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A 17-benchmark geodetic network in the volcanic area of the Teide Caldera, Canary Islands has been utilised several times since 1982 to detect crustal movements associated with volcanic activity within the network, as well as a procedure for solving configuration problems. The network is located on the mid-western side of the Caldera, where there are two different morphological zones that both have benchmarks. The authors performed a sensitivity test of this geodetic network for volcano monitoring purposes. To do so, we use a deformation model to calculate surface displacement caused by a dike intrusion in a homogenous half space. The depth and location of dike are changed to study the variation of the effects produced (displacements). The size and location of the intruded dike are found to play a major role in determining both the displacement pattern and magnitude. When the dike is close to the surface, there is an inversion of the surface displacement pattern and very large surface displacement at certain benchmarks. Such phenomena can serve as precursors of such dike eruptions. Our study show a clear need to extend the existing geodetic network to cover the full island for volcano monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

Wide-angle refraction and multichannel reflection seismic data show that oceanic crust along the Galápagos Spreading Center (GSC) between 97°W and 91°25′W thickens by 2.3 km as the Galápagos plume is approached from the west. This crustal thickening can account for ∼52% of the 700 m amplitude of the Galápagos swell. After correcting for changes in crustal thickness, the residual mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly associated with the Galápagos swell shows a minimum of −25 mGal near 92°15′W, the area where the GSC is intersected by the Wolf-Darwin volcanic lineament (WDL). The remaining depth and gravity anomalies indicate an eastward reduction of mantle density, estimated to be most prominent above a compensation depth of 50-100 km. Melting calculations assuming adiabatic, passive mantle upwelling predict the observed crustal thickening to arise from a small increase in mantle potential temperature of ∼30°C. The associated thermal expansion and increase in melt depletion reduce mantle densities, but to a degree that is insufficient to explain the geophysical observations. The largest density anomalies appear at the intersection of the GSC and the WDL. Our results therefore require the existence of compositionally buoyant mantle beneath the GSC near the Galápagos plume. Possible origins of this excess buoyancy include melt retained in the mantle as well as mantle depleted by melting in the upwelling plume beneath the Galápagos Islands that is later transported to the GSC. Our estimate for the buoyancy flux of the Galápagos plume (700 kg s−1) is lower than previous estimates, while the total crustal production rate of the Galápagos plume (5.5 m3s−1) is comparable to that of the Icelandic and Hawaiian plumes.  相似文献   

Rabaul Caldera is the most recently active (1937–1943) of four adjoining volcanic centres aligned north-south through the northern extremity of eastern New Britain. Geological mapping after the 1983–1985 Rabaul seismic and deformation crisis has partially revealed a long and complex eruption history dominated by numerous explosive eruptions, the largest accompanied by caldera collapse. The oldest exposed eruptives are the basaltic pre-caldera cone Tovanumbatir Lavas K/Ar dated at 0.5 Ma. The dacitic Rabaul Quarry Lavas exposed in the caldera wall and K/Ar dated at 0.19 Ma, are overlain by a sequence of dacitic and andesitic pyroclastic flow and fall deposits. Uplifted coral reef limestones, interbedded within the pyroclastic sequence on the northeast coast, suggest that explosive eruptions in the Rabaul area had commenced prior to the 0.125 Ma last interglacial high sea level stand. The pyroclastic sequence includes the large Boroi Ignimbrites and Malaguna Pyroclastics both 40Ar/39Ar dated at about 0.1 Ma, and the Barge Tunnel Ignimbrite 40Ar/39Ar dated at around 0.04 Ma. Few reliable ages exist for the many younger eruptives. These include Holocene ignimbrites of the latest caldera-forming eruptions—the Raluan Pyroclastics variously dated (14C) at either about 3500 or 7000 yr B.P., and the ca. 1400 yr B.P. Rabaul Pyroclastics. At least eight intracaldera eruptions have occurred since the 1400 yr B.P. collapse, building small pyroclastic and lava cones within the caldera.A major erosional episode is evident as a widespread unconformity in the upper pyroclastic stratigraphy at Rabaul. Lacking relevant radiometric ages, this episode is assumed to have occurred during last glaciation low sea levels and is here arbitarily dated at ca. ?20 ka. At least five, possibly nine, significant ignimbrite eruptions have occurred at Rabaul during the last ?20 ka. The new eruptive history differs considerably from that previously published, which considered ignimbrite eruption and caldera collapse to have first occurred at 3500 yr B.P.Rabaul volcanism has been dominated by two main types: (a) basaltic and basaltic andesite cone building eruptions; and (b) dacitic, and rarely andesitic or rhyolitic, plinian/ignimbrite eruptions of both high- and low-aspect ratio types. The 1400 yr B.P. Rabaul Ignimbrite is a type example of a low-aspect ratio, high-energy, and potentially very damaging eruption. Fine vitric ash deposits, common in the Rabaul pyroclastic sequence, demonstrate the frequent modification of eruptions by external water probably related to early caldera lakes or bays. Interbedding of these fine ashes with plinian pumice lapilli beds suggests that many early eruptions occurred from multiple vents, located in both wet and dry areas.  相似文献   

