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Amphibolite facies mafic rocks that consist mainly of hornblende, plagioclase and quartz may also contain combinations of chlorite, garnet, epidote, and, more unusually, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite, cordierite and orthoamphiboles. Such assemblages can provide tighter constraints on the pressure and temperature evolution of metamorphic terranes than is usually possible from metabasites. Because of the high variance of most of the assemblages, the phase relationships in amphibolites depend on rock composition, in addition to pressure, temperature and fluid composition. The mineral equilibria in the Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCFMASH) model system demonstrate that aluminium content is critical in controlling the occurrence of assemblages involving hornblende with aluminous minerals such as sillimanite, kyanite, staurolite and cordierite. Except in aluminous compositions, these assemblages are restricted to higher pressures. The iron to magnesium ratio (XFe), and to a lesser extent, sodium to calcium ratio, have important roles in determining which (if any) of the aluminous minerals occur under particular pressure–temperature conditions. Where aluminous minerals occur in amphibolites, the P–T–X dependence of their phase relationships is remarkably similar to that in metapelitic rocks. The mineral assemblages of Fe‐rich amphibolites are typically dominated by garnet‐ and staurolite‐bearing assemblages, whereas their more Mg‐rich counterparts contain chlorite and cordierite. Assemblages involving staurolite–hornblende can occur over a wide range of pressures (4–10 kbar) at temperatures of 560–650 °C; however, except in the more aluminous, iron‐rich compositions, they occupy a narrow pressure–temperature window. Thus, although their occurrence in ‘typical’ amphibolites may be indicative of relatively high pressure metamorphism, in more aluminous compositions their interpretation is less straightforward.  相似文献   

Abstract Oxygen and hydrogen isotope analyses have been made of coexisting quartz, ilmenite, muscovite, and biotite from Late Precambrian metapelitic rocks, staurolite-kyanite to K-feldspar-muscovite-sillimanite zones, from Mica Creek, British Columbia. The δ18O and †D values of these minerals are generally uniform and do not decrease significantly with increasing metamorphic grade. This implies that there has not been significant infiltration of deep crustal, possibly magmatic, fluids into the metapelites that has been suggested for other high-grade metamorphic terranes. The uniformity of oxygen isotope compositions of the Mica Creek metapelite rocks may reflect isotopic uniformity in the sedimentary protolith rather than widespread exchange with an isotopically homogeneous metamorphic pore fluid.
Temperature estimates based upon 18O exchange thermometry for samples below the sillimanite zone are in reasonable agreement with the results of garnet-biotite Fe–Mg exchange thermometry. In the higher grade rocks, the oxygen isotope and garnet-biotite thermometry yield results which disagree by about 100°C. The highest temperatures recorded by oxygen isotope thermometry, 595°C, are at least 60°C below the minimum temperatures required by phase equilibria. These discrepancies appear to result from pervasive equilibrium retrograde exchange of oxygen isotopes between coexisting minerals. In addition, there are problems with calibration of garnet-biotite thermometry at higher temperatures. Retrograde oxygen isotope exchange may be a general characteristic of high-grade metamorphic rocks and oxygen isotope thermometry may not usually record peak metamorphic temperatures if they significantly exceed 600°C.  相似文献   

O-H stretching vibrations in kaolinite,and related minerals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The grades of ordering as represented by I.R. and X-ray spectra for platy kaolinite, fire clay mineral, ball clay, dickite, nacrite and tubular dehydrated halloysite samples of various origin, are related.Well ordered kaolinite, has four bands 3,693, 3,668, 3,652 and 3,620 cm–1. In less ordered kaolinite, fire clay mineral and ball clay these bands have shifted a little or of the middle two, which are the weakest, only one band may be left (between brackets): less ordered kaolinite: 3,695, 3,667, 3,652 (3,653) and 3,620 cm–1; fire clay mineral 3,696, 3,668, 3,653 (3,653) and 3,621 cm–1; ball clay 3,697, 3,652 and 3,621 cm–1.Dehydrated halloysite has 3,693–3,698, 3,668, 3,650–3,654 and 3,620–3,626 cm–1 bands. In the most disordered dehydrated halloysite samples (Martinsberg and Baia Mare) only two bands are left at 3,696 and 3,624 cm–1.Dickite has four bands: 3,708, 3,656, 3,627 and 3,622 cm–1. For the lesser ordered Mexico sample it is 3,701, 3,652, 3,627 and 3,621 cm–1. Nacrite also has four bands i.e.: 3,700, 3,650, 3,627 and 3,620 cm–1.There is, apart from orientation effects, a wide variation in the absolute and especially in the relative intensities of the I.R. bands and X-ray reflections for each of the mineral groups investigated here, but of various origin. The need of a nomenclature adapted to the level of our knowledge about this matter to day and comprising all these variations included those in morphology is emphasized.Quantitative analyses, the adjective meant in the sense of an accuracy of minimal 5%, constitute a difficult problem which is perhaps even wholly impossible to solve with the conventional methods of today.  相似文献   

