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The Northern Mediterranean Current is the return branch of the cyclonic circulation of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Because of geostrophic constraints, this warm and oligotrophic current is forced to flow westward along the continental slope of the Gulf of Lion. But, occasionally, it penetrates on the shelf and strongly impacts the local biogeochemistry and in turn the primary production. By combining in situ observations and high-resolution modelling, it is shown that intrusions on the eastern part of the gulf are mainly forced by easterly or northwesterly wind events, through physical mechanisms that are very different in nature. Easterlies induce a piling of water along the Gulf of Lion coast that drives, through geostrophy, an alongshore shelf-intruding current. This intrusive current occurs independently of the stratification and is concomitant with the wind forcing. On the other hand, intrusions due to northwesterlies only occur during stratified conditions and are related to the development of upwellings along the Gulf of Lion coasts. When the upwelling develops, a northwestward alongshore pressure force balances the Coriolis force associated with the onshore flow at depth. When the winds drop, the upwelling relaxes and the onshore flow weakens. Consequently, the Coriolis force no longer counterbalances the pressure force that ultimately dominates the momentum balance, causing the displacement of the Northern Current on the Gulf of Lion shelf approximately 1 day after the wind relaxation. This time lag between the northwesterlies decrease and the intrusions permits to anticipate possible changes in the biogeochemistry of the Gulf of Lion.  相似文献   

The global mid-ocean ridge system is one of the most active plate boundaries on the earth and understanding the dynamic processes at this plate boundary is one of the most important problems in geodynamics. In this paper I present recent results of several aspects of mid-ocean ridge studies concerning the dynamics of oceanic lithosphere at these diverging plate boundaries. I show that the observed rift valley to no-rift valley transition (globally due to the increase of spreading rate or locally due to the crustal thickness variations and/or thermal anomalies) can be explained by the strong temperature dependence of the power law rheology of the oceanic lithosphere, and most importantly, by the difference in the rheological behavior of the oceanic crust from the underlying mantle. The effect of this weaker lower crust on ridge dynamics is mainly influenced by spreading rate and crustal thickness variations. The accumulated strain pattern from a recently developed lens model, based on recent seismic observations, was proposed as an appealing mechanism for the observed gabbro layering sequence in the Oman Ophiolite. It is now known that the mid-ocean ridges at all spreading rates are offset into individual spreading segments by both transform and nontransform discontinuities. The tectonics of ridge segmentation are also spreading-rate dependent: the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge is characterized by distinct bulls-eye shaped gravity lows, suggesting large along-axis variations in melt production and crustal thickness, whereas the fast-spreading East-Pacific Rise is associated with much smaller along-axis variations. These spreading-rate dependent changes have been attributed to a fundamental differences in ridge segmentation mechanisms and mantle upwelling at mid-ocean ridges: the mantle upwelling may be intrinsically plume-like (3-D) beneath a slow-spreading ridge but more sheet-like (2-D) beneath a fast-spreading ridge.  相似文献   

We show that geodetic data from the Bay Area Regional Deformation (BARD) network indicate asymmetric motion across the San Andreas fault in the San Francisco Bay Area (SFBA), resulting from a strong contrast in rigidity across the fault, as determined previously from seismological data. Assuming asymmetric motion across the fault, we determine the location and size of the maximum strain rate in the region. We find that, compared to the determination using a symmetric model of deformation, it is shifted eastward and its value increases from ~0.4 μstrain/yr to ~0.65 μstrain/yr. Such strain rate amplitudes are consistent with previous geodetic slip rate estimates. We confirm that the geological units located east of SAF are entrained by the motion of the Pacific Plate and that the San Andreas fault (SAF) is the real rheological limit between the Pacific and North-American Plates. The asymmetry of rheology constrained in this study implies the strain rate maximum in SFBA is likely located between SAF and the Hayward fault system. This also has implications for hazards in the northern SFBA, in particular on the Rodgers creek fault.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of coastal areas is characterized by the interaction among phenomena occurring at different spatial and temporal scales, such as the interaction of a large-scale ocean current with the local bathymetry and coastline, and local forcing conditions. In order to take into account all relevant phenomena, the study of the hydrodynamics of coastal zones requires a high-spatial and temporal resolution for both observations and simulation of local currents. This resolution can be obtained by using X-band radar, which allows simultaneous measurement of waves and currents in a range of 1–3 miles from the coastline, as well as high-resolution numerical models implemented in the area and configured through multiple nesting techniques in order to reach resolutions comparable to such coastal observations. Such an integrated monitoring system was implemented at the Isola del Giglio in 2012, after the accident of the Costa Concordia ship. Results can be used as a cross-validation of data produced independently by radar observations and numerical models. In addition, results give some important insights on the dynamics of the coastal boundary layer, both for what concerns the attenuation in the profile of the depth-averaged velocities which typically occur in turbulent boundary layers, as well as for the production, detachment and evolution of vorticity produced by the interaction of large-scale ocean currents with the coastline and the subsequent time evolution of such boundary layer. This transition between large-scale regional currents and the coastal boundary layer is often neglected in regional forecasting systems, but it has an important role in the ocean turbulence processes.  相似文献   