One of the largest explosive eruptions in the past several thousand years occurred at Tianchi volcano, also known as Changbaishan, on the China–North Korea border. This historically active polygenetic central volcano consists of three parts: a lower basaltic shield, an upper trachytic composite cone, and young comendite ash flows. The Millennium Eruption occurred between 938 and 946?ad, and was preceded by two smaller and chemically different rhyolitic pumice deposits. There has been at least one additional, small eruption in the last three centuries. From 2002 to 2005, seismicity, deformation, and the helium and hydrogen gas contents of spring waters all increased markedly, causing regional concern. We attribute this event to magma recharge or volatile exhalation or both at depth, followed by two episodes of addition of magmatic fluids into the overlying aquifer without a phreatic eruption. The estimated present magma accumulation rate is too low by itself to account for the 2002–2005 unrest. The most serious volcanic hazards are ash eruption and flows, and lahars. The available geological information and volcano monitoring data provide a baseline for comprehensive assessment of future episodes of unrest and possible eruptive activity.  相似文献   

The volcano-stratigraphic and geochronologic data presented in this work show that the Tenerife central zone has been occupied during the last 3 Ma by shield or central composite volcanoes which reached more than 3000 m in height. The last volcanic system, the presently active Teide-Pico Viejo Complex began to form approximately 150 ka ago. The first Cañadas Edifice (CE) volcanic activity took place between about 3.5 Ma and 2.7 Ma. The CE-I is formed mainly by basalts, trachybasalts and trachytes. The remains of this phase outcrop in the Cañadas Wall (CW) sectors of La Angostura (3.5–3.0 Ma and 3.0–2.7 Ma), Boca de Tauce (3.0 Ma), and in the bottom of some external radial ravines (3.5 Ma). The position of its main emission center was located in the central part of the CC. The volcano could have reached 3000 m in height. This edifice underwent a partial destruction by failure and flank collapse, forming debris-avalanches during the 2.6–2.3 Ma period. The debris-avalanche deposits can be seen in the most distal zones in the N flank of the CE-I (Tigaiga Breccia). A new volcanic phase, whose deposits overlie the remains of CE-I and the former debris-avalanche deposits, constituted a new volcanic edifice, the CE-II. The dyke directions analysis and the morphological reconstruction suggest that the CE-II center was situated somewhat westward of the CE-I, reaching some 3200 m in height. The CE-II formations are well exposed on the CW, especially at the El Cedro (2.3–2.00 Ma) sector. They are also frequent in the S flank of the edifice (2.25–1.89 Ma) in Tejina (2.5–1.87 Ma) as well as in the Tigaiga massif to the N (2.23 Ma). During the last periods of activity of CE-II, important explosive eruptions took place forming ignimbrites, pyroclastic flows, and fall deposits of trachytic composition. Their ages vary between 1.5 and 1.6 Ma (Adeje ignimbrites, to the W). In the CW, the Upper Ucanca phonolitic Unit (1.4 Ma) could be the last main episode of the CE-II. Afterwards, the Cañadas III phase began. It is well represented in the CW sectors of Tigaiga (1.1 Ma–0.27 Ma), Las Pilas (1.03 Ma–0.78 Ma), Diego Hernández (0.54 Ma–0.17 Ma) and Guajara (1.1 