Natural metapelitic staurolites contain appreciable amounts of lithium. Lithium contents were determined by ion microprobe with concentrations of representative samples independently analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry for calibration. Seventy-one percent of the analyzed staurolites contain >0.1 wt.% Li2O, although the distribution is skewed to values less than 0.3 wt.%.High Li contents observed in staurolite are attributed to one or more of several factors: initiation of staurolite breakdown, lack of additional host phases for lithium (e.g. biotite), pre-metamorphic Li-rich bulk rock composition, and/or interaction of the rock with Li-rich fluids. Li content is generally not correlated with the modal amount of staurolite in the rock, rather Li values tend to reflect variable host rock Li. Lithium most likely resides in the R2+ tetrahedral site. Its incorporation into the structure is probably related to a coupled substitution with Al: ivLi viA1/3 ivR –1 2+ vi–1/3 When staurolite analyses yield low R2+ and high Al values, the possibility of high Li should be considered after accounting for variable H.Lithium partitions into common pelitic metamorphic minerals in the order staurolite>cordierite>biotite>muscovite> garnet, tourmaline, and chloritoid. Partitioning is non-ideal in staurolite and a function of Fe content. Li in staurolite expands its stability field to a higher T relative to garnet and sillimanite, and to a lower T relative to chloritoid and Al-silicate. Analysis of staurolites for Li may provide further insight into this enigmatic mineral.  相似文献   

This paper describes the deformation and metamorphism recorded in the Zoovoorby staurolite schist, a sliver of pelitic supracrustal material in the 1.3–1.0 Ga eastern Namaqua Province, South Africa. The supracrustal Biesjepoort Group, of which the schist is a part, has undergone at least four phases of deformation (D1–D4). D1 and D2 are preserved in the pelitic schists; staurolite and garnet grew during D1, with staurolite growth persisting to the very earliest D2 crenulation. Andalusite, found in more Mg-rich schists, grew during D2, overprinting both S1 schistosity and S0 banding. S2 has been rotated both with respect to S1 (preserved as parallel orientated inclusion trails in garnet and staurolite) and with respect to its original orientation (preserved as open D2 crenulations in staurolite). Staurolite is dissolved against S2 in zones of progressive shear. The pseudomorphing of staurolite and andalusite by cordierite, and the preservation of relic grains of both minerals in a wide range of garnet–cordierite pelites throughout the eastern Namaqua Province infers that what is preserved fortuitously in the Zoovoorby locality is representative of the early metamorphic history of a much larger terrane. The high thermal gradients needed to attain estimated conditions of 540–550° C and 1.6–2.4 kbar require substantial heat input. Large amounts of foliated (syn-D2) granite amongst the supracrustal succession are inferred to be the result of delamination of a thickened crust at a destructive plate margin, generating an elevated thermal gradient during D1–D2 times.  相似文献   

