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The Corinthia lode‐gold deposit in amphibolite‐facies greenstone belt rocks in the Southern Cross Province of the Archaean Yilgarn Block contains a largely undeformed pegmatite dyke emplaced during the last phases of movement along the Fraser's‐Corinthia shear zone. Gold mineralization and shear zone development were synchronous, and a Pb‐Pb isochron age of 2620 ±6 Ma for pegmatite emplacement either indirectly dates mineralization, or places a minimum age constraint on the timing of mineralization. This age is in accord with a broadly synchronous dominant episode of Archaean lode‐gold mineralization throughout the Yilgarn Block.  相似文献   

Gold-bearing sediments of mixed sedimentary-igneous composition, and associated largely with various basic volcanic rocks (greenstones), abound in the Archaean of the Yilgarn Block. In the Coolgardie district, where perhaps they are best developed, many important gold mines and several series of minor gold deposits occur in a few such horizons. Practically identical occurrences, even when highly metamorphosed, are also found elsewhere in greenstone belts-e.g. in the Southern Cross-Westonia-Yellowdine metamorphic zone.  相似文献   

Archean clastic sedimentary rocks are well exposed in the Pilbara Block of Western Australia. Shales from turbidites in the Gorge Creek Group (ca. 3.4 Ae) and shales from the Whim Creek Group (ca. 2.7 Ae) have been examined. The Gorge Creek Group samples, characterized by muscovite-quartzchlorite mineralogy, are enriched in incompatible elements (K, Th, U, LREE) by factors of about two, when compared to younger Archean shales from the Yilgarn Block. Alkali and alkaline earth elements are depleted in a systematic fashion, according to size, when compared with an estimate of Archean upper crust abundances. This depletion is less notable in the Whim Creek Group. Such a pattern indicates the source of these rocks underwent a rather severe episode of weathering. The Gorge Creek Group also has fairly high B content (85 ± 29 ppm) which may indicate normal marine conditions during deposition.Rare earth element (REE) patterns for the Pilbara samples are characterized by light REE enrichment (LaNYbN ≥ 7.5) and no or very slight Eu depletion (EuEu1 = 0.82 – 0.99). A source comprised of about 80% felsic igneous rocks without large negative Eu-anomalies (felsic volcanics, tonalites, trondhjemites) and 20% mafic-ultramafic volcanics is indicated by the trace element data. Very high abundances of Cr and Ni cannot be explained by any reasonable provenance model and a secondary enrichment process is called for.  相似文献   

Four variously pipe or sill-like, Carboniferous ( ≈ 305 Ma) bodies have been located near the NE edge of the Archaean Yilgarn craton. The rocks comprise Ba---Ti-bearing tetraferriphlogopite-tetraferriannite, low Al---Ti-diopside, calcite, perovskite and groundmass titanomagnetite-chromite (up to 41.3% Cr2O3), with minor apatite, Mg---Mn ilmenite, rare-earth phosphate, K---Ba-feldspar (up to 17% BaO), baryte and an unidentified Ba---Zr silicate. The last three reflect very high whole-rock Ba (up to 5,652 ppm). Aegirine-rich pyroxenes occur in fenitic alteration assemblages. Together with high Si/Al and low Mg/Ca whole-rock geochemistry, these features are diagnostic of ultramafic lamprophyres (damkjernites and aillikites), although the rocks also show some affinities with classical kimberlites. Mineral concentrates from loam samples yield an array of minerals of mantle origin, including garnets (Dawson and Stephens' groups G1, 3, 5, 9 and 10), chromian diopsides (up to 6.2% Cr2O3), magnesiochromites (up to 20% MgO, 70% Cr2O3) and four compositional groups of ilmenites (low-Mn picroilmenites, Mn-rich, Mg-poor and two moderate Mn---Mg compositions). Actual spinel-lherzolite nodules are common in one body and the presence of spinel-and/or garnet-lherzolites can be inferred in the others from the concentrates. The Bulljah bodies are therefore of deep mantle origin, as confirmed by the recovery of a single microdiamond. They thus extend the field of potentially (if not necessarily economically) diamondiferous rocks beyond kimberlites and lamproites. When added to other recent lamprophyre finds, the Bulljah discoveries suggest that the Yilgarn craton could, like many other ancient cratons, be ringed and/or dotted by a diverse array of alkaline and lamprophyric rocks of varying ages which remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

