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唐烽  金幸生  王约  丁明  赵元龙  高林志 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1009-1018
Hiemalora是一类广为分布的埃迪卡拉(Ediacaran)纪(震旦纪)圆盘状印痕化石,周围具流苏状或触须状突起,曾被解释为似水母动物,或某种叶状生物的固着器官,但以往罕见其与叶状生物体共同保存。本文报道了华南贵州震旦纪陡山沱组一类保存完好丰富的被确认为藻类的碳膜化石——革辛娜藻Gesinella,具有完整的须状固着构造。这一须状构造的形态和大小与Hiemalora非常相似,致密加厚的基部及其周围辐射状分布的丝状或须根状构造,可以分别和后者的中央盘以及周缘突起的"触须"相比较。陡山沱组的这一类碳膜化石同时保存有明显巨大的形同藻类的叶片和固着器,为研究埃迪卡拉生物群的底栖印痕化石提供了新的认识,即:盘状的Hiemalora可能是多细胞藻类的固着器官,而不一定是最初解释的似水母动物或其它叶状体生物的固着构造。不过,证实这一点尚需更进一步地研究埃迪卡拉纪生物的保存方式和埋藏环境。  相似文献   

黔东北伊迪卡拉纪陡山沱组的宏体藻类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王约  王训练  黄禹铭 《地球科学》2007,32(6):828-844
宏体生物广泛地生活于扬子地区伊迪卡拉纪陡山沱期的海洋中,它们为后生动物的快速发展和演化奠定了一个崭新的环境和一个新生态链的基础.产自于黔东北伊迪卡拉系陡山沱组的瓮会生物群生活环境应在贫氧的、透光性良好的浅海低能环境,以宏体藻类为主,共描述15属18种(其中包括3个新属、5个新种、2个修定属和4个修定种)和1个未命名藻以及不明藻类固着器,另包含有宏体后生动物,可能的后生动物以及遗迹化石.瓮会生物群不但含有鄂西庙河生物群和皖南蓝田植物群的分子,也有南澳大利亚Ediacara生物群和俄罗斯WhiteSea生物群的分子,而且具有自已的特征而有别于其他伊迪卡拉期的生物群.其宏体藻类形态变化较大,组织器官和功能已出现明显的分化,并与高等植物之间存在一定的演化关系.宏体藻类多为直立固着于海底,提高了光合作用的效率,增加了水体中的含氧量.同时,宏体藻类作为生态系统中的初级生产者成为一种新的食物,改变了后生动物的食谱.因此,陡山沱期的宏体植物不仅改善了环境,为依赖一定氧而生活、生长和繁殖的后生动物给予了必要的支持,而且作为生态系统中的必要基础,为宏体后生动物的快速发展和演化提供了一个新的食物源.另外,宏体生物群的繁盛不仅提高了有机质的生产率,而且促进了富有机碳的沉积和保存.  相似文献   

基于峡东秭归青林口、泗溪和宜昌晓峰河埃迪卡拉系下部陡山沱组剖面岩石、层序和精细的碳同位素地层研究,在埃迪卡拉系下部陡山沱组底部、下部、中部、上部和顶部分别识别出5次以灰岩出现或黑色页岩增厚为标志的海侵事件,划分出5个可以进行区域对比的三级层序,自下而上分别命名为BDSS,LDSS,MDSS,UDSS和TDSS。以层序界面为对比标志,峡东埃迪卡拉纪不同古地理部位碳同位素组成变化的对比显示峡东埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组中内部发育5次可以进行区域乃至全球对比的碳同位素负异常,分别是分布在BDSS下部的SN1,LDSS上部的SN2,MDSS上部和顶部的SN3和SN4,以及分布在UDSS上部的SN5。其中SN1和SN4碳同位素负偏离最为明显,最小δ13C分别达到-4‰~-5‰和-9‰~-10‰,分别与Marinoan冰期上覆盖帽白云岩以及Gaskier冰碛沉积上、下地层中的碳同位素组成特点接近。SN4是埃迪卡拉系最晚冰期的产物。与SN1是埃迪卡拉系底界划分对比的标志相对比,SN4的出现应该是埃迪卡拉系内部再划分中另一个不可忽视的界线标志。  相似文献   

