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本文利用简单海洋模式同化再分析产品等资料,阐述了阿拉伯海与赤道西印度洋,阿拉伯海与阿曼湾之间淡水输运量的季节变化特征,揭示了阿拉伯海淡水输运量的基本平衡和季节变化特征。结果表明,阿拉伯海得到的淡水输运量(包括来自赤道西印度洋、河流)和失去的淡水输运量(包括降水量减蒸发量、向阿曼湾输运)基本相当。阿拉伯海通过海气交换失去的淡水(降水量减蒸发量)主要由来自赤道西印度洋(包括孟加拉湾)的淡水输运来补偿,赤道西印度洋向阿拉伯海的淡水输运对维持阿拉伯海的盐度基本平衡起到至关重要的作用。阿拉伯海的淡水输运量在1?6月和12月为负值,失去淡水;7?11月为正值,9月最大,得到淡水。阿拉伯海的净淡水输运量的季节变化特征表现为单峰现象。阿拉伯海与赤道西印度洋(9°N断面)的淡水输运量主要出现在表层至约200 m层,多年平均约为0.1×106 m3/s,向阿拉伯海输运。从10月至翌年3月,来自孟加拉湾的低盐水向阿拉伯海输运,该输运主要出现在印度半岛西南端近海约60 m层以浅区域。夏季和秋季,出现在索马里半岛东部海域的涡旋(大回旋)引起的输运(涡旋的西部低盐水向北输运,东部高盐水向南输运),不仅输运量是一年当中最大的,而且影响的深度可达约300 m。该输运从6月开始形成,8?9月最强,11月迅速减弱。阿拉伯海与阿曼湾的淡水输运量较小,其垂直分布呈现3层结构,表层至10 m层,高盐水向阿拉伯海输运;15~170 m层,低盐水向阿曼湾输运;175~400 m层,高盐水向阿拉伯海输运。阿曼湾湾口断面多年平均淡水输运量约为0.39×104 m3/s,向阿曼湾输运。  相似文献   

In this paper a contribution is made to the ongoing debate on which brown shrimp generation mostly sustains the autumn peak in coastal North Sea commercial fisheries: the generation born in summer, or the winter one. Since the two perspectives are based on different considerations on the growth timeframe from settlement till commercial size, the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory was applied to predict maximum possible growth under natural conditions. First, the parameters of the standard DEB model for Crangon crangon L. were estimated using available data sets. These were insufficient to allow a direct estimation, requiring a special protocol to achieve consistency between parameters. Next, the DEB model was validated by comparing simulations with published experimental data on shrimp growth in relation to water temperatures. Finally, the DEB model was applied to simulate growth under optimal food conditions using the prevailing water temperature conditions in the Wadden Sea. Results show clear differences between males and females whereby the fastest growth rates were observed in females. DEB model simulations of maximum growth in the Wadden Sea suggest that it is not the summer brood from the current year as Boddeke claimed, nor the previous winter generation as Kuipers and Dapper suggested, but more likely the summer generation from the previous year which contributes to the bulk of the fisheries recruits in autumn.  相似文献   

The population structure of Mya arenaria has been investigated in the sublittoral zone of the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic Sea). Box-corer samples were collected during a 1.5-year period in 1993/94 to follow changes in size and age structure of the clam populations in different parts of the study area. Large spatial differences in population structure were found between the sheltered southwest of the Bay and the shallow and exposed Oder Bank in the centre. The stock of the Oder Bank consisted of two different clam types. A slow-growing cohort was assumed to be autochtonous on the Oder Bank, whereas a fast-growing one was assumed to have immigrated from the surrounding area. The contribution of the two cohorts to the total density varied seasonally. Because of bedload transport of clams, the contribution to the reduction of the clam stock by wintering sea ducks could not be quantified. In the southwest of the Pomeranian Bay erosion was of minor importance. High mortality rates during the first two years of life were assumed to be caused by predation. Mortality rates of older cohorts remained stable until old age. Variations in cohort strength were related to interannual differences in the reproductive success. A mild winter presumably lowers the reproductive success in the subsequent summer. Severe oxygen depletion in summer 1994 caused a strong reduction in the clam stock at stations deeper than 10 m.  相似文献   

