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Fossil fission tracks have been found in a coarse-grained white inclusion of the Allende chondrite. Tracks are present in excess of those produced by238U spontaneous fission and cosmic rays. The ratio of excess tracks to238U tracks is ~20, intermediate to ratios previously observed in meteorites but much lower than might be expected in light of the high initial244Pu/U ratio measured in these inclusions from Xe isotope ratios.  相似文献   

The times at which phyllosilicate matrix and euhedral olivines became associated have been determined for five C2 meteorites. The ages, calculated from fission track densities on crystal surfaces, are based on an initial244Pu/238U ratio in the matrix material of 0.0154 at 4.6 b.y., and range from 4.22 b.y. for Nogoya to 4.42 b.y. for Murray. Unless the initial244Pu/238U ratio was less than 0.004, the meteorites cannot have existed in their present form for 4.6 × 109 yr. The measured ages place limits on the time when pre-compaction effects such as micrometeorite craters and solar flare tracks were produced, and they may approximately date the formation of the olivine crystals themselves.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the identification of heavy ion tracks in minerals by measurements of track-etch rates and total etchable track lengths. With beams of Si, Cl, Ti, Fe, Zn and Kr at energies up to 10.35 MeV/nucleon we have irradiated nine minerals commonly used to study fossil cosmic ray tracks in meteorites and lunar samples. From our measurements of etched track length as a function of residual range, we have determined response curves for various minerals as a function of ionization rate, using the expression previously derived by Price, Fleischer and Moak. These curves increase smoothly with ionization rate instead of rising abruptly at some critical value as was previously thought. We have shown that the track etch rate concept accounts qualitatively for total etchable track length distributions, but that the positions of the peaks of different elements in these histograms occur at shorter lengths for fossil tracks than for fresh tracks. Our annealing data indicate that, at maximum lunar surface temperatures, tracks in olivine, orthopyroxenes and feldspars may be significantly shortened whereas tracks in clinopyroxenes will not be affected. We cite additional evidence that gradual rearrangement of radiation damage at ambient temperature makes the properties of fresh tracks and of ancient tracks different. It is thus not surprising that the histograms of fresh and fossil tracks do not match perfectly.  相似文献   

A thermal event reduces the number of previously registered fission tracks in a mineral dependent upon the track retention properties of the individual mineral. Apatite, sphene and zircon have retention properties over a wide range of temperatures (from 100° to 550°C); apatite data reveal information at lowest temperatures while sphene and zircon data are useful for higher temperatures.Thermal events within this temperature range of 100°C to about 550°C are suitable for study with this technique. The age of the event is determined from samples in which the fission tracks are completely erased, while minerals containing partially removed (erased) tracks provide information on the temperatures occurring during the thermal event.As a test case, the analysis of the temperatures developed by the meteorite impact which produced the Ries crater at 14.7 m.y. ago is presented.  相似文献   

The thermal history of outcropping Devonian sediments of the northern Appalachian Basin, New York, has been investigated using fission track analysis of detrital apatites from 57 sandstone samples. Based on lengths and apparent age measurements using fission tracks in apatite it is concluded that Lower Devonian sediments presently at the surface in the Catskill region were cooled rapidly from temperatures higher than about 110°C during Early Cretaceous times (120–140 Ma ago). In the western part of New York (Wellsville-Buffalo) data from late Devonian sediments are consistent with cooling at the same time as that identified for the Catskill region but from lower temperatures, in the range of approximately 80–110°C, the maximum temperature these sediments experienced since deposition. For a pre-uplift paleogeothermal gradient of 25–35°C/km, the confined track length data indicates uplift and erosion of 2–3 km for western New York and greater than 3–4 km for the Catskill region, a differential uplift pattern which is consistent with the historical stratigraphic data from the region. This conclusion is at variance with earlier interpretations put forth by others.Rapid broad scale uplift and erosion of the scale identified imply that large volumes of sediment could have been supplied from the northern Appalachian Basin during the Early Cretaceous. This timing for the dominant post-Devonian cooling phase in the basin is not accounted for by recent models of the tectonic evolution of the Appalachian Orogen but is compatible with the change from carbonate to siliciclastic deposition in the Atlantic coastal plain. It is suggested that this style of broad regional uplift without significant deformation is characteristic of a tectonic regime associated with, and subsequent to, continental rifting.Apatite fission track analysis is shown to be a basic tool in providing fundamental limits for thermal history assessment in regional tectonic problems.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical approach has been used to obtain an analytical expression for the annealing of charged particle tracks in minerals as a function of time and temperature. The new formalism allows quantitative evaluation of the extent of annealing in samples for any specified temperature and track production history. The validity of the present approach depends upon the applicability of the Arrhenius equation to the process of annealing of nuclear tracks in solids. Laboratory track annealing studies confirm the predictive aspects of the present approach and also the applicability of Arrhenius' equation to track annealing over a wide time-temperature range (5 seconds/1200 K to 5 × 106 seconds/500 K). The present quantitative treatment of track annealing in rock minerals should permit an in-depth study of a variety of problems in meteoritics and earth sciences.  相似文献   

