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Isla de los Estados is a mountainous island southeast of Tierra del Fuego, in southernmost South America. Its central and eastern parts have an alpine topography, transected by U-shaped valleys, small, partly over-deepened fjords, and a multitude of abandoned cirques, all associated with extensive former local glaciations. Traces of glacial erosion generally reach 400–450 m a.s.l., and above that trimline a distinct sharp-edged nunatak derived landscape is present. The westernmost part of the island has a lower, more subdued topography, reflecting its “softer” geology but possibly also over-running and erosion by mainland-derived ice streams. The present study concentrated on glacigenic sediment sequences exposed along coastal erosional cliffs. A combination of OSL and 14C datings show that these sediments mostly date from the latest (Wisconsinan/Weichselian) glacial cycle, i.e. from the last ca. 100 ka with the oldest (glaciolacustrine) deposits possibly as old as 90–80 ka. The upper parts of overlying tills, with associated lateral and terminal moraines from glaciers that expanded onto an eustatically exposed dry shelf north of the island, date from the last global glacial maximum (LGM). Radiocarbon ages of peat and lake sediments indicate that deglaciation began 17–16 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

Recent estimates of the timing of the last glaciation in the southern and western Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah suggest that the start of ice retreat and the climate-driven regression of pluvial Lake Bonneville both occurred at approximately 16 cal. ka. To further explore the possible climatic relationship of Uinta Mountain glaciers and the lake, and to add to the glacial chronology of the Rocky Mountains, we assembled a range-wide chronology of latest Pleistocene terminal moraines based on seventy-four cosmogenic 10Be surface-exposure ages from seven glacial valleys. New cosmogenic-exposure ages from moraines in three northern and eastern valleys of the Uinta Mountains indicate that glaciers in these parts of the range began retreating at 22–20 ka, whereas previously reported cosmogenic-exposure ages from four southern and western valleys indicate that ice retreat began there between 18 and 16.5 ka. This spatial asynchrony in the start of the last deglaciation was accompanied by a 400-m east-to-west decline in glacier equilibrium-line altitudes across the Uinta Mountains. When considered together, these two lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Lake Bonneville influenced the mass balance of glaciers in southern and western valleys of the range, but had a lesser impact on glaciers located farther east. Regional-scale variability in the timing of latest Pleistocene deglaciation in the Rocky Mountains may also reflect changing precipitation patterns, thereby highlighting the importance of precipitation controls on the mass balance of Pleistocene mountain glaciers.  相似文献   

Fingerprinting glacial silt in last glacial-age sediments from Upper Klamath Lake (UKL) and Bear Lake (BL) provides continuous radiocarbon-dated records of glaciation for the southeastern Cascade Range and northwestern Uinta Mountains, respectively. Comparing of these records to cosmogenic exposure ages from moraines suggests that variations in glacial flour largely reflect glacial extent. The two areas are at similar latitudes and yield similar records of glacial growth and recession, even though UKL lies less than 200 km from the ocean and BL is in the continental interior. As sea level began to fall prior to the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), existing glaciers in the UKL area expanded. Near the beginning of the global LGM (26.5 ka), the BL record indicates onset of glaciation and UKL-area glaciers underwent further expansion. Both records indicate that local glaciers reached their maximum extents near the end of the global LGM, remained near their maxima for ~ 1000 yr, and underwent two stages of retreat separated by a short period of expansion.  相似文献   

The timing and causes of the last deglaciation in the southern tropical Andes is poorly known. In the Central Altiplano, recent studies have focused on whether this tropical highland was deglaciated before, synchronously or after the global last glacial maximum (~21 ka BP). In this study we present a new chronology based on cosmogenic 3He (3Hec) dating of moraines on Cerro Tunupa, a volcano that is located in the centre of the now vanished Lake Tauca (19.9°S, 67.6°W). These new 3Hec ages suggest that the Tunupa glaciers remained close to their maximum extent until 15 ka BP, synchronous with the Lake Tauca highstand (17–15 ka BP). Glacial retreat and the demise of Lake Tauca seem to have occurred rapidly and synchronously, within dating uncertainties, at ~15 ka BP. We took advantage of the synchronism of these events to combine a glacier model with a lake model in order to reconstruct precipitation and temperature during the Lake Tauca highstand. This new approach