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The extensive shoreline deposits of Lake Chilwa, southern Malawi, a shallow water body today covering 600 km2 of a basin of 7500 km2, are investigated for their record of late Quaternary highstands. OSL dating, applied to 36 samples from five sediment cores from the northern and western marginal sand ridges, reveal a highstand record spanning 44 ka. Using two different grouping methods, highstand phases are identified at 43.7–33.3 ka, 26.2–21.0 ka and 17.9–12.0 ka (total error method) or 38.4–35.5 ka, 24.3–22.3 ka, 16.2–15.1 ka and 13.5–12.7 ka (Finite Mixture Model age components) with two further discrete events recorded at 11.01 ± 0.76 ka and 8.52 ± 0.56 ka. Highstands are comparable to the timing of wet phases from other basins in East and southern Africa, demonstrating wet conditions in the region before the LGM, which was dry, and a wet Lateglacial, which commenced earlier in the southern compared to northern hemisphere in East Africa. We find no evidence that wet phases are insolation driven, but analysis of the dataset and GCM modelling experiments suggest that Heinrich events may be associated with enhanced monsoon activity in East Africa in both timing and as a possible causal mechanism.  相似文献   

In 2007, we demonstrated that radiolarians are proxies for a wide range of oceanic physico-chemical properties from the surface to depths of up to 500 m below sea level. In this study, our results are refined and Correspondence Analysis (CA) scores derived from census counts of radiolarian subfossils from southern Indian Ocean core-tops are correlated with the physico-chemical properties of the region obtained from the 2005 World Ocean Database.Calibration and regression techniques are employed to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental conditions spanning the last 40 ka for four Indian Ocean cores MD88-769 [46°04′S 90°06′E], MD88-770 [46°01′S 96°27′E], MD94-102 [43°30′S 79°50′E], and MD94-103 [45°35′S 86°31′E], all from close to the Southeast Indian Ridge. For the first time, reconstructions of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and the silicate, nitrate, and phosphate concentrations for a range of water depths are proved possible.Changes of the oceanic environment and the movement of water masses over the last 40 ka, as suggested by these reconstructions, are discussed. During Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3 (MIS-2 and MIS-3), the water column at some of the core sites has similar characteristics to the waters south of the Polar Front today. At the MIS-1/MIS-2 transition, the development of the Subantarctic Mode Water is apparent. Temperature reconstructions include evidence of the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Holocene Optimum.  相似文献   