We describe a simple method for nearly isotropic revelation of fission tracks in zircon. The etchant is an equivolume mixture of 48% HF and 98% H2SO4; etching is carried out under pressure at 150° – 180°C. For fossil track densities above ~ 5 × 106, the etching time is strongly anticorrelated with track density. The total etchable fission fragment track length (2 fragments) is 11 ± 0.5 μm. The length distribution is sharply peaked; the standard deviation in different samples is ± (0.7 – 0.8) μm. Thermal annealing studies indicate a lower activation energy for track fading than was previously repoted using a phosphoric acid etchant. A practical chemical dissolution method is described for quantitatively recovering zircon crystals from rock samples; this method should find application in fission track dating of even zircon poor rocks.  相似文献   

Nuclear tracks were studied in olivine and merrillite (phosphate previously called whitlockite) from the Marjalahti pallasite. The merrillite contains an important fission contribution due mainly to the spontaneous decay of now extinct244Pu. The U contents of 29 merrillite grains range from 60 to 140 ppb (median value: 85 ppb). Assuming a reasonable fractionation temperature of ~ 1750 K for the pre-pallasitic material, a lower limit of ~ 5 K/Myr is obtained for the cooling rate, in strong contrast with the previous metallographic result (~ 0.5 K/Myr). This disagreement, together with those observed in the case of mesosiderites, strengthens the need for a revision of the metallographic method of retracing the cooling histories of meteorites, as suggested by Narayan and Goldstein [31].  相似文献   

The date of fall of a meteorite may be estimated from its thermoluminescence (TL) and in this paper the principle of a method of utilising TL to determine the terrestrial ages of eight Antarctic meteorites (Allan Hills-77) is described. The TL in a meteorite is primarily induced by cosmic ray irradiation in space and once the meteorite is on the Earth's surface, it is shielded from further cosmic ray irradiation. Under these conditions the TL will decay at a rate governed by the thermal stability of the TL and by the environmental temperature.An estimate of the decay rate may be arrived at by using recently calculated data for the trapping parameters associated with meteorite TL. A major problem is the environmental storage temperature. The “effective” storage temperature of the Antarctic meteorites is unknown, but appears to be greater than the mean annual temperature of the region of the meteorite find.Only upper limits to the terrestrial ages can be calculated because the TL at the time of the fall to Earth is highly variable from sample to sample.  相似文献   

The rates of cosmic-ray-induced fission of U, Th, Bi, Pb, and Au in mineral samples as a function of burial depth in the lunar surface layer are calculated using the available experimental particle flux and cross section data. Theoretical correction factors are given for apparent fission track ages of extraterrestrial samples of different burial depths which were exposed to cosmic rays for various time fractions of their solidification age. Samples having typical lunar heavy element contents can yield apparent fission track ages which are too high by a factor of up to 13 due to cosmic-ray-induced fission. The interference may be neglected, if the ratio of exposure age to solidification age remains 5 × 10−3. The calculations show, that the induced fission of Bi, Pb, and Au which are known to have high meteoritic abundances may dominate spontaneous 238U-fission in long-time exposed meteorites of low U and Th contents.  相似文献   