The study of the fine structure of the phosphorus and silicon distribution in near-bottom layers and in the interstitial water of the sediments has been carried out in the different Baltic Sea regions (Gulf of Finland, Bornholm, Gotland). The data of this study are used to calculate the flows and effective transport coefficients for mineral phosphorus and silicon exchange processes between sediment and near-bottom layer. The values of nutrient flows varied depending on sediment type from 9.8 to 632 μg-at. m−2 year−1 for phosphorus and from 232.4 to 1881.1 μg-at. m−2 year−1 for silicon. The dependence of the effective transport coefficients versus the distance from the bottom (h) is expressed by empirically-derived equation: Keff = Ah−b. The values of constants “A” and “b” depend on the hydrochemical conditions, sediment type and hydrophysical conditions in the near-bottom layers. Calculated constants for regions are discussed.  相似文献   

Here, we address the sediment dynamics in the Black Sea based on analysis of remote sensing data from the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and numerical simulations with Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean model. Boundary conditions consist of realistic meteorological forcing, including significant wave height generated by wave prediction model. A number of sensitivity runs was analysed with the aim to find the most suitable parameters governing sediment fluxes. The comparison between numerical simulations and remote sensing data gives credibility to the quality of simulations. The combined effect of wind waves and currents in the bed layer controls the sediment resuspension that appears to be the major basin-wide source of sediment. Sensitivity experiments included or excluded different forcing terms, e.g. sediment flux from rivers enable to determine the spatial extensions of different point sources. It is concluded that wind-wave forcing is manifested in the sediment dynamics through episodic high energy events contributing to the increase of horizontal sediment fluxes over the northwestern shelf. Both satellite images and numerical model simulations demonstrated that the penetration of suspended sediment into the basin interior was governed by the dynamics of coastal and open-ocean eddies. While fine sediment at sea surface could cross the continental slope propagating into the open ocean, coarser fractions follow the bottom and their penetration into the open ocean is limited. The conclusion is thus that the deposition patterns correlate with the specific shape of Black Sea topography, and the largest depositions are observed in the area of continental slope.  相似文献   

Linear sandbanks are located globally in areas where there are strong currents and an abundance of sand. In the recent years, these sandbanks have become of strategic interest as a potential source of marine aggregates (sand and gravel) and mineral deposits. They form the seaward boundary of the nearshore zone and therefore are important for the stability of the coastal system. They also commonly reach the sea surface and thus pose a threat to navigation. Headland-associated linear sandbanks are a specific type of sandbanks which are located in the lee of coastal topographic features such as headlands and islands. Interaction between tidal currents and topographic features generate complex three-dimensional circulation patterns that significantly influence the distribution of sediments in the vicinity of the feature. Field and numerical model investigations of the three-dimensional flow structure have been undertaken on the Levillain Shoal, a headland-associated linear sandbank present in the lee of Cape Levillain (Shark Bay, Western Australia). The field data indicated the presence of secondary flows near the tip of the cape and around the bank which were re-produced in the numerical simulations. Numerical results have shown that residual eddies are not representative of the sediment transport and that secondary currents enhance the convergence of sediment towards the sandbank. Maintenance processes have been investigated. Sediment transport paths near the cape and the bank indicate that the sandbank is part of a sand circulation cell where the sand is circulating around the bank with exchanges between the sandbank and the headland.  相似文献   

