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对2007年采自越南红河水下三角洲北区24个表层沉积物样品进行了粒度分析和粒度参数计算,初步探讨了该区沉积物的主要类型及分布特征。结果表明,越南红河水下三角洲北区的表层沉积物主要由粉砂组成(体积平均含量为54.35%),平均粒径为6φ。按Link沉积物命名法,该区沉积物主要类型有砂、砂质粉砂和黏土质粉砂。水平分布上,由西部的砂向东逐渐变为黏土质粉砂,呈现出由近岸三角洲前缘相的粗粒级沉积物逐渐向前三角洲-浅海相的细粒级沉积物变化的趋势。与前人研究成果对比发现,红河水下三角洲北区沉积物黏土的比例较1996年的比例明显增大,可能与海岸线近10a来总体上呈向陆迁移、水下三角洲沉积向岸蚀退以及纵向上水动力逐渐变弱有关。 相似文献
Mahatma Lanuru Rolf Riethmüller Carlo van Bernem Kerstin Heymann 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2007,72(4):603-614
The erosion potential over bedforms in a tidal flat of the East Frisian Wadden Sea was studied by conducting erosion and physical and biological sediment property measurements on the crests and troughs of bedforms. Five stations along a cross-shore transect of 1.5 km length from immediately below the salt marsh to the mid tide-level of the tidal flat were visited during two field campaigns in June and September 2002. Measurements of sediment erodibility were made on both crests and troughs using an EROMES erosion device and quantified in terms of critical erosion shear stress and erosion rate. Surface sediment scrape samples (upper 1 mm layer) were taken from crests and troughs to determine various physical and biological properties of the sediment. The results show that crests are generally more stable (i.e. higher critical erosion shear stresses and lower erosion rates) than troughs. In general, crests contained more chlorophyll a, colloidal carbohydrate, and EPS (extracellular polymeric substance) than troughs. Median grain-size, water content and wet bulk density of the crests showed no statistically significant difference from those of the troughs with the exception at the most landward station immediately below the salt marsh margin, where crests had significantly lower water content and higher wet bulk density than troughs.Two different processes were identified for the difference in erodibility between crests and troughs: (1) At stations with emersion times less than 6 h, the higher benthic diatom biomass (measured as chlorophyll a concentration) on the crests increases the amount of EPS, which is likely to stabilize the sediment surface of these features; (2) in a saltmarsh transition area (most landward station), physical processes such as surface drying and compaction seem to enhance in a synergistic way the sediment stability on the crests. 相似文献
In order to gain insight into the formation dynamics of mudbanks off the Kerala coast of India, extensive surveying of the nearshore bathymetry along with sediment characterization was undertaken. The textural and geotechnical properties of the surficial sediments of a mudbank were determined during pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon periods. The mudbank sediments were clayey silts with high water and organic carbon contents, high Atterberg limits, and low bulk density, and therefore very susceptible to entrainment. During the monsoon, the mudbank regime was characterised by enhanced turbidity and a benthic fluff layer, triggered by the increasing swell of the early monsoon period. Re-suspension exposed a more consolidated, previously sub-bottom, layer which exhibited lower water content and greater shear strength than the pre-monsoon seabed. Texturally, the monsoon seabed was similar to the pre-monsoon seabed, with the same modal grain size, but the proportions of sand and coarse silt increased nearshore, while the proportions of fine and very fine silt increased offshore. There was a seaward-fining textural gradient at all times, but this became pronounced during the monsoon period. Paradoxically, the monsoonal seabed displayed greatly reduced wet bulk density. It is hypothesized that this was due to the presence of gas, probably methane, in the sediments (while the pre-monsoon sediments