The diet of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus was studied in three regions (Béjaia, Bénisaf and Ghazaouet) along the Algerian coast. Ontogenetic, spatial and seasonal variations in anchovy diet were investigated using multivariate analyses and analysed in relation with sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a. 46 prey taxa of varying size between 0.57 mm (Euterpina acutifrons) and 6.8 mm (fish larvae) were recorded. Whatever the season, the region or the fish size, anchovy is exclusively zooplanktivorous and copepods were the most present prey, constituting 87% by number of the prey taken and found in 98% of the anchovy stomachs examined. However, their occurrence and number varied according to the different areas, seasons and fish size. During its first year of life, anchovy feeds almost exclusively on copepods (mainly small and medium size prey). As anchovy grows, copepods are gradually substituted by large crustaceans such as decapods and amphipods. Hierarchical cluster analysis, analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) and similarities percentage (SIMPER) indicated a distinct diet of anchovy of the bay of Bejaia from those of the bays of Bénisaf and Ghazaouet probably due to differences in hydrologic conditions. Diet differences also occurred between seasons. Summer and spring have distinct prey assemblages each and showed low diet similarities with the two other seasons. More prey species were found in the diet during winter (36) and autumn (30) and the vacuity index was lower in winter. Temporal variability in satellite-derived chlorophyll-a matched the seasonal variability in the diversity of the anchovy prey and feeding intensity as reflected by the vacuity index, suggesting further investigation of the potential use of satellite-derived chlorophyll-a data as a proxy for anchovy feeding intensity.  相似文献   

黄渤海海域波浪时空变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用欧洲中期预报中心(ECMWF)第五代再分析数据集(ECMWF Reanalysis v5,ERA5),对中国黄渤海海域2000—2019年的波浪进行了统计分析.得到如下的结论:1)黄渤海海区波浪具有明显的季节性,渤海区域有效波高呈现出周边小,中间大的特点;黄海海域有效波高呈现由南向北降低的趋势;研究区域冬季有效...  相似文献   

In October 2005 spatial distribution of live and dead Acartia clausi and Acartia tonsa was studied in the Black and Marmara Seas and near the Marmara Sea inlet of the Bosphorus, in order to understand their fate upon transportation between two seas. The morphometric characteristics in both species from all studied areas, and the decreased abundance of A. clausi and A. tonsa from the Black Sea towards the Marmara Sea indicate that the Marmara Sea Acartia populations are formed by recruitment from the Black Sea. We observed mass mortality of A. clausi in the Marmara Sea near the Prince Islands. The majority of carcasses (66% of total A. clausi numbers in the Marmara Sea) were found in the salinity gradient layer.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey both onshore and offshore offers many possibilities for different hydrocarbon plays. This study presents a new play, which considers Carboniferous coals and shales as source beds, Cretaceous sandstones as reservoirs and Cretaceous shales and marls as seal rocks. The evaluation of this play is performed using the petroleum system approach. Results suggest that the coals and shales have a good to very good source rock potential for gas, that the Cretaceous synrift sandstones are good reservoirs. On the other hand, the sealing efficiency of respective Cretaceous units is assumed to be sufficient based on their lithological (shales and carbonaceous marls) characteristics. Stratigraphic traps, which formed by transgression and by onlap on paleohighs, were sealed and potentially available at 97 million years (ma) before present. Structural traps related to Early Cretaceous extension were also sealed around 97 ma. On the contrary, traps formed by folding and thrusting during the Alpine orogeny only formed during the last 50 ma. The timing of gas generation and migration was determined by one and two-dimensional basin modeling in one well and along a cross-section. The modeling results indicated that during the period between 90 and 42 ma, large volumes of gas were generated from the Carboniferous source rocks. Comparison with the age of stratigraphic and structural traps showed that stratigraphic and normal fault traps were potentially available for the entire volume of generated gas and that the other structural traps associated with Alpine orogeny were available only for gas generated and/or re-migrated during the last 50 ma. The evaluation of this new play results in the conclusion, that the Western Black Sea region is worthy of further exploration for conventional accumulations of thermogenic gas.  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature fields in the East Sea are composed of various spatial structures such as eddies, fronts, filaments, turbulent-like features and other mesoscale variations associated with the oceanic circulations of the East Sea. These complex SST structures have many spatial scales and evole with time. Semi-monthly averaged SST distributions based on extensive satellite observations of SSTs from 1990 through 1995 were constructed to examine the characteristics of their spatial and temporal scale variations by using statistical methods of multi-dimensional autocorrelation functions and spectral analysis. Two-dimensional autocorrelation functions in the central part of the East Sea revealed that most of the spatial SST structures are anisotropic in the shape of ellipsoids with minor axes of about 90–290 km and major axes of 100–400 km. Two dimensional spatial scale analysis demonstrated a consistent pattern of seasonal variation that the scales appear small in winter and spring, increase gradually to summer, and then decrease again until the spring of the next year. These structures also show great spatial inhomogeneity and rapid temporal change on time scales as short as a semi-month in some cases. The slopes in spectral energy density spectra of SSTs show characteristics quite similar to horizontal and geostrophic turbulence. Temporal spectra at each latitude are demonstrated by predominant peaks of one and two cycles per year in all regions of the East Sea, implying that SSTs present very strong annual and semi-annual variations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton pigment concentrations in the Japan Sea are described, using monthly mean composite images of the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). In order to describe the seasonal changes of pigment concentration from the results of the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, we selected four areas in the south Japan Sea. The pigment concentrations in these areas show remarkable seasonal variations. Two annual blooms appear in spring and fall. The spring bloom starts in the Japan Sea in February and March, when critical depth (CRD) becomes equal to mixed layer depth (MLD). The spring bloom in the southern areas (April) occurs one month in advance of that in the northern areas (May). This indicates that the pigment concentrations in the southern areas may increase rapidly in comparison with the northern areas since the water temperature increases faster in spring in the southern than in the northern areas. The fall bloom appears first in the southwest region, then in the southeast and northeast regions, finally appearing in the northwest region. Fall bloom appears in November and December when MLD becomes equal to CRD. The fall bloom can be explained by deepening of MLD in the Japan Sea. The pigment concentrations in winter are higher than those in summer. The low pigment concentrations dominate in summer.  相似文献   

