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Many studies have shown that the concentration of aqueous Fe2+ increases in surface waters during exposure to sunlight and attribute this phenomenon either to photoreductive dissolution of ferric minerals/colloids or to ligand-to-metal charge transfer within organic complexes of Fe3+. In a multi-summer study of iron redox cycling in a relatively high pH stream (Middle Crow Creek, MCC) that drains a mostly-granitic watershed at an altitude of 2400 m, aqueous Fe3+ (not Fe2+) concentrations were correlated with both sunlight and temperature. A steady state model fails to explain the [Fe2+] and [Fe3+] data from this stream. However, Fe2+ concentrations can be explained using a simple kinetic model in which rate constants for oxidation and reduction were obtained by fitting data from in situ oxidation experiments, including first-order thermal (nonphotochemical) reduction of Fe3+. Rate constants obtained from experiments in the dark result in too much Fe2+ to match the data from illuminated experiments, requiring a net photooxidation process to explain [Fe3+] measured in MCC. The organic content of MCC results in high concentrations of Fe–DOM complexes that not only act as a reservoir contributing to daily changes in [Fetot] as measured by our methods, but whose photochemistry may contribute highly oxidizing reactive oxygen species to the stream. In situ studies suggest that photochemical reduction of organically bound Fe3+ occurs, followed by thermal release of Fe2+ to the water column and subsequent rapid re-oxidation.  相似文献   

Photodegradation of chrysene, benzo (a) pyrene and benzo (g, h, i) perylene in natural water of the Yellow River was studied using simulation sunlight. The effects of particulates on the photodegradation were explored. Several results arose from this stud…  相似文献   

In environmental systems arsenic exists in both inorganic and organic forms. These forms differ substantially with respect to their toxicity as inorganic forms of arsenic are generally more toxic than organic forms. A novel method for in-situ inorganic ar…  相似文献   

Log–log correlation plots between the dissociation constants of known metal–chromate complexes and those of corresponding metal–sulfate complexes at 25 °C, 1 bar were used to derive the standard partial molal Gibbs free energies of formation of unknown metal–chromate complexes involving either (i) monovalent cations, divalent cations, and trivalent lanthanides or (ii) trivalent cations (excluding those of rare earth elements, REE) and tetravalent cations. For each of these two classes of ionic associations, empirical relationships between the standard partial molal volumes, isobaric heat capacities and entropies of known metal–chromate complexes and the corresponding thermodynamic properties of metal ions have been found. These data were utilized to evaluate the solute-characteristic parameters of the revised Helgeson–Kirkham–Flowers equation of state and to compute the thermodynamic properties of the dissociation reactions of metal–chromate complexes at high temperatures and pressures.  相似文献   

The literature on preservation procedures for the stabilization of As redox species in waters is controversial. A paper by McCleskey et al. (Appl. Geochem., 2004) states that any field collection procedure that filters out microorganisms, adds a reagent t…  相似文献   

The use of peat and sediment cores to reconstruct historical trends in levels of environmental contamination, or to provide palaeoclimatic information, depends critically on the development of accurate chronologies. Radionuclides have been exploited in th…  相似文献   

The deep and superdeep boreholes of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB) provide probably the most extensive data archive on in-situ properties of metamorphic crustal rock from a single site. Analysis of the variability of several geophysical parameters point out fractal features and a degree of correlation between data values comparable to 1/f-noise. Accordingly, the Earth's crust, at the KTB site, can be statistically described as an inhomogeneous medium whose properties are basically invariant from metre to kilometre scale. Piecewise homogeneous models appear to be inadequate to represent petrophysical properties, at least in the vertical dimension, and 1/f-noise offers a far more suitable concept to simulate heterogeneities in the Earth's crust.  相似文献   

Careful measurements of rest potentials of platinum electrodes (Eh) in the H2S-H2O system were made together with measurements of the pH and the potentials of Ag-Ag2S electrodes (Es2?). The potentials of the platinum electrode are characteristic of H2S chemisorption followed by H2S discharge on the platinum. The relations between Eh, Es2? and pH are characteristic of the H2S-H2O system and of the hydrogen sulfide concentration. Thus these parameters can be employed to distinguish H2S-H2O systems from H2S-S8-H2O systems. Field measurements on hot sulfurous springs are in agreement with laboratory data.  相似文献   