were fully saturated, the monsoon sediments were only 83% saturated). We speculate that the gas was forced into the surficial sediments either by wave pumping (at the onset of the monsoon) or by seaward-flowing subbottom freshwater (derived from monsoonal rains). With the waning of the monsoon, the benthic fluid mud layer rapidly disappeared and the seabed returned to its pre-monsoon state as suspended sediments were redeposited. The mudbank regime is therefore essentially an in situ phenomenon. It is suggested that the mudbanks are palimpsest, marshy, lagoonal deposits, rich in organic matter and derived gas, that were submerged after a marine transgression. The surficial sediment is annually entrained during the monsoon, but erosion is limited by the formation of the benthic fluid mud layer, which attenuates wave generated turbulence. Although some fine sediment disperses alongshore and offshore, most is returned to the seabed as the monsoon declines. 相似文献
Spatial and temporal variations in sediment grain size in tidal wetlands, Yangtze Delta: On the role of physical and biotic controls 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
S.L. Yang H. Li T. Ysebaert T.J. Bouma W.X. Zhang Y.Y. Wang P. Li M. Li P.X. Ding 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2008,77(4):657-671
To examine the spatial and temporal variability of sediment grain size in exposed tidal wetlands with ample sediment supply, we sampled sediments and measured hydrodynamics, accretion/erosion rates, and vegetation characteristics in the Yangtze Delta. Sediment grain size exhibited a landward/upward decreasing trend. This trend is mainly attributed to attenuation of hydrodynamics. A 630-day series of daily surface sediment sampling at a fixed site on an unvegetated intertidal flat revealed significant seasonal and storm-cyclic changes in grain size. This temporal variability was related to alternating accretion/erosion events, with erosion associated with coarser grain size. Such temporal dynamics were not present in vegetation, where sediment remained fine grained throughout the year. In the marsh, vegetation cover enables the trapping of fine-grained sediments in the following ways: (a) adherence of suspended sediments onto plants; (b) deposition of suspended sediments stimulated by attenuation of hydrodynamics through plant obstruction; and (c) prevention of resuspension of fine-grained deposits due to the protection of the plant canopy. The influence of vegetation on sediment grain size was clearly seen when comparing sediment trapped by different vegetation types and seasonal patterns of trapped sediment on different vegetation canopy densities. The relatively high plant biomass of the recently introduced Spartina alterniflora enhanced the trapping effect, whereas plant degradation due to buffalo grazing reduced the trapping effect. We conclude that for exposed tidal wetlands with ample sediment supply such as the Yangtze Delta, the spatial and temporal variability of sediment grain size is governed predominantly by physical controls on the unvegetated flat and predominantly by biophysical interaction of hydrodynamics and vegetation in the salt marsh, rather than by sediment supply. 相似文献
Impact of the winter cooling on the variability of the thermohaline characteristics of the active layer in the Black Sea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The influence of the winter atmospheric forcing on the interannual variability of the Black Sea’s active layer’s thermohaline
structure during 1982–2008 is investigated. The results are based on the combined analysis of the hydrological measurements
from a ship, satellite measurements of the sea’s surface temperature (SST), and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the surface
