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东海海域油气资源与选区评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为优化勘探目标的选择,加快东海海域的油气勘探与开发步伐,在油气勘探开发现状和资源潜力分析的基础上,采用油气地质综合研究的方法进行了东海海域的油气勘探战略选区评价。东海油气资源丰富,勘探前景广阔,但不同区域勘探潜力不一,以东海陆架盆地最为重要,冲绳海槽盆地次之。东海陆架盆地的油气勘探以西湖凹陷最具潜力,瓯江凹陷和闽江凹陷次之,其中西湖凹陷的油气勘探以始新统和渐新统为重点层系,瓯江凹陷以古新统为主攻目标,闽江凹陷以中生界为主要勘探层位。冲绳海槽盆地具备油气藏形成的基本地质条件,以陆架前缘坳陷最为有利,以中新统为重点勘探层位。  相似文献   

东海地区重磁场特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重磁方法是地球物理研究中的重要分支,其以位场理论为基础,具有在水平方向上的高分辨率能力并能够提供地壳深部结构的信息,从而对于研究沉积盆地的形成演化过程起着经济有效的作用.文章以东海地区近年的重磁数据为基础,分析了重磁场特征,布格异常值介于-160~460 mGal,在正值背景上发育一些局部的重力低圈闭,布格重力异常的主体走向为NE向,磁力异常值介于-200~+ 500 nT,磁力异常的主体走向为NE向.同时,利用磁异常数据计算了东海的磁性基底界面,磁性基底深度在4~12 km之间变化,各个地区磁性基底深度起伏变化不同,结合前人研究成果,认为东海地区广泛存在中生界地层.  相似文献   

层序地层学在东海陆架盆地的应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从研究方法的角度,总结了近年来对东海陆架盆地层序地层研究的部分成果。(1)确定和完善了瓯江凹陷和西湖凹陷的层序格架。(2)分析了这两个凹陷中主要油气目的层段的体系域发育情况,即在瓯江凹陷中分析了盆地发育初期(T_6~0~T_5~0)两个层序的体系域发育情况,以及T_5~0~T_3~0中海相层序的体系域发育情况;在西湖凹陷中分析了海陆过渡相层序(T_3~1~T_3~0)和陆相层序(T_3~0~T_2~1)的体系域发育情况。(3)总结了体系域与油气之间存在的关系;指出了非构造圈闭可能存在的位置,为进一步的油勘探提供依据。  相似文献   

东海陆坡及邻近槽底天然气水合物成藏条件分析及前景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在西太平洋边缘海中,东海是唯一没有获得天然气水合物样品的边缘海。利用已有的地震资料、海底温度资料等,从沉积物来源、沉积地层厚度、烃源岩条件、沉积速率、海底温度—压力条件等方面对东海水合物成藏条件进行了分析。认为冲绳海槽沉积物源丰富,沉积厚度大,且发育烃源岩地层。冲绳海槽较高的沉积速率主要分布于冲绳海槽槽底沉积中心,以及西部陆坡连接海底峡谷底部的三角洲区域。根据冲绳海槽实测的海底温度数据,整个冲绳海槽地区600m以深的范围都能够满足水合物发育的温度、压力条件。以温度梯度为30℃/km计算,冲绳海槽中水合物稳定域的最大厚度为650m。冲绳海槽盆地中普遍发育的底辟构造、背斜构造等局部构造,以及网格状断裂系统,为烃类气流体的向上及侧向运移创造了有利条件,成为天然气水合物发育的有利区带。根据已经发现的BSR特征来看,东海地区天然气水合物前景广阔。  相似文献   