Two methods for obtaining information on the fractional composition of organic matter in natural waters (membrane filtration and oxythermography) are combined in this study. The method has a number of indisputable advantages, which distinguish it among the currently available methods of analytical chemistry. In earth science, the fractional composition of organic materials in natural waters is estimated by the concentration of organic carbon (Corg) in fractions. In our opinion, an indicator of chemical consumption of oxygen (CCO) for ecological estimation of water reservoir state is more informative, because this indicator carries specific ecological information on the necessary oxygen consumption for oxidation of pollutants coming into the natural water environment. Therefore, estimation of the CCO parameter in fractions provides real information on the availability of organic matter and the probable danger from its content in water. This is the principal novelty of the information obtained and our study. The method was tested in the study of variation of the fractional composition of water matter during passage of Volga water through the waterworks (upon removal of water from the storage reservoir through the dam of the Ivan’kovskaya hydro power plant in the Dubna area). Analogous results are almost absent in earth science literature. There is a lack of data on the influence of water release through the dam even with respect to the major-component chemical composition. Variation of the fractional composition of matter (both organic and inorganic) upon water release through a waterworks is not discussed in literature. Thus, this study is of fundamental character.  相似文献   

Solid phases, such as surface coatings (SC), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and deposited sediments (DS), contribute to the pool of heavy metals in natural waters. Their existing and forming conditions lead to potential differences in enrichment capacity of pollutants, chemical compositions and crystals. In this study, the contents of heavy metals in SC, SPM and DS were determined by GF-AAS after digestion with a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and HClO4. The selective extraction method was employed to remove Fe, Mn oxides and organic matters and associated heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn). X-ray diffraction analyses were performed to characterize the crystals in the samples. The results showed that no significant difference in the contents of Fe-oxides in DS, SPM and SC was found, but the contents of Mn-oxides and organic matter follow the order of SC〉SPM〉DS. The significant crystal characters were observed in DS, SPM and SC, and the kinds of minerals and crystallization degree follow the order of DS〉SC〉SPM. In addition, quartz was the most important matter of crystals in the solid phases. Enrichment capacity follows the order of SPM〉SC〉DS for Pb, Cu and Zn. Organic matter was the major sorbent for Cu, and Mn oxides and organic matter played an important role in the enrichment of Zn. However, Pb was absorbed mainly by Fe oxides. Moreover, compared with Fe oxides and organic matter, Mn oxides had a great enrichment capacity for these metals. Although DS, SPM and SC were formed in the same water system, contents of chemical components, crystals and enrichment capacities to heavy metals were obviously different.  相似文献   

The near-surface water cycle in a geologically complex area comprises very different sources including meteoric, metamorphic and magmatic ones. Fluids from these sources can react with sedimentary, magmatic and/or metamorphic rocks at various depths. The current study reports a large number of major, minor and trace element analyses of meteoric, mineral, thermal and mine waters from a geologically well-known and variable area of about 200 × 150 km in SW Germany. The geology of this area comprises a Variscan granitic and gneissic basement overlain in parts by Triassic and Jurassic shales, sandstones and limestones. In both the basement and the sedimentary rocks, hydrothermal mineralization occurs (including Pb, Cu, As, Zn, U, Co and many others) which were mined in former times. Mineral waters, thermal waters and meteoric waters flowing through abandoned mines (mine waters) are distributed throughout the area, although the mine waters concentrate in and around the Schwarzwald.The present analyses show, that the major element composition of a particular water is determined by the type of surrounding rock (e.g., crystalline or sedimentary rocks) and the depth from which the water originates. For waters from crystalline rocks it is the origin of the water that determines whether the sample is Na–Cl dominant (deeper origin) or Ca–HCO3 dominant (shallow origin). In contrast, compositions of waters from sedimentary rocks are determined by the availability of easily soluble minerals like calcite (Ca–HCO3 dominant), halite (Na–Cl dominant) or gypsum (Ca–SO4 dominant). Major element data alone cannot, therefore, be used to trace the origin of a water. However, the combination of major element composition with trace element data can provide further information with respect to flow paths and fluid–rock interaction processes. Accordingly, trace element analyses showed, that:
  • −Ce anomalies can be used as an indicator for the origin of a water. Whereas surface waters have negative or strongly negative Ce anomalies, waters originating from greater depths show no or only weak negative Ce anomalies.
  • −Eu anomalies can be used to differentiate between host rocks. Waters from gneisses display positive Eu anomalies, whereas waters from granites have negative ones. Waters from sedimentary rocks do not display any Eu anomalies.
  • −Rb and Cs can also be indicators for the rock with which the fluid interacted: Rb and Cs correlate positively in most waters with Rb/Cs ratios of ∼2, which suggests that these waters are in equilibrium with the clay minerals in the rocks. Rb/Cs ratios >5 indicate reaction of a water with existing clay minerals, whereas Rb/Cs ratios <2 are probably related to host rock alteration and clay mineral formation.
The chemical compositions of carbonate precipitates from thermal waters indicate that rare earth elements (REEs), Rb and Cs concentrations in the minerals are controlled by the incorporation of clay particles that adsorb these elements.  相似文献   

