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作为一种大尺度的太阳高能活动现象,日冕物质抛射(CME)的发现令人瞩目,其强烈的行星际和地球物理效应更引起了天文、空间和地球物理学家的共同关注。在本文中介绍了自CME发现以来的22年中观测和研究所取得的进展,以及它给太阳物理学带来的影响,并分析了研究工作所面临的困难和障碍,展望了CME研究的前景。  相似文献   

孙凯 《天文学进展》1997,15(1):44-52
综述日冕物质抛射的观测和持性,简短的前言之后,给出CME的发现经过及统计特性,着重介绍CME与其他种类太阳活动的相关。然后介绍CME的一般特性,包括可能与CME相关的一些物理过程的观测特性。初步结论是:CME是一种演变中的磁结构现象。  相似文献   

日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,CME)是一种强烈的太阳爆发现象,对空间天气和人类生活有巨大的影响,因此,日冕物质抛射检测对预报日冕物质抛射、保障人类的生产生活安全具有重要意义。现有的日冕物质抛射检测多采用人为定义特征和界定阈值等方法。由于人为定义特征不能准确表征日冕物质抛射且具有普适性的阈值难于选择,现有的方法对日冕物质抛射的检测效果有待提高。提出一种基于Faster R-CNN(Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks)的日冕物质抛射检测算法。该方法首先结合CDAW(Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop Data Center),SEEDS(Solar Eruptive Even Detection System)和CACTus(Computer Aoded CME Tracking software package)3个著名的日冕物质抛射目录信息,人工标注了包含9113幅日冕图像的数据集,然后根据日冕物质抛射的图像特征较自然图像少、目标尺寸与自然图像有差异等特点,在特征提取和锚点选择方面对Faster R-CNN进行改进。以2007年6月的日冕物质抛射标注数据为测试集,本文算法检出了全部22个强日冕物质抛射事件和151个弱日冕物质抛射事件中的138个,对日冕物质抛射事件的中心角和角宽度等特征参数的检测误差分别在5°和10°以内。  相似文献   

日冕物质抛射   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王水  李波  赵寄昆 《天文学进展》2000,18(3):192-208
评述了近几年来冕物抛射研究的新进展,包括Yohkoh、SOHO、WIND、Ulysses、Geotail和POLAR等飞船最近取得的观测结果,并由典型事件探计日冕物质抛射与太阳活动、行星际扰动和地球空间环境变化之间的关系。进而介绍日冕物质抛射形成机制和传播过程的主要理论模型和数值模拟结果,提出今后日冕物质抛射研究中一些值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

232MHz太阳爆发与日冕物质抛射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用综合孔径射电望远镜的232MHz观测太阳,具有3.8’的空间分辨率,20ms的时间分辨率和高灵敏度及很好的抗干扰能力。1999年共观测到12次大爆发,其中8次与日冕物质抛射相关,可以利用米波射电爆发预报CME事件。  相似文献   

射电Ⅳ型运动爆发同日冕物质抛射(CMEs)关系极为密切。本文基于对Ⅳ型运动爆发的研究以及CMEs开放场的物理条件,探讨了CMEs形成及抛射的物理条件。由于磁通量突然喷发,能量大量释放,在CME闭合场中的等离子体被加速,导致高能质子和高能电子被大磁环捕获。随着磁环内的热压P和磁压Pm的升高,当β〉βT时磁环将炸裂,从而产生CMEs。抛射出的未离化的等离子体团将产生等离子体基波与谐波辐射。随着等离子体  相似文献   

射电Ⅳ型运动爆发同日冕物质抛射(CMEs)关系极为密切。本文基于对Ⅳ型运动爆发的研究以及CMEs开放场的物理条件,探讨了CMEs形成及抛射的物理条件。由于磁通量突然喷发,能量大量释放,在CME闭合场中的等离子体被加速,导致高能质子和高能电子被大磁环捕获。随着磁环内的热压P和磁压Pm的升高,当β>βT时磁环将炸裂,从而产生CMEs。抛射出的未离化的等离子体团将产生等离子体基波与谐波辐射。随着等离子体的不断离化,高能相对论电子绕开放磁场线作螺旋飞行,这时等离体辐射降到次要地位,回旋同步加速辐射上升到主导地位,这就是射电Ⅳ型运动爆发。如果离化的早,则在微波波段也能看到Ⅳ型运动爆发。这就是微波Ⅳ型爆发,也是微波Ⅳ型爆发罕见的原因。射电运动Ⅳ型爆发源就是日冕抛射的物质。  相似文献   

利用综合孔径射电望远镜在 232 MHz观测太阳,具有 3·8’的空间分辨率、 20 ms 的时间分辨率和高灵敏度及很好的抗干扰能力.1999年共观测到12次大爆发,其中8次与日冕物质抛射相关.可以利用米波射电爆发预报CME事件.  相似文献   

本文比较了1982年2月9日同时观测到的两个爆发日珥及一次白光日冕物质抛射事件。比较表明,在研究日冕物质抛射事件与爆发日珥的关系时,爆发日珥的形状可能是一个重要的因素,它体现了局部区域磁场结构的变化。作者提出了一种可能的磁场结构模型,对观测结果给以解释。  相似文献   

