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PAUL GELADI Research Group for Chemometrics University of Ume S- Ume SwedenKIM ESBENSEN Norwegian Computer Center PB Blindern N- Oslo Norway 《地理学报(英文版)》1990,(5)
This is a first foray into the historical start and early years of chemometrics from about 1972 onwards.We have gathered interviews with three originators(Kowalski,Wold and Massart)as well as with aselected group of six other well-known chemometricians who gradually became active in the 1970s(Christie,Clementi,Hopke,Martens,Brown and Deming).The interviews include amongst a host ofsubjective recollections a succinct record of the key historical literature as highlighted by the interviewees'own rankings of‘earliest’and‘best’.A discussion of the most general commonalities in these interviews together with other historicalmaterial is presented in the second part of the paper. 相似文献
V.S.ROSE R.M.HYDE Department of Physical Sciences Wellcome Research Laboratories South Eden Park Ro Beckenham Kent BR BS U.K.H.J.H.MACFIE AFRC Institute of Food Research Reading Laboratory Shinfiel Reading RG AT U.K. 《地理学报(英文版)》1990,(5)
A survey of members of the U.K.QSAR Discussion Group has been made to determine the extent ofuse and development of chemometric and artificial intelligence(AI)methods in the analysis ofmultivariate quantitative structure-activity relationship(QSAR)data in the U.K.Chemometric methodswere found to be well established in both industrial and educational establishments and there wassignificant method development occurring.AI methods were not employed to any great extent and thegeneral level of interest in these techniques was low compared to chemometric methods.A requirementfor more education in multivariate statistical methods and regression methods was indicated.A need fora user-friendly,comprehensive,commercially available multivariate statistical package containingmultivariate stability testing and regression diagnostic methods was identified. 相似文献
中国热带东,西部地区冬季气候的差异与橡胶树的引种 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
由于青藏高原的动力影响,使得西部地区冬季出现下沉气流,多日照,利于橡胶树的越冬,而东部则出现上升气流,少日照,不利越冬,又由于青藏高原大山体,冬季明显地阻挡低层空气平流,导致高原南侧的西部地区冬季降温和缓,有利橡胶树越冬,而东部地区因无高大山体阻挡,寒潮初期降温剧烈,后期低温阴雨天气持续甚久,易导致橡胶树的严重寒害。 相似文献
David Harvey 《The Professional geographer》1984,36(1):1-11
The history and present condition of Geography have to be understood historically. A review of the roles of geographical knowledge under capitalism illustrates how it has changed in relation to shifting societal needs. Against such a background it is then possible to fashion an historical materialist interpretation of the present dilemmas of Geography as an academic discipline and to formulate concrete proposals for its transformation. 相似文献
加速西部地区的开发,促进经济发展,迅速改变“边、远、荒、穷”的落后面貌,缩小我国东、西部社会经济的差异,同时,将开拓内需潜力,扩大国内市场,促进全国经济的进一步发展和现状化的实现,对加强国家的统一和各民族的团结,也具有重大的意义。为稳妥、有效和迅速搞好西部地区的开发,应切实吸取历史的经验教训,决不能一哄而起,决不能以牺牲生态环境为代价,也不能让政府背上经济包袱,而是应以可持续发展理论为指导,认为做好西部开发的全面规划,以切实保护好自然环境,加强生态环境建设和基础设施建设的基础上以市场为导向,因地制宜重点开发自然资源。自然环境保护、生态环境建设和基础设施建设是国家投资和重点。同时,要十分注重积极引导城市化的进程。这是保护自然环境,改变农村落后面貌,促进现代化实现的有效措施。 相似文献
滇西北三江河谷纵剖面的发育图式与演化规律 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
在地壳持续、匀速抬升继以长期稳定的构造条件下,均一流域河谷纵剖面形态是以河口或河源为原点的抛物线(h=Al~N)。抬升期,河流深切侵蚀,纵剖面为上凸抛物线型;稳定期,河流均衡调整,纵剖面为下凹抛物线形;其间过渡阶段,纵剖面为直线型。流域地貌随侵蚀循环而相应演化,最终形成准平原。滇西北金沙江、澜沧江、怒江流域接近理想假设条件,其河谷纵剖面的形态和演化符合上述的图式和规律。 相似文献
鲁西北地区土地资源条件与土地利用变化趋势的研究 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
本文从分析鲁西北地区土地资源的基本特点入手,讨论了该地区土地需求、土地利用结构和土地利用方式的变化趋势,以及水土资源条件对未来土地利用变化的影响。本文还探讨了土地利用变化对环境和农业持续发展可能产生的影响,并提出了一些实现土地资源高效持续利用的措施。 相似文献
塔克拉玛干沙漠北部全新世地层中的元素分布与古气候 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
以14C年龄数据为年代标尺,对塔克拉玛干沙漠北部全新世地层中元素分布与古气候的关系进行了初步研究,表明这里自11000年来经历了早期温凉略温、中期暖干多风和晚期相对寒冷湿润的气候变迁过程。 相似文献
ZHANG Lei WANG Qi-Chao SHAO Zhi-Guo 《湿地科学》2005,3(1):27-31
1 INTRODUCTIONIntherecentyears,exposuretoenvironmentaltoxinshasreceivedincreasingattentionasthepublicadverseeffectcausedbytheirtoxicity .Mercuryisoneofmosttoxicmetalsintheworld .Manyre searcheshaveprovedthattheconsumptionoffishesmercurypollutedisthemains… 相似文献
