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塑料污染现象在世界各地海滩随处可见, 日益成为海洋环境中的重要威胁。文章调查了西沙海域甘泉岛和全富岛海滩的塑料污染分布情况, 结果显示, 尽管研究区域远离大陆, 人类活动影响较小, 但是海岛海滩上的塑料污染普遍存在, 塑料垃圾(>5mm)的平均分布丰度为(85.07±70.48)个∙m-2, 平均重量为(40.23±78.15)g∙m-2; 微塑料(<5mm)的平均分布丰度为(1774.75±1534.37)个∙m-2或(100.82±87.18)个∙kg-1。塑料垃圾和微塑料在不同海岛间的丰度分布均无显著性的差异, 但无论是塑料垃圾的丰度还是微塑料的丰度, 在环礁内侧海滩都显著高于环礁外侧海滩。此外, 微塑料的丰度分布与塑料垃圾的丰度分布呈显著的线性相关。红外光谱分析得出塑料聚合物主要成分有聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯和聚乙烯等, 其中以聚苯乙烯泡沫的比例占优。甘泉岛和全富岛海滩的塑料污染主要是通过其他地区的外源性塑料输送而来, 其在海岛上的不均匀空间分布受到区域海流作用、水动力条件、塑料降解等多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

Reduction of marine debris requires knowledge of its sources. Sources of plastic marine debris found on six beaches of Korea were estimated. Samples larger than 25 mm were collected from 10 quadrats of 5 × 5 m for each beach in spring 2013. The total 752 items (12,255 g) of debris comprised fiber and fabric (415 items, 6,909 g), hard plastic (120 items, 4,316 g), styrofoam (93 items, 306 g), film (83 items, 464 g), foamed plastic other than styrofoam (21 items, 56 g), and other polymer (20 items, 204 g). With the probable sources allocated to each of 55 debris types, the source of 56% of all the collected debris appeared to be oceanbased and 44% was land-based. Priorities of policy measures to reduce marine debris should be different from regions to regions as the main sources of debris may differ.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of small plastic debris on Heungnam beach in February 2011 was investigated. The abundances of small plastic debris over 2 mm in size along the high strandline and cross-sectional line of the beach were determined. The mean abundances of small plastics were 976 ± 405 particles/m2 at the high strandline in the upper tidal zone along the shoreline and 473 ± 866 particles/m2 at the cross-section perpendicular to the shoreline. Specifically, styrofoam (expanded polystyrene) spherules accounted for 90.7% of the total plastic abundance in the high strandline and 96.3% in the cross-section. The spatial distribution patterns of small plastic debris differed between the high strandline and cross-sectional line. The cross-sectional distribution of small plastic abundance differed among plastic types, indicating that representative sampling of small plastic debris on a beach is necessary.  相似文献   

The semi-terrestrial isopod, Tylos spinulosus Dana, is a common inhabitant of the upper shore levels of sandy beaches of north-central Chile (ca. 26–30°S). During daylight hours, this isopod remains buried in the sand, while during the night emerges for feeding on stranded organic detritus, leaving exit holes on the beach surface. After feeding, isopods return to dig in their burrowing zones leaving surface irregularities such as cone-shaped mounds of sand. The burrowing preference of T. spinulosus was studied in the field, by: (i) releasing 30 isopods on artificially prepared sand circles (2 m diameter) having exit holes and mounds similar to those left by the isopods and on circles without holes and mounds, and (ii) counting active and buried isopods 15 min after their release in the experimental arenas. The circles had two densities of holes and mounds: treatments 1 and 2 had 100 and 200 holes, respectively, while treatments 3 and 4 had 100 and 200 mounds, respectively. Other 30 isopods were released on sand circles without these holes and mounds (treatment 5). A significantly higher number of isopods buried in circles with holes and mounds (either inside or outside them), compared with experimental arenas without such structures. These results show that the beach surface heterogeneity resulting from holes and mounds would be one of the processes explaining the patchiness of T. spinulosus and thus, its zonation on the intertidal zones of sandy beaches of north-central Chile.  相似文献   

Plastic pellets have been characterized as toxic pollutant carriers throughout the world oceans and coastal zones. However, their sorptive properties are not yet well understood. In the present study, virgin pellets and plastic eroded pellets (PEP) are used to elucidate their distribution characteristics through distribution kinetic studies. Distribution occurs through diffusion into the pellet for all materials (polyethylene, polyoxymethylene, and PEP) except polypropylene (PP). Although diffusion into the polymer happens with similar rates for both freshwater and saltwater external solutions, apparent diffusion is dependent on the solution salinity because it results in higher equilibrium distribution coefficients. Distribution coefficient into the PEP is higher and diffusion is slower than into the virgin materials. This is attributed to increased crystallinity of the PEP due to weathering. PP demonstrates diffusion rates that are increased by salinity and is apparently faster than into the other polymers suggesting a surface diffusion process.  相似文献   

