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A long-lived and loosely organized squall line moved rapidly across Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China on 26 June 2005, generating hail and strong winds. The squall line was observed by a dual Doppler radar system in a field experiment conducted in 2004 and 2005 by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and the local meteorological bureau in northwestern China. The 3D wind fields within the squall line were retrieved through dual Doppler analyses and a variational Doppler radar analysis system (VDRAS). The formation and structure of the squall line as well as the genesis and evolution of embedded convective cells were investigated. During its life period, the squall line consisted of six storm cells extending about 100 km in length, and produced hail of about 25 mm in diameter and strong surface winds up to 11 m s-1. Radar observations revealed a broad region of stratiform rain in a meso-β cyclone, with the squall line located to the west of this. Two meso-γ scale vortices were found within the squall line. Compared to typical squall lines in moist regions, such as Guangdong Province and Shanghai, which tend to be around 300--400 km in length, have echo tops of 17--19 km, and produce maximum surface winds of about 25 m s-1 and temperature variations of about 8oC this squall line system had weaker maximum reflectivity (55 dBZ), a lower echo top (13 km) and smaller extension (about 100 km), relatively little stratiform rainfall preceding the convective line, and a similar moving speed and temperature variation at the surface.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of using an Ensemble Square Root Filter(EnSRF) to assimilate real Doppler radar observations on convective scale is investigated by applying the technique to a case of squall line on 12July 2005 in midwest Shandong Province using the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model.The experimental results show that:(1) The EnSRF system has the potential to initiate a squall line accurately by assimilation of real Doppler radar data.The convective-scale information has been added into the WRF model through radar data assimilation and thus the analyzed fields are improved noticeably.The model spin-up time has been shortened,and the precipitation forecast is improved accordingly.(2) Compared with the control run,the deterministic forecast initiated with the ensemble mean analysis of EnSRF produces more accurate prediction of microphysical fields.The predicted wind and thermal fields are reasonable and in accordance with the characteristics of convective storms.(3) The propagation direction of the squall line from the ensemble mean analysis is consistent with that of the observation,but the propagation speed is larger than the observed.The effective forecast period for this squall line is about 5-6 h,probably because of the nonlinear development of the convective storm.  相似文献   

A squall line in front of the tropical cyclone Pabuk occurred in the west of the Pearl River Delta to Zhanjiang on August 8th, 2007 when the storm approached South China. The development, structure and environmental conditions for this squall line were investigated in this study, with particular attention paid to the possible connection of this squall line with Pabuk. The observational data employed in this study are from soundings, Doppler weather radars and wind profile radars. The following six major conclusions are drawn by our observational analyses. (1) This squall line developed gradually from individual convective cells, and land breeze may be responsible for the onset of the squall line. (2) The path and intensity of the squall line were modulated by the environmental conditions. The squall line propagated along the coastline, and it was stronger on the landing side of the coastline compared with the surrounding in-land regions and oceanic regions. (3) The typical characteristics of tropical squall lines were seen in this squall line, including the cold-pool intensity, vertical structure and the wake flow stratiform precipitation at its developing and mature phases. (4) The environmental conditions of this squall line resemble those of tropical squall lines in terms of deep moist air and low convection condensation level. They also resemble mid-latitude squall lines in terms of the convective instable energy and vertical wind shear in the lower troposphere. (5) Two roles were played by the strong wind around Pabuk. On the one hand, it made the atmosphere more unstable via suppressed shallow convection and increased solar radiation. On the other hand, it enhanced the land-sea thermal contrast and therefore strengthened the sea breeze and the resultant water vapor transport. The sinking temperature inversion prevented the occurrence of low-layer weak convection and accumulated convection instability energy for the development of the strong convection.  相似文献   

