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A 7000-year record of local fire history was reconstructed from three ombrotrophic peatlands in the James Bay lowlands (northwestern Québec, Canada) using a high-resolution analysis of macroscopic charcoal (long axis  0.5 mm). The impact of fire on vegetation changes was evaluated using detailed analysis of plant macrofossils. Compared to upland boreal forest, fire incidence in these Sphagnum-dominated bogs is rather low. Past fire occurrence seems to have been controlled primarily by internal processes associated with local hydroseral succession. Size of the peatland basin and distance from the well-drained forest soils also appear to be factors controlling fire occurrence. The impact of peatland fires on long-term vegetation succession appears negligible except in a forested bog, where it initiated the replacement of Sphagnum by mosses. In some circumstances, fire caused marked changes in the bryophyte assemblages over many decades. However, ombrotrophic peatland vegetation is generally resilient to surface fire.  相似文献   

Prehistoric settlements are usually perceived as being in opposition to the natural development of the landscape. Indeed, for woodland snail assemblages in anthropogenic landscapes in central Europe, considerable impoverishment is typical. However, it remains unclear whether this has been caused by humans only or also by climate effects. From an archaeological point of view, the Moravian Karst is one of the classic prehistorical locations in central Europe, but with a more humid climate than the previously studied anthropogenic areas. To learn more about coexistence of humans and natural forests during the Lateglacial and Holocene, we analysed 11 mollusc successions covering this entire area, a unique data set for such a relatively small area. These mollusc successions show several specific features compared to the standard development known from other mid‐European areas. One is that although the Moravian Karst is not far from the Western Carpathians, Carpathian species appeared relatively late, only during the second half of the Holocene climatic optimum. Similarly, some western European and Alpine elements appeared later than expected. In contrast to this, however, a number of forest species with central European range appeared relatively early during the Lateglacial or Early Holocene. Two even survived the Last Glacial Maximum in the Moravian Karst. This would suggest an early occurrence of forest patches in a mosaic landscape. Humans have apparently inhabited this area since the Lateglacial amongst islands of forests, which later changed during the Boreal and then the climatic optimum into humid canopy forests. Thus, a mosaic of anthropogenic and natural habitats persisting in close vicinity was possible in rugged and humid landscapes practically until the Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

