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This paper develops an interactive approach for exploratory spatial data analysis. Measures of attribute similarity and spatial proximity are combined in a clustering model to support the identification of patterns in spatial information. Relationships between the developed clustering approach, spatial data mining and choropleth display are discussed. Analysis of property crime rates in Brisbane, Australia is presented. A surprising finding in this research is that there are substantial inconsistencies in standard choropleth display options found in two widely used commercial geographical information systems, both in terms of definition and performance. The comparative results demonstrate the usefulness and appeal of the developed approach in a geographical information system environment for exploratory spatial data analysis.  相似文献   

The integration of GIS and spatial statistical analysis can occur in two different ways: embedding spatial statistical analysis into a GIS environment, or embedding selected GIS functions into a spatial statistical analysis environment. Attention has been given almost exclusively to the former in the past. This paper argues that the latter deserves more attention, especially with the rapid development of embeddable GIS component technology. However, because current statistical software packages have not yet provided the environment into which GIS components can be embedded, we explore the possibility of integrating GIS components and spatial statistical analysis in a current proprietary Database Management System (DBMS: Microsoft Access), which can be easily extended to incorporate statistical analysis capabilities. A conceptual framework for this integration is outlined, an interactive spatial statistical analysis module is presented, and an example is used to illustrate the advantage of this module.  相似文献   


This article is an agreed summary of a workshop held in Sheffield between 18-20 March 1991. The focus here is on three of the themes of the workshop: the mutual benefits of closer links between geographical information systems (GIS) and the methods of spatial data analysis (SDA); the specific areas of SDA that should be linked with GIS; how the linkage should be made in practice. Directions for future research are also reviewed. The emphasis throughout is on statistical SDA and principally from the perspective of human rather than physical geography.  相似文献   

Matrix factorization is one of the most popular methods in recommendation systems. However, it faces two challenges related to the check-in data in point of interest (POI) recommendation: data scarcity and implicit feedback. To solve these problems, we propose a Feature-Space Separated Factorization Model (FSS-FM) in this paper. The model represents the POI feature spaces as separate slices, each of which represents a type of feature. Thus, spatial and temporal information and other contexts can be easily added to compensate for scarce data. Moreover, two commonly used objective functions for the factorization model, the weighted least squares and pairwise ranking functions, are combined to construct a hybrid optimization function. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real-life data sets: Gowalla and Foursquare, and the results are compared with those of baseline methods to evaluate the model. The results suggest that the FSS-FM performs better than state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision and recall on both data sets. The model with separate feature spaces can improve the performance of recommendation. The inclusion of spatial and temporal contexts further leverages the performance, and the spatial context is more influential than the temporal context. In addition, the capacity of hybrid optimization in improving POI recommendation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary National parks in England and Wales have traditionally been seen as places of quiet, less hurried recreation. The phrase 'quiet enjoyment' was adopted to represent this notion, and this paper traces the policy-making process involved in attempting to conserve this view. The debate during the enactment of the Environment Act 1995 brought the use and meaning of the phrase to prominence; amongst other issues, the use of the phrase in tenancy law precluded its use in legislation. The loss of the phrase 'quiet enjoyment' could have prolonged effects on the way in which national parks are used for recreational purposes.  相似文献   

Intense earthquake swarms at Long Valley caldera in late 1997 and early 1998 occurred on two contrasting structures. The first is defined by the intersection of a north-northwesterly array of faults with the southern margin of the resurgent dome, and is a zone of hydrothermal upwelling. Seismic activity there was characterized by high b -values and relatively low values of D , the spatial fractal dimension of hypocentres. The second structure is the pre-existing South Moat fault, which has generated large-magnitude seismic activity in the past. Seismicity on this structure was characterized by low b -values and relatively high D . These observations are consistent with low-magnitude, clustered earthquakes on the first structure, and higher-magnitude, diffuse earthquakes on the second structure. The first structure is probably an immature fault zone, fractured on a small scale and lacking a well-developed fault plane. The second zone represents a mature fault with an extensive, coherent fault plane.  相似文献   

