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CO2排放清单是推动城市低碳发展的重要基础工作.文中采用自下而上和自上而下相结合的方法测算了2017年北京市CO2排放清单.自下而上方面,基于近13000座锅炉数据核算了CO2排放量.自上而下方面,利用改编后的北京市分行业分品种能源消费表对自下而上核算的分行业能源消费数据进行校验,从宏观上控制核算数据的系统误差.研究发...  相似文献   

以武汉市为研究区域,基于实地调查获得典型行业污染源活动水平,以大气污染物排放清单编制技术指南为参考,利用排放因子法建立2014年武汉市大气污染源排放清单,并结合经纬度、人口密度分布、土地利用类型、道路长度等数据将排放清单进行了3 km×3 km网格化处理.结果表明,2014年武汉市SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5、CO、BC、OC、VOCs和NH3排放量分别为10.3、17.0、16.3、7.1、63.1、0.6、0.4、19.8和1.6万t.固定燃烧源为SO2排放的主要来源,其贡献率约64%;移动源为NOx的主要来源,其贡献率约51%;颗粒物排放主要来源于扬尘源和工艺过程源;CO和VOCs主要来源于工艺过程源,BC和OC排放均以移动源和生物质燃烧源为主,NH3排放主要来自农业源.污染物排放主要集中在青山区至新洲区一带.  相似文献   

Climate analysis of tornadoes in China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Based on analysis of historical tornado observation data provided by the primary network of national weather stations in China for the period from 1960 to 2009,it is found that most tornadoes in China(85%)occurred over plains.Specifically,large numbers of tornado occurrences are found in the Northeast Plain,the North China Plain,the middle-lower Yangtze Plain,and the Pearl River Delta Plain.A flat underlying surface is conducive to tornado occurrence,while the latitudal variation of tornado occurrence in China is not so obvious.Tornadoes mainly occur in summer,and the highest frequency is in July.Note that the beginning and the time span of tornado outbreaks are different in North and South China.Tornadoes occur during May-September in South China(south of 25°N),June-September in Northeast China(north of 40°N),July-September in the middle-lower Yangtze Plain,and July-August in North China(between25°and 40°N).More than 80%of total tornadoes occurred during the above periods for the specific regions.The 1960s and 1970s have seen about twice the average number of tornadoes(7.5 times per year)compared to the mean for 1960-2009.The most frequent occurrence of tornado was in the early and mid 1960s;there were large fluctuations in the 1970s;and the number of tornadoes in the 1980s approached the 50-yr average.Tornado occurrences gradually decreased in the late 1980s,and an abrupt change with dramatic decrease occurred in 1994.The decrease in the tornado occurrence frequency is consistent with the simultaneous climatic change in the meteorological elements that are favorable for tornado formation.Tornado formation requires large vertical wind shear and sufficient atmospheric moisture content near the ground.Changes in the vertical wind shear at both 0-1 and 0-6 km appear to be one important factor that results in the decrease in tornado formation.The changing tendency of relative humidity also has contributed to the decrease in tornado formation in China.  相似文献   

研究基于ERP库存管理系统实施评价指标权重的层次分析法与其信息的模糊处理,建立库存管理系统模糊综合评价的数学模型,并通过应用实例验证层次分析法与模糊综合评价相结合的库存系统实施评价方法的合理性和可靠性.  相似文献   

王艺娟  姚聃  梁旭东  陶局 《暴雨灾害》2023,34(4):415-426

基于上海青浦双偏振雷达、武汉多普勒天气雷达、新一代天气雷达组网拼图、地面加密自动气象站和ERA5再分析等数据,对2021年5月14日夜间苏州、武汉相继出现的致灾严重的龙卷天气过程,从天气背景、地面触发机制、雷达探测特征和环境参数等方面进行了对比分析,结果表明:(1) 苏州、武汉两地龙卷均发生在西南暖湿气流强迫背景下,低层高温高湿,均受到低空急流和超低空急流影响,但两地龙卷发生位置与对应的急流位置不同,苏州龙卷西侧对应东侧急流出口区,武汉龙卷正好对应西侧急流出口区;(2) 苏州龙卷是由阵风锋引起的辐合线配合强度适宜的弱冷池触发的;武汉龙卷发生时地面存在中尺度辐合中心和弱冷池;(3) 两地龙卷均发生在孤立右移超级单体伴随低层中气旋突然加强之时,龙卷涡旋特征(TVS)分别出现在苏州龙卷和武汉龙卷发生前2 min和3 min;(4) 有别于美国龙卷发生的环境条件,苏州龙卷发生在高的对流有效位能、较低的抬升凝结高度和对流抑制能量以及中等偏弱的风暴相对螺旋度和垂直风切变条件下;武汉龙卷则发生在弱的对流有效位能、较低的抬升凝结高度、较高的对流抑制能量以及强的风暴相对螺旋度和垂直风切变条件下。比较而言,两地龙卷发生前和发生时,苏州龙卷的热力条件较好、动力条件中等偏弱,而武汉龙卷的动力条件较好、热力条件偏弱,可见两地龙卷均发生在热力和动力条件互补的环境下。