air temperature (SAT). A high correlation between the variability of the winter mean SST/SAT and the thermohaline characteristics
of the active layer during the following warm season was found. It is shown that the winter atmospheric forcing significantly
affects the variability of the temperature, salinity, and density down to the 150–200 m depth, and this has to be considered
in the analysis of the interannual and long-term variability of the Black Sea’s active layer. 相似文献
Masaki Kawabe 《Journal of Oceanography》1980,36(2):97-104
Sea level variations from 1974 through 1976 at 9 stations on the south coast of Japan (from west to east, Aburatsu, Tosa-shimizu, Muroto-misaki, Kushimoto, Uragami, Owase, Toba, Maisaka and Omaezaki) were analysed in relation to the large meander in the Kuroshio. From May to July in 1975, a small maximum in sea level variation was observed at every station west of Cape Shionomisaki from Aburatsu to Kushimoto. It propagated eastward along with the eastward propagation of a small meander in the Kuroshio until it reached Kushimoto, when the sea levels at Uragami and Owase started to rise sharply. This remarkable rise appeared at all stations in August when a large meander in the Kuroshio was established. The mean sea level at the stations east of Cape Shionomisaki from Uragami to Omaezaki rose by about 10 cm. The difference in sea level variations between the regions east and west of Cape Shionomisaki, which had been present before the rise, disappeared. A similar characteristic of sea level variation was also found in the generation stage of the large meander in 1959. The sea level variations along the south coast of Japan indicate that, prior to the generation of the large meander, the small meander in the Kuroshio was generated southeast of Kyushu and propagated eastward and that, just when this meander reached off Cape Shionomisaki, a large scale oceanic event covering over the whole region of the south coast of Japan occurred. This large scale event seems to be one of the necessary conditions for the generation of the large meander in the Kuroshio off Enshû-nada. 相似文献
渤海底质沉积物粒度特征及输运趋势探讨 总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6
基于对渤海171个表层沉积物样品的粒度分析测试结果,使用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析方法,研究了渤海底质沉积物的分布特征和输运趋势,结果表明:渤海粗粒级沉积物主要分布于辽东和渤中浅滩附近,在滦河口和黄河口也有零星分布;细粒级沉积物主要分布于渤海湾中部和南部,并呈条带状向辽东湾方向延伸;细粒级沉积物分选较粗粒级沉积物好,偏态系数较低;渤海细粒级沉积区为渤海的现代沉积中心,周边沉积物有向这个沉积中心汇聚的输运趋势。这种沉积物分布格局和输运趋势主要受潮流和渤海环流的控制。 相似文献
对南海北部224个表层沉积物样品的粒度组成和碳酸盐含量进行了测试和分析,探讨了沉积物的运移方式及其沉积环境。结果表明,南海北部表层沉积物可划分为砾砂、粗砂、中砂、细砂、粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂、砂-粉砂-黏土、黏土质粉砂、粉砂质黏土、黏土等类型,其中深海-半深海沉积物又可分为:硅质黏土、钙质黏土、含钙质和硅质黏土、有孔虫砂、钙质黏土质粉砂、钙质砂-粉砂-黏土、硅质黏土质粉砂。粉砂质黏土、黏土质粉砂、砂、砂质粉砂、黏土是分布最广泛的沉积物类,约占该区面积的80%以上。同时对粒度相关参数和碳酸盐含量进行了因子统计分析并作沉积环境分区,结果表明上述参数可分为3类因子,将研究区分为4类区域。因子1作用于Ⅰ、Ⅱ两个区域。Ⅰ区为黏土级沉积区,主要分布在研究区东南部水深较大的海域;Ⅱ区为中、细砂质沉积区,主要分布在粤西外大陆架和华南大陆沿海。因子2作用于Ⅲ区,为粗、中粉砂质沉积区,主要分布在琼东南、珠江口外海大陆坡以及台西南外大陆架。因子3作用于Ⅳ区,为粗砂质沉积区,主要分布在台西南内大陆架海域。 相似文献
通过对南海东北部(12°~22°N,116°~122°E)表层沉积中的浮游有孔虫、底栖有孔虫、钙质超微化石、硅质与钙质生物丰度和比值的定量分析以及碳酸盐含量的测定,发现碳酸盐含量、浮游有孔虫、钙质超微化石丰度以及钙质生物比值随水深的增大迅速减小,而底栖有孔虫占有孔虫全群的比值和硅质生物比值以及底栖有孔虫胶结质壳类的百分含量却随水深的增大迅速增加.研究表明,调查区内微体化石丰度和比值以及碳酸钙含量的高低,与碳酸盐溶跃面(lysocline)和碳酸盐补偿深度密切相关,碳酸盐溶跃面和碳酸盐补偿深度南、北还存在一定差异,碳酸盐溶跃面南部较北部深,南部在2600m上下,北部则在2200m上下;碳酸盐补偿深度也是南部的较深,南部为3 600 m上下,而北部在3 400 m上下。 相似文献
Daehyun Kim William E. Grant David M. Cairns Jesper Bartholdy 《Geo-Marine Letters》2013,33(4):253-261