During September 2008 and February 2009, the NR/V Alliance extensively sampled the waters of the Sea of Marmara within the framework of the Turkish Straits System (TSS) experiment coordinated by the NATO Undersea Research Centre. The observational effort provided an opportunity to set up realistic numerical experiments for modeling the observed variability of the Marmara Sea upper layer circulation at mesoscale resolution over the entire basin during the trial period, complementing relevant features and forcing factors revealed by numerical model results with information acquired from in situ and remote sensing datasets. Numerical model solutions from realistic runs using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) produce a general circulation in the Sea of Marmara that is consistent with previous knowledge of the circulation drawn from past hydrographic measurements, with a westward meandering current associated with a recurrent large anticyclone. Additional idealized numerical experiments illuminate the role various dynamics play in determining the Sea of Marmara circulation and pycnocline structure. Both the wind curl and the strait flows are found to strongly influence the strength and location of the main mesoscale features. Large displacements of the pycnocline depth were observed during the sea trials. These displacements can be interpreted as storm-driven upwelling/downwelling dynamics associated with northeasterly winds; however, lateral advection associated with flow from the Straits also played a role in some displacements.  相似文献   


“Panta Rhei – Everything Flows” is the science plan for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences scientific decade 2013–2023. It is founded on the need for improved understanding of the mutual, two-way interactions occurring at the interface of hydrology and society, and their role in influencing future hydrologic system change. It calls for strategic research effort focused on the delivery of coupled, socio-hydrologic models. In this paper we explore and synthesize opportunities and challenges that socio-hydrology presents for data-driven modelling. We highlight the potential for a new era of collaboration between data-driven and more physically-based modellers that should improve our ability to model and manage socio-hydrologic systems. Crucially, we approach data-driven, conceptual and physical modelling paradigms as being complementary rather than competing, positioning them along a continuum of modelling approaches that reflects the relative extent to which hypotheses and/or data are available to inform the model development process.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

The tidal circulation patterns in the Terminos Lagoon were studied based on the analysis of 1 year of measurements and numerical simulations using a baroclinic 3D hydrodynamic model, the MARS3D. A gauging network was installed consisting of six self-recording pressure–temperature sensors, a tide gauge station and two current profilers, with pressure and temperature sensors moored in the main lagoon inlets. Model simulations were validated against current and sea level observations and were used to analyse the circulation patterns caused by the tidal forcing. The numerical model was forced with eight harmonic components, four diurnal (K 1, O 1, P 1, Q 1) and four semi-diurnal (M 2, S 2, N 2, K 2), extracted from the TPX0.7 database. The tidal patterns in the study area vary from mixed, mainly diurnal in the two main inlets of the lagoon, to diurnal in its interior. The tidal residual circulation inside the lagoon is dominated by a cyclonic gyre. The results indicate a net flux from the southwest Ciudad del Carmen inlet (CdC) towards the northeast Puerto Real inlet (PtR) along the southern side of the lagoon and the opposite in the northern side. The results indicate two areas of strong currents in the vicinity of the inlets and weak currents inside the lagoon. The area of strong currents in the vicinity of the CdC inlet is larger than that observed in the PtR inlet. Nevertheless, the current analysis indicates that the highest current speeds, which can reach a magnitude of 1.9 m s?1, occurred in PtR. A further analysis of the tide distortion in the inlets revealed that both passages are ebb dominated.  相似文献   


“Panta Rhei – Everything Flows” is the science plan for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences scientific decade 2013–2023. It is founded on the need for improved understanding of the mutual, two-way interactions occurring at the interface of hydrology and society, and their role in influencing future hydrologic system change. It calls for strategic research effort focused on the delivery of coupled, socio-hydrologic models. In this paper we explore and synthesize opportunities and challenges that socio-hydrology presents for data-driven modelling. We highlight the potential for a new era of collaboration between data-driven and more physically-based modellers that should improve our ability to model and manage socio-hydrologic systems. Crucially, we approach data-driven, conceptual and physical modelling paradigms as being complementary rather than competing, positioning them along a continuum of modelling approaches that reflects the relative extent to which hypotheses and/or data are available to inform the model development process.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

Observations of dense water formation on the shelf of the Gulf of Thermaikos (North Aegean) are presented, based mainly on continuous monitoring of temperature and currents, during the winter of 2001–2002, at an instrumented mooring and a CTD survey carried out in early February 2002. A 2.5-month realistic simulation, corresponding to the period of observation, was performed to investigate the processes of dense water formation and cascading. The simulation is first compared to the main characteristics of the dense water, time variation of bottom temperature and spatial distribution of the dense water on the shelf. Subsequently, the simulation is used (a) to show that the formation of dense water takes place within the semi-enclosed Thessaloniki Bay and (b) to explain the intermittence of cascading out of the bay in relation to wind variations. The pathways of the dense water through the shelf are investigated with an emphasis on the role of the bottom slope and friction in the Ekman layer. The export of dense water towards the open sea occurs primarily along the slope bounding the western coast.  相似文献   