A tropical squall line that passed over the ship array of the Global Atmospheric Research Programme’s Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE) on 9-10 August 1974 is analyzed. This squall line was similar to squall systems that passed over the GATE ship array on four other days. It began as a purely convective cloud line, then developed an associated stratiform cloud and precipitation area. The stratiform rain built up to a maxi-mum amount over a period of 8 h, then gradually diminished over a 6 h period. This stratiform rain is esti-mated to have accounted for 32% of the squall system’s total precipitation. As in other GATE squall lines, the upper-level cloud shield from which the stratiform rain fell, was advected slowly forward of the line during the system’s lifetime, the leading line of corrective clouds consisted of transient smaller-scale convective elements, which lent the line an irregular shape and pulsatory movement, and the stratiform portion of the system was characterized by the development of a mid-level mesoscale vortex similar to that seen in other GATE eases.  相似文献   

A tropical squall line that passed over the ship array of the Global Atmospheric Research Programme’s Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE) on 9-10 August 1974 is analyzed. This squall line was similar to squall systems that passed over the GATE ship array on four other days. It began as a purely convective cloud line, then developed an associated stratiform cloud and precipitation area. The stratiform rain built up to a maxi-mum amount over a period of 8 h, then gradually diminished over a 6 h period. This stratiform rain is esti-mated to have accounted for 32% of the squall system’s total precipitation. As in other GATE squall lines, the upper-level cloud shield from which the stratiform rain fell, was advected slowly forward of the line during the system’s lifetime, the leading line of corrective clouds consisted of transient smaller-scale convective elements, which lent the line an irregular shape and pulsatory movement, and the stratiform portion of the system was characterized by the development of a mid-level mesoscale vortex similar to that seen in other GATE eases.  相似文献   

Squall lines frequently invade the Yangtze–Huaihe River region(YHR), where the complex terrain of rivers, lakes,and mountains plays an important role in the initiation and maintenance of convection. The surface heat flux not only varies with surface conditions, but also changes between day and night. Coupled with the terrain forcing, such diurnal–nocturnal thermodynamic differences shift the low-level baroclinity, and thus further complicate the convective activities. To investigate the integrated impact of diurnal–nocturnal thermodynamic differences on the development of squall lines over complex terrain including disasters that might ensue, numerical modeling experiments on a squall line in July 2014 were performed by forcing a squall line to pass the YHR separately at daytime and nighttime. The results show that the low-level instability during the day is much larger than that during the night, and is determined predominantly by the shortwave heating of the surface. Specifically, the solar radiation enhances the temperature gradient between the warmland ahead of the squall line and the convectively generated cold pool in the region around Chaohu Lake and the Yangtze River. Such low-level baroclinity sets preconditions in the environment towards the occurrence of deep convection. The increased precipitation and the evaporation of rain in the daytime also enhance the cold pool and the associated downdraft, which further intensify the squall line. Meanwhile, the valley breeze is intensified during the day. Such scenarios promote convection that extends the squall line and the associated heavy precipitation and wind gusts southward. This research may have significant implications for enhancing the squall line prediction capability in the YHR and improving our understanding of the physical mechanisms of convective activities over complex terrain.  相似文献   

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to investigate the role of downward momentum transport in the formation of severe surface winds for a squall line on 3-4 June 2009 across regions of the Henan and Shandong Provinces of China. The results show that there was a strong westerly jet belt with a wind speed greater than 30 m s 1 and a thickness of 5 km at an altitude of 11-16 km. The jet belt was accelerated, and it descended while the squall line convective system occurred. It was found that the appearance of strong negative perturbation pressure accompanied by the squall line caused the acceleration of the upper-level westerly jet and increased the horizontal wind speed by a maximum of 18%. Meanwhile, the negative buoyancy due to the loading, melting, and evaporation of cloud hydrometeors induced the downward momentum transport from the upper levels. The downward momentum transport contributed approximately 70% and the surface cold pool 30% to the formation of severe surface winds.  相似文献   