Summary Working on the hypothesis that atmospheric ice-forming nuclei are largely of terrestrial origin, the nucleating ability of various types of soil particles and mineral dusts has been investigated. Of the thirty substances tested, twenty-one, mainly silicate minerals of the clay and mica groups, were found to produce ice crystals in supercooled clouds and also on supercooled soap films at temperatures of – 18° C, or above, and of these, ten were active above – 12° C. The most abundant of these is kaolinite with a threshold temperature of – 9° C. Ten natural substances, again mainly silicates, were found to become more efficient ice nuclei having once been involved in ice-crystal formation, i.e. they could be pre-activated or «trained». Thus, ice crystals grown on kaolinite nuclei, which are initially active at –9° C, when evaporated and warmed to near 0° C in a dry atmosphere, leave behind nuclei which are thereafter effective at – 4° C. Particles of montmorillonite, another important constituent of some clays, and which are initially inactive even at –25° C, may be pre-activated to serve as ice nuclei at temperatures as high as –10° C. It is suggested that although such particles can initially form ice crystals only at cirrus levels, when the ice crystals evaporate they will leave behind some «trained» nuclei which may later seed lower clouds at temperatures only a few degrees below 0° C. On this hypothesis, the fact that efficient nuclei are occasionally more abundant at higher levels would not necessarily imply that they originate from outer space. Indeed, in view of our tests on products of stony meteorites, produced both by grinding and vaporization, which show them to be ineffective at temperatures above – 17° C, it seems likely that atmospheric ice nuclei are produced mainly at the earth's surface, the clay minerals, particularly kaolinite, being a major source.Although a good deal of work has been carried out in different laboratories on the ice-nucleating ability of a wide variety of inorganic compounds, there has been little agreement in the results. Careful tests carried out in our laboratory have revealed a number of reasons for this. Spurious results may be obtained because of the presence, in the air or the chemicals, of small traces of silver or free iodine, leading to the formation of silver iodide: if all such trace impurities are removed, many of the substances that have been claimed to provide efficient ice nuclei are found to be quite ineffective. It is dangerous to infer that all twinkling particles in a water cloud are ice crystals since particles of some seeding agents glitter even at positive temperatures. The threshold temperature of a nucleant will depend upon the criterion adopted for the onset of nucleation, i.e. upon the fraction of the total number of particles of seeding agent which are activated; this, in turn, will depend upon the fraction of particles which happen to possess suitable crystallographic faces for nucleation. Much may also depend upon the manner in which the test is performed. Since some nucleating materials produce ice crystals only after a delay of 30 seconds or more, they may appear to be ineffective if tested in the transient cloud of an expansion chamber but highly effective if allowed to remain in an ice-supersaturated atmosphere for a minute or more. Again, we have found that the efficiency of some nuclei is governed by the supersaturation as well as the temperature of the environment, and the supersaturation regimes in expansion, diffusion, and mixing-cloud chamber may be widely different. Highly soluble particles, although able to act as «sublimation» nuclei in atmospheres super-saturated relative to ice but sub-saturated relative to water, on entering a water cloud go quickly into solution and lose their nucleating ability.Inorganic substances which definitely nucleate a supercooled water cloud in a mixing-cloud chamber at temperatures of –15° C and above are: AgI (–4° C), PbI2 (–6° C), CuS (–6° C), Ag2S (–8° C), Ag2O (–9° C), HgI2 (–8° C), V2O5 (–14° C), Cu2I2 (–15° C), the figures in brackets indicating the threshold temperatures at which about one particle in 104 becomes active as an ice nucleus. Cadmium iodide (–12° C), ammonium fluoride (–9° C) and iodine (–14° C) are examples of salts which will act as sublimation nuclei in an ice-supersaturated atmosphere and will nucleate a supercooled soap film, but which are ineffective in a water cloud because of their solubility.Although the most efficient nucleating agents tend to be hexagonal in structure, there are some striking exceptions e.g. Ag2S, Ag2O, HgI2, but in most cases, we have been able to find a low-index crystal surface on which the ice lattice could grow with a misfit of only a few per cent.In an attempt to investigate the nucleation mechanism in more detail, we have studied the growth of ice on single crystals of various nucleating agents. Perfect orientation of ice crystals has so far been observed on the basal faces of silver iodide, lead iodide, cupric sulphide, cadmium iodide, and freshly-cleaved mica, on the (001) plane of iodine, and on the (010) plane of mercuric iodide.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique for revealing nuclear tracks in the mineral hibonite (CaAl12O19), found in the refractory inclusions from carbonaceous chondrites. The tracks in hibonitesfrom Murchison carbonaous chondrite are dominated by fission tracks from244Pu (constituting more than 90% of the total). The measured uranium contents in these crystals range from 1.2 to 62 ppb. We deduce that the average value for the244Pu/238U ratio in most of the Murchison hibonites at the time of track retention is0.022 ± 0.011.  相似文献   

