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W51M (W51 Main)是一个和HⅡ区成协的大质量恒星形成区,在其中可以探测到众多的分子谱线和H、He射电复合线.中国科学院上海天文台基于天马65 m望远镜对W51M的观测数据,证认了主量子数在74–117之间的H、He复合发射线,其中主量子数在74–78之间的H和He的α复合线均被探测到.结合H和He复合线的多普勒致宽,算出该HⅡ区的电子温度约为7400 K, He+/H+的离子丰度比约为0.09,这与已有的研究基本吻合.考虑高信噪比的复合线,即H(n)α(74n78),计算得出W51M的平均湍动速度是13.767 km·s-1.通过确定W51M或其他HⅡ区中的复合线,获取电子温度、湍动速度以及其他物理参量,在电子数密度、元素丰度、恒星形成率等方面进行了探讨,对分子谱线以及其他波段的复合线研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

利用从斯隆数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,简称SDSS)第4次释放的光谱数据中选取的10~5个发射线星系样本,研究了[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比与星系尘埃消光、气体电离态和金属丰度的关系.发现尘埃消光改正对[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比影响显著,消光改正前、后的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比的中值分别为0.48和0.89;尘埃消光改正后,F([O_Ⅱ]λ3727)-F(Hα)的弥散显著减小.贫金属星系的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比随星系气体的电离度增高而减小,而富金属星系不存在这种关系.另外,[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比与星系金属丰度相关.当12+lg(O/H)8.5时,星系[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比随金属丰度增加而下降;12+lg(O/H)8.5的星系,谱线流量比与金属丰度正相关.最后,利用气体电离度参数和星系的金属丰度,给出了计算不同类型星系[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比的公式.LAMOST望远镜将观测到大量红移z0.4的星系光谱,利用该公式可以给出星系的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比,从而可以利用[O_Ⅱ]λ3727谱线流量计算z0.4星系的恒星形成率.  相似文献   

恒星形成于分子云之中, 分子外向流是恒星形成正在进行的重要动力学特征, 也是研究和认识恒星形成的重要契入点. 利用紫金山天文台青海观测站德令哈13.7m毫米波望远镜, 采用5种分子谱线探针(包括12CO、13CO、C18O、HCO$^+$ $J=1-0$和CS $J=2-1$, J为角动量量子数), 对一个包含IRAS 19230+1506、IRAS 19232+1504和G050.3179--00.4186这3个源的大质量恒星形成复合体进行了成图观测研究. 通过对以上分子谱线数据并结合红外波段巡天数据的分析, 在这3个源中首次探测到了分子外向流活动, 并确定了分子外向流的中心驱动源. 最后对这3个源进行了分子外向流相关物理量参数的计算, 分析了这些物理量参数之间的关系, 结果表明分子外向流的性质与中心驱动源的性质息息相关.  相似文献   

利用赫歇尔空间望远镜的H-ATLAS(Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey)SDP(Science Demonstration Phase)天区从紫外到亚毫米波段数据,结合星族合成方法和尘埃模型,计算了星系的红外总光度.在此基础上,分别针对强恒星形成星系和弱恒星形成星系,研究了利用紫外光度、红外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率(Star Formation Rate,SFR)的差异以及导致差异的内在物理起因.发现对于恒星形成活动强的星系,这3种恒星形成率指针给出的结果基本一致,弥散较小、只是在高恒星形成率端,利用紫外光度算得的恒星形成率比利用Hα谱线流量算得的恒星形成率略微偏小;而在低恒星形成率端,紫外光度指针偏大于Hα谱线指针;红外光度指针与Hα谱线指针在两端无明显偏差.对弱恒星形成星系,紫外光度、Hα谱线和红外光度3种恒星形成率指针存在明显的差异,且弥散较大.利用紫外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率的弥散和系统偏差随着星系年龄、质量的增加而增大.系统偏差增大的主要原因是利用紫外连续谱斜率β定标恒星形成活动较弱星系的消光时,高估了这些星系的紫外消光,使得消光改正后的紫外光度偏大.另外,MPA/JHU(Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics/Johns Hopkins University)数据库中弱恒星形成星系的恒星形成率SFR(Hα)比真实值偏低.  相似文献   

为了研究有大质量恒星形成的分子云与其它分子云之间的差异,对北天的59个作为大质量恒星形成区的Spitzer延展绿色天体(Extended Green Objects,简称EGOs)视线方向进行了分子云~(12)CO J=2-1和J=3-2频谱观测,并与文献中对同一批天体方向观测得到的~(12)CO J=1-0频谱数据合并进行分析.对与EGO天体成协的分子云(简称EGO分子云)和其它non-EGO分子云进行了CO多跃迁谱线强度和宽度的统计比较分析.在数据统计的基础上,讨论了这两类分子云的气体温度分布、密度分布、速度场分布对观测数据统计特征的影响.分析结果表明,直接决定是否有大质量恒星形成的关键因素可能并不是巨分子云的质量是否足够大,而是巨分子云的引力塌缩程度足否充分(即分子云团块的体积填充因子是否足够大).  相似文献   