indicates that, during the Tauca highstand (17–15 ka BP), the centre of the Altiplano was characterized by temperature ~6.5 °C cooler and average precipitation higher by a factor ranging between ×1.6 and ×3 compared to the present. Cold and wet conditions thus persisted in a significant part of the southern tropical Andes during the Heinrich 1 event (17–15 ka BP). This study also demonstrates the extent to which the snowline of glaciers can be affected by local climatic conditions and emphasizes that efforts to draw global climate inferences from glacial extents must also consider local moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Quaternary glaciation of Mount Everest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Quaternary glacial history of the Rongbuk valley on the northern slopes of Mount Everest is examined using field mapping, geomorphic and sedimentological methods, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating. Six major sets of moraines are present representing significant glacier advances or still-stands. These date to >330 ka (Tingri moraine), >41 ka (Dzakar moraine), 24–27 ka (Jilong moraine), 14–17 ka (Rongbuk moraine), 8–2 ka (Samdupo moraines) and ~1.6 ka (Xarlungnama moraine), and each is assigned to a distinct glacial stage named after the moraine. The Samdupo glacial stage is subdivided into Samdupo I (6.8–7.7 ka) and Samdupo II (~2.4 ka). Comparison with OSL and TCN defined ages on moraines on the southern slopes of Mount Everest in the Khumbu Himal show that glaciations across the Everest massif were broadly synchronous. However, unlike the Khumbu Himal, no early Holocene glacier advance is recognized in the Rongbuk valley. This suggests that the Khumbu Himal may have received increased monsoon precipitation in the early Holocene to help increase positive glacier mass balances, while the Rongbuk valley was too sheltered to receive monsoon moisture during this time and glaciers could not advance. Comparison of equilibrium-line altitude depressions for glacial stages across Mount Everest reveals asymmetric patterns of glacier retreat that likely reflects greater glacier sensitivity to climate change on the northern slopes, possibly due to precipitation starvation.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):581-593
During Pleistocene mountain glaciation of the Bavarian Forest, south Germany, the Wurmian Kleiner Arbersee glacier left behind glacial landforms and sediments which are described, classified and interpreted using a combination of geomorphological, sedimentological, pedological, surveying and absolute dating methods. The latest Kleiner Arbersee glacier with a maximum length of 2600 m, a minimum width of 800 m and a thickness of 115 m formed an elongated cirque, four lateral moraines, one divided end moraine, one recessional moraine, a proglacial lake and a basin in which lake Kleiner Arbersee was established after deglaciation. Beyond the glacial limit the landscape is denuded by periglacial slope deposits which are differentiated from the glacigenic sediments based upon clast fabrics, clast shapes and sediment consolidation. Within the glacial limit sandy–gravelly to silty–gravelly tills are widely distributed, whereas glaciolacustrine sediments are restricted to a small area north of the lake. Small variations in the sand and silt fraction of the tills are explained by melt-out processes. Quartz, mica and chlorite derived from gneiss bedrock are dominant in the clay mineral spectrum of tills, but also gibbsite as a product of pre-Pleistocene weathering is present giving evidence of glacially entrained saprolites. An IRSL-date of glaciolacustrine sediments (32.4±9.4 ka BP) confirms the Wurmian age for the glaciation and radiocarbon ages of the basal sediments (12.3±0.4 and 12.5±0.2 ka BP uncalibrated) in the lake Kleiner Arbersee prove that the basin was ice-free before the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

Rock avalanches are common in the Mont Blanc massif, which is bordered by valleys with large resident and tourist populations and important highways. This paper combines historical data with detailed geomorphological mapping, stratigraphic observation, and absolute and relative dating, to interpret several deposits resulting from rock avalanching onto glaciers.Nineteen rock falls and rock avalanches are described, ranging in volume from 10,000 m3 to 10 × 106 m3. They occurred between 2500 BP and AD 2007 at six sites. The events at three sites (Miage and Drus Glaciers, and Tour des Grandes Jorasses) are characterised by short travel distances; those at Brenva, Triolet, and Frébouge Glaciers exhibit excessive travel distances.Interactions between rock avalanches and glaciers are of four types: (i) rock-avalanche triggering, where glacial and paraglacial controls include debuttressing of rockwalls due to glacier thinning and retreat, oversteepening of rock slopes by glacial erosion, and effects of glaciers on permafrost; (ii) rock-avalanche mobility, in which mobility and travel distance are modified by channelling of rock-avalanche debris by moraines and valleys, incorporation of ice and snow (often >50% for large events), and irregularities on the glacier surface; (iii) deposit sedimentology, where melting of incorporated ice transforms the final deposit by reducing its thickness typically to <5 m, and debris of variable thicknesses is juxtaposed in a hummocky deposit with chaotic piles of angular rock debris; and (iv) glacier dynamics where insulating debris deposited upon a glacier produces a debris-covered glacier of different dynamics, and high elevated scars can favour the formation of small glaciers.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》1999,18(4-5):659-669