南黄海溶解氧的平面分布及其季节变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
根据中韩“黄海水循环及物质通量合作研究”项目1996~1997年现场调查获得的资料,首次对南黄海整个海域溶解氧的平面分布特征及其季节变化规律进行了探讨.对一些主要海洋过程如黄海暖流、台湾暖流、沿岸流、长江冲淡水、黄海冷水团及浮游植物的光合作用等对南黄海溶解氧含量分布的影响进行了讨论.  相似文献   

渤海小黄鱼生殖力及其变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据2004年5月在渤海进行的拖网调查资料,分析了小黄鱼(Pseudosciaenapolyatics)在经过近半世纪的捕捞后的生殖群体生殖力及其与体长、纯体质量的关系,并对小黄鱼生殖力的变化作了比较。结果表明,小黄鱼的个体绝对生殖力为14729粒±1360粒;个体绝对生殖力与叉长、纯体质量的关系变化较大;与1964年历史资料相比,相同体长组小黄鱼的个体绝对生殖力F和相对生殖力FL都显著增大(P<0.01)。小黄鱼的生殖力增加可能是小黄鱼在长期捕捞等外部环境影响下的遗传进化以及对其生存环境的适应性响应。  相似文献   

薛瑞  吴孟泉  刘杨  孙晓 《海洋科学》2016,40(7):115-123
自2007年以来, 黄海海域每年的5月初~8月中下旬浒苔(Ulva prolifera)会周期性地暴发与消亡,导致海洋生态环境被破坏以及经济损失。利用2014 年的HJ-1A/1B遥感影像, 利用神经网络监督分类及RULE规则影像重分类动态阈值法, 对2014年的浒苔的漂移路径、各时期影响的海域面积、分布面积以及暴发高峰期的最大面积进行了动态监测。结果表明, 2014年浒苔持续时间为101 d, 5月中旬开始在江苏省盐城市近海出现零星斑点, 分布面积为2.299 km2, 影响面积为1 744.799 km2; 6月初到6月中旬浒苔广泛分布于黄海海域, 分布面积扩大至1 367.145 km2, 达到当年的峰值; 从6月下旬开始, 浒苔进入衰退期, 浒苔分布面积、相对聚集密度均急剧缩小, 但影响面积的峰值出现在该时期; 8月初消亡于青岛附近海岸, 8月20日遥感影像已难以监测到浒苔的存在。2014年黄海海域浒苔经过了“出现—发展—暴发—衰退—消亡”5个发展阶段。  相似文献   