The conventional and intensive observational data of the China Heavy Rain Experiment and Study (CHeRES) are used to specially analyze the heavy rainfall process in the mei-yu front that occurred during 20-21 June 2002, focusing on the meso-β system. A mesoscale convective system (MCS) formed in the warm-moist southwesterly to the south of the shear line over the Dabie Mountains and over the gorge between the Dabie and Jiuhua Mountains. The mei-yu front and shear line provide a favorable synoptic condition for the development of convection. The GPS observation indicates that the precipitable water increased obviously about 2-3h earlier than the occurrence of rainfall and decreased after that. The abundant moisture transportation by southwesterly wind was favorable to the maintenance of convective instability and the accumulation of convective available potential energy (CAPE). Radar detection reveals that meso-β and -γ systems were very active in the MαCS. Several convection lines developed during the evolution of the MαCS, and these are associated with surface convergence lines. The boundary outflow of the convection line may have triggered another convection line. The convection line moved with the mesoscale surface convergence line, but the convective cells embedded in the convergence line propagated along the line. On the basis of the analyses of the intensive observation data, a multi-scale conceptual model of heavy rainfall in the mei-yu front for this particular case is proposed.  相似文献   

This work examines the mechanism of rainfall associated with typhoon Molave(0906)in Guangdong province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonamous Region with rainfall observations,radar mosaics from China National Meteorological Center and the final analysis data of National Center of Environmental Prediction(FNL/NCEP,USA).The result shows that the mechanism is different for the rainfall in the these areas.The rainfall in eastern Guangdong is mainly associated with a convective line to the front-right of the typhoon.The convective line is about 200 km away from the typhoon center.The rainfall in western Guangdong and Guangxi appear ahead of or to the left of the typhoon and is very close to the typhoon center.Both rainfall moves forward with the typhoon anticlockwise.It was also found that the rainfall occurred in the boundary between unstable and low-level convergent areas and closer to the convergent area.The unstable area is located in the downstream of rainfall and ahead of the convective line.It is an important factor to the development and convection.Strong frontogenesis is observed in the backward or upstream convective area of rainfall and is thus an important lifting condition for the formation of rainfall.When the low-level convergent area moves to the unstable area ahead of it,the unstable energy is left behind and as a result the convection is strengthened.  相似文献   

In the present study, a severe squall line (SL) was analyzed by using intensive observational surface data and radar monitoring products. In this process, mesoscale convergence lines, such as the sea breeze front (SBF), gust front and dry line, served as the main triggering and strengthening factors. The transition from convection triggering to the formation of the initial shape was mainly affected by the convergence line of the SBF, which combined with thermal convection to form the main parts of the SL. In the later stage, the convergence line of the gust front merged with other convergence lines to form a series of strong convective cells. The SBF had good indicative significance in terms of severe convective weather warnings. The suitable conditions of heat, water vapor and vertical wind shear on the Shandong Peninsula were beneficial to the maintenance of the SL. Before SL occurrence, tropopause folding strengthened, which consequently enhanced the baroclinic property in the middle and upper troposphere. The high sensible heat flux at the surface easily produced a positive potential vorticity anomaly in the low layer, resulting in convective instability, which was conducive to the maintenance of these processes. In the system, when precipitation particles passed through the unsaturated air layer, they underwent strong evaporation, melting or sublimation, and the cooling effect formed negative buoyancy, which accelerated the sinking of the air and promoted the sustained development of the surface gale. Together with the development of low- level mesocyclones, the air pressure decreased rapidly, which was conducive to gale initiation.  相似文献   

The Florida peninsula in the USA has a frequent occurrence of sea breeze(SB)thunderstorms.In this study,the numerical simulation of a Florida SB and its associated convective initiation(CI)is simulated using the mesoscale community Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model in one-way nested domains at different horizontal resolutions.Results are compared with observations to examine the accuracy of model-simulated SB convection and factors that influence SB CI within the simulation.It is found that the WRF model can realistically reproduce the observed SB CI.Differences are found in the timing,location,and intensity of the convective cells at different domains with various spatial resolutions.With increasing spatial resolution,the simulation improvements are manifested mainly in the timing of CI and the orientation of the convection after the sea breeze front(SBF)merger into the squall line over the peninsula.Diagnoses indicate that accurate representation of geophysical variables(e.g.,coastline and bay shape,small lakes measuring 10-30 km2),better resolved by the high resolution,play a significant role in improving the simulations.The geophysical variables,together with the high resolution,impact the location and timing of SB CI due to changes in low-level atmospheric convergence and surface sensible heating.More importantly,they enable Florida lakes(30 km2 and larger)to produce noticeable lake breezes(LBs)that collide with the SBFs to produce CI.Furthermore,they also help the model reproduce a stronger convective squall line caused by merging SBs,leading to more accurate locations of postfrontal convective systems.  相似文献   