The lacustrine deposits of lakes in arid central Asia (ACA) potentially record palaeoclimatic changes on orbital and suborbital time scales, but such changes are still poorly understood due to the lack of reliable chronologies. Bosten Lake, the largest freshwater inland lake in China, is located in the southern Tianshan Mountains in central ACA. A 51.6‐m‐deep lacustrine succession was retrieved from the lake and 30 samples from the succession were used for luminescence dating to establish a chronology based on multi‐grain quartz OSL and K‐feldspar post‐IR IRSL (pIRIR290) dating. Quartz OSL ages were only used for samples from the upper part of the core. The K‐feldspar luminescence characteristics (dose recovery test, anomalous fading test, first IR stimulation temperature plateau test) are satisfactory and from the relationship amongst the quartz OSL, IR50 and pIRIR290 doses we infer that the feldspar signals are likely to be well bleached at deposition. Bacon age‐depth modelling was used to derive a chronology spanning the last c. 220 ka. The chronology, lithology and grain‐size proxy record indicate that Bosten Lake formed at least c. 220 ka ago and that lake levels fluctuated frequently thereafter. A stable deep lake occurred at c. 220, 210–180, c. 165, 70–60, 40–30 and 20–5 ka, while shallow levels occurred at c. 215, 180–165, 100–70, 60–40 and 30–20 ka. Bosten Lake levels decreased by at least ~29 m and possibly the lake even dried up between c. 160 and c. 100 ka. We suggest that the water‐level fluctuations in the lakes of ACA may not respond directly to climatic changes and may be affected by a number of complex factors.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2644-2660
Two twin short gravity cores and a long piston core recovered from the deepest part of proglacial Lake Bramant (Grandes Rousses Massif, French Alps), under and overlying a large slump identified by high-resolution seismic profile, allow the investigation of Holocene natural hazards and interactions between human activity and climatic changes at high-altitude. Annual sedimentation throughout the cores (glacial varves) is identified on photographs, ITRAX (high-resolution continuous microfluorescence-X) and CAT-Scan (computerized axial tomography) analyses and is supported by (1) the number of dark and light laminations between dates obtained by radionuclide measurements (137Cs, 241Am), (2) the correlation of a slump triggered by the nearby AD 1881 Allemond earthquake (MSK intensity VII) and of a turbidite triggered by the AD 1822 Chautagne regional earthquake (MSK intensity VIII), (3) the number of laminations between two accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dates, and (4) archaeological data. In Lake Bramant, dark layers are coarser, contain less detrital elements, but more neoformed elements and organic matter content. These darker laminations result from calm background sedimentation, whereas the lighter layers are finer and rich in detrital elements and reflect the summer snowmelt. Traces of mining activity during the Roman civilization apogee (AD 115–330) and during the Early Bronze Age (3770–3870 cal BP) are recorded by lead and copper content in the sediments and probably result from regional and local mining activity in the NW Alps. Warmer climate during the Bronze Age in this part of the Alps is suggested by (1) two organic deposits (4160–3600 cal BP and 3300–2850 cal BP) likely reflecting a lower lake level and smaller glaciers and (2) evidence of a different vegetation cover around 2500 m a.s.l. The onset of clastic proglacial sedimentation between 3600–3300 cal BP and since 2850 cal BP is synchronous with periods of glacier advances documented in the Alps and high-lake levels in west-central Europe. This major change in proglacial sedimentation highlights the development of a larger St. Sorlin glacier in the catchment area of Lake Bramant.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(1-2):201-212
Temporal changes in oceanic denitrification, the bacterial reduction of nitrate under suboxic conditions, highlight the potential importance of N inventory changes and the production of N2O on the climate system. At the same time, the cause of the globally observed variation in denitrification remains unclear. High-resolution benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope and bulk sediment nitrogen isotope records from ODP Site 1234 on the Chile Margin record integrated denitrification changes within the Peru–Chile Upwelling system over the last ∼70 ka. Denitrification changes in the southeast Pacific are coherent with Antarctic climate changes recorded by the Byrd ice core δ18O record, and lead northern hemisphere climate events. The southern-hemisphere character of the Chile margin δ15N record suggests that episodes of reduced denitrification in the SE Pacific represent times when more oxygen was supplied as the result of changes in the ventilation and preformed nutrient content of Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW), which forms in the Subantarctic zone of the Southern Ocean and feeds into the low-latitude thermocline.  相似文献   

The fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g cm -2  ka -1 ) to Lake Biwa of central Japan is developed as a proxy of variations in palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last c. 145 ka are characterized by 4 main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2 g cm -2  ka -1 , and 5 main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the intervals with high FQF values occur from c. 128 to 78 ka BP, with peak values at c. 122, 101 and 82 ka BP; the fourth of two narrow peaks exists between c. 48 and 35 ka BP. Three main periods with lower FQF values intervene between intervals of high FQF values, and two others lie before c. 128 ka BP and after c. 35 ka BP. The data imply that palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment increased during the intervals of high FQF values, and decreased during the periods of lower FQF values. High FQF values between c. 48 and 35 ka BP are interpreted to reflect an effective runoff of meltwater from the surrounding mountains during the interstade of the last glaciation. Relatively low FQF values during the early Holocene are interpreted to reveal a sluggish northward retreat of the polar front in the North Pacific Ocean that suppressed the northward advance of the summer monsoonal front and regional precipitation. During the last interglaciation, the increasing trend of FQF values is interpreted to indicate a progressive expansion of the Sea of Japan related to the rise in global sea level, which increased moisture advection to, and precipitation within, the Lake Biwa region.  相似文献   

Dating recent lake sediment records yielding disturbed 210Pb profiles has been a problem of wide interest in palaeoclimatic and palaeoseismic studies over the last few centuries. When applied to an alpine lake sedimentary record, a high-resolution sedimentological study reveals that the 210Pb profile is disturbed by the occurrence of single-event deposits triggered by two different mechanisms: flood events deposits and gravity reworking. Removing disturbed layers from the 210Pb profile yields a logarithmic depth–activity relationship. Using a simple 210Pb decay model (CFCS) provides an assessment of mean accumulation rate of `continuous sedimentation', as opposed to `event-linked sedimentation'. The correlation of the thickest four gravity-reworked deposits with historically known earthquakes permits both validation and refinement of the age–depth relationship. This refinement highlights variations in accumulation rate consistent with post-Little Ice Age climatic variations.  相似文献   