Ma–0.7 Ma). The materials of this edifice are also found in the SE flank. These materials are trachybasaltic lava-flows and abundant phonolitic lava and pyroclastic flows (0.6 Ma–0.5 Ma) associated with abundant plinian falls. The CE-III was essentially built between 0.9 and 0.2 Ma, a period when the volcanic activity was also intense in the ‘Dorsal Edifice' situated in the easterly wing of Tenerife. The so called ‘valleys' of La Orotava and Güimar, transversals to the ridge axis, also formed during this period. In the central part of Tenerife, the CE-III completed its evolution with an explosive deposit resting on the top of the CE, for which ages from 0.173 to 0.13 Ma have been obtained. The CC age must be younger due to the fact that the present caldera scarp cuts these deposits. On the controversial origin of the CC (central vertical collapse vs. repeated flank failure and lateral collapse of mature volcanic edifices), the data discussed in this paper favor the second hypothesis. Clearly several debris-avalanche type events exist in the history of the volcano but most of the deposits are now under the sea. The caldera wall should represent the proximal scarps of the large slides whose intermediate scarps are covered by the more recent Teide-Pico Viejo volcanoes.  相似文献   

Quilotoa volcano, an example of young dacitic volcanism in a lake-filled caldera, is found at the southwest end of the Ecuador's volcanic front. It has had a long series of powerful plinian eruptions of moderate to large size (VEI = 4–6), at repetitive intervals of roughly 10–15 thousand years. At least eight eruptive cycles (labeled Q-I to Q-VIII with increasing age) over the past 200 ka are recognized, often beginning with a phreatomagmatic onset and followed by a pumice-rich lapilli fall, and then a sequence of pumice, crystal, and lithic-rich deposits belonging to surges and ash flows. These unwelded pyroclastic flows left veneers on hillsides as well as very thick accumulations in the surrounding valleys, the farthest ash flow having traveled about 17 km down the Toachi valley. The bulk volumes of the youngest flow deposits are on the order of 5 km3, but that of Q-I's 800 yr BP ash-fall unit is about 18 km3. In the last two eruption cycles water has had a more important role.  相似文献   

The eruptive history of Kuju volcano on Kyushu, Japan, during the past 15,000 years has been determined by tephrochronology and 14C dating. Kuju volcano comprises isolated lava domes and cones of hornblende andesite together with aprons of pyroclastic-flow deposits on its flanks. Kuju volcano produced tephras at roughly 1000-yr intervals during the past 5000 years and 70% of the domes and cones have formed during the past 15,000 years. The youngest magmatic activity of Kuju volcano was the 1.6 km3 andesite eruption about 1600 years ago which emplaced a lava dome and block-and-ash flow. Kuju volcano shows a nearly constant long-term eruption rate (0.7–0.4 km3 for 1000 years) during the past 15,000 years. This rate is within the range of estimated average eruption rates of late Quaternary volcanoes in the Japanese Arc, but is about one order of magnitude higher than the eruption rate of Unzen volcano. Kuju volcano has been in phreatic eruption since October 1995. The late Quaternary history of Kuju indicates that it poses a significant volcanic hazard, primarily due to block-and-ash flows from collapsing lava domes.  相似文献   