Abstract The stability of quartz-chloritoid-staurolite-almandine-cordierite and aluminium silicates is used to constrain both metamorphic conditions and pressure-temperature trajectories for two localities within the 2700 Ma Archaean Yilgarn Block in Western Australia. Available experimental data are used to calculate thermodynamic data for a self-consistent set of equilibria between these minerals. A lower amphibolite facies locality from the margin of a lower strain area contains assemblages including quartz-chloritoid-staurolite-garnet-biotite with altered cordierite replacing chloritoid, quartz-staurolite-andalusite, and quartz-cordierite-andalusite-biotite. This locality was heated to 530–560°C in the andalusite field, at 4.2 kbar. A sample from a mid- to upper-amphibolite facies, highly strained locality contains relict staurolite enclosed by andalusite, in turn replaced by cordierite and muscovite with biotite and sillimanite in the matrix. The assemblage was heated isobarically from conditions near the maximum experienced by the lower grade locality of 560°C at 4.2 kbar to temperatures in excess of the andalusite-sillimanite transition but within the quartz plus muscovite stability field (600–650°C). The higher grade locality is close to a granitoid dome and sections based on gravity profiles reveal that this locality is underlain by granitoid at shallow depths. The higher grade metamorphism apparently reflects superposition of the thermal aureole on regional metamorphic conditions similar to those in the lower grade areas.  相似文献   

Staurolite porphyroblasts, 1.5–8cm in length and 0.3–2cm in width, in the Littleton Schist at Bolton, Connecticut, contain curved quartz inclusion trails which document synkinematic rotations of at least 135°. The orientations of long axes of these staurolite crystals define a weak preferred orientation in a plane approximately parallel to the external foliation. Serial sections of four differently orientated crystals and U-stage measurements of the orientations of their inclusion trails demonstrate that the inflection hinge line and the statistical 'symmetry axis' characterizing the foliation within a porphyroblast are unrelated to the orientations of external crenulations and are, in all cases, parallel to the long axis of the porphyroblast. The cumulative rotation reflected in the curvature of the inclusion trails is a maximum in a c -axis section through the initial core of a crystal. The amount of rotation about the c -axis decreases linearly along the length of the crystal away from the nucleation site.
The sense and amount of rotation recorded by a porphyroblast is related to its orientation. A tightly constrained transition from clockwise to anticlockwise rotation defines a slip direction that coincides with the preferred orientation of the staurolite c -axes. The total rotation reflected by the inclusion trails increases as a function of the angle between the c -axes of the staurolite crystals and the slip direction.
Initially random staurolite porphyroblasts rotated during growth, as a consequence of laminar shear in the surrounding viscous matrix. This interpretation is quantitatively consistent with: the staurolite preferred orientation; its coincidence with the apparent slip direction; the correlation between both the sense and the amount of rotation and the orientation of the long axis of the porphyroblast; and the twisted conical shape of the family of surfaces defined by the inclusion trails.  相似文献   

作为矿物学的重要基础研究方向之一,新矿物的发现及其晶体结构、晶体化学的研究始终备受各发达国家的一贯重视。新矿物的研究和发现及其成果具有国际性,在一定程度上反映了国家在该领域以及整体科技水平和对科学发现的贡献。笔者近年来参与了对若干存疑矿物进行的精细晶体结构与晶体化学研究和矿物学研究,从2005年至今参与发现的23种新矿物均获得国际矿物学协会新矿物及分类命名委员会(IMA-CNMNC)所批准。这些新矿物的获批得益于成功地获取了成分数据、衍射数据和晶体结构的阐明。本文就新矿物的认定规则、申报内容和数据、分类命名、研究内容及工作方法等进行综述,在此抛砖引玉,希望通过交流促进我国新矿物研究领域的发展。  相似文献   

The photo-, cathodo-, radio- and ionoluminescence of two related beryllium minerals, leucophanite and meliphanite, have been determined. Meliphanite is an efficient luminescent mineral and has similar luminescence to leucophanite. Both leucophanite and meliphanite efficiently transfer energy to all activators in the sample either from the conduction or through a charge transfer band. We infer that coupling of the luminescence centre and lattice is important for interpreting rare earth element (REE) luminescence. Furthermore, changes in the relative intensity between REE emissions during sample degradation by CL demonstrate that each REE interacts differently with the host. Conversely, when a specific energy level of one REE is targeted in photoluminescence, no energy transfer to other REEs is observed despite many REEs having similarly spaced energy levels. This demonstrates that absorption and luminescence within an individual REE can be considered as intra-ion energy cascades, with little or no energy transfer to other REEs. Anomalous behaviour in the temperature dependence of IL in one leucophanite sample is interpreted as phase transitions in ice hosted in fluid inclusions. A comparison of luminescence of powder and cleavage fragment reveals that some emissions in the UV–blue region are surface related and do not represent bulk luminescence.  相似文献   

