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2013年4月20日四川芦山7.0级地震发生在龙门山断裂带南段,该地震是继汶川8.0级地震后的1次强震,但并非余震。文中利用2013年4月20日芦山地震的强震记录计算等效峰值加速度A0.5换算地震仪器烈度,并且将地震仪器烈度与强震台站周边5km内调查点烈度对比分析。结果表明,芦山地震的仪器烈度与周边调查点烈度吻合度58.6%,且偏差不超过1度。然而,即使宏观烈度相同,观测地面运动参数也存在较大离散度。但在缺少现场调查的震后初期,地震仪器烈度有可能为地震烈度范围判断提供定量的参考指标。  相似文献   

对西北强震动台网中心收集的2013年7月22日甘肃岷县-漳县MS6.6地震117组三分向加速度记录进行处理和初步分析,计算出相应的仪器烈度值。将该值与岷县漳县地震烈度图(中国地震局,2013)中的烈度区值进行对比,偏差在1度以内的占台站总数的81.8%。将地震仪器烈度与强震台站周边5 km内调查点烈度对比分析,完全吻合的台站占50%,略低于芦山地震58.6%。灾害调查分析认为岷县-漳县地震灾区建筑以土木结构和木结构为主,在相同烈度情况下,破坏比例大于其他地区。因此,虽然仪器烈度与震后宏观调查烈度不能达到完全吻合,但前者在一定程度上反映了震害情况,可快速为应急救援决策提供依据。另外,震后宏观烈度资料是一定区域范围内的平均或延伸,而强震数据只是个别点上的数据,不能忽略两者之间的差异性。  相似文献   

根据《中国地震烈度表》(GB17742-2020)中规定的仪器烈度计算方法处理门源M6.9地震强震动记录数据,得到测点仪器烈度值,将宏观烈度图Ⅵ度区以上站点与仪器测定烈度进行对比,发现44.44%站点测定的仪器烈度值与宏观烈度图中烈度区值完全吻合,88.89%站点的误差在±1度以内,说明《中国地震烈度表》建议方法获得的仪器烈度可以表征记录站点周边的震害程度;对比分析了基于PGA、PGV计算的仪器烈度值,发现在此次地震PGV中较PGA对于建筑物影响要明显,对震害的指示作用要优于PGA。基于仪器地震烈度值绘制了仪器地震烈度分布图,分布图整体上呈北西—南东方向展布,与宏观烈度走向基本一致。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震强震动特征初步分析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
本文对国家强震动台网中心收集的2008年5月12日14时28分04秒汶川8.0级地震中获取的420组三分量加速度记录进行了处理和初步分析。在这次地震中布设在龙门山断裂带及其周围地区的50多个台站获得了大于100gal的加速度记录,有46组三分量加速度记录的断层距小于100km,使中国大陆近断层区域所获得的强震动加速度记录的数量成倍增加。本文依据这批数据,对汶川大地震强震动特性进行了初步分析,给出了此次地震断层附近地区的PGA衰减规律,并利用此规律模拟了断层附近的加速度峰值,绘制了PGA分布图、竖向PGA与水平向PGA比值图;给出了汶川地震断层附近的加速度反应谱、上盘效应、竖向效应、速度大脉冲效应等地震动特征,这些特征可作为抗震设计规范修订的依据并供灾区重建时参考。  相似文献   

