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Halorhabdus utahensis, Natronomonas pharaonis, Haloferax sulfurifontis and Halobaculum gomorrense were grown at salinity values between 10% and 30% NaCl (w/v). The strains represent four haloarchaeal genera and have a range of salinity optima. Analysis of core membrane lipids of each strain using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) revealed structures consistent with saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated dialkyl glycerol diethers (DGDs) including both phytanyl (C20) and sesterpanyl (C25) isoprenoid chains. In addition, we observed three trends related to salinity: (i) the proportion of unsaturated DGDs increased with increasing NaCl concentration in the medium, (ii) strains with a higher optimal NaCl concentration had a higher proportion of unsaturated DGDs and (iii) C25–20 DGDs occurred in the two strains with higher salinity optima, N. pharaonis and H. utahensis. The strong linear correlation between optimal growth salinity and fraction of unsaturated DGDs suggests that membrane lipid unsaturation is an important adaptation to specific salinity niches in archaeal halophiles. In addition, in three of the four strains, the fraction of unsaturated DGDs increased above a salinity threshold or in response to increasing salinity in the medium. Thus, halophilic archaea regulate membrane lipid unsaturation in response to environmental salinity change, regardless of their salinity optima.  相似文献   

A methodology for radiocarbon dating of calcified microbial mats has been developed and successfully applied in establishing a preliminary chronology for the prehistoric carbonate-encrusted canals of the Tehuacán Valley of Puebla, Mexico. In contrast to traditional carbonate dating techniques, this method focuses on the organic carbon component of the calcareous sediments. This method is based on the assumptions that (1) the carbon being dated is derived from the organisms associated with travertine buildup on canals, (2) these organisms are incorporated into the travertine contemporaneous with calcite precipitation, and (3) this carbon is then sequestered from most subsequent contamination and secondary fractionation. Evidence supporting these assumptions includes δ13C values, cultural chronologies, and stratigraphic relationships consistent with expectations. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Production of ten hydrolytic enzymes was qualitatively studied on the haloarchaeal strains isolated from Aran-Bidgol hypersaline lake in the central desert area of Iran. A total of 293 haloarchea strains were selected among 300 extremely halophilic isolated prokaryotes. Accordingly, 142, 141, 128, 64, 38, 16, 7, 3 and 1 archaeal isolates were able to produce DNase, amylase, lipase, inulinase, pullulanase, protease, cellulase, chitinase and xylanase, respectively. None was able to produce pectinase activity. Combined hydrolytic activity was also detected in many strains. A total of 0.3 % of the strains showed 6 hydrolytic activities, 0.3 % of the strains had 5 hydrolytic activities, 5.4 % of the strains presented 4 hydrolytic activities, 25 % of the strains presented 3 hydrolytic activities, 28 % of the strains presented 2 hydrolytic activities and 18 % of the strains presented 1 hydrolytic activity. According to their phenotypic characteristics and comparative partial 16 S rRNA sequence analysis, the halophilic strains were all identified as members of family Halobacteriaceae within 12 different taxa from the following genera: Halorubrum, Haloarcula, Natrinema, Halovivax and Natronomonas. Most enzymes production rate was observed in the genera Halorubrum, Haloarcula and Natrinema whereas; there was not any detectable amount of enzyme production in the genera Halovivax and Natronomonas. The most hydrolytic isolate with 6 combinatorial enzyme production belonged to the genus Natrinema. This investigation showed that the extreme halophilic archaea from Aran-Bidgol lake are a potential source of hydrolytic enzyme under stress conditions and may have possess commercial value.  相似文献   