The Archaean Yilgarn Craton (Western Australia) is a world-class metallogenic province, hosting considerable resources of Au, Ag, Ni, Cu, Zn and Fe. Here we present trace element compositions of pyrite from > 30 orogenic Au and 5 volcanic hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposits across the Yilgarn. Pyrites from VHMS deposits tend to have higher Sn, Se, Cu, Pb, Bi and lower Ni relative to orogenic deposits. VHMS deposit pyrites commonly have Co > Ni, As > 100Au, Te > Au, Se > Te. Orogenic gold deposits could be subdivided based on association of Au with As or Te. Pyrites from AuAs ores generally have Pb/Bi > 5, Se/Te > 5, Pb/Sb < 5 and Tl/Te > 100 and the majority of Au is refractory (in pyrite structure). At the same time AuTe association pyrites are characterised by lower values of Pb/Bi, Se/Te and Tl/Te, higher values of Ag/Au, Pb/Sb and Au generally resides in inclusions of different compositions. Our data can be used at the exploration stage to distinguish between VHMS vs Orogenic Au signatures. For all studied deposits inclusion populations are summarised with implications for Au and Ag deportment. Orogenic Au deposits from the Yilgarn mostly have multistage formation histories reflected in the presence of multiple generations of pyrites. However, only some deposits record multiple high Au mineralisation events.  相似文献   


Weathering profiles developed on granitic rocks, exposed in the breakaways of the Barr‐Smith Range in the N of the Yilgarn Block of Western Australia, consist of kaolinitic saprolites merging upwards into silcrete, sandstone and grit. The sandstones and silcretes may also form columns or dykes, penetrating downwards into the saprolite. The silcretes are cemented by quartz and anatase, with zircon (QAZ‐cement), and‐the sandstones are cemented by aluminosilicates, either apparently amorphous (as siliceous allophane) or partly crystalline, as kaolinite and opaline silica. Transitional zones between silcretes and sandstones have all cement types. The profiles are characterized by low concentrations of alkalis and alkaline earths and most metals. The QAZ‐silcrete horizons may contain over 3% TiO2 and 1000 p.p.m. Zr. The profiles evolved through at least four stages: (i) Formation of the deep saprolite‐sand weathering profile by kaolinization of feldspar and mica at depth, and the solution of kaolinite near the top of the profile, causing settling of resistant quartz grains, (ii) Precipitation of QAZ‐cement, the TiO2 and SiO2 being derived partly by lateral migration from upslope. (iii) Precipitation of aluminosilicates, in the sandstone and the saprolite. (iv) Erosion and exposure of the profiles by pedimentation. A similar profile occurs further S, at Gabbin, but no QAZ‐silcrete is present and the only exposures are in exploration pits. The kaolinitic saprolite‐quartz sand profiles probably formed under humid conditions, as the equivalents of ferruginous laterite developed on more basic rocks nearby and of lateritic bauxite in the Darling Range. However,’ the sand was a surface horizon and there is no evidence that there was ever a ferruginous zone at these sites. The sequential precipitation of QAZ‐ and aluminosilicate‐cements was probably, a response to increasing aridity and reduced groundwater flow. Aluminosilicate‐cemented materials tend to disaggregrate on exposure but they are probably more abundant than the more prominent QAZ‐silcretes.  相似文献   

The Archaean greenstone terrane between Menzies and Kambalda exhibits a coherent, although deformed, stratigraphic sequence intruded by granitoids and bounded by major NNW-trending shear and/or fault zones. The greenstone terrane hosts a large number of lode gold prospects and deposits, including the giant Kalgoorlie deposits. The initial Pb isotope compositions of lode gold deposits, as determined from ore related galena and pyrite, vary systematically in a linear trend on a207Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb diagram which reflects crustal heterogeneity at the time of mineralisation. Deposits hosted within a 90 km section of the Menzies-Boorara Shear Zone have a uniform, radiogenic initial Pb isotope composition irrespective of temperature of mineralisation and proximity to granitoid-gneiss in plan view. The Pb in these deposits is considered to be derived largely from older felsic crust underlying the greenstone belt and was accessed via this major shear-zone system. Deposits in a transect unrelated to a major shear zone show a systematic correlation between initial Pb isotope compositions and proximity to granitoid-gneiss and/or to mineralisation temperature. These compositions are less radiogenic than those within the Menzies-Boorara Shear Zone, but trend on a207Pb/204Pb versus606Pb/204Pb diagram between this isotope signature and the uniform Pb isotope signature which characterises the >100 km greenstone transect from the Mt Pleasant area through Kalgoorlie to Kambalda. These data are interpreted to reflect Pb derivation from discrete crustal segments within and below the greenstones, and require that mineralisation was related to crustal-scale hydrothermal systems that accessed both sialic mid- to lower-crust and the greenstone succession.  相似文献   