High-resolution numerical simulation results of a squall line initiated along a convergence zone in northeast China on 26 June 2014 were presented in this study. The simulation was performed by a convection-permitting model with coarse and fine grids of 4 and 1.33 km, respectively, and the simulation results were validated against the observation. Results showed that the simulation adequately reproduced the life cycle of the squall line, which allowed detailed investigation of the mechanism of convective initiation in this case. The synoptic condition was favorable for convective initiation and the convection was triggered in a convergence zone, where a branch of dry and cold air and a branch of moist and warm air collided. The water vapor flux divergence was inhomogeneous and some cores of water vapor convergence existed in the convergence zone. These cores were the spots where water vapor converged intensely and the air there was forced to rise, creating favorable spots where the convection was initially triggered. A series of quasi-equally spaced vortices near the surface, which themselves were the result of horizontal shear instability, were accountable for the inhomogeneity of the surface water vapor flux divergence. These vortices rotated the moist air into their north and dry air into their south, thus creating more favorable spots for convective initiation in their north. After initiation, the updraft turned the horizontal vorticity into vertical vorticity in the mid-level. The vortices near the surface collaborated with the vorticity maxima in the mid-level and enhanced the development of convection by providing water vapor.  相似文献   

A midlatitude squall line passed over the array of the Cooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment (CCOPE) on 1 August 1981. The structure and evolution of the squall line, and the correlations of the storm with sur-face thermodynamics and kinematic fields are investigated, mainly by using radar and surface mesonet data in CCOPE. The storm-wide precipitation efficiency is also estimated.The squall line was of an obvious process of metabolism. Thirty-four cells formed successively in front of the primary storm und eventually merged into it during the period 1700-2010 MDT. The newest cells formed near sur-face equivalent potential temperature maxima, and near surface moisture flux convergence zones or / and the “tem-perature break lines”. The thunderstorm rainfall, with the precipitation efficiency of 54%, lags 25-30 min behind the moisture flux convergence on the average.  相似文献   

The impacts of different moisture profiles on the structure and vertical motion of squall lines were investigated by conducting a set of numerical simulations. The base state was determined by an observational sounding, with high precipitable water representing moist environmental conditions in the East Asian monsoon region. To reveal the impact of moisture at different levels, the moisture content at the middle and low levels were changed in the numerical simulations. The numerical results showed that more convective cells developed and covered a larger area in the high moisture experiments, which was characteristic of the convection during the Meiyu season in China. In addition, high moisture content at low levels favored the development of updrafts and triggered convection of greater intensity. This was demonstrated by the thermodynamic parameters, including Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Lifted Index (LI), Lift Condensation Level (LCL), and Level of Free Convection (LFC). Dry air at middle levels led to strong downdrafts in the environment and updrafts in clouds. This could be because dry air at middle levels favors the release of latent heat, thereby promoting updrafts in clouds and downdrafts in the environment. Therefore, high relative humidity (RH) at low levels and low RH at middle levels favors updrafts in the cloud cores. Additionally, moist air at low levels and dry air at middle levels promotes the development of convective cells and the intensification of cold pool. The squall line can be organized by the outflow boundary induced by cold pool. The balance of cold pool and environmental wind shear is favorable for the maintenance and strengthening of squall lines.  相似文献   

A 2-D slab-symmetric model of mixed convective-stratiform cloud is developed bysuperimposing convective cloud-size field on the convergence field,in order to simulate and studythe mixed clouds consisting of stratiform cloud and convective cloud.A deep convective,anelasticand conservative system of equations with basic variables(V,θ,π')is solved by a new method tocalculate dynamic field.The water substance in the cloud is divided into 6 categories and themicrophysical processes are described in spectrum with two variable parameters and morereasonable particle number/size distributions.To compare with measured radar echo intensity andstructure,the model may calculate echo intensity of the model cloud observed by radar.  相似文献   