Late Quaternary glacial features have been found in the Central Taurid Mountains, in U-shaped valleys located at an altitude of more than 2000 m and surrounded by mountain ranges reaching 2850 m. No present day active glaciers exist in this area where the snowline elevation lies at about 3500 m. The Namaras Valley and its tributary Susam Valley are characterized by coarse loose material forming chaotic knob-and-kettle topography. Mounds, 1–10 m high and 10–30 m wide, are separated by 5–30 m wide, several meters deep, irregular depressions. The upper surfaces of the mounds are covered by angular to subangular limestone pebbles and blocks and internal sediments show a typical diamicton appearance with pebbles suspended in a muddy to sandy matrix. These chaotic structures are interpreted as hummocky disintegration moraines from former active glaciers. Successive cross-valley morainic ridges, up to 200 m high and several hundreds of meters long, limit the down-valley extension of these hummocks, and are interpreted as ice-marginal moraines. In the tributary Susam Valley, part of the coarse loose material forms a 200–250 m long and 90–120 m wide tongue-shaped structure with successive arcuate ridges and furrows at its down-valley reach. This structure, which is connected upward to a talus slope and perched cirque, ressembles the morphology of a periglacial rockglacier but is interpreted as the disintegration moraine controlled by small periodic retreat and readvance of the last active ice-front in this region.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):644-677
We mapped and dated the glacial geomorphology of north-east South Georgia, in the maritime sub-Antarctic. The aim was to examine the timing of deglaciation of the island in the context of inter-hemispheric phasing of climate change. Former glacier limits are restricted to the inner fjords, and our detailed mapping of them has demonstrated a consistent geomorphological pattern that is similar across several different glacier types and sizes. The pattern comprises three suites of moraines (categories “a–c”), not all of which are represented at every site because the outer suite is often overridden by younger suites. Category “a” is an outer wide, low amplitude moraine ridge, category “b” comprises 2–4 sharp-crested, bouldery moraines that are often located close to or even over-riding “a”, and category “c” is a series of lower amplitude moraines with overprinted streamlined landforms such as flutings. Analysis of in situ cosmogenic 10Be in boulders on these moraines has allowed us to determine a deglacial chronology for the older two moraine groups. The age of the inner (youngest) group has been estimated from soil development. The cosmogenic nuclide ages show that the outermost moraine was deposited ca 12.2±1.5 ka BP, but that a subsequent readvance in the mid-Holocene (ca 3.6±1.1 ka BP) reached and, in places, over-rode this earlier moraine. This latter advance coincides with the “Mid Holocene Hypsithermal”. A final Late Holocene advance reached closely similar limits to the previous two fluctuations and is estimated from soil data to have an age of ca 1.1 ka BP. We suggest that the close concordance of Late-Glacial and interglacial limits (in this case associated with warming) can be explained by a change in dominant forcing. During glacials, extensive sea-ice limits precipitation availability and so glaciers are restricted to the inner fjords. During interglacials precipitation is not limited in the same way by sea-ice cover and so during warming precipitation increases and tidewater glaciers on the island have responded by advancing. This study emphasises the importance of a clear understanding of geomorphology in order to interpret chronological information.  相似文献   