The wild horse Equus ferus was one of the most frequent species of the Late Pleistocene large ungulate fauna in Eurasia and played an important role in the subsistence of human groups, especially at the end the Late Glacial. It is frequently assumed that E. ferus became extinct in Europe at the beginning of the Holocene because of the development of woodlands and loss of open habitats. Because of its preference for open habitats and in spite of its adaptability, the appearance or disappearance of the wild horse could therefore be a suitable palaeoecological indicator for the opening of the Holocene primeval woodlands. We revised the dating and reliability of the subfossil record and dated several bones by atomic mass spectrometry 14C dating. From the beginning of the Holocene (9600 cal a BC) to the end of the Atlantic Period (3750 cal a BC) there are 207 archaeological sites with wild horse records available in Europe. E. ferus survived the Pleistocene Holocene transition in Europe, but the spatiotemporal dynamics of populations fluctuated remarkably in the early and middle Holocene. Small and sparse populations increasingly became extinct during the early Holocene, until between 7100 and 5500 cal a BC the wild horse was almost absent in central parts of the European Lowlands. Particular conditions in natural open patches in the canopy forests, chalklands and floodplains may have maintained the local survival of the horse in some regions of the Lowlands, however. In the Late Atlantic, between 5500 and 3750 cal a BC the range of the wild horse was again extended. It re‐immigrated into central and western Europe, probably as a consequence of increasing landscape opening by Neolithic peoples. The data presented here may be a valuable part of the debate on the degree of openness of the early and middle Holocene landscape. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The climates on the eastern Tibetan Plateau are strongly influenced by direct insolation heating as well as monsoon-derived precipitation change. However, the moisture and temperature influences on regional vegetation and climate have not been well documented in paleoclimate studies. Here we present a well-dated and high-resolution loss-on-ignition, peat property and fossil pollen record over the last 10,000 years from a sedge-dominated fen peatland in the central Zoige Basin on the eastern Tibetan Plateau and discuss its ecological and climatic interpretations. Lithology results indicate that organic matter content is high at 60–80% between 10 and 3 ka (1 ka = 1000 cal yr BP) and shows large-magnitude fluctuations in the last 3000 years. Ash-free bulk density, as a proxy of peat decomposition and peatland surface moisture conditions, oscillates around a mean value of 0.1 g/cm3, with low values at 6.5–4.7 ka, reflecting a wet interval, and an increasing trend from 4.7 to 2 ka, suggesting a drying trend. The time-averaged mean carbon accumulation rates are 30.6 gC/m2/yr for the last 10,000 years, higher than that from many northern peatlands. Tree pollen (mainly from Picea), mostly reflecting temperature change in this alpine meadow-forest ecotonal region, has variable values (from 3 to 34%) during the early Holocene, reaches the peak value during the mid-Holocene at 6.5 ka, and then decreases until 2 ka. The combined peat property and pollen data indicate that a warm and wet climate prevailed in the mid-Holocene (6.5–4.7 ka), representing a monsoon maximum or “optimum climate” for the region. The timing is consistent with recent paleo-monsoon records from southern China and with the idea that the interplays of summer insolation and other extratropical large-scale boundary conditions, including sea-surface temperature and sea-level change, control regional climate. The cooling and drying trend since the mid-Holocene likely reflects the decrease in insolation heating and weakening of summer monsoons. Regional synthesis of five pollen records along a south–north transect indicates that this climate pattern can be recognized all across the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The peatland and vegetation changes in the late Holocene suggest complex and dramatic responses of these lowland and upland ecosystems to changes in temperature and moisture conditions and human activities.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》1999,18(4-5):515-530
The most recent sapropel in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea has been deposited between 9 and 6 ka bp. Climate conditions, as revealed by the pollen records of this sapropel in marine cores, were most favorable for temperate deciduous trees, which is in agreement with the inferences from records of peripheral land pollen sites. The abundance of deciduous oak pollen is much higher than that of Artemisia (sage-brush), indicating that annual precipitation in the mid-elevation borderlands was at least 550 mm without summer drought, but more probably in the range 800–1300 mm. The pollen of Pistacia, which formed a savanna at low elevations, is also at its highest abundance and signals the absence of frost in winter, while being capable of withstanding summer drought. The early Holocene therefore appears as the post-glacial climatic optimum with the highest moisture and mildest winters. In southwest Asia, this is also the time of the Neolithic population explosion with incipient domestication of cereals, possibly following natural selection of the ‘tough rachis’ mutation in wheat and barley by the extreme aridity of the preceding Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

In recent years, the desertification of alpine-cold grasslands has become increasingly serious in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in China, but it has not received the same amount of attention as has desertification in (semi)arid areas. Little is thus known about the change in soil organic carbon (SOC) during alpine-cold grassland desertification. To quantify the impacts of desertification on vegetation, SOC and its active fractions in alpine-cold grasslands, areas of light desertified grassland, medium desertified grassland, heavy desertified grassland, serious desertified grassland, and nondesertified grassland were selected as experimental sites in the eastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in China. The species number, height and coverage of vegetation were surveyed, and the soil particle fractions, SOC and SOC active fractions (including dissolved organic carbon (DOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and labile organic carbon (LOC) were measured to a depth of 0–100 cm. The results showed that alpine-cold grassland desertification resulted in a significant reduction in vegetation cover, plant biomass, fine soil particles, SOC, DOC, LOC and MBC. The decreases in DOC, LOC and MBC were more rapid and apparent than were those in SOC, and the decrease in MBC was the most obvious among them. The rates of reduction in SOC concentrations accelerated as desertification progressed; most of the SOC was lost in the middle and later desertification stages, with lower losses during early desertification. The results indicate that active SOC fractions, particularly MBC, are more sensitive to desertification and can be used as sensitive indicators of desertification. Efforts to limit desertification and reduce SOC loss in alpine-cold grasslands should focus on early desertification stages and adopt strategies to prevent overgrazing and control the erosion of soil by wind.  相似文献   