The Black Sea region comprises Gondwana-derived continental blocks and oceanic subduction complexes accreted to Laurasia. The core of Laurasia is made up of an Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic shield, whereas the Gondwana-derived blocks are characterized by a Neoproterozoic basement. In the early Palaeozoic, a Pontide terrane collided and amalgamated to the core of Laurasia, as part of the Avalonia–Laurasia collision. From the Silurian to Carboniferous, the southern margin of Laurasia was a passive margin. In the late Carboniferous, a magmatic arc, represented by part of the Pontides and the Caucasus, collided with this passive margin with the Carboniferous eclogites marking the zone of collision. This Variscan orogeny was followed by uplift and erosion during the Permian and subsequently by Early Triassic rifting. Northward subduction under Laurussia during the Late Triassic resulted in the accretion of an oceanic plateau, whose remnants are preserved in the Pontides and include Upper Triassic eclogites. The Cimmeride orogeny ended in the Early Jurassic, and in the Middle Jurassic the subduction jumped south of the accreted complexes, and a magmatic arc was established along the southern margin of Laurasia. There is little evidence for subduction during the latest Jurassic–Early Cretaceous in the eastern part of the Black Sea region, which was an area of carbonate sedimentation. In contrast, in the Balkans there was continental collision during this period. Subduction erosion in the Early Cretaceous removed a large crustal slice south of the Jurassic magmatic arc. Subduction in the second half of the Early Cretaceous is evidenced by eclogites and blueschists in the Central Pontides and by a now buried magmatic arc. A continuous extensional arc was established only in the Late Cretaceous, coeval with the opening of the Black Sea as a back-arc basin.  相似文献   

东海与黑潮海水中宇宙射线成因核素10Be的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨永亮 《地球化学》2001,30(4):305-314
讨论了中日东海MASFLEX合作计划中调查的东海及冲绳海槽海水中溶解态10Be浓度水平及垂直剖面的结果,在这个海区,影响10Be浓度的因素主要有生物生产力,悬浮颗粒物的再溶解,以及长江水与黑潮水的混合程度。在样品采集期间(夏季和秋季),东海水柱呈分层状态,通常10Be的垂直剖面可以分成三层,即表面混合层,10Be释放层和底层,表层水10Be的浓度众长江口到黑潮逐渐增大,在黑潮的边缘则剧烈增大,10Be的垂直分布表明,在夏季10Be富集在长江口附近和大陆架中部的底层水中,这两个富集海区是分开的,很可能是由大陆沿岸水所隔开,在秋季,10Be在底层水中的富集仅仅出现在东海大陆架的西部,这个现象是和受季风影响的东海海流的变化相一致的,黑潮分支在台湾东北外海向东海南部侵入对10Be的影响要比黑潮主干流本身更加重要显著,由箱式模型所得到的10Be质量平衡计算结果表明,来自黑潮的10Be输入要比长江及大气沉降的输入更为重要,输入东海的10Be大约81%进入到沉积物中,而19%的10Be则通过海流和水交换流出东海,在东海的10Be沉积通量是10Be全球平均大气生产率的5倍左右,因而东海是10Be的一个重要汇集地。  相似文献   

南海东北陆坡断裂特征及其对盆地演化的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海东北陆坡断裂发育,主要有北东、北西、近南北和近东西向的4组断裂,按性质分则有张性、压性和走滑等。主干基底断裂有F1、F2、F3、F4、F5、F6、F7、F8、F9、F10等,这些断裂规模较大并决定了珠江口盆地白云凹陷、尖峰北盆地、笔架盆地和台西南盆地发育和演化。受主干断裂的控制,尖峰北盆地经历了断陷、坳陷、区域沉降3期演化,发育两套构造层;而笔架盆地则经历了渐新世断陷、渐新世末—中中新世坳陷和晚中新世—全新世构造反转3期演化,发育两套构造层。  相似文献   

梁光河 《地学前缘》2020,27(1):244-259
日本列岛是位于欧亚东缘和西太平洋过渡带上的大陆板块,其来源和成因机制得到了广泛研究,传统上认为其成因是由太平洋俯冲形成的沟弧盆体系的一部分,但仍存在诸多争议。基于地形地貌、地震勘探剖面和盆地构造演化史恢复、古地磁测量和古生物等诸多证据,将南海北部的珠江口盆地、台西南盆地和东海盆地及冲绳海槽的构造迁移进行统一的系统分析,研究结果表明日本大陆板块在新生代由两个区域分别漂移而来。北海道来自赤道附近,而本州、四国和九州来自华南大陆边缘。其成因动力机制与欧亚板块从北大西洋的裂解东漂和印度与欧亚碰撞密切相关,在这个过程中,位于欧亚板块东缘的日本三岛首先发生了裂解,之后发生了漂移。新的大陆漂移模型合理地解释了沟弧盆体系的形成机制和过程,说明了弧状岛弧的成因机制,也给出了所形成的盆地内油气富集的规律。本研究为大陆漂移模式提供了一个新的动力机制。  相似文献   