With the rising oil prices, climate change, and the ever increasing burden of nutrition-related disease, food security is of growing research interest in academic disciplines spanning agronomy to epidemiology to urban planning. Some governments have developed progressive policies encouraging individuals to consume locally produced foods in order to support local economies, improve agricultural sustainability and community access to food, and to plan and prepare for adverse environmental impacts on food security. However, fundamental methods are lacking for conducting research on food security across these various disciplines. In this article, we first present a method to measure agricultural self-sufficiency, which we refer to as our self-sufficiency index (SSI) for the province of British Columbia, Canada. We then present a Bayesian autoregressive framework utilizing readily available agricultural data to develop predictive smoothing models for the SSI. We find that regional capital investment in agriculture and cropland acreage is the strong predictor of SSI. To accommodate spatial variability, we compare linear regression models with spatially correlated errors to less traditional spatially varying coefficient models, and find that the former class results in better model fit. The smoothed maps suggest that relatively strong self-sufficiency exists only in subset clusters in the Okanagan, Peace River, and lower mainland regions. In spite of policy to promote local food, the existing local agricultural system is insufficient to support a large-scale shift to local diets. Our approach to estimating neighborhood-based self-sufficiency with a predictive model can be extended for use in other regions where limited data are available to directly assess local agriculture and benefit from explicit consideration of spatial structure in the local food system.  相似文献   

空间是人口学研究的固有维度,20世纪50年代以来,西方学者已开始从空间视角探究人口问题。近年来,随着计算机技术和空间分析方法的提升,西方空间人口学研究发展迅速,逐渐走向成熟化与体系化,成为人口学研究的重要方向。我国人口学在空间维度上的分析虽然已有“胡焕庸线”等经典成果,但具体到空间人口学这一学科进展方面,仍需对空间人口学中的核心概念进行辨析,并阐述空间人口学与人口地理学的关系。本文首先简述西方空间人口学的起源、发展与演化,并从分异与隔离、生育与死亡、迁移与城镇化、区域人口预测、人口与环境等5大主题对跨世纪以来西方空间人口学研究进行梳理。此外,本文归纳了空间人口学研究的主要方法。最后,对空间人口学未来研究方向进行展望,并对国内空间人口学研究提出建议。  相似文献   

城镇体系空间结构的分形维数及其测算方法   总被引:128,自引:12,他引:128  
刘继生  陈彦光 《地理研究》1999,18(2):171-178
总结了刻画城镇体系空间结构的三种分形维数:聚集维数(半径维数)、网格维数和空间关联维数,阐释了各种维数的地理意义,然后以实例说明了它们的测算方法。  相似文献   

It is not uncommon to see maps and more advanced statistical or spatial analysis reported in the media. Geographical information systems (GIS) have no doubt facilitated access to and analysis of spatial information. This article is the outgrowth of contact by the Boston Globe and subsequent published articles examining structure fires and the location of fire stations in Massachusetts. The questions asked by the Boston Globe are important geographical ones regarding location specific urban/rural service provision issues, and to answer these questions requires the use of spatial analysis. This article focuses on the use of methods for answering the questions raised in the context of applying academic research, an issue that continues to be a challenge.  相似文献   

王春兰  杨上广  何骏  刘陆雪 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2236-2248
基于上海市人口地理信息库与2000年、2010年两期人口普查分居村委统计数据,采用局部分异指数及空间分析方法,从职业和户籍两个维度刻画全球化、市场化背景下上海城市社会空间的演化特征。结果表明:中观尺度上,上海市在职业和户籍两个维度的居住分异特征明显,“中心—边缘”的社会空间结构特征较为稳定,中心城绅士化、白领化发展,普通白领阶层、跨省移民居住空间边缘化发展。在中观尺度上职业维度的居住分异较之户籍维度的居住分异更为明显,微观社区尺度上存在超越职业身份的户籍维度居住分异现象,居住隔离程度快速攀升。弱势群体在边缘社会空间集聚可能进一步加剧社会不公平问题,应重视空间维度上的城市治理。  相似文献   

Within a CyberGIS environment, the development of effective mechanisms to encode metadata for spatial analytical methods and to track the provenance of operations is a key requirement. Spatial weights are a fundamental element in a wide range of spatial analysis methods that deal with testing for and estimating models with spatial autocorrelation. They form the link between the data structure in a GIS and the spatial analysis methods. Over time, the number of formats for spatial weights implemented in software has proliferated, without any standard or easy interoperability. In this paper, we propose a flexible format that provides a way to ensure interoperability within a cyberinfrastructure environment. We illustrate the format with an application of a spatial weights web service, which is part of an evolving spatial analytical workbench. We describe an approach to embed provenance in spatial weights structures and illustrate the performance of the web service by means of a number of small experiments.  相似文献   