The subduction polarity of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere during Jurassic is a controversial topic in relation to the geodynamic evolution of the Alpine–Himalayan system. We present new geological, geochemical and zircon U–Pb data from four different regions of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt, a key area of the Alpine–Himalayan system. We discuss the origin of the magmatism and also the existence of an ocean in the eastern Mediterranean region during the Jurassic period. Jurassic intrusions, predominantly gabbro, tonalite and minor diorite, are well exposed in the southern and axial zones of the orogenic belt. Thermobarometry indicates that high-pressure (6–10 kb) crystallization of these intrusions occurred at temperatures of 1183–1250 °C. Zircon U–Pb dating from 10 samples show ages between 195 and 165 Ma, indicating that magmatism occurred between Sinemurian and Callovian time. We characterize the intrusions from electron microprobe, zircon geochronology, and whole rock and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes. Our data show that the studied intrusions are broadly tholeiitic, except for two calc-alkaline bodies, and formed in an arc-related setting with minimal involvement of older crust or sediment.The most widely accepted model proposes that the ultramafic–mafic rocks exposed between the Pontide arc and the Tauride belt are remnants of a Jurassic Penrose-type and/or suprasubduction zone ophiolite. However, new zircon U–Pb age data from mafic lithologies cutting the Kop ultramafic massif do not support this model and clearly indicate that the ultramafic lithologies are Paleozoic or older in age and are not remnants of a Jurassic ocean that known as ‘’Northern Branch of Neotehtys”.  相似文献   

Steady decline in the percentage of 235U in terrestrial uranium made natural fission impossible after about 1.8 Ga.Fission before 1.8 Ga disturbed the lead isotope system at various places worldwide,su...  相似文献   

An extensive rescue excavation has been conducted in the ancient harbor of ?stanbul (Yenikap?) by the Sea of Marmara, revealing a depositional sequence displaying clear evidence of transgression and coastal progradation during the Holocene. The basal layer of this sequence lies at 6 m below the present sea level and contains remains of a Neolithic settlement known to have been present in the area, indicating that the sea level at ~ 8-9 cal ka BP was lower than 6 m below present. Sea level advanced to its maximum at ~ 6.8-7 cal ka BP, drowning Lykos Stream and forming an inlet at its mouth. After ~ 3 cal ka BP, coastal progradation became evident. Subsequent construction of the Byzantine Harbor (Theodosius; 4th century AD) created a restricted small basin and accumulation of fine-grained sediments. The sedimentation rate was increased due to coastal progradation and anthropogenic factors during the deposition of coarse-grained sediments at the upper parts of the sequence (7th-9th centuries AD). The harbor was probably abandoned after the 11th century AD by filling up with Lykos Stream detritus and continued seaward migration of the coastline.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of climatic factors on the forest fire rate in Ilmen State Reserve based on 66 years of direct observation data for 1948–2013. This period was marked by a gradual annual increase in the number of recorded fires in the reserve. The higher fire rate is generally related to lengthening of the fire season and more frequent fires in the spring and summer–early autumn periods. We did not obtain sufficient evidence to verify a relation of the higher fire rate to climate changes. The average monthly and seasonal weather conditions can be involved to explain only some causes of the interannual fire rate variability. The observed changes in some climatic characteristics could have contributed to an increase in the fire rate, while others could have reduced it.  相似文献   

Cretaceous sediment is considered to be the important oil reservoir in the Songliao Basin, which is dominated by continental fluvial and lacustrine strata. In the past decades, research on whether the marine transgression happened in the Late Cretaceous p…  相似文献   

In 2000, China agreed to share with African countries its experience in the field of investment promotion relating to the establishment and management of special economic zones. The Eastern Industry Zone was subsequently established. Of the various zones being built in Africa, Ethiopia's perhaps represents one of the biggest challenges to both the Chinese developers and the host government alike. Utilising insights from evolutionary economic geography and the work of Albert Hirschman, this article seeks to analyse the progress thus far in the Ethiopian SEZ. Spatially discrete, unfocused in terms of clustering and with few linkages to the wider economy, what impact, if any, the development of this zone will have on Ethiopia's structural transformation is discussed. The implications for Ethiopia's wider investment in industrial parks as part of its developmental state project is also drawn out.  相似文献   

Zhang  Yue-Jun  Liu  Jing-Yue 《Natural Hazards》2019,95(1-2):91-111
Natural Hazards - Whether China’s carbon emissions trading (CET) has an impact on the financial performance of the market players of carbon trading, i.e., firms, is crucial to the sustainable...  相似文献   