王约  徐一帆 《现代地质》2007,21(3):469-478
贵州瓮安地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组上段产有保存良好的具有生物多样化特征、包含多种门类磷质球粒状化石库的“瓮安生物群”,成为地球早期生物特别是早期后生动物和动物胚胎化石研究的焦点地区。描述了产自瓮安陡山沱组“瓮安生物群”产出层位底部和之下层位的3个后生动物遗迹:Wenganichnus nanbaoensis(ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov.)为具有衬里和半月形回填构造的微弯曲的潜穴管; Doushantuoichnus curvatus(ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. )为具有细小横纹脊的中沟和两排呈叠瓦状排列的小羽叶状凸起的表生迹;?Planolites ichnosp. 为任意弯曲的、与围岩岩性略有区别的长线状底迹突起。遗迹化石的形态特征表明它们的造迹生物为沿一定方向运动的、背部与腹部以及前部与后部分化的、两侧对称的蠕虫状后生动物,而非沉积构造。“瓮安生物群”中后生动物的卵和胚胎化石可能系不易保存的软躯体动物的卵和胚胎在水动力作用下与沉积物一起被搬运、沉积,埋藏于较高能浅水环境并处于休眠状态,且被保存。  相似文献   

Microfossils from the Ediacaran Weng’an Phosphate Member of the Doushantuo Formation (Guizhou Province, southern China) have received widespread attention. The Doushantuo, which overlies the glacial deposits of the Nantuo Formation, was deposited following the Marinoan glaciation, the last extensive glaciation of Snowball Earth. Radiometric age dating indicates that the Doushantuo is older than 580 my, and hence that these microfossils are older than the Ediacara Biota. However, the diversity represented by these fossils has yet to be fully documented. A recent technological approach that has increasingly been used to image fossils, propagation phase contrast synchrotron X-ray microtomography, has allowed non-destructive study of both exterior and interior features of a variety of Doushantuo microfossils from the gray facies of the Weng’an Phosphate Member, cropping out along the axis of the Mt. Beidou anticline. Studies of Doushantuo embryos demonstrate the existence of a large suite of modern embryonic features, including macromeres and micromeres, cell lineage, polar lobes, compacted epithelia, equal and unequal cleavage, blastulation and gastrulation, and chorionic protection. Because embryos such as those here studied provide only a limited amount of phylogenetic information, and because adult metazoans of the types that produced these embryos have yet to be discovered in Doushantuo-age rocks, these fossilized embryonic forms can at present be assigned only to the various superclades represented amongst living Metazoa. The diversity of the embryos here studied suggests that the metazoan fauna of the Doushantuo may well have included animals of poriferan, cnidarian, and both protostomial (representatives possibly of basal protostome lineages) and deuterostomial affinity. If this interpretation is correct, it would then follow that the last common ancestor of the bilaterian metazoan lineage, as well as the last common ancestor of sponges, cnidarians and bilaterians, pre-dated deposition of the Doushantuo strata.  相似文献   

Vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs) are described from the Ediacaran Doushantuo phosphorites (ca. 599–584 Ma) of Guizhou Province, South China. They are morphologically attributed to two genera and three species, and thus expand our knowledge of the Neoproterozoic protozoans in the Weng'an biota. They resemble to the VSMs from the Lower Cambrian pre-trilobitic Kuanchuanpu Formation of southern Shaanxi Province in terms of the microstructures and chemical composition of the fossil walls. Microscopic observations indicate that the VSMs from both the Weng'an biota and the Kuanchuanpu Formation are preserved in either single-layered or multi-layered walls, and composed of calcium phosphate in chemical composition. The present fossils also share similarities, in size and general contour, to the VSMs previously described from the Gaojiashan Member, middle part of the Dengying Formation (ca. 551–542 Ma) in southern Shaanxi. The discovery of the VSMs from the Doushantuo phosphorite is an important contribution to the Weng'an biota, and may throw much light on the early evolution and diversification of protozoans during Precambrian–Cambrian interval.  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of macrofossils in the Ediacaran have attracted much attention. The upper Doushantuo macrobiotas in South China, including the Miaohe biota from Hubei and the Wenghui biota from Guizhou, are mainly preserved as the carbonaceous compressions and dominated by macroscopic algae and metazoans. Here, we describe 10 genera and 10 species (including 6 new genera and species) of macrofossils from the Wenghui biota. At present, the Wenghui biota yields macrofossils in more than 31 genera and 33 species, excluding those given no image and established on a few unascertained specimens. Based on the occurrence and distribution of macrofossils in both Miaohe and Wenghui areas, the middle-late Ediacaran (back shales of the upper Doushantuo Formation) in South China can be subdivided into two assemblage biozones in biostratigraphy: (i) the Protoconites–Linbotulitaenia–Eoandromeda–Anomalophton assemblage biozone characterized by abundant and diverse macrofossils and by the ranges of Protoconites, Linbotulitaenia and Anomalophton; and (ii) the Baculiphyca–Gesinella–Cucullus–Beltanelliformis assemblage biozone characterized by the acme of the longer macrofossils Baculiphyca and Gesinella, and by few shorter and discoidal macrofossils.  相似文献   

In South China, various megascopic symmetrical metazoan fossils were found in the upper Doushantuo (陡山沱)Formation of the Neoproterozoic Ediacaran.The worm-like fossil is characterized by modern taxological annelid, for many metameres, parapodia, one possible tentale, an alimentary canal, and a dorsal vessel. The triradiate discoidal fossil is belong to Trilobozoa, and the octaradiate discoidal fossil might be Ctenophora. All these fossils indicate that the megascopic metazoans have appeared in the Doushantuoian of Eidacaran and imply that the symmetrical metazoans must have originated at least 550 Ma ago.  相似文献   

李玉兰  尹海鉴  王约  毛铁 《贵州地质》2012,29(4):295-300
南沱冰期后的伊迪卡拉纪陡山沱期,全球海平面逐渐上升,宏体生物群(包括蓝田生物群、瓮会生物和庙河生物群等)广泛出现在扬子地区,使扬子地区陡山沱期的古地理研究成为目前研究的热点之一。在黔东北江口一铜仁地区的陡山沱组中产有丰富的宏体生物(“瓮会生物群”)和圆柱状叠层石,同时通过对遵义一铜仁陡山沱组多剖面岩性及岩性组合特征的分析和研究,认为在江口德旺地区可能存在有隆起的大陆边缘,其东侧为大陆边缘前缓斜坡相,西侧为半封闭台地相。  相似文献   

本文报道的微体化石产于湖北宜昌樟村坪万家沟剖面埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组第10层的硅磷质结核中,化石组合包括疑源类Appendisphaera grandis、Ericiasphaera spjeldnaesii、Knollisphaeridium maxi mum、Leiosphaeridia tenuissi ma、Meghystrichosphaeridium perfectum、Tianzhushania polysiphonia、T.spinosa、T.ornata;丝状蓝藻Oscillatoriopsis obtusa、Polytrichoides induviatus、P.lineatus、Salome hubeiensis、Siphonophycustypicum;多细胞藻类Sarcinophycus palilloformis、Wengania minuta。该微体化石组合面貌与黄陵背斜东、南翼陡山沱组二段硅质结核中以大型具刺疑源类Tianzhushania为特征的组合相同,与贵州瓮安地区陡山沱组上磷块岩下部保存的微体化石组合面貌基本一致。  相似文献   