分子云团块是恒星的诞生地. 分子团块的普查和其性质的全面研究将有助于了解恒星的形成乃至星系和宇宙的演化过程. 随着银河画卷计划(MWISP)项目的深入进行, 这类研究方案变得切实可行. 但是项目产生的分子云观测数据是海量的, 因此迫切需要一种能够自动识别和证认分子团块的方法. 目前应用广泛的3维分子云数据处理方法有很多, 典型的包括GaussClumps、ClumpFind、FellWalker、Reinhold等, 但都需要输入多个参数来控制它们的性能, 并且进行反复的参数优化和目测才能得到比较满意的结果. 对于大规模的观测数据, 利用现有方法进行分子团块的证认将是一项耗时耗力的任务. 为了克服传统分子云团块检测算法的局限性, 人工智能(AI)的方法将提供一个很好的解决方案. 提出了一种3D CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)方法, 它可以自动处理3D分子谱线数据, 整个过程分为检出和验证两个步骤. 首先, 通过设置较低阈值使用ClumpFind以检出候选对象, 然后通过训练好的3D CNN模型进行验证. 利用仿真数据所做的一系列的实验结果表明, 该方法的综合表现优于4种传统方法. 将该方法应用于实际的MWISP数据表明, 3D CNN方法的性能也令人满意.  相似文献   

与电离氢区成协的红外尘泡是研究恒星形成尤其是触发恒星形成的理想天体实验室.利用多波段数据对银河系中最大的尘泡之一N109进行了研究,分析了它对其近邻介质及其中恒星形成活动的影响.研究发现N109周围存在56个致密团块,主要分布在正北部和西部.它们均可能形成恒星,其中5个很可能形成大质量恒星,而其他的均可能形成小质量恒星...  相似文献   

本文作者通过对猎户座KL区的观测、分析与计算,阐明CH3CN分子转动谱线系作为分子云核与恒星形成区探针的可能性和优越性.并对观测该线系所需要的仪器条件进行了讨论.  相似文献   

近年来随着国际8~10 m口径望远镜数目的不断增加,4 m及以下口径望远镜已成为中小型望远镜.如何利用中、小口径望远镜做出有影响的科学成果,须做到"有所为,有所不为".为此,自2013年开始针对国家天文台2.16 m望远镜推出了重点课题支持计划.介绍的"近邻星系恒星形成区光谱观测研究"为2.16 m望远镜支持的3个重点课题之一.它将利用2.16 m望远镜3 yr、每年30个暗夜或灰夜的观测时间,开展20个近邻、大星系中多个恒星形成区、平行星系主轴方向和垂直主轴方向的光谱观测,获得一个有显示度的、科学意义重要的近邻星系恒星形成区和径向分布的光谱样本.同时该课题还利用6.5 m多镜面望远镜(MMT)的观测时间,开展近邻、特大星系的恒星形成区的光谱观测.利用2.16 m望远镜和MMT望远镜观测得到的星系不同区域的光谱数据,结合已有的紫外、光学、红外波段宽带滤光片数据和BATC(Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut)15个中带滤光片数据,可开展星系尘埃消光、恒星形成率、金属丰度和星族特性二维分布等方面的研究;开展星系二维特性和星系形态、星系环境关系的研究.将介绍这个重点课题的科学意义、星系样本的选取、光谱观测策略和星系NGC 2403的光谱观测和初步研究结果.  相似文献   

星系中的巨分子云(GMCs)是恒星形成的主要区域,因此它的形成和演化对于星系的演化是至关重要的。本文中将介绍分子云的基本特性、分子云之间的碰撞和巨分子云的形成、碎裂和寿命以及其他环境因素,如旋臂扰动、较差自转等在巨分子云的形成和演化中的作用。同时也探讨在采用数值模拟研究巨分子云演化时所取分子云数目的影响。  相似文献   

Here we make a new study of the behaviour of the Na  i /K  i column density ratio in the interstellar medium, using a sample of new observations of 28 stars obtained at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in 1996 and 1997, and previously published observations (obtained by some of the authors) of 21 stars. The sightlines cover a range of distances and directions, including into the Galactic halo. We make use of new observations of the Na  i ultraviolet (UV) doublet for some 18 stars. This doublet is much weaker than the Na  i D doublet and so is less susceptible to saturation effects, and it is well known that it can be used to obtain more accurate Na  i column densities with a smaller error range. We find an average N (Na  i )/ N (K  i ) ratio from the Na  i UV data of about 90, which is rather higher than that found previously by Hobbs and Lequeux. The Na  UV–K  i   ratio shows a small increase in value with increasing column density, while we also find a sample of low N (Na  i )/ N (K  i ) ratio clouds generally seen towards distant objects on high-latitude sightlines that reach into the halo, so that the ratio decreases more sharply at lower column densities. As the values of the ratio for these halo clouds  (10–20)  bracket the cosmic Na/K abundance ratio, we suggest that these ratios result from a harder radiation field in the lower halo, such that the ionized fractions of Na  i and K  i become similar. Clearly caution needs to be applied in using any kind of 'standard value' for the Na  i /K  i column density ratio.  相似文献   

