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The term karst breakdown is employed in this paper to denote the totality of processes and phenomena of gravitational and/or hydrodynamic destruction of the ceiling of a karst cavity and of the overlying sediments. It refers not only to the existence of a surface subsidence (collapse) feature but, first of all, to the internal (hidden in the subsurface) structures that precede development of a surface form. This study reports and discusses the results of direct mapping and examination of breakdown structures in the gypsum karst of the Western Ukraine, at the level of their origin, i.e., in caves. The accessibility of numerous laterally extensive maze cave systems in the region provided an excellent opportunity for such an approach, which made it possible to examine the relationship between breakdown structures and particular morphogenetic or geological features in caves, and to reveal stages of breakdown development. It is found that breakdown is initiated mainly at specific speleogenetically or geologically weakened localities, which classify into a few distinct types. The majority of breakdowns, which are potent to propagate through the overburden, relate with the outlet cupolas/domepits that represent places where water had discharged out of a cave to the upper aquifer during the period of transverse artesian speleogenesis. Distribution of breakdown structures does not correlate particularly well with the size of the master passages. Several distinct mechanisms of breakdown development are revealed, and most of them proceed in several stages. They are guided by speleogenetic, geological and hydrogeological factors. The study confirms that a speleogenetic approach is indispensable to the understanding of breakdown pre-requisites and mechanisms, as well as for eventual subsidence hazard assessment. Direct observations in caves, aimed both at speleogenetic investigation and breakdown characterization on regional- or site-specific levels, should be employed wherever possible. 相似文献
Bthoux Nicole Sue Christian Paul Anne Virieux Jean Frchet Julien Thouvenot Franois Cattaneo Marco 《Tectonophysics》2007,432(1-4):1-19
We investigate how focal solutions and hypocenter locations may depend on the ray tracing algorithm and the strategy of velocity inversion. Using arrival times from a temporary seismological network in the south-western Alps, a local earthquake tomography has been performed by Paul et al. [Paul, A., Cattaneo, M., Thouvenot, F., Spallarossa, D., Béthoux, N., and Fréchet, J., 2001. A three-dimensional crustal velocity model of the south-western Alps from local earthquake tomography. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 19367–19390.] with the method developed by Thurber [Thurber, C.H., 1993. Local earthquake tomography: velocity and Vp/Vs-Theory, in Seismic Tomography: Theory and practice, Iyer, H.M., and Irahara eds., Chapman and Hall, New York, 563–583.]. Another inversion of the same data set is performed here using a different tomography code relying on a shooting paraxial method and cubic interpolation of velocities. The resulting images display the same main features, although Thurber's code appears to be more robust in regions with scarce ray coverage and strong velocity contrasts. Concerning hypocenter location in Piemont units, one major result is the concentration of hypocenters at the boundary between the mantle wedge of the Ivrea body and the European crust. Forty-six focal mechanisms are shown that were computed using both the take-off angles in the minimum 1-D model and in the 3-D velocity structures resulting from the two inversions. The sets of focal solutions are very similar, proving the reliability and the coherency of the focal solutions. The widespread extension in the core of the western Alps is confirmed whereas a few compressive solutions are found east of the Piemont units. These results constrain the sharp change of stress tensor and evidence a decoupling of strain beneath the east of Dora Maira massif up to beneath the north of Argentera massif. On a geodynamical point of view seismicity and focal mechanism distribution are compatible with the present day models published for the western Alps, where the major feature is the lithospheric thickening [Schmid, S.M., and Kissling, E., 2000. The arc of the western Alps in the light of geophysical data on deep crustal structure. Tectonics, 19, 62–85.], implying widespread extension in the core of the western Alps [Sue, C., Thouvenot, F., Fréchet, J., and Tricart, P., 1999. Widespread extension in the core of the western Alps revealed by earthquake analysis. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 25611–25622.]. However the existence of compressive events dealing at depth with the boundary of Ivrea body allows to postulate that this geological structure is still tectonically active. Even if field work has not shown this so far, the Insubric line appears to extend toward the south at depth, as a blind fault, and to play a key role in the dynamics of the south-western Alps. 相似文献
