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We present predictions for the line-of-sight velocity dispersion profiles of dwarf spheroidal galaxies and compare them to observations in the case of the Fornax dwarf. The predictions are made in the framework of standard dynamical theory of spherical systems with different velocity distributions. The stars are assumed to be distributed according to Sérsic laws with parameters fitted to observations. We compare predictions obtained assuming the presence of dark matter haloes (with density profiles adopted from N -body simulations) with those resulting from Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). If the anisotropy of velocity distribution is treated as a free parameter, observational data for Fornax are reproduced equally well by models with dark matter and with MOND. If stellar mass-to-light ratio of 1 M/L is assumed, the required mass of the dark halo is     , two orders of magnitude larger than the mass in stars. The derived MOND acceleration scale is     . In both cases a certain amount of tangential anisotropy in the velocity distribution is needed to reproduce the shape of the velocity dispersion profile in Fornax.  相似文献   

The observed rotation curves of dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies indicate low-density cores, contrary to the predictions of CDM models. A possible solution of this problem involves stellar feedback. A strong baryonic wind driven by vigorous star formation can remove a large fraction of the gas, causing the dark matter to expand. Using both numerical and analytical techniques, we explore the maximum effect of the feedback with an instantaneous removal of the gaseous disc. The energy input depends on the compactness of the disc, hence the specific angular momentum of the disc. For the plausible cosmological parameters and a wide range of the disc angular momenta, the feedback is insufficient to destroy the central halo cusp, while the inner density is lowered only by a modest factor of 2 to 6. Any realistic modelling of the feedback would have even lesser impact on dark matter. We find that no star formation effect can resolve the problems of CDM cusps.  相似文献   

We re-investigate the old problem of the survival of the five globular clusters (GCs) orbiting the Fornax dwarf galaxy in both standard and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). For the first time in the history of the topic, we use accurate mass models for the Fornax dwarf, obtained through Jeans modelling of the recently published line-of-sight (LOS) velocity dispersion data, and we are also not resigned to circular orbits for the GCs. Previously conceived problems stem from fixing the starting distances of the globulars to be less than half the tidal radius. We relax this constraint since there is absolutely no evidence for it and show that the dark matter (DM) paradigm, with either cusped or cored DM profiles, has no trouble sustaining the orbits of the two least massive GCs for a Hubble time almost regardless of their initial distance from Fornax. The three most massive globulars can remain in orbit as long as their starting distances are marginally outside the tidal radius. The outlook for MOND is also not nearly as bleak as previously reported. Although dynamical friction (DF) inside the tidal radius is far stronger in MOND, outside DF is negligible due to the absence of stars. This allows highly radial orbits to survive, but more importantly circular orbits at distances more than 85 per cent of Fornax's tidal radius to survive indefinitely. The probability of the GCs being on circular orbits at this distance compared with their current projected distances is discussed and shown to be plausible. Finally, if we ignore the presence of the most massive globular (giving it a large LOS distance), we demonstrate that the remaining four globulars can survive within the tidal radius for the Hubble time with perfectly sensible orbits.  相似文献   

The dynamical friction problem is a long-standing dilemma about globular clusters (hereafter GCs) belonging to dwarf galaxies. GCs are strongly affected by dynamical friction in dwarf galaxies, and are presumed to fall into the galactic centre. But, GCs do exist in dwarf galaxies generally. A solution of the problem has been proposed. If dwarf galaxies have a core dark matter halo which has constant density distribution in its centre, the effect of dynamical friction will be weakened considerably, and GCs should be able to survive beyond the age of the Universe. Then, the solution argued that, in a cored dark halo, interaction between the halo and the GC constructs a new equilibrium state, in which a part of the halo rotates along with the GC (corotating state). The equilibrium state can suppress the dynamical friction in the core region. In this study, I tested whether the solution is reasonable and reconsidered why a constant density, core halo suppresses dynamical friction, by means of N -body simulations. As a result, I conclude that the true mechanism of suppressed dynamical friction is not the corotating state, although a core halo can actually suppress dynamical friction on GCs significantly.  相似文献   