钓鱼岛隆褶带位于东海陆架东部,是分隔东海盆地东部坳陷带和冲绳海槽盆地的构造单元.结合东海周缘地质分析,认识到钓鱼岛隆褶带曾经是东海陆架外缘隆起的一部分.该隆起形成于白垩纪,基底为元古宙变质岩,其上还存有晚古生代—中生代残余地层,中新世分解为钓鱼岛隆褶带和琉球隆起两部分,具有“早成型晚改造”的特点.基于这一认识,认为西湖...  相似文献   

The East China Sea basins, located in the West Pacific Continental Margin (WPCM) since the late Mesozoic, mainly include the East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB) and the Okinawa Trough (OT). The WPCM and its adjacent seas can be tectonically divided into five units from west to east, including the Min‐Zhe Uplift, ECSSB, the Taiwan–Sinzi Belt, OT, and the Ryukyu Island Arc, which record regional tectonic evolution and geodynamics. Among those tectonic units, the ECSSB and the OT are important composite sedimentary pull‐apart basins, which experienced two stages of strike‐slip pull‐apart processes. In seismic profiles, the ECSSB and the OT show a double‐layer architecture with an upper half‐graben overlapping on a lower graben. In planar view, the ECSSB and the OT are characterized by faulted blocks from south to north in the early Cenozoic and by a zonation from west to east in the late Cenozoic. The faulted blocks with planar zonation and two‐layer vertical architecture entirely jumped eastward from the Min‐Zhe Uplift to the OT during the late Cenozoic. In addition, the whole palaeogeomorphology of the ECSSB changed notably, from pre‐Cenozoic highland or mountain into a Late Eocene continental margin with east‐tilting topography caused by the eastward tectonic jumping. The OT opened to develop into a back‐arc basin until the Miocene. Synthetic surface geological studies in the China mainland reveal that the Mesozoic tectonic setting of the WPCM is an Andean‐type continental margin developing many sinistral strike‐slip faults and pull‐apart basins and the Cenozoic tectonic setting of the WPCM is a Japanese‐type continental margin developing dextral strike‐slip faults and pull‐apart basins. Thus, the WPCM underwent a transition from Andean‐type to Japanese‐type continental margins at about 80 Ma (Late Cretaceous) and a transition in topography from a Mesozoic highland to a Cenozoic lowland, and then to below sea‐level basins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

东海盆地中、新生代盆架结构与构造演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于地貌、钻井、岩石测年和地震等资料,分析盆地地层分布、盆架结构、构造单元划分和裂陷迁移规律,结果表明东海盆地由台北坳陷、舟山隆起、浙东坳陷、钓鱼岛隆褶带和冲绳坳陷构成,是以新生代沉积为主、中生代沉积为辅的大型中、新生代叠合含油气盆地;古元古代变质岩系构成了盆地的基底。该盆地不仅是印度-太平洋前后相继的动力体系作用下形成的西太平洋沟-弧-盆构造体系域一部分,而且也是古亚洲洋动力体系作用下形成的古亚洲洋构造域和特提斯洋动力体系作用下形成的特提斯洋构造域一部分,晚侏罗世至早白垩世经历了构造体制转换,盆地格局发生重大变革,早白垩世以前主要受古亚洲-特提斯洋构造体制影响的强烈挤压造山和地壳增厚作用演变为早白垩世以来主要受太平洋构造体制控制的陆缘伸展裂陷和岩石圈减薄作用,经历侏罗纪古亚洲-特提斯构造体制大陆边缘拗陷和白垩纪以来太平洋构造体制弧后裂陷两大演化阶段。白垩纪以来太平洋构造体制的弧后裂陷演化阶段可细分为早白垩世至始新世裂陷期、渐新世至晚中新世拗陷期和中新世末至全新世裂陷期。  相似文献   

The timing of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate (PPP) subduction in East Asia, following the amalgamation of the North and South China Blocks (NCB and SCB), remains equivocal despite several investigations on the widespread subduction-related Mesozoic magmatism in this region. Here we report newly discovered granodiorites in the East China Sea Basin (ECSB) from deep boreholes (2945–2983 m), which yield SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 174 ± 1.1 Ma. The rock shows relatively high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, low contents of Ni, Cr, and MgO, and markedly negative values of εHf(t) (21.0 to ?27.0). These geochemical and isotopic features are similar to those of the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites produced by the partial melting of the thickened lower continental crust. Our data, together with the ca. 190–180 Ma I-type granites reported from the eastern Zhejiang–Fujian and Taiwan areas, lead us to conclude that the continental crust in the coastal areas of South China underwent some degree of thickening during the Early Jurassic. A comparison with the coeval magmatic rocks in South Korea and Japan suggests that a large NE-trending continental arc (ca. 190–170 Ma) might have been constructed along the eastern margin of Asia at this time. Our study provides insights into the initiation of the Palaeo-Pacific tectono-magmatic cycle immediately following the consolidation of the SCB and NCB.  相似文献   