华南埃迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组生物地层学研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点介绍华南地区埃迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组生物地层学研究的新进展:(1)贵州江口陡山沱组上部黑色页岩中发现保存完美的八辐射螺旋结构的埃迪卡拉型动物化石--八臂仙母虫,首次确立陡山沱组上部庙河生物群层位有埃迪卡拉型动物化石的存在,为该层位与澳大利亚典型埃迪卡拉动物群层位对比提供了重要证据.(2)陡山沱组第二段首次发现有饰天柱山藻,确立了陡山沱组中下部出现的以Tianzhushania属为特征的具刺疑源类下组合带,为同期地层的对比提供了新依据.(3)在峡东地区陡山沱组第三段发现以Tanarium属为特征的具刺疑源类上组合带,它们与断面呈圆形和方形的管状化石共生,层位稳定,分布广泛.这些新古生物的发现,不仅进一步完善了我国埃迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组的生物地层序列,而且为解决全球埃迪卡拉系划分和对比提供了可靠的古生物依据.  相似文献   

朱光有  赵坤  李婷婷  张志遥 《地质学报》2021,95(8):2553-2574
震旦系(埃迪卡拉系)陡山沱组是成冰系(南华系)极端冰期事件结束后首次沉积的泥岩和碳酸盐岩地层,大规模的海侵活动导致在全球广泛发育富有机质黑色页岩,可能是未来深层油气和页岩气勘探的重要烃源岩层.中国华南陡山沱组烃源岩分布广泛,由于受古构造格局、沉积相带等因素影响,烃源岩非均质性强、平面上分布差异大.本文在前人研究基础上,...  相似文献   

在对扬子板块埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组不同相区的25条代表性剖面野外研究基础上,通过沉积岩石学和岩相序列特征的系统分析,认为陡山沱组沉积时期曾发生3次二级海平面升降事件。依据3个海平面升降转换面,可识别出3个层序底界面:(1)陡山沱组底部与下伏南华系南沱组及其同期层位的冰碛杂砾岩之间的界面;(2)在浅水沉积区陡山沱组中部和上部分别出现喀斯特侵蚀面;(3)在深水沉积区相应层序界面为岩相结构转换面。依据火山灰锆石U-Pb同位素年龄,可将陡山沱组层序地层划分为2个半二级层序或超层序(SS1,SS2和SS3-TST),其中SS1时限为35Ma(635~600Ma),SS2时限为35Ma(600~565Ma),SS3-TST时限为14Ma(565~551Ma)。陡山沱组底部广泛发育的盖帽白云岩底和3个层序内的最大海泛面可以作为4个相对等时面,结合事件沉积标志层,可建立扬子板块陡山沱组从浅水沉积区至深水沉积区等时性二级层序地层划分对比格架。研究结果表明,三峡地区陡山沱组四段式划分方案不适用于整个扬子板块内陡山沱组的区域地层划分和对比。因而,建议扬子板块陡山沱组应该以二级层序地层为基础,结合化学地层和生物地层进行综合划分和对比。陡山沱组新的地层划分对比格架为研究陡山沱组古地理演变和编制该时期高精度的岩相古地理图奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Large acanthomorphic acritarchs have been found in chert of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at several localities in South China, including the East Yangtze Gorges of Hubei Province, Weng’an area of Guizhou Province, and elsewhere. However, their potential for biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of Ediacaran successions is limited by facies control, taphonomic biases, and taxonomic problems. In the Yangtze Gorges, the Doushantuo Formation is generally subdivided into four lithologic members. However, in the Weng’an area, the Doushantuo Formation comprises just a lower and upper part separated by a mid-Doushantuo erosional surface. In the Yangtze Gorges at the Zhangcunping section, the Doushantuo succession is similar to that at Weng’an. So far, the correlation between the Yangtze Gorges and Weng’an area, and elsewhere has been an issue of debate. To resolve the debate, we selected eight sections in the Yangtze Gorges area and systemically sampled chert nodules of the Doushantuo Formation, focusing in particular on the upper Doushantuo Formation. Our data confirm two different assemblages appearing separately in the second and third members, which are separated by a negative δ13C excursion (EN2). The lower assemblage is characterized by Tianzhushania and a diverse suite of large acanthomorphic acritarchs. The upper assemblage is distinguished from the lower assemblage, by (1) absence of Tianzhushania; (2) occurrence of abundant, 100–150 μm, smooth-walled spherical microfossils; (3) occurrence of highly diverse acanthomorphic acritarchs including species extending from the second member and new forms in this member; (4) occurrence of unnamed new forms of protist; and (5) occurrence of the tubular microfossil Sinocyclocylicus guizhouensis. Since the Tianzhushania-dominated assemblage is not present in Australia, it seems that only the upper acanthomorph assemblage is present and thus the lower Doushantuo acanthomorph assemblage is missing in Australia.  相似文献   