The published mean δ34S values of ore-related pyrites from orogenic gold deposits of the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton lie between −4‰ and +4‰. As for orogenic gold deposits worldwide, most deposits have positive means and a restricted range of δ34S values, but some have negative means and wider ranges of δ34S values. Wall-rock carbonation and back-mixing of similar-source fluids with different fluid pathways can explain some of the more negative δ34S signatures. However, structural setting appears to be the most important factor controlling ore-fluid oxidation state and hence the distribution of δ34S values in gold-related pyrites. Shear-hosted deposits appear to have experienced fluid-dominated processes such as phase separation, whereas stockwork, vein-hosted or disseminated deposits formed under conditions of greater rock buffering. At Victory-Defiance, in particular, negative δ34S values are more common in gently dipping dilational structures, compared to more compressional steeply dipping structures. It appears most likely that fluid-pressure fluctuations during fault-valve cycles establish different fluid-flow regimes in structures with different orientations. Rapid fluid-pressure fluctuations in dilational structures during seismic activity can cause partitioning of reduced gas phases from the ore fluid during extreme phase separation and hence are an effective method of ore-fluid oxidation, leading to large, local fluctuations in oxidation state. It is thus not necessary to invoke mixing with oxidised magmatic fluids to explain δ34S signatures indicative of oxidation. In any case, available, robust geochronology in the Eastern Goldfields Province does not support the direct involvement of oxidised magmatic fluids from adjacent granitic intrusions in orogenic gold genesis. Thus, negative mean δ34S values and large variations in δ34S values of ore-related pyrites in world-class orogenic gold deposits are interpreted to result from multiple mechanisms of gold precipitation from a single, ubiquitous ore fluid in varying structural settings, rather than from the involvement of oxidised ore fluids from a different source. Such signatures are indicative, but not diagnostic, of anomalously large orogenic gold systems. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

诺斯曼-维卢纳金成矿带位于澳大利亚西澳克拉通伊尔岗地块东部黄金省次级地体内,是澳大利亚最重要的绿岩带型金矿成矿区。区内矿床可分为3类:剪切带中的蚀变晕±石英脉型,是区内最为重要的矿化类型,典型矿床为卡尔古利金哩矿床,矿床赋存在金哩粗玄岩中,矿化发生在绢云母-黄铁矿化蚀变带内;石英网脉型,典型矿床为卡尔古利夏洛特山金矿床。矿床也产于金哩粗玄岩中,矿化主要发生在硅化外围的碳酸盐-黄铁矿化蚀变带内;纹层状石英脉型,矿化表现出层控的特点,并多发育绿泥石化。通过对区域和典型矿床地质特征和区域成矿特征的总结,认为诺斯曼-维卢纳金成矿带的金主要赋存于铁硫化物或毒砂中,矿化与大规模的蚀变作用联系密切,太古宙绿岩带和条带状铁建造、深大断裂、褶皱等因素控制了矿床的分布。在此基础上,总结了绿岩带型金矿的找矿标志,并为在区内找矿提出若干建议。  相似文献   

诺斯曼—维卢纳金成矿带位于澳大利亚西澳克拉通伊尔岗地块东部黄金省次级地体内,是澳大利亚最重要的绿岩带型金矿成矿区。区内矿床可分为3类:剪切带中的蚀变晕±石英脉型,是区内最为重要的矿化类型,典型矿床为卡尔古利金哩矿床,矿床赋存在金哩粗玄岩中,矿化发生在绢云母—黄铁矿化蚀变带内;石英网脉型,典型矿床为卡尔古利夏洛特山金矿床,矿床也产于金哩粗玄岩中,矿化主要发生在硅化外围的碳酸盐—黄铁矿化蚀变带内;纹层状石英脉型,矿化表现出层控的特点,并多发育绿泥石化。通过对区域和典型矿床地质特征和区域成矿特征的总结,认为诺斯曼—维卢纳金成矿带的金主要赋存于铁硫化物或毒砂中,矿化与大规模的蚀变作用联系密切,太古宙绿岩带和条带状铁建造、深大断裂、褶皱等因素控制了矿床的分布。在此基础上,总结了绿岩带型金矿的找矿标志,并为在区内找矿提出若干建议。  相似文献   