Pasiphaea multidentata is a deep‐water caridean shrimp fished in the Mediterranean in association with the commercially exploited red‐shrimp Aristeus antennatus. A previous study describes seasonality in the reproductive pattern of P. multidentata using external morphological parametres. This study assesses the spatio‐temporal variations in the population structure, sex ratio, ovary cycle and gametogenesis of P. multidentata from three different fishing grounds in the Blanes canyon and adjacent margin (North‐western Mediterranean) over an annual cycle. The oogenetic pattern of this species is typical of a caridean shrimp. There is a pool of previtellogenic oocytes at all times that develop from the periphery of the gonad towards the centre during maturation. Previtellogenic oocytes grow to approximately 200 μm before undergoing vitellogenesis. The vitellogenic oocytes are surrounded by a monolayer of accessory cells. The maximum size observed for a mature oocyte was 1420 μm. The oocyte‐size distribution confirmed the seasonal reproductive pattern of this species; in winter, the ovaries contained mainly previtellogenic oocytes, some of which start maturing in spring, resulting in a slightly bimodal distribution. In summer, the vitellogenic oocytes reach approximately 1000 μm and in late autumn the ovaries are fully mature and ready to spawn. There were no significant differences in the reproductive and population structure patterns of P. multidentata among the three sites, suggesting that the population’s distribution is not affected by the geomorphology of the area, in particular the presence of the canyon. The populations are dominated by females at all sites and all seasons, with the arrival of juveniles in spring. The seasonal variations in the reproduction and recruitment of P. multidentata and the lack of spatial segregation within the population are discussed in terms of the species’ known biology, the effects of canyons in energy supply to the deep‐sea floor and the relationships of this species with the red‐shrimp A. antennatus.  相似文献   

The study was conducted during two cruises of June–August 2006 (summer),and January–February 2007 (winter) in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea and East China Sea.Spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton abundance,biomass and community structure and its relation to currents and water masses over the continental shelf were examined.A total of 584 zooplankton species/taxa and 28 planktonic larvae were identified during the two surveys.Copepods were the most abundant component among these identified groups.Zooplankton abundance and biomass fluctuated widely and showed distinct heterogeneity in the shelf waters.Five zooplankton assemblages were identified with hierarchical cluster analysis during this study,and they were Huanghai Sea Assemblage,Changjiang Estuary Assemblage,Coastal Assemblage,East China Sea Mixed-water Assemblage and East China Sea Offshore Assemblage.Seasonal changes of zooplankton community composition and its geographical distribution were detected,and the locations of the faunistic areas overlap quite well with water masses and current systems.So we suggest that the zooplankton community structure and its changes were determined by the water masses in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.The results of this research can provide fundamental information for the long-term monitoring of zooplankton ecology in the shelf of Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