The horizontal vorticity equation used in this study was obtained using the equations of motion in the pressure coordinate system without considering friction, to reveal its relationship with vertical shear. By diagnostically analyzing each term in the horizontal vorticity equation during a squall line process that occurred on 19 June 2010, we found that the non-thermal wind term had a negative contribution to the local change of upward movement in the low-level atmosphere, and that its impact changed gradually from negative to positive with altitude, which could influence upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere greatly. The contribution of upward vertical transport to vertical movement was the largest in the low-level atmosphere, but had negative contribution to the upper-level atmosphere. These features were most evident in the development stage of the squall line. Based on analysis of convection cells along a squall line, we found that in the process of cell development diabatic heating caused the subsidence of constant potential temperature surface and non- geostrophic motion, which then triggered strong convergence of horizontal acceleration in the mid-level atmosphere and divergence of horizontal acceleration in the upper-level atmosphere. These changes of horizontal wind field could cause a counterclockwise increment of the horizontal vorticity around the warm cell, which then generated an increase of upward movement. This was the main reason why the non-thermal wind term had the largest contribution to the strengthening of upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere. The vertical transport of large value of horizontal vorticity was the key to trigger convection in this squall line process.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional wind fields of the heavy rain on 12-13 June 2005 in Guangdong province are retrieved and studied with the volume scan data of the dual-Doppler radar located in the cities of Meizhou and Shantou. It is shown that the meso-β-scale and meso-γ-scale convergence lines located in the convective system at the low and middle layer play an important role in the heavy rainfall. The convergence line is the initiating and maintaining mechanism of the rain. A three dimensional kinematic structure model is also given.  相似文献   

A bow echo is a type of mesoscale convective phenomenon that often induces extreme weather and appears with strong reflectivity on radar images. A strong bow echo that developed from a supercell was observed over Foshan City in southern China on 17 April 2011. The intense gusty winds and showers caused huge losses of property and severely affected human lives. This paper presents an analysis of this strong meso- n-scale convective system based on Doppler radar observations. The isolated bow echo exhibited a horizontal scale of about 80 km in terms of reflectivity above 40 dBZ, and a life span of 8 hours. The system originated from the merging of a couple of weakly organized cells in a shear line, and developed into an arch shape as it moved through the shear zone. Sufficient surface moisture supply ensured the convective instability and development of the bow echo. The low-altitude winds retrieved from single Doppler radar observations showed an obvious rear-inflow jet along the notch area. Different from the conventional definition, no book- end anticyclone was observed throughout the life cycle. Very strong slantwise updrafts and downdrafts were recognizable from the retrieved winds, even though the spatial scale of the bow echo was small. Strong winds and induced damage on the surface are considered to have been caused by the mid-level rear-inflow jet and intense convective downdrafts.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional wind fields of the heavy rain on 12-13 June 2005 in Guangdong province are retrieved and studied with the volume scan data of the dual-Doppler radar located in the cities of Meizhou and Shantou. It is shown that the meso-β-scale and meso-γ-scale convergence lines located in the convective system at the low and middle layer play an important role in the heavy rainfall. The convergence line is the initiating and maintaining mechanism of the rain. A three dimensional kinematic structure model is also given.  相似文献   

It is shown by observational data and synoptic analysis that the development of strong convective echo is influenced by the horizontally non-uniform heating, such as the one caused by lake-land distribution. In this paper, a simple linear cell-convection model is established using an appropriate heating field, and the instability of heating convection is theoretically studied. It is found that the heating convection development will be unstable if the heating-caused temperature gradient dT0/dy is greater than the critical value (dT0/dy)c which is approximately 0.64℃/10 km, and that the development of convective band has a preferred width of 12.5 km. It will take 25 min for the initial disturbance to increase intensity by 10 times. All these results are in rather good agreement with the squall line process in the lake-land region of Jiangsu Province on June 8, 1979.  相似文献   

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