We estimate the time-scales for orbital decay of wide binaries embedded within dark matter haloes, due to dynamical friction against the dark matter particles. We derive analytical scalings for this decay and calibrate and test them through the extensive use of N -body simulations, which accurately confirm the predicted temporal evolution. For density and velocity dispersion parameters as inferred for the dark matter haloes of local dSph galaxies, we show that the decay time-scales become shorter than the ages of the dSph stellar populations for binary stars composed of  1 M  stars, for initial separations larger than 0.1 pc. Such wide binaries are conspicuous and have been well measured in the solar neighbourhood. The prediction of the dark matter hypothesis is that they should now be absent from stellar populations embedded within low velocity dispersion, high-density dark mater haloes, as currently inferred for the local dSph galaxies, having since evolved into tighter binaries. Relevant empirical determinations of this will become technically feasible in the near future, and could provide evidence to discriminate between dark matter particle haloes or modified gravitational theories, to account for the high dispersion velocities measured for stars in local dSph galaxies.  相似文献   

The existence of blue straggler stars (BSSs) in dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) is still an open question. In fact, many BSS candidates have been observed in the Local Group dSphs, but it is unclear whether they are real BSSs or young stars. Shedding light on the nature of these BSS candidates is crucial in order to understand the star formation history of dSphs. In this paper, we consider BSS candidates in Sculptor and Fornax. In Fornax, there are strong hints that the BSS population is contaminated by young stars, whereas in Sculptor there is no clear evidence of recent star formation. We derive the radial and luminosity distribution of BSS candidates from wide field imaging data extending beyond the nominal tidal radius of these galaxies. The observations are compared with the radial distribution of BSSs expected from dynamical simulations. In Sculptor, the radial distribution of BSS candidates is consistent with that of red horizontal branch (RHB) stars and is in agreement with theoretical expectations for BSSs generated via mass transfer in binaries. On the contrary, in Fornax, the radial distribution of BSS candidates is more concentrated than that of all the considered stellar populations. This result supports the hypothesis that most of BSS candidates in Fornax are young stars, and this is consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

We take the line-of-sight velocity dispersions as functions of radius for eight Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies and use Jeans analysis to calculate the mass-to-light ratios (M/L) in Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). Using the latest structural parameters, distances and variable velocity anisotropy, we find six out of eight dwarfs have sensible M/L using only the stellar populations. Sextans and Draco, however, have  M/L = 9.2+5.3−3.0  and  43.9+29.0−19.3  respectively, which poses a problem. Apart from the need for Sextans' integrated magnitude to be reviewed, we propose tidal effects intrinsic to MOND, testable with numerical simulations, but fully orbit dependant, which are disrupting Draco. The creation of the Magellanic Stream is also re-addressed in MOND, the scenario being the stream is ram pressure stripped from the SMC as it crosses the LMC.  相似文献   

We apply the modified acceleration law obtained from Einstein gravity coupled to a massive skew symmetric field,   F μνλ  , to the problem of explaining X-ray galaxy cluster masses without exotic dark matter. Utilizing X-ray observations to fit the gas mass profile and temperature profile of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) with King 'β-models', we show that the dynamical masses of the galaxy clusters resulting from our modified acceleration law fit the cluster gas masses for our sample of 106 clusters without the need of introducing a non-baryonic dark matter component. We are further able to show for our sample of 106 clusters that the distribution of gas in the ICM as a function of radial distance is well fitted by the dynamical mass distribution arising from our modified acceleration law without any additional dark matter component. In a previous work, we applied this theory to galaxy rotation curves and demonstrated good fits to our sample of 101 low surface brightness, high surface brightness and dwarf galaxies including 58 galaxies that were fitted photometrically with the single-parameter mass-to-light ratio ( M / L )stars. The results obtained there were qualitatively similar to those obtained using Milgrom's phenomenological Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) model, although the determined galaxy masses were quantitatively different, and MOND does not show a return to Keplerian behaviour at extragalactic distances. The results obtained here are compared to those obtained using Milgrom's phenomenological MOND model which does not fit the X-ray galaxy cluster masses unless an auxiliary dark matter component is included.  相似文献   

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