This paper presents the observations of the thermodynamic structure of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) over Bay of Bengal (BoB), Northern Indian Ocean (NIO) and Arabian Sea (AS) regions, using radiosonde observations carried out as a part of the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB) during March–May 2006. Most of the profiles show the general structure of tropical MABL which consists of surface layer, sub-cloud layer (mixed layer), transition layer, cloud layer and trade wind inversion (TWI). However, in few soundings over BoB and AS, it was observed that the cloud layer is remarkably well-mixed, forming a double mixed layer (DML) structure. This feature is seen to be closely associated with the low level anticyclonic system over these sectors. The average profiles of vertical wind (corresponding to the region of observation) obtained from NCEP showed that there is an increase in the vertical velocity on the days when such a double mixed layer was observed and the altitude region of this high ω coincides with that of the DML. The study also reveals some important differences in the MABL structure during convectively active and weak periods. The spatial variation of the parameters like mixed layer (ML) depth, height of lifting condensation level (LCL), level of free convection (LFC), and trade wind inversion (TWI) are presented and discussed in detail. The TWI observations are first of their kind from the BoB region. The TWI top is found to be at a higher height compared to the observations over other oceanic regions, and the relationship between the TWI altitude and lapse rate of specific humidity is used to explain why the TWI was formed at a higher height. The observations of the MABL parameters are also compared with those reported from the previous campaigns over these regions.  相似文献   

The results of observations of turbulent transport in the Earth’s magnetosphere tail are summarized. The results of recent works on the projection of the auroral oval onto the equatorial plane, according to which the main part of the oval is not projected onto the plasma sheet, are taken into account. Analysis of the eddy diffusion coefficient dependences on the geocentric distance and on the phase of a magnetosphere substorm, both across the sheet and in the azimuthal direction, is carried out. The role of eddy diffusion in the creation of quasi-equilibrium plasma structures and in the plasma transport from the magnetospheric flanks into the plasma sheet is considered. The transport along the sheet is discussed. The problems of turbulent transport that can be solved by analysis the data of multisatellite projects are indicated.  相似文献   