Four representatives of methanogenic Euryarchaeota (Methanosarcina mazei strain Gö1, Methanosphaera stadtmanae, Methanobrevibacter smithii and Methanosaeta thermophila), the hyperthermophilic euryarchaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis and the halophilic euryarchaeon Haloferax volcanii were studied for their glycerol ether lipid composition. The predominant core membrane lipid in all of them was archaeol, which was accompanied by variable quantities of sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol in the methanogens M. mazei (Methanosarcinales) and M. stadtmanae (Methanobacteriales). All methanogenic and hyperthermophilic Euryarchaeota also contained comparatively high abundances of the glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether without a cyclopentane moiety (GDGT-0). The methanoarchaeon M. stadtmanae, in addition to GDGT-0, contained GDGT core lipid structures with 1–4 cyclopentane moieties (GDGTs 1–4). We also found minor amounts of a glycerol trialkyl glycerol tetraether (GTGT) and a glycerol dialkanol diether (GDD), both of which did not contain cyclopentane moieties, as well as methylated and dimethylated GDGT-0 in all the archaea with the exception of H. volcanii. Like its GDGT distribution, M. stadtmanae showed an extended range of GDD structures with up to two cyclopentane ring systems. Our results thus indicate that both methanogenic and hyperthermophilic Euryarchaeota may represent source organisms of GTGT-0, GDDs and methylated-GDGTs in natural environments. All the latter components have recently been reported to be ubiquitously distributed in marine sediments but their biological origin is largely unknown. Moreover, a suite of unsaturated GDGTs without a cyclopentane moiety and up to four double bonds in the hyperthermophile T. kodakarensis was tentatively assigned.  相似文献   

别勒滩位于察尔汗盐湖的最西端,最主要的沉积物为石盐,钾盐矿物主要为杂卤石、光卤石和钾石盐。文章研究了别勒滩区段盐类矿物形成的温度,为确定钾盐的形成条件提供了参考依据。别勒滩地区石盐流体包裹体均一温度呈现出3个或2个温度区段,即低温区段、中温区段和高温区段。低温区段均一温度变化范围为19.5~49.3℃,反映了大多数石盐结晶析出的卤水温度。中温区段均一温度变化范围为50.1~99.3℃,与盐湖底部卤水所达到的最高温度相对应。高温区段均一温度变化范围为100.3~195.6℃,可能为太阳池事件的响应。由太阳池下部对流层中沉积的盐类矿物组合或相关参数计算的古温度只能为其形成时的卤水温度,不能代表当时的气温。在同一样品中,既出现高温流体包裹体,又出现中温或低温流体包裹体,是矿物生长经历太阳池下部对流层环境与中部非对流层环境所致。别勒滩地区在18 m以上部位可能出现6次太阳池事件,它们的位置 (编号)分别为0.40~1.00 m(S6)、1.70~2.90 m(S5)、7.90~8.10 m(S4)、9.90~10.10 m(S3)、10.80~11.00 m(S2)、16.39~16.63 m(S1)。其中第6次太阳池事件(S6)可能是1989年发生的大水灾在盐湖沉积中的体现。  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of microbial communities in a eutrophic lake sediments of Lake Xuanwu was quantified by phospholipid fatty acids analysis and multivariate statistical analysis was employed to interprete the data. Principle component analysis of sediment characteristics parameters, including total nitrogen, total phosphorus, organic matters and pH produced clustering of sampling sites for two distinct groups. These groups corresponded with the two sampling stations and the levels of nutrient enrichment. Total phospholipid fatty acids concentration, which is indicative of microbial biomass, reduced with depth, however, the relative percentage of anaerobic prokaryotes increased. To assess changes of microbial community along depth, phospholipid fatty acids compositions were analyzed by cluster analysis. Distinct clusters were observed in different sampling stations. Canonical correspondence analysis was carried out to infer the relationship between sediment characteristics and microbial communities. Phospholipid fatty acids samples collected at the same sampling site clustered together. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the environmental parameter with the greatest bearing on the phospholipid fatty acids profiles was pH. This study proved the successful application of phospholipid fatty acids and multivariate analysis to investigate the relationship between environment factors and microbial community composition.  相似文献   

Stable isotope data (δ18O, δ13C) were obtained for magnesite (MgCO3) from Holocene salt lake deposits of the Taoudenni–Agorgott basin, Mali, in which it is the only carbonate mineral present. The deposits have a high glauberite content (Na2Ca(SO4)2), representing a type of continental evaporite formation that is commonly magnesite‐bearing. Samples from seven different levels in a 5 m long sequence were analysed. δ18OV‐PDB values are between +3.17 and +5.91‰, which is lower than might be expected for evaporitic environments, recording reduced 18O enrichment at high salinity. δ13CV‐PDB values are between −1.32‰ and −4.79‰, showing an influence of carbon derived from the decomposition of organic matter rather than from exchange with atmospheric CO2. Covariance between δ18O and δ13C is strong for the lower part of the sequence, recording coupled 18O and 13C enrichment as commonly observed for closed basins. Covariance is lacking for the upper part of the sequence, with only periodic massive magnesite deposition in a more shallow lake. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction China is a country which has many salt lakes.Tibet is the area where have numerous salt lake,because the sources of water have multiple chemical type,resulting in Tibet salt  相似文献   