The dissolution rates of natural, well crystallized variscite (AlPO4·2H2O) were determined from the evolution of aqueous Al and P concentrations in closed and open-system mixed-flow reactors at 25 °C and pH from 1.5 to 9.0. Measured dissolution rates decrease with increasing pH, from 6 × 10−16 mol/cm2/s at pH 1.5 to 5 × 10−17 mol/cm2/s at pH 5.89, and then increase with increasing pH to 4 × 10−16 mol/cm2/s at pH 9.0. Geochemical modeling calculations, performed using measured dissolution rates, indicate that it would take no more than a few weeks or months to equilibrate a mildly acidic, Al and P-free solution with variscite. Hence, variscite can buffer aqueous phosphate concentrations in mildly acidic near surface environments. This conclusion is confirmed by consideration of the compositions of natural waters.  相似文献   

In the present study, the grain size (d) and shape of 225 magnetite grains, that crystallized at T>600°C in a syntectonic granite (Godhra Granite, India) are evaluated and implications of data to decipher deformation mechanism of magnetite are discussed. Fractal (ruler) dimension (D) analysis of magnetite grains is performed and it is demonstrated that they show fractal behaviour. Smaller magnetite grains tend to be more serrated than the larger ones, which is manifested in the higher fractal (ruler) dimension (D) of the former. Assuming a natural strain rate ranging between 10−10 s−1 and 10−14 s−1, the grain size data fall dominantly in the dislocation creep field of the existing deformation mechanism map of magnetite for 630°C. However, SEM-EBSD studies reveal that subgrains are absent in the magnetite grains and they did not undergo dislocation creep. Thus it is inferred that the shape of magnetite grains was not controlled by dislocation creep. It is concluded that the higher serration and increased fractal dimension of finer magnetite grains implies the importance of diffusion creep as an important deformation mechanism at high-T for magnetite in polymineralic rocks.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(9):1383-1397
Water pollution arising from base metal sulphide mines is problematic in many countries, yet the hydrogeology of the subsurface contaminant sources is rarely well-characterized. Drainage water pumped from an active F–Pb mine in northern England has unusual chemistry (alkaline with up to 40 mg.l−1 Zn) which profoundly impacts the ecology of the receiving watercourse. Detailed in-mine surveys of the quantity and quality of all ground water inflows to the mine were made. These revealed major, temporally persistent heterogeneities in ground water quality, with three broad types of water identified as being associated with distinct hydrostratigraphic units. Type I waters (associated with the Firestone Sill aquifer) are cool (<10°C), Ca–HCO3–SO4 waters, moderately mineralized (specific electrical conductance (SEC)≤410 μS.cm−1) with <4 mg.l−1 Zn. Type II waters (associated with the Great Limestone aquifer) are warmer (≈15°C), of Ca–SO4 facies, highly mineralized (SEC≤1500 μS.cm−1) with ≤40 mg.l−1 Zn. Type III waters (in the deepest workings) are tepid (>18°C), of Ca–HCO3–SO4 facies, intermediately mineralized (SEC≤900 μS.cm−1) with ≤13 mg.l−1 Zn, and with significant Fe (≤12 mg.l−1) and Pb (≤8 mg/l). Monotonic increases in temperature and Cl concentration with depth contrast with peaks in total mineralization, SO4 and Zn at medium depth (in Type II waters). Sulphate, Pb and Zn are apparently sourced via oxidation of galena and sphalerite, which would release each metal in stoichiometric equality with SO4. However, molal SO4 concentrations typically exceed those of Pb and Zn by 2–3 orders of magnitude, which mineral equilibria suggest is due to precipitation of carbonate “sinks” for these metals. Contaminant loading budgets demonstrate that, although Type II waters amount to only 25% of the total ground water inflow to the mine, they account for almost 60% of the total Zn loading. This observation has important management implications for both the operational and post-abandonment phases of the mine life cycle.  相似文献   