Complete chemical analyses of metamorphic hornblendes: implications for normalizations,calculated H2O activities,and thermobarometry 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Michael A. Cosca Eric J. Essene Johns R. Bowman 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1991,108(4):472-484
Twenty-two hornblendes separated from amphibolites and granulites of the Grenville Orogen of Ontario have been quantitatively analyzed for major and minor elements by electron microprobe, for FeO/Fe2O3 by wet chemistry, and for H2O by manometric measurement as H2. Hornblende formulae were calculated on the basis of 24O+OH+Cl+F. Most samples are magnesio-hornblendes, ferroan pargasitic hornblendes and ferroan hastingsitic hornblendes, with weight fractions of Fe3+/(Fe2++Fe3+) ranging from 0.15 to 0.50. An oxy-amphibole component of 0–25 mol%, with an average value of 17 mol%, is obtained for these complete analyses. When compared with structural formulae determined solely from microprobe data, normalization based on 13=Si+Ti+Al+Fe+Mn+Mg cations provides the best approximation to hornblende formulae calculated from the complete analyses. Less satisfactory agreement is obtained from a normalization scheme based on 15=Si+Ti+Al+Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca, while worst agreement is obtained from normalization to 23 oxygens assuming all Fe is Fe2+. No normalization scheme based on microprobe data alone consistently replicates the measured FeO, Fe2O3, and H2O; accurate determination of these values requires complete chemical analysies. Ionic solution models previously have been proposed to evaluate the activity of Ca2Mg5Si8 O22(OH)2(a
Trem) in hornblende for use in equilibria that constrain the activity of H2O (a
2O) in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Application of ionic models to typical hornblendes produces low a
Trem (usually<0.01), consequetly yielding extremely low a
2O. If an oxy-amphibole component is present, the calculated a
Trem and H2O is further reduced. An oxy-amphibole component of 25% reduces the calculated H2O activity and that of any hydroxyl-amphibole component by 50% below that calculated with simplified assumptions regarding X
OH in the hydroxyl site (i.e., X
OH=1, or X
f). Thus, methods of amphibole normalizations appear to have a substantial effect on calculated amphibole and H2O activites. Before quantitative hornblende thermobarometry can be calibrated and applied, the amounts of FeO, Fe2O3 and H2O must be measured in order to fully characterize hornblende solid solutions.Contribution No. 478 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, University of Michigan 相似文献
Tomohiro Ohuchi Michihiko Nakamura Katsuyoshi Michibayashi 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2010,160(3):339-357
The effect of grain growth on the cation exchange between synthesized forsterite aggregates (i.e., dunite) and nickel-rich
aqueous fluid was evaluated experimentally at 1.2 GPa and 1,200°C. The grain boundary (GB) migration caused nickel enrichment
in the area swept by the GBs in a fashion similar to that reported for stable isotope exchange in the quartz aggregates. The
progress of the grain growth resulted in an increase in the average nickel concentration in the dunites of up to ~80 times
that was calculated for a system having stationary GBs. The overall diffusivity of the nickel along the wet GBs and interconnected
fluid networks was found to be 6.5 × 10−19–6.7 × 10−18 m3/s, which is 4–5 orders of magnitude higher than the grain boundary diffusivity in the dry dunite. These results show that
the grain growth rate is a fundamental factor in the evaluation of the time scale of chemical homogenization in the upper
mantle. 相似文献
碱性花岗岩的动力学氧同位素交换和流体流动几何学:交换机制和平流冷却 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
新疆北部乌仑古塔斯嘎克碱性花岗岩体分为主体相和北部边缘相。条纹长石广泛发育出溶;石英与碱性长石复杂交生。条纹长石的出溶衍生出压应力,造成石英的变形。大部分钠铁闪石是由霓辉石交代形成的。在δ^18O石英-δ^18O条纹长石和δ^18O石英-δ^18O钠铁闪石协变图上,应用耦合的质量传输和动力学限制的同位素交换模型对样品进行了模拟。相对交换速率常数和3个矿物的显微组构特征共同指示,表面反应即溶解-再沉淀和管道扩散是氧同位素交换的主要机制。大气降水从塔斯嘎克碱性花岗岩的北部边缘相住主体相发生了平流渗透。北部边缘相样品的较陡的斜率、以及石英和条纹长石较低的^18O亏损程度,被解释为是由于与同位素组成未演化的短路径大气降水在相对较短的时限内发生氧同位素交换造成的。但是,与同位素组成演化了的长路径大气降水在相对较长的时限内的相互作用,导致了主体样品的较缓的斜率以及石英和条纹长石的较高程度的^18O亏损。对于一个侵入岩体的冷却来说,平流冷却与传导冷却一样重要。 相似文献