青藏高原盐湖中的锂、硼等矿产资源具有极高的经济价值.锂、硼等矿产资源的含量及其空间分布是盐湖观测的重点,对于盐湖资源的开发利用具有重要的指导意义.利用遥感技术开展盐湖观测可以克服传统观测站观测空间上数据不连续、费时费力等缺点,而机器学习等人工智能算法可以快速高效地挖掘遥感数据信息,因此本文基于Landsat-8遥感影像...  相似文献   

每年冰雪融水期(3~4月)和洪水期(7~8月),西台吉乃尔盐湖(以下简称西台湖)矿区湖水中各主要化学组分明显降低,其他月份则表现为明显的高值。湖水水化学组成的投影点在相图上主要集中在白钠镁矾、软钾镁矾及泻利盐共结点及其附近区域,但西台湖的析盐程度要高于苦水沟一带的新湖泊。冬季湖水的投影点明显较夏季更接近光卤石相区,并且已经达到了钾石盐析出阶段。不同时期矿区湖水化学成分对比分析表明湖水水化学组分的变化仍主要受地表径流季节变化的控制,但人为因素对其影响正逐渐增强。  相似文献   

马海盐湖是柴达木盆地一个重要的成钾盐湖,本研究对该盐湖区隐伏控卤构造开展遥感识别研究,利用LANDSAT光学遥感数据和PALSAR雷达遥感数据,采用了光学遥感假彩色合成影像解译和雷达遥感数据干涉分析,解译了研究区的构造,识别出研究区一级构造三条,二级的构造若干条.并通过在干盐湖区遥感构造识别及构造应力分析,判定了2条一...  相似文献   

王德军  姜琦刚  习靖  吕丹红 《世界地质》2018,37(4):1250-1257
为探究阿里萨罗盐湖中锂资源的空间分布状况,笔者利用Sentinel--2A卫星数据和锂离子含量实测数据对其进行统计分析,并利用波段组合方法建立盐指数,再结合主成分分析对盐湖中的锂离子含量进行分离,建立盐湖中锂离子含量遥感预测模型。结果表明,此遥感预测模型的盐湖中锂离子含量预测结果精度均 80%,预测得到的锂离子含量分布情况与实际情况基本一致。  相似文献   

青海茶卡盐湖石盐中流体包裹体记录的古气候信息   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内陆干旱区形成的盐湖是研究过去气候变化的有效载体之一,而石盐中包裹体是揭示古气候的一种有效手段。青海茶卡盐湖是晚更新世晚期,逐渐演变形成的以石盐为主,固液相并存的综合性盐矿床。对茶卡盐湖钻孔样品中石盐的流体包裹体均一温度研究,揭示出从5ka以来,盐湖水温总体上逐渐升高,从20℃~30℃升高到接近40℃,反映出古气候的温度是逐渐升高的,与全球变暖的总体趋势是一致的。研究表明,对石盐中原生单液相流体包裹体,采用冷冻.加热的方法测定均一温度,是获得盐湖古水温资料,进而恢复古气候变化的一种十分可信新手段,它在盐湖的研究方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖环状影像成因解释   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
根据遥感影像信息特征和盐湖气候变化模型,结合盐湖沉积特征和现代盐湖演化理论,通过对环状影像的成因进行解译和分析,将环状影像反映的1000年来盐湖气候变化的信息与北半球同期气候变化曲线对比,认为罗布泊盐湖是现代沉积形成的,是现代盐湖向干盐湖的演化历程中,由于气候冷暖交替变化而使盐湖沉积发生规律性变化的结果。  相似文献   

Optical dating of tsunami-laid sand from an Oregon coastal lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optical ages for five samples of tsunami-laid sand from an Oregon coastal lake were determined using an infrared optical-dating method on K-feldspar separates and, as a test of accuracy, compared to ages determined by AMS 14C dating of detrital plant fragments found in the same beds. Two optical ages were about 20% younger than calibrated 14C ages of about 3.1 and 4.3 ka. Correction of the optical ages using measured anomalous fading rates brings them into agreement with the 14C ages. The approach used holds significant promise for improving the accuracy of infrared optical-dating methods.Luminescence data for the other three samples result in optical age limits much greater than the 14C ages. These data provide a textbook demonstration of the correlation between scatter in the luminescence intensity of individual sample aliquots and their normalization values that is expected when the samples contain sand grains not adequately exposed to daylight just prior to or during deposition and burial. Thus, the data for these three samples suggest that the tsunamis eroded young and old sand deposits before dropping the sand in the lake.  相似文献   