王秋璐  许艳  曾容  张健  黄海燕 《海洋学报》2020,42(12):101-109
基于2011−2017年海水pH和环境参数数据,应用格网统计和时空矩阵方法,研究各环境单元内pH和环境因子同比变化及相关性,并对影响不同季节、区域和水体层次的相关因子作差异性分析,结果显示:(1) 2011−2017年间,渤海区域pH的空间分布整体相对稳定,各环境单元表层pH平均值为7.95~8.38,底层pH平均值为7.89~8.35,平均值绝对变化为1~1.5个标准差;(2)各环境单元pH时间序列趋于同步变化,由于空间分布不同,局部单元间存在差异,研究认为冬季表层pH低值和盐度高值空间分布特征一致;(3)渤海区域pH与叶绿素a浓度呈现显著正相关,表层pH季节性特征明显,且与叶绿素a时空分布特征一致,生物因素对近岸表层水体pH的调节起重要作用;(4) 8月间渤海底层出现pH局部低值的区域,分析发现这与水体层化形成低氧区域相一致,同时发现底层pH与溶解氧呈显著正相关;(5)利用格网化数据处理技术和时空矩阵分析方法,进一步显化了pH和环境因子特征信息,对气候变化下长时间尺度的分析研究提供了很好的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The current study broadens the biodiversity information available for the Black Sea and neighbouring regions and improves our knowledge about the polychaete biogeographic patterns to be discerned in them. There appears to be a well-defined zoogeocline from the Marmara Sea and Bosphorus Strait to the inner parts of the region (Azov Sea), depicted both as a multivariate pattern and in terms of species (or taxa) numbers. The emergent multivariate pattern complies, to a certain extent, with Jakubova’s (1935) views: three main sectors can be defined in the basin: (a) Prebosphoric, (b) the Black Sea and, (c) the Azov Sea, whereas the Bosphorus Strait and Marmara Sea show less faunal affinities with the afore-mentioned sectors. Patterns derived both from the cosmopolitan and Atlanto-Mediterranean species closely follow the one coming from the polychaete species and genera inventories. As a general trend, species numbers decrease along with the decrease in salinity towards the inner parts of the region. The trend is homologous to that seen in the benthic invertebrate inventories of all the major European semi-enclosed regional seas. Salinity and food availability appear to be the dominant abiotic factors correlated, though weakly, with the various patterns deriving from the taxonomic/zoogeographic categories. With the exception of the Anatolia, polychaete inventories from all sectors appear to be random samples of the total inventory of the region, in terms of taxonomic distinctness values. Therefore, these sectoral inventories can be used for future biodiversity/environmental impact assessment studies. A massive invasion of Mediterranean species after the opening of the Black Sea, in the lower Quaternary period, appears to be the likely biogeographic mechanism through which the old Sarmatic fauna was almost completely replaced by species of marine origin.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of stage-specific abundance and reproduction of the copepod Paracalanus parvus were studied from October 2005 to September 2006 in the Jiaozhou Bay. This copepod occurred continuously in this bay throughout the year. The species reached the lowest abundance in April and peaked in June. From October to December, distribution center mainly occurred in offshore water and at the mouth of the bay. In winter, early copepodites and adults gradually decreased and till February, most of the population was only comprised of CIV–CV stages. Overwintering copepodites matured in March and males tended to mature before female. From May to September, each stage occurred in the population and gradually reached high abundance. Temperature and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration in the three stations can't clearly explain the seasonal variation in stage-specific abundance, so we surmised the important effect of the Yellow Sea. Egg production rate (EPR) reached its lowest in winter and peaked in June at 60.8 eggs female−1 day−1 in nearshore water. In the warming period, EPR in nearshore water was statistically higher and EPR > 10 eggs female−1 day−1 lasted longer than that in offshore water, showing the importance of nearshore water for recruitment of P. parvus. Our study showed that EPR was positively related to temperature and total chlorophyll a in offshore water and mouth of the bay. In nearshore water, the relationships between EPR and temperature and Chl-a in three size fractions were not the same as those in offshore water, suggesting complicated ecosystem in such a eutrophic area in warming period.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal patterns in the hyperbenthic community structure (>500 μm) in the warm temperate, permanently open Kariega Estuary situated along the south-eastern coastline of South Africa was investigated monthly over a period of twelve months. Data were collected using a modified hyperbenthic sledge at six stations along the length of the estuary. Physico-chemical data indicate the presence of a constant reverse salinity gradient, with highest salinities measured in the upper reaches and lowest at the mouth of the estuary. Strong seasonal patterns in temperature, dissolved oxygen and total chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration were evident. Total average hyperbenthic densities ranged between 0.4 and 166 ind.m−3 in the lower net and between 0.2 and 225 ind.m−3 in the upper net. Hyperbenthic biomass values ranged between 0.02 and 11.9 mg.dry weight.m−3 in the lower net and between 0.02 and 17.4 mg.dry weight.m−3 in the upper net. Both the lower and upper nets were numerically dominated by decapods (mainly brachyuran crab zoea) with the exception of June and July 2008 when mysids (mainly Mesopodopsis wooldridgei) dominated, comprising up to 72.4 ± 58.14% of the total abundance in the lower net. A redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that 99.2% of the variance in the hyperbenthic community structure could be explained by the first two canonical axes. Axis one, which accounted for 96.8% of the total variation detected in the ordination plot was highly correlated with sedimentary organic content and to a lesser extent the chl-a concentration within the Kariega Estuary. The correlations with the second canonical axis (2.4%) were less obvious, however, salinity and seston concentration were weakly correlated with this axis.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe carbon cycle in the ocean, related to theglobal warming and human food, is of great scientificsignificance. Studies for the carbon transfer and trans-formation in the ocean, including the assimilative andmetabolic capacity, have become one of key researchfoci in global biogeochemical studies (Tsunogai et al.,1997; Hu and Yang, 2001; Hansell et al., 2003; Wei etal., 2003; Yang et al., 2004; Yuan et al., 2004).As is known, POC is composed of living fractionsand organic debr…  相似文献   

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