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The IMU(inertial measurement unit) error equations in the earth fixed coordinates are introduced firstly. A fading Kalman filtering is simply introduced and its shortcomings are analyzed, then an adaptive filtering is applied in IMU/GPS integrated navigation system, in which the adaptive factor is replaced by the fading factor. A practical example is given. The results prove that the adaptive filter combined with the fading factor is valid and reliable when applied in IMU/GPS integrated navigation system.  相似文献   

Stand-alone, unaided, single frequency, single epoch attitude determination is the most challenging case of GNSS compass processing. For land vehicle applications, the baseline approximately lies in the plane of the local geodetic horizon. This provides an important constraint that can be exploited to directly aid the ambiguity resolution process. We fully integrate the constraint into the observation equations, which are transformed orthogonally. Our method can acquire the high-quality float solution by means of a heading search strategy. The fixed solution is obtained by weighted constrained integer least squares for each possible heading. The correct solution is identified by three consecutive steps: Kolmogorov?CSmirnov test, heading verification, and global minimizer of the fixed ambiguity objective function. The analysis focuses on single frequency, single epoch land vehicle attitude determination using low-end GPS receivers with very low precision of carrier phase and code measurements. The error analysis is given for choosing a proper baseline length in practical application. Experimental results demonstrate that this scheme can improve the ambiguity success rate for very short baseline.  相似文献   

陈远  张小红  郭斐  熊旭  李海英 《测绘科学》2010,35(3):169-170,155
针对在观测条件较差的情况下卡尔曼滤波的鲁棒性较差,本文设计了一种自适应卡尔曼滤波模型。通过实际车载GPS/DR组合导航试验,结果表明该模型在观测质量较差的情况下能够抑制较大的偏差,相对于标准卡尔曼滤波模型,其平面定位精度提高了近一倍,达到2~3m。因此,在观测环境较差的情况下建议采用渐消自适应卡尔曼滤波模式进行组合导航。  相似文献   

Sun  Zhaoyan  Wang  Xinlong  Feng  Shaojun  Che  Huan  Zhang  Jinpeng 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(2):701-713
GPS Solutions - In vector tracking loop (VTL), the relativity among received signals is exploited to deeply integrate the entire information within signal processing channels. However, the tracking...  相似文献   

We describe an enhanced quality control algorithm for the MEMS-INS/GNSS integrated navigation system. It aims to maintain the system’s reliability and availability during global navigation satellite system (GNSS) partial and complete data loss and disturbance, and hence to improve the system’s performance in urban environments with signal obstructions, tunnels, bridges, and signal reflections. To reduce the inertial navigation system (INS) error during GNSS outages, the stochastic model of the integration Kalman filter (KF) is informed by Allan variance analysis and the application of a non-holonomic constraint. A KF with a fault detection and exclusion capability is applied in the loosely and tightly coupled integration modes to reduce the adverse influence of abnormal GNSS data. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed navigation system, road tests have been conducted in an urban area and the system’s reliability and integrity is discussed. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of different algorithms for reducing the growth of INS error.  相似文献   

Qiang Shen  Miao Li  Ru Gong 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(4):1491-1502
A GPS positioning algorithm is studied and applied to locate a spinning vehicle on which a single-patch antenna is mounted. Because the antenna is directional and the received signal is periodically discontinuous, the bits and frames cannot be synchronized to assemble the transmission time of the satellite signals. The characteristics of the signals received by a single-patch antenna are described. The means by which the tracking loop works with these discontinuous signals are analyzed and simulated. Aiming at spinning projectiles, the positioning algorithm forming differencing with respect to a reference satellite is applied to locate the spinning vehicle by using code phases obtained in the tracking of the discontinuous signals. Experiments were carried out, and the results showed that the positioning algorithm works properly on the spinning vehicle. The results revealed that the positioning error of the algorithm applied to a spinning vehicle is close to that of the conventional positioning method applied to a non-spinning vehicle.  相似文献   

The development and numerical values of the new absolute phase-center correction model for GPS receiver and satellite antennas, as adopted by the International GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) Service, are presented. Fixing absolute receiver antenna phase-center corrections to robot-based calibrations, the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) and the Technische Universität München reprocessed more than 10 years of GPS data in order to generate a consistent set of nadir-dependent phase-center variations (PCVs) and offsets in the z-direction pointing toward the Earth for all GPS satellites in orbit during that period. The agreement between the two solutions estimated by independent software packages is better than 1 mm for the PCVs and about 4 cm for the z-offsets. In addition, the long time-series facilitates the study of correlations of the satellite antenna corrections with several other parameters such as the global terrestrial scale or the orientation of the orbital planes with respect to the Sun. Finally, completely reprocessed GPS solutions using different phase-center correction models demonstrate the benefits from switching from relative to absolute antenna phase-center corrections. For example, tropospheric zenith delay biases between GPS and very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), as well as the drift of the terrestrial scale, are reduced and the GPS orbit consistency is improved.  相似文献   