贵州瓮安陡山沱期矿化生物群的研究进展和意义   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
贵州瓮安陡山沱期矿化(磷酸盐化和硅化)生物群的研究近年来倍受关注,它为研究包括后生动物在内的多细胞生物早期演化提供了十分难得的机遇。最近,由于其中部分磷酸盐化球状化石保存了与某些后生动物胚胎早期发育阶段类似的卵裂特征,被认为是后生动物的休眠卵和胚胎化石。但是,由于至今未发现可靠的囊胚期到原肠胚期和幼体孵化的化石证据,此类化石的动、植物之争一直没有停止。作者近期对该套含磷地层进行了系统的分析研究,除已报道的大量休眠卵和胚胎化石外,还发现保存原肠发育特征的磷酸盐化实体化石、蓝藻细胞集合体、可疑海绵动物化石及类似瓶形的不明化石等。研究表明,陡山沱期矿化生物群具有多样性特征,包含了多种门类的不同类型,是迄今为止全球保存最完好的未元古纪磷质化石库。  相似文献   

华南埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组沉积于原始地球-生命系统向现代地球-生命系统过渡的关键时期,该套地层记录了地质历史时期一次大规模成磷事件,但关于该次成磷事件中磷元素的来源仍存在诸多争议。浅海区磷元素主要来源于由河流搬运的陆表含磷矿物风化产物及上升流作用所带来的其他海域含磷水体,这两种来源可以通过全岩碎屑元素(Al、Fe、Th等)和稀土元素的含量及其分布特征进行区分。本文通过对上扬子地区乡党坪剖面和四斗坪剖面的陡山沱组主、微量元素特征的综合分析,恢复了该地区的物源体系及其风化作用过程。较高的P2O5-Al2O3、P2O5-Fe2O3相关性,表明该时期磷来源于陆地风化而非上升流;较低的Th/Co、La/Sc、Th/Cr等比值,TiO2-Zr相关性以及Th-Hf-Co、La-Th-Sc三角图分布关系,表明研究区内陡山沱组的物源体系主要为玄武岩;较高的化学蚀变指数(CIA)和较低的Sr/Cu值,表明物源区当时...  相似文献   

近年来,随着扬子克拉通埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组页岩气勘探获得重大突破,深入和细化陡山沱期构造-岩相古地理就显得迫在眉睫。基于大量野外露头和最新钻井资料,结合前人研究成果,作者对陡山沱期构造-岩相古地理进行了分析、研究和图件编制。研究认为: 扬子克拉通埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱期,受控处于罗迪尼亚超大陆西北边缘的古地理位置和超大陆大规模裂解之后的热沉降作用初期的成盆构造环境,其古地理特征总体呈现出西高东低、北高南低,四古陆剥蚀区(汉南、康滇、牛首山和江南古陆)、三台地区(上扬子、中下扬子和浙北台地)与四盆地区(扬子东南缘与北缘坳陷、万源—达州和湘鄂西内裂陷)相间的沉积面貌和格局。其中,台地区以局限—开阔台地,盆地区以台缘斜坡、陆棚和半深海等为主要优势相。4个古陆是扬子陡山沱组主要的碎屑物源区,下伏裂谷盆地构造和陡山沱期发育的同沉积断裂,共同控制了埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组构造-沉积特征。提出陕南、川东北、鄂西和湘黔渝临区是最有利的陡山沱组烃源岩分布区,其次是浙北—皖南地区。有利烃源岩分布区及其邻区是扬子深层—超深层常规天然气或页岩气勘探值得高度关注的区域。  相似文献   