Fan‐shaped polycrystalline staurolite porphyroblasts, 3–4 cm in length and 0.5 cm in width, occur together with centimetre‐sized euhedral prismatic staurolite porphyroblasts in pelitic schists of the Littleton Formation on the western overturned limb of the Bolton syncline in eastern Connecticut. The fans consist of intergrown planar splays of [001] elongated prisms, which are crudely radial from a single apex. The apical angles of the radial groupings range up to 70°. The orientations of the individual staurolite prisms are related by a rigid rotation about an axis perpendicular to the fan plane. The zone axes [001] always lie in the plane of the fan. Although the angle between the [100] zone axes of the individual prisms is uniform in each fan, it ranges from +30° to ?30° in different fans. Internally, the fans display: (i) remnants of a passively captured Si foliation defined by disc‐shaped quartz blebs (type 1 inclusions) and layers of very fine carbonaceous material and tabular ilmenite platelets; (ii) bent staurolite blades and undulose extinction along low‐angle (010) subgrain boundaries near the apex of the fans; (iii) wedge‐shaped dilatational zones containing equigranular inclusion‐free quartz, mica and staurolite, and (iv) growth‐related quartz inclusion trails roughly perpendicular to a crystal face (type 2 inclusions). The Si inclusion trails are typically perpendicular to the fan surface, radiate parallel to the blades, and show little to no curvature except at the very edge of the fans where they abruptly curve through nearly 90° into parallelism with an external Se foliation. Careful examination of the three‐dimensional geometry of fans based on U‐stage measurements, serial sections and two‐circle optical goniometric measurements permits a detailed reconstruction of their sequential development. The origin of a fan involves limited intracrystalline deformation and brittle crack dilation, spalling, rotation, and growth of small marginal fragments and of new staurolite along wedge‐shaped zones along the Si inclusion surfaces. Fans preferentially develop in porphyroblasts in which Si is subparallel to the 010 cleavage. These internal features reflect the rotation and deformation of a brittle porphyroblast relative to syn‐growth shear stresses.  相似文献   

Abstract An outcrop of staurolite-bearing pelitic schist from the Solitude Range in the south-western Rocky Mountains, British Columbia, was examined in order to determine the nature of prograde garnet- and staurolite-producing reactions using information from garnet zoning and inclusion mineralogy. Although not present as a matrix phase, chloritoid is present as inclusions in garnet and is interpreted to have participated in the simultaneous growth of garnet and staurolite by a reaction such as chloritoid + quartz = garnet + staurolite + H2O.
A garnet zoning trend reversal, which is most pronounced with respect to almandine and grossular components, is present in the outer core of garnets. The location of the zoning reversal corresponds to the outer limit of chloritoid inclusions in garnet. As there is no evidence for polymetamorphism, the zoning reversal is interpreted to indicate continued garnet growth by prograde reaction(s) during a single metamorphic event after the exhaustion of chloritoid as a matrix phase.
Metamorphic conditions recorded by mineral rim compositions are 550–600° C at 6–7 kbar. Because there is no evidence for partial resorption of garnet during production of staurolite, we interpret these results to represent peak conditions.  相似文献   

During prograde metamorphism garnet and, in some higher grade samples, staurolite were produced in a chlorite-chloritoid schist, part of the Precambrian Z to Cambrian Hoosac Formation near Jamaica, VT. Garnet grew during two prograde events separated by a retrogression. This sequence resulted in distinctive inclusion textures and zoning anomalies in garnet produced by diffusive alteration. Textures, reaction space analysis, and mineral compositional variations constrain the possible sequence of reactions in these rocks. Below the staurolite isograd, and to some unknown extent above it, garnet grew by the reaction chloritoid+chlorite+quartz→garnet+H2O. With increasing grade the mineral compositions are displaced towards lower Mn/Fe and higher Mg/Fe ratios. The data are compatible with equilibrium with respect to exchange reactions for the matrix assemblages on a thin section scale and with minerals having closely followed equilibrium paths during reaction. The staurolite isograd coincides with the reaction chloritoid+quartz→garnet+staurolite+chlorite+H2O. This reaction is continuous and trivariant with ZnO becoming an additional component concentrated in staurolite. During this reaction both the Mn/Fe and Mg/Fe ratios of the phases appear to have decreased. This new chemical trend is recorded by garnet zoning profiles and is compatible with trends predicted from phase diagrams. Thus there are two distinct types of garnet zoning reversals in these samples. One is near the textural unconformity and is best explained by diffusive alteration during partial resorption of first stage garnet. The other occurs near the outer rim of garnet in staurolite zone samples and marks the onset of a new prograde garnet producing reaction.  相似文献   