We analyze observations from eight GPS campaigns carried out between 1997 and 2005 on a network of 13 sites in the Suez–Sinai area, where separation between the African and the Arabian plates takes place. This is the key area to understand if and in which way Sinai behaves like a sub-plate of the African plate and the role played by seismic and geodetic (long-term) deformation release.Our analysis shows that, on average, the Suez–Sinai area motion, in terms of ITRF00 velocities, matches the African plate motion defined by the NNR-NUVEL-1A model.The horizontal principal strain rate axes estimated separately in the Gulf of Suez area and in the northern Sinai vary from compression across the Gulf (−2.2 ± 1.2) × 10−8 year−1 to NE extension (1.0 ± 1.5) × 10−8 year−1 in the North, showing the presence of two distinct domains, so that in our opinion Sinai cannot be considered simply a unique rigid block.The analysis of GPS baseline length variations shows short-term deformations across the Gulf of Suez, reaching up a maximum value of more than 1 cm in 8 years.Since current geodynamical models do not predict significant tectonic deformation in this area, we work under the hypothesis that a contribute may be expected by post-seismic relaxation effects. Under this hypothesis, we compare the baselines length variations with the post-seismic relaxation field associated with five major local earthquakes occurred in the area, testing two different viscoelastic models. Our results show that the detected short-term deformations are better modeled for viscosity values of 1018 Pa s in the lower crust and 1020 Pa s in the asthenosphere. However, since the modeled post-seismic effect results modest and a certain amount of the detected deformation is not accounted for, we think that an improved modeling should take into account the lateral heterogeneities of crust and upper mantle structures.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a model which simulates dune development resulting from aeolian saltation transport. The model was developed for application to coastal foredunes, but is also applicable to sandy deserts with transverse dunes. Sediment transport is calculated using published deterministic and empirical relationships, describing the influence of meteorological conditions, topography, sediment characteristics and vegetation. A so-called adaptation length is incorporated to calculate the development of transport equilibrium along the profile. Changes in topography are derived from the predicted transport, using the continuity equation. Vegetation height is incorporated in the model as a dynamic variable. Vegetation can be buried during transport events, which results in important changes in the sediment transport rates. The sediment transport model is dynamically linked to a second-order closure air flow model, which predicts friction velocities over the profile, influenced by topography and surface roughness. Modelling results are shown for (a) the growth and migration of bare, initially sine-shaped dunes, and (b) dune building on a partly vegetated and initially flat surface. Results show that the bare symmetrical dunes change into asymmetric shapes with a slipface on the lee side. This result could only be achieved in combination with the secondorder closure model for the calculation of air flow. The simulations with the partly vegetated surfaces reveal that the resulting dune morphology strongly depends on the value of the adaptation length parameter and on the vegetation height. The latter result implies that the dynamical interaction between aeolian activity and vegetation (reaction to burial, growth rates) is highly relevant in dune geomorphology and deserves much attention in future studies. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1999,19(9):1143-1159
The Oder river discharge into the Pomeranian Bight of the Baltic Sea was investigated in a combined study using satellite data, numerical modelling and shipborne measurements. The aim was to understand the dynamical processes forming the freshwater distribution patterns during the prevailing winds. From an analysis of typical distribution patterns of the river discharge in relation to the main wind directions and in comparison to seasonal wind statistics, the two main transport directions were determined. The prevailing westerly winds produce an onshore transport and a downwind coastal jet which transports the river water along the Polish coast, in certain cases over a distance of 300 km to the Gdansk Bay. During a period of stable westerly winds in June 1994, the calculated time scale for a water transport over 250 km corresponded to the observed time of 12 d. In spring, the period of maximum river runoff, easterly winds dominate and transport occurs along the German coast into the Arkona Sea. The river water is guided by upwelling processes in front of the Polish coast. During occasional north-easterly winds stable plumes form in front of the Swine river mouth; this occurred in May 1991 for several days. The numerical model showed that the stability of the plume is caused by an interaction between the alignment of the coast, the large-scale circulation in the north, the buoyancy of the freshwater and the Coriolis effect. The underlying anticyclonic eddy is indicated by warm rings in a high resolution Landsat Thematic Mapper scene. From the different datasets the range of the spatial and temporal scales of a stable plume were determined. The volume varied between 0.14 and 0.9 km3, and the suspended matter and chlorophyll load between 1120 and 7200 t and 2.8 and 18 t, respectively. These values are important for ecological budget calculations in turnover process studies.  相似文献   

Hydrological characteristics of englacial and subglacial drainage systems in Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, were examined by analysing temporal variations of discharge and sediment load in the proglacial Phelan Creek in 2001. From data plots on semi‐log paper, it appeared appropriate to separate both discharge and sediment load into fast and slow components. The two components were possibly produced by two different drainage systems: an englacial and subglacial, ‘channellized’ system in the ablation zone, and a subglacial, ‘distributed’ system in the accumulation zone. The data indicate the occurrence of an event during which part of the ‘distributed’ drainage system changed into the ‘channellized’ drainage system. The daily time‐series of discharge and sediment load were represented using a tank model. In the model, the drainage from an additional tank was added, supposing that a subglacial reservoir full of water and sediment collapsed slowly when the subglacial drainage system changed from distributed to channellized. The simulation with the collapsed tank gave much more reasonable results than those with no collapsed tank. The contribution of the collapsed tank to total sediment load is 24%, which is much larger than 9% to total discharge. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples collected from the inner shelf region of the Bay of Bengal, were analysed for the major elements and total and acetic acid available trace elements (Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Zn) to evaluate geochemical processes influencing their distribution. Major elemental analysis showed that the sediments had high concentrations of Si and relatively low concentrations of Al and Fe. Both major elemental and trace metal concentrations indicated that the sediments represent weathered products of granite and charnockite. Normalization of metals to Al indicated relatively high enrichment factors for Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr. The higher proportions of nondetrital Pb (66%), Cd (41%) and Co (28%) reveal metal contamination due to anthropogenic inputs. Factor analysis (FA) identified six possible types of sedimentological and geochemical associations. The dominant factor accounting for 26.9% of the total variance identifies an anthropogenic input and accumulation of nondetrital Cd, Co, Cr, Ni and Pb. Association of these metals with CaCO3 reveals that shell fragments in the surface sediments are likely act as a carrier phase for nondetrital metals. The results are discussed in the context of the sources and pathways of elements in the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

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