Holocene glacial advances in the Banff-Jasper-Yoho area of the Canadian Rocky Mountains have been extremely limited in extent. Limiting 14C dates from two sites within 1 km of contemporary glaciers of fresh terminal moraines indicate that the late Wisconsin Ice Sheet and valley glaciers disappeared prior to 9660 yr B.P. Two subsequent glacial advances are recognized. The earlier Crowfoot Advance is represented by moraines and rock-glacier deposits overlain by Mazama ash (6600 yr B.P.) and is therefore early Holocene or possibly late Wisconsin in age. The late Neoglacial Cavell Advance of the last few centuries is dated by dendrochronology and lichenometry. In addition, there is fragmentary, undated evidence of intermediate-age advance(s), mainly from rock-glacier deposits. All these advances were of limited extent (1–2 km beyond present ice margins) and the Cavell Advance was usually the most extensive. Major exceptions to this pattern occur only where rock glaciers or extensive ice-cored moraines developed during the earlier advance(s?). These deposits were not overrun by glaciers during the Cavell Advance because of their relatively greater downvalley extent and the physical barrier they presented to subsequent glacial advances. Earlier work which postulated more extensive early Holocene advances in the Canadian Rocky Mountains is shown to have inadequate dating control: Many of the features previously attributed to older Holocene events are late Wisconsin in age.  相似文献   

Glaciers erode bedrock but are also efficient conveyors of debris supplied during a cycle of glaciation by processes other than basal erosion. In this dual capacity as both an eroding and a transporting agent lies the ambiguity of ‘glacial erosion’ as a geomorphic process, with implications for methods of measuring the removal of rock mass by glaciers in the geological past, and for interpreting what exactly the consequences have been on topography and elevation change. A global review of ~400 Quaternary glacial denudation rates estimated from five different measurement techniques provides values ranging between 10?4 and 10 mm yr?1. We investigate the causes of such wide variability by examining the respective influences of environmental setting and methodological bias. A reference frame chosen for assessing these issues is the Massif du Carlit (Pyrenees, France), where a quantified mass balance of the well preserved glacial, periglacial and paraglacial deposits was made possible by detailed geomorphological mapping and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating of extant erosional and depositional landform sequences. Resulting age brackets helped to define three main episodes of ice-cap growth and decline, each characterized by a volume of debris and a mappable source area. Erosion rates were expressed in two ways: (i) as spatially averaged denudation rates (D) during the successive stages of glacial advance to the line of maximum ice extent (MIE), post-MIE ice recession, and Lateglacial cirque readvance, respectively; and (ii) as cirque-wall recession rates (R) where moraine facies criteria indicated a supraglacial provenance of debris. Results indicate low erosion (D  0.05 mm yr?1) during the ice advance phase, probably because of thin or passive ice covering the low-gradient subglacial topography that occurs just above the late Pleistocene equilibrium line altitude (2.2–2.4 km). Erosion rates peaked (D  0.6 mm yr?1 and R  2.4–4.5 mm yr?1) during the main transition to ice-free conditions, when deglacial debuttressing promoted the rapid response of freshly exposed slope systems to new equilibrium conditions in the steep crest zone. Lateglacial D- and R-values declined to 0.2–0.3 mm yr?1, with indications of spatially variable R controlled by lithology. In this environment glaciers overall behaved more as conveyors of debris supplied by supraglacial rock exposures in the mountain crest zone than as powerful modifiers of subglacial topography. This explains the widespread preservation of deep, in situ preglacial weathering profiles on relict Cenozoic land surfaces in the deglacierized part of the Eastern Pyrenees. When plotted on the global data set analyzed and discussed in the review, the East Pyrenean erosion rates stand out as being amongst the lowest on record.  相似文献   

Forty-four boulders from moraines in two glacial valleys of Mount Erciyes (38.53°N, 35.45°E, 3917 m), central Turkey, dated with cosmogenic chlorine-36 (36Cl), indicate four periods of glacial activity in the past 22 ka (1 ka = 1000 calendar years). Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glaciers were the most extensive, reaching 6 km in length and descending to an altitude of 2150 m above sea level. These glaciers started retreating 21.3 ± 0.9 ka (1σ) ago. They readvanced and retreated by 14.6 ± 1.2 ka ago (Lateglacial), and again by 9.3 ± 0.5 ka ago (Early Holocene). The latest advance took place 3.8 ± 0.4 ka ago (Late Holocene). Using glacier modeling together with paleoclimate proxy data from the region, we reconstructed the paleoclimate at these four discrete times. The results show that LGM climate was 8–11 °C colder than today and moisture levels were somewhat similar to modern values, with a range between 20% more and 25% less than today. The analysis of Lateglacial advance suggests that the climate was colder by 4.5–6.4 °C based on up to 1.5 times wetter conditions. The Early Holocene was 2.1–4.9 °C colder and up to twice as wet as today, while the Late Holocene was 2.4–3 °C colder and its precipitation amounts approached to similar conditions as today. Our paleoclimate reconstructions show a general trend of warming for the last 22 ka, and an increase of moisture until Early Holocene, and a decrease after that time. The recent glacier terminates at 3450 m on the northwest side of the mountain. It is a remnant from the last advance (possibly during the Little Ice Age). Repeated measurements of glacier length between 1902 and 2008 reveal a retreat rate of 4.2 m per year, which corresponds to a warming rate of 0.9–1.2 °C per century.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(10-11):1223-1241