The ambition to introduce carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology in developing countries raises particular considerations and challenges, where, most fundamentally, pressing socio-economic needs imply that there are other political priorities than GHG mitigation. This suggests that the interest in, and viability of, large-scale deployment of CCS in developing countries has to be analyzed as a strategic issue in the overall context of national development. But what are then the strategic concerns that may influence developing countries’ decisions to pursue large-scale deployment of CCS technology? The present article takes a first step in answering this question by comparing CCS policies and ongoing activities in Brazil, India and South Africa.  相似文献   

1804号台风“艾云尼”龙卷分析   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
2018年6月8日,在1804号台风“艾云尼”螺旋雨带中发生了两次陆龙卷天气,分别袭击了广州市南沙区横沥镇和佛山市南海区大沥镇。利用广州CINRAD/SA多普勒天气雷达、佛山CINRAD/XD多普勒天气雷达、5 min间隔的地面自动气象站和MICAPS等资料,研究了两次陆龙卷的天气背景、环境参数和龙卷风暴中尺度结构特征。结果表明:广州南沙龙卷为台风环流外围龙卷,位于台风中心的东北象限,强度为EF3级;佛山南海龙卷为台风环流内部龙卷,位于台风中心的东侧,强度为EF1级。龙卷均发生在中低空强东南急流在珠江口附近上下叠加和高层辐散的有利大尺度环流背景下。环境条件表现为较强的低层风垂直切变和较大的风暴相对螺旋度(SRH)、较小的对流有效位能(CAPE)和对流抑制能量(CIN)、极低的抬升凝结高度(LCL);地面存在中尺度辐合线和小尺度涡旋。广州S波段雷达探测到两次龙卷母风暴的低层钩状回波和入流缺口回波特征及低层中等强度中气旋,龙卷出现在钩状回波顶端、中气旋中心附近。佛山X波段双偏振雷达清晰地探测到佛山南海区大沥龙卷的微型超级单体和龙卷碎片特征(TDS)。   相似文献   

参考AP-42方法的采样规范(USEPA,2011),对武汉市13个城区的不同类型道路采集了137个扬尘样,并记录采样面积、车流情况、车道状况、地理位置、周围环境以及气象数据要素信息,得到了不同类型道路的积尘负荷,估算了其扬尘排放因子和排放量.结果表明:武汉总城区尘负荷由大到小顺序为支路 > 次干道 > 主干道 > 快速路,其中支路平均尘负荷为2.396 g/m2,快速路为0.852 g/m2,远城区平均尘负荷是主城区平均尘负荷的2倍左右.各类型道路不同粒径范围的道路交通扬尘排放因子大小顺序为支路 > 次干路 > 主干路 > 高速路,与尘负荷大小趋势一致.2016年道路交通扬尘源TSP的年排放量为156 931.4 t,PM10的年排放量为39 868.7 t,PM2.5的年排放量为11 574.8 t,其不确定性范围分别为-24.7%~31.4%、-31.3%~32.9%、-31.8%~30.5%.其中主干道扬尘排放量最大,其TSP、PM10和PM2.5的年排放量分别为64 447.1、16 372.9和4 753.4 t.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(4):303-318

To stabilise atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, all countries will eventually need to be included in the effort to limit climate change. This article explores what potential future greenhouse gas allocation schemes might mean for key developing countries. The need for development is widely acknowledged, but growth in non-Annex I country emissions means that such development may need to take a different path to business as usual. The national interests of developing countries in negotiating potential future commitments are shaped by basic characteristics, notably emissions (both annual and historical cumulative), economic growth and population. These factors in turn shape the acceptability of allocations based on ability to pay, emissions intensity, or emissions per capita.