The production rate profiles of21Ne and22Ne as a function of depth in meteoroids due to spallation by solar flare cosmic rays (SCR) and galactic cosmic rays (GCR) are calculated and their dependence on size and composition of meteoroids has been evaluated. The GCR production rate at a given depth increases with size for radii<25cm and then decreases whereas the22Ne21Ne ratio (NeR) generally decreases with size and depth. The calculated GCR production rates and NeR are consistent with the measurements in several Chondrites. A plot of track production rate vs. NeR shows that some chondrites have NeR values smaller than those expected for their sizes. Thes obeervation suggestsat least a two-stage irradiation for such meteorites; the meteoroid exposure as a small body in the interplanetary space must have been preceded by exposure under deep shielding, possibly in its parent body.  相似文献   

The cosmic ray exposure ages of 16 iron meteorites were determined by the41K/40K-4He/21Ne method. The ages measured in the present and in previous experiments are summarized and presented in form of various histograms characterizing the age distributions of the different chemical groups separately. Age clustering at 650 Ma (mega years) is typical for the group IIIAB. Age clustering at 400 Ma is observed for the IVA irons. Quasi-continuous age distributions are found for the groups IA, IIA, IIB, IVB and for the anomalous irons. The following interpretation is offered. The IIIA and IIIB irons have initially been core material of the same parent asteroid and were ejected in consequence of a single impact event about 650 Ma ago. The IVA irons represent core material of another asteroid which was hit and partially disrupted in consequence of an impact event about 400 Ma ago. The group IA exhibits meteorites with ages between 200 and 1200 Ma. The quasi-continuous character of this age distribution and cosmochemical evidence indicate for these irons a raisin-bread-like character of their initial distribution within the silicate mantle of their parent asteroid. In consequence of several or, perhaps, of many crater-forming impact events the mantle material was gradually destructed and ejected. In the age distribution of the IIA hexahedrites, ages <300 Ma predominate and ages >600 Ma seem to be missing. In attempting to understand this, the possibility must be taken into consideration that the mean life-time of hexahedrites in the interplanetary space might be shorter than that of other irons. The cause might be that the hexahedrite single crystals are perhaps easier cleavable in the space environment. A similar kind of selective mass wastage appears also to be the cause for the absence of stone meteorites with high exposure ages.  相似文献   

Absolute uplift rates, regional uplift patterns, and time limits for uplift and fault movements can be studied with fission tracks in apatite. This is demonstrated for about 50 apatites from the Swiss and Italian Alps. Due to the relatively low thermal stability of tracks in apatite, the fission track ages of apatites from this area define the time when these rocks cooled down to temperatures to 125 ± 20°C.  相似文献   

Summary Himalayan muscovites from pegmatites of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal yield an age of 2–23 m. y. by fission track (f.t.) method. The uranium concentration is estimated to be 10–10 atom/atom.  相似文献   

Nuclear track records in fourteen samples taken from different locations of a cut-slab of the Abee enstatite chondrite were studied to determine its pre-atmospheric mass and to delineate its cosmic ray exposure history. The measured track densities in different samples range from 104 to 106 cm?2. No significant variations in track densities for individual grains from a given location was found. Excess tracks of fissionogenic origin were found near the grain edges, and across cleavage planes in eight enstatite grains out of ~ 300 grains analysed in the present work. The compaction age of the meteorite could not be obtained due to the absence of suitable oldhamite-enstatite contacts in thick sections. The track data rule out pre-irradiation of any of the analysed samples with shielding less than a few tens of centimeter. The iso-track-density contours on the plane of the slab imply an asymmetric ablation of the Abee chondrite during its atmospheric transit. A spherical body having a radius of ~ 30 cm closely approximates the pre-atmospheric shape and size of the Abee meteorite. The mass loss during ablation was ~ 70% of the original mass.  相似文献   

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