罗文 《全球定位系统》2021,46(3):116-122
针对卫星导航信号波形在不同硬件平台上的可移植性问题,在系统中引入Mo-dem 硬件抽象层(MHAL)后,实现了不同计算单元上组件间管理的统一性和通信的标准化.为了便于测试MHAL的标准符合性[1],防止不同研制单位研制出互相不兼容的软件通信体系结构(SCA)通信设备,现以某卫星导航接收机为例说明具体硬件平台的MHAL测...  相似文献   

Miao  Zhi-yong  Lv  Yun-long  Xu  Ding-jie  Shen  Feng  Pang  Shun-wan 《GPS Solutions》2017,21(1):111-122
GPS Solutions - Under high dynamic conditions, a robust tracking loop is essential for accuracy positioning with the global position system. In previous studies, the extended Kalman filter...  相似文献   

In recent decades, rapid growth of travel volume has resulted in a significant increase in traffic congestion, accidents, environmental pollution and energy consumption. Accurate traffic data are drastically needed for effective evaluation of traffic systems in order to alleviate the impacts of increasing travel volume of the quality of life and economic development of urban areas. This article provides a discussion on a data acquisition methodology for highway traffic pattern recognition and congestion analysis by integrating data from the global positioning system (GPS) with a geographic information system (GIS). The GPS technology is a powerful tool in capturing continuous positioning and timing information, whereas the GIS is capable of storing, managing, manipulating, analyzing and displaying the acquired spatial information. Compared to previous studies, the effective integration of the two technologies allows for traffic analysis to be conducted at a finer resolution. The proposed method is illustrated with a case study on multiple major highway segments in Columbus, Ohio.  相似文献   

赵文峰 《测绘工程》2006,15(2):64-69
房产测绘中,房产图尺寸标注是一项工作量很大的重复性工作。介绍了一个应用Autolisp语言开发的尺寸标注程序,提高了工作效率,而且能避免错误。  相似文献   

The merging of a gravimetric quasigeoid model with GPS-levelling data using second-generation wavelets is considered so as to provide better transformation of GPS ellipsoidal heights to normal heights. Since GPS-levelling data are irregular in the space domain and the classical wavelet transform relies on Fourier theory, which is unable to deal with irregular data sets without prior gridding, the classical wavelet transform is not directly applicable to this problem. Instead, second-generation wavelets and their associated lifting scheme, which do not require regularly spaced data, are used to combine gravimetric quasigeoid models and GPS-levelling data over Norway and Australia, and the results are cross-validated. Cross-validation means that GPS-levelling points not used in the merging are used to assess the results, where one point is omitted from the merging and used to test the merged surface, which is repeated for all points in the dataset. The wavelet-based results are also compared to those from least squares collocation (LSC) merging. This comparison shows that the second-generation wavelet method can be used instead of LSC with similar results, but the assumption of stationarity for LSC is not required in the wavelet method. Specifically, it is not necessary to (somewhat arbitrarily) remove trends from the data before applying the wavelet method, as is the case for LSC. It is also shown that the wavelet method is better at decreasing the maximum and minimum differences between the merged geoid and the cross-validating GPS-levelling data.  相似文献   

A number of statistic Global Positioning System (GPS) measurement campaigns have been made on a floating Antarctic ice shelf, the Amery Ice Shelf, as part of ongoing glaciological studies designed to investigate the ice shelf dynamics, grounding zone definition, and ice shelf strain. Such studies ar fundamental to improving out knowledge of the Antarctic ice-sheet mass balance and dynamical models of ice sheet/ocean interaction. This article describes two techniques used to process the statistic GPS data. One approach uses a segmented version of the classical static methodology, and the other approach adopts a new sequential processing technique. Both approaches yield similar results for the station coordinates and demonstrate the potential of GPS for extracting the tidal signal on the ice shelves and giving information on the dynamical motion of the ice sheet. To verify our results for the vertical component, we compare the ice shelf GPS tidal signal with a tidal model derived from tide gauge measurements at nearby Beaver Lake. Comparison of the GPS results with the tide model give good agreement in amplitude at the few cm level (GPS results always larger) but clearly shows evidence of phase propagation of the ocean tidal wave under the ice shelf. Improving the resolution of the tides over the ice shelves will be of tremendous benefit for future satellite missions, such as Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESAT), and the integrated use of GPS and satellite data will be fundamental for any on-going Antarctic ice sheet mass balance studies. ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

An area of 6000 ha covering four villages was adopted by the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal under Operational Research Project to transfer the technology of alkali soil reclamation in the farmer’s fields. This necessitated mapping and characterisation of alkali soils of the area. Use of black and white photographs in 1∶25,000 scale proved effective in delineating alkali soils quickly and inexpensively. The physiography and photo elements like tone, landuse, drainage and parcelling facilitated identification and demarcation of four mapping units viz; P1, P3, P4 and C. The unit P represented nearly flat upland alluvial plain while C represented low lying filled up old channel. The alkali soils confined mainly to the upland plain were recorded in white toned barren stretches and accounted for 36.6 percent of surveyed area. In addition, patchy occurrence of alkali soils admist the cultivated fields giving mottled appearance on the photographs was noticed over 11.3 percent area. In this case the photo scale proved limiting for demarcating alkali and non-alkali soils separately. The prtactical utility of the soil inventory in planning reclamation and management of alkali soil in the area has also been discussed.  相似文献   