应用岩石物性、铸体薄片及压汞分析等资料,结合毛管压力曲线形态等特征参数,分析研究了东海西湖凹陷平北区带平湖组储层孔隙结构特征,进行了储层分类和评价,并以渗透率为主线,进行储层非均质性研究。  相似文献   

采用同位素稀释ICP-MS测定法,对中国东海陆架及日本冲绳海槽的6个沉积物芯中U和Th的同位素地球化学行为进行了研究,以了解氧化还原敏感元素U在近海次氧化性沉积物中的蓄积行为,并评价其在全球海洋铀平衡中的意义。东海沉积物芯中,238U浓度及238U/232Th比值随深度变化不明显。但是在冲绳海槽沉积物芯中,238U浓度及238U/232Th比值在沉积芯表层氧化带显示较低值,然后在次氧化层随深度增加而增加。230Th和232Th浓度在所有沉积物芯中基本不随深度变化。这些结果说明,冲绳沉积物中有“自生铀”的蓄积过程发生,蓄积速率约为(47±5)~(90±8)ng/(cm2·a),与文献报道的世界其他海域次氧化性沉积区大致相当。进一步证明了U在近海次氧化性沉积区的蓄积对于全球海洋铀平衡有重要意义。“自生铀”的主要蓄积机制是海水U(Ⅵ)向沉积物迁移,在还原条件下被还原为惰性的U(Ⅳ)并被吸附在沉积物固体相上。  相似文献   

北太平洋及东亚地区在始新世左右发生了一系列重大地质事件:日本海发生开裂;日本西南和中国板块北部发生顺时针旋转(>20°);NNW向运动的太平洋板块突然改变方向开始NWW向运动;郯庐断裂带由强烈断陷造成快速冷却事件;渤海湾盆地出现地幔热异常开始形成裂谷系;阿尔金断裂开始脉冲式走滑;贝加尔湖裂谷开始形成。这些重大地质事件的发生都与日本海陨击事件相关。  相似文献   

基于“1:100万海洋区域地质调查”项目在东海北部实测的高分辨率浅地层剖面资料,对东海北部外陆架及邻区主要灾害地质体的内部反射结构、外部形态等地震反射特征进行了总结,识别出了高角度活动断层、海底火山、岩浆底辟、海底滑坡、埋藏古河道、埋藏古三角洲、古潮流沙脊等多种灾害地质体类型,并对这些海洋灾害地质体的分布、成因以及各种灾害地质体对海上油气勘探及海洋工程建设的影响等多个方面进行深入的探讨。这些灾害地质体的识别可以很好的为该区的海上生产活动及工程建设提供减灾防灾参考。  相似文献   

本文通过对中国东部海域地质地球物理资料进行综合分析,特别是近十年来海洋区域地质调查最新采集的地球物理资料,梳理了研究区基础地质特征,探讨了陆区大地构造单元在海区的延伸。研究表明:渤海和北黄海为典型的华北型基底并发育华北型沉积盖层;南黄海为典型的扬子型基底并发育扬子型沉积盖层;东海陆架为华夏型基底,东部很可能发育晚古生代沉积盖层,其上叠置了晚三叠世以来沉积盖层。下扬子地块西侧通过左旋走滑的郯庐断裂带,东侧通过右旋走滑的朝鲜西缘断裂带揳入华北地块中,朝鲜西缘断裂带兼具走滑和俯冲带性质。整个朝鲜半岛无论从变质基底和沉积盖层来看都类似于华北地块。扬子地块在北侧和东侧都发育“鳄鱼嘴”式构造,扬子地块的下地壳向北、向东俯冲于华北地块之下,而上地壳则仰冲于华北地块之上。江绍结合带表现为宽50~70 km的NE向高磁异常条带,进入杭州湾后走向转为近EW向,经舟山群岛、大衢山岛及附近岛屿,过东海陆架虎皮礁凸起向东进入日本九州岛。虎皮礁凸起的岩石很可能类似于大衢山岛,为一套俯冲增生杂岩。  相似文献   