The late Quaternary ice sheet/ice shelf extent in the George V Basin (East Antarctica) has been reconstructed through analyses of Chirp sub-bottom profiles, integrated with multi-channel seismic data and sediment cores. Four glacial facies, related to the advance and retreat history of the glaciated margin, have been distinguished: Facies 1 represents outcrop of crystalline and sedimentary rocks along the steep inner shelf and comprises canyons once carved by glaciers; Facies 2 represents moraines and morainal banks and ridges with a depositional origin along the middle-inner shelf; Facies 3 represents glacial flutes along the middle-outer shelf; Facies 4 is related to ice-keel turbation at water depths <500 m along the outer shelf. A sediment drift deposit, located in the NW sector of the study area, partly overlies facies 2 and 3 and its ground-truthing provides clues to understanding their age. We have distinguished: (a) an undisturbed sediment drift deposit at water depth >775 m, with drape/sheet and mound characters and numerous undisturbed sub-bottom sub-parallel reflectors (Facies MD1); (b) a fluted sediment drift deposit at water depth <775 m, showing disrupted reflectors and a hummocky upper surface (Facies MD2). Radiocarbon ages of sediment cores indicate that the glacial advance producing facies MD2 corresponds to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and that during the LGM the ice shelf was floating over the deep sector of the basin, leaving the sediment drift deposit undisturbed at major depths (Facies MD1). This observation further implies that: (a) glacial facies underneath the sediment drift were the result of a grounding event older than the LGM, (b) this sector of the East Antarctic fringe was sensitive to sea-level rise at the end of the LGM; thus potentially contributing to meltwater discharge during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):131-148
This paper characterises the sedimentary impact of a glacial outburst flood or ‘jökulhlaup’ on an ice-contact delta topset at Russell Glacier, Kangerlussuaq, west Greenland. Rapid drainage of an ice-dammed lake in July 1987 generated a jökulhlaup with a peak discharge of ∼ 1300 m3 s 1, which drained across a 500-m-wide, 200-m-long, delta top into a proglacial lake. The delta topset comprises boulder clusters, ice block obstacle marks with relief of up to 4 m, and is graded to lake levels up to 6 m higher than those during typical non-jökulhlaup conditions. The delta top was dissected by the 1987 jökulhlaup causing a fan-shaped extension of the delta front by 30 m. Surface grain size on the delta decreases rapidly away from the main flood flow direction, reflecting rapid downstream reduction in sediment transport capacity. The 1987 jökulhlaup was predominantly fluidal and turbulent and had peak stream powers of 2846 W m 2 proximally and < 400 W m 2 distally. Delta topset sedimentation can be characterised by four lithofacies associations in order of decreasing flow energy: (A) coarse-grained deposits related to a flow expansion; (B) finer-grained peripheral deposits located at the margins of the main flow; (C) lobate bars and delta fronts deposited within distal locations and (D) fine-grained deposits at distance from the delta front associated with slackwater conditions. Jökulhlaup-dominated delta topsets are controlled by the geometry of the channel expansion into the proglacial lake, jökulhlaup hydrograph form, the sediment availability and character, proglacial lake basin depth and surface area, lake outflow spillway erodibility and cross-sectional area, and history of previous jökulhlaups.  相似文献   

Sharp-crested moraines, up to 120 m high and 9 km beyond Little Ice Age glacier limits, record a late Pleistocene advance of alpine glaciers in the Finlay River area in northern British Columbia. The moraines are regional in extent and record climatic deterioration near the end of the last glaciation. Several lateral moraines are crosscut by meltwater channels that record downwasting of trunk valley ice of the northern Cordilleran ice sheet. Other lateral moraines merge with ice-stagnation deposits in trunk valleys. These relationships confirm the interaction of advancing alpine glaciers with the regionally decaying Cordilleran ice sheet and verify a late-glacial age for the moraines. Sediment cores were collected from eight lakes dammed by the moraines. Two tephras occur in basal sediments of five lakes, demonstrating that the moraines are the same age. Plant macrofossils from sediment cores provide a minimum limiting age of 10,550-10,250 cal yr BP (9230 ± 50 14C yr BP) for abandonment of the moraines. The advance that left the moraines may date to the Younger Dryas period. The Finlay moraines demonstrate that the timing and style of regional deglaciation was important in determining the magnitude of late-glacial glacier advances.  相似文献   