A Soil and land Use Map of Pohru catchment was prepared through the adoption of a systematic Air Photo-interpretation procedure including selective field studies in such a manner that the ten delineated mapping units were co-extensive with major Land Resource Areas. Defined in terms of physiography, soil profile, soil erosion and present land use each of the ten units has unique characteristics requiring differential management, which was arrived at through joint field studies by Pedologists who prepared the Map, Foresters, Soil Conservationists, Agronomists. a Horticulturist and an Agricultural Chemist. Stemming from this integrated effort a Land Use Plan for the catchment was drawn up with its major objective as the conservation of Land and Soil Resources leading to a reduction in sediment yields that are now so high as to clog the Jhelum river at the polnt where Pohru river joins it. In respect of four Land Resource areas, the plan prescribes radical readjustments of Land Use such as conversion of Forest Department owned Himalayan Southern slopes to grass lands, change of cropping pattern in Karewa side slopes and conversion of the northern and southern Himalayan footslopes now under cultivation into orchards. The areal extents of the different Land Resource Areas as also the cost of implementing the conservation recommendations have been furnished for every one of the twentyeight watersheds falling under the eight subcatchments of the Pohru catchment. The total cost of implementing the conservation recommendations approximates to about fifty five million rupees.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop and propose a methodological approach for montado ecosystem mapping using Landsat 8 multi-spectral data, vegetation indices, and the Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB) algorithm. Two Landsat 8 scenes (images from spring and summer 2014) of the same area in southern Portugal were acquired. Six vegetation indices were calculated for each scene: the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), the Short-Wave Infrared Ratio (SWIR32), the Carotenoid Reflectance Index 1 (CRI1), the Green Chlorophyll Index (CIgreen), the Normalised Multi-band Drought Index (NMDI), and the Soil-Adjusted Total Vegetation Index (SATVI). Based on this information, two datasets were prepared: (i) Dataset I only included multi-temporal Landsat 8 spectral bands (LS8), and (ii) Dataset II included the same information as Dataset I plus vegetation indices (LS8 + VIs). The integration of the vegetation indices into the classification scheme resulted in a significant improvement in the accuracy of Dataset II’s classifications when compared to Dataset I (McNemar test: Z-value = 4.50), leading to a difference of 4.90% in overall accuracy and 0.06 in the Kappa value. For the montado ecosystem, adding vegetation indices in the classification process showed a relevant increment in producer and user accuracies of 3.64% and 6.26%, respectively. By using the variable importance function from the SGB algorithm, it was found that the six most prominent variables (from a total of 24 tested variables) were the following: EVI_summer; CRI1_spring; SWIR32_spring; B6_summer; B5_summer; and CIgreen_summer.  相似文献   

The Ramsar-listed wetlands of the Magela Creek floodplain, situated in the World Heritage Kakadu National Park, in northern Australia are recognised for their biodiversity and cultural values. The floodplain is also a downstream receiving environment for Ranger uranium mine, which is entering closure and rehabilitation phases. Vegetation on the floodplain is spatially and temporally variable which is related to the hydrology of the region, primarily the extent and level of inundation and available soil moisture. Time-series mapping of the floodplain vegetation will provide a contemporary baseline of annual vegetation dynamics to assist with determining whether change is natural or a result of the potential impacts of mine closure activities such as increased suspended sediment moving downstream. The research described here used geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) to classify the upper Magela Creek floodplain vegetation from WorldView-2 imagery captured over four years (2010–2013) and ancillary data including a canopy height model. A step-wise rule set was used to implement a decision tree classification. The resulting maps showed the 12 major vegetation communities that exist on the Magela Creek floodplain and their distribution for May 2010, May 2011, June 2012 and June 2013 with overall accuracies of over 80% for each map. Most of the error appears to be associated with confusion between vegetation classes that are spectrally similar such as the classes dominated by grasses. Object-based change detection was then applied to the maps to analyse change between dates. Results indicate that change between dates was detected for large areas of the floodplain. Most of the change is associated with the amount of surface water present, indicating that although imagery was captured at the same time of year, the imagery represents different stages of the seasonal cycle of the floodplain.  相似文献   

地理信息公共服务平台和国土资源"一张图"建设都是国土资源部门的重要工作内容之一,都依托地理信息数据,通过在线等方式满足包括政府部门在内的用户对地理信息和空间定位、分析的基本需求。本文在分析地理信息公共服务平台和国土资源"一张图"建设总体架构的基础上,对两者在数据和平台建设中如何协调、衔接进行了探讨,以减少建设过程中的重复建设和重复投入,并更好地实现地理信息服务和信息的共享。  相似文献   

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