Unusually Mg-rich staurolite with F=Fe/(Fe+ Mg) = 0.51 occurs in a peraluminous silica-deficient sapphirine-garnet-gedrite-spinel-corundum-phlogopite rock as relic inclusions within pyrope-almandine garnet (F=0.43–0.48), from which it is generally separated by sapphirine (F=0.19). Gedrite has F=0.24–0.27, phlogopite 0.19, and spinel 0.43. The gradual disappearance of staurolite is due to a shift of the 3-phase AFM assemblage staurolite-garnetsapphirine to more Fe-rich compositions according to probably prograde reactions between staurolite and garnet to form sapphirine together with either quartz or gedrite. Thus still more Mg-rich staurolite seems to have existed in the rock at earlier stages of metamorphism characterized by lower temperatures and perhaps higher pressures. The local equilibria now frozen in indicate minimum pressures of 7–8 kbar and temperatures in excess of about 800° C.Staurolite is free from Zn, very low in Si, and richer in Ti than any other staurolite found thus far. Most notable is the unique Mg/Fe fraction between staurolite and garnet with staurolite being the more Fe-rich phase (KD=1.32).  相似文献   

A detailed experimental mineralogical and geochemical study on hydrothermal alteration processes of volcanic glasses with a different chemical composition and leucites sampled in the Roman Comagmatic Region was carried out. 2g samples of different grain sizes and 50 ml of deionized water or seawater were sealed in bronze Teflon-lined autoclaves and placed in a rotating sample-holder at 200°C. The internal pressure was 16.2 bars. At arbitrary intervals, the pressure vessel was quenched to room temperature and both solids and solutions were separated by filtration. The solids were used to identify possible alteration products by means of X-ray powder diffraction, SEM and microprobe analyses. In all deionized water systems the contact solution reached pH basic values, but in the various systems the consumption of H+ ions occurred in different ways. This is probably linked to different concentrations of released cations. In seawater systems, however, pH values initially fell sharply but subsequently increased slightly. After 2 days, cation concentrations were clearly buffered by reaction products in all solutions. These were mainly zeolites and clay minerals. The following crystallization sequences in all glass/deionized water experiments were observed: the first reaction product was represented by phillipsite, followed by analcime and illite in the alkali-trachytic run; chabasite and analcime in the phonolitic-tephritic run; analcime and finally feldspar in shoshonitic and trachytic runs. Phillipsite and smectite crystallized together only in the basaltic run. In leucite/deionized water systems, however, the first reaction phase was illite, followed by analcime and then phillipsite. The reaction products in glass/seawater systems were smectite and anydrite. The chemical composition of synthetic zeolites was clearly controlled by the chemistry of initial glasses. These synthetic zeolites are like the natural ones in volcaniclastic products from central and southern Italy. This suggests that extensive zeolitization processes of these volcaniclastic rocks may occur through interaction of volcanic glasses with fluids at a very low salinity and a temperature close to 200°C.  相似文献   

Microstructures in minerals from ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terranes are keys to understanding the rheological properties and the exhumation mechanisms of rocks from subduction zones. Kyanite‐bearing whiteschist, associated with eclogite lenses, is part of UHPM unit II located south‐west of Lake Zheltau in the Kulet region of the Kokchetav Massif. The equilibrium assemblage is kyanite + garnet + talc + phengite + coesite/quartz. Previously reported peak pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions are ~3.5 GPa at 750 °C. A strong foliation is defined by the talc and phengite, with a corresponding weak shape preferred alignment of kyanite. Crystallographic orientation maps and analysis of kyanite blades were performed using electron backscatter diffraction methods. The data are consistent with a (100)[001] slip system for the formation of undulose extinction and kink bands in kyanite. Rotations measured across individual kink bands are 10–50° about <010>, and rotations along kyanite with undulose extinction are up to 50° about <010> with variations between adjacent points typically <2°. The undulose extinction is interpreted to have developed through crystal plastic deformation by dislocation creep. Kink bands mark the development of high‐angle grain boundaries by dislocation climb. The deformation of kyanite occurred in the fault‐bounded terrane during the exhumation of the Kokchetav Massif.  相似文献   