Petrographic, petrological and geochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of three distinctive basic volcanic suites in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Block, Western Australia. These are termed the high magnesian series basalts (HMSB), the low magnesian series basalts (LMSB) and the siliceous high magnesian series basalts (SHMSB).The HMSB and SHMSB constitute differentiation series which contain both high MgO (9.5–14 wt.%) and low MgO (<9.5 wt.%) members. These suites are commonly characterized by igneous textures indicative of very rapid crystallization suggesting high eruption temperatures. This feature clearly distinguishes those low MgO members of HMSB which contain amphibole pseudomorphs after spherulitic-textured pyroxene from compositionally similar LMSB. The LMSB are generally characterized by an intergranular texture consisting of plagioclase laths and interstitial amphibole pseudomorphs after pyroxene grains. Variolitic-textured basalts are common and appear to be restricted to the SHMSB suite of basic volcanics.The HMSB and LMSB were derived from source mantle regions which were variably depleted in the incompatible elements. Archaean komatiites were derived from similarly depleted source regions and it is argued that the main petrogenetic difference between these three volcanic suites was the degree of partial melting from which they were derived. The depleted nature of the source regions may have been induced by earlier small degree (< 5%) partial melting events with subsequent extraction of a proportion of that melt. Variations in both the degree of such melting, and the proportions of melt removal, could induce considerable heterogeneity of incompatible elements in the Archaean upper mantle.Source mantle regions of the SHMSB were variably enriched in the incompatible elements and water and parental magmas of the SHMSB were derived from moderately hydrous conditions of partial melting.The relative proportions of each basalt suite varies considerably between the layered successions examined. For example, the basic volcanics overlying the komatiites at Kambalda are SHMSB, while the footwall volcanics consist predominantly of HMSB with subordinate LMSB. However, the Norseman succession, where no ultramafic volcanics are known to occur, is comprised mainly of LMSB with a smaller proportion of HMSB.  相似文献   

Abstract The stability of quartz-chloritoid-staurolite-almandine-cordierite and aluminium silicates is used to constrain both metamorphic conditions and pressure-temperature trajectories for two localities within the 2700 Ma Archaean Yilgarn Block in Western Australia. Available experimental data are used to calculate thermodynamic data for a self-consistent set of equilibria between these minerals. A lower amphibolite facies locality from the margin of a lower strain area contains assemblages including quartz-chloritoid-staurolite-garnet-biotite with altered cordierite replacing chloritoid, quartz-staurolite-andalusite, and quartz-cordierite-andalusite-biotite. This locality was heated to 530–560°C in the andalusite field, at 4.2 kbar. A sample from a mid- to upper-amphibolite facies, highly strained locality contains relict staurolite enclosed by andalusite, in turn replaced by cordierite and muscovite with biotite and sillimanite in the matrix. The assemblage was heated isobarically from conditions near the maximum experienced by the lower grade locality of 560°C at 4.2 kbar to temperatures in excess of the andalusite-sillimanite transition but within the quartz plus muscovite stability field (600–650°C). The higher grade locality is close to a granitoid dome and sections based on gravity profiles reveal that this locality is underlain by granitoid at shallow depths. The higher grade metamorphism apparently reflects superposition of the thermal aureole on regional metamorphic conditions similar to those in the lower grade areas.  相似文献   

Two brecciated shear zones (NNW-SSE) are found crosscutting cataclastic rocks. The cataclastic rocks (3.0 km2) occupy the core of the granitic pluton and enclose a roof pendant of mafic-ultramafic rocks. The NNW-SSE-extending lamprophyre dykes vary in thickness from 0.5 m to 1 m and up to 800 m long, cutting the cataclastic rocks and are composed mainly of plagioclases, amphiboles, relics of pyroxenes and K-feldspar phenocrysts embedded in fine-grained groundmass. They are characterized as being peraluminous, calc-alkaline in composition (chemical trap) and enriched in calcite, sulfide and P2O5. The lamprophyres were affected by hydrothermal alteration (chlorite-carbonate alteration) while the cataclastic rocks were affected by diagenetic alteration (K-feldspar-albite alteration). Uranium mineralization is the product of hydrothermal events and has been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), involving primary uranium minerals (U3O8) and secondary uranium minerals (uranophane and beta-uranophane, kasolite, torbernite, autonite and meta-autonite) in addition to U- bearing minerals (astrocyanite, betafite and fergusonite). The presence of different mineral parageneses associated with clay minerals indicates that the lamprophyres were subjected to acidic and alkaline mineralizing solutions. Moreover, the U-Zr/U, U-Ce/U values show negative correlations, confirming U-enrichment in both cataclastic rocks and shear zones while the Th-eU/eTh, Th-Zr/Th and Th-Ce/Th values show negative correlations, indicating that the U-bearing solutions are rich in Th in the cataclastic rocks only.  相似文献   