天山北坡中段春季融雪洪水及其灾害成因研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
天山北坡是新疆多雪地区之一,其中乌苏至乌鲁木齐-带的山麓地带,和山前平原纳洪地区春季赖洪水及其灾害频繁。研究结果表明,这里的春季融雪洪水及其灾害除了与促进春季积雪强烈消融的气象因素有关外,还和这里的地貌条件与受地貌条件影响的冷期降雪有关。研究区玛纳斯褶皱前山及其纵谷是地域宽阔的中、低山区、在冷期形成较多降雪并大量积聚,导致春季融雪洪水灾害时有发生。 相似文献
我国西北夏季降水异常与太平洋海温季节演变的关系 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文利用交叉相关场的EOF分解考查了我国西北夏季降水与太平洋季节海温遥相关的结构。然后分别就我国西北夏季降水偏多年与偏少年对应的各季海温进行了自然正交(EOF)和复自然正交(CEOF)的合成分析,得到了我国西北夏季降水多、寡年对太平洋海温空间分布异常特征的季节演变。最后利用非参数跃变检验诊断了我国西北降水的跃变,并讨论了与太平洋海温跃变的联系。 相似文献
中国中部地区城市职能结构现状分析及其变动研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用1997年、2003年中部地级市人口规模及分行业就业人口数据,基于城市经济基础分析结果,从城市整体、不同规模、不同省域3个角度分析了中部城市职能结构的现状及变动特征,得到的主要结论有:(1)城市整体能源生产与采掘业、金融房地产业、科教文卫与行政部门比重上升,而制造业、建筑业、商业、交通业与社会服务业比重下降,各省的职能结构变动情况与此基本一致,仅建筑业在各省的变化与此不同; (2)能源生产采掘业、交通业、社会服务业与城市规模相关性较弱,其他部门则随城市规模变化呈现一定的规律性,并且职能结构变动程度由高到低依次为小城市、特大城市、中等城市、大城市、大中城市. 相似文献
Holocene and post‐European settlement alluvial histories of three nested drainage basins were reconstructed from detailed litho‐ and chronostratigraphy of cut and fill terraces and flood‐plains in the upper Wollombi Brook catchment. Fernances Creek (13.8 km2) valley fill consisted of intercalated thin mud sheets deposited in ephemeral swamps and thick sand sheets deposited by discontinuous channels. Dairy Arm (39.8 km2) valley fill was more complex, with inset alluvial fills in the upper basin and overlapping vertically stacked fills in the lower basin. However, correlative lithostrati‐graphic units were not found on all tributaries. Furthermore, basal radiocarbon dates on the last inset fill of four tributaries did not overlap, allowing for plus or minus twice the standard deviation of the reported ages. Wollombi Brook (341 km2) valley fill was also complex, with longitudinally discontinuous units, most of which were not found in the two tributaries. Upstream late Holocene channel incision was coeval with downstream chain of ponds because sediment generated by incision was stored in the intervening valley. Historical channel incision occurred between 1838 and 1867 on Fernances Creek at a locally steeper section of valley floor during the period of peak population and frequent floods immediately after a road crossing was constructed, but coincided with a catastrophic flood on Dairy Arm (June 1949) and on Wollombi Brook (1927). Lack of correlative litho‐ and chronostrati‐graphic units plus out‐of‐phase post‐European incision indicate that stratigraphic complexity is a function of geomorphic complexity due to the operation of geomorphic thresholds and complex response. 相似文献
Yda Schreuder 《The Professional geographer》1989,41(2):131-143
This essay suggests a new analytical framework for the study of residential segregation in the early twentieth century. Labor segmentation under corporate capitalism forms the basis for understanding the division of labor in the workplace among southern and eastern European immigrants. Social characteristics of the industrial workplace and the nature of European immigration are crucial factors in the formation of the immigrant working-class residential community. 相似文献
中国荒漠地区骆驼蓬属植物种类与分布 总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37
中国有骆驼蓬属(Peganum)植物3种,集中分布于西北部荒漠和半荒漠地区的陕、甘、宁、青、新、蒙、晋及西藏8省区,垂直分布为海拔700~3450m,地理分布、形态结构、化学成分及数学分析等研究均支持将多裂骆驼蓬(P.multisectum)作为一个独立的种,西藏分布的种应为多裂骆驼蓬。该属植物是荒漠植被的重要组分之一,具有药用和其他经济价值。 相似文献
球粒陨石金属相的 Ir、Os、Co等亲铁元素的浓度随氧化程度的升高而显著增大 ,其浓度以及铁纹石 Co含量和橄榄石 Fa值均反映了球粒陨石的氧化 -还原程度具有连续变化的特征。根据铁纹石 Co含量、橄榄石 Fa值、低 Ca辉石 Fs值、金属相的 Ir、Os、Co浓度以及其他球粒陨石分类参数 ,可能存在介于 E与 H、H与 L、L与 L L以及 L L与 C之间的球粒陨石过渡型 ,即E/H、H/L、L/L L和 LL/C化学群 ,从而将原有的 9个球粒陨石化学群增加到 1 3个。球粒陨石氧化 -还原程度的变化特征以及球粒陨石过渡型的发现都表明早期太阳星云的化学分馏作用具有连续变化的特点。 相似文献
选取2001~2006年楚雄市及其郊区的气象资料,采用对比分析法对楚雄市的热岛效应情况进行了分析,得出楚雄市冬季热岛强度的日变化幅度较大,夏季热岛强度的13变化幅度较小,总的变化趋势是:夜间02时达到最大,以后温差逐渐减小,到下午14时达到最小,之后热岛强度又逐渐增强。在月际变化中楚雄市的热岛强度以2、3、4月份最强,以6、7、8月份最弱,这与中国北京、上海等部分大城市的热岛效应强度变化有显著差异。采用相关分析法对楚雄市SO2浓度变化与热岛效应强度变化之间的关系进行分析,得出楚雄市SO2浓度变化与热岛效应强度变化之间存在着线性正相关关系,其相关系数达0.626。 相似文献