Sequences of lake sediments often form long and continuous records that may be sensitive recorders of seismic shaking. A multi‐proxy analysis of Lake Bohinj sediments associated with a well‐constrained chronology was conducted to reconstruct Holocene seismic activity in the Julian Alps (Slovenia). A seismic reflection survey and sedimentological analyses identified 29 homogenite‐type deposits related to mass‐wasting deposits. The most recent homogenites can be linked to historical regional earthquakes (i.e. 1348 ad , 1511 ad and 1690 ad ) with strong epicentral intensity [greater than ‘damaging’ (VIII ) on the Medvedev–Sponheuer–Karnik scale]. The correlation between the historical earthquake data set and the homogenites identified in a core isolated from local stream inputs, allows interpretation of all similar deposits as earthquake related. This work extends the earthquake chronicle of the last 6600 years in this area with a total of 29 events recorded. The early Holocene sedimentary record is disturbed by a seismic event (6617 ± 94 cal yr bp ) that reworked previously deposited sediment and led to a thick sediment deposit identified in the seismic survey. The period between 3500 cal yr bp and 2000 cal yr bp is characterized by a major destabilization in the watershed by human activities that led to increases in erosion and sedimentation rates. This change increased the lake's sensitivity to recording an earthquake (earthquake‐sensitivity threshold index) with the occurrence of 72 turbidite‐type deposits over this period. The high turbidite frequency identified could be the consequence of this change in lake earthquake sensitivity and thus these turbidites could be triggered by earthquake shaking, as other origins are discarded. This study illustrates why it is not acceptable to propose a return period for seismic activity recorded in lake sediment if the sedimentation rate varies significantly.  相似文献   

Two Gravity cores (AAS 38-4 and AAS 38-5) recovered from the eastern Arabian Sea were analyzed for calcium carbonate (CaCO3), organic carbon, aluminium (Al) and titanium (Ti) in order to understand the calcium carbonate and terrigenous fluctuations during the Holocene and Last Glacial Period. High CaCO3 and low Al and Ti during the Holocene, and low CaCO3 and high Al and Ti during the Last Glacial Period suggest that CaCO3 content in these two cores appears to be controlled by the dilution of terrigenous material. The supply of terrigenous material to the core sites was higher during the Last Glacial Period than in the Holocene. Organic carbon values were lower (<2%) during the Holocene and higher (>2%) during the Last Glacial Period in core AAS 38-4; but the opposite was found in core AAS 38-5. This inconsistent pattern of organic carbon changes in the two cores studied indicates that the distribution of organic carbon in the eastern Arabian Sea is controlled not only by the supply of organic matter from the water column but also by sediment texture and dilution of sediment components.  相似文献   