A review of Australian salt lakes and associated mineral systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study reviews the available information for over 1200 Australian salt lakes including in areas that have little or unreliable data. Publicly available groundwater hydrogeochemical datasets for the Australian arid zone are particularly sparse, inconsistent and of variable quality. Many datasets in the vicinity of salt lakes only report salinity or total dissolved solids, with no data for constituent cations and anions, and no appreciation of the hydrological and geomorphic evolution of the lakes. To overcome these limitations and to provide a broad-scale context, we developed mineral systems models to assess the potential of Australian salt lakes for potash, lithium and boron deposits. These models show that an important control on the potential of salt lake systems to form economic deposits of potash, lithium or boron is hydrogeological connectivity between leachable source rocks and the lakes. The assessment of the mineral potential was carried out in two stages. The first stage selection was based on the presence of favourable source rocks in the salt lakes’ catchments. The mean values of concentration in each catchment were derived from whole rock, sediment and groundwater geochemical datasets by averaging the values in samples (separately for each of the three datasets) located in the catchment and assigning this value to the catchment's salt lakes. The second stage selection was carried out by analysing available chemical data of groundwater in proximity to the salt lake systems delineated in the first stage. As a result, six regions were identified as having the highest potential, for potash in particular, but also for lithium and/or boron deposits. These are: the Lake Frome/Central Gawler Region of South Australia; two regions in the Northern Territory: the central western region extending into Western Australia, and the Lake Woods region; and, in Western Australia, the Lake Disappointment region, the north east Yilgarn and south east Yilgarn regions.  相似文献   

为了解大柴旦盐湖地下水排放通量,测试了深部热水、浅层地下水、河流水、盐湖表层水中镭同位素(223 Ra、224 Ra、226 Ra和228 Ra)的活度值.研究结果表明湖水中223 Ra、224 Ra、226 Ra和228 Ra的活度值,在盐度较低时随着盐度的增加而升高,当盐度大于168.99‰时,则随着盐度的增加而降...  相似文献   

通过实测地质剖面、遥感影像解译及物质成分分析,依据马海盐湖环状盐壳特征与成因,将马海盐湖盐壳分为Ⅲ型盐壳、Ⅱ型盐壳、Ⅰ型盐壳3种类型,盐壳高度分别为>30cm、10~30cm、<10cm。盐壳地表物质以石盐为主,碎屑矿物主要为石英。环形盐壳的形态受湖心、湖心岛及湖岸地形所控制,是盐壳形成过程中的年、季韵律构造线;遥感影像上的色调深浅变化取决于卤水层埋深、盐壳含沙量及地表粗糙度的变化。环状盐壳构成了马海盐湖独特的微地貌景观,希望可为研究其他地区的盐湖古气候及演化提供信息。  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶盐湖钙华岛钙华的地质地球化学特征及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扎布耶盐湖属世界独一无二的天然产碳酸锂的盐湖,并富含Cs。该湖钙华岛的钙华自东而西呈高出湖面25~30m、15~25m和0~15m的3套产出。钙华的构造类型有层状构造、蜂窝状构造、鲕粒状构造、块状构造等,结构类型有粒状结构、针状结构、包裹状结构、溶蚀结构、生物结构等。钙华的矿物主要有文石和方解石2种。钙华的CaO为49.49%~51.16%。钙华的稀土元素配分模式均为重稀土元素富集型。3套钙华Cs的平均值为4.54μg/g→6.68μg/g→5.34μg/g,Li的平均值为109.9μg/g→116.5μg/g→136.9μg/g。扎布耶盐湖的Cs、Li等组分的源区是深部的重熔岩浆,泉水为携带成矿物质的载体。其中所含的Cs、Li等元素一部分保存在钙华中,另一部分随泉水汇入盐湖中,盐湖的持续蒸发使湖水中的稀碱金属元素含量增高。  相似文献   

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