The 1991 Pinatubo eruption left 5–6 km3 of debris on the volcano slopes, much of which has been mobilized into large lahars in the following rainy seasons. Also during the eruption, collapse, localized in part along preexisting faults, left a caldera 2.5 km in diameter that almost immediately began to accumulate a 1.6 × 108 m3 lake. By 2001, the water had risen to the fault-controlled Maraunot Notch, the lowest, northwestern portion of the caldera rim comprising the physiographic sill of the Caldera Lake. That year, a narrow artificial canal dug into an old volcanic breccia underlying the outlet channel failed to induce a deliberate lake breakout, but discharge from heavy rains in July 2002 rapidly deepened the notch by 23 m, releasing an estimated 6.5 × 107 m3 of lake water that bulked up into lahars with a volume well in excess of 1.6 × 108 m3. Lakes in other volcanoes have experienced multiple breakouts, providing practical motivation for this study. Fieldwork and high-resolution digital elevation models reveal andesites and ancient lacustrine deposits, strongly fractured and deformed along a segment of the Maraunot Fault, a prominent, steeply dipping, left-lateral fault zone that trends N35°–40°W within and parallel to the notch. Seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active. The fault zone appears to have previously been the erosional locus for a large channel, filled with avalanche or landslide deposits of an earlier eruption that were exhumed by the 2002 breakout floods. The deformed lacustrine sediments, with an uncalibrated 14C age of 14,760 ± 40 year BP from a single charcoal sample, attest to the existence of an earlier lake, possibly within the Tayawan Caldera, rim remnants of which survive as arcuate escarpments. That lake may well have experienced one or more ancient breakouts as well. The 2002 event greatly reduced the possibility of another such event by scouring away the erodible breccia, leaving less erodible fractured andesites and lacustrine rocks, and by enlarging the outlet channel and its discharge capacity. Several lines of evidence indicate, however, that future lahar-generating lake breakouts at the notch may keep populations of Botolan municipality downstream at risk: (1) a volume of 9.5 × 107 m3 of lake water remains perched 0.8 km above sea level; (2) seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active and movements of sufficient magnitude could enlarge the outlet and the discharge through it; (3) more likely, however, with or without earthquake activity, landslides from the steep to overhanging channel walls could block the channel again, and a major rainstorm could then cause a rise in lake level and sudden breakouts; (4) intrusion of a new dome into the bottom of the lake, possibly accompanied by phreatic explosions, could expel large volumes of lahar-generating water.  相似文献   

The caldera of Santorini is a composite structure with a subsidence history extending over 100 ka or more. Geomorphological mapping shows that the present-day caldera wall is a complex assemblage of cliff surfaces of different ages, and that collapse at Santorini has repeatedly exhumed earlier caldera cliffs and unconformities. Cliffs bounding the southern, southeastern and northwestern rims of the caldera are morphologically fresh and probably formed during or soon after the Minoan eruption in the late Bronze Age. The well-scalloped shape of these cliffs is attributed to large-scale rotational landslip around the margins of the Minoan caldera. The deposit from one landslip is preserved subaerially. Minoan landslips in southeast santorini detached along the basement unconformity, exposing a cliff of the prevolcanic island. The caldera wall in the north, northeast and east preserves evidence for three generations of cliff: those of Minoan age and two earlier generations of caldera wall. The two early calderas can be dated relative to a well-established statigraphy of lavas and tuffs. The presence of in situ Minoan tephra plastered onto the present-day caldera wall provides evidence that these ancient caldera cliffs had already been exhumed prior to the Minoan eruption. Field relationships permit reconstruction of the physiography of Bronze-Age Santorini immediately before the Minoan eruption. The reconstruction differs from some previously published versions and is believed to be the most accurate to date. Bronze-Age Sa ntorini had a large flooded caldera formed 21 ka ago. This caldera must have acted as an excellent harbour for the Bronze-Age inhabitants of the island. The 3.6 ka Minoan eruption deepened and widened the extant caldera. The volume of Minoan collapse (25 km3) is in good agreement with published estimates for the volume of discharged magma if between 5 and 8 km3 of Minoan ignimbrite ponded as intracaldera tuff.  相似文献   