We describe the environmental variation in the Banda Sea over the past 820 ka by using the magnetic parameters and oxygen isotope data from the core MD012380. Overall, characteristics of the magnetic parameters show simultaneous variation with marine isotope stage (MIS), especially in the last 420 ka. There are fewer, coarser and more oxidative magnetic minerals in glacial periods, and turn to opposite conditions in interglacial periods. Spectral results clearly present the Milankovitch periods over the last 820 ka, especially the eccentricity period (400-ka and 100-ka). However, the magnetic data shows different pattern before and after 420 ka. Thus, we segmented the time-series data into two periods: MIS 20 to MIS 12 and MIS 11 to MIS 1. During MIS 20 to MIS 12, the spectra of magnetic data show clear periods related to the obliquity (41-ka) and precession (23-ka and 19-ka), while they present only the eccentricity period (100-ka) during MIS 11 to MIS 1. This feature, which splits the late Pleistocene at around 420 ka, could be attributed to the mid-Brunhes event (MBE). In the Banda Sea, main factor controlling the variation of the magnetic minerals is considered as the fluctuation of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) intensity due to sea-level change. Thus, the magnetic data show clear 400-ka and 100-ka periods (main MIS cycle). Besides, the eccentricity signals are relatively dominant in the last ~420 ka, implying that the ITF might become more important after the MBE in the Banda Sea.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphic framework of Lake Van, eastern Turkey, has been systematically analysed to document the sedimentary evolution and the environmental history of the lake during the past ca 600 000 years. The lithostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of a 219 m long drill core from Lake Van serve to separate global climate oscillations from local factors caused by tectonic and volcanic activity. An age model was established based on the climatostratigraphic alignment of chemical and lithological signatures, validated by 40Ar/39Ar ages. The drilled sequence consists of ca 76% lacustrine carbonaceous clayey silt, ca 2% fluvial deposits, ca 17% volcaniclastic deposits and 5% gaps. Six lacustrine lithotypes were separated from the fluvial and event deposits, such as volcaniclastics (ca 300 layers) and graded beds (ca 375 layers), and their depositional environments are documented. These lithotypes are: (i) graded beds frequently intercalated with varved clayey silts reflecting rising lake levels during the terminations; (ii) varved clayey silts reflecting strong seasonality and an intralake oxic–anoxic boundary, for example, lake‐level highstands during interglacials/interstadials; (iii) CaCO3‐rich banded sediments which are representative of a lowering of the oxic–anoxic boundary, for example, lake level decreases during glacial inceptions; (iv) CaCO3‐poor banded and mottled clayey silts reflecting an oxic–anoxic boundary close to the sediment–water interface, for example, lake‐level lowstands during glacials/stadials; (v) diatomaceous muds were deposited during the early beginning of the lake as a fresh water system; and (vi) fluvial sands and gravels indicating the initial flooding of the lake basin. The recurrence of lithologies (i) to (iv) follows the past five glacial/interglacial cycles. A 20 m thick disturbed unit reflects an interval of major tectonic activity in Lake Van at ca 414 ka bp . Although local environmental processes such as tectonic and volcanic activity influenced sedimentation, the lithostratigraphic pattern and organic matter content clearly reflect past global climate changes, making Lake Van an outstanding terrestrial archive of unprecedented sensitivity for the reconstruction of the regional climate over the last 600 000 years.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifera and pollen data from core GNS84-C106 (Gulf of Salerno, Tyrrhenian Sea) were analysed through the Modern Analogue Technique, Constrained Cluster Analysis and relative variation biplots. A long period of mild climate, centred around 25 ka BP, is evident in both marine and continental reconstructions. The cooling phase from 17 to 14.7 ka BP, correlated to the H1 Heinrich event, is indicated by a sea surface temperature (SST) decrease, which roughly coincides with the cold-arid phase identified by annual and January temperatures. A rapid increase in atmospheric temperatures and precipitation, culminating at 13.8 ka BP, marks the BA cronozone. The corresponding increase in summer and winter SSTs, of 11 and 6.5 °C, respectively, occurred over 600 years. The beginning of the YD, centred around 12.5 ka BP, is marked by a decrease in summer and winter SSTs of, respectively, 4.5 and 3.5 °C in one century. The atmospheric evidence of the YD is primarily reflected in low January temperatures, reaching −6 °C, the lowest values ever experienced in the analysed time interval. The Late Glacial–Holocene transition is clearly recorded in both the continental and marine realms. From 11.5 to 9 ka BP, atmospheric temperatures record a period of substantial stability followed by a drop at 8.9 ka BP, which chronologically fall within the first RCC event (9–8 ka BP) of Mayewski et al. [2004. Holocene climate variability. Quaternary Research 62, 243–255], in correspondence with a phase of relatively high seasonality, indicated by foraminifera.  相似文献   