The High Himalaya is a key area for tectonic, geomorphological and climate studies, because of its extreme relief and location at the transition zone between areas with abundant monsoonal precipitation and the arid/semiarid Tibetan Plateau. We present 10Be surface exposure ages on 22 boulders from the Annapurna area in Nepal. The ages improve understanding of the Late Quaternary landscape history and the geomorphological processes operating in this part of the Himalaya.Although our study is reconnaissance in nature, it highlights the importance of catastrophic events, such as landslides and debris flows, for denudation of high mountains. Holocene exposure ages for the Dhampu–Chooya landslide (~4.1 ± 0.6 ka) and for 600 m of alluviation in Kali Gandaki Valley (~2.1 ± 0.6 ka), for example, indicate the frequent occurrence and extent of catastrophic events and their implications for natural hazards. We also offer an explanation for the differences in Late Quaternary glacial chronologies at closely spaced study sites in the Nepal Himalaya. Topographically controlled and spatially variable precipitation in the Himalaya determines the sensitivity of glaciers to changes in temperature and precipitation. Accordingly, some glaciers advanced in-phase with Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, whereas others reached their maximum extent at times of increased monsoonal precipitation during Marine Isotope Stage 3 and the early Holocene.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):494-499
Cosmogenic surface-exposure ages from boulders on a terminal moraine complex establish the timing of the local last glacial maximum (LGM) in the Taylor River drainage basin, central Colorado. Five zero-erosion 10Be ages have a mean of 19.5±1.8 ka while that for three 36Cl ages is 20.7±2.3 ka. Corrections for modest rates (∼1 mm ka−1) of boulder surface erosion result in individual and mean ages that are generally within 2% of their zero-erosion values. Both the means and the range in ages of individual boulders are consistent with those reported for late Pleistocene moraines elsewhere in the southern and middle Rocky Mountains, and thus suggest local LGM glacier activity was regionally synchronous. Two anomalously young (?) zero-erosion 10Be ages (mean 14.4±0.8 ka) from a second terminal moraine are tentatively attributed to the boulders having been melted out during a late phase of ice stagnation.  相似文献   

The geomorphic, stratigraphic and sedimentological characteristics of glaciolacustrine sediments in the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan area were studied to determine environments of deposition and make paleogeographic reconstructions. Nine lithofacies were identified and paleoenvironments interpreted based on their morphostratigraphic relationships with relict landforms. The sediments studied are found southeast of the Defiance and Birmingham moraines lying beneath a lowland characterized by a low morainal swell (Detroit moraine) and a series of lacustrine terraces that descend progressively in elevation southeastward. The glaciolacustrine sediments were deposited approximately 14.3–12.4 kA BP during the Port Bruce and Port Huron glacial phases of late Wisconsinan time, and are related to proglacial paleolakes Maumee, Arkona, Whittlesey, Warren, Wayne, Grassmere, Lundy and Rouge. The glaciolacustrine section is typically 2–4 m thick and consists of a basal unit of wavy-bedded clayey diamicton overlain by a surficial deposit of stratified and cross-stratified sand and gravel. The basal unit is comprised of subaqueous debris flow deposits that accumulated as subaqueous moraine in paleolake Maumee along the retreating front of the Huron lobe. The surficial deposits of sand and gravel were formed by traction, resulting from lacustrine wave activity and fluvial processes, in lakebed plain, beach ridge and deltaic depositional settings. Much of the lake-margin sand and gravel was derived from clayey diamicton by lacustrine wave action and winnowing, and that associated with paleolakes of the Port Huron phase is largely reworked Port Bruce sediment. Paleogeographic reconstructions show that the Defiance, Birmingham and Detroit moraines, Defiance and Rochester channels, and the Rochester delta, were deposited penecontemporaneously as paleolake Maumee expanded northward across the map area. A unique type of wavy bedform is characteristic of clayey diamicton deposited by subaqueous mass flow in the study area that is useful for differentiating sediment: 1) deposited by mass flow in subaqueous vs. subaerial settings, and 2) deposited by subaqueous mass flow vs. basal till. These bedforms are a useful tool for identifying subglacial meltwater deposits, and facilitate the mapping and correlation of glacial sediments based on till sheets. The map area provides a continental record of ice sheet dynamics along the southern margin of the Laurentide ice sheet during Heinrich event H-1. The record reveals rapid glacial retreat (~ 0.8 km/yr) contemporaneous with the discharge of a large volume of meltwater. Evidence in the study area for subglacial meltwater is problematic, but indications that periglacial conditions persisted in the map area until ~ 12.7 kA BP, and extended for 200 km or more south of the ice front suggest that a frozen substrate may have contributed to instability of the LIS.