1994 年 4~11 月在东太平洋铁锰结核区, 使用 “向阳红 09”船, 采集 39 个表层沉积物、12 个上覆水和 7 个结核样。在现场用平板法测定了异养细菌和铁、锰细菌丰度, 用稀释法( M P N 法) 测定硫酸还原菌丰度。为了探讨微生物在大洋成矿过程的作用, 在实验室对异养细菌和锰细菌作纯化分离, 并进行了多项生理生化实验, 参照伯杰氏手册第八版鉴定至属。使用分光光度法, 测定锰细菌对锰、铁离子的转化作用, 使用 p H 计测定了p H 值的变化, 同时测定了不同培养温度对转化作用的影响。结果表明, 沉积物中异养细菌的数量在 3×100~95×103个/g; 锰、铁细菌的数量在1×100 ~1×103 个/g; 硫酸盐还原细菌的数量分布范围在 0~4×103个/g;在上覆水和结核样中各类细菌的数量均较低,比沉积物样中各类细菌数低 1 个数量级。在细菌的种群组成方面与近海区相比存在差异, 特别是在革兰氏阳性菌的组成上微球菌占了绝对优势。在成矿作用方面, 锰细菌对锰、铁氧化还原的实验结果表明, 在好氧的条件下, 锰细菌使可溶性的 M n2+ 氧化为 M n4+ , 其氧化速度与环境温度存在密切关系, 锰细菌对铁的氧化速度比对锰的氧化速度来得快。在  相似文献   

In 1989–90 the small pelagic fishery of the Gulf of California began to show a very marked decline in the catch of its main component, the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax). The catch plummeted from 292,000 t in 1988–89 to 7000 t in 1991–92 and 1992–93. This caused a serious economic crisis in the local fishery fleet and industry, and resulted in the loss of 3000 jobs. In 1993–94 the fishery showed signs of recovery as the abundance of the Pacific sardine began to recover. The catch improved to 128,000 t in 1993–94 and further to 215,000 t in 1996–97. In trying to understand this great variability, we proposed the hypothesis that the distribution and the abundance of the Pacific sardine of the Gulf of California is determined by the wind patterns (upwelling) and the sea surface temperature. The results of analyzing data from 25 cruises showed the period of low relative abundance between 1990 and 1993 and one of high abundance between 1993 and 1996. The range of the sardine's distribution expanded as its abundance increased and contracted when abundances were low. The relationship between the abundances of the sardine and environmental variables proved to nonlinear and bell-shaped. The adjusted pattern explained 78.8% of the variability of the sardine abundance. The highest abundance are produced by moderate upwelling (13–18 m3s−1 per 10 m of coastline) and sea surface temperatures of between 19°C and 25°C.  相似文献   

We tested the idea that bacterial cells with high nucleic acid content (HNA cells) are the active component of marine bacterioplankton assemblages, while bacteria with low nucleic acid content (LNA cells) are inactive, with a large data set (>1700 discrete samples) based on flow cytometric analysis of bacterioplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Oregon and northern California, USA. Samples were collected in the upper 150 m of the water column from the coast to 250 km offshore during 14 cruises from March 2001 to September 2003. During this period, a wide range of trophic states was encountered, from dense diatom blooms (chlorophyll-a concentrations up to 43 μg l−1) at shelf stations during upwelling season (March–September) to lower chlorophyll-a concentrations (0.1–5 μg l−1) during winter (November–February) and at basin stations (>1700 m depth). We found only weakly positive relations of log total bacterial abundance to log chlorophyll-a concentration (as a proxy for availability of organic substrate), and of HNA bacteria as a fraction of total bacteria to log chlorophyll-a. Abundance of HNA and LNA bacteria co-varied positively in all regions, although HNA bacteria were more responsive to high phytoplankton biomass in shelf waters than in slope and basin waters. Since LNA cell abundance in general showed responses similar to those of HNA cell abundance to changes in phytoplankton biomass, our data do not support the hypothesis that HNA cells are the sole active component of marine bacterioplankton.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal variation of temperature effects on photosynthesis and respiration of Cymodorea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson was investigated in a 1 m depth meadow in the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain). Light-saturated net photosynthesis (Pmax)and dark respiration (R) rates were linearly correlated with water temperature between 10 and 30°C. and 10 and 35°C, respectively, during the year. Water temperature had a similar effect on R rates in August, November, and February, but increased Pmax rates in August vs. those in February, thus promoting a shift of the maximum Pmax/R ratio values from 15°C in February to 30°C in August. P-I curves had higher Pmax values in May and August than in November or February, while Ic values remained relatively constant throughout the year. Whole-plant carbon balances suggested that C. nodosa might not be able to survive in the central basin of the lagoon and that the spatial distribution of this seagrass in the Mar Menor might be controlled by light availability.  相似文献   