Emuruangogolak is a Quaternary basalitrachyte volcano situated in the Suguta graben of the northern Kenva rift, and probably erupted last early in this century. Following the construction of an early trachytic shield volcano, two episodes of caldera collapse occurred. each preceded by explosive pvroclastic activity. Post-calelera volcanism consisted of alternating phases of basalt and trachyte eruption. The basic lavas are high-Ti ferrobasalts of a mildly alkaline ‘transitional’ composition and the trachytes are peralkaline and oversaturated. A distinct compositional bimodality exists and no rocks in the range 49–59°. SiO, have been found. Major and trace element analyses suggest that the trachytes are genetically related to the basalts. Associations of almost identical lavas occur in Ethiopia. Pantelleria and the Azores but with the presence of intermediate terms Fractional crystallization is the mechanism currently preferred to account for the origin of the trachytes. The ‘Daly gap’ may be a consequence of a crystallization process which limits the volume of intermediate magma available at any time. In addition, the physical properties and spatial distribution of the different magmas probably discriminate against the cruption of lavas of intermediate composition.  相似文献   

We analyze data from three seismic antennas deployed in Las Cañadas caldera (Tenerife) during May–July 2004. The period selected for the analysis (May 12–31, 2004) constitutes one of the most active seismic episodes reported in the area, except for the precursory seismicity accompanying historical eruptions. Most seismic signals recorded by the antennas were volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes. They usually exhibited low magnitudes, although some of them were large enough to be felt at nearby villages. A few long-period (LP) events, generally associated with the presence of volcanic fluids in the medium, were also detected. Furthermore, we detected the appearance of a continuous tremor that started on May 18 and lasted for several weeks, at least until the end of the recording period. It is the first time that volcanic tremor has been reported at Teide volcano. This tremor was a small-amplitude, narrow-band signal with central frequency in the range 1–6 Hz. It was detected at the three antennas located in Las Cañadas caldera. We applied the zero-lag cross-correlation (ZLCC) method to estimate the propagation parameters (back-azimuth and apparent slowness) of the recorded signals. For VT earthquakes, we also determined the S–P times and source locations. Our results indicate that at the beginning of the analyzed period most earthquakes clustered in a deep volume below the northwest flank of Teide volcano. The similarity of the propagation parameters obtained for LP events and these early VT earthquakes suggests that LP events might also originate within the source volume of the VT cluster. During the last two weeks of May, VT earthquakes were generally shallower, and spread all over Las Cañadas caldera. Finally, the analysis of the tremor wavefield points to the presence of multiple, low-energy sources acting simultaneously. We propose a model to explain the pattern of seismicity observed at Teide volcano. The process started in early April with a deep magma injection under the northwest flank of Teide volcano, related to a basaltic magma chamber inferred by geological and geophysical studies. The stress changes associated with the injection produced the deep VT cluster. In turn, the occurrence of earthquakes permitted an enhanced supply of fresh magmatic gases toward the surface. This gas flow induced the generation of LP events. The gases permeated the volcanic edifice, producing lubrication of pre-existing fractures and thus favoring the occurrence of VT earthquakes. On May 18, the flow front reached the shallow aquifer located under Las Cañadas caldera. The induced instability constituted the driving mechanism of the observed tremor.  相似文献   

