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The earliest comprehensive plankton sampling programme in the Southern Ocean was undertaken during the early part of last century by Discovery Investigations to gain a greater scientific understanding of whale stocks and their summer feeding grounds. An initial survey was carried out around South Georgia during December 1926 and January 1927 to describe the distribution of plankton during the summer, and to serve as a baseline against which to compare future surveys. We have reanalysed phytoplankton and zooplankton data from this survey and elucidated patterns of community distribution and compared them with our recent understanding of the ecosystem based on contemporary data. Analysis of Discovery data identified five groups of stations with characteristic phytoplankton communities which were almost entirely consistent with the original analysis conducted by [Hardy A.C., Gunther, E.R., 1935. The plankton of the South Georgia whaling grounds and adjacent waters 1926-1927. Discovery Report 11, 1-456]. Major groupings were located at the western end of the island and over the northern shelf where Corethron spp. were dominant, and to the south and east where a more diverse flora included high abundances of Nitzschia seriata. Major zooplankton-station groupings were located over the inner shelf which was characterised by a high abundance of Drepanopus forcipatus and in oceanic water >500 m deep that were dominated by Foraminifera, Oithona spp., Ctenocalanus vanus, and Calanoides acutus. Stations along the middle and outer shelf regions to the north and west, were characterised by low overall abundance. There was some evidence that groupings of stations to the north of the island originated in different water masses on either side of the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front, the major frontal system in the deep ocean close to South Georgia. However, transect lines during 1926/1927 did not extend far enough offshore to sample this frontal region adequately. Interannual variability of zooplankton abundance was assessed from stations which were sampled repeatedly during seven recent British Antarctic Survey cruises (1995-2005) to the region and following taxonomic harmonization and numerical standardization (ind. m−3), a subset of 45 taxonomic categories of zooplankton (species and higher taxa) from 1926/1927, were compared with similar data obtained during the BAS cruises using a linear model. Initially comparisons were restricted to BAS stations that lay within 40 km of Discovery stations although a comparison was also made using all available data. Despite low abundance values in 1926/1927, in neither comparison did Discovery data differ significantly from BAS data. Calculation of the percentage similarity index across cruises did not reveal any systematic differences in species composition between 1926 and 1927 and the present. In the light of ocean warming trends, the existence of more subtle changes in species composition is not ruled out, but an absence of finely resolved time-series data make this impossible to determine.  相似文献   

锋面和涡旋是南大洋重要的中尺度过程,南极绕极环流(Antarctic Circumpolar Current,ACC)系统中的锋面及其裹携的涡旋构成了能量和物质的东向传播通道,对全球大洋的能量和物质平衡具有重要影响.基于海表高度计和B-SOSE(Biogeochemical Southern Ocean State E...  相似文献   

基于神经网络的南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼渔场预报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼是我国远洋渔业的重点捕捞对象;对南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼进行准确的渔场预报;可以提高捕捞效率;提高渔业的生产能力。本研究根据1993-2010年南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的延绳钓生产数据以及海洋卫星遥感数据(海水表面温度;SST;海面高度;SSH)和ENSO(El Niño-Southern Oscillation)指标;采用DPS(data processing system)数据处理系统中的BP人工神经网络模型;以渔获产量(单位时间的渔获尾数)和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE;Catch per unit of effort)分别作为中心渔场的表征因子;并作为BP模型的输出因子;以月、经度、纬度、SST、SSH和ENSO指标等作为输入因子;分别构建4-3-1;5-4-1;5-3-1;6-5-1;6-4-1;6-3-1等BP模型结构;比较渔场预报模型优劣。研究结果表明;以CPUE作为输出因子的BP人工神经网络结构总体上较优;其中以6-4-1模型结构为最优;相对误差只有0.006 41。研究认为;以CPUE为输出因子的6-4-1结构的人工神经网络模型;能够准确预报南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的渔场位置。  相似文献   

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