基于2013年四川芦山MS7.0地震宏观调查点、调查烈度和强震仪记录数据,采用四川省地震局强震动监测技术组计算得到的各台仪器烈度值,绘制了芦山MS7.0地震宏观调查点与调查烈度等震线和仪器烈度等值线分布图,分析了芦山MS7.0地震的仪器烈度与调查烈度的对应关系。结果表明:仪器烈度与调查烈度有较好的对应关系,仪器烈度Ⅵ度点在调查烈度Ⅵ度以上区域总体占比为88.24%,仪器烈度Ⅶ度点在调查烈度Ⅶ度以上区域内总体占比为81.82%;仪器烈度的等值线高值范围可较好展示出地震灾害的程度;仪器烈度区的空间分布特征可表征芦山MS7.0的发震断裂的控制作用,仪器烈度的等值线区总体呈现沿龙门山断裂带方向相对于垂直方向衰减慢;仪器烈度的等值线区发震断裂上盘影响范围相对发震断裂下盘影响范围大;仪器烈度分布与调查烈度分布既有对应关系又存在差异,这在震后短时间内灾区的震灾信息尚不清楚的情况下,能够快速对可能的震害涉及范围、人员伤亡分布、经济损失和生命线工程等损失作出预估,仪器烈度分布可以为应急救援决策、救灾方案制定和救灾力量...  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震前后宏观异常现象分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张小涛  张永仙  许敦煌 《地震》2009,29(2):104-117
文章对2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震前后(2008年2月1日至6月10日)出现的宏观异常现象进行了收集整理。 较为可靠的异常做为地震宏观异常, 并对其时空分布特征进行了研究。 研究结果表明, 在时间分布上, 地震宏观异常的数量在临震前形成一次峰值, 震后出现两次峰值; 在空间分布上, 大震前后宏观异常的空间展布方向趋于一致。 文章还对宏观异常的映震机理以及对地震预测可能发挥的作用等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震陕西省数字强震动记录分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级地震陕西数字强震动台网27个台的地震加速度记录进行了处理和分析,包括对加速度波形数据的基线调整、滤波、加速度反应谱计算,以及速度和位移计算。结果表明:除局部场地条件的影响外,大地震的能量辐射方向和传播路径中介质的横向不均匀对PGAH衰减的离散性可能有一些影响; 对于同一烈度值,PGA/PGV较小,PGA在数值上平均只有PGV的5倍左右,反映了地震动的低频成分比较丰富; 绝大部分强震台所处地区的烈度为Ⅴ—Ⅶ度; PGAH与水平单分向加速度峰值PGA(E-W)和PGA(N-S)中较大值之间的相对偏差绝大部分小于10%; 波形的性质为面波,盆地中覆盖土层较厚的场地长周期的面波更为发育,波列持续时间较长; 局部场地的介质特性对地震动特征有相当大的影响,盆地中较厚的覆盖土层对较长周期的地震波有明显的放大作用。  相似文献   

张北5.6级强余震宏观烈度考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对1999年3月11日张北5.6级强余震宏观烈度考察的基础上形成宏观烈度考察报告,并对此次地震的宏观烈度进行了分析;我们认为此次地震属1998年6.2级地震的一次强余震,但和6.2级地震有不同的震源机制.  相似文献   

在对1999年5月15日山西省应县-浑源ML4.6地震宏观烈度考察的基础上,得出极限区烈度为Ⅵ度,呈椭圆形,长轴走向北东,长度13km,短轴10km,面积102km^2的结论。分析了地震的发展构造,认为北东向的恒山北麓断裂是控制大同盆地的南部边界断裂,为控震构造,北西向的次级活动断层为此次地震的发展构造。指出,该次地震破坏较重的原因是由于震源浅。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震环境剪应力特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于甘肃强震固定台和流动观测记录的汶川8.0级地震主震及余震加速度资料,选用三分向记录均完整的87次地震(震级范围为3.0~8.0级),根据用位错理论二维断裂模式推导的震源峰值加速度与环境剪应力关系式计算汶川地震序列的环境剪应力值,探讨其环境剪应力场特征。结果表明,环境剪应力和矩震级有较好的相关性,3~5级地震对应的应力值多在3~6 MPa,5~6级多在6~9 MPa,6~7级多在9MPa以上,且环境剪应力对震源深度也有较强的依赖性。  相似文献   


The great MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake has been the most destructive earthquake since 1949 in China. The earthquake occurred no more than half a year after the establishment of the National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS) of China; what is more, the epicenter was located in the area with dense strong motion observation stations so that a large number of strong motion records of the main shock were obtained. In this paper, 501 strong motion records from 167 observation stations are utilized to establish the ground motion attenuation relations in three directions in the range of fault distance less than 600 km. The result shows the difference of seismic motion attenuation in two horizontal directions is insignificant. It is the first time that strong-motion records are used to establish the ground motion attenuation relations of the MS8.0 earthquake in China.