Basic processes of magnetic reconnection and observations of coronal mass ejection are introduced. A possible mechanism of CME caused by magnetic rcconnection in the current sheet of solar corona is suggested.  相似文献   

Transequatorial Filament Eruption and Its Link to a Coronal Mass Ejection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We revisit the Bastille Day flare/CME Event of 2000 July 14, and demonstrate that this flare/CME event is not related to only one single active region (AR). Activation and eruption of a huge transequatorial filament are seen to precede the simultaneous filament eruption and flare in the source active region, NOAA AR 9077, and the full halo-CME in the high corona. Evidence of reconfiguration of large-scale magnetic structures related to the event is illustrated by SOHO EIT and Yohkoh SXT observations, as well as, the reconstructed 3D magnetic lines of force based on the force-free assumption. We suggest that the AR filament in AR9077 was connected to the transequatorial filament. The large-scale magnetic composition related to the transequatorial filament and its sheared magnetic arcade appears to be an essential part of the CME parent magnetic structure. Estimations show that the filament-arcade system has enough magnetic helicity to account for the helicity carried by the related CMEs. In addition, rather global magnetic connectivity, covering almost all the visible range in longitude and a huge span in latitude on the Sun, is implied by the Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) observations. The analysis of the Bastille Day event suggests that although the triggering of a global CME might take place in an AR, a much larger scale magnetic composition seems to be the source of the ejected magnetic flux, helicity and plasma. The Bastille Day event is the first described example in the literature, in which a transequatorial filament activity appears to play a key role in a global CME. Many tens of halo-CME are found to be associated with transequatorial filaments and their magnetic environment.  相似文献   

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are challenging objects to detect using automated techniques, due to their high velocity and diffuse, irregular morphology. A necessary step to automating the detection process is to first remove the subjectivity introduced by the observer used in the current, standard, CME detection and tracking method. Here we describe and demonstrate a multiscale edge detection technique that addresses this step and could serve as one part of an automated CME detection system. This method provides a way to objectively define a CME front with associated error estimates. These fronts can then be used to extract CME morphology and kinematics. We apply this technique to a CME observed on 18 April 2000 by the Large Angle Solar COronagraph experiment (LASCO) C2/C3 and a CME observed on 21 April 2002 by LASCO C2/C3 and the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). For the two examples in this work, the heights determined by the standard manual method are larger than those determined with the multiscale method by ≈10% using LASCO data and ≈20% using TRACE data.  相似文献   

日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection, CME)的检测是建立CME事件库和实现对CME在行星际传播的预报的重要前提. 通过Visual Geometry Group (VGG) 16卷积神经网络方法对日冕仪图像进行自动分类. 基于大角度光谱日冕仪(Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment, LASCO) C2的白光日冕仪图像, 根据是否观测到CME对图像进行标记. 将标记分类的数据集用于VGG模型的训练, 该模型在测试集分类的准确率达到92.5%. 根据检测得到的标签结果, 结合时空连续性规则, 消除了误判区域, 有效分类出CME图像序列. 与Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAW)人工事件库比较, 分类出的CME图像序列能够较完整地包含CME事件, 且对弱CME结构有较高的检测灵敏度. 未来先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)卫星的莱曼阿尔法太阳望远镜将搭载有白光日冕仪(Solar Corona Imager, SCI), 使用此分类方法将该仪器产生的日冕图像按有无CME分类. 含CME标签的图像将推送给中国的各空间天气预报中心, 对CME进行预警.  相似文献   

太阳日冕物质抛射特性的模糊分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩正忠  唐玉华 《天文学报》2002,43(4):359-365
应用模糊集理论对日冕物质抛射(CME)特性进行分类研究,根据CME形态特性和特征因子之间的关系,重点阐明构造每个特性的隶属函数和确定权重因子的基本原理与方法,通过数据处理,对CME特性进行聚类分析,结果表明,模糊分类方法要优于传统的统计分析,对于CME特性按重要性分类,为空间环境的预报提供了一个具有实用价值的方法。  相似文献   

By using Hα, He I 10830, EUV and soft X-ray (SXR) data, we examined a filament eruption that occurred on a quiet-sun region near the center of the solar disk on 2006 January 12, which disturbed a sigmoid overlying the filament channel observed by the GOES-12 SXR Imager (SXI), and led to the eruption of the sigmoid. The event was associated with a partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME) observed by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraphs (LASCO) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), and resulted in the formation of two flare-like ribbons, post-eruption coronal loops, and two transient coronal holes (TCHs), but there were no significantly recorded GOES or Hα flares corresponding to the eruption. The two TCHs were dominated by opposite magnetic polarities and were located on the two ends of the eruptive sigmoid. They showed similar locations and shapes in He Ⅰ 10830, EUV and SXR observations. During the early eruption phase, brightenings first appeared on the locations of the two subsequent TCHs, which could be clearly identified on He Ⅰ 10830, EUV and SXR images. This eruption could be explained by the magnetic flux rope model, and the two TCHs were likely to be the feet of the flux rope.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONCoronal majss ejections (CMEs) are often seen as spectacular eruptions of matter fromthe Sun which propagate outward through the heliosphere and often interact with the Earth'smagnetosphere (Hundhausen, 1997; Gosling, 1997; and references herein). It is well known thatthese interactions can have substalltial consequences on the geomagnetic environment of theEarth, sometimes resulting in damage to satellites (e.g., McAllister et al., 1996; Berdichevskyet al., 1998). CMEs…  相似文献   

The Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission aims to explore the two most spectacular eruptions on the Sun: solar flares and coronal mass ejections(CMEs), and their magnetism.For the study of CMEs, the payload Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope(LST) has been proposed. It includes a traditional white-light coronagraph and a Lyman-alpha coronagraph which opens a new window to CME observations. Polarization measurements taken by white-light coronagraphs are crucial for deriving fundamental physical parameters of CMEs. To make such measurements, there are two options for a Stokes polarimeter which have been applied by existing white-light coronagraphs for space missions. One uses a single or triple linear polarizer, the other involves both a half-wave plate and a linear polarizer. We find that the former option is subject to less uncertainty in the derived Stokes vector propagating from detector noise.The latter option involves two plates which are prone to internal reflections and may have a reduced transmission factor. Therefore, the former option is adopted as our Stokes polarimeter scheme for LST. Based on the parameters of the intended linear polarizer(s) colorPol provided by CODIXX and the half-wave plate 2-APW-L2-012 C by Altechna, it is further shown that the imperfect maximum transmittance of the polarizer significantly increases the variance amplification of Stokes vector by at least about 50% when compared with the ideal case. The relative errors of Stokes vector caused by the imperfection of colorPol polarizer and the uncertainty due to the polarizer assembly in the telescope are estimated to be about 5%. Among the considered parameters, we find that the dominant error comes from the uncertainty in the maximum transmittance of the polarizer.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a simple, analytic model for the dynamical evolution of supersonic velocity fluctuations at the base of the ambient solar wind. These fluctuations result in the formation of dense working surfaces that travel down the wind. It is shown how the initial parameters of the fluctuations (velocity, density and duration) are related to the characteristics of the working surfaces far from the Sun (for instance at the Earth). We apply the model to the evolution of the coronal mass ejections in the IP medium, finding that the model is in good agreement with satellite observations of these phenomena, thus providing physical insight into their dynamical evolution. Our model may contribute to future 'space weather forecasting' on the Earth, based on detailed satellite monitoring of the solar corona.  相似文献   

We report a filament eruption near the center of the solar disk on 1999 March 21, in multi-wavelength observations by the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT), the Extreme-ultraviolet Images Telescope (EIT) and the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The eruption involved in the disappearance of an Ha filament can be clearly identified in EIT 195 A difference images. Two flare-like EUV ribbons and two obvious coronal dimming regions were formed. The two dimming regions had a similar appearance in lines formed in temperature range 6×104 K to several 106 K. They were located in regions of opposite magnetic polarities near the two ends of the eruptive filament. No significant X-ray or Ha flare was recorded associated with the eruption and no obvious photospheric magnetic activity was detected around the eruptive region, and particularly below the coronal dimming regions. The above surface activities were closely associated with a partial halo-type coronal mass ejection (CME) observed by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraphs (LASCO) on the SOHO. In terms of the magnetic flux rope model of CMEs, we explained these multiple observations as an integral process of large-scale rearrangement of coronal magnetic field initiated by the filament eruption, in which the dimming regions marked the evacuated feet of the flux rope.  相似文献   

On the basis of the catastrophe model developed by Isenberg et al., we have used the NIRVANA code to perform the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) numerical experiments to look into the various behaviors of the coronal magnetic configuration that includes a current-carrying flux rope for modelling the prominence levitation in the corona. These behaviors include the evolution of the equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope with the background magnetic field, the corresponding interior equilibrium of magnetic flux rope, the dynamic properties of magnetic flux rope after the system loses equilibrium, as well as the impact of the reference radius on the equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope. In our calculations, an empirical model of the coronal density distribution given by Sittler & Guhathakurta is used, and the physical dissipation is included. Our experiments show that a deviation between the simulated equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope and the theoretical result of Isenberg et al. exists, but it is not apparent, and the evolutionary features of the two results are similar. If the magnetic flux rope is initially located at the stable branch of the theoretical equilibrium curve, the magnetic flux rope will quickly reach the equilibrium position after several rounds of oscillations as a result of the self-adjustment of the system; when the system is located at the critical point it will quickly lose equilibrium and evolve to the eruptive state; the impact of the variation of reference radius on the equilibrium height of magnetic flux rope is consistent with the prediction of the theory; in the eruptive state, the kinetic properties of magnetic flux rope are consistent with the results given by the Lin-Forbes model and observation, and the fast-mode shock in front of the magnetic flux rope is observed in our experiments; furthermore, because that the dissipation is included in our numerical experiments, the energy conversion from the magnetic energy to other forms of energy is very apparent in the eruptive process.  相似文献   

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