I conducted new vorticity and deformation temperatures studies to test competing models of the exhumation of the mid-crustal rocks exposed in the Dolpo region (West Nepal). My results indicate that the Main Central Thrust is located ∼5 km structurally below the previous mapped locations. Deformation temperature increasing up structural section from ∼450 °C to ∼650 °C and overlap with peak metamorphic temperature indicating that penetrative shearing was responsible for the exhumation of the GHS occurred at “close” to peak metamorphic conditions. I interpreted the telescoping and the inversion of the paleo-isotherms at the base of the GHS as produced mainly by a sub-simple shearing (Wm = 0.88–1) pervasively distributed through the lower portion of the GHS. My results are consistent with hybrid channel flow-type models where the boundary between lower and upper portions of the GHS, broadly corresponding to the tectonometamorphic discontinuity recently documented in west Nepal, represents the limit between buried material, affected by dominant simple shearing, and exhumed material affected by a general flow dominates by pure shearing. This interpretation is consistent with the recent models suggesting the simultaneous operation of channel flow- and critical wedge-type processes at different structural depth. 相似文献
Joachim Kuhlemann Klaas van der Borg Paul D. Bons Martin Danišík Wolfgang Frisch 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2008,97(3):549-564
A study of erosion rates by in-situ 10Be concentrations in granites of Miocene high-elevation paleosurfaces in Corsica indicates maximum erosion rates between 8
and 24 mm/kyear. The regional distribution of measured erosion rates indicates that the local climatic conditions, namely
precipitation, the petrographic composition of granites, and the degree of brittle deformation govern erosion rates. Chemical
erosion dominates even at elevations around 2,000 m in presently subalpine climate conditions. Field evidence indicates that
erosion operates by continuous dissolution and/or disintegration to grains (grusification). The erosion rates are relatively
high with respect to the preservation of inferred Early Miocene landscapes. We infer temporal burial in the Middle Miocene
and significantly lower erosion rates in the Neogene until ∼3 Ma to explain the preservation of paleosurfaces, in line with
fission track data. Valley incision rates that are a magnitude higher than erosion rates on summit surfaces result in relief
enhancement and long-term isostatic surface uplift. On the other hand, widening and deepening of valleys by cyclic glaciation
progressively destroys the summit surface relics.
Wolfgang FrischEmail: |
超高压变质岩是大陆深俯冲作用的产物。超高压变质岩在深俯,中和快速折返过程中,经历了长距离地构造搬运和构造力的作用。其构造变形主要集中在韧性剪切带中,并发生强烈地塑性流变。研究超高压变质构造岩的显微构造及其变形机制对于深入了解大陆壳岩石在深俯;中过程中的流变学行为有十分重要的意义。山东仰口的超高压韧性剪切带中榴辉岩质和花岗质糜棱岩记录了超高压变形的历史。在超高压条件下的稳定矿物绿辉石、多硅白云母、兰晶石和钾长石具有不规则波状消光、亚晶界、核幔构造和动态重结晶等显微构造特征,TEM研究揭示了大量的位错构造,表明位错蠕变是其主要的变形机制。在花岗质糜棱岩中,金红石在刚性矿物的压力影中沉积,细粒的石榴石条带平行片理延伸,都说明超高压变形过程中有流体存在,流体助力的物质扩散迁移是又一个重要的变形机制、依据现有的流变学定律估算的流变应力应该在几十兆帕以上。 相似文献
Lithium isotopic composition of Central American Volcanic Arc lavas: implications for modification of subarc mantle by slab-derived fluids 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Li contents and isotopic compositions were determined for a suite of well-characterized basaltic lavas from the Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA). Variable Li/Y (0.2–0.5), Li/Sc (0.1–0.4), and δ6Li values (+2.6 to −7.7‰) attest to significant compositional heterogeneity in the subarc mantle. Within specific arc segments, these parameters correlate strongly with each other and with a number of other constituents (e.g., K, Rb, Ba, B/La, 10Be/9Be, 87Sr/86Sr, U/Ce, and 230Th/232Th, among others); these correlations are particularly strong for Nicaragua samples. Coupling of this particular set of constituents is best explained in terms of addition of ‘subduction components' to the subarc mantle. Moreover, their selective enrichment with respect to relatively fluid-immobile incompatible elements signifies the dominance of fluid vs. silicate melt transport of slab components to the subarc mantle. Several interesting nuances are revealed by the Li data. First, although Li and B are strongly correlated in both Costa Rica and Nicaragua, there are systematic along-strike variations in Li/B that are consistent with these elements having different ‘fluid release patterns' from subducted slab segments. For example, Li/B is highest in Costa