The Wenchuan Earthquake with a magnitude of Ms 8.0 struck the Sichuan province of China on May 12, 2008, where it mainly affected the area along the Longmenshan fault. In total, 420 three-component acceleration records were obtained by the China Strong Motion Networks Centre during this seismic event, among which over 50 records exceeded 100 gal. In the present study, we collected 48 near-fault acceleration records to derive strong ground motion parameters in terms of the peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, peak spectrum acceleration (5% of the damping ratio) and spectrum intensity (5% of damping ratio). We determined the building collapse ratios (CRs) for 20 targeted districts based on data acquired from both the China Earthquake Administration and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where the CRs combined the data for all building types. Fragility curves were established between the CRs and the corresponding ground motion parameters, based on which the damage criteria were proposed. In particular, we derived the fragility curves for brick-concrete structures and frame-structures. These curves indicate how different structural types can determine the damage sustained. In addition, we developed a method for estimating building damage classifications. If we assume that buildings are built according to the improved Seismic Fortification Criterion in the revised “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings”, the predicted CRs for the 20 targeted districts would be significantly lower compared with the actual damage they sustained, which illustrates the validity of both the method and the revised code.  相似文献   

对2016年10月20日江苏射阳M4.4地震的强震动记录进行初步分析,介绍强震动记录的一些基本特征。与ShakMap小震回归公式的预测数据比较,发现实际观测值总体高于预测值。通过对强震动记录的反应谱分析,认为本次地震对震中区建筑的影响轻微。在地震动等值线图产出过程中,采用数据偏差校正、场地效应及空间插值方法,使地震动等值线图的空间表达更为合理。其等值线图长轴呈北西向,与此次地震的主破裂面方向一致。结合地震现场调查结果,讨论了震中区的烈度分布与仪器烈度。  相似文献   

This paper presents the damage in the meizoseismal region of the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China, and the seismic intensifies determined according to "the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale", and discusses briefly the types of earthquake-generating faults and some features of seismic damage.  相似文献   

2008年汶川MS8.0地震有感地区范围大于1 000km。甘肃省十五期间在兰州市架设了50个强震台站用于实现市区范围内的强震动烈度速报,在本次地震中大多数台站都记录到了相应的强震动记录,其中最大单道加速度峰值记录为40.4cm/s2。本文展示了43个兰州烈度速报台站记录到的共129道本次地震强震动记录信息,并初步分析了兰州市加速度峰值分布和加速度峰值与土层厚度的对应情况。  相似文献   

We relocated M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake and 2706 aftershocks with M⩾2.0 using double-difference algorithm and obtained relocations of 2553 events. To reduce the influence of lateral variation in crustal and upper mantle velocity structure, we used different velocity models for the east and west side of Longmenshan fault zone. In the relocation process, we added seismic data from portable seismic stations close to the shocks to constrain focal depths. The precisions in E-W, N-S, and U-D directions after relocation are 0.6, 0.7, and 2.5 km respectively. The relocation results show that the aftershock epi-centers of Wenchuan earthquake were distributed in NE-SW direction, with a total length of about 330 km. The aftershocks were concentrated on the west side of the central fault of Longmenshan fault zone, excluding those on the north of Qingchuan, which obviously deviated from the surface fault and passed through Pingwu-Qingchuan fault in the north. The dominant focal depths of the aftershocks are between 5 and 20 km, the average depth is 13.3 km, and the depth of the relocated main shock is 16.0 km. The depth profile reveals that focal depth distribution in some of the areas is characterized by high-angle westward dipping. The rupture mode of the main shock features reverse faulting in the south, with a large strike-slip component in the north. Supported by the Basic Research Project of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DQJB08Z03)  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic. Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km. The depth profile (section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone (NE direction) shows anisomerous wedgy distribution characteristic of aftershock concentrated regions; it is related to the force form of the Longmenshan nappe tectonic belt. The stronger aftershocks could be divided into northern segment and southern segment apparently and the focal depths of strong aftershocks in the 50 km area between northern segment and southern segment are shallower. It seems like 'to be going to rupture' segment. We also study focal mechanisms and segmentation of strong aftershocks. The principal compressive stress azimuth of aftershock area is WNW direction and the faulting types of aftershocks at southern and northern segment have the same proportion. Because aftershocks distribute on different secondary faults, their focal mechanisms present complex local tectonic stress field. The faulting of seven strong earthquakes on the Longmenshan central fault is mainly characterized by thrust with the component of right-lateral strike-slip. Meantime six strong aftershocks on the Longmenshan back-range fault and Qingchuan fault present strike-slip faulting. At last we discuss the complex segmentation rupture mechanism of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

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