Long-term eustatic sea-level variation has been recognized as a primary factor affecting the hydrological and geomorphic dynamics of salt marshes. However, recent studies suggest that wind waves influenced by atmospheric oscillations also may play an important role in many coastal areas. Although this notion has been conceptually introduced for the Wadden Sea, no modeling attempts have been made yet. As a proof of concept, this study developed a simulation model using the commercially available STELLA® software, based on long-term data on water level and sedimentation collected at a back-barrier marsh on the Skallingen peninsula in Denmark. In the model, the frequency (number year–1) of wind-driven extreme high water level (HWL) events (>130 cm Danish Ordnance Zero) was simulated in terms of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. Then, surface accretion (cm year–1) and submergence duration (h year–1) were simulated for the period 1933–2007. The model showed good performances: simulated rates of surface accretion and simulated durations of submergence decreased from 1950 to 1980, the point at which the NAO shifted from its negative to its positive phase, and increased thereafter. Despite continuous increases in surface elevation, increases in simulated submergence duration were apparently due to wind-driven HWL events, which generally increased in frequency after 1980. These findings for the Danish Wadden Sea add to the growing body of evidence that the role of atmospheric oscillations—e.g., the NAO—as drivers of wind-generated water level variations merits more attention in assessing the impact of climate change on coastal marshes. 相似文献
沉积动力特征及稳定性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据2011 年7 月3 日原4 日在苦水洋海域获取的全潮水文资料和底质样品,计算潮周期水、沙输运率,分析了其沉
33.029毅N)以东以向海输运为主。近三十多年来,苦水洋西水道深槽与口门北水道逐渐贯通,水道整体趋于顺直。 相似文献
Composite analysis was conducted using high-frequency radar data obtained during 2006–2015 in order to gain a better understanding of the current field in the Ariake Sea. The seasonally averaged surface current in the Ariake Sea was directed southward in all seasons, except around river mouths during summer. Heavy rainfall enhanced the outflow along the eastern coast of the Shimabara Peninsula from Isahaya Bay to the southern area 2–5 days after heavy rainfall. Spring–neap differences were clearly seen in the southward current along the Shimabara Peninsula. Interannual variation in the M2 tidal current amplitude was synchronized with the lunar nodal cycle. 相似文献
The eelgrass Zostera marina is a key structural and functional species across the European coastline. The separate and interactive effects of eelgrass canopy removal and sediment addition on the sediment characteristics and the structure of benthic communities were studied in a factorial field experiment in the Northern Baltic Sea in July–August 2006. The removal of eelgrass canopy temporarily increased the sediment oxygen consumption, reduced the content of fine particles (<100 μm) and organic matter in the sediment, and increased the share of sand fraction (250–500 μm). Sediment addition increased the content of fine particles (<100 μm) and reduced the share of sand fraction (250–1000 μm). The effects were strongest in the presence of eelgrass canopy. Benthic invertebrates and macroalgae were affected by eelgrass canopy removal but not by sediment addition. The removal of eelgrass canopy significantly decreased benthic species richness and invertebrate and macroalgal densities. To conclude, our experiment demonstrates that Z. marina defines the patterns of benthic macroalgae and invertebrates but has moderate effects on sediment structure and metabolism in the Northern Baltic Sea. 相似文献
南海北部表层沉积物中黏土和碎屑矿物组成及其地质意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以X-射线衍射仪和偏光显微镜为主要手段,对南海调查区表层底质沉积物中黏土和碎屑矿物组分进行分析和研究,结果表明黏土矿物主要有伊利石、蒙皂石、高岭石和绿泥石,其组合特征在不同区域表现出明显的差异。碎屑成分主要由生物壳(钙质和硅质)、轻矿物(石英、长石为主)和含量低但种类多的重矿物组成。一般认为物质来源是调查区沿岸风化岩石遭受进一步剥蚀后细小组分通过水动力搬运沉积而成的。钙质和硅质生物壳分布受南海碳酸盐补偿深度(CCD)的控制。 相似文献
南海深海盆表层沉积物氮的地球化学特征与生态学功能 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