Field studies in the Eucalyptus area, northeastern Yilgarn Block have shown intrusive and extrusive rocks in an Archaean greenstone sequence to be comagma‐tic, and have suggested the sequence of subsequent granitoid intrusion and gold mineralisation. Andesitic volcanic rocks and related subvolcanic granodiorite porphyry and epiclastic sediments were followed by tholeiitic basalt with gabbro/dolerite sills and dykes, which were in turn succeeded by high‐Mg basalt with associated peridotite intrusions. Large, irregular gabbro and peridotite intrusions, which are inferred to represent subvolcanic magma chambers, occur in lower stratigraphic levels, whereas comformable subvolcanic sills occur in higher stratigraphic levels. Granodiorite plutons were followed by adamellite plutons; at least some gold mineralisation was contemporaneous with granitoid emplacement.  相似文献   

Most Archaean gold ores belong to a coherent genetic group of structurally controlled lode-deposits that are characteristically enriched in Au with variable enrichments in Ag, As, W, Sb, Bi, Te, B and Pb, but rarely Cu or Zn, and are surrounded by wallrock alteration haloes enriched in K, LILE and CO2, with variable Na and/or Ca addition. Evidence from the Yilgarn Block of Western Australia, combined with similar evidence from Canada and elsewhere, indicates that such deposits represent a crustal continuum that formed under a variety of crustal régimes over at least a 15 km crustal profile at PT conditions ranging from 180°C at <1 kb to 700°C at 5 kb. Individual deposits, separated by tens to hundreds of kilometres, collectively show transitional variations in structural style of mineralisation, vein textures, and mineralogy of wallrock alteration that relate to the PT conditions of their formation at varying crustal depths. Specific transitions within the total spectrum may be shown also by deposits within gold camps, although nowhere is the entire continuum of deposits recorded from a single gold camp or even greenstone belt. Recognition of the crustal continuum of deposits implicates the existence of giant late-Archaean hydrothermal systems with a deep source for the primary ore fluid. A number of deep fluid and solute reservoirs are possible, including the basal segments of greenstone belts, deep-level intrusive granitoids, mid-to lower-crustal granitoidgneisses, mantle lithosphere, or even subducted oceanic lithosphere, given the probable convergent-margin setting of the host greenstone terranes. Individual stable and radiogenic isotope ratios of fluid and solute components implicate fluid evolution from, or equilibrium with, a number of these reservoirs, stressing the potential complexity of pathways for fluid advection to depositional sites. Lead and strontium isotope ratios of ore-associated minerals provide the most persuasive evidence for fluid advection through deep-level intrusive granitoids or granitoid-gneiss crust, whereas preliminary oxygen isotope data show that mixing of deeply sourced fluid and surface waters only occurred at the highest crustal levels recorded by the lode gold deposits.  相似文献   

The NNW-trending tectonic grain of the eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) was established as a result of predominantly ENE–WSW directed extension (D1 and D3) and E(ENE)–W(WSW) (D2, D4) to NE–SW directed (D5) contraction. The result has been a succession of NNW-striking temporally discrete fabric elements, which can be difficult to interpret reliably at any single location. Despite this, many past workers interpreted the NNW-striking fabric as the result of only one regional contractional event, and used it as a marker for correlating structural events across the region. In order to unravel the complexity, this paper presents a new sixfold (D1–D6) deformation nomenclature based on >10,000 new mesoscale structural observations, including their kinematic analysis and cross-cutting relationships. These mesoscale data were referenced with regional 3D map patterns, stratigraphic-magmatic-metallogenic considerations, and deep seismic reflection images. This integrated geodynamic-architectural approach is applicable to solving structural-event histories in other polydeformed terrains. Gold mineralisation occurred during the first five events, but was particularly concentrated from D3 onwards. The D3 event marked the most profound change in the tectonic evolution of the EYC, with changes in greenstones, granites and tectonic mode (lithospheric extension and core complexes), with the first significant gold deposited within extensional shear zones that dissect the crust. Later contraction (D4) was imposed at a high angle to the previously established anisotropic architecture. The outcome was the creation of a new dynamic permeability framework, which resulted in gold mineralisation during NNW-striking sinistral strike-slip faulting and associated thrusting. A further stress switch (D5) further modified the architecture resulting in N- to NNE-striking dextral strike-slip faulting, and the final period of gold mineralisation, before late-stage extension (D6).  相似文献   