A submersible structural study of Tamayo transform fault, the second field study of an oceanic transform, was conducted with the diving saucer CYANA as part of the international project RITA. On the basis of the surface ship surveys and deep-tow traverses made prior to the diving program, the four successful dives of CYANA established the geometry of the presently active shear zones and demonstrated that the median ridge of the Tamayo transform is tectonically inactive. The dive results require the presence, in an area marked by diapir-like bodies, of an extensional relay zone linking the two offset shear zones which trend about 110°.P. CHOUKROUNE, Laboratoire de Géologie structurale, Université de Rennes I, avenue du Général-Leclerc, 35042-Rennes Cédex, France; P. J. FOX, State University of New York at Alban, Albany, New York, 12222, USA; M. SEGURET, Laboratoire de Géologie structurale Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Place Eugéne-Bataillon, 34060, Montpellier Cédex, France; J. FRANCHETEAU, H. D. NEEDHAM, Centre Océanologique de Bretagne, B. P. 337, 29273, Brest Cédex, France; T. JUTEAU, Laboratoire de Minéralogie-Pétrographie, Université Louis-Pasteur, 1 rue Blessig, 67084, Strasbourg, Cédex, France; R. D. BALLARD, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 02543, USA; W. NORMARK, United States Geological Survey, Pacific-Arctic Branch of Marine Geology, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA; A. CARRANZA, Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico 20 DF, Mexico; D. CORDOBA, J. GUERRERO, Instituto de Geologia, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico 20 DF Mexico; C. RANGIN, UNAM,now at Université de Paris VI, France.  相似文献   

西太平洋羊鱼科(Mullidae)鱼类多样性及其分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中整理记述了西太平洋羊鱼科鱼类31种,分属于Upeneus、Parupeneus、Mulloidichthys属,列写了种属检索表;并报告其各个种的地理分布区。在此基础上,讨论了西太平洋羊鱼科鱼类生物多样性特征、动物地理学特点及部分名称订正,资源与渔业上的意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes the environmental status and the social perception of Casa Caiada (bay 1) and Rio Doce (bay 2 and bay 3) as a consequence of the several impacts that these beaches have been suffering. The methodology adopted in this work was based on interviews with beach users and direct observations of the physical, biological and human aspects. The obtained result denotes that in Casa Caiada the better beach quality is a consequence of the better water quality, infrastructure and services permitting a higher investment in housing development, recreation, commercialization, fishing, tourism, amongst others. In contrast, northward of Rio Doce (bay 3), the beach has been considered of bad quality for the beach users. In Casa Caiada the users were the most demanding when describing the status of the beach and the necessary changes to mitigate the actual situation. On the other hand, in the most degradated area (bay 3) the users were less demanding when proposing possible changes to improve the beach/water and life quality.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the presence of local populations of the starfish Odontaster penicillatus in the regions of Atacama and Antofagasta, Chile. This finding indicates an extension of the distribution limit of 500 km with respect to the last observation made in 2007 in Isla Grande de Atacama. A total of 121 specimens of O. penicillatus were recorded at depths of between 8 m and 24 m. They were associated with rocky substrate and with different species of barnacles, sponges and bryozoans. The presence of O. penicillatus expands the knowledge of the benthic biodiversity of the region, and the development of studies on its ecological importance will be promoted.  相似文献   