The Sierra del Convento and La Corea mélanges (eastern Cuba) are vestiges of a Cretaceous subduction channel in the Caribbean realm. Both mélanges contain blocks of oceanic crust and serpentinite subducted to high pressure within a serpentinite matrix. The bulk composition of serpentinite indicates spinel-harzburgite and -herzolite protoliths. The samples preserve fertile protolith signatures that suggest low melting degrees. High concentration of immobile elements Zr, Th, Nb, and REE contents (from ~0.1 to ~2 CI-chondrite) point to early melt–rock interaction processes before serpentinization took place. Major- and trace-element compositions suggest an oceanic fracture-zone–transform-fault setting. A mild negative Eu anomaly in most samples indicates low-temperature fluid–rock interaction as a likely consequence of seawater infiltration during oceanic serpentinization. A second, more important, serpentinization stage is related to enrichment in U, Pb, Cs, Ba, and Sr due to the infiltration of slab-derived fluids. The mineral assemblages are mainly formed by antigorite, lizardite, and chlorite, with local minor talc, tremolite, anthophyllite, dolomite, brucite, and relict orthopyroxene. The local presence of anthophyllite and the replacements of lizardite by antigorite indicate a metamorphic evolution from the cooling of peridotite/serpentinite at the oceanic context to mild heating and compression in a subduction setting. We propose that serpentinites formed at an oceanic transform-fault setting that was the locus of subduction initiation of the Proto-Caribbean basin below the Caribbean plate during early Cretaceous times. Onset of subduction at the fracture zone allowed the preservation of abyssal transform-fault serpentinites at the upper plate, whereas limited downward drag during mature subduction placed the rocks in the subduction channel where they tectonically mixed with the upward-migrating accreted block of the subducted Proto-Caribbean oceanic crust. Hence, we suggest that relatively fertile serpentinites of high-pressure mélanges were witness to the onset of subduction at an oceanic transform-fault setting.  相似文献   

Experimental data on Fe-CaCO3 interaction at 6 GPa and 1273–1873 K are presented. The system models the hypothetical redox interaction in subducting slabs at the contact with the reduced mantle and a putative process at the core-mantle boundary. The reaction is accompanied by carbonatite melt formation. It also produces Fe3C and calcium wustite, which form solid or liquid phases depending on experimental conditions. In iron-containing systems at 6 GPa, calcium carbonate melts in the range 1473–1573 K, which is consistent with aragonite disappearance from complex carbonate systems. The composition of calcium carbonate liquid is not influenced by metallic Fe. It corresponds to nearly pure CaCO3. Along the mantle adiabat or at slightly higher temperatures, nearly pure CaCO3 coexists with metallic iron or calcium wustite. This hypothesis explains the coexistence of metallic iron and carbonate inclusions in lithospheric and superdeep diamonds.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of pore pressure is fundamental to any safe and economic well construction. Here, we present results that are indicative of over pressure zones (OPZ) for five wells drilled under the Krishna–Godavari offshore basin (KGOB) at the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI). OPZ in areas of crustal flexuring can act as potential geohazard while drilling. These wells locate at water depths of 515–1,265 m, where their penetrated-vertical-depth reaches up to 3,960 m in clastic sediments. pore pressure gradient (PPG) and fracture pressure gradient (FPG) are estimated from acoustic log for all five wells, while the Normal Compaction Trend (NCT) and pore pressure are calculated from Miller’s sonic equation. Top of OPZ is indicated by values that are higher than the NCT; departure from NCT is observed at depth intervals of 1,320–2,180 m, 1,700–3,960 m, 1,600–1,880 m, 1,420–2,609 m and 2,080–2,200 m for the respective Wells 1 through 5. The pressure data from Modular Dynamic Tester (MDT) agree well with the pore pressure values obtained from the logs. The Overburden Gradient (OBG), PPG and FPG values increase rather slowly with total depth in deeper-water of KGOB when compared to the wells located in shallow water depth. Consequently, the operating safety margin between PPG and FPG decreases as the water depth increases, and this clearly leads to an increase in the number of casing strings to reach the target depth. Certain basic conclusions on the potentiality of natural hazard for drilling operations are drawn on the basis of these results, but evidently, further studies are warranted to present a more composite picture of OPZ under KGOB.  相似文献   