Several distinct assemblages of Pb-Sb, Pb-As, Cu-Pb-Sb and Cu-Fe-Zn-Sn sulphosalts are identified in sulphide samples from Bleikvassli mine, Norway. Detailed optical microscopy and electron probe microanalysis have permitted investigation of textural relationships between minerals and compositional variations between different ore types. Tetrahedrite, typically containing 10–16?wt.% Ag (rare freibergite containing 25–30?wt.% Ag has also been identified in two samples), stannite (Cu2(Fe>Zn)SnS4), and meneghinite, CuPb13Sb7S24, are widely distributed as trace constituents throughout massive pyritic and galena-rich ores. Native antimony and pyrargyrite occur in trace amounts in all ore types, as the breakdown products of earlier sulphosalts. Several distinct types of wall-rock mineralisation are present at Bleikvassli. Of considerable mineralogical interest are the coarse-grained sulphide mobilisates within the wall rock which contain a distinct?and characteristic suite of Pb-As sulphosalts:?tennantite?+?jordanite (Pb14As6S23)?+?seligmannite (CuPbAsS3) ± dufrenoysite (Pb2As2S5). Bournonite (CuPbSbS3) is the only Sb-bearing sulphosalt recognised in significant amounts within the mobilisates, meneghinite and tetrahedrite being conspicuously absent. These mobilisates display considerable Au enrichment; electrum can be confirmed, intimately associated with jordanite and tennantite. Appreciable Sb (up to 3?wt.%) is contained within galena in the mobilisates, in contrast to galena from massive ores which contains only negligible Sb. Contents of Ag and Bi in galena vary considerably in all ore types, but confirm earlier suggestions that galena is a major Ag-carrier at Bleikvassli. Boulangerite (Pb5Sb4S11), jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14) and gudmundite (FeSbS) occur in trace amounts. Sn-sulphosalts are represented by kësterite, (Cu2(Zn> Fe)SnS4), but commonly zoned with respect to Zn/Fe ratio, in the mobilisates, rather than by stannite. A rare type of mobilisate, also in the wall rock, in which chalcocite and bornite are the main minerals, contains native Ag, stromeyerite (AgCuS), mckinstryite ((Ag,Cu)2?S), Ag-free tetrahedrite, an unnamed Cu-Ag-Fe sulphide (Cu3Ag2FeS4) and native Bi, myrmekitically intergrown with chalcocite. Although a comprehensive genetic model for the wall-rock mineralisation at Bleikvassli is largely impossible given the limitations in the present state of knowledge regarding mechanisms involved in remobilisation processes, a multi-stage model of remobilisation during regional metamorphism is considered to best explain the observations. An interplay of different solid- and liquid-state remobilisation mechanisms, in various combinations, is required to account for the macro- and microscopic observations. Remobilisation probably began during the earlier stages of metamorphism, with crystallisation and further remobilisation taking place during the entire metamorphic cycle, giving rise to the extensive chemical and mineralogical diversity observed today. Preserved mineral assemblages and their textural relationships reflect a complex sequence of replacement and decomposition reactions taking place during the latest phase of late-metamorphic crystallisation and subsequent cooling.  相似文献   