研究了南海深海盆区域(南沙海槽西南部)表层沉积物中氮的形态、分布及其在生物地球化学循环中的功能.研究表明,表层沉积物中不同形态氮的含量不同.其中,氧化还原转化态的氮(SOEF-N)含量最高,平均为68.3μg/g,占总氮(TN)的7.08%;弱酸转化态氮(WAEF-N)含量最小,仅占总氮(TN)的1.09%.离子交换态(IEF-N),WAEF-N,S OEF-N及TN的地球化学分布特征存在一定相似性:均由海槽东西两侧向中央递增,并在槽底呈高含量分布;SAEF-N(强碱转化态)分布则与该趋势相反.IEF-N,SAEF-N和SOEF-N的分布主要受沉积物中有机碳含量(OC)控制;而WAEF-N则与碳酸盐(CaCO3)存在显著的负相关关系;TN与OC不具有显著意义的相关,间接说明二者来源的不同.同时,各形态氮的分布还与沉积物粒度类型密切联系.此外,研究区域内由沉积物提供的氮源很大程度上补偿了浮游植物对水体中营养盐的消耗,对维持该海域的初级生产力水平起到一定作用.其中,IEF-N和SOEF-N的释放对浮游植物生长及初级生产力的贡献较为显著. 相似文献
测定了粤东青澳湾表层沉积物的7种重金属和总有机质的含量,分析了其分布特征及彼此之间的相关性,并运用海洋沉积物质量标准、富集系数和生态危害指数等方法对重金属的污染进行了综合评价.结果表明,该海域各重金属元素含量的平均值分别为:Cu(34.51 mg/kg)、Pb(41.89mg/kg)、Cd(0.11 mg/kg)、Zn(80.21 mg/kg)、Hg(0.039 mg/kg)、As(15.61 mg/kg)、Cr(29.41mg/kg).所有元素(Cu除外)都未超过《海洋沉积物质量》一类标准,且所有元素都远低于美国国家海洋和大气局(NOAA)提出的中值区间效应值(ERM),这表明本海域生态风险很小.整个海域各重金属元素的富集系数大小顺序:Pb>Cu>As>Zn>Cr>Cd>Hg,表现出主要以Pb(1.68)和Cu(1.15)为主的富集.各重金属元素生态风险大小顺序:As>Pb>Hg>Cd>Cu>Zn>Cr,而且所有站点重金属的危害综合指数RI都远低于轻微级别(150),没有表现出潜在生态危害. 相似文献
Surface micro-layer (ML) samples were collected in different seasons over a long time period in the coastal area of the Middle Adriatic Sea including the seawater Rogoznica lake location and the semi-enclosed estuarine Martinska station. Natural surface micro-layers were studied as original samples and as ex-situ reconstructed films after previous extraction by organic solvents of different polarities (n-hexane and dichloromethane). Using alternating current (AC) voltammetry (out-of-phase mode) the concentration of surface active substances (SAS) in original ML of both locations was determined, and the enrichment factor (EF) in the ML was related to the underlayer water (ULW) samples collected at 0.5 m depth. Seasonal variability of SAS concentrations of the ML was observed at both locations. The ex-situ films were studied using a modified AC voltammetry method (out-of-phase mode) transferring an organic extract of natural micro-layers spread onto electrolyte from the air-water interface to the mercury electrode surface. The comparison of adsorption characteristics for model lipids of different polarities and those of transferred ex-situ reconstructed films has revealed that different types of lipid material were present in each ex-situ film of the same micro-layer. Additional characterization of the surface active material of natural MLs was carried out by AC voltammetry (in-phase mode) using cathodic reduction of cadmium ions as an indicator of permeability of different films adsorbed at the mercury electrode. The SAS of ML of both investigated locations induced an inhibition effect to the reduction of cadmium ions. Seasonal variations of inhibition have also been noticed. The electrochemical study contributed to the physicochemical characterization of the surface active matter of the surface micro-layer with the emphasis to the role of lipids which, although they represent a minor fraction of the total micro-layer organic material, contribute considerably to the micro-layer formation and stabilization at the air–water interface. 相似文献
南海北部表层沉积物中浮游有孔虫分布特征与环境意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对南海北部12°以北海域表层沉积物中的浮游有孔虫丰度、属种数量与组合、碳酸盐含量以及硅质生物相对丰度等进行了分析和鉴定,结果表明:随水深的增加,浮游有孔虫的丰度降低、属种数量减少,碳酸盐含量降低,硅质生物相对丰度升高,浮游有孔虫优势种由易溶种转变为抗溶种。浮游有孔虫以及碳酸盐含量等的这些变化与深海碳酸盐的溶解作用密切相关,同时,浊流沉积作用和水团等环境因素也是影响浮游有孔虫丰度与组合以及碳酸盐含量变化的重要因子。 相似文献
南沙海槽南部海区表层沉积物的碳酸盐沉积特征 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
南海的深海碳酸盐沉积及溶解作用包含极其丰富的信息,既由于陆源物质供应而关系到陆地风化作用速度及气候问题,又通过海水生产力和碱度涉及大气CO2含量的变化[1~2].南沙海槽位于加里曼丹岛西北部大陆坡与南沙台阶之间,构造上处在南沙海槽北断裂和南沙海槽南断裂之间的断堑带,南沙台阶有众多的海山、礁盘与槽谷,东南坡直下南沙海槽,其坡度变化为5°47'-2°23'-1°57'[3].研究区为7°N以南至曾母暗沙浅滩、112°E以东至加里曼丹岛西北大陆坡的海区,本文称之为南沙海槽南部海区. 相似文献
人工岛工程对南黄海辐射沙脊群海域潮流泥沙影响研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用MIKE21二维水动力模型模拟了南黄海辐射沙脊群海域的潮流形态和含沙量,模拟结果与实测数据基本一致。在此基础上,模拟计算了围填海工程后辐射沙脊群海域的潮流和含沙量变化。结果显示工程对潮流和含沙量的影响主要出现在工程区附近。围填海工程使原本以弶港为中心呈扇形辐聚、辐散的潮流格局有所改变,形成东沙岛西侧南北向和高泥岛南侧东西向的两条潮流通道,并在一定程度上分割了条子泥南北两侧的水体。工程后含沙量的变化与平均流速的变化基本一致,在流速变大的东沙岛西北侧和高泥岛南侧海域,含沙量显著升高;在流速变小的条子泥南北两侧、东沙岛东侧及西南侧,含沙量显著降低。 相似文献