El Chichón volcano consists of a 2-km wide Somma crater compound cone 0.2 Ma old with peripheral domes with a central crater reactivated several times during the Holocene. The most recent eruption at El Chichón occurred from March 28 to April 4, 1982, resulting in the worst volcanic disaster during historical times in Mexico, killing more than 2000 people and destroying nine towns and small communities. The volcanic hazard map of El Chichón is based on detailed field work that documented twelve eruptions during the last 8000 years, and computer simulations. To validate the results, computer simulations were first performed over pre-1982 topography mimicking the extent of the actual deposits produced and afterwards run over post-1982 topography. These eruptions have produced pyroclastic fall, surge, flow and lahar deposits. Pyroclastic flows have different volumes and Heim coefficients varying from 0.2 (pumice flows), to 0.15 (block-and-ash flows) and 0.10 (ash flows). Simulations using FLOW3D and TITAN2D indicate that pumice flows and block-and-ash flows can fill the moat area and follow main ravines up to distances of ca. 3 km from the crater, with no effect on populations around the volcano. On the other hand, more mobile ash flows related to column-collapse events can reach up to 4 km from the vent, but will always follow the same paths and still not affect surrounding populations. The energy-cone model was used to simulate the outflow of pyroclastic surges based on the 1982 event (H/L = 0.1 and 0.2), and shows that surges may reach some towns around the volcano.  相似文献   

The Las Cañadas caldera of Tenerife (LCC) is a well exposed caldera depression filled with pyroclastic deposits and lava flows from the active Teide–Pico Viejo complex (TPVC). The caldera's origin is controversial as both the formation by huge lateral flank collapse(s) and multiple vertical collapses have been proposed. Although vertical collapses may have facilitated lateral slope failures and thus jointly contribute to the exposed morphology, their joint contribution has not been clearly demonstrated. Using results from 185 audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) soundings carried out between 2004 and 2006 inside the LCC, our study provides consistent geophysical constraints in favour of multiple vertical caldera collapse. One-dimensional modelling reveals a conductive layer at shallow depth (30–1000 m), presumably resulting from hydrothermal alteration and weathering, underlying the infilling resistive top layer. We present the resistivity distribution of both layers (resistivity images), the topography of the conductive layer across the LCC, as well as a cross-section in order to highlight the caldera's evolution, including the distribution of earlier volcanic edifices. The AMT phase anisotropy reveals the structural and radial characteristics of the LCC.  相似文献   

This paper is a study of variations in the behavior and physico-chemical characteristics of solutions in the geyser that formed in 2008 in the place of a pulsating spring in Uzon Caldera. We describe the features of this geyser??s activity in 2009 and 2010. Overheating of water is for the first time described, rising to reach100.13°C at the mouth of a geyser during an eruption. We discuss the compositions of the solutions and free gases in the geyser, the possible source depths of the solutions, and the causes of geyser generation.  相似文献   

Pargasite commonly occurs in the dacitic groundmass of the 1991–1995 eruption products of Unzen volcano. We described the occurrence and chemical compositions of amphibole in the dacite, and also carried out melting experiments to determine the low-pressure stability limit of amphibole in the dacite. The 1991–1995 ejecta of the Unzen volcano show petrographic evidence of magma mixing, such as reverse compositional zoning of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts, and we used a groundmass separate as a starting material for the experiments. Reversed experiments show that the maximum temperature for the crystallization of amphibole is 930°C at 196 MPa, 900°C at 98 MPa, and 820°C at 49 MPa. Compared with the experimental results on the Mount St. Helens dacite, present experiments on the Unzen dacitic groundmass show that amphibole is stable to pressures ca. 50 MPa lower at 850°C. Available Fe–Ti oxide thermometry indicates the crystallization temperature of the groundmass of the Unzen dacite to be 880±30°C, suggesting that the groundmass pargasite crystallized at >70 MPa, corresponding to a depth of more than 3 km in the conduit. The chlorine content of the groundmass pargasite is much lower than that of phenocrystic magnesiohornblende in the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano, indicating that vesiculation/degassing of magma took place before the crystallization of the groundmass pargasite. The present study shows that the magma was water oversaturated and that the degassing of magma along with magma mixing caused crystallization of the groundmass amphibole at depths of more than 3 km in the conduit.  相似文献   