Rica where auxiliary evidence indicates higher subduction zone temperatures; apparently B is preferentially depleted and Li retained in the slab under warmer conditions. The same relations are reflected in Li/10Be and other subduction tracer systematics, all of which point to larger subduction contributions below Nicaragua. Yet, even Nicaragua lavas vary widely in levels of subduction enrichment. High-Ti basalts from Nejapa are the least enriched and have the highest δ6Li (1.4 to 2.6‰); these values are greater than in fresh MORB (ca. −4‰) and are not easily explained by additions of subducted Li because most oceanic crustal rocks and marine sediments have lower δ6Li than MORB (with typical values between −8 and −20‰). Thus, it appears the Nejapa data may be representative of isotopically light mantle domains. Relatively light δ6Li values in an undepleted spinel lherzolite (+11.3‰) from Zabargad Is. (Red Sea) and in primitive backarc basalts (−1.6 to −0.5‰) from Lau Basin support this conclusion. Considering representative fluid and mantle endmember compositions, the CAVA data are consistent with limited (up to a few percent) additions of slab-derived fluids to a heterogeneous mantle containing variably depleted and enriched domains to form the respective magma sources. In our view, the subarc mantle is heterogeneous on a small scale, but some arc sectors clearly received greater slab inputs than others. 相似文献
The kinetics of hydrogen diffusion in enstatite was studied by hydrogen–deuterium exchange experiments in the range of 1–5,000 bar and 700–850°C using synthetic single crystals of pure and Cr-doped enstatites. The OH- and OD-content in the samples was quantified after each thermal treatment with Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. H–D-exchange rates were measured parallel to the three crystallographic axes. In addition, in order to visualize diffusion profiles, OH and OD were mapped for some samples, utilizing synchrotron IR micro-spectroscopy. Hydrogen self-diffusivities derived from D/H exchange experiments at one atmosphere are very similar to the chemical diffusivity of hydrogen in natural Fe-bearing orthopyroxene, which was reported previously (Stalder and Skogby 2003) to exhibit a small, but significant anisotropy (D[001] > D[100] > D[010]). Activation energies are estimated to be 211 (±31) kJ/mol for diffusion parallel [100] and 185 (±28) kJ/mol for diffusion parallel [010]. Lattice diffusion of hydrogen is decelerated by more than one order of magnitude when Cr is dissolved in enstatite. In comparison to the chemical composition, pressure seems to have only a minor influence on hydrogen diffusion. Compared to other minerals in the Earth’s upper mantle, enstatite exhibits the highest activation energy for hydrogen diffusion, suggesting faster diffusion than in other mafic minerals at mantle temperatures, but slower diffusion at crustal conditions. Thus under upper mantle conditions, physical properties that are expected to be influenced by hydrogen mobility, such as electrical conductivity, may in enstatite be more intensely affected by the presence of hydrogen than in other upper mantle minerals. 相似文献
Microstructural observations on natural syntectonic fibrous veins: implications for the growth process 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Syntectonic antitaxial and ataxial fibrous veins were investigated using SEM, microprobe, cathodoluminescence (CL) and optical microscopy. In antitaxial calcite veins, fibres and surrounding selvage grew simultaneously, with similar growth rates of crystallographically differently oriented grains. New material precipitated at the vein margin in antitaxial and bi-mineralic ataxial microstructures. Bridges of country rock material formed during vein growth in an initial en-echelon vein system. In our antitaxial and bi-mineralic ataxial samples, the spacing of solid inclusions does not reflect individual crack-seal openings. 相似文献
E.V. Artyushkov S.P. Korikovsky H.-J. Massonne P.A. Chekhovich 《Russian Geology and Geophysics》2018,59(11):1389-1409