The Almadén district constitutes the largest and probably the most intriguing mercury concentration in the world. Two types of mineralization are recognized: 1) stratabound, of Lower Silurian age, well represented by the large Almadén deposit; and 2) fully discordant mercury deposits of minor importance in terms of size, and exemplified by the deposit of Las Cuevas. The latter ones can be found at different positions along the Almadén stratigraphic column. Both types of deposits are always associated with the so-called frailesca rocks (diatremes of alkali basaltic composition). This paper reports the first lead isotope compositions of cinnabar in the district. Whole samples and stepwise leaching cinnabar aliquots display relatively homogeneous isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.112–18.460; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.635–15.705; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.531–38.826). Taken together with Jébrak et al.s (2002) pyrite lead isotope results, the new cinnabar isotopic data define a steep array trend on the 207Pb/204Pb– 206Pb/204Pb diagram, indicating a mixed contribution of lead and probably mercury from different sedimentary sources in the Almadén basin. The Almadén Hg deposits are related to a contemporaneous mafic magmatism that might have provided part of the mercury. Hydrothermal leaching of organic matter from sedimentary rocks and formation of Hg organic complexes enhanced metal solubility, promoting transport from and within the volcanic units.Editorial handling: M. Chiaradia  相似文献   

The distributions of methane and hydrocarbons (HC) C2+ throughout the vertical section of the water mass and sediments of the Kara Sea and the estuaries of the Ob and Yenisei rivers were examine during expeditions aboard the R/V “Akademik Boris Petrov” in 1997–2002. Data obtained during the expeditions and extensive information provided by the complex study of the carbon cycle in the aquatic area were used to analyze the genesis of hydrocarbon gases in marine water. The example of particulate matter was used to demonstrate that hydrocarbon gases of the composition C2–C5 contained in seawater are genetically related to aquatic organic matter (OM), regardless of seawater salinity. The hydrocarbon complex is dominated (80%) by higher C4–C5 homologues. The concentration of C4–C5 hydrocarbons in the estuarine fresh waters is comparable with the high methane concentration (2–3 μl/l), drastically decreases in the zone of water mixing, and then rapidly increases to values several times higher than the methane concentration in seawater outside the outer boundary of the sedimentation depocenter of riverine particulate matter. A direct correlation was established for the concentration of the C4 + C5 homologues with the OM of the water mass, and the leading role was demonstrated to be played by labile OM of the autochthonous biomass (marine phytoplankton) in the genesis of higher hydrocarbon gases (alkenes, alkanes, and isoalkanes) during the early diagenetic stage of OM transformations in water. Along with the biomass of phytoplankton, a significant role in the genesis of C2–C3 hydrocarbons is played by destruction products of terrigenous OM. The destruction of OM and generation of gaseous hydrocarbons, including methane, are restricted to the pycnocline and the water-sediment interface. The absolute predominance of the sum of the C4 + C5 homologues in the hydrocarbon C2+ gases and the presence of unsaturated C2–C4 hydrocarbons are typical of the natural background of hydrocarbons of the Kara Sea water mass.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(11):1435-1456
Geochemical studies of pore fluids and solid phases in two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drill sites (Sites 1037 and 1038) in the Escanaba Trough off Northern California have provided further data on the hydrothermal processes associated with the spreading of the Gorda Ridge. Previous work in the area of ODP Site 1038 includes the discovery of a hydrothermal system and associated sulfide deposits centered around an uplifted sediment hill in this sedimented extensional environment. This earlier work provided some insights into the present nature of venting; however, only deep drilling investigations can provide the means to fully understand the genesis and evolution of this system and associated hydrothermal deposits. ODP Leg 169 is the third deep drilling operation to explore the magnitude, genesis, and evolution of hydrothermal systems on sedimented ridges. Previous studies centered on the Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California and the Middle Valley in the NE Pacific Ocean. Pore water studies in the reference ODP Site 1037 and in the hydrothermally active area of ODP Site 1038 have revealed the presence of a complex system of hydrothermally originated fluids. Whereas the data in the reference site indicate recent hydrothermal activity in the basal part of the drill site, the evidence in Site 1038 suggests that fluids of hydrothermal origin spread out at shallow depths around the central hill, causing substantial sediment alteration as well as deposition of hydrothermal sulfides in the near surface zone of the sediments. A second major discovery at Site 1038 was the evidence for fluid phase separation at depth at temperatures possibly in excess of 400 °C. This conclusion is based on the presence of both low Cl and high Cl fluids. The latter appear to be advected rapidly towards the surface, presumably along cracks and faults. The low Cl fluids, however, appear to be transported laterally along sandy horizons in the sediments, thus signifying two very different migration pathways for high Cl and low Cl hydrothermally phase separated fluids. Studies of the organic geochemistry of dissolved gases and matured organic matter corroborate these findings of extensive hydrothermal alteration of the sediments.  相似文献   

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