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new interpretation of the sequence of events in Glen Roy and vicinity during the Loch Lomond Stadial that can be inferred from a detailed varve record constructed by Palmer et al. (2010). 300 years of Younger Dryas glacier advance in the Scottish Highlands are recorded by very thin varves formed in an ice-dammed lake up to 35 km long. At a varve site now occupied by Loch Laggan the lake stood permanently at 260 m, but in Glen Roy varves were also laid down in a lake at 325 m and, later, 350 m caused by glacier advance. Initial ice retreat recorded by a gradual increase in varve thickness was soon followed by much thicker varves. The varve sequences are interrupted by a sand bed caused by sudden drainage of the 350 m lake. The major varves of the Glen Roy sequence show that storminess was still increasing in intensity at least 160 years after glacier retreat had begun. At the Loch Laggan site 15 cm of deformed sediments register an earthquake that produced 3 m faulted uplift of all three Glen Roy shorelines, a response to the abrupt removal of 5 km3 of water when the 260 m lake was catastrophically drained by jökulhlaup. The deformed sediments are immediately followed by varves deposited in a local lake, ice-dammed lake sedimentation now having ceased, having lasted more than 460 years.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1391-1411
Temporal and spatial changes in glacier cover throughout the Late Quaternary in Tibet and the bordering mountains are poorly defined because of the inaccessibility and vastness of the region, and the lack of numerical dating. To help reconstruct the timing and extent of glaciation throughout Tibet and the bordering mountains, we use geomorphic mapping and 10Be cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) surface dating in study areas in southeastern (Gonga Shan), southern (Karola Pass) and central (Western Nyainqentanggulha Shan and Tanggula Shan) Tibet, and we compare these with recently determined numerical chronologies in other parts of the plateau and its borderlands. Each of the study regions receives its precipitation mainly during the south Asian summer monsoon when it falls as snow at high altitudes. Gonga Shan receives the most precipitation (>2000 mm a−1) while, near the margins of monsoon influence, the Karola Pass receives moderate amounts of precipitation (500–600 mm a−1) and, in the interior of the plateau, little precipitation falls on the western Nyainqentanggulha Shan (∼300 mm a−1) and the Tanggula Shan (400–700 mm a−1). The higher precipitation values for the Tanggula Shan are due to strong orographic effects. In each region, at least three sets of moraines and associated landforms are preserved, providing evidence for multiple glaciations. The 10Be CRN surface exposure dating shows that the formation of moraines in Gonga Shan occurred during the early–mid Holocene, Neoglacial and Little Ice Age, on the Karola Pass during the Lateglacial, Early Holocene and Neoglacial, in the Nyainqentanggulha Shan date during the early part of the last glacial cycle, global Last Glacial Maximum and Lateglacial, and on the Tanggula Shan during the penultimate glacial cycle and the early part of the last glacial cycle. The oldest moraine succession in each of these regions varies from the early Holocene (Gonga Shan), Lateglacial (Karola Pass), early Last Glacial (western Nyainqentanggulha Shan), and penultimate glacial cycle (Tanggula Shan). We believe that the regional patterns and timing of glaciation reflect temporal and spatial variability in the south Asian monsoon and, in particular, in regional precipitation gradients. In zones of greater aridity, the extent of glaciation has become increasingly restricted throughout the Late Quaternary leading to the preservation of old (≫100 ka) glacial landforms. In contrast, in regions that are very strongly influenced by the monsoon (≫1600 mm a−1), the preservation potential of pre-Lateglacial moraine successions is generally extremely poor. This is possibly because Lateglacial and Holocene glacial advances may have been more extensive than early glaciations and hence may have destroyed any landform or sedimentary evidence of earlier glaciations. Furthermore, the intense denudation, mainly by fluvial and mass movement processes, which characterize these wetter environments, results in rapid erosion and re-sedimentation of glacial and associated landforms, which also contributes to their poor preservation potential.  相似文献   

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