Precambrian cratons cover about 70% of the total continental area. According to a large volume of geomorphological, geological, paleontological, and other data for the Pliocene and Pleistocene, these cratons have experienced a crustal uplift from 100-200 m to 1000-1500 m, commonly called the recent or Neotectonic uplift. Shortening of the Precambrian crust terminated half a billion years ago or earlier, and its uplift could not have been produced by this mechanism. According to the main models of dynamic topography in the mantle, the distribution of displacements at the surface is quite different from that of the Neotectonic movements. According to seismic data, there is no magmatic underplating beneath most of the Precambrian cratons. In most of cratonic areas, the mantle lithosphere is very thick, which makes its recent delamination unlikely. Asthenospheric replacement of the lower part of the mantle lithosphere beneath the Precambrian cratons might have produced only a minor part of their Neotectonic uplifts. Since the above mechanisms cannot explain this phenomenon, the rock expansion in the crustal layer is supposed to be the main cause of the recent uplift of Precambrian cratons. This is supported by the strong lateral nonuniformity of the uplift, which indicates that expansion of rocks took place at a shallow depth. Expansion might have occurred in crustal rocks that emerged from the lower crust into the middle crust with lower pressure and temperature after the denudation of a thick layer of surface rocks. In the dry state, these rocks can remain metastable for a long time. However, rapid metamorphism accompanied by expansion of rocks can be caused by infiltration of hydrous fluids from the mantle. Analysis of phase diagrams for common crustal rocks demonstrates that this mechanism can explain the recent crustal uplift of Precambrian cratons. 相似文献
《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(4):503-525
Several laboratory experiments have demonstrated degradation of carbon tetrachloride (CT) in groundwater, but there appear to have been no corroborating long-term field studies. Investigations conducted in 1989 and 1999 at an industrial site constructed on an infilled estuarine environment in France provide data over a decade for which CT degradation could be evaluated. A Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) containing oil and >90% CT that was present in 1989 was absent in the extremely reducing site groundwater in both 1999 and 2000 (average Eh=−170 mV at pH 7, sulfide up to 21 mg l−1, and Fe+2 up to 3.2 mg l−1). These conditions facilitated dechlorination of CT to chloroform (CF) present at up to 46 mg l−1, and methylene chloride (up to 75 mg l−1). Carbon disulfide (CS2), a terminal degradation product in reducing environments in laboratory experiments, was present at a mass ratio averaging 2.4:1 CF:CS2, indicative of abiotic degradation. The lack of detection of the separate phase CT, the ratio of CF:CS2, the presence of low molecular weight organic acids (i.e., acetate ∼900 mg l−1; citrate 360 mg l−1; and propionate, up to 111 mg l−1) and pyrite in conjunction with excess inorganic Cl in groundwater are all indicators of ongoing degradation of the chlorinated compounds. However, while natural attenuation of chloromethanes may be a viable adjunct to strategies designed to remediate CT in reducing groundwater, its efficacy is hard to quantify in complex field environments where upgradient sources are still present. 相似文献
Grain-scale melt distribution in two contact aureole rocks: implications for controls on melt localization and deformation 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
The grain‐scale spatial arrangement of melt in layer‐parallel leucosomes in two anatectic rocks from two different contact aureoles located in central Maine, USA, is documented and used to constrain the controls on grain‐scale melt localization. The spatial distribution of grain‐scale melt is inferred from microstructural criteria for recognition of mineral pseudomorphs after melt and mineral grains of the solid matrix that hosted the melt. In both rocks, feldspar mimics the grain‐scale distribution of melt, and quartz is the major constituent of the solid matrix. The feldspar pockets consist of individual feldspar grains or aggregates of feldspar grains that show cuspate outlines. They have low average width/length ratios (0.54 and 0.55, respectively), and are interstitial between more rounded and equant (width/length ratios 0.65 for both samples) quartz grains. In two dimensions, the feldspar pockets extend over distances equivalent to multiple quartz grain diameters, possibly forming a connected three‐dimensional intergranular network. Both samples show similar mesoscopic structural elements and in both samples the feldspar pockets have a shape‐preferred orientation. In one sample, feldspar inferred to replace melt is aligned subparallel to the shape‐preferred orientation of quartz, indicating that pre‐ or syn‐anatectic strain controlled the grain‐scale distribution of melt. In the other sample, the preferred orientation of feldspar inferred to replace melt is different from the orientations