The pollen record of the long succession of marine and continental deposits filling the subsident north-Adriatic foredeep basin (NE Italy) documents the history of vegetation, the landscape evolution and the climate forcing during the last 215 ka at the south-eastern Alpine foreland. The chronology relies on several 14C determinations as well as on estimated ages of pollen-stratigraphical and sea-level event tie-points derived from comparison with high-resolution marine records, speleothemes and ice cores.Mixed temperate rainforests persisted throughout MIS 7a–7c, being replaced by conifer forests after the local glacioeustatic regression during early MIS 6. The Alpine piedmont facing the Adriatic foredeeep was glaciated at the culmination of the penultimate glaciation, as directly testified by in situ fluvioglacial aggradation related to the building of a large morainic amphitheatre. The pollen record allows correlation with other European records and with the IRD from N-Atlantic and off Iberia, thus the duration of the penultimate glacial culmination at the southalpine fringe is estimated less than 13 ka between 148 ± 1 and >135 ka. The site was not reached by the Last Interglacial maximum sea transgression and enregistered a typical, though incomplete, Eemian forest record, lacking Mediterranean evergreen trees. A complex sequence of stadial–interstadial episodes is reconstructed during the Early and Middle Würm: major xerophyte peaks match IRD maxima occurred during Heinrich events in deep-sea cores offshore Iberia and in the N-Atlantic and allows to frame lumps of interstadial phases, marked by Picea peaks, each one including several DO warm events. Broad-leaved thermophilous forests disappeared from the north-eastern plain of Italy at the end of the Early Würm, whereas reduced populations of Abies and Fagus probably sheltered even during the Last Glacial Maximum. A renewed fluvioglacial in situ deposition between 30.4 ± 0.4 and 21.6 ± 0.5 ka cal BP sets the time and duration of the last glacial culmination in the pedemontane morainic amphitheatre. Palynomorphs from Plio-Pleistocene marine successions were reworked by glacier erosion and deposited in the lowland during both the penultimate and the last deglaciation phases. This explains a bias affecting previous pollen records from the region.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(13-14):1713-1724
Continuous high-resolution pollen data for the past 225 ka from sediments in Bear Lake, Utah–Idaho reflect changes in vegetation and climate that correlate well with variations in summer insolation and global ice-volume during MIS 1 through 7. Spectral analysis of the pollen data identified peaks at 21–22 and 100 ka corresponding to periodicities in Earth's precession and eccentricity orbital cycles. Suborbital climatic fluctuations recorded in the pollen data, denoted by 6 and 5 ka cyclicities, are similar to Greenland atmospheric temperatures and North Atlantic ice-rafting Heinrich events. Our results show that millennial-scale climate variability is also evident during MIS 5, 6 and 7, including the occurrence of Heinrich-like events in MIS 6, showing the long-term feature of such climate variability. This study provides clear evidence of a highly interconnected ocean–atmosphere system during the last two glacial/interglacial cycles that extended its influence as far as continental western North America. Our study also contributes to a greater understanding of the impact of long-term climate change on vegetation of western North America. Such high-resolution studies are particularly important in efforts of the scientific community to predict the consequences of future climate change.  相似文献   

A 10 m sediment core from Academician Ridge in Lake Baikal was analyzed for its molecular composition using on-line TMAH (tetramethylammomium hydroxide) thermochemolysis. Major products are lignin phenols, n-C14 to C30 fatty acids (alkanoic acids), cutin acids, hydroxy acids and aliphatic dicarboxylic acids. Lignin phenols are abundant in warmer periods (the interglacial: marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e and MIS 1), but extremely low in the other (colder) periods. This result coincides well with pollen records reported for a core near the present site, where an expansion of coniferous forests in sub-stage 5e and MIS 1 was implied. Normal C24–C30 alkanoic acids, important components of plant wax esters, are abundant in 5e and MIS 1 and are present in significant amounts in the other (colder) periods, unlike the lignin phenols. A high abundance of n-C24 to C30 alkanoic acids relative to lignin phenols in the Bølling–Allerød warm period suggests an enhanced development of herbs.It is implied from comparison of the sedimentary lignin phenol record with fossil pollen records and lignin phenol analysis of modern pollen that the ratio of cinnamyl phenols to vanillyl phenols may serve as an indicator of pollen contribution to sedimentary organic matter.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make use of the functional spectral analysis to infer the periodicity of paleoelimate in the Hongzuisi section since about 15 ka. Through combined analysis of organic carbon isotope and CaCO3 content, the law of paleoclimatic evolution of the Hongzuisi section is obtained. There were climatic changes from 10 ka to about 0.1 ka over the last 15 ka. Among these cycles, the cycle of several ka is most remarkable. The result indicates that functional spectral analysis is helpful for paleoclimatic study, which can provide useful information about paleoclimatic reconstruction and future forecast.  相似文献   

A pollen record from Huguangyan Maar Lake documents regional palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate changes in southern China over the last 30 000 years. Huguangyan Maar Lake is located close to the South China Sea (SCS) coastline and is influenced by the East Asian Monsoon (EAM). The pollen assemblages show a succession of vegetation and climate changes. During the Last Glaciation, 30–15.8 cal. ka BP, the Huguangyan area was dominated by subtropical evergreen‐deciduous forest with grassland surrounding the lake, indicating a colder and drier climate than today. During 15.8–11 cal. ka BP, the study area experienced several climatic fluctuations. From 11 to 2 cal. ka BP, the climate shifted to warmer and wetter conditions. After the Holocene Optimum in the early Holocene, the temperature and precipitation decreased. The sediment record of the last 2000 years cannot be used to interpret natural palaeoclimate changes due to the intense anthropogenic influences. Overall, however, the Huguangyan pollen archive highlights the rapid responses of subtropical vegetation to insolation changes in southern China.  相似文献   

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