钻探、包裹体分析及地球化学探测表明,南黄海盆地深部海相中—古生界存在油气充注过程,具备较好的油气资源潜力。基于南黄海盆地最新的地震资料解释成果和邻区下扬子陆域最新的钻井资料的充分认识,通过对南黄海中—古生代海相盆地的构造区划、下古生界成藏要素及油气成藏组合的系统分析,阐述了下古生界油气地质条件与勘探前景。研究结果表明:①南黄海盆地是受多期构造运动叠加改造形成的残留盆地,下古生界构造形变作用较弱,地层保存较完整,盆地中部崂山断隆带的高石稳定带构成了下古生界构造相对稳定带;②下古生界油气地质条件较优越,下寒武统烃源岩厚度较大且有机质含量较高,以Ⅰ型干酪根为主,中寒武统—奥陶系多发育交代白云岩和颗粒灰岩,可作为较好的储集层,上奥陶统—下志留统厚层泥质岩广泛发育,具备较好的封盖能力,可作为一套区域性盖层;③下古生界生储盖组合配置良好,相对稳定的高石稳定带发育多个大型构造圈闭且存在油气充注,构造圈闭与油气形成时空匹配较好,后期构造破坏较弱,油气保存条件较好,可作为南黄海盆地深部海相油气勘探的有利区带。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(4):541-552
The intersection of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) and the Central Basin Rift (CBR) of the West Philippine Basin (WPB) is a relic of a trench-trench-rift (TTR) type triple-junction, which preserves some pivotal information on the cessation of the seafloor spreading of the WPB, the emplacement and disintegration of the proto-Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc, and the transition from initial rifting to steady-state spreading of the Parece Vela Basin (PVB). However, the structural characteristics of this triple-junction have not been thoroughly understood. In this paper, using the newly acquired multi-beam bathymetric, gravity, and magnetic data obtained by the Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey, the authors depict the topographic, gravity, and magnetic characteristics of the triple-junction and adjacent region. Calculations including the upward continuations and total horizontal derivatives of gravity anomaly are also performed to highlight the major structural features and discontinuities. Based on these works, the morphological and structural features and their formation mechanisms are analyzed. The results show that the last episode amagmatic extension along the CBR led to the formation of a deep rift valley, which extends eastward and incised the KPR. The morphological and structural fabrics of the KPR near and to the south of the triple-junction are consistent with those of the western PVB, manifesting as a series of NNE-SSW- and N-S-trending ridges and troughs, which were produced by the extensional faults associated with the initial rifting of the PVB. The superposition of the above two reasons induced the prominent discontinuity of the KPR in deep and shallow crustal structures between 15°N–15°30′N and 13°30′N–14°N. Combined with previous authors’ results, we propose that the stress produced by the early spreading of the PVB transmitted westward and promoted the final stage amagmatic extension of the CBR. The eastward propagation of the CBR destroyed the KPR, of which the magmatism had decayed or ceased at that time. The destruction mechanism of the KPR associated with the rifting of the PVB varies along strike the KPR. Adjacent to the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed mainly due to the oblique intersection of the PVB rifting center. Whereas south of the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed by the E-W-directional extensional faulting on its whole width.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

断裂体系发育特征是礼乐盆地新生代构造演化的重要表现形式。运用研究区丰富的二维地震资料,在详细刻画主干断裂和次级断裂的几何学特征基础上,厘定了断裂体系各时期的活动规律,明确了断裂体系演化的时空差异性:古新世-早渐新世断裂体系以NNE向和NEE向主干断裂为主,早期整体断裂活动速率低且NNE向断裂占主导,后期NNE和NEE向断裂活动均大幅增强;晚渐新世-早中新世断裂体系表现为NNE和NEE向主干断裂继承性活动、NW向主干断裂和NEE-近EW向次级断裂形成;中中新世以来断裂体系活动微弱、消亡。响应于太平洋板块、欧亚板块和印澳板块交汇碰撞、古南海消亡以及新南海扩张的区域地质背景,礼乐盆地的新生代演化过程可分为陆缘裂陷(包括陆缘初始裂陷和陆缘强烈裂陷)、漂移裂陷及前陆拗陷三个阶段;古新世至早中新世拉张应力场由NWWSEE到SN向的顺时针转变和中中新世以来拗陷背景下来自东、南侧的挤压控制了礼乐盆地断裂体系的发育与演化。  相似文献   

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