Summary The Cu–Fe–Au–Mo (W) deposits in southeastern Hubei are an important component of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. Molybdenite from the Fengshandong Cu- (Mo), Ruanjiawan W–Cu- (Mo), Qianjiawan Cu–Au, Tongshankou Cu–Mo and Tonglüshan Cu- (Fe) deposits yielded Re–Os ages of 144.0 ± 2.1 Ma, 143.6 ± 1.7 Ma, 137.7 ± 1.7 Ma, 142.3 ± 1.8–143.7 ± 1.8 Ma and 137.8 ± 1.7–138.1 ± 1.8 Ma, respectively. Phlogopite from the Tieshan Fe- (Cu) deposit yielded an Ar–Ar age of 140.9 ± 1.2 Ma. These data and other published isotopic ages (Re–Os molybdenite and Ar–Ar mica ages) for the Cu–Fe–Au–Mo (W) deposits in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt show that Cu–Fe–Au–Mo (W) mineralisation in the Tongling, Anqing, Jiurui and Edong ore districts developed in a narrow time span between 135.5 and 144.9 Ma, reflecting an important regional metallogenic event. An integrated study of available petrological and geochronological data, together with relationships to magmatism and the regional geodynamic framework, indicate that the Cu–Fe–Au–Mo (W) mineralisation in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River belt occurred during a regime of lithospheric extension. This extension is probably related to Late Mesozoic processes of lower crustal delamination and lithospheric thinning in East China.  相似文献   

World-class mineral systems, such as those found in the Archaean eastern Yilgarn Craton, are the product of enormous energy and mass-flux systems driven by lithospheric-scale processes. These processes can create big footprints or signatures in the lithosphere, which can be observed at a range of scales and via a variety of methods: including geophysics, isotopes, tectonostratigraphy and geochemistry. We use these datasets to describe both the architecture (structure) of world-class gold systems of the Yilgarn Craton and the signatures of their formation. By applying an understanding of the most critical elements of the process, and their signatures, new areas, especially undercover, may be targeted more predictably than before.  相似文献   

The palaeomagnetism of 54 dykes sampled from the many swarms that intrude the Yilgarn Block of Western Australia shows that their directions of magnetization fall into five distinct groups.Preliminary Rb-Sr age determinations made on samples used in the study however, indicate that for one, and possibly two of those groups, the dykes belong to two widely different ages suggesting that the palaeomagnetic field has been sampled at two widely separated points in time but when its direction was essentially the same. The seven groups of directions thus obtained imply that the dykes belong to at least six, possibly seven periods of intrusion. Relative-age information relating to four of those periods, determined from cross-cutting and baked contact studies, agrees with that obtained radiometrically.The poles and ages of the groups are as follows: Group YA dykes (c. 2500 or c. 1700 m.y.) 21.7S 133.7E (A95 = 17.9°) Group YB dykes (750—700 m.y.) 19.9S 282.0E (A95 = 28.1°) Group YC dykes (1500 m.y., Group YB) 79.7N 2.7E (A95 = 13.0°) Group YD dykes (1700 m.y.) 23.5S 46.1E (A95 = 9.9°) Group YE dykes (c. 2500 m.y.) 28.3S 0.4E (A95 = 31.0°) Group YF dykes (c. 1700 m.y.) 24.7N 101.8E (A95 = 14.0°) Ravensthorpe dykes (2500 ± 100 m.y.) 38.3S 136.2E (A95 = 25.5°)Results from eight samples of the 1390 ± 140 m.y. Morawa Lavas of the Billeranga Hills yield a pole at 42.8N 22.4E (A95 = 14.7°).  相似文献   

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