Phyllosoma larvae were identified and their distribution was examined, based on the larvae in ichthyoplankton samples collected in the Japanese Eel Expedition to the spawning area of A. japonica in the western North Pacific from August 30 to September 13, 1986 (Leg. 1), and from September 22 to 25, 1986 (Leg. 2), on board the R/V Hakuho-maru. Phyllosoma larvae belonged to 3 families (Scyllaridae, Palinuridae and Synaxidae) representing 6 genera and 14 species. A total of 336 palinurid and synaxid phyllosoma larvae were collected, of which 233 larvae (about 70%) were identical with P. longipes s. l, while a total of 362 scyllarid phyllosoma larvae were collected, of which 274 larvae (about 76%) were identical with S. cultrifer. Phyllosoma larvae of P. longipes s. l and S. cultrifer showed a similar distribution to each other. The larvae were abundant in the water close to Mariana Islands, although late stage examples were abundant in waters of Luzon and eastern Taiwan. Distributions of these larvae may be related intimately with the North Equatorial Current existing along 15°N. The North Equatorial Current approaches the eastern coast of the Philippines and then separates into two branches of northward and southward flows. The northward flow contributes to generating the Kuroshio Current while the southward flow goes to generate the Mindanao Current. Judging from distributions of phyllosoma larvae in the present study, it is assumed that the larvae of the above two species may have been released in Mariana Islands and transported westward from there through the North Equatorial Current. These larvae may then be transported to eastern Taiwanese waters.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(6-7):555-568
Under the Pacific Patrol Boat (PPB) program, Australia has supplied twenty-two 31.5 m patrol boats to 12 island countries in the South Pacific. While the primary task of these boats is fisheries protection, they have also been used for a range of other national tasks, including search and rescue, medical evacuations, hydrographic surveying, anti-smuggling and sovereignty patrols. As well as the boats themselves, the program comprises resident maritime surveillance and technical advisers, crew training and through-life logistic support. The PPB program has proven to be highly successful with the benefits of the program exceeding those originally sought by the Australian Department of Defence in establishing the program.  相似文献   

厦门中华白海豚的分布和数量   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘文华  黄宗国 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):95-101
1994~1999年在厦门海域进行84航次中华白海豚船只跟踪和照像,记录392只次。设20个监视站,进行239个月的逐日观察,记录12624只次。整个厦门海域700km2均有中华白海豚分布,它可溯河至近淡水的河道,但不游出外海。厦门西港和同安湾口内的近岸最多,跃出海面的次数有明显的季节差异,4~5月最多。厦门海域中华白海豚数量估计不足100只,仅40只左右有确切记录。种群数量目前仍有减少趋势,因而应就地和迁地保护并举,加强对这种国家一级保护物种的保护。  相似文献   

A submersible study has been conducted in February–March 1978 at the axis of the East Pacific Rise near 21°N. The expedition CYAMEX, the first submersible program to be conducted on the East Pacific Rise, is part of the French-American-Mexican project RITA (Rivera-Tamayo), a 3-year study devoted to detailed geological and geophysical investigations of the East Pacific Rise Crest. On the basis of the 15 dives made by CYANA in the axial area of the Rise, a morphological and tectonic zonation can be established for this moderately-fast spreading center. A narrow, 0.6 to 1.2 km wide zone of extrusion (zone 1), dominated by young lava flows, is flanked by a highly fissured and faulted zone of extension (zone 2) with a width of 1 to 2 km. Further out, zone 3 is dominated by outward tilted blocks bounded by inward-facing fault scarps. Active or recent faults extend up to 12 km from the axis of extrusion of the East Pacific Rise. This represents the first determination from direct field evidence of the width of active tectonism associated with an accreting plate boundary. Massive sulfide deposits, made principally of zinc, copper and iron, were found close to the axis of the Rise. Other signs of the intense hydrothermal activity included the discovery of benthic fauna of gian size similar to that found at the axis of the Galapagos Rift. We emphasize the cyclic character of the volcanicity. The main characteristics of the geology of this segment of the East Pacific Rise can be explained by the thermal structure at depth below this moderately-fast spreading center. The geological observations are compatible with the existence of a shallow magma reservoir centered at the axis of the Rise with a half-width of the order of 10 km.  相似文献   

The beaches of Liguria have been intensively affected by human activities for over a century, transforming nearly the entire coastline from natural to urbanised and significantly upsetting beach ecological properties. The present study aims to investigate 9 Ligurian beaches characterised by different degree of urbanisation, to test if and to what extent the organic-matter (OM) recycling processes can be linked to the human activity. Swash zone sediment, sampled during the spring–summer–autumn period, when the anthropogenic influence is at its maximum due to tourism, was analysed for OM features and recycling processes. Multivariate statistical analyses showed that huge amounts of detrital OM accumulated in the more urbanised sites, where the anthropogenic influence was at its peak, deriving from higher inhabitant number and density, from the presence of crowded roads very near to the swash zone and sewage treatment plants. The presence of torrent outlets on the beaches provided further OM accumulation. Lipids, carbohydrates and degraded autotrophic pigments were the OM fractions mainly responsible of the differentiation, and rather constant, high labile phosphorus contents were found in the more urbanised sites. The high activity values of the hydrolytic enzymes indicate the response of the microbial system to the OM accumulation in the urban sites. However, a decoupling of the trends of some enzymatic activities (namely glucosidase and lipase) and their target OM was observed in the highly urbanised conditions.  相似文献   

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