北京市居住用地出让的时空格局演变   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
以1992~2006年间北京市五环内居住用地出让数据为基础,利用GIS空间分析方法,研究了北京市五环内居住用地的时间动态趋势和空间格局特征,并对CBD、中关村、奥运村等区域进行了重点分析。研究发现:①北京居住用地的出让数量、面积呈现不断增长态势,出让价格呈现"扁平化"发展趋势;②居住用地出让价格表现为"北高南低"、"东高西低"的空间特征,在出让数量和面积上存在"北多南少、东多西少"的空间差异;③出让地块集中区和高值区由中心向外扩展;④东西和南北轴线的竞租地价曲线以CBD和天桥为核心向两侧递减,并在一些区位条件优越的区段形成若干高值区。  相似文献   

This article is a long‐term retrospective study of the reconstruction that followed the 1931 earthquake that struck the city of Napier in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. It particularly focuses on the positive outcomes in reducing the risk of future disaster at both local and national levels. These were facilitated by three key decisions and strategies: (i) reconstruction was initiated immediately after the disaster; (ii) it was designed as a balance between continuity and change; and (iii) it relied on a decentralised, integrative decision‐making process.  相似文献   

The worldwide increase in the use of biomass as a Renewable Energy Source raises the issue of introducing crops dedicated to energy production into rural landscapes. The purpose of this paper is to set-up a GIS based multi-criteria approach to assess a range of possibilities for perennial energy crops conversion. The presented method was implemented at the regional level in the Yorkshire and the Humber Region in Northern UK. The first phase of the study aims to set-up a land capability model for the specific purpose of assessing the potential of different typologies of perennial energy crops, on the basis of specific pedo-climatic and topographic factors. The model output illustrates a range of potentials for energy crop conversion that can be explored in the given landscape. In the second phase a uncertainty analysis of the land capability model was performed through a simulation approach in order to interpret the influence of assumptions and uncertainty on input data and model parameters. The last phase of the study allows allocating the energy crop conversion area according to specific environmental constraints, nature protection targets, food production priorities and land capability values. The land allocation output gives a rather restrictive energy crop penetration scenario, where more than half of the conversion area is allocated to cropping systems with low land degradation potential. This scenario represents a preliminary regional analysis of the energy crop potential in terms of theoretically available conversion areas. The final results also show that the areas with highest environmental risks correspond to the areas with both the lowest suitability for energy crop cultivation and the highest model uncertainty.  相似文献   

The eddy covariance technique was used to measure evapotranspiration (ET) at four different grazing intensity sites to investigate the grazing effects on ET in the semiarid steppe ecosystems of Inner Mongolia. By reducing available energy, and decreasing soil water content (SWC), grazing decreased ET on a seasonal scale compared with the site ungrazed since 1979 (UG79). The most important climatic factor controlling ET on daily scale shifted from SWC to Net radiation (Rn) when grazing intensity increased. SWC, Rn and air temperature (or vapor pressure deficit) can explain 59%–71% of the variation in daily ET. On the other hand, leaf area index (LAI) affected ET slightly at UG79 under the commonly limited soil water conditions. Even no effect of LAI at the heavily grazed site was detected. This suggests that the direct effect of grazing reducing LAI on ET is not significant in this semiarid steppe ecosystem. Soil evaporation compensates for most of the loss in transpiration due to reduced LAI.  相似文献   

国土空间规划中城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高晓路  吴丹贤  周侃  廖柳文 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2458-2472
在2016年国务院印发的《省级空间规划试点方案》所提出的“开展基础评价”和“绘制规划底图”两项主要任务中,城镇适宜性的评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界的划定属于核心内容,同时也是一项具有较强探索性的工作。以国家对国土空间规划的基本设想为依据,对城镇空间和城镇开发边界的概念和内涵、空间关系、相关规则进行深入探讨,确定了城镇适宜性评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界划定的主要思路和技术路线。结合福建省空间规划的案例,分析了城镇适宜性评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界划定的过程、方法和结果。不同于以往各部门开展的空间性规划,城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定建立在资源环境承载能力和国土空间开发适宜性的基础评价之上,这使得城镇开发建设活动的空间布局在资源环境本底方面得到合理保障,城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定也有了较为科学、客观的依据。此外,把基础底图的研制与城镇发展潜能、城镇开发指向的评估,以及开发建设的规模管控、空间管控、开发强度管控系统地整合起来,使得规划底图的随意性得到了较好的控制。实践表明,本文的思路和技术方法是合理可行的,这一尝试可为空间规划理论和方法体系的完善提供参考。  相似文献   