Spectacular erratic boulders, polymictic conglomerates, and sedimentary structures are discovered in many localities at the Midyan Peninsula, east of the Gulf of Aqaba. These deposits are discontinuous, and they unconformably overlie older lithological units of Proterozoic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene ages. The erratic boulders are composed of basement rocks, sandstone, and limestone. Some of the boulders exceed 2?m (6?ft) in diameter. The boulders are sub-rounded to rounded, striated, polished, grooved, and faceted. The polymictics are composed of heterogeneous coarse clastics (ranging from boulders to conglomeratic sandstones) of various rock types and fill incised paleovalleys. The sedimentary structures include polished, faceted, and striated boulders, pavements, U-shaped valleys, slumps, and fan-shaped structures. These deposits are herein informally named the Midyan Formation. A Pleistocene age is assigned to the formation based on its stratigraphic position. The polymictic conglomerates are interpreted as glaciogenic tillite, and the erratic boulders and sedimentary structures are considered to have been deposited by glacial erosion, deposition, and possibly tectonics. This interpretation raises the question; did glaciers exist during Pleistocene in the Midyan region? If this interpretation is valid, then recognition of Pleistocene glaciation in Arabia fills a blank spot in the global map of the ??Ice Age??. Pleistocene glacial features were reported in Yemen and regions in north Iraq.  相似文献   

In modern marine ecosystems, sea‐grass and chlorophyte meadows play an important ecological role by serving as a carbon sink. Despite their generally limited areal distribution, the high productivity of sea‐grass meadows makes them an efficient assimilator of CO2. During the early Palaeozoic, complex life was virtually confined to the marine environment, with algae being one of the common carbon‐fixers, alongside abundant calcifying cyanobacteria, rhodophytes, chlorophytes and charophytes, as well as non‐skeletal dinoflagellates and acritarchs. Fossil and molecular data indicate that marine thallophytic algae first appeared in the Early Proterozoic and became widespread in the Palaeozoic, although their fossil record is sporadic because of their soft‐bodied nature; in the absence of angiosperm sea grass and mangroves and poorly understood phytoplankton biomass, thallophytic algae were probably major primary producers. In this article, we suggest that thallophytic algae may have played a significant role as a carbon sink in the Early Silurian, analogous to modern sea‐grass meadows or kelp forests, based on the well‐preserved Early Silurian thallophytic algal meadow from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada.  相似文献   

Fossil pollen data from China indicate continued forest decline during the mid‐ to late Holocene in most regions north of the Yangtze River. The earliest forest decline can be detected ca. 5000 yr BP in the middle and lower Yellow River regions. North, northeast and northwest from this region, forest decline became progressively later, and almost no decline took place in the northernmost part of northeast China and in the remote areas of west China during the last 5000 yr. Climate changes could hardly account for the temporal and spatial patterns of the forest decline. Instead, anthropogenic disturbance may have been of overwhelming importance. Ancient agriculture and high‐density settlement expanded outward from the middle and lower Yellow River regions in similar patterns to those of forest change. This study also indicates that land‐use and land‐cover changes may have started in the early stage of Chinese civilization in an extensive area of the country. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Güira de Jauco metamorphic sole, below the Moa-Baracoa ophiolite (eastern Cuba), contains strongly deformed amphibolites formed at peak metamorphic conditions of 650–660°C, approximately 8.6 kbar (~30 km depth). The geochemistry, based on immobile elements of the amphibolites, suggests oceanic lithosphere protholiths with a variable subduction component in a supra-subduction zone environment. The geochemical similarity and tectonic relations among the amphibolites and the basic rocks from the overlying ophiolite suggest a similar origin and protholith. New hornblende 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages of 77–81 Ma obtained for the amphibolites agree with this hypothesis, and indicate formation and cooling/exhumation of the sole in Late Cretaceous times. The cooling ages, geochemical evidence for a back-arc setting of formation of the mafic protoliths, and regional geology of the region allow proposal of the inception of a new SW-dipping subduction zone in the back-arc region of the northern Caribbean arc during the Late Cretaceous (ca. 90–85 Ma). Subduction inception was almost synchronous with the main plume pulse of the Caribbean–Colombian Oceanic Plateau (92–88 Ma) and occurred around 15 million years before arc-continent collision (75 Ma–Eocene) at the northern leading edge of the Caribbean plate. This chronological framework suggests a plate reorganization process in the region triggered by the Caribbean–Colombian mantle plume.  相似文献   

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