We have obtained a spectrum of the Na D lines of the Seyfert galaxy Mrk 595 with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of about 30. The importance of this sightline is that this galaxy lies in a direction close to the highest column densities of the Cohen high-velocity (HV) stream, and hence represents the best opportunity of detecting this stream in interstellar absorption, as previous searches towards stellar targets up to a distance of 600 pc have not been successful. The H  I column density in the direction of this galaxy implies that the HV gas should be detectable in absorption in the Na D lines. No such detections are made (at the 3σ level) and we consider possible explanations. Hence previous non-detections towards stars do not necessarily mean that the HV gas is more distant than the stars, and we emphasize that the distance of this high-velocity cloud (HVC), which is a key parameter to the understanding of the nature and origin of this feature, remains unknown and indeed may be difficult to establish.  相似文献   

We report high-spectral-resolution Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) H  i 21-cm observations resulting in the detection of the warm neutral medium (WNM) of the Galaxy in absorption against two extragalactic radio sources, PKS 1814−637 and PKS 0407−658. The two lines of sight were selected on the basis of the simplicity of their absorption profiles and the strength of the background sources; the high velocity resolution of the spectra then enabled us to estimate the kinetic temperatures of the absorbing gas by fitting multiple Gaussians to the absorption profiles. Four separate WNM components were detected towards the two sources, with peak optical depths  τmax= (1.0 ± 0.08) × 10−2, (1.4 ± 0.2) × 10−3, (2.2 ± 0.5) × 10−3  and  (3.4 ± 0.5) × 10−3  and kinetic temperatures   T k= 3127 ± 300, 3694 ± 1595, 3500 ± 1354  and  2165 ± 608 K  , respectively. All four components were thus found to have temperatures in the thermally unstable range  500 < T k < 5000 K  ; this suggests that thermal equilibrium has not been reached throughout the WNM.  相似文献   

To better understand the environment surrounding CO emission clumps in the Keyhole Nebula, we have made images of the region in H2 1–0 S(1) (2.122-μm) emission and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission at 3.29 μm. Our results show that the H2 and PAH emission regions are morphologically similar, existing as several clumps, all of which correspond to CO emission clumps and dark optical features. The emission confirms the existence of photodissociation regions (PDRs) on the surface of the clumps. By comparing the velocity range of the CO emission with the optical appearance of the H2 and PAH emission, we present a model of the Keyhole Nebula whereby the most negative velocity clumps are in front of the ionization region, the clumps at intermediate velocities are in it and those which have the least negative velocities are at the far side. It may be that these clumps, which appear to have been swept up from molecular gas by the stellar winds from η  Car, are now being overrun by the ionization region and forming PDRs on their surfaces. These clumps comprise the last remnants of the ambient molecular cloud around η Car.  相似文献   

An upper limit of the column density of the C5 linear molecule in translucent interstellar clouds is estimated from high-resolution ( R =80 000) and very high signal-to-noise ratio (∼1000) echelle spectra. It is 1012 cm−2 per E ( B − V )=1 (two orders of magnitude lower than that of C2).  相似文献   

The 'Carina Flare' supershell, GSH 287+04−17, is a molecular supershell originally discovered in  12CO( J = 1–0)  with the NANTEN 4 m telescope. We present the first study of the shell's atomic ISM, using H  i 21-cm line data from the Parkes 64-m telescope Southern Galactic Plane Survey. The data reveal a gently expanding,  ∼230 × 360  pc H  i supershell that shows strong evidence of Galactic Plane blowout, with a break in its main body at   z ∼ 280  pc and a capped high-latitude extension reaching   z ∼ 450  pc. The molecular clouds form comoving parts of the atomic shell, and the morphology of the two phases reflects the supershell's influence on the structure of the ISM. We also report the first discovery of an ionized component of the supershell, in the form of delicate, streamer-like filaments aligned with the proposed direction of blowout. The distance estimate to the shell is re-examined, and we find strong evidence to support the original suggestion that it is located in the Carina Arm at a distance of  2.6 ± 0.4 kpc  . Associated H  i and H2 masses are estimated as   M H I≈ 7 ± 3 × 105 M  and     , and the kinetic energy of the expanding shell as   E K ∼ 1 × 1051  erg. We examine the results of analytical and numerical models to estimate a required formation energy of several 1051 to  ∼1052  erg, and an age of  ∼107 yr  . This age is compatible with molecular cloud formation time-scales, and we briefly consider the viability of a supershell-triggered origin for the molecular component.  相似文献   

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