of all other mesoscopic or microscopic structures in the rock, indicating that differential stress controlled grain‐scale melt localization. This is probably facilitated by conditions of higher differential stress, which may have promoted microfracturing. Grain‐scale melt distribution and inferred melt localization controls give insight into possible grain‐scale deformation mechanisms in melt‐bearing rocks. Application of these results to the interpretation of deep crustal anatectic rocks suggests that grain‐scale melt distribution should be controlled primarily by pre‐ or syn‐anatectic deformation. Feedback relations between melt localization and deformation are to be expected, with important implications for deformation and tectonic evolution of melt‐bearing rocks. 相似文献
The load response of a rock-socketed steel H-pile can be strongly influenced by the nonlinear interfacial behavior between the grout and the steel H-pile, and between the pile and the rock mass. This paper focuses on the load-transfer mechanism of the former interface through experimental push-out tests and numerical simulation of the tests. The study is divided into two parts. In the first part, a series of push-out tests have been carried out on four types of specimens (with studs + confinement (Case I); no stud + confinement (Case II); no stud + no confinement (Case III); and studs + no confinement (Case IV)). The second part is a numerical study based on three-dimensional finite element technique, which takes into account possible damage and cracking in grout, as well as bond-slip along the interface. It is shown that the numerical predictions of the four cases compare favorably with the corresponding test results, including the load–displacement response and the development of cracks. Furthermore, parametric study has been carried out to investigate the influence of various factors, including the studs, the casing confinement, the grout fracture energy, and the dilation property of steel-grout interface. Lastly, some implications, based on the test and numerical results, on the design of socketed steel H-piles are discussed. 相似文献
Geological structures such as folds, faults, and discontinuities play a critical role in the stability and behaviour of both natural and engineered rock slopes. Although engineering geologists have long recognised the importance of structural geology in slopes, it remains a significant challenge to integrate structural geological mapping and theory into all stages of engineering projects. We emphasise the importance of structural geology to slope stability assessments, reviewing how structures control slope failure mechanisms, how engineering geologists measure structures and include them in slope stability analyses, and how numerical simulations of slopes incorporate geological structures and processes. 相似文献
The use of inclined hemisphere projections for analyzing failure mechanisms in discontinuous rocks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper demonstrates the advantages of using inclined stereographic projections in kinematic analysis of rock blocks in discontinuous rock masses. Some examples of limiting cases are presented. The application of inclined projections is illustrated by its use in a mine slope in Brazil. It is clear from the discussion of these examples that inclined hemisphere projections provide better results than horizontal projections. It is also demonstrated that horizontal projections can lead to incorrect results in limiting cases. 相似文献
Mitchell Lyle 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1982,46(11):2301-2306
Using available information on the accretion rates and the bulk chemical compositions of oceanic ferromanganese nodules, it can be shown that the accumulation rate of manganese is proportional to the square of the accumulation rate of iron. This relationship has been used to derive an equation that predicts nodule growth rates from their chemical compositions. The equation accurately predicts growth rates up to about 50 mm/106 yr, but yields incorrect rates for faster-growing concretions. From this relationship nodules underneath water of high primary productivity grow most rapidly and accumulate transition metals most rapidly; however, nodules from regions of highest primary productivity do not have the highest concentrations of nickel and copper. Reduction of manganese within the sediment column and remobilization of a fraction to the surface sediments adds manganese to nodules without substantially augmenting the supply of other transition elements. The addition of remobilized manganese to the nodule dilutes the concentrations of nickel, copper and iron, even though their rates of accumulation are also high. 相似文献