Mössbauer and polarized optical absorption spectra of the kyanite-related mineral yoderite were recorded. Mössbauer spectra of the purple (PY) and green yoderite (GY) from Mautia Hill, Tanzania, show that the bulk of the iron is Fe3+ in both varieties, with Fe2+/(Fe2++Fe3+) ratios near 0.05. Combining this result with new microprobe data for PY and with literature data for GY gives the crystallochemical formulae: $$\begin{gathered} ({\text{Mg}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.95}}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.02}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Mn}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.01}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.34}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Mn}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.07}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Ti}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.01}}} {\text{Al}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.57}}} )_{5.97}^{[5,6]} \hfill \\ {\text{Al}}_{{\text{2}}{\text{.00}}}^{{\text{[5]}}} [({\text{Si}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.98}}} {\text{P}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.03}}} ){\text{O}}_{{\text{18}}{\text{.02}}} ({\text{OH)}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.98}}} ] \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ and PY and $$\begin{gathered} ({\text{Mg}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.98}}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.02}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Mn}}_{{\text{< 0}}{\text{.001}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.45}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Ti}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.01}}} {\text{Al}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.56}}} )_{6.02}^{[5,6]} \hfill \\ {\text{Al}}_{{\text{2}}{\text{.00}}}^{{\text{[5]}}} [({\text{Si}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.91}}} {\text{O}}_{{\text{17}}{\text{.73}}} {\text{(OH)}}_{{\text{2}}{\text{.27}}} ] \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ for GY. The Mössbauer spectra at room temperature contain one main doublet with isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings of 0.36 (PY), 0.38 (GY) and 1.00 (PY), 0.92 (GY) mm s?1, respectively. These values correspond to Fe3+ in six or five-fold coordination. The doublet components have anomalously large half widths indicating either accomodation of Fe3+ in more than one position (e.g., octahedraA1 and five coordinatedA2) or the yet unresolved superstructure. Besides strong absorption in the ultraviolet (UV) starting from about 25,000 cm?1, the polarized optical absorption spectra are dominated by strong bands around 16,500 and 21,000 cm?1 (PY) and a medium strong band at around 13,800 cm?1 (GY). Position and polarization of these bands, in combination with the UV absorption, explain the colour and pleochroism of the two varieties. The bands in question are assigned to homonuclear metal-to-metal charge transfer transitions: Mn2+(A1) Mn3+(A1′) ? Mn3+(A1) Mn2+(A1′) and Mn2+(A1) Mn3+(A2 ? Mn3+(A1) Mn2+(A2) in PY and Fe2+(A1) Fe3+(A1′) ? Fe3+(A1) Fe2+(A1′) in GY. The evidence for homonuclear Mn2+ Mn3+ charge transfer (CTF) is not quite clear and needs further study. Heteronuclear FeTi CTF does not contribute to the spectra. In PY, additional weak bands were resolved at energies around 17,700, 18,700, 21,000, and 21,900 cm?1 and assigned to Mn3+ in two positions. Weak bands around 10,000 cm?1 in both varieties are assigned to Fe2+ spin-alloweddd-transitions. Very weak and sharp bands, around 15,400, 16,400, 21,300, 22,100, 23,800, and 25,000 cm?1 are identified in GY and assigned to Fe3+ spin-forbiddendd-transitions.  相似文献   

对东海沿岸陆架CJ08-630、CJ08-923、CJ08-1185三个柱状岩心56个重矿物样品63-125μm粒级重矿物的研究表明,重矿物种类有56种,最高含量可达53.1%;平均含量较低,为8.5%,;矿物组成以闪石类、帘石类、辉石类、片状矿物、自生黄铁矿及金属矿物磁铁矿、褐铁矿等等为主.重矿物来源复杂多样,包括陆源、自生等各种来源的矿物.其中沿岸河流输入物是主要陆源矿物来源;此外还有沿岸和岛屿等的剥蚀物、冲刷物.沉积环境是影响重矿物分布的主要因素.  相似文献   

Several additional pieces of evidence are offered in support of the recent reinterpretation (Tossell et al. 1981a, b) of the electronic and geometric structure of lollingite, FeAs2, and related minerals. This evidence consists of: (1) the experimental electron affinities of diatomic molecules such as P2 and S2, (2) an analysis of the structure and spectra of TiP2, (3) quantum mechanical calculations on FeAs6, CoAs6 and As4 polyhedra which allow prediction of the photoelectron spectra of FeAs2 and CoAs3, (4) an analysis of bimetal cluster and band calculations suggesting metallic behavior for a hypothetical Fe4+As 4 4? species and (5) qualitative molecular orbital (MO) interpretations of the stability of As 4 4? polyhedra, the interaction between adjacent As 2 2? anions in FeAs2, and the variations in <M-S-S in pyrites and in R(As-As) in diarsenides. It is suggested that previous theories of sulfide and arsenide electronic structure have put too much emphasis upon metal-metal interaction and too little upon anion-anion interaction.  相似文献   

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