Results for six major developing countries (China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Argentina and Nigeria) show that the implications for developing countries differ widely. For example, ability to pay does not favour Argentina; a reduction based on emissions intensity is not appropriate for Brazil; and per capita allocations would be problematic for South Africa. It is difficult to conceive of a single allocation scheme that would be appropriate for all developing countries. This points to the need for differentiation between developing countries in terms of any potential future commitments.  相似文献   

城市的低碳发展对于应对气候变化及实现我国“碳达峰、碳中和”目标起着至关重要的作用。在新的国土空间规划体系下,国土空间总体规划对城市的低碳发展影响重大。为解决现有的城市温室气体核算中存在的问题,使总体规划促进城市低碳发展,构建了国土空间总体规划温室气体核算模型。该模型基于“空间布局—用地类型—部门划分—模型方法”的框架,采用自上而下与自下而上相结合的方法,与国土空间规划要素紧密结合;建立了市域和中心城区两个层次的碳排放核算方法,并解决了中心城区的碳排放核算问题,可进行国际间比较;解决了总体规划能源预测不完善的问题,提出了不同的核算方法供灵活选择,与完全基于用地类型的方法相比,降低了不确定性。最后基于模型提出了评估总体规划低碳发展水平的核心指标与参考指标。  相似文献   

In the Balearic Islands, located in the Western Mediterranean, 27 tornadoes and 54 waterspouts have been recorded during the period 1989–1999. A climatology focusing, which focuses on path length, F-scale velocity, season and time of occurrence, is presented. September and October appear to be the months with the highest frequency of appearance. The environment in which thunderstorm producing tornadoes and waterspouts developed has been analysed. Main thermodynamic stability indices reveal that no specific conditions are required for the tornado and waterspout genesis. It is also found that these events form in air masses colder than that indicated by the climatology of the region. Analyses of helicity and CAPE demonstrate that, in most of the cases, the environments were not favourable for mesocyclone formation and supercell development.  相似文献   

The climatology of tornadoes and waterspouts in Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work 10 years of reports collected by weather amateurs are used to define a preliminary climatology of tornadoes and waterspouts in Italy. The results show behaviors different from those observed in other countries. Generally, tornadoes and waterspouts are more frequent in late summer and autumn than in the other seasons. The seasonality of tornadoes and waterspouts appears different for different Italian zones, in particular in the Po Valley and Friulian plain and coast (south to the Alps) tornadoes and waterspouts are more frequent in spring and early summer while in the Tirrenian and Ionian coasts (western and southern Italy), tornadoes and waterspouts are more frequent in late summer and autumn. As observed in other studies (Brooks, H., E. and Doswell, C. A. III, 2001. Some aspects of the international climatology of tornadoes by damage classification. Atmos. Res., 56, 191–201.) Italian tornadoes and waterspouts are statistically weaker than in other countries but this difference cannot be completely ascribed to the presence of waterspouts. The “CAPE Storm-Relative-Helicity diagrams” and “Shear Magnitude diagrams” obtained for Italian tornadoes and waterspouts show different characteristics than those obtained for US. The cause of these differences is still unknown, it can rely in the sample selection (problems with the concept of proximity sounding) or in a real climatic effect.  相似文献   

Arguments about the “positive” influence of growing transnational linkages have typically focused on their role in diffusing environmentally superior innovations which help to raise countries’ environment-efficiency. The present article empirically tests these claims by examining whether developing countries’ linkages with more CO2- and SO2-efficient economies contribute to domestic improvements in CO2- and SO2-efficiency. Our large-N, statistical findings caution against some of the efficiency-oriented optimism voiced by supporters of globalization. Although imports ties with more pollution-efficient countries are found to spillover into improved domestic CO2- and SO2-efficiency, neither transnational linkages via exports, inward foreign direct investment (FDI) nor telephone calls appear to have any influence on domestic pollution-efficiency.  相似文献   

We analyze and contrast how China and India mobilized financial resources to build domestic technological innovation systems in wind energy. To that end, we identify distinct stages of technology diffusion in the two countries in the period 1986–2012, and analyze the interplay between public policies and the development of the technological innovation system across the different stages. We show that the two countries’ distinct development strategies for wind energy – China developed wind energy largely through its state-owned enterprises, while India opened up wind energy investment to the private sector in the early 1990s – influenced system outcomes in terms of technology diffusion, domestic industry structure, competitiveness, and ownership. By unraveling the interplay between public policies, investment risks and returns, and actor characteristics, we explain the differences in system outcomes and identify important policy trade-offs between the two strategies. Our analysis provides novel insights about the process of financial resource mobilization in technological innovation systems, the dynamics of innovation-system growth, and the policy trade-offs that must be reconciled by countries that aim to promote the diffusion of a particular technology.  相似文献   