Clinopyroxene inclusions in diamond contain elevated potassium contents and can potentially be dated by 40Ar/39Ar techniques. Previous 40Ar/39Ar studies of clinopyroxene inclusions contained in cleaved diamonds have suggested that argon, produced from the decay of potassium prior to eruption of the host kimberlite magma, diffuses to the diamond/clinopyroxene interface under mantle conditions. After intrusion and cooling below the closure temperature for argon diffusion, radiogenic argon is retained by the clinopyroxene inclusions. This behaviour complicates efforts to date diamond crystallisation events; however, extraction of inclusions from their host diamond should induce loss of all interface argon, thus raising the possibility of determining kimberlite emplacement ages. This possibility has important implications for constraining the source localities of detrital diamond deposits worldwide, with concomitant benefits to diamond exploration. To investigate this premise, 40Ar/39Ar laser probe results are presented for single clinopyroxene inclusions extracted from a total of fifteen gem-quality diamonds from the Mbuji-Mayi kimberlite in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Jwaneng and Orapa kimberlites in Botswana.Initial fusion analyses of clinopyroxene inclusions from Mbuji-Mayi diamonds yielded ages older than the time of host kimberlite intrusion, indicating partial retention of extraneous argon by the clinopyroxene inclusions themselves. Step-heating analyses of clinopyroxene inclusions from Orapa and Jwaneng diamonds produced older apparent ages from lower temperature steps and the ‘rim’ fragment of one Orapa inclusion. High temperature (fusion) analyses yielded younger apparent ages, commonly approaching the times of host kimberlite eruption. Total-gas integrated 40Ar/39Ar ages are mostly intermediate between the times of inferred diamond crystallisation and kimberlite eruption. Ca/K ratios for each sample are uniform across step-heating increments, indicating that age variations are not due to compositional, mineralogical or alteration effects. The favoured explanation for these results is partial retention of extraneous argon in primary and/or secondary fluid inclusions. This component is then preferentially outgassed in lower temperature heating steps, yielding older apparent ages.The partial retention of extraneous argon by clinopyroxene inclusions clearly restricts efforts to determine source ages for detrital diamond deposits. Results from individual samples must necessarily be interpreted as maximum source emplacement ages. Nonetheless, step-heating analyses of several clinopyroxene inclusions from a detrital diamond deposit may provide reasonable constraints on the ages of source kimberlites/lamproites; however minor age populations as well as those closely spaced in time, may be difficult to resolve.It is argued that the majority of older 40Ar/39Ar ages can be explained in terms of the partial retention of inherited argon, produced between the times of diamond crystallisation and kimberlite eruption. Although the presence of excess argon in some clinopyroxene inclusions cannot be excluded, available evidence (e.g. no excess argon in Premier eclogitic inclusions or potassium-poor inclusions) suggests that this is not a factor for most samples. Three possible mechanistic models are forwarded to account for the uptake of inherited (± excess) argon in fluid inclusions. The first envisages negligible interface porosity and diffusion of extraneous argon exclusively to primary fluid inclusions, which subsequently partially decrepitated during eruption, causing accumulation of argon at the diamond/clinopyroxene interface. The second model permits diffusive loss of extraneous argon to both the interface region and primary fluid inclusions. The third involves diffusion of extraneous argon to the interface region, with later entrapment of some interface argon in secondary fluid inclusions, produced by fracture/annealing processes active during eruption. The first model can account for all 40Ar/39Ar results, whereas the latter two mechanisms require the presence of an excess argon component to explain older integrated ages (up to 2.9 Ga) from two Jwaneng samples. Excess argon contamination would compromise efforts to determine diamond genesis ages using the 40Ar/39Ar dating technique. However, if the first model is valid, then the older 40Ar/39Ar integrated ages support previous Re-Os age results for the crystallisation of Jwaneng diamonds. 相似文献