Recently,great breakthroughs have been obtained in shale gas exploration in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the Yangtze Craton. Thus,the tectonic-lithofacies palaeogeography of the Yangtze Craton during the Doushantuo depositional period was in urgent need to be further studied. Based on a large number of outcrop sections,latest drilling data,numerous previous studies,we reconstructed the tectonic-lithofacies palaeogeography of the Yangtze Craton. The results indicated that,during the Ediacaran Doushantuo Period,the tectonic background of the Yangtze Craton was not only controlled by its palaeogeographic location(at the northwest of the supercontinent Rodinia),but also by the thermal sedimentation after the continental rifting. The tectonic-lithofacies palaeogeography of the Yangtze Craton generally showed higher terrain in the west and the north,and lower in the east and the south,with four oldlands developed namely the Hannan,Kangdian,Niushoushan and Jiangnan oldlands. The sedimentary pattern was featured by three platforms(in the Upper Yangtze,Middle-Lower Yangtze,and northern Zhejiang regions)alternated with four basins(in the Wanyuan-Dazhou,west Hubei-Hunan,southeastern and northern Yangtze margins). The three platforms were dominated by restricted-open platform facies; the four basins were dominated by platform margin slope,shelf and bathyal facies. The four oldlands(provided the main detrital provenance),together with the syn-depositional faults and the palaeostructure of the underlying rift basins,controlled the tectonic-sedimentary characteristics of the Yangtze Craton during the Ediacaran Doushantuo Period. The paper has proposed that the southern Shaanxi,northeastern Sichuan,western Hubei,and the adjacent area of the Hunan,Guizhou and Chongqing are the most favorable distribution areas of the Doushantuo source rocks;the northern Zhejiang and southern Anhui areas are the secondary favorable distribution areas. These favorable distribution areas and their adjacent areas are considered to be favorable regions for deepening the deep natural gas exploration in the Yangtze Craton.  相似文献   

本文重点通过研究峡东地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组碳同位素的变化规律,来探讨其全球地层对比意义.峡东地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组经历了三次比较显著的碳同位素负漂移(EN1~EN3)和两次正漂移(EP1、EP2).第一次碳同位素负漂移(ENI)发生在南沱冰期之后陡山沱组底部"盖帽碳酸盐岩"层位及其上部的白云岩,与世界其他地区Marinoan冰期之后"盖帽碳酸盐岩"的碳同位素负漂移可进行对比;第二次碳同位素负漂移(EN2)发生在陡山沱组中部;第三次负漂移(EN3)发生在陡山沱组顶部,是该地质历史时期持续时间最长的一期碳同位素负漂移,同澳大利亚、阿曼、纳米比亚、加里福尼亚、西伯利亚、苏格兰等地碳同位素异常均可进行对比.两次正漂移(EP1、EP2)分别位于第二段中部和第三段的下部,分别与陡山沱组所含的两个疑源类组合具有很好的对应关系;而EN3则与陡山沱组上部所含的宏体化石组合(庙河生物群)相对应;表明碳同位素的变化与生物演化具有一定的对应关系.研究表明,利用碳同位素变化特征进行埃迪卡拉纪地层洲际对比是行之有效的手段之一.  相似文献   

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