in terms of a stream function vector rather than in terms of a velocity potential. For the 3D case, this complicates the governing equation and creates difficulties in formulating an adequate number of boundary conditions. In this paper, the CMSE is re-derived using Hamilton's principle from the Irrotational Green–Naghdi equations with a correction for the 3D case. A parabolic version of it is presented as well. The additional boundary conditions needed for 3D problems are constructed using the irrotationality condition. The CMSE is compared with an analytical solution and wave tank experiments for 3D problems. The results show very good agreement.  相似文献   

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