Annual cycles of convectively important atmospheric parameters have been computed for a variety of from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) global reanalysis, using 7 years of reanalysis data. Regions in the central United States show stronger seasonality in combinations of thermodynamic parameters than found elsewhere in North America or Europe. As a result, there is a period of time in spring and early summer when climatological mean conditions are supportive of severe thunderstorms.The annual cycles help in understanding the large-scale processes that lead to the combination of atmospheric ingredients necessary for strong convection. This, in turn, lays groundwork for possible changes in distribution of the environments associated with possible global climate change.  相似文献   

甲烷作为油气生产中的主要气态污染物和增温潜势较强的一类温室气体,其逃逸排放检测与核算是中国油气行业温室气体控制与减排过程中的首要问题。通过比较国内外油气行业逃逸甲烷排放核算方法,以及总结当前国内外油气田现场开展的甲烷排放检测研究,对油气行业企业级温室气体清单编制提出了建议。在甲烷逃逸排放核算方面,由于生产过程、工艺等出现的变化,建议加快建立符合我国油气生产实际情况的排放因子,纳入放空气燃烧的周期变化、绿色完井措施使用、陆上/海上油气生产等内容,鼓励油气生产企业通过设备组件统计、现场实测等方式进行排放因子更新。针对逃逸甲烷现场检测数据不足,影响核算结果对比的现状,在开展油气生产过程现场检测时,建议自下而上与自上而下检测方法相结合,保证检测结果的可验证性、可重复性,并谨慎看待针对部分油气生产区块的检测结果进行大尺度区域甲烷逃逸排放量的推算结果。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the chemical composition of wet atmospheric precipitation samples on a daily and an intra-event timescales in Opme, an experimental meteorological station located near Clermont-Ferrand, France. The samples have been collected from November 2005 to October 2007. A total of 217 rainwater samples, integrated for 24 h, were collected and analyzed for pH, conductivity, Na+, K+, Mg2+, NH4+, Ca2+, Cl, NO3 , SO42− , PO43− and HCO3. The composition of the rainwater collected appeared to be controlled by the following potential sources: neutralisation process (association among calcium, ammonium with nitrate and sulphate), marine and terrestrial sources. In order to determine the role of long-range transport, the integrated events were classified according to four origins of air-masses: (1) West, (2) North and East, (3) South including Iberian and Italian Peninsulae and (4) local. This analysis allows identifying the source areas of the different association of elements defined. Although calcium is always dominant, total content of rainfall is variable and neutralisation process can be more or less efficient and specific. Rainout (long-range transport) and washout (below-cloud scavenging) were investigated through intra-event measurements of chemical species. Four rain-events have been selected according to the four classes of origins of air-masses. It appears that the first fractions are responsible for an important part of the chemical content of the whole event. Terrestrial species, locally emitted, induce the neutralisation process of acid species. Local meteorological conditions, such as wind’s speed and direction, play an important role as they could provoke recharges of the below cloud air column during the event.  相似文献   

Five years down the road from Kyoto, the Protocol that bears that city’s name still awaits enough qualifying ratifications to come into force. While attention has been understandably focussed on the ratification process, it is time to begin thinking about the next steps for the global climate regime, particularly in terms of a deeper inclusion of developing countries’ concerns and interests. This paper begins doing so from the perspective of the developing countries. The principal argument is that we need to return to the basic principles outlined in the Framework Convention on Climate Change in searching for a north-south bargain on climate change. Such a bargain may be achievable if we can realign the policy architecture of the climate regime to its original stated goals of sustainable development.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(3):221-231

Five years down the road from Kyoto, the Protocol that bears that city's name still awaits enough qualifying ratifications to come into force. While attention has been understandably focussed on the ratification process, it is time to begin thinking about the next steps for the global climate regime, particularly in terms of a deeper inclusion of developing countries' concerns and interests. This paper begins doing so from the perspective of the developing countries. The principal argument is that we need to return to the basic principles outlined in the Framework Convention on Climate Change in searching for a north—south bargain on climate change. Such a bargain may be achievable if we can realign the policy architecture of the climate regime to its original stated goals of sustainable development.  相似文献   

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