Cellular Automata provide an alternative approach to standard numerical methods for modelling some complex natural systems, the behaviour of which can be described in terms of local interactions of their constituent parts. SCIARA is a 2-D Cellular Automata model which simulates lava flows. It was tested on, validated by, and improved on several Etnean lava events such as the 1986–1987 eruption and the first and last phase of the 1991–1993 event. With respect to forecasting the surface covered by the lava flows, the best results were acceptable. The model has been used to determine hazard zones in the inhabited areas of Nicolosi, Pedara, S. Alfio and Zafferana (Sicily, Italy). The main goal of the current work in the Etnean area from Nicolosi to Catania has been the verification of the volcanic hazard effects of an eruptive crisis similar to the event that occurred in 1669. The simulation uses the volcanic data of the 1669 eruption with present-day morphology. Catania has been affected by some historical Etnean events, the most famous one being the 1669 eruption, involving 1 km3 of lava erupted over the course of 120 days. The simulation of ephemeral vents and the use of different histories within the experiments have been crucial in the determination of a new hazard area for Catania. In fact, during the simulation the city was never affected without the introduction of ephemeral vents, proving the fact that lava tubes played a fundamental role in the 1669 Catania lava crisis.  相似文献   

Numerous geophysical investigations in the western part of onshore Denmark constitute the basis for a delineation of buried Quaternary valleys. The geophysical methods comprise primarily Transient ElectroMagnetic (TEM) and reflection seismic surveys, and the geophysical data have been combined with lithological data from boreholes. Buried valleys appear both as single valleys and in dense networks. The internal structure of the valleys is typically complex due to repeated erosional and depositional events. Buried valleys are common geological structures in the region and they influence the distribution of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments greatly. A large number of buried valleys in the region contain important aquifers, whose natural protection varies depending on thickness and character of overlying clay layers. Many of these aquifers are deep-seated and well protected, but because of the prevailing heterogeneity of the valley infill and the erosional incisions created by different valley generations, preferential flow paths for downward transport of contaminated water from shallow aquifers may occur.  相似文献   

Mt. Erebus, a 3,794-meter-high active polygenetic stratovolcano, is composed of voluminous anorthoclase-phyric tephriphonolite and phonolite lavas overlying unknown volumes of poorly exposed, less differentiated lavas. The older basanite to phonotephrite lavas crop out on Fang Ridge, an eroded remnant of a proto-Erebus volcano and at other isolated locations on the flanks of the Mt. Erebus edifice. Anorthoclase feldspars in the phonolitic lavas are large (~10 cm), abundant (~30–40%) and contain numerous melt inclusions. Although excess argon is known to exist within the melt inclusions, rigorous sample preparation was used to remove the majority of the contaminant. Twenty-five sample sites were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method (using 20 anorthoclase, 5 plagioclase and 9 groundmass concentrates) to examine the eruptive history of the volcano. Cape Barne, the oldest site, is 1,311±16 ka and represents the first of three stages of eruptive activity on the Mt. Erebus edifice. It shows a transition from sub-aqueous to sub-aerial volcanism that may mark the initiation of proto-Erebus eruptive activity. It is inferred that a further ~300 ky of basanitic/phonotephritic volcanism built a low, broad platform shield volcano. Cessation of the shield-building phase is marked by eruptions at Fang Ridge at ~1,000 ka. The termination of proto-Erebus eruptive activity is marked by the stratigraphically highest flow at Fang Ridge (758±20 ka). Younger lavas (~550–250 ka) on a modern-Erebus edifice are characterized by phonotephrites, tephriphonolites and trachytes. Plagioclase-phyric phonotephrite from coastal and flank flows yield ages between 531±38 and 368±18 ka. The initiation of anorthoclase tephriphonolite occurred in the southwest sector of the volcano at and around Turks Head (243±10 ka). A short pulse of effusive activity marked by crustal contamination occurred ~160 ka as indicated by at least two trachytic flows (157±6 and 166±10 ka). Most anorthoclase-phyric lavas, characteristic of Mt. Erebus, are less than 250 ka. All Mt. Erebus flows between about 250 and 90 ka are anorthoclase tephriphonolite in composition.Editorial responsibility: J. Donelly-Nolan  相似文献   

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