Despite wildfire being an important regulator of dryland ecosystems, uncontrolled wildfire can be harmful to both forest ecosystems and human society, and wildfire prevention and control continue to raise worldwide concern. Wildfire management depends on knowledge of wildfire ignitions, both for cause and location. The regimes and factors influencing wildfire ignition have been studied at length. Humans have a profound effect on fire regimes and human activity is responsible for igniting the largest number of fires in our study area. Understanding the spatial patterns of ignitions is foremost to achieving efficiency in wildfire prevention. Previous studies mainly concentrate on overall wildfire risk integrating numerous factors simultaneously, yet the importance of human factors on ignition has not received much attention. In this study, we mapped human accessibility to explore the influence of human activity on wildfire ignition in a simple and straightforward way. A Bayesian weights-of-evidence (WofE) method was developed based on fire hotspots in China's Yunnan province extracted from satellite images and verified as known wildfires for the period 2007–2013. We considered a set of factors that impact fire ignition as associated with human accessibility: the locations of settlements, roads, water and farmland susceptible to human wildfire ignition. Known points of likely wildfire ignition were selected as training samples and all suspected thematic maps of the factors were taken as explanatory layers. Next, the weights of each layer in terms of its explanatory power were computed and used to generate evidence based on a threshold to pass a statistical test. The conditional independence (CI) of each layer was checked with the Agterberg-Cheng test. Finally, the posterior probability was calculated and its precision validated using samples of both presence and absence by withheld validation data. A comparison of WofE models was made to test the predictability. Results show proximity to villages, roads and farmland are strongly associated with human wildfire ignition and that wildfire more often occurs at an intermediate distance from high-density human activity. The WofE method proved more powerful than logistic regression, improving predictive accuracy by 10% and was more straightforward in presenting the association of dependence and independence. In addition, WofE with 1000 m buffer bands is more robust in predicting human wildfire ignition risk than binary or 100 m buffers for the ecoregion studied. Our results are significant for advising practical wildfire management and resource allocation, evaluation of human ignition control and also provides a foundation for future efforts toward integrated wildfire prediction.  相似文献   

国土空间规划中生态空间和生态保护红线的划定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张雪飞  王传胜  李萌 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2430-2446
省级空间规划是为实现“多规合一”而开展的基础性制度尝试,其核心内容划定“三区三线”是通过科学分析自然与社会本底,对各类空间边界进行严格勘定,作为管控国土空间的抓手。生态空间和生态保护红线是“三区三线”中“生态先行”理念的载体。以《生态保护红线划定技术指南》为基础,对福建省开展基于资源环境承载能力评价和国土空间开发适宜性评价要求的陆上全域生态保护等级和保护优先序评价,探讨和实践省级空间规划中生态空间和生态保护红线的划分方法,以期为沿海多山省份的空间规划提供参考。结果显示:福建省生态空间陆域占比为78.76%,涵盖了88.07%的森林、71.23%的草地、64.44%的水域和47.72%的裸地;生态保护红线陆域占比为20.90%,以生物多样性维护红线、水源地保护及水源涵养红线为主。  相似文献   

陶晓丽  陈明星  张文忠  白永平 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1964-1976
城市公园是城市人居环境的重要组成,也是宜居城市建设的重要内容。通过对中国现行城市公园分类标准的回顾与探讨,提出城市公园可以划分为5种类型:文化遗址公园、游乐公园、综合性公园、社区公园、生态公园。北京市六环以内城市公园共计148处,总面积7293.9 hm2,平均面积49.28 hm2,各个类型公园有着不同的分布特征。城市公园至少具有四种重要功能:旅游休闲、生态价值、防灾减灾和教育科普。城市公园类型与功能之间有着密切联系,每个公园复合了多种功能,但是各个类型城市公园有不同的主导功能。文化遗址公园以旅游休闲和教育科普为主导功能,游乐公园相对单一的旅游休闲功能,综合性公园的功能比较全面,社区公园除科普功能较弱外,具有其它几项功能的中等水平,生态公园则以生态价值为主。对城市公园进行细化分类,识别主导功能,有助于科学指导城市公园建设,实现城市公园的合理配置。  相似文献   

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